If there must be a silver lining to the Dodgers shaking off their curse, it might be the inevitable celebration rioting in LA will occur this week. As opposed to after the election, regardless of who wins because there will be fewer cars left to light on fire
Meh. Who am I kidding?

In the interest of time, I will post this CNN fact check article on everything the Orange Man said in the past month. The way I see it, if they tell you its a lie it’s probably true.
Mexico claims banning Chinese auto imports will harm the US Auto Industry. Seems probable.
I’m going to go out on a limb, and predict anyone claiming Mexicans will be rounded up into cattle cars and tossed on the other side of the border is going to be very disappointed.
Cool. Lost Mayan city discovered in the jungle.
Fun fact: Dominicans don’t like Hatians.
For the potential Ex-Pats among us. News you can use!
I just have one thing to say to all of you: I’m Poppy.
If they target the EVs, they may still be on fire post-election…. Progress!
But if they are EV’s then you know it was peaceful!
Love is a delusion, caused by inadequate lighting.
I thought it was a bourgeois construct….
Lidar. Whats next, they are gonna tell my gaydar is real?
Tru dat trudar.
Lidar is for finding closeted gays.
I thought that was a stud finder.
Only for those with magnetic personalities.
Fucking Brits and their stupid convention of not capitalizing acronyms. It’s LIDAR. I might allow “LiDAR” if you believe the first word is “Light” instead of “Laser Imaging.”
Lye-dar : for finding caustic substances
Lie-dar : to do what the polygraph don’t
Lay-dar : to find workers asleep on the job
If Donald Trump is elected and follows through with a campaign promise to conduct the largest deportation operation in American history, it could not only upend the lives of the 11 million people who according to the U.S. Census Bureau are living in the United States without authorization — it could devastate the U.S. citizens in their families.
Yes. That is what happens when you are convicted (or merely accused) of violating one of the country’s laws. You get put in a cage and shot if you try to get out.
Lawbreaking has consequences, so for the sake of your family, don’t rob banks, kill people unnecessarily, or live in the U.S. without being allowed to.
Defend the NGOs, stop allowing employers to hire them, and stop all welfare payments to illegals and half the problem solves itself in a few months. Then go after the other half.
Assuming “defund” — yeah. That’s the shorter version of my screed below.
Yes. Please don’t defend them.
This is the way.
“it could devastate the U.S. citizens in their families”
Well, either those US citizens were here first, in which case they were apparently just fine, or (more likely) they were born here, in which case I’m not sure how “staying with your parents” is devastating.
More likely than not — if nothing else, can you imagine the Hawaii and other court shitshow that would ensue if they even hinted at trying?
What gets me more than a little, though — is that *something* needs to be done for all the communities that are looking 40%+ population increases of nothing but “amnesty” immigrants. Thinking about it for more than two seconds… maybe it will be enough to shut off all the taps — no welfare, no housing assistance, no fucking hotel room stays, no “temporary legal status” so no job (above board anyway)… see if we can give them incentive to move out on their own.
Because I’m nice his way — I’d also put out a clear declaration — if we don’t catch you breaking the law, you get out of the country and then reapply through the proper process (not stupid mythical “asylum” happy horsecrap) we won’t hold past use of the CBP app against you. That’s about as generous as I feel at this point.
So you’re talking about self-deportation. I seem to recall our betters tut tutting that idea when Romney mentioned it when he was running for President, which means it would probably work.
That’s been my plan for years. Self deport within 90 days and you can apply for legal entry once back in your own country. Same for underage kids once they turn 18.
No benefits, drivers licenses, or considered residents for any illegals. States that already issue DLs to illegals get raided and the data used for deportation. State employees and officials extending benefits to illegals get prosecuted under existing laws. Same with NGOs.
I just would like to know why, unique among the nations on the earth, the US is expected to let anyone in, forever and at great taxpayer expense.
I have lived in a foreign country and, gee, it never occurred to me to just ignore the visa requirements and such, and demand my neighbors pay my food and shelter too.
Every country I’ve visited, I expected that any police officer could stop me at any time and question me for my passport and visa.
