Mexico announces food and agriculture plan that could take the country back to the 1980s
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s new president announced an agriculture plan Tuesday that could make the country’s food production and distribution look a lot more like it did in the 1980s, when meals in Mexico were dominated by tortillas, beans, instant coffee and cheap hot chocolate.
Four decades ago, the ingredients for those meals were often bought at government stores that stocked a few basic goods.
President Claudia Sheinbaum pledged Tuesday to revive those often shabby, limited government stores and continue efforts to achieve “food sovereignty.”
“It is about producing what we eat,” Sheinbaum said of her policy, whose main focus will be on increasing bean and corn production.
Sheinbaum appears to have a deep interest in boosting beans. On Monday, she said, “It is much better to eat a bean taco than a bag of potato chips.”
Agriculture Secretary Julio Berdegué said the focus would be on guaranteeing prices for farmers who grow corn used for tortillas and lowering tortilla prices by 10% after prices jumped a couple of years ago.
“Next, we’ll kill all those pesky birds eating the crops!”
I will say, the funniest thing about a communist Mexico is that they will build the wall on our southern border for us.
For more funny, compare and contrast with this recent article…
Mexican schools have 6 months to ban junk food sales or face heavy fines
Man ‘lucky to be alive’ after ‘sexually frustrated’ dolphin attacked him while swimming
A man claims he is “lucky to be alive,” after a rowdy dolphin stalking the waters off the coast of Tsuruga in central Japan launched another attack on a swimmer.
Takuma Goto claims he was in the water with a friend earlier this summer when they were attacked by a lone dolphin.
New footage shows the dolphin stalking Goto before bumping into him. The man tries to swim away, while bystanders can be heard shouting. Another swimmer nearby propels a paddle board towards Goto in a bid to help him.
Experts believe it’s the same “sexually frustrated” mammal that’s behind some 15 other attacks on swimmers in Fukui this summer, reports The Telegraph, up from five incidents last summer and one in 2022.

The terrifying teeth of the Crabeater Seal. Never accept a blow-job from a Crabeater Seal. Especially if you are a crab.
That penguin is having the time of his life.
It’s fucking adorable.
He’s borrowing a little too liberally from that gremlin in Prodigy…
Same haircut and everything.
Methpenguin isn’t dangerous.
And he’s never felt like this before?
It’s fabulous! I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life!
The rest of them are caught in his mosh pit.
He’s probably going insane from living at the zoo
There’s always one 🐧
“It’s Elon Musk, jumping around, skipping like a dipshit!”/Walz
Penguin class clown.
Never accept a blow-job from a Crabeater Seal.
The way Goto was dressed he was asking for it.
If he sees that dolphin approaching him, Then he should swim to shore.
No one pointing out the obvious?
This is a ‘dont feed the bears’ situation. Someone has been a bit friendly with that dolphin and created a monster.
John McAfee couldn’t be reached for comment.
President Claudia Sheinbaum pledged Tuesday to revive those often shabby, limited government stores and continue efforts to achieve “food sovereignty.”
They can grow coffee and bananas in Mexico, can’t they? so they’ve got that going for them.
And they can make Tequila. What the hell else do they need?
Commies and their craven desire to control every aspect of life. You. will eat what I tell you to eat. That is what is driving this and it will end with “You will eat ze bugs!”.
In Mexico they already eat bugs.
Sheinbaum appears to have a deep interest in boosting beans.
Next step? Corner the natural gas market.
We are ‘commodities brokers,’ Claudia. Now, what are commodities? Commodities are agricultural products… like beans that you had for breakfast… corn, which is used to make bread… pork bellies, which is used to make bacon, which you might find in a ‘bacon, lettuce and tomato’ sandwich.
Now, some of our clients are speculating that the price of beans will rise in the future. And we have other clients who are speculating that the price of beans will fall. They place their orders with us, and we buy or sell their beans for them.
+1 Duke brothers
“Never accept a blow-job from a Crabeater Seal”
Don’t tell me what to not do.
Don’t you not want to do that, or not?
WHEN GEN. JOHN KELLY WENT PUBLIC about Trump’s praise for Hitler and his fears about a dictatorial second Trump term, he joined a growing list of former Trump officials ringing the alarm.
