Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – See What’s Become of Me

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Daily Links | 95 comments

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a goatse.

Maladaptive dating strategy: Only go out with women that love SugarFree. There are women love SugarFree, but they are hard to find in the wild. Because most women can’t see the truth:

SugarFree is love.

People who were going to vote for Kamala Harris hint they are going to vote for Kamala Harris.

Are the Uncommitted Voters Still Against Kamala Harris?

Last week, the movement of uncommitted protest voters who withheld support from President Joe Biden over his administration’s continued support for Israel’s war in Gaza gave its firmest anti-Trump statement yet, leading many to wonder if the group had softened its stance toward Kamala Harris—or might even endorse Democrats. Harsh criticism followed from all directions: What did the group really believe now?

Layla Elabed, a leader and founder of the movement, told me days later on the phone what happened. Elabed played a key role in diverting some 100,000 votes away from Biden during the Democratic primary. After several failed attempts to push Harris’ campaign toward meaningful policy changes on U.S. support for Israel’s military actions in Gaza and Lebanon, the group issued a pointed non-endorsement of the Democratic candidate. Now, as Elabed weighs the dangers of another Trump presidency—alongside hesitance to support Harris amid ongoing U.S.-backed Israeli actions in Gaza, Lebanon, and beyond—she still questions whether there is any “right” way to vote.

“Uncommitted” is doing a lot of heavy-lifting in the headline. The pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party was never going to vote for Donald Trump. What the Democrats and their press organs are really worried about is these idiots might be too entranced by terrorist role-play that they simply stay home and not vote. Dearbornistan is the key to Michigan, it seems, and must be catered to.

(Which presents a bit of a conundrum in messaging: If Donald Trump is such a horrible antisemite, then why aren’t the antisemites on the left flocking to him as a fellow Jew-hater?)

OK, so a very narrow category, but has there ever been a better cover used on a soundtrack in a more dogshit movie?

Less Than Zero was the first time I was angry about a film adaptation of a novel. Like, what the fuck even is this shit? They took a book about bored rich kids numbing themselves into oblivion and made it a moral tale about crack (of all fucking things) which bored rich kids in 1987 were not doing (caveat for Hunter.)

I walked out of the theater livid.

The most deranged part of it to me is that Ellis’ first draft was more sentimental, more a lament of his L. A. cohort and his writing professor told him to re-write it as more of a sterile mirror, a piece that just showed what was going on without comment. Which is how he got a novel published at 21. And then a movie deal which resulted in a film that was basically the novel he originally wrote and discarded.

Also, how can anyone be an antisemite in a world where Susanna Hoffs exists?

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. The Bearded Hobbit

    Drinking my vodka and lime.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    I don’t get it.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    If Donald Trump is such a horrible antisemite, then why aren’t the antisemites on the left flocking to him as a fellow Jew-hater?)

    Oh, you.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Donald Trump is Shroedinger’s Jew-Hater?

      • Drake

        He hides it by having a bunch of Jewish grandkids.

    • Aloysious

      DJT is the wrong kind of anti-semite. Not the right kind.

      It’s different. See?

      I hate politics today just a little more than yesterday.

  4. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    Right there with you on Less Than Zero (also, props to the girl who loaned it too me – Clara)

    • Bobarian LMD

      Young Jami Gertz was the only good thing about that movie. But RDJ played his part believably well (for some reason).

      • Ted S.

        When I blogged about the movie, I titled the post “The Lost Weekend is now a screwball comedy”.

    • SugarFree

      I loaned my copy out in high school so often it fell apart.

  5. SDF-7

    Less Than Zero is certainly in my “Own the soundtrack, never watched the movie nor read the book” classification, yes.

    • SDF-7

      Shamefully — the other one I can think of off the top of my head is Cocktail…. I think I’ve seen the rest of my soundtrack collection…. yes, even Tank Girl.

      • Bobarian LMD

        There is absolutely no shame in never seeing either of those movies.

      • SugarFree

        Yes, the song where she rips Courtney Love to pieces. There are a number of those.

    • Nephilium

      One thing that still irritates me to this day is the fact that the soundtrack to a movie frequently costs MORE than a copy of the movie. They’re both going onto digital media, shouldn’t the soundtrack (that was paid for as part of making the movie) cost LESS?

      • Red Pill Matt

        Supply and demand?

  6. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “The pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party was never going to vote for Donald Trump.” Probably true, but many of them might decide to not vote at all.

    • R C Dean

      You mean, what the Democrats and their press organs are really worried about is these idiots might be too entranced by terrorist role-play that they simply stay home and not vote?

      • Bobarian LMD

        I feel like someone might have said that somewhere before.

    • rhywun

      Considering that there is considerable overlap with the communist wing of the Democratic Party, of course they are going to vote for Harris. Democrats don’t “stay home”, that is a Republican thing.

