Yesterday I started running like a faucet – probably used a box and a half of Kleenex. “Darn allergies” I thought. Woke up this morning…uh-oh. Feels like I took a few shots to the ribs, minor fever, etc.
Thus, these links will be a bit scattershot. I mean, moreso than usual.
- Think of it as evolution in action.
- I dunno…I thought it was located in some pyramid in Egypt?
- For a bunch that is always chanting Death to Israel and Death to America…they sure are backing off a bunch. Guess those S-400s don’t really measure up.
- There is nothing to see here. NOTHING, I TELL YOU.
Music – something light and peppy. The video is nonsense, but the music is good.
Comment section is open and yours.

Two points – there is nothing that says there is only one entrance. And the Egyptian one was in the western desert.
I thought it was located in the DNC. But maybe that’s the front door to Hell.
The pyramids are landing pads.
‘Entrance to the underworld’ is discovered in Mexico: Archaeologists uncover the ‘back door of hell’
Yeah, the one in Egypt is at the back end of that critter that’s next to the pyramids. It’s called the Sphinxter.
I thought it was the chupacopraphile?
*Golf clap*
*narrows gaze*
Riddle me this…what is it when you have 2 pink and 1 stink?
Answer 5 Will Shock You!
The normal way I sign “3” with my fingers? Neither hand will do the ‘normal’ way, though I occasionally use the German/ elsewhere ‘thumb, pointer, middle’ method.
I’ve accidentally flipped kids off (to their laughter) when counting down/etc in Korea. They call it the “Fuck You Finger!” Adorable. Accurate.
Running on top of a train never worked out for anyone chasing Bugs Bunny. These people need to do more research.
Like being shot in the eye with a glitter gun!
Hey MikeS!
I know you love your Farmalls, but it may be time to upgrade.
So stylish.
It’s still in Italy. Getting it across the ocean is going to cost more than the tractor.
Guy says $3K. Not that bad.
Heh. My dad had one on his (state) orchard. One of the things I learned to drive a stick on.
I thought the back door of hell was in Southern California not Mexico?
That movie did an excellent job of capturing the feel of a nightmare visually.
I saw those images again later in real life. The real thing was more nightmarish by far.
Damn. Forgot to post the link.
In Nevada you now have 2 days after the election to go find more votes.
The supreme court of Nevada just ruled that ballots without postmarks arriving 2 days after the election must be counted.
Fuck that noise – ballots without postmarks are invalid, end of.
Ballots without an in-person photo ID are invalid.
Try to steel-man the argument for taking ballots with no postmark after election day.
What possible reason is there?
The only thing I can think of is to cheat.
There are many such things that only make sense if you’re cheating. This past week I’ve realized we will never find definitive cases of cheating, because the rules themselves are cheating.
I’m ok with no absentee ballots, period. Arrange to be there on Election Day or forfeit. Even for active duty.
Oops. 3 days
“Look… why don’t you just tell us how many days you’ll need to generate the ballots?”
IIRC it’s like 14 days in PA.
And yes, the obvious reason is to facilitate cheating.
14 days for overseas ballots with a postmark before election day makes sense.
No postmark and from in-state?
It is apparently quite easy to reset the postmark at the Post Office.
Received by close of business Election Day, or shredded, unopened, upon receipt.
I remember hearing that Jimmy Carter won in ’76. Without staying up very late, with hand-counted paper ballots.
Just heard Ray McGovern talking about how the Israeli raid was a nothingburger. He said the 1st wave missiles were intercepted, so the next 2 waves were aborted.
Who knows? Hopefully they’re both done now.
To me it appears like Israel demonstrated they can take out what they want when they want. So back off Jack.
From what I hear they elimiated the entirety of Iran’s long range anti-air missile and radar installations, and did serious damage to their ability to replenish their stocks of drones and missiles. Such a circumstance would leave Iran open to any and all air raids anyone wanted to launch against them whose air force can avoid being hit by the short range missiles.
Since all Israeli aircraft returned home, they can evade the short range missiles.
They were using plane-based cruise missiles, not flying aircraft over Iran.
That does permit one to evade short range SAMs.