And that any violation of a country’s rules could result in immediate deportation and bar from reentry.
Well, unlike those other countries, we have a big statue with a poem.
“Behold my works, Ye mighty, and despair!”?
“Thanks, France. 🙄”
Lobster Girl and the Volleyball Girls in one day? I’m not leaving my bunk.
What an auspicious day it is.
We should make it a requirement for TPTB to include one of those pics daily for our edification.
Call it the Lobster Clause.
I like how volleygirl 1 spanks her ass and her own ass wiggles. Yes, I watched repeatedly. I’ll be in my bunk.
I don’t believe you – I’m going to have to go verify that for myself. Repeatedly.
I just have one thing to say to all of you: I’m Poppy.
Poppy is nightmare fuel, but that’s not bad.
Cmon now, we all love Poppy
When did Poppy go metal?
I’ve heard the song a few times and the video is 4 months old. I didn’t think to see if it was the same Poppy until this morning.
Never listened to Poppy before today.
But, yeah, this five year old video is not bubble gum pop.
Nightmares. Thanks a lot, Kinnath.
Pleasure to be of service Tundra.
She went metal when she realized people would watch her for 10 minutes saying she is Poppy
10 minutes saying she is Poppy
That’s the only reason I know of her.
I remember liking this song back when Poppy called herself Evanescence.
I don’t like Haitians or Dominicans. Of the third worlders who flock to South Florida, they are by far the neediest and most useless. Terrible workers in general and can’t think for themselves. Fuck up everything they touch.
Why didn’t you tell us how you really feel?
Okay, but I’ve had enough about Puerto Ricans.
Puerto Ricans, like Iraqis, are thieves.
Aren’t the Dominicans all baseball players or of a religious order? Or both?
I can’t keep up.
I saw Poppy on a bill for a metal concert and was confused. It’s surprisingly better than most new rock music I’ve heard in the last decade.
I mean, she did videos explaining why she liked the Beretta 92 with blood running from her chin. She was always metal.
Last day of early voting is today. Ends at 5pm, unless a pudgy cop decides to end it early.
Fat fuck commies.
“Just following orders”
Fat fuck.
Need to prepare for late voting.
What the fuck is “emergency services”?
That’s 20 minutes away and I have no fucking clue.
Looks real, from a story posted today:
“Last week, the Department of State asked counties to plan to ensure every registered voter who was in line by 5 p.m. today is provided with the opportunity to apply for and submit a mail ballot application,” Schmidt said.
That’s what the Bucks County Board of Elections says was done.
A county spokesperson shared the line was cut around 2:45 p.m. Mail-in ballot applications were still being accepted until 5 p.m.
Also, it’s not the first time, from a story dated the 28th:
Employees at the Bucks County election office, which was open to voters from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, cut off the line around noon for voters looking to request a ballot, receive it, and return it in one trip.
I guess I don’t understand why anybody would wait in a line for a mail-in ballot.
I thought waiting in a line would allow you to, I dunno, vote.
A huge Maya city has been discovered centuries after it disappeared under jungle canopy in Mexico.
Classic pyramid scheme.
“That’s not you-a money… that’s *maya* money!”
Tesla Using ‘Full Self-Driving’ Hits Deer Without Slowing, Doesn’t Stop
Photos and video posted to Twitter by @TheSeekerOf42 show the before and after of a deer strike, during which the poster claimed he was using Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” software. Video shows the car approaching a deer in the road without slowing, and a photo of the front of the car shows the resulting damage: A cracked bumper, and a hood that’s both dented and “shifted almost an inch toward the windshield.”
Technology is a wonderful thing.
Don’t buck the system or it will cost you a lot of doe.
Keep coming up with gems like this and all the libertarian women will be fawning over you.
The poster, who pays Tesla CEO Elon Musk for a subscription to the increasingly far-right social media site, claimed that the FSD software “works awesome” and that a deer in the road is an “edge case.” One might argue that edge cases are actually very important parts of any claimed autonomy suite, given how drivers check out when they feel the car is doing the work, but this owner remains “insanely grateful” to Tesla regardless.
