Never give up. Never give up. Never give up. After all the NPR Lady ordeals, I’ve been trying once again. And this latest one may even be ready for the first of my two major filter tests: an evening with WebDom. If she gets past that, the much more rigorous filter will be an evening with SugarFree. Big positive: after half a dozen get-togethers, lots of phone and text conversations, she has not even once brought up Trump. I’m trying to figure out what’s horribly wrong with her, there HAS to be something. Terrific dinner and wine session last night at a restaurant which is a candidate to become my favorite western NY spot (I’ll need to have two or three more meals there to decide).
Birthdays today are a bit sparser than yesterday’s bonanza, but still we have the eponym and million dollar man of one of my former beloved homes; a guy who was known for always interfering; the unlikeliest named president of Paraguay; the only survivor of the dozen; a guy who shed blood from a pin; America’s most famous tank driver; (too easy) far and away the definitive Holmes; a top candidate for absolute dumbest senator, and it’s a crowded field; candidate for the most sincerely whackadoodle performer ever; best MNF color commentator ever; the most famous chemical engineer; an always-interesting musician who completely revitalized nearly all of my favorite rock albums; and a guy who tried hard and almost succeeded in ruining football.
Let’s Link.
NBC tries hard to make Cackles “relatable.”
We really need our campus protests to be more like this.
This is interesting. And this is interesting. Proof again to never believe anyone or anything.
I’ve been hearing about this “imminent famine” for at least 10 months. But any minute now!
Moldova really does have better looking candidates than we do.
Follow-up on a story from yesterday. “My bonus depends on W-L. Take a hike!”
Military guys scornful of the enemy. Where’s my fainting couch?
And I present you with British Blues Dinosaurs! But damn, this was pretty fine. Note early on the middle age woman in the audience who wet her shorts.
SNL: Does ANYONE who’s not already in the tank for Harris watch that show anymore? I used to work with a guy who seemed to get most of his political opinions from SNL and they were as shallow as a toilet bowl.
That would explain a lot about the state of the country…
Don’t get me wrong, old SNL was (often) great. New SNL not so much.
No argument — I was just toking that apparently the Prince of Darkness got some willing thralls over the years. 😉
I like the “Taco Town” and the “Almost Pizza” commercials from SNL.
Nothing beats the Bassomatic.
An old favorite commercial with Belushi.
Even immediately after the 2016 election they could still have their moments.
I stopped watching about 20 years ago, because it wasn’t funny anymore.
I have no doubt all of them were always super lefty but it wasn’t in your face in the good old days. In present year it’s all politics in your face everywhere all the time. No, thanks.
A surprising number of the old casts have shown themselves to be righties or at least not lefty parrots but that was back when the primary selection criteria was being funny.
Yeah, Rob Schneider, Victoria Jackson, Dennis Miller, and I am sure there are others.
MacDonald, Lovitz, Murray, doubt Farley was…
Carvey and Spade, maybe. I wouldn’t guess Farley thought about politics much.
Remember when Cankles (herownself) was on it?
Yeah, that.s the ticket!
She had plenty of time for SNL, but no time for Rogan.
SNL gave her a script.
Who did she have to blow to get on SNL?
Given the approaching season and my love of the line — I can’t help but hear in my head: “That poll may be a bit of undigested beef! A blot of mustard! There’s more of gravy than of grave about it!”
(I know, I know… leave comedy to the bears SDF!)
Any poll that has Harris ahead in Iowa is bullshit. I’d dig into the internals but I could also waste time arguing with people who think the earth’s flat. It’s just not worth the trouble.
Maybe in a world where they have the best voter fraud machine in history… true story!
But otherwise, yeah — lame attempt at a suppression poll is the consensus from what I can tell.
Yeah; if the campaigns’ internal polling suggested a state was competitive, you’d have the candidates campaigning there incessantly, along with ads. Kinnath’s comments suggest nothing like that is going on.
Upstate NY is more competitive than I expected before I moved here.
The ads, holy crap.
Yeah; I’m on the border of a swing-ish district and the one that 538 calls the tighest House race in the country.
I think I am in that district.
n=808, margin of error = 3.4
The poll is garbage.
I thought we were all going to die from grain disruptions in the Black Sea by now anyway…. who can keep track? (All this does is reinforce to me that nations should at all times and as much as possible stay self-sustaining for the critical resources and infrastructure… kind of the macro version of the “prep what you can / be ready to grow your own stuff” at the individual level… not always possible, but should be encouraged where we can — damn the MBAs who only see the ledger side and the micro savings instead of the other concerns — huh… that sounds awfully like the problem with the health experts who were so aggressive on ‘health’ in a couple of metrics and ignoring the impact on society as a whole or other aspects of life…. almost like experts tend to narrow their view down to what they’re expert in and being judged on and almost never take a holistic approach or something… who knew?)
Congrats on the female companion. Maybe give the frog a little more time to boil before exposing the glib side though…
He should lay the cards on the table, from SugarFree’s writings to his own pedophile nom de plume. If she doesn’t mind she’s a keeper (unless she’s too into the second one which is no bueno).
