Thursday Afternoon Links

by | Oct 17, 2024 | Daily Links | 120 comments

BREAKING: Yahya Sinwar: Hamas leader and mastermind of October 7 attack killed in Gaza, Israel says.

LESSONS FROM MILEI: The American Conservative minces no words in well-deserved praise for the unashamedly libertarian president of Argentina, and well-earned condemnation of “the impotence of the [US] conservative movement in the past.”

The administrative state must be purged, unnecessary government departments shuttered, the vast NGO pseudo-state defunded, universities reined in, and budgets slashed. Tinkering around the edges will not be enough. Reagan attempted that and managed only to slow the growth of the bureaucracy, rather than reduce it.

SCOTUS RULES FOR CITIZEN JOURNALIST IN IMMUNITY CASE: The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday directed a federal appeals court to take a new look at whether a citizen journalist in Texas can sue officials over her arrest for asking a police source questions. This is another case from the Fifth Circuit which has been terrible on immunity questions. But this ruling only gives Ms Villarreal permission to proceed with her suit. I wish her well, but she has good representation. (Glibs donates a portion of our surplus funds to The FIRE every year, but don’t let that stop you from showing them some love on your own.)

PHILLIPS 66 SHUTTING DOWN LOS ANGELES OIL REFINERY: Action totally unrelated to recent California enviro-meddling legislation, they swear.

BUT IT WAS THE WRONG TYPE OF DISSENT: Harvard punishes student for heckling the Chinese ambassador; ignores her assault by another student (a Chinese national).

BLACK CONSERVATIVE QUOTES MALCOLM X IN SUPPORT OF TRUMP: I’m usually not a fan of lurid pieces about how some talking head has an on-air hissy fit when an interviewee says something the TH doesn’t like, but this is just too delicious

PRIVATE INDUSTRY COMES TO THE RESCUE OF NASA (AND ESA), YET AGAIN: NASA’s troubled Mars sample-return program may have a new lifeline, in the form of a proposal from private space company Rocket Lab to help save the mission. (And by “troubled” mean FUBAR like it had an encounter with SPACE SMITH.) My readers will recall that Intuitive Machines proposed to take over the VIPER lunar rover program after NASA embarrassingly cancelled it.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. SDF-7


    A chainsaw in every pot! A person can dream, at any rate… afternoon, all.

    • rhywun

      the powers of the Argentine presidency are far more extensive than those of the American presidency

      This part seems crucial. Combined with the “racism everywhere” nature of American politics… well, I am impressed with the authors optimism but I ain’t seeing anything similar happening here.

      • juris imprudent

        The American public is nowhere near as fed up as the Argentine public – and even there it wasn’t unanimous.

    • Aloysious

      If Argentina continues to prosper, it might make a great retirement destination.

      • R.J.


  2. SDF-7


    Given Chevron already announced they’re moving the company to Texas and that they think the state government are dumbasses — I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if they shut down too once they escape the Sacramento mob legal repercussions. Man I hope I can get out of this screwed up place on schedule…

  3. SDF-7


    They know who are their ideological masters…. *cough* I mean — they know who pours funding into their Mao Centers… *cough cough* I mean… they’re all for tolerance and international relations! Yeah! That’s the ticket!

  4. Rat on a train

    The oil giant’s announcement comes just days after California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation aimed at preventing gas prices from spiking by requiring refineries to hold a certain amount of fuel in reserve. The goal is to keep gas prices in check when refineries go offline for routine or unscheduled maintenance.

    This will result in a steady climb in price instead of a spike.

    • SDF-7

      I think it is more likely to result in the states seizing the refineries and trying to run them themselves when the owners either walk away or can’t suitably comply. Full Venezuela (with similar consequences) ahoy!

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I’m afraid that’s where we’re headed. CA seems to be playing a game where they do everything they can to make gas expensive to force people into EVs while blaming gas companies for the high price of gas.

      • Suthenboy

        They seem to be?
        Force everyone into electric cars in a state without enough electricity. I see.