Fuck these people. Can’t write a simple technology story without bringing politics into it.
Yeah, edge case. It only takes one and sooner or later there will be one.
I will keep control of my car thank you very much.
The Tech-Bro version of Sister Bertha-Better-Than-You and there’s no way he’s going to let you forget it.
It is an edge case that a lot of human drivers don’t handle well either.
It is an edge case that a lot of human drivers don’t handle well either.
I am past halfway to being an ace.
Yup, There’s a whole lot of deer who get hit full speed.
I probably wouldn’t stop either.
At least the car didn’t swerve. A lot of bad human drivers would have planted the car in a guardrail.
Interesting point. If the self-driving algorithm’s first priority is keeping the passengers safe, it probably did the right thing.
Depends, did it have a nice set of backstraps?
Well, according to the poll they link it’s #4, behind The Economy, Health Care, and Crime; and one could easily argue that it’s not a completely separate issue from the top 3.
Yup… I’ve mentioned I’m at least 2 years behind on the talk radio show podcast I listen to while driving (because I keep not listening when not driving and don’t drive as much)… they just harped about housing cost increases in 2022 — “Housing is up over 20 percent! It isn’t like the population has increased 20 percent!”
I laughed to myself given the numbers of “allowed” immigration that’s come out… government spending immensely more in welfare… funneled directly into housing subsidies and food stamps, etc… driving up demand with the “someone else’s money effect”… gee, clearly foreseeable consequences are not accidental and all that….
I looked it up the other day. According to whatever government source I found, the US population was 13% first generation immigrants in 2022. It’s now 16%. 51 million immigrants live in the US according to the government data.
There’s no assimilating that many people. IMO, the right number is between 5 and 10%. We should push the quota to near zero until we get to 7 or 8%.
Hey, Trshy, I read something this morning that, while I wouldn’t say you would like it, you would find it interesting:
I’ve seen it either 2 or 3, depending, with the economy always number 1, the other being crime. I don’t recall seeing health care highly ranked (unless you mean “abortion” as a standalone issue).
It also is a factor in #1 and #2.
So, really, root cause and all that.
Chocolate manufacturers pass off the high costs to consumers, scaring shoppers off KitKats and M&Ms.
In the past year, dollar sales for chocolate candies rose 1.5%, driven by inflation and rising shelf prices, according to a report this month from the National Confectioners Association. But, faced with costly chocolate, people are cutting back on M&Ms and Hershey’s bars: The number of chocolate candy units sold over the same period dropped almost 5%.
This may be the first article I have ever seen which makes the distinction between gross dollar sales and unit sales.
Speaking of… I picked up a 14oz tin of hot chocolate at the store. The one on the shelf from last year is 16oz. Call the shrinkflation police!
Calling Hershey’s bars chocolate is a step too far.
Hershey’s ::spits:::
Really need to finish that craft chocolate article…
I’m wondering what magical unicorn fairy dust business they know of that can just absorb supply and labor cost increases and not pass them to customers…. (Well, or go out of business because the market won’t pay the prices to make a profit).
I know, I know… just produce what the government tells you, Comrade… profit is for the evil capitalists! Never change, NPR.
Also, due to inflation I can no longer afford right angle brackets.
The government runs the schools just fine, making chocolate bars couldn’t be any harder. Nationalize and consolidate the chocolate monopoly so eeveryone gets a fair share. Put the # back in the bag.!
Elect Kamala to end chocolate gouging once and for all.
This is the third year in a row I’ve seen an article like this.
Sounds like a case of the ‘price gouging’. Get the Veep on the phone, let her know so she’ll be ready on Nov 5th, her First Day isn’t that far off.
Trump: “Crime is up.”
CNN: “That is a lie and we have the fake numbers to prove it.”
The very first “lie” they “debunk” is that Kamala was never the border czar. Trump just made that up out of whole cloth, he did.
Thanks for the link Rhywun. Gonna have to experiment with it. It’s already getting held up by youtube’s “login to prove you aren’t a bot” issue on non-age blocked videos.
