About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. SDF-7

    float around the ocean on a raft

    Heh… you made that one a little obvious, Spud. Of course, when the man is favorite for weight the pros and kons it does tend to be obvious. Morning all! Thanks for the links, Spud… on to them…

    • Gender Traitor

      Yes! This! Thanks for filling in, Spud!

      And good morning, SDF!

      • SDF-7

        Morning, GT — reading that again… man do I need either lots more coffee or a proofreader. Bad llama!

        “favorite for weight”? Really?!?! Sigh. Must have changed thoughts in mid-writing or somesuch.

    • Pat

      you made that one a little obvious, Spud.

      True. Happy birthday Pi Patel!

    • Fourscore

      In the late ’40s the Mpls morning paper serialized “Kon-Tiki”. I delivered my morning route, raced home to read the story before heading off to school. It was pretty exciting for kid from the Heartland

      Looking back to the simpler times makes me wonder if what we call progress has been a positive, though I do like auto transmissions, central heat and my snow blower.

  2. SDF-7

    What’s old is new again. My money is on Dudebro.

    Mine too — but I don’t think he’s going to bother with doing it militarily. The Brit PM seems more than willing to give up everything and roll over to show his belly in the attempt to get “equity and fairness” pets or something.

      • SDF-7

        Heh… nice. Hadn’t heard that before.

    • Tonio

      Also, King Charles is a pussy.

      • SDF-7

        On some level my instinctual reaction to that is “We knew that already..”

        But to be fair, he’s still the asshole who I have to assume was sleeping with Camilla behind Di’s back because while he would marry her for the sake of The Family, he’d be damned if he’d give up the woman he actually loved. Which is actually kind of old school monarchy and all.

        A total pussy would have had him freezing out Camilla while having to watch Di banging the bodyguard or something. I can only be glad SF wasn’t posting content during those years (or about the UK).

      • Gender Traitor

        I like to think Lilibet hung on as long as she did because she was hoping Chuck would die first.

      • The Last American Hero

        Oh, yes. “The Prat and the Twat”, an HHCU prequel.

    • LCDR_Fish

      UK is flopping worse than Winston’s Mom.

      Like HK and the Canal Zone…these will go down as horrible decisions geopolitically.

      I saw a Times (UK) editorial arguing that ceding DG to Mauritius makes no sense – since it was only “administratively managed” by the UK home office in the Mauritius and has no other connection to a tiny island 2000 km away in open sea.

      • Fourscore

        Hahaha. The Brits don’t know that global warming/climate change will submerge the military base and surrounding islands. The Islanders will have to move again.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Looks like final decision is still pending approval in Parliament, but expected to go through.

        Talk about giving up key real estate though….

      • rhywun

        These guys were way ahead of the curve when it comes to the Falklands. The PM of their dreams is in charge now.

    • R C Dean

      I don’t think Milei is a military adventure kind of guy.

      I though Dudebro was Bukele, not Milei?

    • R.J.

      The man has been shipping large amounts of gold to Britain to pay off debt and show good faith. The comment in no way meant he was going to attack, it meant he was going to negotiate.

  3. SDF-7

    I thought you just buried them in a pet cemetery?

    That privilege is reserved for the King.

    • Pat

      And The Ramones, of course.

    • Ted S.

      What I didn’t get is why the sneer quotes were around the phrase “Europe’s only”.

      • Pat

        Well, technically Britain isn’t part of Europe anymore…

    • The Gunslinger

      That would be a semetary.

  4. SDF-7

    Lovely. Adding insult to injury.

    Ugh… I’m a “live and let live — as long as you stay out of my house [gorram chipmunks in GA!]” kind of guy…. but yeah, yellowjackets and the Asian Murder Hornets (or whatever those giant orange fuckers who live underground are in NE GA) are aggressive as hell normally. The aforementioned Murder Hornets very much merit the “gasoline down the found hole and kill them with fire” treatment. Nasty, nasty little bastards.

