Oddly enough, my kids did not have Columbus Day, or Indigenous Peoples Day off from school yesterday. As it happens, their school district decided Rosh Hashanah was a bigger deal and they instead got the that Thursday after sundown off as well as Friday. My company does not recognize either holiday but I do get a floating holiday if I wish to participate in colonizer pride parades. Only my wife, a .gov worker had a holiday.
Make of that as you will I suppose…
(((Christobal Colón)))
The Orange Man wants to renegotiate his own trade agreements with Canada and Mexico. Pray he does not wish to renegotiate further.
At first glance this seems unsettling, but then I considered how many cars you are all still driving were built in Mexico.
FIFA continues their gay crusade. Maybe that’s why they don’t understand its not a homophobic slur. They’re calling the keeper a bitch.
Friendly reminder the Palestinian liberation movement was originally funded by Soviets.
Milei implements an “aptitude test” for 40,000 government contractors that will determine if their employment contracts will be renewed. Hopefully its all math.
Here’s a tune. Have a good afternoon.
so what is the terrible slur that cannot be printed?
My completely ignorant and uneducated guess is “puta”.
It means bitch
I like puto.
But a masculine bitch, no?
But a masculine bitch, no?
Yes, a bitch. In the same context I might another grown man, a bitch. Of course if you look it up everything on the first 3 pages of Google search results will simply say its a homophobic slur.
“Goalie you suck” I hear at MLS games is more offensive.
Obvious slur
“Let’s go, Brandon?”
“FIFA continues their gay crusade.”
What a bunch of fags.*
Apologies to any fags here. I’m just being a dick for a cheap laugh.
We have inconsiderate douchebags here?
Film actors are ruining entertainment.
Matt Damon.
The article says it means “male prostitute”.
Now I don’t know what to think.
Other than people like this
really need to get over themselves.
“really need to get over themselves.”
Never gonna happen. The greatest insult you can hurl at people like that is “Not everything is about you.”
Just now trying to make sense of this logic, and failing. Nothing about this is “homophobic”.
When you tell a Pollock joke, it means that you are secretly afraid that you, yourself, are Polish.
Mexican music videos are awesome.
My kids had off on both Rosh Hashanah and (((Columbus Day))).
I’m a starter at my disc golf course and we were swamped yesterday, we forgot about the holday.
Who knew that many gov employees played disc golf?
I thought that was what teleworking was for?
But they now believe he lived in Spain – likely in Valencia – and was Jewish. They think he hid his background to avoid persecution.
Italians hardest hit.
Your kids got Rosh Hashanah off?!? Just how many of my brethren wandered into the Arizona desert?
They took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
Enough that my kids also get Passover off…aka Good Friday.
Short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qU3joUrUXM
Less short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy1T124AHXo
A lot. When I got to Tucson, I figured well, they are a desert people, so I guess it makes sense there’s so many of them here.
TBH, I’m a little afraid for my job if Elon comes aboard a Trump admin.
You belong at SpaceX anyway.
(right after the scene cuts, Nick Offerman does one helluva pratfall)
It’s just so damn good.
Aussies shooting
DEG pr0n.
Hopefully better than they breakdance.
You will ROO the day you said that!
Hey now. Let’s Foster some respectful dialogue around here.
Hey now. Let’s Foster some respectful dialogue around here.
¡Callate pendejo!
Swiss is going to Holden your feet to the fire!
No reason to throw him on the barbi for that comment mates.
I can definitely appreciate the effort, but really that ain’t a match meant for turnbolts.
Anyone else notice that he was hitting the trigger with his middle finger? Apparently that’s part of how you run an SMLE fast.
It looked to me like the first guy was loading more bullets than he shot. As in, he would load a clip, fire twice, load another clip.
Anyone else notice that he was hitting the trigger with his middle finger? Apparently that’s part of how you run an SMLE fast.
Yes. The bolt puts your hand in the right place to use your middle finger to work the trigger while keeping your thumb and index finger on the bolt. The layout goes all the way back to the Lee-Metford. It was carried over into the Pattern 1912, Pattern 1914, and US Model of 1917.
