Monday Morning Links

by | Oct 21, 2024 | Daily Links | 243 comments

It’s a Yankees-Dodgers World Series. The Steelers rolled over the Jets and some lady with a giant pair of bazoombas ran out onto the field and the crowd went nuts for a temp McDonalds worker. The Browns season went from bad to Browns-level bad. The Redskins are actually pretty good this year. The Chiefs keep rolling. Across the pond, Man City stole a match at the death and Liverpool beat Chelski. Lastly, the Ferraris dominated at COTA with Max coming in third and extending his lead at the top over Norris, who is being called the title rival when he’s actually closer to fourth in the points than he is first. Whatever. And that’s it for sports.

They can’t blame the orange man this time. Something tells me they won’t figure out who it was, or won’t tell us anyway, for at least 2 weeks and two days.

We don’t deserve him. This was hilarious. People loved it. Well, some did. Some lost their fucking mind.

I can’t wait to see the spin on this. I imagine they’ll start with “we’re underfunded.” That’s the typical government response to everything.

They could always just release the entire interview. But somehow I bet they’ll just keep lying and deflecting.

More of this, please. Bring back some sanity.

This won’t end well. A bunch of people will die and the commies will still be in charge.

Good. Just keep my tax dollars out of it.

I sure hope he wins. But I’m not optimistic in that shithole.

None of them should have one. They belong to the people. They should all be free.

Here’s a rollicking tune. Very sweet. And here’s a gem of a song. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Nephilium

    Meh. The loss of Watson is likely a net positive for the Browns.

    Yes. I cheered when he went down and couldn’t get up.

    No, I’m not sorry for it, nor am I apologizing for it.

      • Nephilium

        Based on several stories, yes, yes it does..

        Watson was getting booed the whole game, there’s video of him getting booed during the team introductions. The people running the scoreboard were quick to change over to the Chubb introduction, which changed the boos to cheers immediately. Just to rub some more salt into Watson’s wounds.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Losing Watson is kind of a No Shit, Sherlock move.

  2. SDF-7

    That main page image just made me grimace, Sloopy.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Thats okay, as grandma used to say, eating breakfast is the happy meal of the day.

      • SDF-7

        There is a nugget of truth to that.

    • sloopyinca

      It was the best I could come up with. There was a McFlurry of activity at the house this morning and I had to use something quick.

      • SDF-7

        Better than what happened with Winston’s Mom — as I understand it, she was contracted out to a frat party last night and got stuck as the prize for one of the drinking games. A real quarter pounder.

      • sloopyinca

        With cheese, no less.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The Big Mac of them all is going to swoop in like the hamburglar he is and narrow his gaze upon us all

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        One thing with Winston’s mom, she tries to keep the hot side hot, and the cool side, cool.

      • sloopyinca

        Dammit, now I want a McDLT.

      • Bobarian LMD

        These puns are making me Grimace.

      • Ted S.

        Swiss with a rather arch reply.

      • juris imprudent

        He doesn’t seem that purrterbed.

      • bacon-magic

        In some parts of the world that cat would be a happy meal.

      • DrOtto

        @bacon-magic – Springfield OH?

      • bacon-magic

        “They’re eating the cats, they’re eating the dogs with hot mustard and bbq sauce.” – McPetSnacks commercial

      • Gustave Lytton

        Oh look, it’s Occifer Big Mac!

  3. AlexinCT

    They can’t blame the orange man this time. Something tells me they won’t figure out who it was, or won’t tell us anyway, for at least 2 weeks and two days.


    He gave it to one of the Mickey D’s customers whom promptly leaked it…

    • SDF-7

      “He encouraged Milley to collude with our enemies by being non-compliant… and that set an example for our servicemen and women!”

  4. SDF-7

    some lady with a giant pair of bazoombas ran out onto the field and the crowd went nuts for a temp McDonalds worker.

    Well, we know what Q’s been investing little q’s college funds in…. I’m sure the network folks had their finger bouncing over the dump button for the feed — lucky she remained relatively constrained.

  5. Ownbestenemy

    They can’t blame the orange man this time

    Oh they will and without a scant whiff of evidence it will be ushered in as the October surprise. With such a leak, I am guessing we will see DHS claim they need to shut down or approve online discourse in some fashion.

    “See, this is why we need to work hand in hand with the socials!”

    • sloopyinca

      He outsmarted them by refusing to accept National security briefings during the campaign just so he couldn’t be blamed for anything like this.

  6. Pope Jimbo

    I sure hope he wins.

    If he was smart, he’d profess his undying love for Kamala. Tearfully say that you want to be acquitted so you can vote for Kamala.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Ya know..I wonder how many of that exact thing is trying to be argued. “Your honor, this election is so important that we should drop all charges to make sure we have the votes!”

      • Pope Jimbo

        OBE, I’m sure that there will be post-election lawsuits that say “Dan Penny was in the slammer on election day, but the voter rolls show he cast a ballot. Surely this proves that some fraud was going on!”

