Saturday Morning Sick as a Dog Links

by | Oct 12, 2024 | Daily Links | 116 comments

My health has taken a bad turn. Nasty ass flu which has me fatigued, coughing, diarrhea (I do not recommend that combination), fever… but bless the amazing Kaiser who has stayed by my side and tried comforting and guarding. A pediatrician friend made some recommendations noting that, “It’s a fine line between pediatrics and gerontology.” But things have gotten severe enough that l0b0t is taking me to the ER this morning.

Some days, birthdays are rich and plentiful. Some days… not so much. Today is one of those days, but still, there’s a guy whose compilations tortured generations of chemistry students; a skilled magician and cult leader; an obscure chemist famous in Moscow; an intermittently funny comic whose material seem very dated; a guy who single-handedly kept the black hair dye industry afloat; one more reason the legacy news media is that; another hero of the Left; and another celebrity brain trust.

And before the docs extract my brain (“Abbie Normal”), let’s have some links.

“Some people did some things.”

Want to drive up interest rates? Here’s how you drive up interest rates.


Woodchipper, then acquit.

Wasn’t this an Asimov story?

“When they go low, we go lower.”


Yes, Old Guy is going for jazz again.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Pat

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  2. SDF-7

    l0b0t is taking me to the ER this morning.

    Ouch… that’s — at least mildly concerning. I’m sure I won’t be alone in wondering if you picked up something in Baltimore — here’s hoping it is addressable and you bounce back. Best of health that’s possible to you — may the rest of the ER folks at least be mildly entertaining.

    • Fourscore

      A week end without OMWC is, well, no new chapters in the ongoing saga the “Ladies of NPR”.

      Hope you’re feeling better, don’t worry about tomorrow. Get some rest, if possible.

      • rhywun

        “Ladies of NPR”

        lol Now I’m envisioning a Golden Girls reboot.

      • Old Man With Candy

        Hope springs eternal… I’ll have a story next weekend.

      • slumbrew

        You are a glutton for punishment.

        Thanks for sharing 🙂

        Speedy healing and g’mar chatima tova.

  3. SDF-7

    a guy who single-handedly kept the black hair dye industry afloat

    Damn… I guessed Noel Fielding… ah well. (and on the comic — Happy Birthday Jeff Foxworthy? 😉 )

  4. Pat

    an intermittently funny comic whose material seem very dated

    Happy birthday Andrew Dice Clay?

    • Pat

      a skilled magician and cult leader

      Happy birthday Moses?

      • Chipping Pioneer

        *golf clap*

  5. Sean

    Ask for some horse paste!

    Hope you feel better.

  6. SDF-7

    “Some people did some things.”

    Shorter Guardian: “We’ll have peace in the Middle East when we submit as dhimmis!” After all, look at the harmonious Sunnis and Shia….

    Humanity’s unbelievable ability to be absolute dicks to one another stands as the fundamental reason religion, cults, self-help gurus (but I repeat myself), etc. will always be with us and will always make lots of money for people who have no soul… it is patently obvious to anyone paying attention that we’re fundamentally flawed at our core and have to work towards morality. Except for socialists… but I repeat myself again.

    I know… all my ranting is stressing the choir loft. Sorry.

    • Pat

      it is patently obvious to anyone paying attention that we’re fundamentally flawed at our core and have to work towards morality. Except for socialists

      Meh, Enlightenment rationalism rejected humanity’s innate evil as well, and contained within it the seeds of what flowered as socialism in no small owing to that shared principle.

      • juris imprudent

        That was Rousseau, not Smith, nor Nietzsche.

      • Pat

        I was thinking more of Descartes, although even his Enlightenment detractors like Locke also rejected original sin. No serious intellectual of that era (or since) would be caught dead indulging in conventional Christianity, or even virtue ethics.

      • Suthenboy

        Slavery and socialism have always been with us. A fundamental rule of the universe is that all living things live at the expense of other living things. Socialism, a form of predation, is built right into the order of things.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Suthen @ I agree, (possibly?) for the same reason: Social primates socially help Their Group. (Usually. Jail, exile and execution are also eternally Human.) Social primates (w/o Trade/Conquest) HATE The Other and will subjugate them for land, resources & mates.

