Stoic Friday LXXXIII Clip Show

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Stoic | 50 comments

Since I am traveling for work this week, and I didn’t remember my laptop charger, I am being lazy on my tablet and putting together a compilation of my quotes from Stoic Friday 44-55.

If the formatting sucks, I will refund 1% of my Glibertarian pay.

I try to play my parts as a father, husband, worker, and whatever else is required of me as well as I can. I will not use my reasoned choice in ways that undermine my performance in these roles.

I have not been a perfect husband, but I have been a good one. Cheating on my wife would have destroyed this and I would have lost a lot of respect for myself. None of the potential for “fun” can ever come close to the value I get from being married for 29 years now.

It is up to us how we respond to injuries caused by others. Getting angry and holding it does them no harm, but it can ruin our life.

Being able to understand the difference between a principle and an opinion enable me to live a good life and not throw it away for a fleeting pleasure or momentary gain. I think the world would be vastly improved if more people understood this.

While it is not a physical ailment, self-induced stress can be detrimental to our state of mind. Being upset makes it harder to focus on the challenge at hand and if it goes unchecked, it can lead to physical issues.

Stubbornness is only a virtue when I am right. Sometimes it can be difficult to realize and admit that I was wrong, but clinging to a mistake doesn’t help me, nor does it help anyone else.

I know people think I am weird, but I am happy with my life, so I am OK with being weird.

I don’t pray to God, but I also do not blame God, or fate for things that happen to me. I try to look at what I can control in this situation and go from there.

We are all struggling with something and it doesn’t help to look down on those whose struggles are more obvious than my own.

If I truly study Stoicism, then I should live the principles it espouses.If I don’t then have I really studied? What would the point of doing all of this reading and writing if I didn’t change my outlook and how I live day to day? I do it because it works for me, and I sincerely hope that my amateur attempt to understand it deeply and explain it here has helped some of you.

I cannot do nothing and simply hope that things improve. It might not be in my power to guarantee that what I do is successful, but it is in my power to do the best I can and let fate decide how my latest venture turns out.

I might not be able to change the world, but I can change myself and what I control.

If I can tune out the things that are outside of my control, then nothing can truly bother me. Other people like to live differently than me, and that doesn’t effect my mental state at all.

Hurting yourself and others, mentally or physically, as an act of revenge is one of the most harmful ways of dealing with not getting what you want. I read somewhere that being angry at someone is like carrying around a red hot piece of iron, hoping it would burn the other person.

If I have the entire Meditations by Marcus Aurelius memorized and get stressed out by things that I know to be outside of my control, has all of that studying helped me?

Anger is an easy one for me to fall into. Overall, I do well, but sometimes I slip. On these occasions I have to look at myself and see why I am so easily angered. 90% of the time it’s because I am hungry. My wife says I am a walking Snickers “You’re not you when you’re hungry” commercial. The more I avoid those situations and control myself, the better I get at doing it.

If I have read somebody else’s opinions and parrot them as my own, it might look as though I am a very well read and learned person. If impressing people with this kind of thing was my goal, it would be easy for me, because I remember the things I read very well. It is more important to get a true understanding and not just repeat what others have said.

Although perfection is unattainable, the goal is there. Epictetus seems to be seems to be dealing with self important pretenders that know the words, but not the meaning behind them.

About The Author



What I told my wife when she said my steel Baby Eagle .45 was heavy, "Heavy is good, heavy is reliable, if it doesn't work you could always hit him with it."-Boris the Blade MOLON LABE


  1. Drake

    Thanks Ron! This has been a tough week for me to remain stoic. No power or services through Wednesday. Then power back and the realization of how little is being done to help my neighbors on the other side of the mountains sent my temper into the stratosphere.

    Several times had to remind myself that self-pity and anger don’t accomplish anything. Nobody cares when I feel it, not even me.

    I wasn’t that bad off – never bothered with the emergency food set aside – but I will be better prepared next time.

    • Gender Traitor

      Since you’re apparently close to the worst affected areas, are you aware of reputable private groups that have actually managed to provide assistance and haven’t had relief supplies confiscated? (I don’t trust the Red Cross.)

  2. UnCivilServant

    We are all struggling with something and it doesn’t help to look down on those whose struggles are more obvious than my own.

    From a modern perspecitve, I’ve more often heard “other people have it worse” as “shut up about your pathetic problems”.

    • UnCivilServant

      On the subject of my pathetic problems, I still have trouble delegating.

      I specifically selected a particular back burner project to give to my most recently acquired subordinate as a learning project because I was so familiar with the environment that there would always be someone who could answer questions close at hand. I can do literally everything needed to complete the project and could probably hammer it out in a week if not interrupted. But I have to keep reminding myself it’s his project, and the whole reason I gave it to him was so he can learn.

      But damn if the temptation to just take over doesn’t keep coming up.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Someone in the comments is trying to use ready brigade as the excuse. Yeah, that’s what it’s there for. It’s the pinnacle of retarded.

      And Joe authorizing the use of a reinforced battalion for assistance. Good lord.

    • The Last American Hero

      Meh. They’ll sit still if they are told to sit still, jump into action and perform heroic duty if sent in, and will gun down nongovernmental volunteers with extreme prejudice if ordered to. It’s their job and they are excellent at it m.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Always have, always will.