    Would also accept this even though it is normally for ants.

    Stay safe, East Coast Glibs. Still wish I was in the area…

    (On that note, I’m actually still bemused by the vagaries of the weather — I was really worried about the GA house and my nearby (needless to say around here) elderly folks… but it looked like only some heavy but not inordinate rain came through. But just a bit to the north east — we get the devastating levels of rain. I’m sure if I tracked the eye (or remains of the eye I have to assume) it would make more sense… but it still surprises me. I would have expected at least moderate flooding that close to the storm track…. not that I’m upset that my folks are fine and all…)

    • Drake

      I was in the Walmart checkout line last Wednesday. There were quite a few people who had driven down from NC.

      The family in front of me had an enormous amount of mosquito repellent and wasp spray in their cart. I had no idea why until I say the yellow jacket thing on the news the next morning.

      • Drake

        The mosquitos probably love all the standing water now. But bad for them and the people there. It’s going to start getting cold by the middle of next week.

      • Sensei

        Don’t worry FEMA will get them all fixed up long before that.

      • R C Dean

        BY FIXED UP, MEAN . . . .

    • The Last American Hero

      I have a treaty with the spiders – I leave their webs alone outside, they get to eat the bugs. If they come inside, they are in violation of the treaty.

  5. Gender Traitor

    a retired, bible thumping football coach

    Happy Birthday, Joe Gibbs!

  6. Pat

    a badass Italian wrestler

    Happy birthday Terry Bollea?

  7. SDF-7

    The entire country has gone loopy.


    How about a pumpkin spice warning?

    are the same issue — “We don’t think you should think for yourself, we believe we’re effectively your parents — now do what we tell you, proles!”

    I know, I know… I’m lurking in the back of the choir room preaching.

    • DrOtto

      Trust the experts – Tim Walz

    • Suthenboy

      I read these stories and always keep in mind…the limeys have always been authoritarian shitbirds.

  8. Pat

    How to tell if my apple cider is unpasteurized

    That’s easy. It’ll look and taste like horse piss, be sold at a big box store, and won’t come with the one in 100 million chance of killing you. If you like to live dangerously, chance the drive to an orchard and sample some unpasteurized cider fresh off the press. It’s glorious.

    • Rat on a train

      Picked some up from a harvest festival yesterday. Also bought a crate of apples fresh from the trees.

    • Fourscore

      I remember the apple cider sold at roadside stands around Freehold, a buck a gallon. We were on a sort of limited budget but I could always find a couple bucks for that annual treat.

    • Nephilium

      We’ve got enough orchards around locally that we have multiple brands of cider in the stores now. Including different varietals, the girlfriend is very fond of the Honeycrisp ciders.

      • Pat

        Honeycrisp’s are a bit on the sweet side for me as an eating apple, but they’re tasty, so I could see that being good. In WA where I grew up it was mostly red delicious at the local orchards, which I don’t generally care for as an eating apple, but the cider they produced was better than the sum of its parts. Same with the fresh apple butter.

  9. Pat

    Speaking of pumpkin spice, among the brands in the JM Smuckers stable that I represent in [large big box retailer] are Milk Bone and Canine Carryouts dog treats. They’ve rolled out pumpkin spice dog biscuits for Halloween this year. So it’s now possible for both pet and owner to be basic white bitches.

    • Common Tater

      Do dogs even like pumpkin spice?

      • Pat

        I doubt it. But then, the dogs aren’t the customers, and nobody’s likely to sample the dog biscuits to make sure they taste adequately of pumpkin spice. My guess is there may be some “natural flavor” in the ingredient list on the order of parts per million that could be construed as pumpkin spice to satisfy legal requirements, and the rest is good old rendered horse meat like most pet food.

      • Suthenboy

        Sweet potato dog treats go over well with the canine crowd. I dunno about the spice though. I might be willing to give it a try.

      • SDF-7

        I know dogs love canned pumpkin — not at all sure about the “spice” aspect.

