I’m pressed for time on a Tuesday morning….so…
Tired of shit made in China? They are in Mexico, too. Just need to get a few companies on board first.

This is great. Its our fault they’re shooting each other in Mexico with “military style” weapons like this sporting shotgun in the photo.
Meanwhile…A mayor was assassinated within a week of taking office. Maybe they need more guns.
One of the few Peronists still in control of an Argentine province weighs breaking away and creating its own nation from the right wing dystopia under President far right libertarian capitalist Milei.
He added: “If the province of Buenos Aires were a state today, it would have the richest GDP in Latin America.”
He added that he did not think independence was the way forward, but that it was “a debate that we Buenos Aires citizens have to have, because we produce 45% of Argentina’s wealth and we collect 22% of revenue sharing, subsidising the inefficiency of the rest of the national state and the provinces.”
The national government has just put forward plans to deregulate bus services, but Kicillof has warned that his province will not comply.
If D’Onofrio has his way, the tussle could escalate even further. The transport minister said Buenos Aires even had the power to issue its own currency if it wanted to.
He sounds like one of those California nationalists that don’t understand how population density works.
Corey Taylor is always a safe pick for a tune. Have a great Tuesday? At least try.
Authorities did not immediately confirm the authenticity of the images, but at his funeral, there were signs his head had been reattached by forensic examiners or mortuary staff.
I think I’ve seen this movie. It doesn’t end well.
But Rosie Grier!
Yup — the dead mayor moved into that link too…
So, assassinate the migrants?
With illegal guns brought across the border with the US and paid for by Buenos Aires.
Or Tom Walz’s shotgun.
It’s our fault they have guns and are shooting each other (in a fast and furious fashion I expect).
It’s our fault the cartels are powerful and we do too many illicit drugs.
It’s our fault their government is corrupt and never truly recovered from the Pershing Raids… or Veracruz… or the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo…
At least it is Spain’s fault they’re not cutting out hearts to please the rain gods anymore. Can’t blame us for that one.
If I were on the Supreme Court (and what a wacky universe that would be), my response would be a simple “If Mexico wishes to prevent US guns from entering their country, they can secure their border.” Too nationalist of me, I know….
I always hear how we are dependent on China for this or that. What is China dependent on us for?
Gun grabbers can go fuck themselves. No, the evil lying sacks of shit cant have my guns.
So…biggest GDP in Latin America huh? How will he do that? Dip deeper into the magic well of socialism?
China is dependent on us for money. We are a nation of consumers who buy their stuff. That’s why I’m not too worried about them starting a war.
I screwed that up.
They weren’t cutting out hearts to please the rain gods. They were cutting out hearts to appease the hunger gods in a more direct fashion.
Good eatin’?
Long pig is good eating?
Hence the prevalence of child sacrifice. Suckling long pig.
You ain’t wrong.
It’s clear American weaponry contributes to the migrant crisis in Central America and to the bloodshed at the U.S.-Mexico border, much in the way secondhand smoke affects the lungs of nonsmokers.
The author is correct, but not in the way he thinks he is.
No one told him? Second hand smoke is harmless.
Thanks for the gif. I needed a bright spot for the day.
Amen. That one really lifts my, uh, spirit.
It’s hard to beat.
Pretty easy, actually.
Didn’t most of the guns that are in the cartels’ hands fall off the army truck?
Or they get purchased wholesale from China.
That picture seriously could have been from one of my dove hunts in Argentina. The birdboys tend to look like that.
Well look at Dr. Evil here. Did you squeeze the dove hunts in Argentina between your summers in Rangoon and your luge lessons?
Also, I’m told a shorn scrotum is breathtaking. Any truth to that before I locate a Zoroastrian named Vilma?
Dove hunting in Cordoba isn’t terribly expensive, and it’s a lot of fun.
Also, I’ve never seen any of the Austin Powers movies. I fucking hate Mike Myers, and mercilessly judge anyone who thinks that little dweeb is actually funny.
Judge away. The first AP is an amazingly funny movie.
I can definitely recommend these guys. https://sycsporting.com/dove-pigeon-hunting/
Tundra, Alotta Fagina was a brilliant spoof.
The judging has commenced. That prickling feeling under your balls? That’s (probably) me.
But you knew where the quote was lifted from…
That prickling feeling under your balls? That’s (probably) me.
Can you go a little back and to the left please? That’s the sweet spot.
Holy shit! The fishing looks amazing, too. Gotta start saving my pennies
1000 shells/day? Muh wallet.
That volume of kills, are the shooters eating all of those, shipping them on ice, or just leaving for scavengers?
A lot of them do get left to fertilize the fields, mostly because there tends to be a lot of fairly heavy ground cover and the little bastards can be really tough to retrieve. The ones that do get recovered, though, are delicious. Grilled dove poppers, dove paella…good stuff.
Sounds yummy. What time is dinner?
