This is the one that has become our annual Christmas Special. The Hat prays to Baby Jesusclaws to overturn the election for Donald. This will make for a special month, as hopefully on Halloween, the day after the next new episode should arrive, the Halloween Special will return, with The Hat’s rendition of The Raven. Two holiday specials in one yuge month! Also, hopefully soon, new scripts for season 2 of Gravity Man will be coming. And to that end, I created a new intro to build hype.
The Hat and The Hair Animated: ReRun ep 35
About The Author

Organic troll farmer.
Our vice president, whatever the fuck his name is…
Absolutely the best line
the Halloween Special will return, with The Hat’s rendition of The Raven.
Did Rand Paul just endorsed Kamala?
Trump’s Tariffs Won’t Bring Us Peace and Prosperity
The choice is clear: We can embrace the principles that have made America the world’s largest economy, or we can retreat into the failed policies of protectionism…
…The alternative—free trade—ensures the peace and security for which we all naturally yearn.
She wants to continue Trump/Biden tariffs…so nah.
Trumpalo is talking about escalations in tariffs that make old Trump/Biden look like free traders. And the “choice” language along with the timing is suspicious to me. 🤷🏻♂️
Trump has also been crystal clear that they are a negotiating tool. If country X does what we want, no tariffs.
Of course, at some point he will have to impose tariffs. Will Congress need to rouse itself for that?
Yeah, the unhinged left and never-Trumpers don’t get that he’s setting up negotiations. He’s also explained his “admiration” for dictators in similar terms. (I.e. “He knows I’m crazy”)
That said, I don’t get Rand, here. Six months from now when President Trump wants to impose a 200% tariff on John Deeres made in Mexico, sure. Why 2 weeks before the election?
Maybe the long play is he will push a reduction in the tax burden on Americans in favor of tariffs. For ever tariff, a 10% reduction in tax?
My guess is that Trump doesn’t understand Economics. Instead of encouraging production here he is busy running up inflationary costs through runaway print and spend measures. His previous economic advisors were the pick of the stupid litter.
He thinks it makes him look tough while the American farmer is wondering how to buy any John Deere tractor. The Climate Crisis BS continues on. Production must precede consumption, regardless of where that production is located.
Production must precede consumption, regardless of where that production is located.
Yes, but when so much production is located elsewhere to the point that our national economy is mainly paper pushers and money lenders ( services industries are 70% of GDP), there are concerns about the viability of this model long term.
Trump’s China tariffs cost the American people very little in the pocketbook. Why? Because when these tariffs were replied, China usually reduced the price of the goods involve to match the tariffs imposed.
Why did they lower their prices? Because they didn’t want to lose market share and then have to rebuild it if they were able help to force OMB out.
So effectively it was the Han Empire that got taxed, not the US citizenry.
Biden’s handlers, wanting to look like they were being tough, kept the tariffs mostly in place.
So what did China do? Start moving production and manufacturing to Mexico and elsewhere where they wouldn’t be subject to the tariffs. Case in point, the investment in an EV manufacturing plant in Mexico.
But they’re not doing it alone. Blackrock is also investing in that plant.
tariffs were applied, not replied.
“So what did China do? Start moving production and manufacturing to Mexico and elsewhere where they wouldn’t be subject to the tariffs. Case in point, the investment in an EV manufacturing plant in Mexico.”
So in effect the tariffs did no good.
For Suthenboy:
Off topic article, but I just got back on the internet and found the occasional GOOD Boehm article about the hillbilly equivalent to your Cajun Navy; the Redneck Air Force:
BTW, I’m the son of a bona-fide coal-diggin’ hillbilly (West Virginia flavor) and have plenty of relatives still living there.
Oh…got any local folklore Halloween-type stories? Working with my oldest on a beginner GameJam and thinking Appalachian folklore as the ‘creepy’ factor
There was a podcast I used to listen to that was all about folklore. I seem to remember an Appalachia episode. Just can’t remember the name of the podcast. haha
“Myths and Legends”. It’s a cool podcast, would recommend. But not for stories about Appalachia…I’m not finding any.
