Saturday evening links

by | Oct 19, 2024 | Daily Links | 105 comments

Spuds not feelin’ it.

Spuds a little tired today. When I asked for my check yesterday, the bartender heard “why yes, I would love to have another Old Fashioned”. On top of that, I’ve been busily wrapping up vegetable processing from the garden, getting the garden cleaned out, and getting everything else is shape befor I head to the Gulch on Tuesday. At least I don’t have to worry about that pesky job thingy.


Someone is panicking. A couple of Dems have admitted internal polling is not looking good.

We are a dumb country.

That always works. Well done.

I think when Obama and Harris appear together, all he’s going to do is show that she’s not ready by comparison.

Fingers crossed. I loved the first movie.

They tried to drone Bibi.

Holy fuck. I would firmly put this in the nightmare category.

Okay, that’s it for me. Peace out, Glibbies. Here’s a quiet one for this afternoon.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. cavalier973

    Harris doesn’t appear to be a deep thinker.

    It seems like she is being coached with a few stock phrases that she has difficulty memorizing, and she doesn’t t know exactly how to implement these phrases, beyond repeating them.

    • cavalier973

      How did she get to this point? How is she a major party candidate for US President?

      It’s incredible.

      It’s stupid.

      It’s incredibly stupid.

      • Fourscore

        Which party are we talking about again? The problem is both can’t lose but 350 million people will.

        Anyone heard from Walz? He got disappeared quickly.

      • Suthenboy

        Are you kidding? They buried that freak under Joe’s basement.

      • rhywun

        How did she get to this point?

        She had a little help.

      • SDF-7

        I get how she’s a candidate (one party anointing of useful idiots in CA, useful demographics for PPP to choose, real power used to brainless puppet — so appointment)…

        That it is still close given all the PPP admin has done, her association with it and desire to tax people more is what surprises me. 150 years ago, there would have been actual violence by this point. Thanks indoctrination factories!

      • Drake

        Scott Adams keeps asking if she was always this dumb of if something happened. Stroke, drugs and booze?

        I don’t think she ever prosecuted a case or has a real job.

      • creech

        Yeah, she really sucks.

    • Spudalicious

      She is probably the most plastic, hollow person I’ve ever seen run for office. Hillary has more authenticity.

      • Fourscore

        I’ll see your Harris and raise you a Walz

    • DEG

      Harris doesn’t appear to be a deep thinker.

      You’re sugarcoating it.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Yeah, ditto: You’re being awfully polite. She has no… natural human ‘manner’ about her. She’s just always ‘off,’ being staged up there without having a clue of an idea. She also really *is* a naggy bitch. She interrupted Baier and simply wouldn’t answer simple questions. The entire time I’ve watched. (I’ve managed to last ~20min. I don’t anticipate improvement, but I’ll snake my way through.)

      Sigh. We all know she got her rise by being a hottie w the ‘right’ connections and slept her way on up to AG. Then, with Blue’s extremely empty bench, I think her being a non-white woman moved her to the top of The List Dems could float around. And she’s a reliable Yes Woman to toe the party lion, never veering. She doesn’t have enough thought to have a place to veer to. Easy to control. Multi-colored. Has vagina. Game. ON.

      Obama! <- coattails <- FUCKING OMB EVIL OUTRAGE!… Biden-Harris???? <— coattails– Harris-Walz <—- coattails all the way down. I can't imagine if Hilary won in '16, or what will further occur with Harris in the WH.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    How did she get to this point? How is she a major party candidate for US President?

    The Peter Principle. “Hey, I know. let’s promote her. Then she’ll be somebody else’s problem.”

    • rhywun

      lol I’ve had that boss.

      • DEG


      • Fourscore

        I’ve been that boss

      • R C Dean

        Oh, yeah? Well, I’ve been that employee!

      • Drake

        Me too. Is there a technique to it?

      • rhywun

        Is there a technique to it?

        I’ve seen it action.

        You have to be a bullshit artist, for starters.

      • UnCivilServant

        Why is it always that? I have no aptitude in that arena.

      • rhywun


      • Drake

        No good at the bs. Makes me uncomfortable to see it and impossible for me to do.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Nice American Greatness link.

    No, I’m not going to watch your stupid fucking movie, you worthless twats.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    In recent weeks, however, GOP-leaning polls have flooded the zone, fueling speculation that they could be skewing perceptions of the race. But experts note their average models have methodologies in place to prepare for this.