        I have said before: Prosperity gives people options. This is a big problem for those who crave power.
        I have also said in one way or another: Personal automobiles give people more freedom than anything else. This is a big problem for those who crave power.

        They are evil people trying to kill freedom of movement. It is that simple.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “Personal automobiles give people more freedom than anything else.” Amen. For the first 4-5 years I lived in Europe I didn’t have a car and was dependent on public transportation system. The system was pretty good, but you are really tied to someone else’s schedule and often times there just was no way to get there from here. Miss the bus? Gotta wait another hour for the next one. Want to go someplace off the beaten path? Sure you can get there with 3-4 transfers, but it’s going to take a lot of extra time. Getting a car opened up a world of possibilities.

  5. SDF-7

    My readers will recall that Intuitive Machines proposed to take over the VIPER lunar rover program after NASA embarrassingly cancelled it.

    Actually, I must have managed to dodge that story.

    • The Other Kevin

      I see we have a challenger for most clever comment.

      • Ted S.

        Instead of a narrowed gaze, Swiss’ eyes will dart.

      • Sean

        There is an omnipresent threat of puns round these parts.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Y’all just ram these puns through without a second thought

  6. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I’m-a guess that SpaceX will have ~700k viewers on its livestream of the return of the Boeingnauts in February (if the U.S. is still, like, a thing in February)

    • Drake

      If not, the Republic of Texas will have the best space program in the world.

      • R.J.

        You know it.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I’m predicting some large leaps and bounds from SpaceX over the next year. Like, refueling platform in orbit and moon orbits soon after

  7. The Late P Brooks

    the vast NGO pseudo-state defunded

    Only if “defunded” means completely and utterly destroyed.

    • kinnath

      It’s OK for charitable organizations to exist.

      It’s not OK for charitable organizations to be funded by the government to take actions that government agencies are not allowed to take on their own.

      • juris imprudent

        Once again, when you are the people going to hold accountable THE MOT&5*F8@#ERS in Congress that dump our money into this every goddam year?

      • juris imprudent

        ehem, strike the spurious you in there

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ji spitting truth. Congress and their constituency (slightly lessor extent) are the biggest offender of fraud, waste and abuse in our Government.

  8. kinnath

    I had two of those topics linked in the ded thred. Sorry for stepping on the afternoon links.

    Well, not sorry actually.

    • Tonio

      My apologies for no h/t. I didn’t have time to read the comments today.

      • Ted S.

        The one time I requested a hat tip, I got a cat butt!

      • kinnath

        No problem.

        The afternoon links usually get composed before or during the open season on the noon post. Their isn’t anyway for you to h/t all the links we post during the day.

    • MikeS

      And I beat you to one of them in the morning links. Things happen

  9. The Late P Brooks

    “The closure of a major refinery in Los Angeles is significant,” McOskar said in a statement. “This action marks the end of one story in Wilmington’s industrial era but opens the door to exciting opportunities for new jobs, improved air quality, and innovative economic benefits in the years to come.”

    That looks like a good spot for a rickshaw factory.

  10. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Lord have mercy, the people the scrunts at Harvard are willing to crawl into bed with to advance their shitty agenda is just nuts.

    • rhywun

      Harvard knows where the $$$ are coming from.

      • R.J.

        I guess I am just an animal. If I saw that guy try to throw her out, I’d check him and stand on his nuts. Clearly no one else there had the stones to stand up.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    I checked the weather forecast a few minutes ago. Snow later, probably.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Shelley Wynter, a self-described traditionalist who hosts a talk show on Atlanta’s WSBB-FM, made reference to Malcolm X’s famous 1963 speech, “The Race Problem in America,” in which he traced the differences between two kinds of slaves – the “house Negro and the field Negro” – which set off a chaotic clash with Sidner and guest Michael Blake, a former White House aide to Barack Obama.

    I have frequently wondered if there was anybody brave enough to go there.

    • R C Dean

      “framed the election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in racially reductive terms”

      Shocking! So glad Kams and her surrogates would never imply that black folk should vote for her because she’s black.