I’m a gradualist. There’s a definite filter order.
Re my persona, she’s a pediatrician…
Who says we don’t live in the best timeline?
The white van now offers medical prescreening!
I just like the idea that OMWC has such a surplus of women chasing after him that he needs to cull the herd.
Yeah, as soon as my parents divorced, the amount of, uh, pressure from the single, female professors to go out with my father was rather astonishing.
The two polls linked were the Des Moines Register (which showed Harris ahead) and the Emerson college poll (which showed Trump ahead). The Emerson poll was published about an hour after the Des Moines Register.
People in Iowa are some fickle folk.
The Register poll showed a 30 point swing in the last two months with seniors.
In Iowa.
Pull the other one — it’s got bells on!
(too easy) far and away the definitive Holmes;
Happy birthday to the definitive Holmes!
I’m weird… I was expecting this.
I’m weirder, I was expecting this.
Weirdos, I was expecting this:
Happy birthday St. John the Apostle?
Happy birthday Marvin Heemeyer?
Happy birthday Éleuthère Irénée du Pont de Nemours?
I was honestly expecting Alfred Nobel for the chemical engineer — at least I did get the tank driver.
Heh, heh.
Legend has it that they tried to execute him by boiling him in oil, but he shrugged it off, so they exiled him to the Isle of Patmos.
Prolly not today. First morning below freezing. 🧊
Utterly off topic, but I was listening to Floating by Sleep Party People for the first time in probably half a decade while I was working earlier, and thought you you might like it, if you haven’t heard it already. In the shoegaze/dreampop realm.
Now I’m imagining a concert where all the socially awkward fans are just staring down at their shoes and shuffling randomly from time to time….
I like the music but he needs someone else to handle the vocals. 🥴
Accurate. The genre was so-named due to the multiple guitarists in the representative bands staring at their copious effect pedal boards during shows.
The falsetto is less aggressive as the album wears on; absent on several instrumental tracks.
It’s like Galaxy 500 or Wussy, great sound marred by shit singing.
That does seem to be the go-to excuse when someone needs to be silenced.
So much this!!! I used to love reading Brittanica.com’s “Annotated Dennis Miller” the following day, explaining all his obscure references!
Lisa : My family never talks about library standards. And every time I try to steer the conversation that way, they make me feel like a nerd.
Comic Book Guy : We are hardly nerds. Would a nerd wear such an irreverent sweatshirt?
[open his jacket to show off his shirt]
Lisa : [reading the shirt] “C:/DOS C:/DOS/RUN RUN/DOS/RUN”.
Lisa : Oh, only one person in a million would find that funny.
Professor Frink : Yes, we call that the “Dennis Miller Ratio.”
:blushes a bit — but honestly did laugh at the shirt: OS kernel geeks are easily amused, though. I mean this (go to the end) is considered a comedy classic in my circles.
unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck, fsck, fsck, umount, sleep
Classic. I think of it almost every time I have a tuna fish sandwich.
Before I started piano, I tried to learn how to play the fish, but I never got past the scales.
You just can’t get good famines anymore, what with the fall of the Soviet Union.
OFFS. Calgon, take me away.
There’s always going to be a balance (and admittedly it is worse in the modern era because we as a whole are so separated from death in general, unlike past generations), though — the troops on the ground are going to denigrate their enemies and engage in black humor… it is normal and healthy. Their officers need to be trying to keep it from being visible to the home front solely from a PR perspective — you don’t want to raise hassles for your superiors in the chain of command, risk backlash, etc.
Which is my long winded way of saying that the officers should have reinforced that this was a terrible idea to either record where someone could later see it or do it in public and quashed it. Just the realities of the situation.
I don’t necessarily disagree from a practical standpoint, just that everything old is new again. Dehumanization of the enemy being an arguably necessary component in war, perhaps such an offense to domestic sensibilities should factor into the calculations of the necessity of dropping ordnance in the first place. If you don’t hate somebody enough to call them a sand nigger, maybe you don’t hate them enough to splatter their entrails in a 100 foot radius.
If you’ve never actually contemplated killing a person, you wouldn’t understand the utility of dehumanization.
In New Hope, I don’t recall the Sand People being referred to derisively – they were feared by Luke (we can’t go out and look for the droid, not with all the sand people about), and spoken of neutrally by Obi Wan (hiding their tracks by going single file). Hell, Obi Wan tricked them rather than just whip out his lightsaber and kill them or use the force to squash them with a rock.
I think there was some ill will expressed in a fanfic trilogy that came later, but to be fair – they did kill his mom.
They’re obviously trying to conjure up racism because that’s what we do these days.
Interesting, if true:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease. President
and First Lady
want to Make America Healthy Again.
3:36 PM · Nov 2, 2024
Oh lord. Why go there?
Read the back of your toothpaste bottle.
I’d say wait until Donald wins before letting loose with that nuttery.