        ‘Eat or be eaten’ + ‘Adapt or die’ –> Learn to eat everything, from anywhere/one ya can, to keep progeny (& Tribe) alive.
        Some humans always go wayward, part of the Bell Curve of personality/ morality/ environment. So it goes. (And always will go.)

  7. Pat

    Want to drive up interest rates? Here’s how you drive up interest rates.

    To be fair, a new F-150 Lariat costs about what a 3 bedroom house did 20 years ago in nominal dollars, and they let you deduct mortgage interest.

    • SDF-7

      That’s true enough — but personally, the whole SALT thing (living in a high tax state) drove home that I’d rather simplify deductions by eliminating the plethora of special cases and just drive down tax rates or raise standard deductions across the board. Simpler and more fair.

      Honestly, he should shut up about all this other stupid crap and pound on that the tax cuts from his first term are about the expire and the JackAss wing of the Uniparty has come out many times saying they not only want them to, but they’ll raise rates beyond that.

      “Do you like not having to itemize due to SALT? Do you like the higher deduction rates? Do you remember the economic mini-boom that started when companies dispersed bonuses/increased hiring? Weren’t you better off? Then don’t keep the JackAsses in power!”

      But I don’t get people obviously.

      • Pat

        It’s absolute absurdity that if you’re going to levy an income tax, especially a progressive income tax, that you carve out thousands of exceptions and deductions for the things you either find politically and socially advantageous, or as gifts to favored constituencies. It lays bare any pretense that the income tax is intended primarily as a revenue tool. It’s a data collection and behavioral modification tool. I hope Milton Friedman gets to spend at least a vacation in hell for helping to erect the withholding system and refusing to apologize for it.

      • juris imprudent

        Of course that isn’t how the income tax started – with all of those carve outs and with coverage of the majority of the country. Originally it was democratically perfect – only levied on a minority of incomes.

      • Fourscore

        At least SS is secure in a lock box and tax free, unless there’s other income.

        Sounds like Donnie already his budget/financial advisors all lined up. Lots of tariffs and lots of special interest giveaways.

        Printing presses gonna need modernizing to keep up with the new money required. (Or just start adding zeros, zeros don’t cost much as an add on.)

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I did better with the higher standard deduction.

        Now I’m hearing a lot of noise about bringing SALT back – seems like mostly from Dems? Makes sense since they are the party of the wealthy.

    • rhywun

      The pandering is disgusting.

      Bad Donald.

  8. Pat

    I have said it before: Donald Trump is a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago

    This from a guy who published 2 books, became president, and left office with a quarter billion dollars worth of board memberships, speaking engagements, and media contracts all on the back of whinging about his disadvantaged African American experience in the wealthy suburbs of Hawaii before his globetrotting mother married an Indonesian man.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Obama even got away with the whole ‘I was born a poor black boy’ routine, but in real life. Amazing.

      • rhywun

        And Harris is playing the same game. Whee!

    • rhywun

      He’s just jelly, like all Dems.

      At least he can be proud of being largely responsible for setting race relations back by about 75 years.

      • Tundra

        Completely true. My kids can’t believe that race wasn’t a thing in the 80s and 90s.

        Obama is a piece of shit. Possibly worse than W?

  9. Rat on a train

    “The locations being closed have likely suffered from a disproportionate decline in foot traffic and customers as consumers battle with rising food prices and cut back on the amount they buy,”
    How about looting?

  10. SDF-7

    Wasn’t this an Asimov story?

    I expect Elon will get bored with them and sell the division off to Bezos.

    Because that’s just Prime.

  11. Chipping Pioneer

    Better get Spud up in the bullpen.

  12. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “The father was taken into custody and charged with first degree murder, a Class Y felony.”

    Class Y? Wait till the prosecutor upgrades it to class Z!