    I think all polls are bullshit, but the spin it’s amusing. “Trump’s ahead? There’s something wrong with the sample!”

  5. Suthenboy

    Not looking good, huh? What gave it away?
    “If you dont vote for me you aren’t a real man!”
    “You better vote for Kamala or else!”
    Internal polling? What is that, code for the real numbers instead of the propaganda we push?

    Leaking Israel’s war plans against Iran. I wonder how that could have happened.

    I cant beleive leftists would use coercion to win elections.

    TBF anyone at all, my dog for instance, appearing with Kamala would show that.

    You can uncross your fingers. making the same old tired outrage premise for a new beat-em-up is not a recipe for good movies no matter what period costumes they wear or what movie title they rip off.

    I wonder what the Iranian Mullah’s life expectancy is post Trump victory? My guess is that there is a finger hovering over a button as we type.

    There are procedures in place. I for one feel comforted.

  6. DEG

    When I asked for my check yesterday, the bartender heard “why yes, I would love to have another Old Fashioned”.

    Whether that is a good or a bad thing depends on the context.

    The US is investigating a leak of highly classified US intelligence about Israel’s plans for retaliation against Iran, according to three people familiar with the matter. One of the people familiar confirmed the documents’ authenticity.

    I had a feeling the Third World War was going to start soon.

    “We know where you live, you are in the data base,” the anonymous author states in the letter, first obtained by The Post Millennial. “In the dead of a cold winters night, this year, or next and beyond, there is no knowing what will happen. Your property, your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot. And more.”

    Huh. Well, Pennslyvania still has pretty decent gun laws so I can see a few of those cat owners shooting back.

    I like “Going to California”. It’s a great song. On that note, due to a change in vacation policy at work, I’m considering road-tripping to and from FreedomFest 2025 which is in Palm Springs, CA.

    • rhywun

      I like “Going to California”


    • Ted S.

      I like “Going to California”. It’s a great song. On that note, due to a change in vacation policy at work, I’m considering road-tripping to and from FreedomFest 2025 which is in Palm Springs, CA.


  7. Aloysious

    Maybe I’m naive, but I hope that the Intel the Pentagon leaked is all false information that the Israelis planted deliberately.

    Just to embarrass Joe Biden.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      Wouldn’t surprise me a bit.

    • juris imprudent

      I don’t think the Israelis are dumb enough to really trust us, regardless of who is president.

      • Chafed

        I think it varies by administration.

      • MikeS

        Chag Sukkot sameach, Chafed.

    • Contrarian P

      Not sure Joe needs any help in the embarrassment department.

    • Spudalicious

      Don’t be such a tease.

    • Evan from Evansville

      That’d make me smile. Of all folk to not fuck with, Mossad is perhaps the most terrifying (if they want you you), and an honest question:

      *Is there a better run organization out there? I’m certain there are fuckups abound, but especially adding all difficulty; danger; secrecy; diplomacy; trade; humans-being-human; etc inherent in its operation, they’re damn effective. What else ranks up there international power/007/spycraft/secrecy etc? I really don’t trust the CIA to be as ‘good’ as it claims.
      I could also be incredibly wrong about how ‘good’ Mossad is, but uh. I don’t think I am.

      • creech

        How did they miss Oct. 7th?

      • MikeS

        The source is a single anonymous Egyptian “intelligence official”.

      • MikeS

        Sorry…an unspecified number of anonymous Egyptian “intelligence officials”.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Outstanding point, creech. Hamas had a lot of help, but also: What about Pearl Harbor or 9/11?

        Shit goes down eventually. Their decades-long missions to eliminate Nazis are astounding. And surrounded by folk that want to genocide them, under constant duress, they still stand. I can’t think of a more effective organization, bureaucracy even, to last 75 years. (And at least remain unconquered.)

      • DEG

        Sorry…an unspecified number of anonymous Egyptian “intelligence officials”.

        It’s not Mossad or CIA, so more trustworthy.

      • MikeS

        It’s not Mossad or CIA, so more trustworthy.

        How do you know the “anonymous Egyptian intelligence officials” weren’t CIA or Mossad?

      • Chafed

        Mossad isn’t perfect but they are agile, responsive, and determined. They are likely the best spy agency in the world.