  3. R.J.

    It is a tough week to remain Stoic. Selling my house and going homeless for a few months was a bigger load on my mind than I wanted to admit. I keep blowing up. I have to confront that and shut it down.

      • R.J.

        Selling over Christmas is a bad idea, you get the least for your home. Timeline wise, it takes around 4 weeks to sell, followed by weeks of paperwork. If we waited until after Christmas, the time line would be far too tight for the February close on the new house.

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s a terrible headline. I couldn’t figure out what in the world was going on. I had to go to the description of the video before I did.

      No, I didn’t hit play, not for that headline.

    • kinnath

      Local new (I assume) is giving government officials shit for threatening to arrest the pilot.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t know if it’s true, but I’m going to assume so and smile.

      • The Gunslinger

        Unfortunately, the FBI will find unlimited resources to get video evidence to track down every last person involved and destroy their lives.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    Lake Lure couple reunited after volunteer rescue pilot threated with arrest

    I assume that’s a continuation of the story I linked at the end of the dead thread from The Hill. I can’t help wondering if this one guy is everywhere or if there are multiple instances of people getting threatened. Obviously, declaring a no fly zone affects anyone and everyone.

    • kinnath

      This is a continuation of that story. The news gave the local city official a large ration of shit for their actions in this case.

      • kinnath

        And they showed name and photo of the dickhead who threatened to arrest the helo pilot.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    And they showed name and photo of the dickhead who threatened to arrest the helo pilot.

    Mister “You’re interfering with my operation”?

    Good. That clown should be ashamed to show his face within 1,000 miles of there.

    • Drake

      These are literal hillbillies famous for feuds lasting generations. That guy has to move far away now.

      • Sean

        It’d be a real shame if he turned up floating in some flooded area.

  6. Tundra

    None of the potential for “fun” can ever come close to the value I get from being married for 29 years now.


    I do it because it works for me, and I sincerely hope that my amateur attempt to understand it deeply and explain it here has helped some of you.

    It absolutely has and I really look forward to this every week. Thank You

  7. The Late P Brooks


    ILA wages will increase 61.5% over six years under the tentative agreement, sources told CNBC.

    Biden administration Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su was an important administration liaison working with both the union and port ownership group to reach a deal at meetings held in New Jersey on Thursday, according to a source familiar with the talks.

    “The collective bargaining process really worked,” said Su in an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” on Friday morning. “We’ve been saying it all along. When workers have a real voice at the table and when they can help to determine the conditions of their jobs, we’re seeing really historic gains for working people, and we’re also seeing it because we have such a strong economy. … Companies that are making record profits are realizing that when they do right by their workers, it’s better not just for working people, it’s better for their industries, it’s better for their future.”

    Some working men are more equal than others, maybe.


      The union was 100% taking advantage of the political/electoral situation to squeeze the largely D pols.

    • The Other Kevin

      “Companies that are making record profits are realizing that when they do right by their workers, it’s better not just for working people, it’s better for their industries, it’s better for their future.”

      Since he beat Big Pharma, he’s going to insist they distribute their profits to the workers, right?

      • R C Dean

        And when those companies have a down year, the union is going to take a pay cut, right?


      • UnCivilServant

        The union members don’t even take a pay cut when there’s no work for them.

        And as far as a “fair share” for the union, there are around 50,000 ILA members but only 25,000 jobs. The other half of the union draws “container royalties.” The “royalties” were negotiated in a previous contract and were intended to protect union members from job losses due to automation.


  8. The Late P Brooks

    Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg said in an interview with SiriusXM on Friday morning, “the parties were not as far apart as it sounded on economics. There were strong positions, strong personalities, but there was a deal space.” He added that Hurricane Helene played a role in moving closer to a deal. “That’s one thing that I emphasized when I was talking to the ocean carriers, urging them to get to a deal. You know, the last thing that emergency responders need is to be looking over their shoulder, wondering if they’re going to be impacted by a strike.”

    He’s a take-charge guy. He saved the economy. A dadgum hero. he is.

    • MikeS

      “That’s one thing that I emphasized when I was talking to the ocean carriers, urging them to get to a deal. You know, the last thing that emergency responders need is to be looking over their shoulder, wondering if they’re going to be impacted by a strike.”

      Why not say that to the longshoremen whose fellow countrymen were in dire straights? Fuck you, Pete. And fuck you to every longshoremen who voted to strike.

      And keep in mind, this is just a temporary deal to get past the election. The fuckers are gonna do it again.

    • Gender Traitor

      I think what’s new is how not-hot not-girls became the Left’s obsession. 🙄

      • kinnath

        A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle

        It started a long time ago. Women don’t need men. Women don’t need to be attractive to be fulfilled. Women who are attractive get exploited. Or they become gender traitors (that looks familiar for some funny reason).

        And yet, I still don’t how feminists celebrate women that aren’t really women.

      • Suthenboy

        Feminism is a leftist cause, leftists only have one cause and all of their professed goals are Trojan horses for that one cause? Just guessin’

      • Not Adahn

        And yet, I still don’t how feminists celebrate women that aren’t really women.

        Hot take: They don’t. “Feminism” has been skinsuited by progressivism.

      • Tundra

        Like this one?

        She also happens to be pretty good.

      • R C Dean

        She just doesn’t jiggle my handle.

      • R C Dean

        And Pipko just looks like she’s on the wrong side of the matrix.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Poor Tuah-luah, having parents who can’t spell.

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