        Judge will then rule that there is no standing and dismiss the lawsuit.

        The MSM will then continue to bleat about there being no proof that there was any fraud and all lawsuits failed which proves that.

    • rhywun

      Prosecutors have argued in court documents that accounts from subway passengers vary widely, including some who said Neely’s outbursts were not out of the ordinary on New York City public transit

      Yeah, that makes it better. Just shut up and enjoy the mentally ill screaming death threats at you, New Yorkers.


      • juris imprudent

        No shit – the prosecution thinks that will win over a jury? They need to find some sympathy-builders for Neely – family, friends, professionals who can make a jury feel sorry for thinking to themselves “I wouldn’t want that asshole screaming at me”.

  7. SDF-7

    the Ferraris dominated at COTA with Max coming in third

    Barely — and triggering my standard rant about Max’s default tactics which were on full display there and in the sprint race… “Barrel down into a turn, force the other driver to either hit me or go off the track — often go off track myself… but the other driver is the only one to take any penalties.”

    Maybe it is in the rules (I don’t think so), maybe it is just the officials liking him… I don’t care. I’m so f’ing sick of that shit — he’s been doing it since Day 1 and they just keep letting him get away with it where other drivers get penalties for similar crap. He’s going to cause a major wreck one of these days pulling that crap with the whole pack behind them at the start — someone will turn just a hair too late, smack him — and everyone will pile into them because there will be no time to react.

    But whatever… at least the rest of the field actually did get some racing in. Ferrari may well be kicking themselves for “stealing” Lewis away at this point… I think I would. Retire already, man… I think you’re done unless you’re in a ridiculously dominant car.

    • sloopyinca

      There was no penalty for that. Lando got a penalty for exceeding track limits too many times.

      • SDF-7

        I thought he got the warning and his 5 second one at the end was for “leaving the track and gaining an advantage”? If I cared more… I’d go rewatch the end or something… I don’t. 😉

      • SDF-7

        The warning for track limits that is (i.e. if the race wasn’t over he would have been shown black and white and gotten the penalty on the next infraction). Sorry, was typing ahead of my brain there.

      • sloopyinca

        I just went back and read about it. You were right, he was penalized for gaining an advantage off track. Because he wasn’t aside Max at the apex of the corner. He should have received a ten second penalty, but only got 5. And I don’t think he was the only one penalized for something similar at the same corner. They got 5 as well, so the stewards were consistent.

        Lando should have given up the spot, got drs down the homestretch, and passed him later in the same lap/start of the next one.

    • The Last American Hero

      I’m generally rooting for LeClerc and Ferrari but detest Hamilton. I’m going to be very conflicted next year. Hopefully it’s a one and done and then the Bearman can take his place.

  8. Drake

    Trump working at McDonald’s put a genuine smile on my face yesterday. Good stuff.

      • juris imprudent

        She probably blew a McD employee when she was in HS, maybe college, and that’s why she thought she worked there.

      • DrOtto

        @JI – On Drew Barrymore’s show she said specifically “I did fries. And then I did the cashier.” So you may be right

      • Drake

        The new McDonald’s spit roast?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I am surprised she didn’t talk about her time as a conductor, as we all know she ran a train.

      • Ownbestenemy

        *booo! hissssss!*

        Also, *rapturous applause*

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        The media sure won’t ask how someone raised in a Hindu household would decide to work at a burger joint.

    • The Other Kevin

      Me too. It put me in a good mood. That guy has a great sense of humor and a real way with people.

  9. AlexinCT

    I can’t wait to see the spin on this. I imagine they’ll start with “we’re underfunded.” That’s the typical government response to everything.

    They will then follow it up with comments saying that the reason people shot him was cause his Nazi followers are bullies!

  10. Pope Jimbo

    I never liked the Dodgers, but I am so sick of watching every Ohtani at bat analyzed for hours on TV, I might even root for the Yanks.

    Worse, even though I’m in Korea, they are still fixated on Ohtani. Just for different reasons. They enjoy watching him strike out.

    I’m so not watching a minute of this year’s World Series.

    • AlexinCT

      How do your REALLY feel about this, your holiness?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Well I promise to never post a valid link to the Yanks!

      • Pope Jimbo

        Cheater! Taking shortcuts like that is why your Browns will never bask in the Glory like the Vikings.

      • juris imprudent

        like the Vikings

        So you’re thinking another Super Bowl loss this year, or are you aiming for a lesser disappointment?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Lesser disappointment. This feels more like a couple years ago when we had an impressive record that was build on a string of improbable 1 point victories. Smoke and mirrors.

        Losing to the Lions – who lost Hutchinson – seems more like reality.

      • Tundra

        I thought it was a terrific game. The Lions look legit – hell the whole division looks good. I have no illusions about a championship but that was an enjoyable afternoon of football.

    • Fourscore

      Good story, Jimbo. My grand daughter did her student teaching there.