I read an article a couple of days ago about the cartels most coveted American guns. Other than the Barrett .50 and gold plated 1911s, they were all military grade that would have had to been stolen from armories.
Foxconn already has a large manufacturing presence in Mexico and has invested more than $500 million to date in the state of Chihuahua.
So you’re saying they’re one of the big dogs….
So you’re saying they’re one of the big dogs….
Per my article from today, Ryan Hall Y’all is live
That’s addicting. Thankfully it’s easy to have on in the background.
I guess they are having steering storm steering problems with the HAARP machines. It’s moving south and he just there is a chance of weakening further.
What a gyp.
Flying into a hurricane is ridiculously cool.
loved the tone and content of the hurricane article: ideal Glib content
Double link fixed
The gif to end all gifs.
*moment of reverent silence*
Yes, dumbshit. This is what we’ve been trying to explain to you for decades. Retard.
I dunno, whatever happened to the blondie in the ring getting slapped with a 1st place tag? That was at least equal.
That’s the one. thank you Sir.
Super nice, but I’m still partial to the Mexican lasses.
He isn’t a retard. He is an evil fuck that wants to make you helpless…for your own good.
Some things I’d like to note about my current predicament:
When I got hired, the principal said he wanted to run the school with an iron fist, because it was rated highly by the county/state last year.
I showed the following clips in class and there were no complaints, only praise:
My school is basically the Island of Misfit Toys, so I teach accordingly.
Spot the Not: Other things I’ve said to my students
1. What is your major malfunction?
2. Do you wear a raincoat in the shower?
3. Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?
4. Do I need to break this down Barney style with crayons and finger puppets?
5. Do we need to play hangman for you to get the right answer?
6. Were you born with an extra chromosome?
Comment *You fucked up. You trusted us.
Common across employers.
Yet none of those breach the subject of sex and minors.
The fact that they complained proves they’d heard that bowdlerization before and know what it means.
But yeah, bad move. It was the heat of the moment. It takes a lot of patience to deal with unruly 9th and 10th graders day after day.
Derpy’s orientation:
Do you work with retards?
9th and 10th graders, so yes.
Sophomore = garbled Greek for “wise fool”
Or did you mean my employer and coworkers?
I’m familiar with the etymology of sophomore; wondering why you decided to use drill instructor insults when even the military frowns on it now.
When my brother and I were teenagers my dad said we had “gone stupid”. Sounds like Derpy is dealing with a classroom of gone stupid.
Maybe I’m just old-fashioned. Some people are like wheelbarrows. They need to be pushed.
The best liked drill sergeant in my basic training battery (Fort Sill, everything’s about artillery) had the most vicious insults. I did manage to get a “sorry” out of him when I was holding a loaded machine gun.
drill instructor insults when even the military frowns on it now
🫨 🤦♂️
When my brother and I were teenagers my dad said we had “gone stupid”.
Did you ever come back? :-p
If you treat them like misfits, they’re just going to keep acting like misfits.
Of course, if you tolerate misfit behavior, they’ll keep acting like misfits.
You can not tolerate it while also not calling them names and insulting their intelligence.
It’s not binary. Not tolerating doesn’t mean beating the shit out of them.
There are many ways to deal with problem kids. I coached hockey for many years and you’ve never seen such a concentration of autism, parental retardation, medication and testosterone.
I don’t think I could do it today, but it’s sure important to have people who get it.
If you ever find yourself in a similar circumstance, try saying, “He’s probably in there drinking out of the toilet.”
[takes notes]
“Do you still write with crayons” is another one.
I’d go with”you can run the class when you’re the teacher.”
Suthenboy has a great one down below.
Adam Carolla discussing the border issue with Ed Calderon.
It’s clear American weaponry contributes to the migrant crisis in Central America and to the bloodshed at the U.S.-Mexico border
It is?
Sure. American made weapons used by gangs have definitely killed people.
Of course so have American made cars.
It a BS argument, but factually true.
I am sure we can agree you are a retard. I am sure you agree….
Blah blah means agree to these premises because they logically lead to my preferred conclusion.
Guess what? I dont chase laser spots.
At first I thought that was aimed at Brooks. I was like…”ooooh a new feud?” Ha-ha! Thanks for the chuckle, Suth’
I’m out of line, but somehow this is OK?
People in Mexico have been killed by criminals wearing American shoes, too. They should sue Red Wing.
God help all those innocent machete manufacturers.
“What a ten year Treasury yield above 4% says about the economy”
Bidenomics sucks?
You can’t have too much moral preening
<em.Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi on Tuesday announced that the company is updating its platform with new sustainability-minded features, including an “EV preference” that will let customers opt for fully electric vehicles by default, whenever they hail a ride.
Speaking at the conference, Khosrowshahi said that the company’s rollout of new sustainability-focused features arrives ahead of the 2024 U.S. elections, adding this is a time when the topic of EVs has become a “politically charged issue.”