He also sparked what has become a pathetic if not predictable pattern, in which a chorus of Trump sycophants obediently rush forward to explain away the alarming revelation and impugn the witness’s credibility.
Here’s reliable Trump lickspittle Scott Jennings telling us that Kelly probably made the whole thing up and that the real Hitlers are on college campuses. Trump apologist Ryan James Girdusky said, “I, honest to God, like most Americans, do not care about Gen. Kelly’s farewell tour.”
How could you possibly question the reminiscences of this noble warrior with absolutely nothing to gain?
If Trump wins this election, the Lincoln Project/Bulwark folks are going to be absolutely broken. Well, more broken, anyway.
They’ll have to lay in a big supply of tiki torches and khaki pants.
I hope they all Jim Jones themselves if Trump wins as they’re the worst of the worst.
And now no more parties over at the Abercrombie & Fitch estate to boot. Rough times for those folks.
“Trump’s sycophants want us to trust them over our own eyes and ears.”
My eyes and ears did not experience any of the bullshit this guy is claiming.
Yeah, my eyes and ears saw more Nazism on campus and fascism & authoritarianism coming out of the words and deeds of the current administration.
The Betas who cried Hitler are at it again.
Weird that Mr. Kelly never mentioned it in his book.
It was a very traumatic repressed memory.
Blasey Ford syndrome.
Signed up for a GameJam with my oldest. Halloween themed so going for a narrative point and click game. Monochromatic pallette cause we cannot draw but thinking of using local Appalachian folklore as our creepy factor.
There is something deeply pernicious to this routine. These people want you to forget the cumulative weight of the accusations against Trump, especially when those accusations are coming from his own former employees—many of them high-ranking military officers. They’re doing so not because they don’t believe the accusations but because they know how harmful they could be.
You know how we know this? Because the claims of Kelly and others are backed up by what we’ve seen with our own eyes over the last nine years.
1) Guilty until proven innocent
2) Trump is apparently running for his third term
The cumulative weight of countless baseless lies, uncited character attacks, ridiculously transparent fabrications and fantasies of traitors and seditionists?
Ok, I will do that.
Yeah, accusations are cheap. Accusations from disgruntled former employees are especially known for being disinterested and reliable.
Now, proof, that’s a different thing,
“especially when those accusations are coming from his own former employees”
This just in: A GS-3 in Trump’s Department of the Interior reports that the former president was mean.
Just like when those 51 highly credentialed intelligence agents told us the Hunter laptop was fake.
“high ranking military officers” basically carry negative credibility these days. To get there they had to be reliable Proggie Obamanauts, and really showed it during Trump’s tenure. His Tom Clancy syndrome (believing in them because of the uniforms) was one of the biggest fails of his first term, and I think he’s figured it out.
It’s interesting that a American’s story has no value (Haitian’s eating dogs… blah blah) unless:
1) It’s Christine Blasey Ford or Anita Hill or…
2) It’s anonymous source debunked by 6 direct sources.
3) It’s someone who worked for the government their entire lives
It certainly doesn’t scream IC driven hit piece or anything… no sirree bob!
Holy bug fuck nutty batshit crazy:
Moment A Russian Shell Lands Next To An RFE/RL Crew In Ukraine
It’s somewhat louder than in WW2 movies and the shell screams briefly, which is usually not heard in war movies.
Wow! Amazing they all walked away from that (eventually). I guess it was the tree that saved them.
I know I’m on a dying thread, and that scene is NOT humorous in the least, but it reminded me of this Tacoma truck commercial from long ago.
Well, I didn’t spring for 24TB drives… just 16TB drives.
New Case, new power supply, sata controller, four drives.
And still under the budget I set (which was pretty generous to begin with though.)
I missed the whole ringamarole other than this comment and one I think earlier — are you writing this up into an article, or are you going to leave the fun details (like case, MB, did you go hot swap bays, brand of HDD, etc) to our imagination?
I suppose if there was interest and I could figure out how to do the article stuff I could write something on my journey to my current NAS (Linux for the “normal” NAS talking to a 10 drive USB enclosure but hosting a VM with the OS product I work on so I have a “dogfood” node [it is a cluster storage product… but I can only afford so much!]). I just assumed no one really would give a rat’s patootie so never thought about it, honestly…
Or you just write the check to Synology because you want somebody else to have done the heavy lifting.