      He’s not an introvert, wouldn’t make on these pages though

  11. SDF-7

    Some lost their fucking mind.

    “THAT’S NOT FUNNY!” meme brought to life there… What an idiot.

    • rhywun

      They actually think it’s his Dukakis moment.

      Literally an alternate reality on that thread.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ya I figure they will treat it like Daddy Bush’s checkout moment (twist it however much they can) but as Hype liked to point out the obvious on the ded thread it was staged and ya, it was staged very well and in conjunction with JD slinging beers. PR masterstroke that will make any news agency spin look petty

      • Grummun

        don’t even know the difference in grilling and frying.

        Wait, is Frum making an equivalence between Trump and the fantastically popular* Reagan?

        *deservedly or not, beside the point

      • DrOtto

        If you’re stealing from a playbook, the Gippers is probably a good one to steal from.

      • slumbrew

        “See? FDR fried*! FDR was a fascist, ergo Trump is a fascist! QED!”

        *he’s heard of this “frying” from his personal chef

      • The Other Kevin

        Of course it was staged. The guy was almost killed twice. (Or three times?) But those had to be real employees because they were really making food. And those seemed like real people in the cars, though I’m sure they were thoroughly vetted and searched.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The size of those links! Remember what they stole from us!

    • The Last American Hero

      Don’t they all make pancakes as some bullshit breakfast?

      Don’t they all (except Trump to my knowledge), take off the sport coat, roll up their sleeves and sit on a stack of pallets pretending to get real with factory workers?

  12. Drake

    Israeli attack plans released. Somebody last week was talking about infighting in the military over getting into that war. We have a lot of exposed assets in the area.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Loose lips and all that. Best case scenario is this was a counter-intelligence op by Israel with dummy information to see where the leaks were at. Worst case scenario is someone or some group within our IC is willing to burn American troops overseas.

      • SDF-7

        Given the DC Swamp hiring pool — my first thought is a relatively young staffer who “just can’t be a party to Zionist genocide!”, honestly. And I’d fully expect the Western agencies are riddled with them at this point.

        Oh well… so sad… just have to shut them all down and revisit the intelligence monitoring concept… awww…. (yeah yeah… this is firmly “I wish” 😉 )

      • AlexinCT

        I am gonna bet Israel played these idiots, but I am also not going to be surprised Obama admin 3.0, replete with DEI types that hate success, did this because they see the Jews as evil for winning.

      • Drake

        Or trying to save them?

        I noticed the Iran missile attack a few weeks ago is now “blistering” not the nothing-burger originally reported.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s the employment number revised downward.

    • The Other Kevin

      Israeli Attack Plan Release played at Riot Fest this year I think.

  13. Pope Jimbo

    Yes, it would be horrible if the NORKs decided that some of their combat leaders should go get some actual experience. Who’d a thunk of something like that?

    I remember sitting through several hours of Marine History in boot camp where they bragged about how the Marines had the best combat leaders at the beginning of WWII because people like Chesty Puller had actual combat experience from fighting in Nicaragua and Haiti.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Before anyone starts trotting out Korean bodies in Ukraine as proof of the NORKs involvement, they might want to lean a little history

      I had never heard of this until a couple years ago when I worked with a Korean kid from Khazakhistan who’s grandparents had been sent there. It was weird. He looked 100% Korean, but had a Russian accent. When I was chatting with him, he said he was Korean and told me about these deportations.

      He and I had about the same Korean language skillz (dirty words).

      • Ownbestenemy

        Heh like the funnier Cho, Henry, with his Tennesse accent but very Korean attributes.

      • Gadfly

        You SF’d your link, so no school for me today.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Is that a North Korean link? Cause it is all broken down.

      • Nephilium

        Sorry Jimbo, I tried to fix this, but there wasn’t a URL in the comment to fix.

        /inserts appropriate Vikings joke

      • Pope Jimbo

        JEEBUS! I guess I was asking for it taunting Neph.

        Trying again

      • Pope Jimbo


        No worries. It was Karmala (a combination of asking for it and incompetence)

      • Gadfly

        “Even the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 did not halt migration to Russia”

        I knew the Japanese occupation of Korea was bad, but this puts it on a whole new level.

      • Fourscore

        So if the US goes to war there will be a Somali Brigade? A platoon of Venezuelan misfits operating behind enemy lines?

      • Tundra

        Wild. Thanks, Holiness. I’d never read this story before.

    • AlexinCT

      Don’t you know that it is only good if you did it? Not if THEY do?

    • Drake

      Of course there are Norks observing. I’m not believing the stories of a NK Division opening there.

    • Gadfly

      Given how many different countries are involved in Ukraine on both sides, it’s sort of a proxy world war. Hopefully the Norks will learn the ineffiency of Russian tactics the hard way and they won’t have many veterans who can return to lead an invasion of the South.

  14. SDF-7

    More of this, please. Bring back some sanity.