You wouldn’t want to argue for them on the economic merits.
The personal is political.
* I have officially been terminated as an Octapharma Phlebotomist. I fucked up, mostly cuz I was trying to be a decent person to a distraught donor.
Next step: Put it on my resume as phlebotomy training and apply to the numerous other places I can. I am also planning to send HR a letter seeing if I can be transferred, especially considering their lack of “Accommodations” to a disabled person. May rattle them. May not.
* Ya miss every shot ya don’t take. I’ll get my resume, combined with hands-on experience and a sharper Character to present. Onward. Upward. Always. Smiley faces in these headlights? I got to do it with my own hands, observe and learn the procedures and complications. I’m going to take this as positively as I can. It’s the only way to be. It ain’t physiologically easy considering the flint has sparked the tremors. Under control, but it’s highly unnerving to be legitimately unnerved. It’s as simple as that.
* I shall persevere. If anything, Short Fry’s a damn resilient little bastard. The doc today mentioned gout and shingles just being casual setbacks. And that they are. I’d prefer to not face gout’s Round 4, but I’m happier knowing it’s just a bitch to slap down.
* Sorry about my ranty update. Gotta say, of all the things my life is, “boring” or “typical” it ain’t. I’m proud to have a film-worthy life. Still plenty ‘o chapters to go.
We are here to listen to your rant. Rant away.
“The reality is that we will only reach net-zero emission goals if policymakers and other businesses do their part as well,” Khosrowshahi said at the event.
“We need more affordable EVs, we need stronger EV mandates, we need incentives for people who are driving the most. We want to make sure that chargers are available at every community, not just the wealthiest. So we all need to step up,” he said.
We just need to get the fucking unruly peons whipped into line. Nobody who’s anybody gives a shit about what they “want”.
What good is zero emissions unless we tell/force 1 billion Africans that they will just have to remain third world shitholes?
I propose we stop the fucking war stuff and commit to a massive energy program for Africa and the rest of the third world. Nuclear, solar… the works.
Who’s with me?
I’m with you! I’m green and have a head like a brussel sprout, so that does somewhat make me an odd voice.
I would like to get then started making whiskey too, I think that’s a great moneymaker to help pay off the nuclear power plants.
Like so many ignorant virtue-signaling greenies they seem to think that air pollutants only come out of tailpipes.
Ride-hailing services like Uber’s can contribute to traffic congestion and therefore, pollution, according to analysis by Suvrat Dhanorkar, Gordon Burtch and others published in the peer-reviewed journal Transportation Science. Uber has been working to reduce its environmental footprint and looks to become a “zero-emissions platform” by 2040.
They’ll transition to a 100% rickshaw fleet?
Lickshaw, but yeah.
Narrator: Uber will not become a “zero-emissions platform” by 2040.
Reality looks to be hitting faster than I expected.
It will if it’s out of business.
They might make it…if they keep this up they very well might not exist in 2040.
I typed too many words and GT beat me to it. Sad!
True, but I suspect they aren’t THAT stupid.
/looks at TV, sees hockey playing in something called “Climate Pledge Arena”, laughs ass off
RIGHT?!?! 🤣😂🤣😂
TIL from one of those ballot sites that one of my senators is up for reelection – I literally had no idea. Zero commercials from either side and no media presence whatsoever.
Also, all the state and local Democrats on my ballot are double-booked on the “Working Families Party” – i.e. communists.
Also, all the state and local Democrats on my ballot are double-booked on the “Working Families Party” – i.e. communists.
After all those helicopters in NC are done I’ve got another job for them.
/looks at TV, sees hockey playing in something called “Climate Pledge Arena”, laughs
Has anybody told those yahoos how much energy is required to create and maintain that massive sheet of ice?
I was thinking about that and decided that they’re probably paying for Indulgences.
Well this is interesting. Harris is now backing up her story of being a gun owner by identifying the gun as a Glock.
I’m still pretty sure she’s lying. Glock makes a bunch of different guns, and a “Glock” is just the thing somebody who doesn’t know shit about guns would claim to own. Of course, the idiot interviewing her doesn’t shit about guns either, and didn’t ask her which model.
She also says she has shot it at the range. The idiot interviewing her didn’t ask her when the last time was, or what range it was.
She also claims that she’s had it for a long time because of her background in law enforcement. Yes, I’m sure San Francisco DAs and members of the CA AG’s office routinely carry and assist in apprehending dangerous perpetrators.
Routinely carry? Probably not.
Have the power to get a permit in locales where normal people are denied as a matter of course? Oh, I’d believe that.
The gap between “can get permits and stuff the normies can’t” and “own and train with a gun” and even further out “carry it even once as a law enforcement agent” is quite large indeed.
I’m still betting, never owned a gun (c’mon, San Francisco leftist), and if she has one, likely has no idea even where it is.