British Muzzleloaders has/had a video where he talks about rifle training with the Lee-Enfield where he mentions the earliest training document reference he can find to working the trigger with your middle finger. I think he said it was training materials around the Second World War was the start of middle-fingering the trigger.
Apparently my eyes are not good. I completely missed that. That last few he was not. Otherwise, disregard my comment on him not knowing how to do that.
Pattern 1912, Pattern 1914, and US Model of 1917.
Errr…. Pattern 1913.
Isn’t that how you were supposed to pass the Mad Minute?
Isn’t that how you were supposed to pass the Mad Minute?
The Mad Minute was an instructor demonstration.
I found the British Muzzleloaders video where he talks about the first official mention of using the middle finger on the trigger in firing. See the section on “late war close quarter shooting”.
More on the earliest mention of middle fingering the trigger.
That is not how you speed-shoot an Enfield.
You and my son listen to a lot of the same music.
Make of that as you will I suppose…
Carl Jung wins again?
…a “compact, cheap electric car.”
Messican Tesla pictured.
Hodele, ese.
Why does the ice cream truck play La Cucaracha?
As a warning?
Truth in advertising
That is amazing. Too bad she’s no longer with us. A worthy addition to GlibCruise.
Too bad she’s no longer with us.
Really? Last I checked she’s very much alive.
Really? Last I checked she’s very much alive.
Then you need to get her on that ship, Ted’S! Everyone is counting on you!
My first thought was. “Are they going to start making electrified Datsun mini-trucks?”
Hella yes!
I would buy one in a heartbeat.
I could drive that to my Cholofit class. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bgCo7RVML0
Ye olde hose filter and spigot are now snugly insulated. Supposed to be in the 20s tomorrow night!
Man, these euphemisms.
Sounds like Kristen broke out the long underwear.
Somebody send me some relief! Still 92 degrees right now. For a few days at least we will dip to a high of the 70s.
I just took the AC out of the window because there was frost on my car this morning.
We just turned on the heat this morning. At least tried to. The fan had water in it from a clogged drain line I “fixed” a month ago. Some rags, a hair dryer, and a few electric jolts later, I got it running. We really should get into the habit of testing the AC and the heat before we really need them.
I expect to kick the heat on tonight. I should go change the filter.
Stop what you’re doing and turn it on right now, while there is still some time in the day in case there’s a problem.
Announcing the study’s results on the television documentary Columbus DNA: His True Origin, Professor Lorente said they were “almost absolutely reliable”.
Well ok then.
80 percent of the time it works 100 percent.
You should feel unsettled. They already have a commercial out for the Mexican car.
Presidential Spokesperson Manuel Adorni announced Thursday that the national government will implement a “suitability test” for 40,000 state employees on temporary contracts – and that those who fail it will be fired.
“Impacto desigual, por lo tanto ilegal.”
— Argentinian equivalent of a Hawaiian judge, probably.
Would that be a Malvinas judge?
Because of course she did.
JFC is there anything she is not wrong about?
The Democrat party is a tool being used to destroy the country and our culture. With malice aforethought.
Of course they know the right things to do, that is why they are doing the opposite.
Remember when Jordan Peterson was sentenced to reeducation? Turns out they can’t find anyone to volunteer to reeducate him. Best part is how he questions how they will know it worked:
“I asked them, “by what standards do you accredit your ‘social media experts’? Is that a regulated profession? Are these experts also versed in the complexities of clinical psychology? How else can they improve the professional activities of a psychological practitioner? Is there any concrete, published and peer-reviewed evidence that the tender lessons they purport to provide actually produce an improvement in the behaviour of those they “educate?” By what objective criteria are you going to measure my improvement, in that regard? Are there standardized tests of such progression? How were those standards established, if they exist?”
I guess they’ll just have to send him to prison then.
…I sent in a request to the powers that be at the college, requesting, in all due humility, the names of the wizards or witches who stood at the ready to re-educate me: to convince me of my sins, spoken and acted; to rehabilitate me, so that I could now proudly serve as yet another voiceless, craven coward, duly supporting the butchers of the trans child-mutilation and sterilization crowd, the brain-dead admirers (or silent enemies) of the Trudeau administration and its assorted green-idiot utopian globalists, and the self-righteous race-baiting pushers of the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity mantra.