    100%. It isn’t like the Kamala rally and Whitmer incident didn’t make it abundantly clear what they really think of Catholics anyway. Why participate furthering the left’s madness? 2000 year old Church is supposed to hold to principles, after all…. kind of the point.

    • Nephilium

      The fact the Church doesn’t seem to be holding to principles is one of the reasons there’s unrest among the devout. I’ll start respecting the Church once they decide to actually do things like ban pro-abortion politicians from receiving Communion.

      • AlexinCT


        The way they can’t decide between living by their principles, and this new found love for globalist marxism, is disgusting.

      • Rat on a train

        You are more likely to see the Pope issue a pro-abortion decree.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Ya know, my neighbors are hard core Catholics, and definitely liberals to boot. And yet, even in my solidly blue street they don’t have a Kamala sign out. And there are plenty around the block.

        I wonder if this is weighing on them.

      • rhywun

        Not gonna happen with current Pope.

      • trshmnstr

        The church has a major problem with the rank and file priests and friars and the like being all over the place worldview-wise. There’s a “you and what army” problem they need to solve before rooting out the theological liberals.

      • juris imprudent

        globalist marxism

        Catholic Church has always loved lording it over the global poor! Always.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        “The church has a major problem with the rank and file priests and friars and the like being all over the place worldview-wise.”

        When you have over a billion adherents, you’re going to end up with a pretty diverse group.

        I think that’s okay as long as people profess the correct dogmas. And no, the Pope won’t make any pro abortion comments anytime soon.

    • Suthenboy

      The Catholics are a religious people. The Catholic Church is a political organization. These are two very different things.

  15. cavalier973

    Trump working at McD’s was a brilliantly executed publicity stunt.

    The guy has an outsized ego, but he didn’t tell the trainer, “Get out of the way! I’m a billionaire! Cooking fries is easy!”
    Instead, he listened attentively, and checked with the guy to make sure he was correctly following the process.

    I bet there were people getting the drive through customers, because I didn’t see anyone look up with surprise, flip Trump off, and drive away angrily. All the customers I saw were pleasantly “surprised” (no doubt they knew they were about to be handed their Big Macs by the Big Don).

    There was a crowd outside the restaurant that was cheering.

      • UnCivilServant

        At the very least I’d think they’d want to do a security check, but then again, the secret service has been trying to get him killed…

    • AlexinCT

      I have seen enough of the guy to note that unlike most other people in the limelight Trump does not look or punch down to people that clearly are not on his level (unless they start it). He treats everyone well and as long as they respond in kind, they get respect from him if they deserve it. The propagandists can’t have you see that side of the guy.

      Go watch his interview with Tyrus.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’ve told the story before but…

        At one of my jobs, we held a Big Time conference in Chicago in 2015. Since that was our home we were in charge of setting it all up. By the end of the day, we were all tired and just went back to sleep. No huge draw to hit Chicago after hours for us. The attendees from all over the globe (mostly Europe) though were excited to be in the Windy City. They went out all night.

        The next morning, some of the attendees were telling us about hitting the Trump Tower rooftop bar around 3am just to say they did it. They ran into Trump and Guilianee(sp?). They said Rudy was a pill, but Trump was super cool. He talked with them for 20 minutes and gave them shit for being a sausage party. (“This is Chicago! You guys can’t find some beautiful women?”).

        Took pictures with all of them. The best was one of the guys in that group was from Mexico. His comment was “How am I going to break this to my family? That Trump is an awesome guy?”

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’ll also add to this that my good buddy who was a muckity-muck in the GOP and has met Trump several times has called him the anti-politician. Super nice in private and an asshole in public.

      • UnCivilServant



      • Fourscore

        They all look/sound alike.

    • sloopyinca

      Yeah, some other leftists complained that all the drive thru customers had been selected ahead of time.

      If I had to guess, I’d say they wanted the people to go in unvetted because another would-be assassin might have been able to take a shot from a range even an Antifa chud couldn’t miss from.

      • Pope Jimbo

        In the best timeline, some rando teen punk would have thrown a shake at Trump in the drive-thru and hit him in the ear, so he walked around for a week with a big heating pad taped to his ear.

      • Ownbestenemy

        A recreation of the liter of cola scene from Super Troopers would have been magnificent!

    • dbleagle

      If Israel wants him, they’ll get him. They have already proven that ability.

      • Ownbestenemy

        True, but they burned a lot of intel and ground intel over the past few months.

  16. The Gunslinger

    From the Crooks report article:

    -“His bloodwork was also “positive for antimony, selenium, and lead,” with the latter element potentially coming from Crooks’ time spent at a firing range, according to the report.

    Do they make you eat lead when you go in a shooting range in Pennsylvania?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Wait a minute, I take a selenium supplement because I like tuna fish sandwiches so much. Should I be not doing that?

  17. UnCivilServant

    I wish they’d move the shredder. It is too close to my cube, and too loud. Move it closer to the cubes of the people who use it.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Just put a sign on it that says “Tie Cleaner”.

