The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 34

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Hat and Hair | 34 comments

We are nearing the end of Trump’s first term, or as Historians will mark it, the end of of the first season of The Hat and The Hair Super Funtime Cartoon Show. The next episode in that ‘first season’ would be the milestone episode ‘All Ye Faithful’, the Christmas extravaganza that would establish the Hat’s hatred of Persia was based on a dispute with the god Mithras. But that is for next time. Calm tits.

Extra More COVID music.

About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. DEG

    Saving the voters from Covid


    • Aloysious

      I’m wearing a sports bra to prevent my tits from being all flappy.

  2. Sean

    The courts are fucking useless. Corrupt commies legislating from the bench. We might as well be Brazil.

    • R.J.

      Your tits are not calm.

  3. Rat on a train

    The more videos suggestions are all The Hat and the Hair except one. You should reach out about crossover episodes.

  4. dbleagle

    He doesn’t listen to the hair much does he?

    • Gustave Lytton

      She constantly interrupted him, then complained when he tried to continue. She is a perfect example of a naggy bitch.

    • Aloysious

      Is it possible cnn will be accurate?


  5. slumbrew

    As I’m looking at the sponsors, I’ve been meaning to ask:

    What happened to Sloper? He storm off over something or just decided to take a break?

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      we’ve been missing him on the zooms, too

      • slumbrew


        Anyone have contact info for him IRL?

        I like that guy.

      • Tundra

        I’ll look. We talked about going fishing.

      • MikeS

        He’s my favorite grumpy old Glib. And I mean OLD.

    • cyto

      Sloper? We talking about Sloopy?

      • slumbrew

        Westernsloper, a.k.a., Sloper.

      • cyto

        Ah. My nickname generator is offline, apparently.

        On the upside, we won trivia night at Bru’s room. So I’m not completely addled.

      • slumbrew

        Nice – I miss regular trivia nights.

        My buddy and I regularly beat 6 person teams. I should resurrect regular trivia outings.

        Random: my favorite team names who regularly competed:

        – Sweatpants Boner
        – I’ve Never Seen Her Wrestle But You Should See Her Box

      • cyto

        Good names.

        I was the newbie. This place had “final jeopardy” style question for the last question. You bet points and if you get it wrong, you lose points.

        We were in the lead.

        This is the question:

        Put these in order from past to present

        First Corvette rolls off the line.

        Mattel makes the Ken doll.

        A Charlie Brown Christmas debits.

        Sputnick is launched

        I knew 3 for sure…. but Ken? I said “anywhere from 1947 to 1972”

        So we bet Zero.

        Nobody got it right.

  6. Gustave Lytton

    There’s a billboard up, trying to rile up the LIV Harris voters, of Trump saying elect me and you’ll never have to vote for me again. Oh, no! He’s a dictator! It’s the fucking term limit, dipshits.

  7. cyto

    OK, i was out and about so I just watched the whole interview.

    It was worse than you think. And better, I guess.

    She came up with a new dodge – asked if she still supported taxpayer funded gender transition surgery for prisoners and illegals, she said “I will follow the law”, and then tried to pretend that it actually is a Trump policy.

    She floundered hard trying to say everything is because trump was running for president. Spent the last half of the interview just crowing about Trump and all the people who don’t support him.

    Sounded pretty desperate to me, but I bet she got the sound bites they need to feed the base.

    • slumbrew

      The base is already all-in on “I’m not Trump”, so I dunno who that tack is going to influence.

      Who hasn’t decided at this point? I think I want those people voting even less than the automatic-D/automatic-R folks.

      • cyto

        Good point.

        I just can’t imagine how this “he is a fascist” gambit can work.

        They advocate ending the first amendment, packing the supreme court, they actually used the FBI and other agencies to enforce censorship in the press and online, they jailed a thousand people for trespassing (or less) without bail or trial for a year or more, they used the CIA and FBI to go after a president elect and then a president….

        I mean, at what point?

      • cyto

        That was a spot that I thought Brett Bair really fumbled. She kept hitting trump talking about the enemy within, and he never asked why her administration targeted white males as the greatest threat to the country and tasked the FBI to target them as the top security priority. Could have played a merrick Garland clip.

      • slumbrew

        What do regular people even think “fascist” means at this point?

        Harris is talking about literally fascist policies – dictating how private companies run their businesses – but Trump is a fascist because he wants to enforce immigration laws?

      • Tundra

        What do regular people even think “fascist” means at this point?

        Hitler. Or possibly skinheads.

        These dumbfucks shouldn’t be allowed to vote or wield sharp objects.

        Regular people

      • Raven Nation

        I think fascist pretty much just means racist at this point; and possibly sexist.

      • cyto

        I am quite certain that Fascist means “I am accusing the other of doing that which I am doing as a cover and distraction technique”

        There is unquestionably a global communist (ne fascist) movement that seeks to eliminate free speech, inundate us with propaganda, eliminate cash transactions, and funnel income through the government to the greatest extent possible.

        The people we see out in public – like Kamala – are clearly only puppets who are allowed some table scraps for being the face of the organization.

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