Well that helps! I got Moon-eyed people, The Bell Witch, Bigfoot of course, Mothman but I don’t want to use that. Wampus cat is another I have researched. Pope Lick Monster is one that pops up in Kentucky lore. Cryptids of The Coal Mines obviously intrigues me.
There is a “devils stamping ground” in western north carolina. Good stories. Set up as a tourist attraction later.
We had our own devils stamping ground in the woods behind my neighborhood. There was a local low spot in the woods with a tree in the center. The area around the tree was a perfect circle of plaster smooth earth with no plants, no leaves, no debris of any kind.
They say a demon paces around the tree clearing any obstacles every night.
Actually, the local low spot collected water and mud, leaving behind a perfectly smooth and flat area after the water dried up.
I used it to scare several other kids over the years, also including hairs caught in barbed wire fences as proof of werewolves.
Cryptids of The Coal Mines
Awesome thanks Cyto! Its obviously a small game since we have 7 days to develop. I just want to inject some local lore that fits the Halloween vibe.
@Slumbrew…tell me that isn’t perfect! Rather than straight “bigfoot”, the Cryptids of The Coal Mines, while not easy to say, just screams rape…er…scare me
I mean..come on! Perfect name for some dark humor
There is a good ghost story from my home town of Jamestown.
The local high school kids paint the bridge abutment for senior year stunts. My sister went above and beyond, siezing the high ground where nobody else could reach, so her name was there for several years.
Hey, Saruman: I was born in Bluefield, WV, where my Mom & Dad worked for The Telegraph for a decade or so. Dad talked to all sorts of vets to miners to other Appalachian folk.
Love hearing the stories. My bro went to elem there, but I only have memories of going back to (one of) my childhood home. Long-abandoned, ‘my’ room had been a hippie peaceful-drug den, judging by the artwork. Dad’s from Abingdon, VA. Interesting times and stories ’round the area. Nice to see ya(!), if it’s our first time.
It’d take very little to convince me mines are terrifying.
Deep cryptids? I’m running 🙂
My dad had some good stories from when he was growing up, including one involving moonshiners and drunken rats. But no ghost stories.
But there are plenty of ’em out there. A quick browse found this:
Perfect for maybe a main antagonist/boss whatever. Thanks again.
* You’re the “son of a bona-fide coal-diggin’ hillbilly (West Virginia flavor).” I wonder if Dad shares any tales ya might recognize. He worked there… ’73-’87?
The earlier heavy metal penguin inspired me.
“I can only count to four”
If you made it through the short…. there is a long version
I have a guess as to why the left is so passionate about ending X and other free speech platforms.
It is so people can’t listen to rants like this:
Tucker, fully black pilled.
Fucking right!
Nice rant, would listen again.
“That dude is pissed!”
About the progressive democrats.
“It a party of the machine where it doesn’t matter who the candidate is because individuals are immaterial. All that matters is the collective.”
I have been on an ACAB adjacent streak of posting nut-punch videos.
Here is… well, not the opposite. But what police have to deal with. I wonder what the BLM slogan will be for this guy.
Crazy fuck.
Quick. Can’t see or determine if he fired first, but given the composure of the officer, ya…dumb ass. Cop would have just walked on by and while would have circled back around…seemed like a bad move.
Shooter fired from the hip. Holding a pistol in his lap behind his coffee cup.
Given a second chance, he tried to raise his gun and this time they didn’t hesitate.
Ya given the sound, Greedo shot first. Like I said, cops composure was all in the search mode and was going to just go on by that house. Dude really had no reason to fire.
Dude on the right was extremely professional. Didn’t flinch, immediately called out stop, stop, stop when threat appeared to be neutralized.
I’m gonna bet he didn’t miss.
ACAB is not a road you want to go down, because it’s bullshit.
Unless you’re in Antifa or something.
Yup. Not my game at all. Just a pithy intro.
