IFLA: The “Frosted Fields” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of November 3

by | Nov 3, 2024 | IFLA | 105 comments


This week’s theme is “domestic change.” We’ve got the moon and Mercury doing their thing, with Mercury in particular entering Sagittarius yesterday. That become important soon. What about on election day? Well, that day sees a conjunction of the Moon (female) and Venus (female) in Sagittarius (power). Goddammit. Also this week we have Mars entering Leo, which is a counterbalancing masculine sign, but that’s on Sunday. I guess if I were being paid to cast a horoscope for a Trump supporter, I could say Mars = Orange planet = Orange Man in Leo = King of Beasts = Orange Man King. I might also go with Leo = Lion’s Mane = Trump Hair + Mars = Trump commander in Chief. But they’d need to be a pretty motivated client to accept that reading. How about another video of Lily frolicking?

Scorpio: Queen of Wands reversed – Good, economical, obliging, serviceable, opposition, jealousy, deceit, infidelity.

Sagittarius: 3 of Cups reversed – Expedition, dispatch, achievement, end. It signifies also the side of excess in physical enjoyment, and the pleasures of the senses. A hangover.

Capricorn: 4 of Cups reversed –  Novelty, presage, new instruction, new relations.

Aquarius: King of Coins reversed –  Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril.

Pisces: 5 of Swords – Degradation, destruction, revocation, infamy, dishonor, loss.

Aries: 8 of Wands – Activity in undertakings, great haste, great hope, speed towards an end, new love.

Taurus: 2 of Swords – Conformity, balance, courage, concord in a state of arms.

Gemini: 7 of Swords –  Design, attempt, wish, hope, confidence; also quarrelling, a plan that may fail, annoyance. 

Cancer: The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.

Leo: 8 of Coins reversed – Voided ambition, vanity, cupidity, exaction, usury.

Virgo: Page of Cups reversed – Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice.

Libra: 5 of Cups – It is a card of loss, but something remains over; three have been taken, but two are left, inheritance, patrimony, transmission, but not corresponding to expectations.

About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. Suthenboy

    Taking a break and ducking in. I see the stars surprisingly say there will be no change. We, humanity, are still a massive pack of shit-flinging howler monkeys contantly preying on each other.
    After I finish my rooter float I will go back to splitting wood.

    • Suthenboy

      What the fuck. Root Beer

      • dbleagle

        I thought it was some bayou poultry item.

      • Suthenboy

        Well, feral hogs are often referred to as ‘rooters’, so good guess. If only spell check were so clever.

  2. DEG

    Nice dog videos.

    Voided ambition, vanity, cupidity, exaction, usury.

    Sounds sufficiently shitty.

    • R.J.

      Indeed. I did transfer phone companies and will pay a large fee to do so. So accurately shitty for me.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: 3 of Cups reversed – Expedition, dispatch, achievement, end. It signifies also the side of excess in physical enjoyment, and the pleasures of the senses. A hangover.

    I better go snag me one of them Gen Z gals looking for a sugar daddy.

    • Sean

      Good plan.

      What could go wrong?

    • Ted S.

      For some reason I always read it as “Elle Mystal”, a she.

    • LCDR_Fish

      Nice. I check twitchy periodically – I get a lot of likes from that one dude too. (at least on my retweets)

    • Gustave Lytton

      Is it the attendees photo?

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      What am I looking for?

      • UnCivilServant


        I have no idea.

      • Mojeaux

        Swiss’s comment. It’s under his real name.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t know swiss’ real name.

      • Fourscore

        Don’t expect me to rat him out either

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        “Swiss’s comment. It’s under his real name.”

        Rudolph Swissler?

      • DEG

        Swiss’s comment. It’s under his real name.

        And his picture.

        I missed it the first time through. I saw it on the second.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        Swiss’s comment. It’s under his real name.

        Phineas J Whoopee? Yeah, that’s got to be him.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


      • slumbrew

        So dreamy in the dress blues.

      • slumbrew

        (It’s a good profile pic)

  4. Rebel Scum

    Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril

    Seems legit.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    Whatever happens “Tuesday”, we lose.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Correct. We’re fucked.
      Trump wins? DC ensures a shitty term.
      Harris wins? Harris ensures a shitty term.

      Shout for joy. (Only one side will command you too, however…)

      • DrOtto

        I don’t know, bringing Musk, RFKjr and now Ron Paul into the mix may make it fun this time.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I totes agree. I, we, can hope. I’m not optimistic, but it’s not for lack of effort.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    that horse’s ass, Elie Mystal

    Somebody linked that piece, and it included a photo. Honest injun, that’s not at all what I expected him to look like.