If the photos are correct, they took out three industrial facilities that were used to mix solid rocket fuel. And supposedly, the equipment used is not produced in Iran.
Bill Gates is apparently getting hoisted by his own retard in the Netherlands. No major news outlet seems to be reporting it, though.
Would you care to report on it?
If I was MSM? Heck no. Less danger than ever, but someone might start asking follow on questions if they did.
I was asking you for details as to what you were talking about – to be the reporter here, since I have not heard anything from other sources.
Best I can do on short notice, from the Sri Lanka Guardian: https://slguardian.org/dutch-court-orders-bill-gates-to-face-trial-over-covid-19-vaccine-injuries/
Good – though my first reaction was “The penalty will be a slap on the wrist won’t it?”
RN posted the more journalistic one I could find. Most others are twits/blog posts and snopes types back and forth.
That will go away and get memory holed.
He is at the head of the globalist snake. That he is even at this point is remarkable to me. I would have figured it would go away before it started.
I wonder how history will view the goings on today. Sensible people will see it as mankind with one foot inside the gates of hell.
GlibsCruise report:
Everyone got off the boat today in Fort Lauderdale after a week of revelry. Four people stayed in FLL an extra day and are in their hotels now, while the others are either home or in the air. More complete picture of our experiences when we get time to write the articles.
But we had so much fun that we’re going to do it again.
Most excellent.
Iceland 🙀
That is a more appealing destination for the sun-challenged.
Iceland… in Summer. There is little night to be had there at that time of year.
Well you don’t want to go when they have 24 hours of darkness – that’s when the vampires come.
(Disclaimer, I know, I know, that was Alaska).
Ooh, Iceland. That’s on my wish list for a Middle Aged Man in Lycra post. https://www.therift.bike/
I would like to visit Iceland sometime, but I keep thinking about being trapped on a floating hotel with three thousand people.
It’s not nearly as awful as you would think. I quickly found a few quiet, out-of-the-way spots where I could read books on my iPad, uninterrupted save for waiters refilling my coffee cup or bringing me more booze.
“I’m not trapped in here with them. They’re trapped in here with *me*!”
Hell, I’d do that. In fact, even the Spousal Unit said she’d do that (something along the lines of “I’d like to see the faces behind the names of the reprobates you spend some of your online time with”).
Plus, ICELAND. I mean, c’mon! Target-rich environment for photographers.
Done and dusted. By the by, at least here in Canada, if you book through Expedia Cruises you get a SMOKIN’ deal (Wi-fi and Drinks package included for less than the price of a cruise-only stateroom; we couldn’t believe it).
Hurry up, though: the ship’s booking really fast for this particular cruise. You only need to give ’em a refundable deposit at this stage.
Bill Gates is apparently getting hoisted by his own retard in the Netherlands.
Something to do with his boat, perchance?
Civil lawsuit related to covid 19 can move forward.
Today I read (most of- I had to tap out) an article at USA Toady explaining in great detail why Trump must not be elected. If he is elected, he will pardon that Rhodes character from Oath Keepers who will, according to his ex wife, hunt her down and execute her because she testified against him in his Jan6 trial.
There you have it. Case closed.
One evil statist ex-wife of someone else is a small price to pay versus the number of broken omlettes the other side is promicing as intentional policy.
There was a similar effort at the NYT.
New York Times Runs Huge Free Campaign Ad For Trump
JPMorgan Chase (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon didn’t discuss US election candidates during a public appearance Monday, but he had plenty to say about his current regulators in Washington, D.C.
The boss of the biggest bank in the US called a raft of regulatory proposals from his overseers “an onslaught,” criticized Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) director Rohit Chopra, and made it clear the industry is willing to push back on new rules in court.
“It’s time to fight back,” Dimon said while speaking at an American Bankers Association convention in New York City. “I’ve had it with this sh*t.”
Good luck getting that camel out of your tent, Jamie. You waited far too long.
And then in full Gell-Mann Amnesia, he will pull the lever on a straight Democrat ticket.
I’ll take him seriously if he sacks every DEI hack there (there must be many, just like every other corporation).
The entrance to Hell is sealed with Velcro, IYKWIM.