      • R C Dean

        Considering there is zero pumpkin in pumpkin spice, not sure that really matters.

    • Chafed

      Goodness some people are stupid.

  10. Old Man With Candy

    Greetings from Baltimore. And thanks for filling in for me.

    • Fourscore

      Is Spud contemplating a coup?

      Good to see you, OM.

      • Common Tater

        It’s Baltimore. Spud will take over after OMWC gets shot.

    • Rat on a train

      City, county, or metro? The risk is factored into your score.

      • Old Man With Candy


      • Rat on a train

        Reporting in to the NSA?

      • R.J.

        Ha! No answer! I knew it!

    • Gender Traitor

      ::virtual hug::

    • Suthenboy

      “Fashion is something so hideous that we have to change it every six months.” – Oscar Wilde

      • Beau Knott

        Another writer with almost as many nasty quips as Dorothy Parker.

    • Ted S.

      Would you expect any less from Chicago?

    • Chafed

      It’s accelerating toward bankruptcy. It’s going to be a joy to watch it happen.

  11. EvilSheldon

    Good morning Glibertaria!

    It’s Sunday, which means 2-gun day! Time to drive out to the hinterlands and see how my skills are holding up. Say, when’s the last time you went out and shot your assault rifle? You do have an assault rifle, right?

    • Fourscore

      I was out with my Contender, looks like the targets survived. Either my eyesight has negatively changed or way too much coffee. The results were less than encouraging.

      I’ll try again today, then go to the assault rifle, if necessary. See if that improves my chances

      • Sensei

        It’s in the name. They are magically super deadly.

    • Sean

      *Holds up Mosin*

      Like this?

      • Rat on a train

        1891 Infantry?

    • Suthenboy

      I dont have an assault rifle. I do have a defense rifle though.

      • DrOtto

        Does it have that black thing that goes up? Does it go full semi-auto?

      • Fourscore

        Reminds self to not do an assault on Suthen’s house.

    • R C Dean

      Haven’t shot much of anything since my right eye got scarred up nearly a year ago. It’s resolving, very slowly. Probably be able to hit the range again after the holidays.

      In the meantime, I’m going back to Gunsite next month for their class on knife fighting.

    • tripacer

      I saw “lifted impreza” and instantly assumed it was in Washington.

    • Plinker762

      I’d say that Ford truck was to blame too. It looks like he was running on the lane line.

    • Suthenboy

      All cultures are equal!

    • Pat

      He rose above those circumstances to become a member of the British Navy.

    • DrOtto

      They had to settle for Joe Biden’s uncle instead.

  12. Common Tater

    “NPR forced to apologize after boosting Media Matters’ lie that National Review editor used ‘racial slur’

    NPR originally only changed the article and headline; however, the damage was done, and multiple other outlets ran with the story, boosting the claim that Lowry said the n-word when he spoke. This led to Lowry getting disinvited from multiple speaking events.”



    • Pat

      It did sound an awful lot like “the n word” (I know we have rules here, but typing that out honestly makes my skin crawl; it’s so fucking stupid policing words like we’re talking to 5 year olds), but even if he had said it with the “n” instead of “m” sound, it was clearly just a speech fumble. As opposed to, say, Robert Byrd.

      • MikeS

        typing that out honestly makes my skin crawl; it’s so fucking stupid policing words like we’re talking to 5 year olds


  13. Suthenboy

    No one wants the Falklands. They are a political distraction, nothing more. Dudebro must be feeling some pressure.

    You are not bringing back a unique individual living thing by reproducing it.

    Republican steps on his dick? Ridiculous unforced error? I dont believe that for one second.

    Yellow jackets are generally not aggressive when foraging away from their queens. I dont know enough about swarming Yellowjackets to know how they behave under those conditions.
    Has FEMA started seizing meds yet? I know how they behave.