    The things you learn.

  7. Tonio

    I tried to break the article title into two lines of text of approximately equal length so that the numeral “3” wasn’t orphaned (actual typesetting term!) on a line all by itself above, but WordPress was having none of it.

    • DenverJ

      It’s not orphaned on my device.

      • Tonio

        Thanks. What OS and browser are you using? Desktop, tablet, or phone?

        I should have specified Win10/Firefox for me.

      • rhywun



      • DenverJ

        Android galaxy browsing on Brave which I’m pretty sure is a chrome clone

    • Mojeaux

      I think if you put <br /> where you want it to break, it’ll do it, without showing the break code.

  8. Rebel Scum

    A Karen’s Karen.

    The ‘Karen’ who reported Peanut the rescue squirrel to authorities was allegedly angry that a squirrel had more instagram followers than she did and boasted to friends she was going to turn the little ‘rat’ in.

    This is nuts if true.


      Folks in both Suthen’s and my part of the world are profoundly confused about the squirrel/raccoon thing. They mostly ask, “You gon’ to eat that or what?”

      • Tonio

        It’s not about the critters themselves so much as the owner, and how the state arbitrarily and cruelly took his property and deliberately inflicted misery upon him. Who was harmed by his keeping them?

      • Suthenboy

        We understand Tonio. There was such an event here back in the late 70’s. A young woman (HS age) had a pet skunk that her father had gotten for her. Some fuckknuckle had an issue with the father and complained to Wildlife and Fisheries about the skunk. Not only did they take and kill the pet they prosecuted the father and really gave him a lot of grief. When the subject of wild animals for pets comes up even today people talk about that.
        There was a huge backlash from that. A mayor lost his job, the state wildlife people were punished…etc. That hasn’t happened again.


        I know the point of the thing. It was just a chance to take a jab at Boudreaux and Thibodeaux downstate that I couldn’t miss.

  9. Sean

    “Cancer: The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.”

    I’m getting laid and Trump’s gonna win!

    • Ted S.

      This implies you’re getting laid at present.

      • Evan from Evansville

        He could be. *squints*

        Could be an erection lasting longer than four hours. RuhRoh.

  10. Evan from Evansville

    “Taurus: 2 of Swords – Conformity, balance, courage, concord in a state of arms.”

    Works for me, as work begins Tuesday morn. Or at least, the official I-9 doc stuff in the office. Perhaps more but unlikely. I’m quite good at behaving when I’m paid to. (No euphemism necessary, but welcome. Also: “I ain’t gay for pay?” I could be for a lot, but I’m already “gay for say.” I’d gladly do what Clint Eastswood would (reasonably) want to do for a few hours to chat with the dude in private.

    For now, stickin’ for thee, not for me. Your SOPs, not mine. Easy enough. (First time was a silly mistake. Good to learn from.)

  11. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Activity in undertakings, great haste, great hope, speed towards an end, new love.

    Moar dooooooooommmmm!

  12. DenverJ

    The horoscope for Leo doesn’t look good. I wonder of my employer would except it in lieu of a doctor’s note 🤔


      Is your employer a 25-year-old white chick with a septum piercing? If not, you may be out of luck.

      • DenverJ

        No, but the new office manager is, minus the piercing. She does have hippy ink.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Well, he is a Doctor of Star Science!

    • R.J.

      That seems a mighty popular path this year.

    • Gender Traitor

      Please tell me that’s not going to hit on Tuesday. 🤦🏼‍♀️

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        It’s currently an Invest (an area that NOAA plans to investigate) with a 90% chance of tropical formation in the next 48 hours. Any kind of landfall is at least a week away.

  13. UnCivilServant

    Shouldn’t this bee a horrorscope?

    • R.J.

      Our horoscopes are individual to Glibs, not from the hive mind.

  14. DenverJ

    My place is down in a valley, and I can’t really get TV, which I don’t usually mind, but I’m not paying to stream the Broncos.

    • Tundra

      Powered antennas can work pretty well. Where are you?

      • DenverJ

        Mid michigan. Not too far from Flint

  15. kinnath

    kinnath calling to dogs while standing at the door: You guys wanna go out?

    big dog run to the door: Yes please, yes please.

    kinnath opens the door . . . .

    big dog looks out, then looks up a kinnath: Ah, no. I ain’t going out

    kinnath: why not?

    big dog: It’s cold and wet.

    kinnath: It’s 50 degrees and light drizzle.

    big dog: Ain’t gonna happen.

    kinnath: You’re a Shetland Sheep dog. You’ve literally been bred for this weather.

    big dog: Let me know when the suns comes out — then turns and walks away.

