A thought occurred to me this weekend: with the hate for pineapple on pizza, or beans in chili, you know what we never hear about?

Now that I know you truly hate me…¡enlaces!
Let’s start with the lighter side of the news. Honduran fans threw a beer can at the Mexican National Team’s coach, causing a fairly serious injury. But remember, Mexicans are mean because they called the Honduran goalkeeper a bitch.
Governor Social Worker will apparently work with the Orange Man, although conservative media showed clips of a CBS interview where she said she won’t.
China cozies up with Latin America, presumably to work around proposed tariffs. Building a sea port in Peru seems a good indicator of that.
Brazil hosts the G-20…where Lula proposes an anti-poverty, “hunger alliance.” Odd way to announce he wants everyone to starve, but okay.
Milei visits Trump, in what should be a fun H&H episode.
In these crazy times, I’m glad Marilyn Manson, a voice of calm, reasoned, discourse decided to make his appearance once again.
That shit-eating grin really captures the joy at selling out her country to the Chicoms.
So, how is Peru’s transport infrastructure connecting it to the rest of South America? Good? Not like there are any mountains or jungles, right?
The article talks about a railroad linkage to Brazil. Not sure if that’s current or just planned… but it seems a reasonable next step.
Well, if they can transport a steamship over the Andes….
Hang gliders.
Still seems a little weird after the issues with Chinese ports in Sri Lanka and CCP railroads and ports in Africa, Pakistan, etc. The Belt and Road was already crumbling and now LatAm may prop it up a little longer (just long enough for the domestic economy to collapse completely).
Apparently the very concept of pineapple in chili has stunned the commentariat. Mission accomplished? Do we need to print up a big banner you can photoshop across an aircraft carrier?
Personally… I’ve got nothin’ for links that start with that and end with Marilyn Manson… (who I know probably 3 songs by in toto — and one of them is due to watching the first John Wick).
Yeah. I’ll pass on pineapple in my chili (although I do put in fire roasted tomatoes and peppers, so fruit is a component of my chili. I will admit to having enjoyed a local (sadly gone) burger place that had a burger with a grilled pineapple ring on it where the burger was teriyaki glazed.
Apparently the very concept of pineapple in chili has stunned the commentariat
My work here is done.
Just go ahead and sprinkle on a little Everything Bagel Spice. And I loves me an actual kettled Everything Bagel, but its overuse in seemingly every baked roll, bun, and bread out there has rendered it as loathsome as Pumpkin Spice.
Something about making your man mustard taste sweeter by eating copious amounts of pineapple and removing some ribs so you can get closer to the source? I’m having a hard time making it work too.
The only real question I have is: is that a deep dish it is being served in?
I see your chili and raise you…
I feel like far right has replaced neo-liberalism as a slur used by the Left.
And yet Lula’s government is never referred to as “far left”. Yet he is a fucking self professed socialist.
Perhaps because it isn’t so far left of the media?
Beer can, huh.
Hondurans have a long way to catch Vikings fans:
*clears throat*
Bottlegate and 10 Cent Beer Night wave and say hello!
They win for volume, but a one-off with a whiskey bottle is still epic.
Of course all these are why we get our stuff in cups or plastic and aluminum bottles with the tops already removed.
At least neither of our fanbases are as bad as Philly fans. 🙂
+1 D cell.
I prefer The Dollop’s coverage of 10 cent beer night.
Indeed. Few can top Red Wings fans and throwing that poor cephalopod on the ice.
You are just Jelly.
a fun H&H episode
The Hat finds out what it is like to sit atop natural hair?
Pineapple in chili.
I have been known to put chopped pineapple on my tacos.
Al Pastor tacos are only complete when you add pineapple.
Think of it as Chili Al Pastor.
I don’t think Monseigneur Murphy would want it either — nor any other parish priest I’ve had.
“I will not tolerate actions that harm Arizonans, that harm our communities and quite honestly, divert resources from providing real security at our border,” Hobbs said.