    “The two had a “confrontation,” and Fosler was shot and later pronounced dead at the scene.”

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    “She said her family thought Fosler had taken their daughter to kill her. ”

    This seems like the right legal defense- right to protect yourself or others from credible threats of violence.

    • R C Dean

      From further down in the article, Fosler apparently had a history of pedophilia. In most states, you’re allowed to kill someone if they are committing, or about to commit, rape.

      • Pat

        In most states, you’re allowed to kill someone if they are committing, or about to commit, rape.

        Even if it’s questionable, this is one of those “some folks just need killing” cases for which jury nullification is designed.

      • Suthenboy

        Yep, I m wondering what a jury is going to do with this.

  13. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “Creepy faceless Optimus robots ”

    Wait till you see how creepy robots with faces are.

    • SDF-7

      Depends on the face. Or the other *cough* parts

      Snark aside — yeah, in practice the uncanny valley is going to have a hard time fighting a million years of evolution that tells us to watch for nuances of facial expression.

      • Suthenboy

        Anything relating to sexbots reminds me of a scruffy little dog from my childhood. He humped everything except other dogs. What the hell? What kind of freak wants to hump inanimate objects?

        I am waiting for a couch joke.

    • slumbrew

      I think there’s a 100% chance I can find an article from the usual ilk claiming the faceless robots are proof of Elon’s misogyny

      • SDF-7

        Or at least “that’s how he sees the rest of humanity — as faceless servants to his will!” or some other crap, I expect.

        Right above an article about “get in your hamster wheel in our 15 minute city and eat the bugs, comrade!” no doubt.

  14. Gender Traitor

    l0b0t is taking me to the ER this morning.

    Yikes! I hope it’s not as bad as all that and is only for lack of an urgent care in Butlerville. (Here in Dayton, they’re everywhere. I think we have more urgent care clinics than drug stores.)

    • SDF-7

      There’s an opportunity there — just keep a nurse or two on staff at the RiteAid and unify the infrastructure.

      • R C Dean

        That’s been tried, and for whatever reason just doesn’t seem to have caught on.

    • rhywun

      Meh… anything more serious than a boo-boo and they will send you to the ER anyway.

  15. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “Obama Laughs It Up Over Trump Wearing an Adult Diaper”

    Slightly misleading title.

    “calling out Donald Trump in a blistering speech while wondering aloud if he has ever changed a tire—or a diaper.”

    If you’re rich enough, why does it matter? Your job as a man is to provide, one way or another. I doubt any of The Donald’s wives lacked for help around the house, or that he had to worry about being stuck because of a flat.

    “At the Pittsburgh rally, Obama spent much of the time criticizing his successor. He said that while he understands why some voters are looking to “shake things up” given the current economy, “What I cannot understand is why anybody would think that Donald Trump will shake things up in a way that is good for you, Pennsylvania.”

    “There is absolutely no evidence that this man thinks about anybody but himself,” said Obama”

    Oh, I am certain that the dems think of me… mostly how to impoverish and destroy me.

    “I almost said that,” Obama replied, chuckling, “but I decided I shouldn’t say it.”
    Do you remember when past presidents quietly went away to do charity, or bang interns on their free time after office? Pepperidge farm remembers.

    • R C Dean

      I have serious doubts that Obama has ever changed a tire. Now, whether he has changed a diaper, well, I don’t even want to speculate about that.

      • DrOtto

        If SF had been writing just one admin earlier, we would probably know the answer to this.

    • Pat

      If you’re rich enough, why does it matter? Your job as a man is to provide, one way or another. I doubt any of The Donald’s wives lacked for help around the house, or that he had to worry about being stuck because of a flat.

      I do subscribe to the idea that there’s certain baseline practical skills one should acquire as a matter of course in order to avoid being helpless, regardless of means. (Robby Soave’s encounter with a wild blue collar worker when he had to call AAA to change a flat comes immediately to mind). Somebody as effete as Barack O-fucking-bama calling anybody else out for having soft hands is, uh, interesting though.