That would seem the prudent course to take, but RFK, Jr. is gaining credibility because of his stance against the mRNA shot. Maybe people will think, “He was right about the Jab; maybe I should look into some of his other ‘kooky’ claims.”
I guess we’ll see.
The only way Trump loses on Tuesday is through voter fraud, and the RNC seems willing to push back, this time around.
I’m still sticking to grain alcohol and rainwater.
Well, that will help America get its vital essences back.
I don’t have the stomach to watch the clip, but I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that they failed.
I’m sure she’s completely relatable to the underrepresented morons-promoted-above-their-pay-grade part of the population.
What do you have against middle class families that take care of their lawns?
The guy across the street is really anal about his and once yelled at me for blowing our leaves too far out into the street.
At least we don’t run our leaf blower at dinner time. 😒
I’m sympathetic to the financial angle, but at the same time, nobody except the German Olympic teams used to field guys in drag in women’s sports. The political and social component was necessary for the financial component to even come into play, and campus radicalism helps sustain it.
And it was a scandal.
Now it’s stunning and brave.
There is a very active strain of feminism that assumes men are just broke females, and this is simply fixing them in those eyes.
If it was just financial, said coach wouldn’t be protesting, doners dropping support would be ending this, and the players would be getting behind it as it would improve the chances of getting a scholarship and increase the standing of the sport. None of those things are happening, which rules out economic reasons.
This situation? For once I don’t think money has anything to do with it.
There is titanic pressure in every institution to be as batshit woke as possible. That is why it is newsworthy when someone fights back. In this case, that person must be silenced so the admins can continue to pat each other on the back.
Agreed. Not about money.
The whole “let’s let men in women’s locker rooms!” is deeply, DEEPLY misogynistic. It is also a sexual fetish that men want to impose on women. Force themselves into places they’re not welcome and that scare women, who are powerless in the situation. Gee. That sounds a lot like rape. And women are totally on board because these men present themselves as victims. Also, because women are SOOOOO happy to let a man into their circle because we must need their validation or something. Yet, they are still bigger, still stronger, still with a penis (that can get a boner) that they have no intention of taking off. It’s just about power and sex, and pretty much that’s it.
“Present themselves as victims” is completely correct.
In modern day America, whites, particularly white men, are presented as The Problem™️. There is no sense of redemption in the woke cult, therefore whites, particularly white men must find a way to get around their whiteness to be one of the Good Guys™️.
They saw the reaction of both whites and blacks with the Rachael Dolezal thing. You cannot become black. So they cockamamied up this whole trans bullshit as a way to become a victim of whites, particularly white men, which has proven to be enough to wash the sin of being white away. Are you a white man? You’re not welcome in our spaces. Are you a white man claiming to be a woman who’s oppressed? Come in and let your clitoris hang out while you shave your woman-beard.
These people are fucking cray cray. Victimization has been incentivized, and their theory states that straight whites are always oppressors, particularly white men, and so they will do ANYTHING to be a victim, including mutilate themselves, so that they will not be identified by the ingroup as white. They are now “trans.” It’s an elaborate costume forced on whites, particularly young white kids from affluent families, by the woke cult as a means to wash hide their identities as whites.
This insanity needs to die in a fucking fire. We as individuals need to tell the world this shit has gone too far, and to eat shit. That’s why I’m finally voting after the last 2 decades of not voting. My vote won’t make a difference. I’m in KY that will vote Trump no matter what I drop in the ballot box. But that isn’t the point. I want my voice as part of the popular vote, with the hope that Trump can win, which would be a very loud message that Americans have rejected woke culture.
Fuck this trans bullshit. It’s by far the most misogynistic movement in modern history. Far more misogynistic than any “patriarchy” they can dig up. It’s completely anti-woman, and anti-science, not to mention completely hateful
It’s a sexual fetish that also grinds women into the dirt. Victimhood is the cover.
The GDR didn’t field guys in drag; they pumped up with women with so many male hormones that it destroyed the athletes’ womanness.
Oh right, duh.
How soon I forget.
They did it in Top Secret!
EAST German Olympic team, IIRC.
far and away the definitive Holmes
Moldvay’s version was much better.
What’s interesting is that t he Cook/Marsh Expert Set is specifically called out as an edited version of OD&D, in the promos at the back of the book.
Holmes’s version states that it is an on-ramp to AD&D. “Start with this set, but the next step is to graduate to the adult version.”
Moldvay and those that follow are their own thing, and, arguably, are new editions of OD&D.
For those that haven’t bought it, but were/are part of the D&D world, I strongly recommend the D&D Art and Arcana book. Awesome trip down memory lane with all the artwork from the modules and books, and a pretty thorough history of the company, the game and the creators.
I second this recommendation.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the resources to purchase it at this time, but I did see it in Target on lace, and flipped through it.
“On lace”?
I didn’t see it on lace. It was on a sturdily-constructed, manly table, probably with damage from swords and fireballs.