    *Sigh* Get. off. of. the. tracks.
    A freight train is coming. You see the light. You feel the rumble. You hear the random steel on steel squeals. You are on the tracks. You cant stop it. You cant survive it. GET OFF.
    I have been accused of making light of hurricanes. I am not. I am pointing out that there is no reason for anyone to die from one.
    I give the mid-atlantic residents a break cuz…no one really saw that coming. That is a bit of a shocker.

    To be fair, the fruit is probably better than English fish-n-chips. If you want fried fish come to the gulf coast states, particularly Louisiana.

    Redefining masculinity? No they are not. The left can insist reality comply with their commands all they like. It amuses me to some extent.

    Fruit with prominent pits at the stem and stigma can easily harbor bacteria. Pay your money, take your chances.

  14. Common Tater

    ““If the platforms, whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control and it’s not just the social and psychological effects it’s real harm, it’s child porn and threats of violence, things that are terribly dangerous,” Clinton added.”



    • Suthenboy

      Trump is worse than Hitler.

    • rhywun

      we lose total control

      Their evil is in your face and nobody gives a shit. *sigh*

    • The Last American Hero

      Silly woman, child porn is for elementary school libraries, not the internet.

  15. R C Dean

    “Outrage as new fish and chip shop in UK town told ‘sell fruit and veg if you want to open”

    At some point, having it on the menu won’t be enough. They’ll have to sell a certain minimum amount of “fruit and veg” or they will be forced to close.

  16. Sensei

    No highs. No lows. Must be Bose!

    Bose Reinvented Itself Just in Time. Now Comes the Tricky Part

    Lights the OMWC signal. I’m also kidding. Bose is a really interesting case study. Although having a McKinsey alum running it doesn’t fill me with confidence.

    Bose was unique because it used real science and not “magic” in the development of its products. They were one of first to EQ their speaker designs. I always used to say audiophiles spend $100 building some esoteric speaker driver. Bose spends $95 developing and EQing a $5 driver.

    I still always never cared for their sound, but it matches a Harman Curve much better than lots of other manufacturers.

    • Ted S.

      I always read the company name as Böse.

      • MikeS


      • Beau Knott

        I resent that! I, too, have always hated their speakers, from the first direct/reflected monstrosities way back when.

    • DrOtto

      I have a set a gen 1 sound cubes. They’ve held up well, but we only use them for video sound, where they perform well. They weren’t as good for music.

    • Pat

      In the past four years with CEO Lila Snyder—a former 15-year McKinsey consultant who is herself an MIT graduate with a master’s in mechanical engineering—Bose has seemingly righted a ship that appeared to be banking toward shore.

      How the fuck do you go broke attaching $4 worth of transducers and sine wave generators to a $40 pair of mid-tier over the ear cans and charging $250 for it?

      • Suthenboy

        New Jersey….was it New Jersey?…..had a state run casino that went broke. Just when you think something is idiot-proof some idiot comes along and proves you wrong.

      • Pat

        I can still remember the appalled looks on my friends’ faces 20 years ago or whatever it was when the Beats by Dre shit first started rolling out and I told them “You know those are literally just rebranded $80 Monster headphones that they make on contract, and they were $60 overpriced already with the Monster sticker on them, right?”

        (Why yes, I *have* always been a bloviating know-it-all asshole, how could you tell?)

      • Suthenboy

        Also, her degree is in mechanical engineering, not financial engineering.
        I see that a lot, especially with physicians. They have a lucrative skill but. no one ever taught them what to do with the money.

      • Sensei

        Suthen, not NJ. NY did manage to lose money on the horses and OTB.

      • Sensei

        Pat, Monster who frivolously sued everybody who couldn’t afford to defend themselves get seriously fucked over by Beats was a wonderful thing.

      • Ted S.

        Wasn’t the OTB thing because of massive corruption?

      • The Last American Hero

        Like a lot of companies that get into treble, they just have to ignore the noise (no matter how much loudness there is) and get back to bassics. Sounds like a good plan to me.