  18. Pope Jimbo

    Yes, yes, the courier needs to be fired.

    Hennepin County officials have fired a courier who left several boxes of ballots unsecured outside of Edina City Hall on Friday.
    The discovery led to an immediate response from the county and city officials, who say it’s been confirmed no ballots were tampered with.
    Hennepin County is describing those boxes as “sealed transfer cases” that were inside a courier vehicle parked at Edina City Hall.
    Surveillance video released by the city shows the rear door of the van open for about eight minutes. That footage can be viewed in the video above.

    Do you think any govt drone will get even a demerit for this? They genius who decided to use a courier? Shouldn’t any transfer of ballots include at least a couple election judges?

    • UnCivilServant

      “I followed instructions – it’s not my fault you didn’t add the other boxes to the batch”

    • AlexinCT

      Someone should keep an eye on this employee. If they get a real cushy book deal, academia or government job, or some other windfall, some time in the near future, this is an indication of some higher plan.

  19. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    If anyone is interested in a vicarious virtual sail away with the cruisers, we’ll try to set something up, possibly ~4-5pm ET

  20. Pope Jimbo

    Once again Sloopy misses the REAL sportz story! His anti-Minnesoda bias is almost as bad as the WNBA’s refs.

    • slumbrew

      They’re still trying to make the WNBA a thing, huh?

      Have they ever released any real viewership numbers?

      • Ted S.

        80 million horny men want to watch Caitlin Clark and nobody wants to watch the rest of the WNBA.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        “80 million horny men want to watch Caitlin Clark ”

        Nothing wrong with her, but she isn’t anything special either.

      • R C Dean

        “WNBA Loses $40 Million Despite Woke Mass Marketing Campaign”

        I don’t think “despite” means what they think it means.

    • rhywun

      get away with a travel

      Wait… they punish that?

    • creech

      I find basketball to be largely unwatchable due to traveling, hanging on the rim after a dunk, and touch somebody and it’s a foul, which continually disrupts the flow of the game. You should be able to slap the shooter’s hand or arm when he/she goes up for a shot, or ass-out a defender to improve your shot. Ice Hockey is much better, though it would be nice to see the net maybe a foot wider to allow for more scoring.

      • juris imprudent

        Dribbling the ball used to mean having your hand on top of it only.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Amazingly with all the NHL rule changes, pad size regulation, etc the average for goals per game is still like 5. Pretty much has been that way for over 3 decades.

      • Tundra

        Goalie training has gotten a LOT better. So no matter what they do with equipment, these guys are bigger and faster than they’ve ever bee.

        Which is a good thing.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh I agree. For every Connor McJesus there is a counter in the net that stands on their heads.

      • Tundra

        Connor McJesus

        That’s a legit LOL. The NHL’s Mahomes.

      • The Last American Hero

        Hockey needs to move to Olympic ice, which will never happen. Still the best major sport.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The extra 13 feet width does make a difference. I enjoyed playing on Olympic size only once and at the time, I was a North/South player so gave lots of room through the neutral zone.

      • trshmnstr

        I find basketball to be largely unwatchable

        Yep. I’ll watch some college basketball, but the pro game is crap. They decided to neuter the defenses and go all “street ball” with the marketing, and the product has sucked for a long while. I’ve never found women’s basketball all that entertaining, so I can’t speak to the WNBA.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Heh, I saw that and thought it was great. Also great is looking at gen 1 of the raptor and now the gen 3 and amazed that “I am not a rocket scientist!” is relevant again.

      • Sean


  21. The Other Kevin

    “More of this, please. Bring back some sanity.”

    I have seen some college volleyball teams doing the same. And kind of related, I read there are 12 de-transitioners suing for malpractice. The thinking is if they win, that will open the flood gates for ambulance chasing lawyers to wreck that whole industry. Here’s to hoping.

    • rhywun

      What’s weird to me is that the madness is fading in several European countries, but our politics in the US are so fucked up that it’s only growing among the elites who currently control all the institutions.

      • The Other Kevin

        I noticed that too. I think it’s that we’ve got much cozier relationships between drug companies, big hospitals, and the government institutions that are supposed to be regulating them.

      • trshmnstr

        I think it’s also because our culture war is still ongoing, while the European culture war was lost 40 years ago. It’s much easier to do an about face when you’re the sole occupier. Much harder to do when it’ll be seen as a retreat in the culture war.

    • slumbrew

      I watched that yesterday – it’s both amusing and enraging.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I like the fact that parts of the US government basically operate with SpaceX on the highest order of top-secret projects but “shark data”? Oh fuck no!

      • UnCivilServant

        They were not vetted for marine carnivore projects, only transatmospheric projects. We can’t share data with them that is outside of the scope of their responsibilities.

      • slumbrew

        “When you look at a picture of the Pacific, what percentage…do you see as ‘whale’?