D&D Art and Arcana
I didn’t know about that. I just ordered a copy. Thanks!
@TLAH: I’ve seen that around, but never purchased. Just bought it. Can’t wait.
Harris replied: “It is nice to see you, Kamala, and I’m just here to remind you: you got this. Because you can do something your opponent cannot do. You can open doors.”
This was a reference to Trump reaching towards, and appearing to miss, the door of a garbage truck during a recent stunt. “I see what you did there,” Rudolph said. “Like to a garbage truck, right?”
Thanks for explaining that.
He reached for the door handle, and missed, but when he finally got holt of it, he opened it easily, then jumped up into the cab like a boss.
Why would they reference this video, to make people go back and look at it; to realize that Trump is a funny, quick-witted guy who everyone should vote for?
I didn’t watch the clip — but is Kamala talking to herself in a mirror reminding herself that she’s good enough, strong enough — and gosh darn it, people like her?
Because that’s about what that sounds like.
Anyway, Trump did that sketch first at SNL.
That would be extra spicy if she said it while eating a hotdog.
He said earlier this year that they would not certify Trump, period.
Jamie Raskin says Democrats will only uphold the peaceful transfer of power if they view the election as fair:
Jamie Raskin: “When I say we will support a free and fair election, no we we’re not going to allow them to steal it in the states, steal it with the Department of Justice or steal it with any other election official in the country.
If it’s a free and fair election, we will do what we’ve always done: Honor it.”
Bill Maher: “That is the Democrats’ history: They honor it. That’s the big difference between the parties.”
Democrats have challenged every election they’ve lost in the 21st century.
When Trump said this same statement ‘If it’s fair’ the media went apeshit. Now it’s the Democrat position according to Raskin.
Maher’s a snide, ill-informed asshole and he always has been and, I assume, will be.
You can tell the election is free and fair because the Democratic candidate won. Duh.
It’d be fairly easy to boaf sidez this, in light of Trump’s insistence 2020 wasn’t free and fair, but for a couple of things: 2020 had a lot more irregularities and sweeping changes to election procedures than any other election in at least half a century, and he still left office when it was all said and done. If by some stroke of incompetence they can’t manage to scare up enough votes in PA, WI, and MI, I’ll be very curious to see if the same can be said of Obama’s shadow cabinet with their collective hand up Biden’s ass. If somebody would give me odds, I’d wager a crisp 100 dollar treasury note on Trump and Vance being charged with some utterly ridiculous fabricated crime and prevented from taking office in the event the tally comes up in their favor. If Trump survives another assassination plot, that is.
“Always accuse your opponents of what you are yourself doing.” Karl Marx, I believe.
Finally, a leader who’s willing to fight the culture war
Damn. Good for her. Thanks for posting that. LGB alliance — I love that.
Can we haz her here?
Boom and thanks for that. We aren’t ‘worthy’ of her, apparently. Perhaps UK has gone down further the rabbit hole and is more willing to see the obvious implications for ’em.
I may hope, but am not optimistic.
And this is why the British left HATED Thatcher (and the American left hated Palin). Because, for all their high sounding words about women, they hate that they might not be the one left holding the bag.
See also the remarks about black people voting conservative anywhere.
Agreed. For all intents and purposes, Palin was exactly what they describe as the ideal woman.
Highly educated, boss jobs, motherhood, the whole 9. But because she doesn’t believe in abortion on demand, she was pilloried by the media.
“If you are voting for these Republicans in New York…you’re anti-woman, anti-abortion, and basically you’re anti-American.”
Abortion is the one true American value.
“My bonus depends on W-L. Take a hike!”
I won’t waste my time reading about that bullshit. Go coach a men’s team in a competitive league. Until then, fuck off.
Looks like another MAGA insurrection.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams says ‘the city’s not surviving, it’s thriving ‘! Then, the NYPD Police Academy gets vandalized over night, property painted red, flag desecrated; a rope with a carabiner left hanging. Cameras are inoperable due to upgrades. Argus camera possibly in vicinity.
Probably those darn Proud Boys again, setting up a Tiki Torch village – as is their wont.
Trump should promise to end changing the clocks.
If he wants young men to come out to vote, promise to end registering for Selective Service.
Pfffftt. Young men don’t know shit about it. They’re not reminded and if their parents never tell them, they don’t know at all. We had to tell our son, “Go to the post office and register for the draft.” He just looked at us like this was something he’d never heard of. Well, that’s because he hadn’t.
Huh. Pretty sure it was widely known by my cohort. Probably mentioned in class, even.
Yes, yours and mine. We were reminded at school.
But XY is almost 19 and when he turned 18, he’d never heard of it.
They sent me a “welcome to adulthood” letter with a selective service card and one of those detachable Business Reply Mail postcards to send back with my name, SSN and confirmation of address. I was so fucking stupid back then that I actually mailed it in.
Word. We need to stay on the time we just switched from.
Don’t care, just pick one. Fuck this time change bullshit.