    • R C Dean

      I can’t hear high-highs anyway. We have a couple of their small Bluetooth speakers that I like just fine for their applications – one is for the small TV in the kitchen, and one is for my computer (and when I travel if I’m staying somewhere that I want music).

      • R.J.

        Same. Hi fi just doesn’t seem necessary to me anymore.

      • Pat

        Nothing much musical happens above around 14k anyway; if it did, it would be rather unpleasant at any kind of volume. Mastering engineers tend to be the most seasoned people in the music production chain (i.e., mostly over 40), and having spent their careers listening to music, tend to have worse-than-average-for-their-age hearing loss. So the people mastering the music generally can’t hear anything about, say, 15-16k either. If Spirit They’ve Vanished still hurts your ears a little bit, you’re fine.

      • Pat

        (for reference, at 1080p YouTube uses 192 kbps audio compression, which peaks cuts off at ~15k, so if you’re listening to that song in HD, you’re not hearing a single high note above ~15k, and it’s still uncomfortable)

  17. SDF-7

    Accuracy naturally suffers when you mess up spelling out the 14 letter word (twice). Ah well.

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 10/06:
    *23/23 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 10/06:
    *62/62 words (+8 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 5% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 569

    • Ted S.

      I played https://squaredle.com 10/06:
      *62/62 words (+27 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 3% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 1

    • Tundra

      All going to auction, huh? The Miuras are neat.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    The bees and wasps have found the pears and apples all over the ground right at my front door. I just ignore them.

    • Fourscore

      When they’re foraging they are not much of a threat. Only get stung if you happen to squeeze one. OTOH, disturbing the nest will bring a sharp rebuke.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Forgotten but not gone

    President Joe Biden has privately complained to allies that his name and his accomplishments have virtually disappeared from the national conversation and about how quickly the party that he has served for more than five decades appears to have moved on from him, according to six people familiar with his comments.

    Biden has noted at times that Vice President Kamala Harris, who took his place at the top of the Democratic ticket in July, hasn’t been mentioning him in her campaign speeches lately, including when she talks about an economy he believes his policies set on a positive trajectory, these people said.

    Sorry pal- your page has been turned. A new day is dawning. Here’s your hat, what’s your hurry? Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

    • R C Dean

      “Unburdened by what has been”

      • Common Tater

        Who the fuck is running the government?

    • juris imprudent

      He can find sympathy were my father told me to look – in the dictionary between shit and suicide.

      • Gender Traitor

        Not to cast aspersions on your dad’s alphabetizing skills, but…maybe he just didn’t want to say “syphilis” to an innocent young lad such as yourself?

      • Chafed

        Lol. I was thinking something similar.

    • Suthenboy

      For fifty years a mediocre midwit. Bye.

    • MikeS

      Fuck off, Joe. I hope you cry yourself to sleep every night.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    “We have to tell people who she is and what she would do,” the campaign official said. “There wasn’t a real interest in hearing about his accomplishments when he was running. That’s still the case.”

    Let’s not remind people of why they should hate us.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    “History will show what we here know,” Harris said at their Sept. 2 event. “Joe Biden has been one of the most transformative presidents in the United States that we have ever witnessed. And it comes from his heart.”

    It will take decades to recover, if we ever do.

    • Pat

      Going broke *is* a transformation, so I guess technically correct is the best kind.

    • rhywun

      It took a lot of heart to turn the US into a laughingstock, I’ll admit.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Dismantling higher education

    “Diversity” refers to many kinds of difference, and not necessarily just to one underrepresented identity. Not only are fewer students identifying with a single racial or ethnic category, more students are electing not to check the race-ethnicity box at all. This shifting data impedes the ability to get a clear picture of the immediate impact of the end of race-based admissions.

    The shifts in the student population come at the same time as a period of intense cultural change. Restrictions on free speech, and the elimination of programs and centers promoting diversity, are part of ongoing right-wing efforts to reshape a supposedly overly liberal college landscape across the U.S. Some faculty and administrators express a fear that a perceived need to appease conservative critics and donors may reduce universities’ ability to contribute to an informed citizenry.