      • UnCivilServant

        You don’t count the whole ocean, just those parts you’re going to hit – which are at our estimate 366% whale.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I wonder if there is some FedGov marine biologist that has attempted to sue Mother Earth for her disastrous and deadly underwater volcanos

  22. Drake

    This quite the article. A “told you so” for everyone that pointed out that at the heart of neo-conservatism were a bunch of unreformed Trotskyists. The other remarkable part – how willing the Democrats are to take these shit bags back into the fold. The warmongers left after the Democrats turned against their Vietnam project. Now they are all in on Iran, the Ukraine, and Taiwan.

    • juris imprudent

      It used to be that there were progressive anti-communists, and they had to leave the Dems when the Dems decided that anti-communism wasn’t their thing anymore. When communism died and history ended, well, that was really unsettling, and now with Trump and populism on the ascent in the Republican ranks, where else can they go but back to the Dems.

      • Drake

        The Dems taking them back and cheering war profiteers like the Cheney’s is not something I expected. I forgot that they are utterly immoral.

      • juris imprudent

        Dems: You’ll help us get power, WELCOME TO THE PARTY!

  23. The Late P Brooks


    ,em>As the electoral finish line comes into view, Democrats are increasingly invested in the idea that Trump isn’t just a reactionary criminal with an authoritarian agenda, he’s also a mentally unstable criminal with an authoritarian agenda.

    The day before Trump’s event in Latrobe, for example, Barack Obama headlined a rally in Arizona where he told locals, “I do have to point out that along with his intentions, there is also a question of his competence. Have you seen him lately? I mean, he is out there, he’s giving two, two-and-a-half-hour speeches. Just word salads.”


    The former Democratic president concluded, “You would be worried if your grandpa started acting like this. … The point is we do not need to see what an older, loonier Donald Trump looks like with no guardrails.”

    Clutch those pearls. Clutch them.

    • The Other Kevin

      That sounds right. It’s definitely not that Democratic politicians are lying POS’s who are making personal attacks because it’s all they can do to distract from their shit policies and terrible candidate.

    • Grumbletarian

      After your years of them telling the world how Joe Biden hadn’t lost a step mentally, they think they should retain any credibility?

    • juris imprudent

      Trump may ramble for two hours, but Harris can’t spit out two minutes of coherent thought.

      But I guess Obama hasn’t noticed? Maybe she isn’t talking in his presence?

      • rhywun

        I relish the thought of Obama having to heap praise on someone other than himself – and it’s her to boot.

        That must stick in his craw.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I am guessing that Kamala is, ah, clutching Obama’s pearls.

    • R C Dean

      “You would be worried if your grandpa started acting like this. …”

      I’m sorry, which President was he talking about?

  24. Tundra

    They belong to the people. They should all be free.

    Nope. That’s the surest way to fuck them up forever. I’ve said it before but the NPs are where my libertarianism goes wobbly. They are amazing and I would hate to see them turn into garbage dumps or fucking Pigeon Forge or something.

    • rhywun

      Sell them off and charge usage fees.

      • Unreconstructed

        Agreed 100%. Hell, I think the federal government should be prohibited from owning *any* land outside of DC. No office buildings, no national parks, no military bases – they can lease the land from private owners or, I suppose, the states, but I don’t think state governments should own significant land either.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Im torn. I see how people treat places that are generally free. Azusa Canyon in SoCal was a good example. You have to get up there and hike, fish or whatever prior to the hordes of people taking advantage of it and treating it like a garbage can.

      • Tundra

        Precisely. I’d make it more expensive. I’ve been to 21 or so and they really are amazing places.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I watched a couple videos from a guy who picks up garbage on the San Gabriel river. Beautiful area, but it’s sad how people just leave their trash. It’s not that hard to carry it out.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Repent- the end is nigh

    Humanity is “on the precipice” of shattering Earth’s limits, and will suffer huge costs if we fail to act on biodiversity loss, experts warn. This week, world leaders meet in Cali, Colombia, for the Cop16 UN biodiversity conference to discuss action on the global crisis. As they prepare for negotiations, scientists and experts around the world have warned that the stakes are high, and there is “no time to waste”.

    “We are already locked in for significant damage, and we’re heading in a direction that will see more,” says Tom Oliver, professor of applied ecology at the University of Reading. “I really worry that negative changes could be very rapid.”

    Since 1970, some studies estimate wildlife populations have declined on average by 73%, with huge numbers lost in the decades and centuries before. Passenger pigeons, the Carolina parakeets and Floreana giant tortoises are among the many species humans have obliterated. “It’s shameful that our single species is driving the extinction of thousands of others,” says Oliver.

    Another doomsday LARPer fap fest. The species which must be culled is Man.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Cali, Colombia? Are the cocaine cartels wanting a cut of the environmental doom horseshit now?

      • rhywun

        These guys want to put everyone on rails.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    There has to be at least one woman in the WNBA better looking than Clark.

      • Ownbestenemy


    • Ted S.

      Technically, somebody has to be the best-looking woman in the WNBA.