      “I’ll reference the great Malcolm X. This race is between house African Americans and field African Americans, and a field African American’s going for Trump. I’m talking about your men who build,” Wynter continued, “your men who put things together, your men who work with their hands, your men who do things, not the men who push paper or the men are connected to power and want to continue to be connected to power, I’m talking about the men in our community who are doing the work.”

      Interesting framing, I gotta say. It gets at the class divide in support for Trump and the Dem-o-the-day.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    “I’m talking about your men who build,” Wynter continued, “your men who put things together, your men who work with their hands, your men who do things, not the men who push paper or the men are connected to power and want to continue to be connected to power, I’m talking about the men in our community who are doing the work.”

    That’s a strong argument, completely apart from race.

    • Don escaped Texas

      it’s populist horseshit: pandering to low-information folk by glorifying their sweat over others’ thinking

      it goes in the same dumpster with random, undeveloped rants about “elites”

      and it does nothing to answer the question of which candidate deserves the working stiffs’ votes (hint: it’s NOTA)

      what is sorely needed is discussions that turn on first principles, not well-crafted polemics, full of the sound and the fury, signifying………….

      • rhywun

        That irks me too (as a private-sector paper pusher 🥴) but I like to think that in this case “pushing paper” refers to government apparatchiks who produce nothing of value.

      • R C Dean

        “what is sorely needed is discussions that turn on first principles”

        That would be nice, but that would also require the creation of New Political Man to get democracy to work, on par with the need for New Soviet Man to get communism to work.

    • Ownbestenemy

      It actually can even apply to FedGov agencies…the field has way different views than the cesspool that is DC and their respective HQs

  14. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    I don’t have a problem with that Taiwanese kid being disciplined for disrupting the talk. I have a problem with the discipline being applied unevenly.


    Dear Gov. Newsome,

    The first two acts of Atlas Shrugged are not supposed to be an instruction manual.


  16. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I shall be eating oysters with my gentleman caller on Saturday

    Bow chicka wow wow

    • The Other Kevin

      Get that Barry White playlist on Spotify ready.

      • PutridMeat

        Marvin, dude.

        An earth shattering ka-boom?

      • SDF-7

        Always make sure you pick the right Marvin though….

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I prefer 80’s pop

      • Rat on a train
      • Tundra

        I prefer 80’s pop


    • Fourscore

      Get him an extra dozen, KK, just in case.

  17. Suthenboy

    Milei: “There is the problem. You all know what it is..” *points at problem*
    There is the solution. You all know what it is.” *points at solution*

    Everyone else, including american R’s: “We dont want to do that.” <—–The real problem.

    It is easy to dive in to the details of all of the shit we have to deal with every day and blame this one or that one and be outraged. The problem is that we have learned we can vote ourselves other people's money and created a giant slop trough. Every cockroach and parasite in our country is crowded around it trying to knock each other out of the way to get their snouts in it. The trough gets bigger every day.
    Milei drained the trough. That was the simple and obvious solution all along. Do we have the courage to do it? The present R party certainly doesnt, they are just part of the crowd of snouts trying to get into the trough.
    Get rid of the fucking trough.

    • Beau Knott

      So much this^^^

    • Don escaped Texas

      all along

      fucking affirmative

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Getting rid of the trough is a threat to Our Democracy.

      • Suthenboy

        So I have heard. That is why it is the obvious solution.

    • Tundra

      Do we have the courage to do it?

      Glibs, a handful of other normies and like two congresscritters – yes.


      We’re fucked

      • juris imprudent

        Now that’s how you read the American electorate!

      • Fourscore

        Well, there will be a day of reckoning, even if we don’t go the extra Milei. We are going to see some big changes, a lot of disappointment. Most folks will be surprised at how fast things can unravel.

        For a long time I worried that I wouldn’t be around to see the New Way, now I’m worried that I will see it. It’s been less than a 100 years since the last Depression and we’ve sort of got used to warm showers.

      • Tundra

        100% Fourscore. I’m not sure we can do much except make sure we have our tribe ready when the time comes.