OTH, I did just build my new PC from scratch. AMD 7700x based build. Reused my RTX3080.
Yeah — I don’t know if Synology supports KVM/QEMU vms using PCI passthrough so I can give divvy up the hardware to the dogfood guest. I know Fedora does, and that was important to me. 😉
On the desktop front I built a 7950x a while back and reused my 3090, so I feel you. I haven’t seen that much excitement for the 9000 series and I can’t justify spending the money (if you can find one that isn’t insane) for a 4080/4090, so I’m happily sitting out this hardware generation.
I am not planning to write an article. I saw that spinning platter disks got a lot bigger and kept wanting to upgrade. I decided on a plan. I’ll be keeping my existing board Linus install and the RAID from the curretn NAS, but the new enclosure has eight bays instead of four, so I’ll move the guts over and build a second raid on the new big drives.
The 9000 series was not worth the modest performance increase for the higher cost and the ridiculously buggy bios issues at launch.
Although I think they have knocked down a bit of that. AMD had a real chance to kick Intel in the balls with their self destructing CPUs and the blew it.
I need to upgrade eventually. I’m about 70% full on my 12TB Synology, and I have more videos to scan into Plex.
I’m thinking I’ll set up a second NAS and run it from somewhere else in the house so that I can have physically separate backups of the important stuff.
I run two NASs for that purpose. One Synology the other a sadly defunct Netgear. Netgear bought and fucked up Infrant and finally left the space.
I run my NAS off my linux server. it’s a regular computer chassis stuffed with disks and a separate SSD for the system.
Bad news. In the last thread I mentioned my friend wrote me in for a vacant school board position. Turns out in Indiana, you need to file a paper to be a write-in candidate. Lame.
That is not required at the Federal level, so we can still write in Deez Nutz for president.
Isn’t that defeating the whole purpose of a write-in?
This is voter suppression. I’m being disenfranchised!
Sorry, you don’t have standing.
I hope they all Jim Jones themselves if Trump wins
Preferably by self-immolation.
As Scott Adams says, this is no longer disagreeing on politics, this is mental illness.
Last week Mark Halperin said that a Trump win could usher in the largest mental health crisis in U.S. history. He was being sober and sincere, talking about divorces, workplace fights, etc.
He’s right. I’m preparing to talk my mom and dad off a cliff if need be. They’re going to be terrified if Trump wins.
I don’t know if they are in for the humorous aspect of it but you could tell them they are gonna be fantastic camps, just the best camps. And with all the gayz and trans fellow campers they are going to have fabulous interior design and musicals every nite for entertainment. And plenty of Trump steaks for grub.
Oh, you said ‘talk’. For a second there I thought you said…never mind.
Motley Crew
Motley-ish Crew
Watch out for horny dolphins!
Is everyone there a Glib (or Glib-adjacent)?
And if so — which one of us looks like The Shat? (blue blazer, 3rd from the right)
That is Shpip.
What I want to know, who is Santa Elvis on the right?
I’d tell you, but he might get pistoff
who is Santa Elvis on the right?
That jacket is 🔥🔥🔥
The ghost of Rip Taylor approves.
Hah, my mental image of Nick was utterly at odds with reality.
I know a few of those faces! Hope you’re having a blast!
Yeah, a couple of them look familiar. As a group they can pass for regular people.
You guys look great! Have a good time on the cruise!
Nick wins. Nice jacket, brother!
I was insanely hangry at the time
On a cruise?
And why is Hayek wearing her work credentials?
Couldn’t go to din-din until the cats had been herded!
I hope you got them in line.
I had no idea I was hanging around with such normal looking people all these years. Huh. Looks are deceiving.
As I’ve mentioned here numerous times over the past year I think Trumpy is gonna win. He is now just over a half percent under in the national polls and 1.2 up in the battleground average. I wonder what kind of shit is gonna hit the fan when he does win? I’m sure there will be riots, but mostly confined to the Blue cities, and even though I live in one I’m not too worried about that. If the Dems don’t take Congress (which they likely won’t) what kind of things are they gonna pull to top the Russia! collusion nonsense? Will they be successful or will Trump serve his full term out?