    • Suthenboy

      It’s not that they tend to stick around, it’s that anyone would care what they have to say. Worse yet, look at the Goracle, Lurch and the Hildebeast. Jesus fuck, go away already.

      • rhywun

        The worst part is that lots and lots of people still hang on that scumfuck’s every word.

    • juris imprudent

      Oh Obama, I know in my heart that you think about me, and love me – just like Jesus!

  16. R C Dean

    I am utterly uninterested in any so-called “tax reform” that doesn’t begin with the words “The Internal Revenue Code, including all regulations, is hereby repealed in its entirety”. Anything else is just special pleading and paying off one set of supporters with OPM.

    • Suthenboy

      This, but I would go further. The FedGov has become an abomination that exists for its own sake.

    • trshmnstr

      This. It took me hours of work just to figure out how to pay myself out of my corporation, and I’m still not sure I got it right. Tax collectors deserve every amount of the ire they’ve received historically.

  17. rhywun

    another hero of the Left

    That guy was certainly a piece of work. His bio is so crazy it can only be real, not fiction.

    In August 1983, he also attacked the Maison de France in West Berlin, killing one man and injuring twenty-two other people.

    This event was fictionalized in one of my favorite Stasi dramedies.

    • MikeS

      That looks good. I’ll have to seek that out.

      • dbleagle

        I second the recommendation. All three seasons- 83, 86, 89- are good. The second season part about Chernobyl and the DDR are muy bueno.

  18. Donny Three-Fingers (KJ5GQR)

    Get better OMWC. Got my general upgrade last week, got that antenna dialed in (changed to a 52 material in the ferrite toroid used, below 1.3:1 SWR from 40m to 10.

    Like I said, get better, we need you around.

    • Old Man With Candy

      I had toyed with the idea of finding some old Collins gear and doing a refurbish. Great nostalgia- after years of cobbled-together homebrew equipment, my last station was an S-line.

      Apparently nostalgia pays. Holy fuck, those prices!

    • MikeS

      A fellow ham! Got my Tech, started playing around with antennae, life happened, haven’t done anything in months and still haven’t made my first CQ. I have done some conversing on repeaters and helped with coms for a triathlon. Hoping to get back into it this winter, but I need to get an antennae up before things get frigid. We’ll see…

      73, W4MND

      • Gender Traitor

        If you’re a ham, you really should come to Hamvention!

        My dad was K8SVM.

      • MikeS

        I really hope to go one of these years. It looks fun as hell…in a super-nerdy way.

      • UnCivilServant

        I get the attraction of the technical side, but in the end you’re talking to humans. That’s a terrible payoff.

      • Fourscore

        You may be talking to Glibs.

      • MikeS

        @UCS: There are a number of digital modes that don’t require you to speak to a human.

  19. rhywun

    The Guardian took the unusual step of removing the article from its website on October 10.

    Huh, I wonder why. It is not like they have any shame.

    • slumbrew

      “Too shitty even for the Guardian” is sort of impressive.

    • Suthenboy

      Communists are forever trying to erase their past while simultaneously attempting to repeat it. It’s more than a little bit tiresome.

  20. SDF-7

    Annoying screw up on accuracy – but the puzzle as a concept was kind of fun. The bonus-word-with-a-clue should have just been a normal word, though… still don’t always understand why some words are in and some aren’t… the berks.

    I played 10/12:
    *21/21 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 10/12:
    *35/35 words (+8 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 8% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 575

  21. Suthenboy

    Is anyone else having trouble with duckduckgo? I have no trouble loading pages except for that one. I cant get it to load in safari since last evening.

  22. MikeS

    Get well quickly, OMWC.

    • Suthenboy

      The dailyfail never disappoints.

    • Fourscore

      C’mon Man, that’s gotta be from the Bee. I am shocked to believe that relief workers are still wearing hoods.

    • rhywun

      I don’t know anything about that group but you would think the author could note at least one example to support the accusation in the headline.

      • Q Continuum

        Minitrue has deemed them doubleplus ungood, that’s example enough.

        Now report to re-education.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      Glad to see the Feds are helping out.