    • Urthona

      Agree, but I fear it’s also impossible for a single person to do now.

      There’s some talk about Elon getting to trim the government? That ain’t gonna happen folks. There are a million obstacles in the way right now with the way the system works.

      And I’m over here voting for the guy who actually signed the CARES act only because I know if the other guys were in power it would’ve been worse. I’m just voting for slightly reduced record government growth.

  18. Tundra

    Reagan attempted that and managed only to slow the growth of the bureaucracy, rather than reduce it.

    More myth making? Was’nt the fedgov considerably bigger once he split?

    • Tonio

      And he couldn’t even get rid of the Dept of Education.

      • PutridMeat

        And that was created what, ~a decade before his term? Now it’s so entrenched in peoples psyche, most probably think it was established in the Declaration of Independence by Abe Lincoln’s executive order. It’s unthinkable it could disappear, why no children would ever be educated ever again! You don’t… hate… children, do you?

      • Tundra

        You don’t… hate… children, do you?

        We’re heartless libertarians. Of course we hate children.

      • juris imprudent

        Promised to do so and could not get Congress on board. But sure, let’s all jack ourselves blind about the Presidency.

      • Tundra

        But sure, let’s all jack ourselves blind about the Presidency.

        “Understanding bureaucracy is hard!” /Voter Barbie

      • The Hyperbole

        “And that was created what, ~a decade before his term?”

        It wasn’t exactly created out of whole cloth, it had been an Office of Education* within the Dept of Health,Education, and Welfare since 1953, In 1965 it had 2,113 employees and a 1.5B budget.

        * was first created as a separate department in 1867 but only for one year. it has; however existed ever since under one agency or department or another.

        History here –

    • rhywun

      Maybe it grew slower than under Carter? I dunno.

      • rhywun

        It’s Wiki but still

        Yeah, no kidding.

        I’m guessing no Dem even has a page listing their scandals.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Completely unforeseeable

    Although these prices spikes have been self-inflicted, California has tried to remedy the situation by suing oil companies and passing additional laws that have tried to prevent these price spikes. At the same time, California has vilified its oil industry for years. This creates a hostile environment for these companies.

    The floggings will continue until morale improves.

  20. DEG

    The oil giant’s announcement comes just days after California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation aimed at preventing gas prices from spiking by requiring refineries to hold a certain amount of fuel in reserve. The goal is to keep gas prices in check when refineries go offline for routine or unscheduled maintenance.

    See? That’s all California needs. A new Five Year Plan.

    • SDF-7

      Literal state control means we’ll be better if we bond together to solve the problems. Like the way a bundle of sticks can’t be broken like each individual twig!

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        You should come up with a catchy word to describe that theory. And maybe some spiffy uniforms.

      • juris imprudent

        You know, if Mein Kampf can be mined and recast as critical theory drivel, why not Carl Schmitt’s work on national government?

      • creech

        And some gesture to use when greeting others.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    what is sorely needed is discussions that turn on first principles, not well-crafted polemics, full of the sound and the fury, signifying………….

    Whatever. If pigs had wings they’d be eagles.

    • Urthona


      So sick of this slow ass Ferrari I’m driving.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Do we have the courage to do it?

    Signs point to “no”.

    • Urthona

      One advantage of a Trump second term I guess is he wouldn’t be running for reelection so he might possibly think about ending some shitty program or something.

      Aw who am I kidding?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        He won’t be running for reelection because he’s going to make himself El Presidente for Life!

      • Urthona

        That probably won’t be much longer.

        Not sure what will happen when Supreme Chancellor Vance takes the throne.

      • Gender Traitor

        Things get weird?

      • Ownbestenemy

        This is why I am confused on the Dems. Let him win. Congress and the Leviathan will bind his hands and do committee after committee, judges will strike down EOs that follow and the lame duck is gone. JD will be tied to it and no longer viable. You usher in your Utopia.

      • Urthona

        I’m not actually.

        Vance is “Trumpian” but much smarter.

        Smarter than anyone they have.