    • UnCivilServant

      50 and drizzly is the best weather. Your dog has problems.

      • Mojeaux

        This is absolutely true.

        Throw in hot spiced cider and a fuzzy blanket and a good book. Perfection.

    • slumbrew

      My staffie mix (catehoula, maybe) Is. Not. Having. It. if it’s raining.

      “It’s fine, I’ll hold it for 12+ hours”

      Same dog lies on the manhole cover in the summer. Not a fan of the cold, as you might imagine.

  16. kinnath

    Honey harvest 2025. Third Sunday. That means September 21.

    Reservations made for a cabin on a lake Sep 18 through 22.

    I triple checked this time.

    • Fourscore

      Always the third Sunday. OTOH we had a nice meet up a week later without the ruffians.

    • Tundra

      Same lake and resort?

      • kinnath


        Off Roy Lake. Very quiet and peaceful. Away from the main resort.

      • Tundra

        Wonderful. I miss that place. Some great memories.

      • kinnath

        Third year in a row on Roy Lake. It’s a tradition now. 😉

  17. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril

    We will take the perversity, but not the Irish!

  18. rhywun

    Thank goodness after Tuesday there will be more time available to advertise Medicare plans and penis treatments.

  19. Mojeaux

    Questions for you all: Have you had a passion? A life’s work? And if so, do you still have it? If not, did you lose it? How? Did you find another life’s work?

    Just finished reading one of my own books (what I consider my best), and I’m feeling very lost. Have been for a couple of years. I don’t have anything left.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I’ve had many. Some brief, some longer term.

      My interests are usually influenced by things I see around me – on media, out-and-about, etc. I may get something recommended to me on YouTube and end up in a rabbit hole. Sometimes I can’t even pinpoint what catalyzes my interests.

      Aviation, beekeeping, physics, fashion/design are all recent ones for me.

      When one dies off, there has always been many more to take its place.

      The bad thing about that is they never last long enough for me to engross my whole life in it. Jack of all trades, master of none kind-of.

    • Gender Traitor

      Maybe think of yourself as on an open-ended sabbatical and allow yourself to pursue other interests just for fun? (We know you have many other interests!)

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Yes, Used Books.

      I still have it, don’t work with them to the extent I used too, wont end up with a shop of my own, but I keep my hand in by scouting, spending time at my friends/acquaintances shops, and so on. I thought I had, but my wife surprised me and said that wasn’t true, as while I may be good with things such as logistics, my heart wasn’t in that world.

      Nice to see she had noticed it, and wasn’t afraid to speak to me on it.

    • Tundra

      Not really. Like KK, I have had a number of intense interests over the years, but nothing that really defines me.

      I’m not sure I trust “passions” anyway. I’ve really enjoyed being a father, running businesses, playing hockey, hiking, traveling and all the rest, but I don’t think any one of them is an appropriate label for me.

      Are you feeling lost because the creative drive isn’t there anymore, or is it something else?

      • Mojeaux

        Are you feeling lost because the creative drive isn’t there anymore, or is it something else?

        Yes. I finished Cods & Cuntes and I just felt wrung out. I think part of it is menopause, not sure. I owe a sequel and a third of Cods & Cuntes, although I was smart enough not to leave it on a cliffhanger, but it’s like I forgot how to write a book. Secondly, I read the stuff I’ve already written and feel completely disconnected from the person who wrote those books. I don’t know that person, never met her, don’t know how to do what she did. It’s like there’s a wall there and I just want to live in the universe THAT author (not me) built.

      • Tundra

        You have my email, correct? I have a podcast for you.

        Secondly, I read the stuff I’ve already written and feel completely disconnected from the person who wrote those books.

        This doesn’t really surprise me. I think every creative endeavor is a slice of time and distinct from the others. Maybe put those books away and do something else for awhile.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes, I have it. Will do.

        Thanks. 🙂

      • Fourscore

        After the kids are grown and left the nest there seems to be an empty place in our lives. Not unusual and as time passes and the worries seem to disappear as the kids learn their way around life and the adult world. We have a difficulty wondering/worrying about them.

        Slowly, slowly we learn that they really are capable to handle life’s bad pitches. You’re not alone, Moj. It may be time to try a new adventure. I was about your age when I started building my house.

      • Raven Nation

        Mojeaux: here’s something one of my grad school friends told me after she defended her PhD dissertation. She’d got a job but was feeling really unmotivated to keep writing. One of her grad professors (same school I went to but not someone I worked with), said to my friend: writing a dissertation (or a book) is a little like giving birth. It’s your whole focus for a chunk of your life, it’s mentally and physically draining, and, when you’re done, you swear you’ll never go through it again. This may be true; OTOH, it’s also likely you need to give your self time to mentally and physically recover.