      • Gadfly

        How did they miss Oct. 7th?

        Given their impressive recent operations against Hezbollah and Iran, one very real possibility is that they weren’t paying close attention to Gaza. Intel resources are finite, and it seems they may have been focusing them on Iran and Lebanon, assuming those were the greater threat.

      • MikeS

        one very real possibility is that they weren’t paying close attention to Gaza

        That’s my assumption, too. Along with the info stated in the article that Hamas had gone “stone age” and greatly reduced their use of electronic devices that Mossad could monitor.

    • Aloysious

      Please please please tell us that you set up a table with a big sign that says ‘Marxism is to blame for everything going wrong. Change my mind’.

      Just to tease Alex.

      • juris imprudent

        Hmm, community event, conservative area, nah, just not a good enough troll.

  8. SDF-7

    I’m surprised there isn’t a single thread of only “Meh” responses.

    • MikeS

      I was gonna, but meh

    • KSuellington

      The Make America Detroit Again vote is not a large one.

    • DrOtto

      Lol – the Zucker brothers were unavailable for comment.

  9. KSuellington

    “How did she get to this point? How is she a major party candidate for US President?”

    I was doing a job for a lawyer that I know here the other day. He’s an old timer in City politics and I know that he knows, or knew, her pretty well. “So what do you think about her getting selected for the job?” I asked him. He just groaned. I was surprised as he is an old school Dem and I know that he hates Trump. “What you aren’t voting for her?” “No way am I voting for her and I can’t vote for him. Have a couple drinks with her and shoot the shit? Sure she is great for that. Not for President, no way no how”

    My prediction stands that TDog wins it. He may even squeak out the popular vote.

    • Spudalicious

      I think you may be right on the popular vote. Joe Scarborough will throw himself off a building.

      • juris imprudent

        Will he take Maddow with him?

      • Chafed

        We can’t be that lucky.

    • DrOtto

      I had a similar conversation with a customer/fellow investor that I had dinner with just prior to the 2020 election. According to him Joe Biden was a centrist and was going to unite the country. He doesn’t sound enthusiastic about Kamala.

      • KSuellington

        I hope Joe Scarborough just moves to Canada instead of doing that.

        I’m getting a 2016 vibe off this election and I predicted that the day they got their precious mugshot of BOM that he would win. 2020 was an odd one for obvious reasons and although I think there were obviously some shady things going on, I have no problem believing Joe won it anyway as he represented a return to normal that many fence sitters wanted at that time.

  10. Drake

    Wow. USC is getting creative with their last minute collapses. That was something new.

    • juris imprudent

      You were expecting something else from Coach Riley? His record at Oklahoma wasn’t a tell?

  11. trshmnstr

    Well, after spending a few days in C-bus, I think I found all the Harris voters. Every third house has a Harris walz sign in the areas I visited.

      • rhywun

        I saw a Gillibrand sign today. I almost fell off my bicycle.

      • UnCivilServant

        Took me a while to remember who she was.

      • Drake

        They really can pick the dumb ones.

  12. cavalier973

    I think that if I were to endure a tough interview, my core beliefs would guide my answers.

    Harris doesn’t seem to have core beliefs.

    Obama did. I disagreed with his idea of how things ought to be, but he obviously had core beliefs, even if he had to hide them sometimes.

    Harris has nothing. There isn’t anything going on in her brain, besides what her handlers are trying to put in it.

    I am astonished and confused at this situation. The Democrat Party power brokers evidently could not stop this. I can’t believe they actually want Harris as their nominee.

    What were they doing for the past three and a half years? They had to know that Biden wasn’t mentally fit. I don’t know why they didn’t replace Harris with, well, anyone else. They could have done this years ago.

    • slumbrew

      I assume the Clinton faction doesn’t have enough juice to get one of their own in while the Obama faction couldn’t replace Kammy without weakening their position too much, so they stuck with the devil idiot they know and they’ll sort things out after they fortify the election.

      • trshmnstr


      • cavalier973

        That can result in disaster beyond their imagination.

        They’ll have to retire her right quick, before she starts meeting with other world leaders.

        Unless, of course, the goal is to demolish the US, and the Dem power brokers are already headed to New Zealand.

      • rhywun

        Unless, of course, the goal is to demolish the US

        If it isn’t, what would they be doing differently.