They way they have been inflaming the fringe left with the “end of democracy” and Hitler shit, I would expect a number of assassination attempts.
Suicide teslas.
Well there was the one Dem Congresscritter that literally said “Congress will have to declare him invalid as a candidate on January 6 instead of counting the votes and we’ll need to have the military ready for the ‘Trump mobs'”… so at least one of them thinks going full on Civil War 2 is a good plan.
I’m hoping / expecting he is an unbelievable moron, even by JackAss Wing of the Uniparty standards… but you asked….
Personal bet on my part would be BLM style riots from whenever they give up trying to recount (just before Christmas?) through at least the inauguration.
Some reporters are saying that there’s a story being shopped around that “would end his candidacy” if true. That’s the same Russian dossier playbook.
I saw two posts on X saying they were shopped a story that seemed not credible, and they passed. The closer we get to the end, the less credible these things are. We’re supposed to believe this earth-shattering information just appeared at the last minute?
(read this as Marvin the Martian, obviously)
A) there were such a story, and
B) Trump were the existential threat they claim, then
Why wouldn’t said story have come out earlier? Especially when they consistently claim to get leaks from “sources familiar with Trump’s thinking”?
C) there’s never a principled resignation at the moment something happens. These fucktards are more power hungry and craven than the Trump image they’re trying to create.
Problem is…he has been a politician for 8 years+
Any story emerging now is nonsense to the entrenched voting blocs and swing voters I do not think would be inclined to believe
You know. I’m a Trump cynic but I think you might be right.
This is about to be an interesting two weeks.
I thought you were a pickle.
You can be both.
Embrace the power of AND, Ted… he’s a Trump cynical pickle.
He’s not gonna win unless the polls show him 5 to 10% ahead.
I have a friend who works for Big Fortune 500, Inc., and he told me this week he was on a budget Zoom. The facilitator said the market is currently baking in a Trump victory. Not sure if that’s a big deal but seems interesting.
My neighbor’s chickens are more reliable prognosticators than the polls. Pay no attention to them.
We know it’s not you.
The guy wouldn’t have gotten away if it was you.
Not walking, anyway/
Politico never fails to make me chuckle.
The Very Real Scenario Where Trump Loses and Takes Power Anyway
Yes. Trump controls so much of the government. He could easily make this happen.
“We had to seize power and pass an enabling act (by executive order) to thwart it.”
-Presidente for Life Harris
If Trump wins the vote, the stories are gonna get really interesting again w/ a complete about face.
The need for alternate electors to stop Trump and all that jazz.
I’m here for it.
It’ like his comments about using the National Guard or the Army. The context was about unrest during the election, and he was clearly referring to Antifa types. Yet somehow he would have the power to call out the troops against his political opponents even though he isn’t President.
I’m gonna honest here.
Trump didn’t do any of that even with BLM assholes burning down our cities.
He didn’t seem remotely fascist in comparison to your typical pres.
Some real about-facing would be if Trump wins the popular vote and loses the election, which seems to be a remote possibility (can’t be bothered to find that one poll). Billions of words about the stupidity of the Electoral College down the drain. Which would matter if the left showed even an iota of self-reflection about completely going 180 on the narrative from moment to moment.
Since alternate electors are being prosecuted in a number of places, including AZ, yes, if Trump wins, it will be interesting to watch the about face on the legitimacy of alternate electors.
Weirdly the court cases against alternate electors is by far the most concerning…they are allowed by all states and required. Regardless of how the vote goes, the Party submits their electors and their votes.
The SoS or election board accepts what they need to by law.
Trump didn’t do any of that even with BLM assholes burning down our cities.
Only because noble Milley told him where to get off.
The story of Colonel Sanders.
He got in a shootout with a rival gas station owner.
Then, he became a millionaire selling fried chicken.
There was a time when people didn’t recognize Harlan Sanders on sight.
I thought he just wooed an heiress….
Stupid dolphin should just stay in his apartment like a normal hikikomori.
Yeah. I’m gonna say that calls for a Quint Moment, hire in a vengeful merc who’ll get the job fuckin’ done.
They seem to have juuust a bit of an issue to tackle.
(Don’t care whatch’all/ many/some say: Jaws is a Perfect Movie.)
This is why I favor more dolphin killing — not less.