Don’t worry dude. You’ll be deplatformed, unbanked, and otherwise starved and muzzled until you learn to love Big Brother.
That is a rhetorical tea-bagging if ever I have read one.
What I dont quite get is that we have seen these evil fucks over and over again here then there then another place….over and over. We know what they want, we know how they operate, we know what kind of people they are. We know all of this and yet so many people cheer it on and walk right into it.
Ignorant, I had fun finding what the slur was. Pejorative language sure is fun:
I guess callin’ him a pussy is already out, but it doesn’t have the same cache.
I guess because the libertarians were all dopey they managed to gay up the Mexican connection.
Now check out Pendejo.
Hey, since you asked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieumolVsiWI
👏 Golf 👏 Clap 👏
That’s so beautiful I need a moment.
(also fuck you because I’ll be singing that for the foreseeable future).
If google-fu’s accurate:
*Golf clap*
Language is just fun, innit?
Am I crazy or is calling someone a faggot only “homophobic” if you feel that there is something wrong with being a faggot?
I never got how the word fag became a pejorative. Flaming? That in and of itself does not imply anything negative. What am I missing?
Never change Guardian!
Just… wow.
Al Jazeera must be pissed The Guardian is taking their stories.
I’ve had the tour of Columbus’ tomb in both Santo Domingo and Sevilla, so I am skeptical of any “new details”.
Efforts to tap dance around the whole Aurora apartment complexes thing keep getting more hilarious. Basically:
media/govt.: There’s no evidence that a violent Venezuelan gang has taken over the entire city of Aurora.
dissenters, apartment management company: We’re saying they’ve taken over three apartment complexes, not the city.
media/govt.: Nuh-uh. Overblown. Besides, the apartment management company are slum lords trying to get away from years of not managing their run-down properties.
apartment management company: Here’s video of one of our employees getting curb-stomped by a group when he was out trying to fix up an apartment. Here’s his picture after getting his ass beaten.
[actual quote from article]: “The CBZ X account posted additional videos that it claims show evidence of a takeover by the notorious prison gang Tren de Aragua (TdA), but did not detail if or how it confirmed the people seen in the footage were members of TdA.”
dissenters: What about that video that went crazy viral with a group in an apartment complex carrying long guns and handguns, banging on doors, after which there was a shootout in the parking lot?
[actual quote from article]: “Those six men, however, have not been connected to any criminal organization, police said. Police in Aurora have identified 10 confirmed members of Tren de Aragua.”
You know, if there is a force roaming my apartment complex, charging people rent for apartments that have been abandoned by previous tenants (youtube resident allegations), terrorizing people, engaging in shootouts with rivals, etc., I’d consider that somewhat of a takeover. And I really wouldn’t care if they’d accumulated enough merit badges or whatever to be considered official gang members.
What I find interesting is that the gov/media isn’t denying that a group of armed young immigrant men has effectively set up a criminal operation in several apartment buildings. Instead, they are nitpicking over whether it can be proven that they belong to a specific gang.
Because that’s the important thing.
That’s the most recent defense line they’ve retreated to after their previous claims have collapsed, one by one.
The other thing that’s going on in local media is, “Aurora’s great! Look at all of these nice restaurants, happy people, etc.” Well, yeah, it has 400K people over 160 square miles. It’s only partially a violent shithole, but that’s not the point.
“Do you hear yourself?”
Devoted service to the narrative
With characteristic bravado, Donald Trump has vowed that if voters return him to the White House, “inflation will vanish completely.”
It’s a message tailored for Americans who are still exasperated by the jump in consumer prices that began 3 1/2 years ago.
Yet most mainstream economists say Trump’s policy proposals wouldn’t vanquish inflation. They’d make it worse. They warn that his plans to impose huge tariffs on imported goods, deport millions of migrant workers and demand a voice in the Federal Reserve’s interest rate policies would likely send prices surging.