Sadly, I do.
Another candidate for the gates of hell: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-gates-of-hell-turkmenistan
“Stupid capitalist running dogs! We won’t make the same mistake!”
I might be inclined to support getting rid of the EC as long as the amendment specifically required in-person voting, on one day, proof of citizenship, photo ID, absentee ballots for military only, and paper ballots tabulated by hand and preserved for later recount.
In person, photo ID, proof of citizenship, inked finger, and fraud becomes a death penalty offense on par with sedition and treason.
Oh, and counts that run too late are excluded from the totals.
Not good enough. I do not want to be a slave to California and New York. EC forever.
Any state with more than 5 EC votes must have smaller EC districts, no 55 votes controlled by one row of coastal cities.
Free Upstate and the Central Valley!
Plus the Census must enumerate the count of citizens, and only the count of citizens is to be used for EC distributions.
And you must have at least one citizen parent at birth to be born a citizen.
These EC districts are to be drawn algorithmically, with no human alterations which might permit a gerrymander.
Rough road ahead
The German government urged Volkswagen to protect jobs on Monday, after labour leaders at the company said the German carmaker plans to close at least three plants in the country and eliminate tens of thousands of jobs.
A government spokesman in Berlin noted that the company itself has yet to comment on the reports, but said that Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s position on the matter is clear.
“Namely that possibly false decisions made in the past by management should not come at the expense of workers,” the spokesman said.
The aim is to preserve and secure jobs at the automaker, he added.
VW works council chairwoman Daniela Cavallo told employees on Monday that the company plans to shut at least three plants and downsize all other plants in the country as well.
Employers exist solely to hand out paychecks.
Maybe you shouldn’t have fucked them so hard over dieselgate you morons.
“Ze Cars Vill Meet Ze Impossible Standards! They are Standards!”
TBF Germany’s eco-lunacy is fucking over their entire industrial sector too.
Let me know when they discontinue their VWurst.
Tell me the official name is Volkswurst.
It’s not Soylent green!
Why not? I mean they have a lot of free-range migrants readily available.
“Employers exist solely to hand out paychecks”
Yes they do. Obama told us so explicitly on more than a few occasions. I dont mean he implied it, he said it outright. The people that lied their asses off saying he was not a communist didnt blink or object.
The Dem party today are communists. People can see their policies. People can see the practical outcomes of their policies and yet they seem to have zero awareness of what any of it means. There may be some differences on paper for the different flavors of socialism but in practice they always end up looking the same. No amount of seeing it over and over is going to convince enough people that this evil ideology is one of parasitism that must be stamped out.
We’ll get it right this time. Tim Walz just needs another dozen or so trips to China to pick up the last few details.
Outrage mob is outraged
The Washington Post has been rocked by a tidal wave of cancellations from digital subscribers and a series of resignations from columnists, as the paper grapples with the fallout of owner Jeff Bezos’s decision to block an endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for president.
More than 200,000 people had canceled their digital subscriptions by midday Monday, according to two people at the paper with knowledge of internal matters. Not all cancellations take effect immediately. Still, the figure represents about 8% of the paper’s paid circulation of 2.5 million subscribers, which includes print as well. The number of cancellations continued to grow Monday afternoon.
Those people want their biases confirmed. They need to be told how right and righteous they are.
Something tells me ol’ Jeffy can weather the storm. Probably out of petty cash.
He could shut the paper and stop the money sink.
I dont quite understand that not endorsing thing. Are they afraid that if they endorse Harris that people will suddenly jump up and accuse them of being partisan hack propagandists? They are trying to preserve their credibility?
It is to laugh.
I’ve suspected for awhile that the internal numbers are really bad. Down-ballot candidates are avoiding her and supporting most of Trump’s platform. Who the fuck knows how it will all shake out, but she is so goddamn bad I wouldn’t want my brand anywhere near her.
I haven’t thought of it that way….she is too awful even for WaPo. Wow.
I have seen a lot of leftists kind of damning her with faint praise.
I saw her ‘with the stroke of a pen’ speech. That was….something. The usual suspects jumped up to defend her by saying that was taken out of context, that she was explaining why responsible exercise of power is so important.