    • R C Dean

      It’s not looks. It’s that she doesn’t come off as bitter, resentful, and entitled. She seems like a pretty normal person you could actually have a proverbial beer with.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Experts warn that ecosystems are starting to approach tipping points – where they shift into a new, degraded state that further reduces their resilience. Terry says: “This will see once rich, wet tropical areas become dry savannahs, or warming ocean currents completely change. This is where we will see massive functional shifts that will impact humanity.”

    Florida will be drier and hotter than Yuma, Arizona in a couple of years.

    • Fourscore

      Wild turkeys, deer and squirrels of all colors need not apply. They seem to have found a sanctuary in my yard.

      • Rat on a train

        In 30 years your yard will only have sand worms.

    • AlexinCT

      Over and under that the people that bought these shitshow buses decided to burn them down and collect insurance? I know there was a case here in the People’s republic of CT where a couple of these EV buses “burned down” right at a time when people were vocally and loudly complaining about service disruption because these buses were always broken down.

      • UnCivilServant

        “You do realize we’re self-insured, right?”


      • Tundra

        Since there are quite literally hundreds of stories about lithium fires across many different types of equipment I’m gonna go with the simplest explanation: these batteries, while awesome, are really fucking dangerous.

      • rhywun

        really fucking dangerous

        Yeah, every week or so they burn down another apartment house in NYC where some delivery boy was charging his bike.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    All over the world, people are noticing nature and species disappearing in the space of a few generations. Tonthoza Uganja is a land restoration expert from Yesaya village in central Malawi, a forest-dependent community with people traditionally eating mushrooms and berries from the wood for sustenance, and using trees for shelter. “We relied on a biodiverse ecosystem to thrive,” says Uganja. But in the past few generations this abundance of nature has dramatically declined. “If you see the changes, they are tremendous. It’s insane,” says Uganja, who is completing a PhD on farming systems and climate change at Bangor University in Wales.

    They should supplement that fabulously nourishing diet with worms and beetles.

    • rhywun

      God forbid they be allowed to enrich themselves.

    • trshmnstr

      who is completing a PhD on farming systems and climate change

      Yeah okay, no conflict of interest here.

    • R C Dean

      “people traditionally eating mushrooms and berries”

      Ah, yes. Peaceful vegans, the lot of them. No bush meat in their diet, nosireebob.

      The amazing thing is, they are perfectly healthy on a diet of nothing but mushrooms and berries. It’s a freakin’ nutritional miracle.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Oliver believes the root causes of biodiversity loss lie in our worldviews – and this is also where he believes the solutions will be. Changing the “juggernaut” of destruction means changing the way our economy is run and how the education system works, right down to our mindsets and the way we see ourselves as “locked into this degradation”.

    We just need a world socialist dictatorship. That will fix everything.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      How do you say “I love fascism”, with out saying “I love fascism.”

      • AlexinCT

        Vote for Harris..

        Going from Biden to Harris policies is like shitting your pants, then changing your shirt!!!!

    • rhywun

      to be repaid from the proceeds generated by frozen Russian assets by the American taxpayer

      Edited for accuracy.

  30. The Late P Brooks


    The Biden administration is proposing a rule that would expand access to contraceptive products, including making over-the-counter birth control and condoms free for the first time for women of reproductive age who have private health insurance.

    Under the proposal by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor Department, and Treasury Department, which was announced by the administration on Monday, health insurance companies would be required to cover all recommended over-the-counter contraception products, such as condoms, spermicide and emergency contraception, without a prescription and at no cost, according to senior administration officials.

    Sure, why not?

    • Rat on a train

      What’s a few more mandates. It’s not like previous mandates have increased the cost of health insurance prepaid medical care.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ’emergency contraception’

      Yes, nothing better than ‘free’ abortions.

      Why is it that the government can keep coming up with more ‘rules’ that seem they should have needed legislation?

      I mean, I’m aware of the issue of delegating these powers to agencies, but how do they just keep coming up with more shit that’s in there, somewhere?

    • R C Dean

      “emergency contraception”

      Which is, of course, not birth control at all, but “morning after” abortion pills.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    I am guessing that Kamala is, ah, clutching Obama’s pearls.

    Speaking of which, apparently K has gone with a simple pearl necklace as part of her trademark look since her early days in politics.

    I will leave any further comment to the peanut gallery.

    • AlexinCT

      Pearl necklace…

      What every lady dreams off?

    • Mojeaux

      While I would like to think she’s paying homage to the impetus of her career trajectory, pearl necklaces really only say, “I’m wearing this to look like a classy woman because this is what classy women wear.” They offend me, actually. Wear something different or don’t wear them at all. Pearls ain’t special.

      • AlexinCT

        Someone please call in the burn unit for Harris….

      • Gustave Lytton

        Pearls ain’t special.

        “It’s Mikimoto”, accompanied by teeth sucking

      • Mojeaux

        *haughty sniff* “If you have to tell me the brand, you are gauche.”