        Although I’m not a father and have never been close to someone who’s given birth, from what friends tell me, the analogy is a decent one.

      • Mojeaux

        When I’m writing, I’m bleeding out from every sworl in my brain. I’m usually writing 2-3 concurrently, as they’re in the same universe. I had timelines on stickies around the walls of my office to tell me where I was in which story. Spinoff characters popped up like whack-a-moles and I followed those paths. Snippets, novella-length development. I don’t feel like I’ve birthed a baby and I never felt DONE because I always had something else or several something elses I was working on or at the very least had in mind.

        When I finished and published Cods & Cuntes, I just … I don’t know. It was like I’d plumbed the depth, width, and breadth of my universe.

        I have other ideas. A paranormal series. Fairy Godmother/Cinderella, Krampus/Santa, mortal sorcerer who is also a lawyer/no-nonsense judge with a crush. I wish I knew where I wanted to go with those because that’s a universe I’d love to plumb, all sorts of fairy tales, legends, and myths to twist into knots. I almost ALWAYS know how the book ends before I start (outside of the happily ever after required by the romance genre).

        So. Birthing a baby? No. This is the first time since I was 14 years old I’ve hit this wall. I stopped writing in the 90s for a while because I couldn’t get published and I had a plot problem I couldn’t solve without more life experience, and another book whose vision I couldn’t fulfill until I had the chops to do it. But I could sit down at a computer, typewriter, napkin at the local BBQ place and write SOMETHING. Now, I can’t.

    • Suthenboy

      I have had a number of passions. I have also experienced what you describe. For whatever reason, change of mindset, age, ability, satiated my desire, I have changed the focus of my interests.
      I have also faced the fact that I am simply not as good at something as I wished and could see others doing it better and that took the wind out of my sails.
      I think the heart of my motivation for all of them, something at the core of me, is the desire to leave something behind that means something.
      Something that will be around and of interest to people long after I am gone. I have planted trees everywhere I have been all of my life. I have that. I need more.
      I think I am gearing up to rekindle my interest in photography. I want to shoot film and print in a wet darkroom. I want to print big. 20×24 is the biggest I have done in the past so now I am thinking black and white 24×30’s. I want to document my family and other things that my great, great, great, great etc grandchildren will want to keep and pass on. Most of what I have done in my life was what I now consider a waste of time. I dont intend to do that anymore.
      I mentioned this to some family and friends recently and this past birthday they surprised me with a 4×5 camera. Now for an enlarger….this is no small undertaking. It could occupy me for the rest of my life and leave something that would essentially be forever.
      Archival black and white photos will last 500 years…in theory. If I tone them with gold and selenium they could last…who knows? 1000 years if stored properly? More?

      I cant really advise you Mojeaux. This is something very personal and specific to you. Reflect and find something at the heart of what makes you you. Something that really matters to you.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Seems tame to what I remember.

      • Tundra

        Same. Although the hippo would be pretty spicy

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Harris ad, just now. Talks in her fucking obnoxious whiny voice about “fundamental freedoms being taken away”.

    She’s talking about freedom of speech and association, right?

    • Suthenboy

      Well, she never really says, does she?
      Blabbering about freedom, democracy, etc without ever being specific is text book dictator 101.
      If she wins we should all go ahead and start wearing our underwear on the outside.

      • rhywun

        No, she does say. It’s “women’s rights”.

        Well, one in particular.

      • Sean

        It’s the right of self defense, right?

        Able to carry a handgun.

  21. DenverJ

    I guess I don’t want to watch this game after all. Ouch

    • Tundra


    • Chipping Pioneer

      Yes, it’s ugly.

    • rhywun

      Bills game against the hated Dolphins is spicy.

      • Tundra

        Falcons are taking it to the Cowboys. Dallas is in deep shit.

      • rhywun

        Bills just won in the final seconds with a 61y FG lol

      • Tundra

        There was an article in the Athletic speculating that we will see a 70 yarder shortly.

      • Fourscore

        Is it because the kicking leg(s) is/ are getting stronger? Any changes in the ball, like size, pressure? Or maybe coaches are ready to take a chance on a kick rather than a Hail Mary?

      • DenverJ

        @Fourscore global warming

  22. UnCivilServant

    I hate it when the teir 1 techs are dumber than the chatbot

  23. DrOtto

    Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril. – sounds about right, I’m leaving for Vegas Wednesday.

  24. Tres Cool

    Read earlier:

    “Communism is like Spandex. Good idea, but then real people started using it. Things got real ugly from there.”