Well, don’t worry your little head, sugar tits. These actions won’t harm Arizonans — just furriners who are in the US illegally.
Please don’t make me think of her tits.
I hope she’s serious, and orders Arizona law enforcement to arrest feds who are rounding up illegals. I so want to see her being led away in handcuffs.
Pineapple on chili sounds terrible, but pineapple on an al pastor taco is pretty tasty, so who knows?
I stopped using pineapple in the marinade (makes the meat mushy) but grilled up with the pork is a taste bonanza.
I recall using canned pineapple juice gets around that as the canning process denatures the enzyme that breaks down meat. I want to say papaya has a similar enzyme as well.
Neph, good to know. I just typically use OJ.
I just typically use OJ.
It was nice of you to throw some work at an ex-con.
Propellant load underway for Starshio test flight in 20 mins
Man, these euphemisms.
The cute hosts are back. This time they have a payload, which is one banana.
So yes, euphemisms.
No catch today. Kind of a bummer but still cool to see the “soft” splash down.
That was a bummer.
Space launches, Buc-Ees, and now nuclear power. Libertopia will be in Texas.
Ooh, you’ve lit the Don Escaped Another Handle Change signal….
He came to visit recently. Then he escaped again.
New Hampshire has a sad….
Are you telling me when Buc-ees opens in Mt Crawford, liberty will spread through Virginia?
Flight trajectory
PA (NJ) loss is the nation’s gain?
Didn’t he lose to Fetterman? Yikes.
Now if it were Dr. Phil…
Another baffling appointment to go with Rubio. I don’t get what Trump sees in that guy. If I had to guess I’d say blind loyalty.
It does pull him out of the senate, where he might otherwise die in office.
A feast shall gorge your eyes next Wednesday.
The return of El Sombrero?
Uh oh
*rubs hands*
Aw yeah!
$8.5bn or $8.5mn?
Typo in headline that made me click.
The Etruscans were a fascinating civilization whose influence is still felt today.
24 30 minute lectures on the Etruscans. Well worth the time.
I like the older analog Truscans better.
Not everything gets better when you digitize it and move it to the internet.
*salutes Pope Jimbo, clockwise*
Bluff and bluster
“Putin is bluffing again,” Timothy Ash, emerging markets strategist at BlueBay Asset Management, said in emailed comments Tuesday.
“Putin’s bluff was and has … constantly been called — Putin is terrified of getting into a conventional war with NATO which he would likely lose in weeks,” he said.
Even if that’s true, the outcome would be incredibly ugly. Europe is not exactly fighting fit. But what the hell, broken windows are broken windows.
The czar is terrified of a war with Napoleon, which he would likely lose before winter.
If you have to make good picks for posts in the FedGov you are going to run through the list of ‘good ones’ pretty quickly. They are in short supply.
It doesnt take long to get to bottom of the barrel material.
The bottom of your barrel is worse than the bottom of ours!
They are all the worst in their own special way.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has opened the Group of 20 Summit in Brazil by unveiling a global alliance aimed at tackling poverty and hunger.
Would that be “emulate the white western countries that became rich by emphasizing property rights and rule of law”? No? Well, at least you can say you tried.
No time for war. Kammy goes on vacation.
She’s in Hawaii. SloJoe is lost in the rainforest. It appears that the Executive Branch is surplus to requirements.
Whatever. It’s not like the VP does anything, especially when only a couple months from graduation.
Who are the losers who are still hanging onto her coattails?
Also over/under on how long it will be before her husband gives her 5 across the eyes for lipping off?
Star fuckers are a thing.
Yeah, she’s gonna show up with a shiner and claimed she walking into a door.
There’s at least some campaign manager and lickspittle who’s there ready to help Harris become Governor of CA.
She didn’t want the job, only everyone was telling her she needed to apply.
This was obvious when her concession speech was better than every other talk she gave. Now she can get back to grifting.