  23. The Late P Brooks


    With the presidency on the line in battlegrounds like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, why would Donald Trump venture into California, one of the most solidly Democratic states, just weeks before Election Day?

    Trump is almost certain to lose California, and that won’t change after his scheduled Saturday stop in Coachella, a desert city east of Los Angeles best known for the annual music festival bearing its name. Still, there are practical reasons for him to visit, despite the Republican nominee’s prospects Nov. 5 in the most populous state.

    The former president lost California in a landslide in 2020. He did get 6 million-plus votes, more than any GOP presidential candidate before, and his margins topped 70% in some rural counties that typically favor conservatives on the ballot.

    Nobody will ever hear about it in the rest of the country.

    • Suthenboy

      Much wiser to deride or ignore people who likely wont vote for you. That is what we want in a president – treating your political opponents as enemies of the state.

    • Tundra

      That’s the way. Enjoy!

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Local officials were also unaware that Patriot Front was aiding in the relief efforts, noting that the volunteers did not look like typical white supremacists. However, the mayor one of small Floridian gulf-coast town says he will accept the group’s help as long as they aren’t trying to force their ideology on locals.

    They left their Wehrmacht helmets in the truck.

    • The Gunslinger

      – “Civil rights experts say that Patriot Front ‘is probably one of the most active white nationalist hate groups in the US.'”

      They really need to up their hatred game. Trying to help people ain’t gonna attract more hate filled white dudes.

      • Suthenboy

        ‘Civil rights experts’….i.e. commies.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Newsom on Wednesday predicted Trump would be denigrating the state at the rally, overlooking its strengths as the world’s fifth-largest economy. The governor said that for the first time in a decade, California has more Fortune 500 companies than any other state.

    Just imagine how rich and powerful California would be if we had not stolen it from Spain.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      They would have avocado toast in tapas form.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Pearls were clutched

    When Milton made landfall Wednesday night local time in Sarasota, it was a Category 3 hurricane. As it traversed Florida, it took the roof off of Tropicana Field, left millions without electricity, and killed several people. It also became the subject of TikToks with millions of views, and, according to a report in Rolling Stone, turned the platform into “a hellscape of people staying in Hurricane Milton’s path for clout.”


    Then there’s Caroline Calloway. The influencer and author, who lives in Sarasota, drew the ire of the internet when she posted on X “where there’s a Callowill, there’s a Calloway,” and said she wouldn’t be leaving her home, even as officials were stressing the importance of evacuating. (“You are going to die,” Tampa Mayor Jane Castor warned anyone who stayed put.) In an interview with New York Magazine’s Intelligencer, Calloway said she was staying to check on elderly neighbors, adding that her sense of humor is just “very dark.” On Thursday, she apparently sent a text to Intelligencer’s writer with a picture of herself and her cat with the message “I lived bitch.”

    All of this wouldn’t feel so dystopian if the US—and the world—wasn’t hurtling toward a scenario where social media platforms, particularly TikTok, function as a lot of people’s go-to news source. Even as Anderson Cooper braves the storm to give CNN viewers updates on Milton, a new report from Pew Research shows 52 percent of Americans who are on TikTok regularly get their news there. Not from media outlets, but from influencers and content creators.

    “Real journalism” began as independent content creators going to places no sane person would go, like war zones, and then telling people what was happening. Matthew Beady was just stop-action tiktok.

    • Suthenboy

      It’s supposed to be #7. It’s always #7.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Tradwives and other assorted hateful kooks

    Less than a month before the presidential election, multilevel marketing professional-turned-Christian “apostle” Jenny Donnelly is summoning women to the National Mall to fast, pray and uphold “the Lord’s authority over the election process and our nation’s leadership”.

    It’s the first of a series of Christian nationalist gatherings in DC to rally believers to the Capitol ahead of the 2024 election.