        No ones going to be able to nail him rhetorically the way they easily do with Trump.

        This is a nightmare for Dems. They are the elite. The smart people. They need to win all these little verbal scrums.

      • Urthona

        Oh nm I see you’ve not talking about JD.

        Yeah I think they’re not actually all that worried about Trump and have already tripped their hands that they fear JD more.

      • Ownbestenemy

        So a non-existent Veep (which is normal) to shield in case Trump does pull off the win because I agree that they fear Vance more than Trump

      • R.J.

        JD’s so clean and articulate!

      • rhywun

        And he looks like he wears eyeliner!

        /heard from more than one Dem

  23. The Late P Brooks

    California’s aggressive environmental policies and stringent regulations on the oil industry have created a complex and challenging landscape for energy companies operating in the state. While these measures aim to reduce emissions and combat climate change, they have also led to unintended consequences such as higher fuel prices, supply vulnerabilities, and a strained relationship with the oil industry.

    Spoiler alert: none of those things are unintended.

    • R C Dean

      All together now:

      Foreseeable consequences are not unintended.

  24. UnCivilServant


    Amazon mailed me a paper catalog. What sort of parallel dimension have I fallen into?

    • Fourscore

      How thick? I may need more fire starter

      • Gender Traitor

        It was delivered by forklift.

      • UnCivilServant

        It was actually pretty small. I figure it was people who paid Amazon for special advertising.

    • Sean

      I got one too. Addressed to resident.

      • UnCivilServant

        I didn’t look that closely, I just tossed it with the rest of the junk mail

      • R.J.

        Me too. It was a toy catalog. I may order the “Emotional Support Chicken Nuggets” for my daughter.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Back to the “house negro vs field negro” split for a moment:

    I refer you to an earlier article about Joe Biden crowing and thumping his chest over tuition debt relief for “public service” workers.

    You’re a teacher, or a cop, or a NGO flunky? We’re tearing up your bill. You work for a small accounting firm, or a car dealer, or you pound nails for a living because your degree is worthless? pay up, sucker. There’s your split line.

  26. juris imprudent

    I really, really want to take a baseball bat to these leftie lawyers.

    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court vacated that decision last month for lack of jurisdiction for failure to join the 67 county boards of elections as necessary parties. The Democrats will likely file another challenge to the date requirement on the same basis, this time naming all 67 county boards of elections as parties.

    You represent voters so fucking stupid they can’t sign and date? Maybe busting your skull open will put you on the same mental level?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Direct democracy will fix this!

      • UnCivilServant

        Directed democracy will fix this!

    • rhywun

      You represent voters so fucking stupid they can’t sign and date?

      No, they represent Democratic party politicians who want to steal elections.

    • Tundra

      I like the Trump hologram.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    You know, if Mein Kampf can be mined and recast as critical theory drivel, why not Carl Schmitt’s work on national government?

    Man’s quest for efficiency demands close co-operation between business and government.

  28. cyto


    Off duty cop, DUI, drives into construction zone at night, starts crap with workers. They call police who cuff him and hold him for 3 hours, presumably to sober up, then let him go.

    10 days later……

    The workers are set to talk to the news media within a couple of hours.

    And they are arrested on felony charges of false imprisonment, weapons, all sorts of stuff.

    Held on cash only bonds of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Indictments are sealed.


    Not only did the cops cover for their own, they had to protect the department…. and a prosecutor went along with it. And so did a judge.

    These scum are the worst. Criminals with the protection of the state

  29. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    I submitted an application to be a poll worker because I kind of want to see how the sausage is made. One of the questions was about what other languages I speak. Not a single European language was listed except Spanish, and I doubt they listed it to help Spaniards. I think Russian used to be listed, but obviously that’s problematic now. To become a citizen you theoretically need to pass an English proficiency test. Voting isn’t that difficult. I don’t get why all this bilingual stuff is needed.

    • rhywun

      One of my pet peeves is all the money we waste on pandering to every goddamn language speaker in the world. Because anything less is xEnOpHoBiC.

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