? I’ve never seen that message.
Good luck.
Back when WaPo was doing their database of Trump’s lies I did a sample of his “lies”. Some examples:
Covid might have come from a lab. Fact check: No right thinking person thinks that.
There will be a vaccine by the end of the year. Fact check: Those take three years minimum.
GDP growth was 4 percent. Fact check: Actually it was 3.8 percent.
Many other “lies” were just differences of opinion, but of course the fact checkers’ opinion is the right one.
Each time he repeated one of those was counted as a separate lie. Trump obviously is a bullshitter, and I’m under no illusion that he’s 100% honest, but the so-called fact checkers go so far out of their way to say he’s lying that they have lost all credibility, especially when they let so many things slide from other politicians.
Mild debate with my mother:
Me: “Such and such a thing happened.” (It happened)
Her: “I just looked at Snopes and they said that is not true.”
Me: *laughing* “Snopes huh?”
Her: “What, they are a fact checking site”
Snopes is owned by Chris Richmond and Drew Schoentrup.
Richmond also owns Salon.com
Schoentrup is partners with Richmond in a number of enterprises including Salon.com
Yeah, fact checkers. You can take their word to the bank 7 days/week and twice on Sunday.
“We can’t be sure what led to the demise and eventual abandonment of the city, but the archaeologists say climate change was a major factor.”
The piles of ripped out hearts didn’t appease the sun god.
I was just talking this morning with my Peruvian dentist about the lost last refuge of the Inca court, Vilcabamba. She had never even heard of it. Discovered in the 70’s I believe. It’s out there in the jungle. I almost went many years ago when I was in Peru but got salmonella in a shady chicken joint and was laid up for a few days. It’s quite a trek to get out there.
“We dont know but it has to be something that fits our narrative.”
Wow. Sciencing is hard.
You ever see the movie Apocalypto Suthen? It’s a Mel Gibson masterpiece about pre Spanish Mayans. I think he did a highly realistic job of giving a view of some of what it must have been like in that time and area. The leftists hated it for the usual reasons.
There were a lot of coal-fired factories and cars in 750 AD.
Ugh that article – I had a hard time getting past all the woke bullshit.
Illegal invasion and Derp’s Hamas link from this morning:
“Pretend our culture has not become a death cult. Pretend rape, murder, beheading and burning babies alive is not our SOP. Pretend we aren’t swearing the only thing that will stop us is for every Jew on the planet to be murdered. Pretend all of that….look at these poor doe-eyed children. They look so sad. Look at this cute kitten, it’s so sad. Look at this fluffy bunny, it is crying and bleeding to death. You dont want children, kittens and bunnies to be sad, do you?”
That shit doesnt work on me anymore. Fuck the bunnies. Fuck the kittens, and mostly fuck the doe-eyed children. I am sick of the fake-ass emotional appeals from criminals and evil people. If you are here illegally, get out.
Hamas: You will get your cease fire. The time for talking and negotiating ended Oct. 7, 2023. There is no going back from where you have gone.
C’mon, you probably haven’t even sent in your $45 to buy food for the holocaust survivors.
Send me your check and I’ll include it with mine.
He persevered
Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon was released from federal prison on Tuesday after serving four months for contempt of Congress — and immediately started streaming on his Rumble show. Bannon, sporting longer-than-usual hair, shared his thoughts on Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and the upcoming election.
“I can tell you, being a political prisoner in a federal prison, that the young men in this country that are African American and Hispanic detest — detest — Kamala Harris,” he said. “They detest her.”
Bannon, on his aptly dubbed “Bannon’s War Room” show, rapidly moved from target to target. He said Pelosi sent him to prison as a “political prisoner” for not complying with a House subpoena tied to an investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot.
Rather than let that crush his spirits, though, Bannon said he now has an extra pep in his step. “The four months in federal prison not only didn’t break me, it empowered me,” he explained. “I’m more focused and energized than I’ve ever been in my entire life.”
Get ready, America.
Black and Hispanic men are far more chauvinistic than white guys. Who’d have thunk it.