So far so good on the launch, but they aborted the catch of the booster, so they landed it in the ocean.
Pineapple in chili
Tread lightly Mexi! Food can get even mild mannered Minnesodans worked up into a lather We are still mad at the NYT 10 years later about them claiming we loved broiled grape salad on Thanksgiving.
Never even heard of that. Sue the fuckers.
But it was a Minnesoda heiress who gave them the recipe!
It is such a NYT deal to claim that a dish that everyone eats in Minnesoda was given to them by a heiress.
Do we have heiresses?
I bet it was some Easterner who married some Cargill kid.
Holiness: I’ll bet that was exactly it. And the chef hated her guts and played a trick when she asked for a traditional Minne dish.
Tundra: Perhaps reminiscent of that time the NYT printed wholesale a list of made up “grunge culture” slang terms as authentic?
Us? She lived there for 10 years?
Make pineapple (and cane sugar) Hawaiian again.
Failure to foretell the future
Law enforcement missed critical opportunities to prevent a 2022 mass shooting at an LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado, a pair of lawsuits filed over the weekend allege.
The suits claim that the massacre at Club Q in Colorado Springs, which killed five people and injured at least 19, could have been averted if authorities had enforced Colorado’s red flag law. The law, passed in 2019, allows law enforcement or family members to petition to have an individual’s firearms temporarily removed if they are deemed a danger to themselves or others.
Colorado is one of over a dozen states with red flag laws. The lawsuits say the El Paso County commissioners and the sheriff were critical of the state’s red flag law because they saw it as an infringement on Second Amendment rights; before the law was enacted, the board of commissioners passed a resolution declaring El Paso County a “Second Amendment preservation county,” according to the filings.
The 22-year-old convicted shooter, Anderson Aldrich, who has identified as nonbinary, “had a history of violent threats and behavior that clearly warranted intervention,” the legal documents say. That included an arrest in June 2021, after Aldrich allegedly threatened to kill their grandparents, reportedly said they planned to become “the next mass killer” and stockpiled weapons, the documents add.
A judge later dismissed charges related to the 2021 arrest, largely due to family members refusing to cooperate with authorities in the case, The Associated Press has reported. Aldrich bonded out of jail and by August 2022, could legally possess firearms again without any restrictions, according to the lawsuits.
The El Paso County defendants “willfully and wantonly ignored the shooter’s warning signs,” the legal documents say.
It’s always obvious after the fact. But I guess there’s no harm if it’s a right you object to being taken away.
Captain Hindsight in South Park I South Park S14E11 – Coon 2, Hindsight (Part 1)
Honestly had no memory of this incident. It sure disappeared from the news pretty quickly.
I was just thinking the same. And then I saw “non-binary shooter” and knew why.
MJT saying the House Ethics Committee should release all investigations? Yes please. I’m sure there’s more than one weirdo and pervert being protected.
What’s doesn’t make sense to me is if Gaetz knows he’s guilty and resigned solely to escape an investigation, why would he accept Trump’s nomination? He’d go right back under the microscope. So either he’s a completely delusional psychopath or the accusations are bull shit.
What’s the over/under?
Let’s get Trump and Kavanaugh to weigh in on this. They may have some insight into that.
Gaetz resigns from the House, ethics investigation gets dropped, he doesn’t get confirmed as AG, DeSantis taps him to fill Rubio’s Senate seat.
Liberals won’t believe this one trick…
Well, the DOJ (a) hates him and (b) didn’t indict him, so the odds are good its all bullshit
Club Q is also named as a defendant in the suits, accused of having inadequate security despite past attacks targeting gay nightclubs, including a mass shooting that killed 49 people in Orlando’s Pulse nightclub.
“Unfortunately, despite the increased risk of mass shooters, and industry opinion recommending increased security measures, Club Q decreased its security following the 2016 Pulse attack,” the legal documents say.
They add: “Club Q advertised itself as a ‘safe space’ for LGBTBQIA+ individuals. But that was a façade.”