  7. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Wait, Suzanna Hoffs is (((Suzanna Hoffs)))?

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      (((WE))) are legion.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        She must be bathing in the blood of gentiles to look so good at her age.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    Next big thing is big

    “We see the need for gigawatts of power in the coming years, and there’s not going to be enough wind and solar projects to be able to meet the needs, and so nuclear is a great opportunity,” said Matthew Garman, CEO of AWS. “Also, the technology is really advancing to a place with SMRs where there’s going to be a new technology that’s going to be safe and that’s going to be easy to manufacture in a much smaller form.”

    We’ll see what the Harris administration has to say.

    • juris imprudent

      Bwahahahahaha – like a Trump administration is going to have a wholesale change in the bureaucracy?

    • The Other Kevin

      “Nuclear reactors produce no carbon emissions.”

      That is a notable change from “we will all die in a meltdown.” Perhaps all this net-zero BS is a blessing in disguise, if it gets us to move on from 1970’s-era environmentalism.

      • Tundra


        But I’m digging this. It might take awhile, but reality always kicks ass.

      • SDF-7

        It is even a notable change from “We’re going to ding nuclear for the mining, the concrete production, the steel smelting for the reactor vessel, the car trips made by the regulators, etc. etc. etc…. but solar panels spring from Zeus’s brow full formed in China!”

        So yeah — maybe this will turn things around. The cynical part of me notes that “Screw Grandma freezing in the Northeast winters or baking in the Arizona summer — that means ‘CUT YOUR USAGE!’… but this! This could impact our pet projects and bottom lines! Can’t have that — we must have abundant energy… only for what we want it for!”

      • rhywun

        our pet projects


      • SDF-7

        I was thinking “Developing and running the AI that will run the robot factories so we can finally rid ourselves of the stinking masses” — but sure, Skynet for short works.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The time it took to explain to an anti-nuclear friend of mine that there is no need whatsoever to do anything with nuclear waste is time I will never get back.

    • R C Dean

      The Harris administration is not going to piss off its tech bro funders, so I doubt it does anything to block these.

  9. Tundra

    The movie was shit. But Jamie Gertz, mmmm.

    My favorite thing about Susanna Hoffs is her aging strategy.


    Thanks, SF! Two hot chicks and a great cover!

  10. juris imprudent

    Only go out with women that love SugarFree.

    Venn diagram with NPR listening women. Null set. Poor OMWC.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    like a Trump administration is going to have a wholesale change in the bureaucracy?

    After Trump shuts down the NRC, Dept of Energy and the EPA there will be no one to stop them.

  12. DEG

    Maladaptive dating strategy: Only go out with women that love SugarFree. There are women love SugarFree, but they are hard to find in the wild. Because most women can’t see the truth:

    Better than dating a Progressive.

    • Bobarian LMD

      There are women love SugarFree, but they are hard to find in the wild.

      Probably a good thing that women can have penises now. Increases the odds.

      • DEG

        Those aren’t women.

  13. Gustave Lytton

    The Trump “lockdown” voter is hilarious. He made a lot of mistakes and encouraged it, but Trump didn’t lock down a single state.

    Meanwhile, there is one of the 4 names on the tickets that has done so….

      • Gustave Lytton

        Exactly. He could recommend, but had zero power to actually do it. One guy actually did and he’s not apologizing in the slightest.

      • R C Dean

        He did a lot more than recommend. He (and Congress) funded a massive multi-hundred billion dollar incentive program for lockdowns. He may not have ordered them, but he sure rewarded the people who did.

      • DEG

        He (and Congress) funded a massive multi-hundred billion dollar incentive program for lockdowns.

        That too.

        He also trashed Massie for wanting a vote on that package.

    • EvilSheldon

      Dude, if you’re putting 8 sugars in your Starbucks pisswater, you have problems beyond the location of the condiment bar.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        If you are putting anything in any coffee, you have other issues.

        Drink it black, just like your heart.

    • SugarFree

      Taco Bell stopped put out tubs of salsa packets due to rampant theft years ago. I wonder if it was this, and not some faff about COVID, that prompted this.

      • SugarFree

        Also, you can make far, far better coffee at home for the same amount of time it takes to visit a Starbucks, wait in line and deal with the non-binary bisexual half-trans orange-haired retard barista who thinks they are skilled enough to start a union.

      • Gustave Lytton

        A lot of “Covid” measures that saved money have been kept. No more trays at the AW drive in.

      • SugarFree

        What I really miss about COVID is the massive reduction in traffic.

      • Tundra

        What I really miss about COVID is the massive reduction in traffic.

        Word. I traveled a lot during that time and I really enjoyed the spotless, empty planes and the impeccable service.

        That, alas, has disappeared.

    • rhywun

      Good lord, Starbucks does that? They are worse than I already knew.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I don’t put sugar in my espresso, but I would like to be able to put half and half in myself without having to specify it on my order.