Thank you rat. First thing I thought of.
Haha yes
I’m just a dolphin, ma’am.
I watched Zwak’s link all the way to the end. I didn’t realize how much of a smoke show Candice Bergen was when she was young. (and middle age me can now see she was damn good looking during Murphy Brown as well) Shades of Grace Kelly.
To go deep into Teds territory, this is a trailer for a movie she was in from ’66.
Written by Mary McCarthy, sister of Kevin and the woman who had the great line about Lillian Hellman, “Every word she writes is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the’.”
I would have linked to The Day the Fish Came Out, which is unfortunately not on any of the free streamers at the present time.
My gf got her Trump 2025 lecture at work today.
Fucking commies. I hates them.
What did that entail?
She will be sold and forced to wear a red frock?
20 quatloos for the admin from accounting!
Trump is going to fire teachers, close schools, kill women, blah blah blah. Vote for Cackles!
So all complete nonsense then.
Just for once I would like someone to say “I don’t care for tariffs” or something.
I would sit attentively, looking direly serious, and write various quotes I hear from speakers/ literature. For amusement and to twist things later in my head, or if they apply in my favor.
I’ve yet to be fully subjected to this, but (as long as it doesn’t disrupt my morning) I’d be oddly eager to go. Now. Signatures. Etc. Uh. Different story. “I’m going to take time to review everything and we’ll be in touch!” NOW. If it’s like my forced vaccination, I sadly went along with it. I did translate “Under Duress” as best I could. I wrote it in English and Korean under my signature. It meant nothing, but I suppose I get to claim that card.
I saw two posts on X saying they were shopped a story that seemed not credible, and they passed. The closer we get to the end, the less credible these things are. We’re supposed to believe this earth-shattering information just appeared at the last minute?
A non-credible Trump hit piece? It must have involved space aliens, of an army of cannibal aquamen from Atlantis.
+1 Russian piss hooker.
There’s still a week left for an October Surprise. So what would the most outlandish be? Melania files for divorce after catching Donald fucking Tulsi? FBI finds irrefutable evidence Trump hired the assassinators?
I kinda think this ridiculous Hitler nonsense is it. Wishful thinking maybe.
Seems like the last grasp…didn’t Kamala just emerge from the Veep resident and claim Hitler and then recess into the depths of the home?
She saw her shadow. 2 more weeks of election season.
*Board room full of frustrated staffer-kids looking all frustrated, staring off into space. One jumps up all excited*
“Wait! Has anyone tried characterizing a Republican as Hitler?!”
Yup. She came out and gave a very official sounding, hysterical warning about OMB and went back into the residence.
It’s worth a watch.
It feels so phoned in. In 2020 at least we had the laptop.
Again, it’s like they didn’t do the homework and are trying to bluff their way out of it.
A dog ate my election.
So using the Veep residence to make a campaign stump speech…okay? Not okay?
I read a “fact check” from Newsweek saying she did not violate the Hatch Act because it applies differently to the Pres. and VP. 🤷🏻♂️
Anything involving the Hatch Act, Logan Act, etc can be safely ignored anyway.
JD sues for not being invited to the Trumo key party?
I think if the Donald was boning Tulsi, that would increase his standing in the polls.
I think I see what you did there.
Early voting seems to we way up so they’re running out of time for October surprises.
Rural vote is coming alive it seems
Justice Department Cautions Musk PAC on $1 Million Voter Lottery
The department sent a letter to Musk’s America PAC cautioning him that giving cash payments to registered voters who sign a petition might violate federal law, people familiar with the matter said.
It doesn’t. The law says you can’t pay someone to register or vote. Nothing about signing a petition.
I’m officially an Undecided Voter. (Strike. I was as of a day.5 ago.) I live in Solid Trump Indiana. My vote means nothing.
I’d LIKE to vote for Trump just to add my vote for the ‘Popular Vote’ nonsense. I’ve decided to NOT vote, following my (best optioned) principles, cuz despite deeply believing Trump will indeed win (let’s say 75-25% internal confidence) … I know Blue and Team DC-ABC will do everything to fuckstain his next term up. It will purposefully be as big a disaster as they can fathom. I haven’t the confidedence Trump can reign any of it in. Hope, but not belief.