Promotional puffery, like “judgement free zone”.
As for security, they should have had machine gun nests surrounding the dance floor.
Look, since 1924, there’s been an infinite increase in the number of mass shootings at gay clubs. What more proof do you need?
I want to see the Feds seize Reddit’s servers and prosecute their employees under the Silk Road/Backpahe theories for continuing to allow r/DACA and other criminality.
I bet RFK Jr would have an even pissier look on his face than the McD’s dinner deal if he got wind of this genius Minnesoda idea
Yes, our kids need more time sitting in front of a video game console, not less! The only way this sounds like a good idea is that associating video games with having to talk to a Social and Emotion Life specialist (nothing left to cut) might cause kids to hate them.
I first read that as bringing escorts into physical education. The teenage me would have loved that.
*shakes head in disgust*
How do you train for eSports? Eat a box of Ho-Ho’s in under a minute, hold you bladder for 24 hours?
Sounds like my last roadtrip to Florida.
I don’t think it’s video games in the traditional sense, but more like virtual sports.
I would think something g like a peloton-like contraption as opposed to running outside.
Don’t forget the Yoo-hoo!
Muzzled Woodchipper:
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat.
My superpower is saying the exact wrong thing at the worst time. My sympathies to you and your family for your loss.
No worries. No one is a mind reader. Don’t sweat it at all.
Working on reflexes, group tactics, learning the maps, staying current with the metagame (popular and working strategies), and the like. E-sports is just another team based sport with a learning curve to spectate. I’m not a fan, but I’m not going to rip on those who do, any more than people complain about those who watch team based dexterity based games on television.
Or if you’re Cartman, mom will bring in a bucket for you to shit in.
Fracker Chris Wright, Trump’s Energy Pick, Isn’t A Climate Denier–He’s A Pragmatist
Liberty’s primary work involves firing up generators with thousands of horsepower to run compressors and pumps that inject millions of gallons of water mixed with sand two miles deep into the Earth, where it blasts open fractures in rock, enabling oil and gas to escape. In the past that was exclusively done with diesel-powered engines. But diesel puts out carbon monoxide and particulates, which Wright wants to get out of the air. So wherever possible, Liberty runs its equipment on clean-burning natural gas. For a month-long pad-drilling completion job, Liberty will haul in and set up a 25 megawatt power plant that runs on natural gas captured directly from the field they’re working on—gas that in the past may have been flared (essentially, burned and wasted) until pipeline hookups were ready.
Interesting detailed article about Trump’s Energy Secretary nominee.
Nobody puts pineapple on chili. That is a heinous crime against pineapple.
Take your Honeyglow™ pineapple, brush with a little brown sugar and honey, then grill that sucker. So good.
That being said, I like my pineapple with just a little fresh lime. Doesn’t get any better than that.
Pineapple with spicy cayenne pepper glaze.
How about chili with strawberries and blueberries?
“Chili: It’s for breakfast.”
Spicey pineapple is interesting, I’ll give you that.
I am too old and mature and wrinkley and fat to rise to your masterful baiting with the berries and chili and stuff and things.
*shakes cane*
Nobody said anything disparaging about grilled pineapple, which is 100% legit.
Honestly had no memory of this incident. It sure disappeared from the news pretty quickly.
It could have something to do with the shooter “identifying as nonbinary”. It made it trough to push the H8TRZ! narrative.
yeah, then there was Omar Mateen a the Pulse place. Very obviously a self-hating closeted…something something. That was one of the worst shootings in history and it got what I considered very little coverage. Of course Omar checked more than one grievance box so….
That is what I figured but I was somewhat misdirected by all the blather about “hate crimes”. I didn’t realize LGBTQIA+ on LGBTQIA+ crime counts as “hate”.
People sure are dole-ing out a lot of pineapple advice today.
What have I done?
Eh, it is just his oh pin∼a.
People just showing off their piñas.
Wow. Merchan just adjourned the case against Trump without sentence?