Hear, hear. I’m inclined to say we stay on standard time, only because Marco Rubio supports permanent DST, and you can never wrong opposing whatever he supports.
Stopped clock…
I don’t see where the Constitution gives the President the power to control time itself.
I do look forward to the press conference. “It was the best of times, the classiest time, a better time, better than that loser time that Biden kept in place.”
Congress has the power to set uniform standards of weights and measures. I think this would include standardizing time.
But what about the farmers? Oh, won’t anybody think of the farmers?
A couple random catch-up notes. I did see a bit on the tv at the bar yesterday for a new Denis Leary comedy show on Fox called “Going Dutch” – but does not appear to be a trailer on youtube yet. Could be interesting since Danny Pudi is also going to be in it – obviously language will be limited on network TV but there should be some good rants (I still haven’t watched “Rescue Me” – got some DVDs sitting in a box somewhere).
Trying to figure out why I keep having issues in terms of alcohol absorption…in terms of number of drinks vs food eater vs time to clear up afterwards. I figured eating around the same time as the beer (not to mention all the walking) would make a difference, but some recommendations were to start eating about 15 minutes before actually drinking. It’s not my normal practice for a brewery – but it’s certainly an option if I want to try and make it a longer trip. May have to give it a shot next weekend and see if it makes a difference.
Beer is liquid bread. You don’t need to add any other food on top of it.
LOL, so I had lost a lot of weight and my cousin wanted to know what I’d done (Atkins) because her husband had gained a lot of weight since they’d been married. “Well, but he eats like that already.” “Does he drink beer?” “Yes.” “Beer is liquid bread.”
Well I did 6 beers a few weeks back when I was walking multiple miles between 3 breweries – but having just 3 yesterday even with cheesy bread and a chicken caesar salad still seemed to hit a little harder (admittedly a lot less walking) too.
Goal next week is the long walk between the same 3 joints as the last one…just trying to figure out the best angle to appreciate it. Thankfully it’ll be cooler on the whole than late Sep.
Moj – totally aware of the carb issue…I don’t expect I’ll be doing nearly as much of this after I finally travel – but since I’m hitting the gym every day – and have literally nothing else to do, this is one of the outside activities I find a little more engaging at the moment given the excellent variety in the local area.
Rescue Me was OK, but for pure laughs watch The Job
That was a great show. I worked nights and I’d leave late because of that show.
I’m currently watching The Job on DVD while working out. Both seasons. Unfortunately, that show was a victim of 9/11. They decided they couldn’t go around portraying NYPD as semi-competent fuck abouts after the towers fell.
Everybody sing!
Macho macho man
Biden slammed Harris’ rival, former Republican President Donald Trump, and his supporters on policy issues during a speech in Scranton, but then suggested that he’d hit back — literally — on faux “macho guys.”
“There’s one more thing Trump and his Republican friends want to do. They want to have a giant tax cut for the wealthy,” Biden told the local chapter of the carpenters union. Then, apparently referencing people backing Trump, he added, “Now, I know some of you guys are tempted to think it’s macho guys.”
“I tell you what, man, when I was in Scranton, we used to have a little trouble going down the plot once in a while,” Biden continued. “These are the kind of guys you’d like to smack in the ass.”
During a rally later Saturday night in North Carolina, Trump poked fun at Biden, asking the crowd, “I don’t even know, is he still around?”
Did Doktor Grandma lead Joe away by the hand afterwards?
“These are the kind of guys you’d like to smack in the ass.”
Sounds suspiciously gay.
“Why are you gay?”
Biden isn’t gay. His groping and sniffing of little girls fetish is well known.
“I tell you what, man, when I was in Scranton, we used to have a little trouble going down the plot once in a while,” Biden continued.
Kamala had no trouble going down.
DAMMIT. Phone fingers may have clicked on wrong tab. Checked to see where the fuck Jeremy Brett was in all your jokesy-ness, and now with a computer…
My comment here is pointless. I even checked his damn bday, making my ‘outrage’ more pointless. My parents had me watch with them as a kid. Remarkably true to the character and to the Conan Doyle creation. Everyone else, even the brilliant versions, have been copies of the Master at craft. Almost assuredly the best (now stock) character in existence. Hugh Laurie did a fantastic job with Holmes as a doc in Dr. House, with Wilson replacing Watson!
Basil Rathbone or go home.
“Chloe Grace Moretz comes out as a ‘gay woman’ as she endorses Kamala Harris for President”
much stunning so brave
Saw that on a different site. No idea who that is or why it is “news”.
She was Hit Girl in Kick Ass and the lead in Amazon’s Peripheral.
Um… OK, then.
“…the decisions over my body should come ONLY from myself and my doctor…” if she’s so gay, why does she need an abortion?
Trump has pushed masculine tropes in a bid to garner more male voters throughout his campaign. He’s supported a return to traditional gender roles and leaned into themes like “ protecting women ” whether they “like it or not” in the campaign’s closing days.
Harris has taken a far different approach, pledging to protect access to abortion and increase government spending to help families cover the costs of housing and childcare.