So. I’ll go to the polls just to see how it feels. It’s fun to be politically coy in public. I’ll likely write up a short thing to explain to Mom, who will ask, and one easily-editable so I can soften it with my True Blue Harris Bro/SiS. Dad? Can’t be reached, tho he should be driven toward masculinity.
Anyone else in the same ish-conundrum? I want my vote to be against Team Blue lawfare/insanity. I don’t want my name attached to all the shit WILL occur if Trump is Prez Term II. The only way to win is to not play. Sigh… FUCK. Hurts my Heart, but Brain wins eventually.
My votes don’t count but it feels good to vote against every Dem that I can. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is where I am, plus there are a few ballot initiatives I do want to vote on.
Yeah, I’m officially voting against this year.
I also need to run through the referendums and see if there are any worth not voting no on.
Evan; there’s a third option…a third party. Give it to one of them. Chase Oliver is on all 50 state ballots. Then you can say you did what you could to move us away from the Uniparty.
Not mine.
I don’t like him anyway.
And you’re so fond of Trump or Harris?
And yes, I was wrong, he’s on 47 state ballots and is write-in eligible in Illinois.
I’m over here chewing on my black licorice jelly beans. I do not think Trump’s victory could possibly be too big to rig. They WILL find a way.
Re rapey bottle nose dolphins: They’re mean fuckers to begin with. They rape for fun. They do a lot of bad shit for fun. They make me think a few species may have something approaching a conscience. I mean, doing bad things “for fun” implies some decision making ability. Orcas don’t fuck with humans the way bottle nose dolphins do. Orcas think we’re cute.
I still dig the story about the most famous dolphin researcher ever tarnishing all her results by disclosing that she had sex with the dolphins every day.
Not the orcas in the Straits of Gibraltar. They have been majorly fucking up boats for the past year or so.
“Are the elephants here dangerous?”
Host: “People get drunk and plink at them with 22s. If you see an elephant dont let him see you. run.”
When I heard about those Orcas that is the first thing that came to mind. Someone has been fucking with them.
And now, remembering that I am reminded….a very significant percentage of humans really are shit.
They are amazing creatures. They seem to have actual cultures in the different sub groups of orcas. It could be humans that fucked with them, but I think maybe more likely it was an accidental boat ramming one of them that killed or injured one of their group and now they are taking a bit of revenge.
This happened about 20 miles off the coast from my house a couple months back. I can see the islands from outside our place on a clear day. Orcas were hunting a group of humpbacks trying to get the baby.
Jesus…even friendly interviewers she gets perturbed
What sort of October Surprise can they come up with? It’s not a question of making the people who already hate him hate him even more. They have to find a way to turn his voters against him.
“People familiar with his thinking have suggested he might name Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of the Treasury.” That kind of stuff. But who will bite?
I don’t want to read too much into this, but my wife once ran the local campaign of a guy running for Dallas City Council. There are no parties or anything and it’s an at-large council.
With two weeks left, it was obvious they were going to lose. Trailing steadily in the polls. They had some “kind of” damaging info on the other guy. Basically that he relocated to that district to run for the spot. Not that big a deal, but it’s all they had.
Before that, they had tried a different tone but since they were losing anyway… all in on all the negative stuff they had.
That’s kind of what losing campaigns do with 2 weeks left in an election.
Awe…just said that above. Too late for that. We are too close and too many votes cast. Oct surprises are going away. They need to be July or August surprises now
October surprise: The ratfuckers have shat away every scrap of credibility with so many over the top transparent lies and character smears that no matter what they have no one will believe it.
Come to think of it the October not-surprise is lots of talk about a earth shattering October surprise that turns out to be a nothing burger. That seems to be the norm as far back as I remember.
Well Hunter laptop was an October surprise but the real surprise was a full on Government censorship over it
Here’s the thing.
That October Surprise meant nothing too. nothing on Hunter Biden was gonna move the needle at all.
They were so scared of losing they suppressed it anyway.
The lameass Hitler shit, turning up the rhetoric way past what’s reasonable, is the October Surprise. It’s downright irresponsible but maybe they’re hoping they can inspire another nut to try to assassinate him.
or “surprise”, given who controls all ze institutions
There were polls later claiming otherwise but who the hell knows.