    • DrOtto

      There may have been sugar in the diet lemonade, but I bet there was no lemon juice.

    • R.J.

      I saw that. Hilarious!
      The judge should make her wear a sign saying “I am a dumbass” for at least six months.

      • Ted S.

        Moron labe!

    • SugarFree

      Also, a beating might help.

      • R.J.


    • SDF-7

      What got me was it looks like she was the one posting it…. “I at the least look like a complete tool and idiot… but could also be charged with property crimes…. I know! Let’s make sure everyone knows it!”

      Right up there with the idiots posting live bank fraud videos not long back.

      • Sensei

        Remember to many on the left it’s the intentions that matter not what actually happens.

        In this case her intentions were “good” its just unfortunate that some Greek restaurant was harmed in the process. Also see “bad luck”.

      • SugarFree

        She wouldn’t have been charged with tearing down Israeli flags in New Jersey.

    • Shpip

      I watched that clip on X this morning, and thought “This is wokism in a nutshell — bog-standard Marxist theory badly understood and acted upon by poorly educated urban coloreds.”

      “Deyz a genocide goin’ on!” Yeah, maybe she’s still pissed about what happened to the Tutsi, but I don’t think that’s the case.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Reliable reports

    Witnesses reported seeing a group of armed people harassing hurricane relief workers in a remote Tennessee community last weekend, a sheriff said Wednesday as a man in North Carolina appeared in court for allegedly threatening aid workers in that state.

    Although there is no indication that the incidents are related, they come with the Federal Emergency Management Agency facing rampant disinformation about its response to Hurricane Helene, which came ashore in Florida on Sept. 26 before heading north and leaving a trail of destruction across six states. Reports of threats to aid workers sparked a temporary shift in how FEMA was operating in western North Carolina.

    In Tennessee, Carter County Sheriff Mike Farley said that witnesses reported Saturday that FEMA workers were being harassed by a small group of armed people in the remote community of Elk Mills, not far from the North Carolina border. No arrests were made, but Farley said that the people who showed up were looking to cause trouble.

    “It was a little hairy situation, no guns were drawn, but they were armed,” Farley told The Associated Press.

    A vast uprising of armed right wing kook mainlining disinfo and threatening the lives of noble public servants.

    • Gustave Lytton

      the Federal Emergency Management Agency facing rampant disinformation

      Such as they’re being hunted down by militia?

    • R C Dean

      “no guns were drawn, but they were armed”

      So, like every encounter with a cop?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Open carry state?

  15. Spudalicious

    Jeebus. If Kamala wasn’t such an evil bitch, I’d almost feel sorry for her. Brett Baier is eating her lunch.

    • Suthenboy

      “Do you support Hamas?” “Do you support funding felons sex changes?” “Do you support an open border?”
      On and on with things she has heartily endorsed and everyone knows.

      “I will follow the law….” <— same answer every time.
      Trump was right. She has no place in this race.

      • Suthenboy

        It occurs to me – If Trump wins they will try like hell to put him in prison after he gets out. If that precedent is set we will only ever see disposable candidates from the Dems in the future. Bidens, Harris’s forever.
        Oh, wait. The R’s dont have the balls to fight back. The precedent will only apply to R presidents, assuming we have one.

      • R C Dean

        Any competent candidate would love an interview that was basically “I’m going to ask you about every claim your opponent is making about you, and give you the chance to respond.”

    • creech

      Are you kidding? Every media outlet, except Fox, will be touting her brilliant performance.

      • Rat on a train

        “She stumbled at times but Baier just lied.”

  16. Suthenboy

    Yeah, she is doubling down on her “Biden is as sharp as a tack” claims, even now.

    She was getting angry and about to lose it. Heh. C’mon Kammy, let the hate flow through you. Let it out. Let’s see that snarl and those claws.

    • Spudalicious

      There was plenty of red meat for her side to crow about, but if you watched to see if she would finally actually answer the policy question, you were disappointed.

  17. Sean

    I was just outside. Be sure to peep that moon tonight!

    • R C Dean

      Or, if you live somewhere with dark skies, look at the western sky for the comet. It was visible from our house, if you knew just where to look at the right time (just as the sky gets dark after sunset). It’s pretty faint to the naked eye, but looks great with binoculars.

  18. rhywun

    Brett Baier is eating her lunch.

    Some of you are… watching that?! I can’t even with you people.

    • Drake

      Brett is mildly liberal. If she was slightly competent, it would have been a win for her, not another disaster.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Brett Baier is eating her lunch.


  20. Drake

    A candidate who didn’t get a single vote in a primary and did a real interview for the first time 19 days before the general election. What a shit show for the Dems. This is going to take a lot of rigging.

    • rhywun

      19 days can’t come fast enough.

      • Tundra

        I don’t know. The insanity after the election might make the Summer of Love look like a fucking cotillion.

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