I’m where Balko was just before he left Reason. Back when he said “it ain’t about racism” and noted that police had a job to do and needed to be able to make mistakes but also be held accountable when they crossed the line.
Unfortunately, Obama and Holder brought back the racism argument and we have not recovered.
To TPTB, I submitted an article. It’s on the election, so time sensitive.
Playlist of videos of the automata at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.
Case in point of the media running with a story for possibly their October surprise but there are actual named folk rebutting it in real time.
Doesn’t matter, the Atlantic and every other news org got the story out and will never report on this portion of the story.
They ran it as the top story on the nightly news.
Remember, the revised reason they didn’t report on the Biden bribery story (conveniently labeled the Hunter Biden Laptop Story to remove context) was because “it wasn’t newsworthy”.
So, the Vice president and candidate for president being proven to have accepted bribes from foreign companies to change US policy ….. not a story.
A proven lie about the Republican candidate expressing an opinion about having generals who follow orders (like Hitler did)…. top of the news. Same day it is published, within a very short time, the president’s spokesperson has a whole speech prepared.
Do we see? Or do we hide our heads in the sand?
Plus, everyone involved in this story has been repeatedly caught manufacturing exactly this sort of lies.
It is a rehash of the Arlington and Frech stories. Just repackaged into something more “personable” and even though they know the person instantly rebutted and said lies!, ran it anyway.
Absolutely disgusting.
Every election, its just no one has ever reported on it…
Maybe so…produce the evidence then.
Nothing to see here…. move along…..
(It isn’t like some foreigner took out $250k worth of Facebook ads)
TBF I have no problem believing that tankies stick together. It’s an international struggle FFS.
Wannabe commies? Is that what we call them?
They finally have the smoking gun. Racist Trump truly is Hitler
Several replies:
“Worst Hitler ever.”
Trump is such a racist like Hitler that he married an immigrant, his oldest daughter married a Jewish man, and his youngest daughter married an Arab/Lebanese man.
Well, that just means he is fulfilling Revelations!
Keep that energy during Rogan and no issues. Yes he rambles through answers, but that is Vanilla+ Trump right there.
Yeah, hopefully the 3 letter guys don’t get to Rogan and get him to focus on gotcha stuff.
His normal style would be to be a friendly forum and talk about anecdotes about Trump doing cool stuff and policy issues. If so, Trump will kill.
You have stories about Mandella or families that he helped, then you have famous people stories like golfing with the greatest golfers ever or hanging with Tyson
Dude is great
How it was
How it is going
Fits their notion of ‘allies’ doesnt?
Particularly since “child separation” was Obama and was due to a court order
CNN Townhall
“Republican leaning towards voting for you Kamala…”
“I am not going to ban fracking” – Kamala…who then goes on describing sorta her policies on how she will go forth with the Green New Deal
Now onto her “I am a tough prosecutor and its all misinformation” ANDDDD shut down the moderator who was going to question that.
Who at this point is swayed on this?
Ha…Fucking Anderson…”well you said you raised your hand about fracking…”
Kamala “No that isn’t true”
He tries to press but plays the beta pussy.
Each person called on is reading from a fucking card. I get it, you have something you want to say, but magically it fits her talking points.
AND….she is closing with ‘unstable’ will ‘weaponize’ the government..plotting her revenge…her closing message. JOURNALIST! SHE WILL JAIL YOU ANDERSON! lol JFC.
Er…replace she with he…sorry projected there.
“Lets do it with a little joy” She is now in Joe’s whispering mode. She hasn’t answered a single question. Anderson is a shill
Her whole campaign is “Daddy (mommy?) government will take care of you” Fuck me we are screwed if she gets into the Oval Office.
Sounds like somebody needs a hug from Momala! 🤗
Dana Bash “On the question of who she is…what will she do, name one” “There wasn’t one”
CNN dagger in the back.
And…angling the John Kelly anonymous quote nonsense. This is their push. This is what they hope will sway it all
Yeah, I think “Hitler lover” is their October surprise. The left definitely can’t meme.