WTF? Trump can’t protect women. Only a female politician can truly understand how feckless and vulnerable women are.
“Euthanized squirrel becomes bizarre election talking point after fake Trump post goes viral”
That’s nuts.
No one seems to care about the racoon. Garbage cans out for Fred.
Fred refused to wear the cowboy hat, just like JFK. That’s why he was shot in the head.
From James Woods:
Kamala Harris said this on camera:
“Just because you are in the sanctity of your home, doesn’t mean we’re not going to walk into your home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”
Me: the peanut the squirrel episode was a practice run.
It’s an outrage because everybody knows that.
And if you think they are walking into homes in the rough parts of Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, or , you are crazy.
If you think they are walking into homes in the suburbs, exurbs, and rural areas where people have badmouthed the regime, you would be correct.
Right, because the ghetto is not where the power is. They’re useful to destabilize civilization, but not powerful.
It’s the law-abiding middle class that must be put down, immediately if not before.
The whole POINT is to turn us against each other so the underlying gummint power structure can expand.
It also terrifies others. That a judge+ and enough LEOs were willing to go through with it all? Uh. Yep. Scary.
“Follow the law. Wouldn’t want to turn out like that dude and his squirrel, eh?”
But Trump is the fascist.
Worked when they walked in to make sure Vicki Weaver was being responsible and safe.
Lon Horiuchi for FBI director
Ray of sunshine
The United Nations COP16 biodiversity talks in Cali, Colombia, were suspended on Saturday after rich countries blocked a proposal to set up a new fund to help poorer nations restore their depleted natural environments.
The decision, taken by a group of developed countries including the European Union, Japan, and Canada, left African and Latin American nations furious and prompted some to refuse to engage in talks on other matters.
It was a bitter end to a conference that many had hoped would inject fresh energy into the 2022 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, an ambitious treaty that aims to halt and reverse biodiversity loss globally.
They should start a war if they want money.
Nice. Go grift somewhere else, assholes.
Ahh right, the developed country of the European Union.
Are you questioning the EU’s nation hood, or their development?
It’s only sunny because of climate change.
The Mouse That Roared?
Oh, ffs — the cardboard on the windows and the “broken water pipe” will probably return given they obviously think they can do anything….
Hallmarks of “free and fair elections” there, Atlanta.
That’s illegal. It’s supposed to be equal representation for observation.
Who’s gonna tell him?
That’s what I thought.
Well, it does seem that people are paying way more attention to these shenanigans than they were in 2020.
Interesting days ahead.
I think the RNC leadership has changed since 2020. It looks like the new regime are more willing to challenge.
I know if challenges in both Pennsylvania and Georgia.
It doesn’t mean that they will win the challenges, but I think the milksops in 2020 weren’t doing much of anything. I could be wrong, of course, and the milksops may have unsuccessfully challenged everything.
They actually won a SCOTUS order in PA. Not sure of the details.
Ten minutes of Democrats saying that they want to put the opposition in camps to be reeducated/deprogrammed.
Jokes on them. I can’t be re-educated because I’m not educated in the first place.
Wish I could get that sans the Alex Jones trademark. That alone stamps it as “misinformation” despite showing CNN, Fox, MSNBC+ coverage including the networks’ own trademarks.
Shame. Wish we could get some sort of way to… re-educate, as it were, folk on how they should hear what ‘their’ own politicians are saying. Tone deaf, they are, and on purpose. Again, just feels too ‘heretical’ for them to dare to ‘believe’ anything other than The Blue Word.
Sunday, Slutty Sunday…
4 is an unlucky number, but I’d chance it.
This just popped into my head. What if the Union army had rounded up and slaughtered all the slaves they could catch, for their own good?
Wouldn’t have mattered, as the essence of the conflict was over debutante balls, mint juleps, wrap around porches, and trade tax policy.
Had Lincoln not been shot, it’s possible that the Union army would have rounded up ex-slaves and shipped them to Liberia.
“Kamala campaign runs pro-Israel ads in PA, pro-Palestinian ads in MI in potential split appeal to Jewish, Muslim voters
The separate campaign ads come as the Democratic Party finds itself divided over the Israel-Hamas conflict. According to NBC, Pennsylvania is the swing state with the largest Jewish population as it is home to roughly 300,000 voting-age Jews. Many of these voters may feel as though Harris is not as staunch of an ally of Israel as they would hoped, particularly following the decision not to select Jewish Governor Josh Shapiro as her running mate.
At the same time, many Muslim voters in Michigan are disappointed with the vice president and feel she is too warm towards the Jewish state. Michigan representative Rashida Tlaib refused to endorse Harris this week, and recent polling indicates that most Muslim voters prefer third-party candidate Jill Stein over Kamala Harris. Michigan, another key swing state, is home to over 240,000 Muslims.”
She could have made one ad promising to keep funding both sides.
To the troops! All the troops. Both sides.
“She could have made one ad promising to keep funding both sides.”