They thought that would help? She clearly admitting understanding how much power it is and what effect it has on people then SHE DID IT ANYWAY.
She is easily the worst candidate in our history. For any office, not just POTUS. I would put that evil cackling bitch in charge of policing the dog shit in my back yard.
Some of it seems to be that they do not wish to alienate the Hamas wing of the party. Harris has not been nearly as ‘Death to Isreal’ as they would like.
This, along with the LATimes doing the same thing, is the first possible step on the road to recovery. Bezos might be a billionaire, but the loses are insane, and even those guys get tired of the bleeding.
I could be wrong, but it fits the facts known.
And the LA Times – among many others.
It’s shocking, really.
Bezos’ wealth will drop by 0.00001 percent. Bummer…
Something tells me ol’ Jeffy can weather the storm. Probably out of petty cash.
Who knows- maybe Bezos has come to the conclusion he doesn’t want to be the owner of the Deep State’s in-house newsletter and this is a first attempt at a change of course.
I can dream, can’t I?
He never struck me as the type TBH. Maybe this is a sign of how batshit insane the Party has become.
Brauchli has publicly encouraged people not to cancel their Post subscriptions in protest.
“It is a way to send a message to ownership but it shoots you in the foot if you care about the kind of in-depth, quality journalism like the Post produces,” he said. “There aren’t many organizations that can do what the Post does. The range and depth of reporting by the Post’s journalists is among the best in the world.”
They cover the gamut of political philosophies from A to B, as Dorothy Parker might have said.
Almost every vote counts
Summary: Bulgaria has a deeply divided electorate that votes for a set of parties which can’t/won’t compromise on forming a stable majority coalition, so yesterday saw their seventh general election since 2021. Eight parties reached the necessary 4% of votes for parties/candidates needed to enter parliament; apparently you can vote for none of the above but those votes are not counted when it comes to determining the electoral threshold.
If you hover over the link, it says nine parties will enter parliament, but if you read the last update, it says only eight parties passed the 4% threshold. That’s because the ninth party missed out by a whopping 29 votes. The Bulgarian election commission lists them on 3.999%.
And for an example of how dysfunctional the Bulgarian political system is, two of the parties are literally named after their slogans, “We Continue the Change” and “There Is Such a People”.
Doesn’t hold a candle to the Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party.
“Ideology- Political satire”
lol We could use more of those
Fine by me.
I hate the shit here in NY where every candidate runs on two or more parties.
I want.
Such gorgeous lines. Our own Mikey has one. Because he’s classy.
That’s purdy.
Does it come with rocket launchers behind the headlights?
oof, now that is a classic.
25K? Does it run?!
Oh yes.
This is just funny.
Yellen is asked about the status of the dollar. Then the Department of Treasury sign on her podium falls to the floor.
That is sublime.
Screwdriver go brrrrr.
Uh-oh, looks like the gods of fiscal responsibility and sound money are pissed.
Check this thread out.
The left is coming after Anderson Cooper because he is a Trump shill. Apparently asking even softball questions of Harris is a bridge too far.
They really, really believe it.
Batshit crazy, but they are all in.
Trump is a pedorapist. These people are completely delusional and beyond help.
This election needs to be over. I miss the days as a kid when we knew who won before 11 PM CST on Election Day and everyone moved on with their lives.
I suspect it will go on for weeks this time.
Yay us.
And Frankenstein turned on one of his creators, just in time for Halloween too.
“I’m not on MSNBC”
Shots fired!
“Cripple fight!”
How crazy is that? Cooper is 100% all-in on leftist flavor of the week and yet here we are.
It’s so delicious.
If Trump wins next Tuesday there won’t be any introspection (an honest one) by the Democrats. They’ll just blame each other, rage out, and then try to come up with some bullshit like Russiagate. But it will be fun seeing them turn on each other as they always do.
Ed nails it on the head. There is a core cohort of fundamentally broken people who make up the base and machine of the Democrat party. They’ll not be fixing themselves if they get pantsed next week.
“This ditch if full of dead people. Why did you bring me here?”
They always say the same thing. I will say this Anderson, that wont be a metaphor if your party gets its way.