The Lore Lodge has four videos out on Bigfoot—the most recent being a discussion of Teddy Roosevelt’s “goblin story”.
He has an extensive discussion about the various American Indian legends concerning different creatures.
There is a three hour video of “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark”, which contains quite a bit of folklore in addition to ghost stories.
It did not have one of my favorite stories, “The Thing”, about a scary looking man staring at a pair of friends from across the road.
One of the boys later gets sick, and wastes away. The healthy friend says that the dying boy looks just like the scary man they had seen.
What makes it scary is that there is no reason given for the death of the one boy. “Things just happen.”
Several of the stories are like that.
Oh…more information to go through.
A book I recommend is “The Vanishing Hitchhiker”, by Jan Harald Brunvand.
He doesn’t just report scary stories, he provides a lot of background information about how this subset of folklore (Urban Legends) developed over the years. He talks about collecting stories, and how they differ from region to region.
The ghost story above in Jamestown has a Chicago equivalent: Resurrection Mary (so called because t he ghost girl disappears when the car passes Resurrection Cemetery).
The pop song “Laurie” has this motif. (“Strange Things Happen in this World”).
There is a Bible version of the Vanishing Hitchhiker, when Philip the Evangelist preaches to the Ethiopian eunuch, baptized him, then vanishes. The passage says that Philip is caught away to another region, but the Ethiopian doesn’t know that.
My favorite ghost story, ever since I read it in a book of “true” ghost stories as a kid:
My guess Joe (Jill) is waiting until after the election to pardon Hunter. It would be a bad move at this point with the headwinds Kamala is running into anyway.
Kamala must have been the last person in the US that didn’t know Joe was floundering on Day 1. I’ve been watching my friends/classmates (and they’ve been watching me) over the years. There are signs/signals that are apparent, both physical and mental that are tell tale. The individual is not always cognizant of his/her own decline.
I think you are spot on. However if Joe (Jill) were jilted, the pardon would come early November 1st.
The Thing:
That is not The Thing I was looking for.
Just Beat Echoes of Wisdom. It gave me everything I had asked for when intenrally thinking “Why couldn’t you give us a game where…”
I didn’t ask for a playable Zelda, but have no complaints about that component. I did get a different villain (other than Ganon/dorf), and combat that didn’t lean on twitch reflexes as much (it’s closer to a puzzle than the kind of combat from the last few games I’ve played)
I definately recommend it to other filthy casuals. It was fun.
I need to find a teenager to play the 2nd (I think it is) appearance of Link. Those parts are kicking my fucking ass – way too hard IMHO.
I have a pile of games like that where I’m stuck at a point where I just can’t continue.
For me it was a matter of finding a combination of echoes that at least did some damage and spend most of my time avoiding getting hit. (not always successfully)
I thought I could avoid him from a height – no, the fucker can jump up there too and hit me. Asshole.
I enjoy the puzzly stuff. Hate the combat.
He jumps better than you do – always keep moving.
In fact, for most boss fights, always keep moving.
My main issue is I no longer have the patience to replay stuff more than a couple times.
Penny Arcade did at thing about this thing like… fifteen years ago
I get it. My patience varies a lot these days. Sometimes I’ll ragequit over little things, sometimes I’ll sit there lobbing bombs over a rock because they do a shred of damage to the immobile enemy on the other side, even if it’ll take me hours. (It was an immobilized guardian in breath of the wild, and I hadn’t found a way to kill any before that.)
Old, but I keep replaying and laughing at this clip of Bobby Lee confidently making a statement and getting hilariously corrected:
Not that any of us are at risk of running out of novels to read, but the first volume of Neil Stephanson’s Polostan debuted last week. You can’t imagine how excited I am. I’m so excited.
Why is it still the case that books need a hardcover run before the paperback version? I hate hardback books, they suck to read, I feel bad enough bending the paperback spine and seeing that crease when they’re back on the shelf, but hardcovers crack and you can’t read them in the bath. Why do we still go through this trophy phase with hardcover novel debuts? You can get it on Kindle right now, but not paperback! Publishers are authoring their own demise!