That would require them to be honest. They’re allergic.
lol Perfect encapsulation of her empty platform. Nobody knows WTF she supports but that’s good enough for half the country because abortion. Or something.
“Or something.” <– Yep. Perfect encapsulation of it all. "She ain't Trump."
Sigh. It really is Trump v The Machine. Uh. Ya could put up Steve Urkel up there and I'd be at least complacently happy. Is it so hard for them to root AGAINST their God? (Yes. Yes, it is. But they don't see it like that at all.)
He could win bigly in the gimme states
“Republicans are very anxious to defeat the Democrats,” Henry Olsen, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, told Newsweek on Thursday. “They are very worried and scared about what would happen if the Democrats won the presidency again and won control of Congress, and so consequently, as is often the case with the ‘out’ party, their voters are particularly interested in voting.”
Olsen told Newsweek that in many of these states, people do not usually vote as they do not feel their votes matter, as their states will stay red anyway. Now, he said, voting would show stronger support for Trump in the popular vote.
“His approval rating, while still lower than his unfavorable rating, is going up,” Olsen said. “It’s not just hard-core Republicans that are getting enthusiastic about him, it’s some people who used to dislike him.”
Olsen said that some of those telling pollsters that they were voting for Trump had not necessarily voted in the past three elections but now felt they needed to because of their worries about another four years of Democratic leadership.
That can’t be right. Everybody hates him.
Moldova really does have better looking candidates than we do.
Romanian wine is better though do not get tricked by than Moldovan bullshit
Why am I reminded of Thomas Sowell?
That Moldovan wine will hypnotize and enslave you.
At some point I will make it there and will expect you to prove this.
The Feteasca Neagras we tried were excellent, so I suspect it won’t be too tough of a task.
Unless you for some reason want malbec. Moldova plants a bunch Romania 0.
A lot of stupid shit comes in the news from America but I have to say the squirrel shit is something else.
But at least you managed to get the links at the right hour today so that’s something I guess.
Thanks to the extra hour, we are all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed over here.
A lot of stupid shit comes in the news from America but I have to say the squirrel shit is something else.
It’s extra-nutty.
Big positive: after half a dozen get-togethers, lots of phone and text conversations, she has not even once brought up Trump. I’m trying to figure out what’s horribly wrong with her, there HAS to be something.
It’s a trap.
She probably is secretly a Trump supporter, but doesn’t want to admit it until she figures out OMWC’s stance on Trump.
Or, she was warned by OMWC’s previous paramours.
Hey girls I am dating this NPR dude and am not sure if I should bring in politics. Looks a bit soy to me but has god taste in wine. I doubts he can fix a motorcycle though but hes some sort of chemist or something. Maybe he is good with explosives like a real man.
Crying Game alert! Crying Game alert!
Well then, it’s obviously a trans Trump supporter in the closet about the whole damn thing.
Watching The Crying Game together will ease it all out with natural flow.
Cult of Trump
There have been a thousand warnings about former President Donald Trump. If polls are to be believed these warnings have fallen on deaf ears. What accounts for this imperviousness despite clear evidence of his dangerous and egregious flaws? This question has stumped many. As a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who has long worked with complexities of mind, let me offer psychological explanations then suggest remedies that could help permeate this apparent impenetrability.
He appeals to simplistic, half-baked thinking. Immature thinking that blames others and denies personal responsibility is appealing. It means rules don’t apply and you can do as you please. If you lose an election, insist it was stolen and incite an insurrection.
He provides pleasure in being a provocateur. Perpetually putting your thumb in the face of those who don’t agree with you is enjoyable. Retaliation feels good. Reconciliation and coming to terms with vexing or enraging issues is hard work. The perpetual provocateur never has to face this.
No politician in history has ever promised vague simplistic solutions to complex problems, or played upon the public’s need for validation. That would be dishonest.
No Democrat would stoop so low.
Jesus fucking Christ. From Nov 2: “How to Deprogram the Cult of Donald Trump.”
Uh. Huh. Remember that re-education shit we were just talking about and making fun of? Yeaaaap.
“He resonates with universal experiences of feeling abused and aggrieved. Trump and family appear to be no strangers to abuse. Donald J. Trump Jr. told a chilling story at his mother Ivana Trump’s funeral. When as a young child he misbehaved in a restaurant, she took him to the restroom to show him “what eastern European discipline was really all about.” When finished, she said: “And if you cry, we’re going to come back in here and do this again.” Families with abuse histories either break the cycle or perpetuate it. 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞-𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲. Trump allows his supporters to identify with the abuse experience, his implicit promise being that, in his hands, it will be no more if you’re on his side. He’ll whisk it away and protect his followers.”
Yep! The go to it quite quickly. And..uh. I admit I had never heard that alleged treatment Hitler allegedly got from his father. Thanks for throwing it out there with no attribution or further comment. Oh. You just make shit up. Gotcha. And sadly, it (quasi) works.
Note the extreme projection too, since the left consistently claim to be victims.