Says there are too many issues on appeal?
Is this an admission that the whole thing was to sabotage a presidential run?
I hope Trump orders the suspension of highway funds to NY until they fire Bragg, Merchan, James, etc.
Holding states hostage with the threat of withholding funds is a time honored DC tradition.
Things I had forgotten
The DC madam. Had a client list. Sealed by the court.
Went to jail where she died of an apparent suicide.
Lawyer wanted to release her client list for the 2016 election
The judge who bottled it up?
Merrick Garland.
How long until P Diddy becomes suicidal?
I am amazed he is still living.
Isn’t it Blackmail when it is Diddy? Seems racist to not capitalize it.
Blackmail material loses it’s value once it’s disclosed.
“The value of the Sword of Damocles is that it hangs, not that it falls.
Good god. The scientific method is dead.
Just saw part of a video about a guy pulling climate change out of his ass to explain the collapse of the mayan civilization. He is looking over weather records for the last 100 years and found a three year drought. Very unusual. If it happened once maybe, just maybe it happened twice and maybe that other time was the collapse of the mayas. As he is looking over the records the narrator, completely unaware of what she is saying, pronounces “He started looking for evidence and found exactly what he was looking for.”
Holy fuck. Look dude, they were eating each other. They either ran out of other tribes or some brain rotting bug got loose.
I couldn’t watch the whole thing. It is just too painful.
I saw something recently about satellite surveys showing that pre-columbian civilizations were much, much larger than we have previously thought. Lots of large cities. Huge areas of current rainforest were farmland.
Didnt read any details, so i can’t voucher for any of that. But I think they were saying that long before Columbus, this huge civilization had largely collapsed.
There’s a fairly wide acceptance among historians and archaeologists that “climate change” – broadly defined – was a contributing factor in the decline of cultures such as the Maya and the Mississippian cultures. Some of this is connected to the Little Ice Age and some to local effects of deforestation and soil depletion.
The trap that many historians (including, it sounds like, the one you listened to) is trying to gradual, mostly naturally-occurring climate change sound like a pre-modern version of CAGW. But, don’t let false equivalencies deter you from reading some of the scholarship which presents those events within their historical context.
You also see it in a much shorter timeframe with the adjustments made to the Nile and the delta – just people shifting the course of rivers for farming and then having things not work out as they expected.
Not talked about a lot are the changes in ocean currents from ice accumulation and subsequent melting at the poles. Those are very powerful factors in terrestrial climate. The Sahara is a brand new desert caused by changes in ocean currents from the most recent peak ice period. As it is melting away the currents change and subsequently rain patterns change.
As for the Maya there were other variables besides weather. Also, consider the Maya and the Mississippians were in different weather pattern zones yet exited the stage at about the same time.
I suspect the huge temples devoted to human sacrifice and cannibalism might be a factor in that somewhere.
I hope Trump orders the suspension of highway funds to NY until they fire Bragg, Merchan, James, etc.
The good old days
Unfortunately, trump would never tell NYC to drop dead. He should, but he won’t.
Are we going back to the old spoils system?
I wonder if I’m having a technical problem. For the last couple of weeks, I’m only seeing links posts, and not always twice per day. I’m not seeing regular features like Mexican Sharpshooter’s beer reviews or IFLA, etc. Also, there are sometimes no comments for hours on end when normally there would be.
Not complaints, just wondering if I’m having a problem. Or, are we depleted for content? Are people just worn out after the election?
I truly appreciate this community. It is an oasis of (relative) sanity.
Look down the home page.
Took me awhile, too.
The links posts show up at the top of the page, but the 11a and 7p posts don’t.
You have to scroll down under the links posts.
Awesome. Thank you, both.
Oh, so I wasn’t the only one!
We in the Pacific Northwest are experiencing a “bomb cyclone”, and the wind is playing havoc with the local electric grid.
Looks like a night without the use of a CPAP machine awaits. And a resetting of all the appliance clocks.