There are lots of those cities in the Amazon basin. The real question I have is – why did those populations and societies collapse and disappear?
The same thing happened to the Mississippians in NA, also a pyramid/mound building culture.
I have my suspicions but not enough evidence to make a solid case.
De Soto’s pigs?
I had an interesting conversation with a Spaniard about Spain’s adventures in the new world.
Let’s just say she thinks it was mostly all good. I was a bit surprised.
DeSoto’s small gas tank!
You’re not saying it was aliens…..
I’d blame Trump but even he wasn’t around then. So the answer must be “white colonialism.”
The cities in the Amazon were densely populated according to the earliest accounts of Europeans. Then when the next waves came, they were gone.
It was disease.
The disease in question was specifically Malaria. Still a killer centuries later.
The mound builders were long gone before europeans got here. DeSoto asked the Indians at Jonesville “Hey what are those mounds?” and they answered “We dont know, they were here when we got here.”
Immigration question: Does any other country in the world just… let people walk in? I’d like to hear immigration advocates on this.
I’m trying to understand why nowhere else has this notion that we do. Or do they? I always was under the impression that if I walked into another country and just set up shop that this might well lead to me being incarcerated and subject to the judicial system of said country – and its ire.
…can it be reciprocal? I might like to immigrate to one of those other countries. I haven’t decide where just yet but one that venerates older gentlemen and lavishes worldly goods upon them.
Where can I subscribe to your newsletter, 4×20?
So long as you fill out the right forms and pay your exit tax.
I think some European countries do, but you have to sneak in first.
Italy has made the news sinking boats to prevent them from entering if I recall.
I’m not sure if it’s exactly the same, but it sounds like they do so in Europe. Just read an article today that Geert Wilders in the Netherlands got a law passed to limit immigration and deport a bunch of folks.
I wasn’t technically legal most of the time I lived and worked in Europe in the 90s. My work contract was with a company in Cyprus, where I’ve never been, but the tax rate is great. When I tried to make my residence legal after my marriage, the cops just told me to leave the country every 30 days to get a fresh stamp in my passport. I lived a few miles from the border, so that wasn’t a problem. La Migra would snoop around my office every now and then, but my boss passed me off as a visiting consultant.
A friend of mine was arrested immediately when he accidentally crossed the border into Austria while out for a jog. He was detained for a while before being sent back. Another friend failed to qualify for a work permit in Estonia and was given 48 hours to leave even though she had an apartment and a job there.
But lately Europe seems to have become pretty lax.
I’ve been deported from Brazil before. They let me self deport in a 7 day period, and warned me if I didn’t I’d be jailed immediately if and when they found me.
I all for me living in the south of France, enjoying the beaches and wines; provided I can get France to give me money to live there as a – ahem – migrant.
Getting on the right side of history
Barbara Bush, the daughter of former Republican President George W. Bush, campaigned for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania over the weekend, marking her official endorsement of the vice president.
“It was inspiring to join friends and meet voters with the Harris-Walz campaign in Pennsylvania this weekend,” Bush said in a statement to People Magazine. “I’m hopeful they’ll move our country forward and protect women’s rights.”
The daughter of the Republican president told People Magazine in 2010 that she didn’t identify with either political party, though she has been a vocal supporter of women’s rights throughout the years.
While her father has not weighed in on the race, Bush joins a growing list of daughters of former Republican politicians announcing their support for Harris, including former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, Susan Ford Bales, daughter of former Republican President Gerald Ford, and Caroline Giuliani.
This is the sort of star power which will propel Harris to triumph.
This only affirms my view that the democrat party has become the party of the AWFLs and the handful of hangers on that haven’t gotten the message that the left hates them.
And abortion fanatics. Yeah, something something Venn diagram.
It is “hidden in plain sight”, the archaeologists say, as it is just 15 minutes hike from a major road near Xpujil where mostly Maya people now live.
There are no known pictures of the lost city because “no-one has ever been there”, the researchers say, although local people may have suspected there were ruins under the mounds of earth.
So it should be easy to confirm the Lidar survey. Why not do that?