Four years ago I warned young straight men that a vote for former President Donald Trump might hurt their chances with women in the dating market. As a wife and mother with a positive view of marriage and family life, I worried that Trump-supporting men would ruin their chance for love and romance in the years to come. Sadly, four years later, the gender gap has widened and women’s reluctance to be with men who want to vote for Trump has increased, particularly when it comes to Gen Z.
This may be hard for Gen Z men to understand. That’s because, to their credit, when it comes to dating, they’re more willing to overlook political differences than women are. While divergent points of view can make a relationship more interesting, Gen Z women apparently don’t agree when it comes to Trump. Most college-educated Gen Z women not only don’t want to date men who support him—many don’t want to be friends with them either.
When it comes to dating, it’s not an even playing field. While both Gen Z men and women have had a harder time with dating compared with previous generations, Gen Z men have fared worse. They’re not as educated as their female peers, they’re struggling more in the job market, and they’re less likely to be living away from home. Their relationships are often virtual, and without actual romantic relationship experience, they are often ill-equipped for the dating market.
Gen Z men are not as “educated” as Gen Z women. Apparently, the more “well educated” you are, the more rigid and impervious to alternative concepts you become. That’s helpful to know.
Fortunately, my interest in Gen Z chicks is close to zero, other than enjoying looking at them.
All I’m getting out of that is “holy shit we’ve broken young women’s brains”.
Why don’t you warn women that voting TEAM BLUE might hurt their dating chances?
Because men are just defective women, obviously.
To make matters worse, Gen Z women are rejecting straight Gen Z men for a host of other reasons as well. They’re more likely than men to identify as LGBTQ+, with more Gen Z women than men identifying as asexual and/or aromantic. Others are focused on self-care and their friends rather than dating, or they’re choosing to date millennial men.
So what you’re saying is Gen Z women are crazy. Or they’re looking for a sugar daddy.
self-care meaning drinking a couple of bottles of rose wine
That’s why when a woman discovers that a man supports Trump, she’s right to worry. If a guy, however nice, chooses to vote for a man who belittles others, objectifies women, and has little regard for the issues she cares about, such as reproductive health care and the environment, she wonders if he will have what it takes to be the partner she desires, whether temporary or permanent.
Women are pettyminded bigots. Got it.
“has little regard for the issues she cares about, such as reproductive health care”
If you make a baby with him and kill it, he might object. Best to stick with SSRIs until you age out of the dating market and can afford a cat.
But it’s totes OK for women to have no interest in the issues men care about.
“AOC claims Green Party is ‘predatory’ for opposing biological males playing in women’s sports”
Democrats think that is a winning position?
It hasn’t hurt them so far.
It probably has. Lots of people have daughters that play sports.
Honestly, this. Tons of Soccer Moms. I wonder how many on both sides are quietly hiding their vote(s) from their spouse(s).
As talked about yesterday, I’m only 37, but *I* don’t recall this amount of internal rancor in an election. Both sides seemingly on egg shells. Hrm.
To be fair, she is a “Democratic Socialist”.
Huh. Cause when I think of the Green Party, I am much more likely to associate the leaders with the communists (predator) and the rank and file with the ditch standers (prey).
Gen Z men need to thrive. Know that I have your best interest at heart. This is your chance to make a decision you can feel good about for years to come. You are needed now more than ever, and for those of you wanting to improve your odds in love, this is your golden opportunity. Make the most of it and vote for Harris.
Repent. Turn from the path of wickedness, before it’s too late. Reject Satan’s ways and come into the Light.
Find a good woman, make a baby with her, and kill it.
Gen Z men need to thrive. – this is why they need to be declared inherently privileged and last in line for educational and economic oportunities. And taxed to death to give free shit to women
The stench of desperation.
They thought they had an ace in the hole with abortion. Turns out, there’s only so much play that issue has, and they’re likely to lose The Abortion Election™️
The baby murderer tears are going to be the sweetest if/when this comes to be
Oops, their water broke.
Earned *ba-doom ksssh*
“The newspaper noted that in Arizona, “officials are now required to count and report the number of ballots dropped off on Election Day before beginning to process them. And in the state’s largest county, Maricopa, there are so many contests that the ballot is two pages, which means more paper to tabulate. Officials there said full results could take 10 to 13 days.”
In Nevada, “postmarked ballots are allowed to arrive up to four days after the election, on Nov. 9, and voters have until Nov. 12 to address mistakes with their ballots.””
Burning Maricopa and Atlanta to the ground would solve many problems.
Vile rhetoric
On Sunday, Burgum responded to a clip of Trump calling “the people that surround” Harris “scum” and “garbage.”
At a September rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin, the former president criticized the vice president, saying, “It’s not her, it’s the people that surround her. They’re scum, they’re scum, and they want to take down our country. They are absolute garbage.”
That sounds to me as if Trump is referring to Harris’ political team and advisors. Who are, in fact, scum and garbage. All political consultants, advisors nd other assorted professional parasites are scum and garbage.