Last month, the Peterson Institute for International Economics predicted that Trump’s policies — the deportations, import taxes and efforts to erode the Fed’s independence — would drive consumer prices sharply higher two years into his second term. Peterson’s analysis concluded that inflation, which would otherwise register 1.9% in 2026, would instead jump to between 6% and 9.3% if Trump’s economic proposals were adopted.
He’ll ruin the economy. Stick with the fiscal conservatives.
To be fair, Trump is one big spender. So, yeah, inflation isn’t going away.
Now, he could implement policies that could reduce price pressure, and even prices, in some areas – deregulation would do that, taking the Net Zero handcuffs off the energy and transport sectors, etc.
And this, “hey warn that his plans to impose huge tariffs on imported goods,” would not help inflation.
I dont think that is what he said he would do.
Trump, who has invoked incendiary rhetoric and spread falsehoods demonizing immigrants, has promised the “largest deportation operation in the history of our country.” He says it would target the millions of foreigners living in the United States illegally.
A surge in immigrants, like the one the United States has experienced the past few years, tends to make it easier for businesses to hire workers. The result is that can help cool inflation by easing the pressure on employers to sharply raise pay and to pass on their higher labor costs to their customers by increasing prices.
“Holding inflation down” doesn’t mean much if you don’t have a job.
Promising to deport the millions of illegal immigrants in the country may not be quite the “quelle horreur” they think it is.
Much as I want them gone, doing so without civil rights violations is highly unlikely. I don’t think the prospect of those should result in millions of illegals becoming permanent residents, though.
Do illegal migrants have civil rights in the USA? If so, what are those rights and where did they come from? God-given?
I was thinking more about the kind of sweeps, searches, and arrests that will be needed to accomplish this. Some citizens would get caught in those.
As to the civil rights of illegals, I couldn’t say. I would propose something along the lines of positive ID and some kind of hearing to confirm illegal status and then, off you go.
One issue will be that, per their NGO handlers, many of the illegals ditched their IDs and we don’t really know where to send them back to.
According to the Dems we need to have millions of immigrants to keep the cost of labor down, and income inequality is bad.
Trump is the Charlie Browniest
If things keep going the way they are now it will eventually dawn on everyone that this is a fight for our life. It wont take place in a courtroom or at a ballot box and no one will give a fuck about civil rights. Are we going to let it get to that?
Are they accounting for the cost of the millions of citizens they’re putting on the dole?
It’s an unsolvable problem. Far too many *in* the immigration process legally; illegals; those on legit visas; those on *expired* visas; and naturally, adding children and property amplifies every problem. “Deporting all” is a nonsensical, never-ending, goalless, dreadful idea. “Deporting some” is something I, and hopefully many many *legal* immigrants, support.
Nothing can possibly end well for either side in the long run, and only illegal votes (how many do we ‘have?’) to gain for short-term Blue gain. It’s just the new flavor of America. Immigration has *always* been the Forever Issue.
Now, he could implement policies that could reduce price pressure, and even prices, in some areas – deregulation would do that, taking the Net Zero handcuffs off the energy and transport sectors, etc.
The model doesn’t allow for offsetting changes. Ceteris paribus, you know.
Instead, they are nitpicking over whether it can be proven that they belong to a specific gang.
Because that’s the important thing.
They could be white supremacists.
If they’re not a licensed criminal gang, then they are not a gang.
Life imitates Jay and Silent Bob?
If we want to lower the cost of labor we should deport the unions.
Trump’s mass deportations, if carried out, would change everything. The Peterson Institute calculates that the U.S. inflation rate would be 3.5 percentage points higher in 2026 if a second Trump administration managed to deport all 8.3 million undocumented immigrant workers who are thought to be working in the United States.
It seems more likely to cause a recession, to me. But what do I know?
Just saw a Harris ad with an alleged “former Trump voter” saying “A vote for Harris is a no-brainer. A no-brainer.”. Quite right, if you vote for Harris, you have no brain.
All of these polls and testimonials have the feel of that ‘I’m a gun owner too but even I think’ guy who cut his AR in half with a hacksaw. ‘Member him?