    As a faculty member for 23 years and director of an honors program at the University of Illinois, I have observed some chilling downstream effects of the disappearance of affirmative action, but also some hopeful collective action. Eliminating data on race and ethnicity from applications does not merely mean that admissions officers know less about the applicants. Instead, as with other policy changes, ripple effects on experiences in classrooms, social groups and the world outside the university occur. These effects are difficult to calculate, but nonetheless real.

    Primitive right wing ignoramuses are muzzling the Wise Men of academia.

    Some kids aren’t checking the racial identity boxes. What is wrong with them?

    • Pat

      Restrictions on free speech, and the elimination of programs and centers promoting diversity, are part of ongoing right-wing efforts to reshape a supposedly overly liberal college landscape

      Yeah, I noticed all the right-wing administrators silencing speech they dislike on college campuses 🙄

    • MikeS

      These effects are difficult to calculate, but nonetheless real.

      Narrator: They’re difficult to calculate because they’re not real.

    • rhywun

      more students are electing not to check the race-ethnicity box at all

      No worries; someone is absolutely checking it for them.

      Racism now, racism always, racism forever.

  23. The Late P Brooks


    As an experienced communications professional for tech and other industries, what I’m seeing concerns me deeply. We’re quickly approaching a future where tech executives can spin stories and no newspapers exist anymore to provide an accurately fact-checked counter-narrative. Corporate whistleblowers won’t have any reporters to turn to. Consumers will never find out the truth. The most powerful voices will define right and wrong, and Zuckerberg and others like him won’t ever have to apologize again.

    Maybe becoming a glorified steno pool for the Establishment Narrative had something to do with that slide.

  24. Tundra

    Good morning!

    Watching the Vikings play in London. Why, exactly?

    I just learned that flag football will be part of the next Olympics. Why, exactly?

    • Chafed

      It’s got the thrill of synchronized swimming without the cost of a pool.

    • The Last American Hero

      I heard they won’t give the winners medals, but participation trophies.

      • Tundra

        And juice boxes.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Further shows the idiocy of modern Olympics. Plenty of int’l competitions already provide more/ cost less. No lessons will be learned. Up next! Field Goals s̵c̵o̵r̵e̵d̵ judged by performative break dancing! More points for flare! 😎

  25. Evan from Evansville

    Dad’s newest play debuted on Fri and today me, bro+ nephews are going. It’s called “Swing Batta!” and is a slightly fictionalized version of his book of the same name about my 10-11yo Little League season.
    The main character is still “Evan,” which is a curiosity for me. As he ages, he gets more ‘stuck in the mud’ with his work, detracting from its quality, but he’s still happily getting things on the stage. It’s small and mostly family members are going to see the seven kids he and the director got for the gig.

    As of now, I’m still on “paid suspension” from work. Thinking about it now, a good play is to simply be moved to the other plasma center location they have in Indy. I show up knowing most of the ropes and am a new face for everyone. Start with a clean slate and no 6-week history of the donors watching me figure it all out. I have a psych appt after the play today and a (new) Dr visit on Tues, so Monday may be the only day I get paid something for nothing, as it were. I may start getting paid nothing for nothing before or immediately after tomorrow.

    Failing that, I’ll look around at other companies and their plasma centers. Will feel ’round Kokomo and other IN locales shortly after. Me thinky this phlebotomy idea is still a fabulous one. It’s (honestly quite) predictable that a stupid moment, steeped in Good Intentions, handled terribly by me, came back swiftly to bite me in the ass. I deserve PART of this Stupid Prize, but Strike One rather than a punchout. Meh. Live, learn. Be Better.

    • Pat

      OOTL, but hope everything works out.