    • rhywun

      An empty vessel is the perfect candidate for whoever is going to be controlling her. She will do what they say and won’t talk back. Obama was too outspoken and therefore unpredictable even if he mostly aligned with their beliefs anyway.

    • juris imprudent

      I suspect that Biden was kept on as candidate in the primaries because otherwise she would’ve been blown out of the water. So the only way to move her forward was to do exactly what they did.

      The Democratic Party otherwise was looking at recreating the ’16 Republican primaries.

      • creech

        One wonders what would have transpired if Trump hadn’t agreed to debate Joe before the Democratic Convention?

    • KSuellington

      Biden’s promise to take a VP based on race and sex got them into the mess. But they likely figured, “hey if Joe Fucking Biden can do this, then we sure as hell can sort her out over the next few years and make her presentable”. They have a compliant media willing to do whatever they are told, and they figured fuck it, let’s run a modified version of the basement campaign, but this time we will let her out of the basement, just keep her on a very very short leash. She has always done what she is told so that is highly appealing to them and they figured Trump was damaged enough goods that they could drag her across the line with a slight bit of fortification if needed. They didn’t count on her utter unlikability combined with the hard left swing of their party turning off a good bit of what was once their base. She gonna lose.

    • Grumbletarian

      They got forced into her by believing Biden’s decline wouldn’t be as fast as it was. Biden promised a Woman Of Color for VP pick and it was either Harris or Stacey Abrams. They picked the CA girl to have the coasts covered. Then nobody of note dared run against him this year, but his brains went down the drain too quickly so they were forced to hand the campaign to her. Who else is on the Team Blue bench that could garner national appeal? Newsome? Whitmer?

      That said, I still expect election fortification to hand her the presidency.

      • trshmnstr

        That said, I still expect election fortification to hand her the presidency.

        I don’t know what the margin of fraud is, but I’m wavering on whether it’s enough to push her over the top. I’m going with a solid shmaybe. I wont be shocked either way.

      • rhywun

        Honestly no f’in idea what is going to happen. I too won’t be shocked either way – even a landslide (or “landslide”) in either direction. The whole thing is completely unreadable – by design.

      • The Other Kevin

        That’s where I am – I have no idea what will happen. I’m mostly concerned about the cheating and the deep state pulling some shit to keep Trump out even if he wins.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Last time they started laying the foundation for taking out people around him [Flynn, this non swampy advisors, the Russia hoax, etc). I wouldn’t be shocked if they outright arrested Trump after the election.

      • Chafed

        You left out Karen Bass and Sheila Jackson Lee. So yeah, they had terrible choices.

    • Grummun

      I don’t think Harris was supposed to be the candidate. I think Joe (or Jill) putting Harris out there in his resignation letter was a last fuck you to the party that tossed him under the bus. After she had been publicly appointed, the Party couldn’t shank her without getting crucified. If they’d been in more control at the moment Joe finally bowed out, Kamala would not have been the choice. That’s why it took so long for the Obamas to issue their luke-warm endorsement, they were still hoping someone else would step up.

      • Grummun

        Actually, the last fuck you is Joe*, having stuck them with Kamala as a candidate, subtly sabotaging her candidacy.

        *To be clear, “Joe” here means the Biden organization. Joe himself couldn’t manage a clean pair of underwear.

  13. Gustave Lytton

    I’m seeing far fewer Trump signs around than in the past elections. Less candidate signs overall. Maybe everyone is on FB? Most of the Trump signs have been out since early this year or longer. The Harris ones showed up about two weekends ago.

    • DEG

      The odd thing about candidate signs I noticed is within the last day or two numerous signs for the incumbent Democrat US Rep have shown up in the area.

      I’ve never seen this many signs for him before.

    • R C Dean

      I don’t see any signs for either, but I don’t go into residential neighborhoods much. What I see along the roads are a ton of signs for various local races.

      I think the cheating is going to be off the charts. All the weaknesses and machinery from 2020 are still there, and the motivation level/hysteria is much higher this year. A clean election looks like Trump’s to lose, but this isn’t going to be a clean election, so there’s no telling.

  14. Sean

    LOL, Brett Favre doing Trump commercials.


    That oughta change some minds.

    • Ted S.

      You don’t want to see Kamala’s dick picks, or Kamala in Crocs.

  15. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody yo


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