More fun and grant money in just speculating.
Leonard Nimoy’s In Search of…
Noah’s Ark possibly found on world’s oldest stone map dating 3,000 years ago, scientists claim
“That if you did go on this journey you would see the remnants of this historic boat.”
Sounds like the first AAA map, though folding it to fit in your glove compartment could be tricky.
They think it just left?
Babylonian version of Noah….. meaning Gilgamesh?
Climate change got it.
Not Adahn gets it. Everything is climate change.
Got gas? Climate change.
IMO they’re looking in the wrong place for Noah’s Ark. The ‘official’ Mount Ararat is in the Caucasus, above the headwaters of the Euphrates and Tigris. It makes much more sense the Ark (if it existed) would have drifted downstream until it ran ashore. I thought the mountains of Oman would be a reasonable possibility.
Also I believe the 40 days and nights of rain might have been caused by an asteroid strike.
It would have been easier if they just let the sewers back up.
How many cultures have flood mythologies?
The end of the last glacial maximum was only 13-15,000 years ago. We were modern humans by that point. During the retreat of the glaciers, sea levels rose rapidly enough that people saw lands disappear within short order. “Waters rose and swallowed the land” becomes a flood with no real modification. It makes an impression.
Glibscruisers are either home or on their way. I’m sick as a doge.
BUT my new huge camp site is ready for me to move in!!!! So excited! Too bad I have ZERO energy.
Note to our esteemed readership: KK needs a roommate for GlibsCruise 2: Ecliptic Boogaloo since she’s getting bumped to steerage for the next one by a higher-priority passenger.
Just keep in mind that she likes it in the aft.
I don’t do that, sir!!!!
I was gonna go with “Total Eclipse of the Fart”, but yours is better. Because you’re Shpip.
I kind of want to go. Iceland? Sign me up.
I would have to investigate their deposit policies and such. Not sure I can make myself available then.
My flight from FLL to Charlotte was delayed by an hour due to the FAA choking on some paperwork for a maintenance job the airline had completed before the flight boarded. You could tell the pilots were…slightly annoyed. We did a turn and burn and that was the angriest takeoff I’ve ever experienced. Like when you’re behind someone slow when you’re driving and you can finally pass them and you just mash the gas all the way to the floor.
(I’m looking at you, OBE)
Hey…not my house of FAA.
Sure, Jan
Ya know next time I know your flight I’ll have to make an anonymous tip.
Glad you made it back and hope you feel better soon
I, for one, am sick of the number of text messages I get from the Democrats.
I reply with a “Fuck off, slaver” then block them.
Also tired of the super BS commercials I see – like Trump is planning cuts to SS, he wants to impose a national abortion ban, and/or a National Sales Tax (ie his tariffs on Chinese goods).
I did see a new one on Pluto TV – trying to link Trump with Epstein. It has a whiff of desperation.
Yeah, there has been a stink of desperation for weeks if not months.
Since I think 18-29 year old kids are running her campaign imma believe it. Won’t matter or go anywhere…but I believe it
The CWPA has been astroturfing on reddit for years
They set up subreddits for most cities. Then they post fake community requests like “looking for a gay friendly barber”. Or “new to the area, looking for a good restaurant”
Then they use the credibility of locality to post nonsense about moving to all mass transit or making walkable cities or ending capitalism…
Also tired of the super BS commercials I see – like Trump is planning cuts to SS, he wants to impose a national abortion ban, and/or a National Sales Tax (ie his tariffs on Chinese goods).
TRUMP’S PROJECT 2025!!!11!1
30 minutes of an hour is Ted Cruz or Colin Allred ads. Very, very tired of it.
Seems like this would have been a month ago, not 7 days to the election.
This screams that they know they are losing the mail-in and early voting and hoping for massive day of turnout IMO
“new map to the tune of Neva Play by Megan Thee Stallion and BTS’s RM.”
So people are gonna get the map for the music not Kamala lol
Oh did they say Megan Thee Stallion was going to sing? Sorry, she’s going to make a speech over the game.