      I didn’t know your dad was a playwright.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Both parents are now. (Sometimes. Only side projects.) Dad wrote for the Evansville Courier (& Press, eventually) for 40 years, and met Chicago mom at the Bluefield Telegraph in West Virginia, where bro and I were born. She became a teacher when they moved to evil Eville.

        He’s written 5(?) local plays. He thought his last on Hank Williams was his best. The audience was subjected to the lead listening to Williams’ obit on the radio..which lasted an ‘impressive’ 4-5 minutes. Come to a play, and listen to an AP feature on the radio for a good chunk of it… Yuh-huh…

        Mom wrote/acted in a One-Woman Show as Mary Todd Lincoln, portraying her post-assassination. It was very good. Dad’s plays have thought but are written for him, not the audience. I hope this one, especially with kids, still wins the crowd. They are quite interesting people. Bro is the only family member not (at one point) a professional writer. He’s also by far the most brilliant and well-rounded of us all. Me no thinky that a coinky-dinky.

    • cavalier973

      Sorry to hear about your difficulties. Glad to hear you are still getting paid, though.

      I don’t know the details of your situation, but my advice would be to stick with your current workplace, as long as you can. It sounds like they don’t want to get rid of you, or else you would already be looking for another employer. Keep improving your skills, and don’t be insulted if others are checking on your work for a while. That only means they want you to stay.
      Don’t be embarrassed if you make rookie mistakes.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Agreed on all counts. They ‘had’ to go through HR, who told me on the line with Asst Manager and Boss, I was on Paid Suspension as they perform an “investigation.” This company has another location in Indy, but I’m fine with where I was. I get along very well with the donors. However, a couple have told me not to take shit lying down (as much) from the other gals workin’ there. “I don’t make ripples ’til I have enough mass to make waves,” is ish-something I replied to one.

        I’m just fine going back to work where I’ve been on Wednesday. I’m resilient and don’t crack easily. Going to the location on the other side of town does have tangible benefits. Helps to be able to Re-Do your intro to the donors, now that I’ve worked out my routine/schtick with them. The donors quite like me. It’s another chance to be a recreate your character. I am shockingly good at slinking into new environments and managing to slip my tentacles comfortably in.(<– No euphemism in this case, but feel free. I've slipped into much strange many times in my past, but not here. For many, many reasons.) The center *is* a lovely place to hear human stories. It's nice not being so 'shut-in.'

  26. The Late P Brooks

    I just learned that flag football will be part of the next Olympics. Why, exactly?

    You wouldn’t want the olympics to be about riding horses and shooting guns, would you?

  27. The Late P Brooks

    I had to look iy up

    Breakdown of the modern pentathlon events:

    Riding: A show jumping course that features 15 jumps over 12 obstacles on an unfamiliar horse that the athlete is asigned in a random draw just 20 minutes before they compete.
    Ranking Round: The first day of competition only, a round-robin tournament in which all 36 athletes compete against each other in one-touch epee bouts. Each last for one minute or until the first touch.
    Bonus Round: An elimination tournament featuring 30-second bouts (or until the first touch), seeded by results of the ranking round. The athletes will continue to compete if they keep winning.
    Swimming: A 200m freestyle event, with athletes seeded into heats based on their world rankings.
    Running and Shooting: A laser run in which the athletes alternate between running and shooting a laser pistol along a 3km course, with the athletes stopping four times throughout the run to shoot at five targets from 10 meters.

    “Laser pistols”? Bah. Why not squirt guns?

    • Tundra

      What the hell. Just add Calvinball already.

      • Sensei

        Also, let’s not forget the animal cruelty!

  28. Tundra

    This broadcast team on NFL Network is fucking horrible.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Dock strike photo- a guy holding a sign saying “Machines don’t feed families.”

    Sure they do. Just not yours.

  30. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Went to the closest grocery for the first time in a week and a half. This is the chain (Ingles) that lost their distro center and corporate HQ. Their only distro center. Anyway, their contingency plans must be pretty robust, because the only thing they didn’t really have much of was chicken.