    The pro-Trump influencer has billed the event as a rallying call for mothers concerned about changing gender norms in modern America, gathering women under pink and blue banners emblazoned with the anti-trans hashtag #DontMessWithOurKids. In her promotional materials, Donnelly casts the event at the Capitol as an opportunity for women to stand their ground and play a pivotal role in changing the cultural and political trajectory of the US.

    Although Donnelly will headline the prayerful demonstration, the event is a collaboration organized by multiple far-right Christian leaders affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation – a movement on the Christian right that seeks to establish Christian dominion over government and society in the long term – and get Trump elected in the nearer future.

    How do you get a permit for a hate speech rally?

    • Q Continuum

      Add “Christian Nationalist” and “anti-trans” to the list of terms rendered meaningless by Commie word games.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Like, totally super dangerous, dude

    Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair and retired Gen. Mark Milley has called former President Trump “a total fascist” and believes he is the most dangerous person to the U.S., according to excerpts from the forthcoming Bob Woodward book.

    “He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country,” Milley told Woodward for the book “War,” which was previewed by The Guardian. “A fascist to the core.”

    Milley, who was chair under Trump and President Biden, also fears he would be court-martialed should Trump win the presidency next month because the commander in chief has power over retired commissioned officers and can recall them to active duty and court-martial them.

    If not for Milley, Trump would have sold America to the Russians.

  29. Aloysious


    You need lots of fiber. All-bran will plug you up like government cheese, and while it tastes like cow food, it still tastes better than the aforementioned cheese like substance.

    Best wishes and get well soon so you can resume chasing the ladies.

  30. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Feel better! Keep us updated!

  31. Evan from Evansville

    My Paid Suspension turned to Termination the next day. I applied elsewhere, and SHOCKER!, the ever-high Turnover Rate exists for a reason. Have a phone interview with a higher-end facility on Tuesday. Applied to one in Fishers, IN, which is in ultra-wealthy Indy land, and dropped into the one in Carmel, INDIANA, as well. Chatted with ’em at HQ as well. I kinda miss the idea of hanging out with the reprobates in Irvington, but folk travel. I doubt Wealthy Land blood centers are only full with people with good spirit. I do expect more college kids, however. Plus? Several. Cons? I imagine the well-to-do don’t take to stabbing as well as folk downtown. I also doubt centers IN wealthy land actively encourage the type of stabby-stab conducted by other phlebs at my old center.

    Somehow(?), Knave & Nicole (Me) came up with another(?) great idea: Get good at something that’s in constant demand everywhere. Plenty of upward mobility routes as well. I coulda learned to CODE like my bro did, but naaaaaah.
    Updates surely to come. For my good and hopefully to share, I should flesh out my notes and get this Chapter of the Ev Tale down to page. Ya don’t gotta go to Timbuktu to find interesting places and people.

    • Tundra

      it’s OK again to just absolutely cream these people and having to care that they care is over.

      and it’s glorious.

      and it’s just the beginning.

      they have the right to remain silent (but they wont).

      anything they say can and will be used against them by ronin memelords who are WAY better at this than they are and can link concepts faster than the prog spogs can gin them up.

      bambi, meet godzilla.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Despite its headline, that was actually a fun, short screed. (Its lack of proper punctuation is, well, whatev. Kinda the point). All on how the power to control speech is desperate and The People can’t out meme, ridicule and reveal ‘how pathetic The Schemers little plans to control society really are.’ (<– Read in Ledger's Joker.)

      The printing press has always done such. Always look at who 'ya can't' make fun of. Not the best written piece and I didn't watch all the mockery vids, but we get the jist. Those in Power are fearful of losing it. (Power's never ceded voluntarily.)

      I suppose the hope for 'My' Generation is to overwhelm and outlaugh The People. I really should join them. Need to find a rhythm for making Bee headline ideas as the news still comes out. Must twist my non-existent goatee for internal advice.

  32. Evan from Evansville

    Others deciding it’s (legitimately) in your best interest to go to the ER is a terrible place to be.
    I hope it goes as well as it possibly can. Try to be the best patient you can. Politeness, honesty and humor go a long way.

    I hope you’re in & out in a couple hours, with no hassles.

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