It’s pathetic. She’s gonna cry during her concession speech.
You are assuming she knows how to cry.
I am guessing it will be a sucking sound, followed by the cackling of dry leaves.
“Freedom Town, USA”
I used to be able to build a computer from parts and have it work first time.
I’ve been running a comedy of errors with this build.
Win 11 2H24 is fighting me every step of the way with my new build.
Hardware has been ok, but this has been awful buggy.
This has all been hardware. And all the errors are unforced. I just have been too hasty trying to get this done.
What I find most significant about Trump’s run is that no one can deny now that the uniparty exists, that the Republicans are the kayfabe and that our government is kabuki theater. The citizenry is nothing more than tax cattle.
Threat to the system? Suddenly we have never-trumper republicans galore and endorsements for the most radical leftist candidate in history coming from ‘conservatives’.
Take from that what you will.
Yep we saw the realignment. Bushes, Cheney, Clinton’s, Obama….South Park predicted it
My friend in NYC was arguing with his wife at a restaurant about politics where he loudly blurted out that he’s going to vote for Trump because the Dems are assholes, liars, and batshit crazy. Later that night she got up from her sleep and came downstairs where my friend was watching television and went on a rant about how he’s wrong for voting for a horrible man like Trump. He’s better than me because I would have verbally laid into my wife but he just kind of sat there, shrugged and went back to watching whatever he was watching.
I don’t know what it is with liberal women but it seems like their whole identity is wrapped up in who they are voting for and everything else is secondary. I mean you could be the nicest and charitable person in the world but if you aren’t pulling the lever for a Dem, you’re scum in their eyes.
And they’ll look at you dead ass in the face and tell you that they have no interest in hearing your political views while ironically believing that they are an intelligent, empathetic, and well rounded person
Got myself a humidifier with some Vick’s Vaposteam to put in it. But then I realized camphor isn’t good for dogs. So just regular steam for me. Dammit.
Put it on your feet with a pair of socks.
My Shocking Report from Inside Trump’s Nazi Rally – Konstantin Kisin
A great rant.
I was not alive during the reign of the Nazis but I can only assume that it didn’t have as diverse of a group as Trump’s rally at MSG had last week. You have to give it to the Left though, when all else fails, call your opponent Hitler.
What a brave man to deal with that hatefest. He’s lucky to have survived.
I don’t think there’s anything that stinks more of desperation than calling 20,000 Donald supporters Nazis but there’s still a week to go so let’s see if they can top themselves.
Claiming that having a rally at MSG proves you are Nazis is special…. particularly since that is where Clinton accepted the nomination in 1992.
Also… the building that the Nazis held their rally in was torn down. Then the next building was torn down in 1968. And then….
Nobody believes any of that, especially not the talking heads on TV
Classic rant. Thanks for the link
Mammary Martes!
Nevermind, on the second attempt, the page loaded.
I blame climate change.
I blame climate change.
I blame squirrels.
Check out this bullshit piece of mail I got today:
They should change their name to “Center for Electing Democrats”.
Looks about right, where’s the bullshit?
Well, “Bipartisan Border Security” is a lie. The bill they refer to wasn’t about border security at all. It was about greasing the skids for more illegals.
If Trump is going to cut SS and MA, I haven’t heard about it from him.
They are right about Kams wanting to put you on a list for buying a gun, though.
I think Tim Walz drew this play up
Took me three tried to finally see what the error was.
Perhaps some more info for the sports challenged.
Probably should have just run the pick 6.
Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania
Looks like voter suppression is underway.
Every election of my life, the democrats have screamed that every road construction, traffic ticket, line, even bad weather is a racist attempt to suppress the black vote.
Now for the last 2 elections we have massive failures in republican areas. Not hearing anything on the news….
Hey…. Doylestown getting the treatment. Rich suburb of Philly. I lived there as a toddler
Never mind. The RNC is on it.
They sent a letter. If they aren’t careful, they’ll send a sternly worded letter.
So…. the news is telling me how horribly offended everyone is about jokes about Puerto Rico.
Well…. Puerto Rico has responded.