It’s all actors, reading scripts.
Harris is promising to airdrop bales of cash all across the land. That will kill inflation.
Wait, that is the definition of inflation.
Never mind.
Cheney said, “Deficits don’t matter”. That’s good enough for me
Seriously, We the people have a big problem and it’s the same one that every other country’s government tried to solve using the same solution.
300 years ago some Scotsman named Adam Smith was already forecasting the call and response.
Somewhere I have a picture of me and the kids with his statue in Edinburgh. He didn’t seem to approve of where we are headed.
Titty Tuesday is taking the goal kick. Insert slur here.
Thoughts on Columbus, exploration and creativity.
“the reason for all the hate aimed at Columbus[…]wasn’t anything that happened to the “indigenous” peoples of the Americas. It was that his voyages led to the expansion – quite possibly the survival — of Western Civilization, and the eventual creation of the United States of America. In traditional United States usage, Columbus was a hero because he made the United States of America possible. To the left, that made him a villain of the first order.”
There really was a holocaust of the natives in the Americas. We don’t know exactly how bad, but it seems like around 70%, maybe more died after the Europeans arrived.
From disease. It wouldn’t have mattered if it was the Chinese or the Muslims (the only two other candidates for “discovering” the Americas) – the same diseases would have come with them, with the same result. Eurasia had wave after wave of terrible diseases that the survivors were immune, or at least had resistance, to. The Americas were completely naive to those diseases. It was written in stone that they would have a massive die-off.
What I find amazing is that this apocalyptic die-off burned through the Amricas, yet there doesn’t seem to be any reference in it in native oral traditions, nor any recognition that it would have cause displacement off whatever lands were occupied before it arrived.
It is far more complicated than we know and we have no real written record.
We do know that there were a number of sophisticated building cultures that disappeared long before Europeans arrived. The Amazon basin has more than a few and there are more on the altiplano and west of the Andes. We simply dont have a clue who they were or why they disappeared. A lot of their building styles were similar from Chile and up into the Mississippi valley and a penchant for large drawings we can really only see from the air. We aren’t sure why they did that. Likely the die-offs were from the usual suspects – disease and war. They killed and ate each other like crazy.
Whatever the Europeans brought it was better than what was already there.
Q nails it. The left is pissed that the entire world is not composed of honor cultures where individuals have no value and the ruling class are regarded as gods.
I can’t really add to the headline.
“They’re calling the keeper a bitch.”
I’ll be an out-and-out hypocrite: I don’t really care about performative wokitude as long as Mexico is losing.
Timcast talking about both Trump AND Harris going on JRE.
If true, that would end Harris.
Trump’d do great. In his own element. Sympathetic host, for once.
Harris’ Team would be monstrously stupid to do it. I’m kinda leaning into the theory of Team Blue *wanting* Trump to win. Blame all of Biden+ on him; get rid of Harris/Walz; develop their Bench; and let the Deep State clog Trump at every step. They’re well-practiced. Sharp. Reliant. OR, maybe they really will get someone to kill him before Nov. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t know what the internal factions are in the Dem Party. Harris is the figurehead for the USS Obama now. If she loses, that has to be a blow to them. The competing faction that I have heard of is the Clintons, but aren’t they pretty much spent, now? Who else?
And yes, the Deep State will absolutely go back into full #resistance mode. There is a lot a sufficiently ruthless President could do to neuter the Deep State, but I just don’t see Trump doing that. It would likely require defying a captured Deep State judge’s orders, among other things. Our system of governance is broken and there’s no good way out of that.
@R C: I fear you’re right. I kinda just hope ‘It All’/ SHTF/ China v US happens a few generations from now?
*Shrug* I honestly got nuttin’. I suppose we shall see. I do believe the outward, dangerous idiocy of Blue is a minority in America. The majority are far-better armed. I don’t think it would come to that, but that reality muzzles The Left to an extent. (For now.)
The trouble with elections is I am told we have to trust the judgement of the American voter. I am more than a little hesitant to do that. They dont exactly have a good record. Forgive me if I am a bit nervous.