I haven’t bought a hard- or soft-cover in a couple decades.
New Stephenson, eh? Enh I prefer his future stuff. Oh well.
I only buy hardcovers.
Paperbacks are disposable.
I buy hardcovers of books I read in paperback or ebook and liked. They are for my shelf. My décor, if you will.
I am sitting here looking at my mail in ballot. (HI is 100% mail in.) It is all filled out except for POTUS. My three options are OMB, the Lib, or not voting that office. Harris is in absolutely no danger of not getting our 4 electoral votes so I am liberated in a way. I can vote OMB to try to make him the popular vote Prez, vote for Chase to preserve LP on the ballot even though he supports the Kung Flu oppression, or leave it blank so I don’t feel dirty.
I got time to decide.
I face the same choices here in MA – the local ballot issues are the only ones in doubt.
Preserve LP– maybe next candidate will be more to your liking.
Your state’s elections are not secure so not sure how much it even matters. Your vote will go to whomever the party in power wants it to go to.
Same here. I’m going with ✊
“Trump is ramping up tariffs and will practice Chinese style isolationism!”
I think what he said is ‘reciprocity’. Also, he is a negotiator, deal maker, etc.
That is just more panic and distortion. Shocking, I know.
Ugh. Woke up at 10:30. I have an early morning so back off to bed with me.
Half the people in the new Reagan movie look like Splitting Image puppets.
We’re on the path to self immolation. Are y’all ready for CommaLa?
Take a few white pills and try again.
You’re not my supervisor.
Good morning, Sean and U!
I have a dentist appointment this morning. If we are indeed on the path to self-immolation (of which I am not convinced,) then I’m going with clean teeth, dammit! 😁
Other than the Dentist, how goes it?
It goes OK. I feel as if I’m kinda sorta getting caught up at work, though my boss is starting to make noise about next year’s budget, so I see a bunch of salary spreadsheets in my near future. How about you?
Woke up extra groggy, have been grumpy all morning so far. Did acquire breakfast (am in the process of eating it), deapite the productive day at work yesterday, I feel I haven’t gotten anything done (house is still a mess, haven’t extracted the bin for donation, etc)
And of course Numlock was off when I entered my numeric RSA token to log in to work…
That annoys me! I don’t shut down my work PC at night – I just log out of Windows. And still my keyboard’s NumLock turns off, screwing me up in the morning if my current password has numeric digits that are easier to enter with the keypad than with the regular keyboard.
The RSA token is always numeric (read off a little keyfob whose digits change very minute) so I always type it on the number pad. NumLock is almost never off, but something must have bumped my keyboard this morning.
Ugh. Imma be late for work.
Yeah, skip the nonsense and put more cheese in those fuckers.
Goldfish don’t contain cheese – they’re just carp.
Somebody needs to be more stoic.
Of course, I do too.
Timeclock stuff took a good five minutes to load this morning so it means I’m clocking in and out five minutes later than normal.
Everything else seems on the slow side too.
Hope you won’t be counted as tardy! That’s one of the worst downsides of computerized time clocks.
I hate punching timeclocks. I haven’t done it since college, but I still dislike it.
I normally clock in a couple of minutes early, so today was just later than normal but not tardy.
Teams also took forever to open….
Sounds like your computer has a case of microsoft.
/I run everything but couldn’t help the joke.
The things I learn around here.
“Tesla makes $2.2 billion in profit during Q3 2024”
Lots of unhinged comments that reflect the cognitive dissonance between wanting to ram a rock hard EV down everyone’s throat and a visceral hatred of Musk. Him increasing his security detail was probably a good move.
Jeebus how can anyone subject themselves to that much stupid.
But yeah, that cognitive dissonance is amazing.
As someone who owned 1 S4 and 3 A4s, Audi killing the line up makes me sad.
And I’ll never pay A5/S5 prices for a new car. 🙁