      • Gustave Lytton

        It was here

        My wife was trying on a bracelet and asked if she could wear it in the bathtub, and that was the reply. Later, after her credit card was didn’t work, she walked away with it to find me to pay for it. ‘But I left my passport, she knew I’d be back’. I’m just glad I’m still not visiting my wife in a Japanese prison.

      • UnCivilServant

        *haughty sniff* “If you have to tell me the brand, you are gauche.”

        Brand? It should be bespoke by master artisans held in contract to work on nobody else.

      • creech

        Because that is what a middle class fast food worker would wear.

      • Sean

        “middle class roots”

      • Mojeaux

        She is completely tone-deaf and un-self-aware.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    these batteries, while awesome, are really fucking dangerous.

    Energy wants to be free.

    • Fourscore

      I get free solar energy in my garden every summer and an energy converter to warm my house in the winter.

      I just love science

  33. UnCivilServant

    Why do I get so worked up over a parking spot?

    My preferred parking spot is alongside my house, not terribly far from my front door. But, because space is so limited, if I’m away from it at certain times of day, the spot will be taken by the time I get back, regardless of how little time I’m away. This has led to me avoiding leaving the house except around specific schedules which minimize the odds of someone taking the spot, and dreading monday night bowling because I know the spot will be gone when I get back and I’ll have to hunt for parking for potentially a block or more away.

    Objectively, losing the spot is a minor inconvenience, but it provokes an undue amount of stress both in fearing its loss and in finding it occupied.

    Part of me thinks it’s not really the parking spot that’s the problem.

    • AlexinCT

      Man, another reason I love not living in an urban area.

      • UnCivilServant

        The house was cheap and the commute is reasonable.

    • Fourscore

      That’s funny ’cause I used to park my car far away in public parking lots so I could enjoy the walk plus not have to worry about scratches, etc. Now I park in a handicap spot, if necessary, and wait for a challenge.

      • UnCivilServant

        The only parking lots in walking distance become tow-away zones for overnight parking.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Accept that it’s not ‘your’ parking spot, you have nothing to lose. You may get lucky and get it sometimes.

      Or be like a crazy person and buy a traffic cone and put it there when you leave and harass people who try to park there.

      • UnCivilServant

        They’d probably steal the traffic cone.

        I prefer to block it with a car.

        But as the point of the original comment was saying – it’s ultimately not about the parking spot. I fixate on that because it has easily defined parameters and low stakes.

        Sussing out the real problem has eluded me.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Do you dislike walking in your neighborhood? The loss of time? Or just the uncertainty?

      • UnCivilServant

        A: I like routine. Trying to recall where I parked disrupts the easy habits.

        B: I like routine. Weaving around several blocks looking for a viable parking spot disrupts that.

        C: Carrying anything back to the house becomes an increasing hassle as the distance increases.

        D: If I misremember where my car was, I end up thinking someone stole it and anxiety rises until I locate it or recall where I really parked.

        E: I don’t think it’s really about those issues.

    • Fourscore

      A Libertarian of Color! We’re gaining momentum!

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Boy, I am disappoint

    If there’s a prototypical Kamala Harris voter it might seem to be Charles Johnson, a 23-year-old Black college student.

    Johnson is informed and politically engaged; he went to hear former President Barack Obama speak Friday at a Democratic campaign rally on the University of Arizona campus.

    Yet he isn’t all that impressed with Obama, the nation’s first Black president, nor Harris, who would be the second. He says he’s leaning toward voting for Donald Trump.

    “The media says he [Trump] is horrible and he’s racist and he’s going to bring us back, but he’s only gaining support with Black voters,” Johnson said in an interview. “He’s only gaining support with Black men.”

    Get back on the bus, son.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Democrats have been unnerved by recent polls that show Harris’ numbers sagging among Black voters, particularly young Black men. As he campaigns for Harris, one of Obama’s tasks is to persuade Black men like Johnson that voting for Trump would be a grievous mistake. In the remaining days before the election, he’ll be doing interviews with podcasters and various internet personalities who command a large Black following, an Obama aide said.

    Look at how good you have had it for the past three-plus years.

    He’ll put you back in chains.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Or be like a crazy person and buy a traffic cone and put it there when you leave and harass people who try to park there.

    Just stencil “RESERVED” on the curb. That always works.

    • Fourscore

      Portable Towaway Zone sign but chain it down when you leave, pick it up when you park.

      • Tundra

        There you go. Problem solved!

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Sussing out the real problem has eluded me.

    Sometimes small inconveniences and aggravations are more annoying than big ones.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    “Black male voters have an enormous amount of respect and admiration for President Obama and they will be attentive to what his message is,” said Joel Benenson, a former Obama campaign pollster. “What’s implicit in his message is, ‘You’ve got to rally around her the way you rallied around me.’ That’s the message they’re going to get, and that will be helpful.”

    That guy Trump is completely obsessed by racial identity politics.

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