Woke Charmed Tudors: Episode 5: Part 1

by | Nov 14, 2024 | Woke Charmed | 116 comments

I bet you thought you were free, didn’t you? Well, you’re not. Mid-season break is over, everyone get back in your seats and prepare for suffering.

A note about this episode: It was a long m’f’er. After wasting the first four eps on filler, this one has a huge plot dump. I tried to do this all in one post but it’s so long (and image heavy) that if it doesn’t break the site, it’s going to break all your brains. So I’m splitting this one into two parts. Not sure if I will need to do this for the whole rest of the series or if this one is just plot-heavy because it’s in the middle. I guess we’ll see!

So, with that housekeeping done…

As you may or may not recall from last time, we ended on the cliffhanger that Edward, the black gay King of England, had not been murdered by his sister Mary, but was, in fact, alive.


We pick up this time right where we left off, finding Edward convalescing in a mysterious bed in a mysterious location surrounded by mysterious nuns.

How did Edward get here? Well, naturally, Edward is an Ethian whose animal form is a bird, so he transformed and flew awa—

Edward: "The last thing I remember is standing on the window ledge and then something bonked me on the head."
Granny, pointing offscreen: "This one is an excellent climber."
Granny (offscreen): "She carried you out of the Turret on her back."

Wait, what? Are you seriously… what?

Oh wait. Oh dear. Um.

Uh, Ron. Listen. There’s been some kind of terrible mix-up. I really hope you didn’t eat that blackberry pie. If you did… well… uh… I hope it was a nice funeral.

For those of our readers who didn’t eat one of Princess Mary’s “Special” Pies, to recap: No, Edward did not turn into a bird and fly away. Even though it has been established in the lore that Ethians’ powers are typically triggered by a traumatic or stressful event, and even though he was seconds away from death and therefore the perfect time for his Ethian powers to have awoken would have been right then, Edward did not have an Ethian awakening and save himself, as he did in the book. Instead, somehow a middle-aged nun managed to climb the tower, sneak in without him noticing, creep up behind him, knock him unconscious, and carry his dead weight down the tower on her back, all without being detected by the guards or Mary and Seymour.

This is fine

If these nuns are so invested in saving Edward’s life that they’d do that, then who are they, you may be asking? Well, remember way back in the first episode when Petunia told Edward that his great-grandmother was alive, and tried to get him to flee the Palace to the safety of Granny’s sanctuary? That finally paid off! The mother abbess is, in fact, Edward’s great-grandmother, Margaret Beaufort.

What on Earth is she still doing alive, when everyone in the kingdom believes she’s dead? Don’t worry about it.

What does she want with Edward, and why did she bring him to her seaside convent in the cliffs of Wherever-the-Fuck? Don’t worry about it.

How is she white, and in his portrait Henry VIII is white, and Mary is white, and Seymour (who should be Edward’s uncle, since his mother was Jane Seymour, though no one in this show has mentioned that) is white, but Edward is black? DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT.

Just rest now, Edward. Granny’s taking care of you. Everything back at the palace is perfectly fine.

Meanwhile, back at the palace...

As you may recall, last episode, Jane was nearly the victim of regicide at the hands of Princess Mary. Or, as the narrator phrases it, “Mary throttled Jane and left her unconscious and discarded on the grass like yesterday’s dog poo-poo.

If you could have seen the way Mythelina exploded when she heard that line. The fact that this show combines explicit sexual perversity and constant F-bombs with lines written for kindergarteners is possibly the most infuriating thing about it. It’s so incredibly dumb that if it weren’t for the Epstein Island sex dungeons and the sailor mouths, you could be like, it’s fine, this is a Nickelodeon show in the age of streaming, it’s for twelve-year-olds. But then we get the full nudity, the BDSM, the lingering close-up shot of Stan Dudley’s boner, the cunnilingus, the fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck, what is happening? Who is this for?

Regaining consciousness, Jane remembers that her run-in with Mary had been a desperate attempt to intercept her before she could come across Life-Size Peter Dinklage I mean Ratty Healey I mean Guildford and discover he’s actually a horse. She races to the stable and is relieved to find Ratty’s groom, who informs her Ratty is safe out in the pasture. However, all of the encrypted correspondence that Jane and Ratty had taken from Seymour’s study has disappeared from the stable, meaning all their evidence against Mary is gone.

Hi, I have a question:

  • How did Lady Frances (recall, during the climactic last five minutes of the previous episode, Frances learned Ratty was an Ethian and saw him transform) not see her daughter almost getting strangled by Mary?
  • How did Mary not see Frances at the stable?
  • How did Mary also not see Ratty turning into a horse?
  • How did Mary get the letters out of the stable without Frances or Ratty seeing her?
  • How did the groom miss all of the above but still manage to get Ratty out in the pasture before Jane regained consciousness?


Meanwhile, in the Ethian rebel camp… I guess we care about the Ethian rebels now? We haven’t seen them since Jane’s slutty maid, Susannah, explained intersectionality to her two episodes ago. But their rebellion is important for plot reasons and stuff, okay? So we’re supposed to care.

Anyway, some scrawny dude is telling Archer (the Ethian rebel leader guy who turned into a bear in the first episode) and Susannah that the queen of Scotland, who’s never been mentioned in this show before, wants to make an alliance with the Ethians. She sent a haggis as a goodwill offering. The scrawny dude is delighted, because as a white male, he is comic relief, and therefore he loves haggis. Susannah is repulsed, because as a waman, she is sensible and knows that haggis is disgusting.

Wait, didn’t last episode Mary whine about the fact that there’s never been a queen anywhere in any kingdom on Earth ever before because of the patriarchy, and she wanted to be the first but icky old Jane Grey ruined it?

STOP ASKING QUESTIONS! Today we have remembered that Mary, Queen of Scots, existed, and we are running with it! So STFU!

Archer thinks they should accept the Scottish Queen’s offer. Susannah is like eww, Scots, eww, Verities. Before they can argue the point any further, an arrow comes flying out of nowhere and skewers the scrawny dude.

Mythelina: Guess he ain’t gettin’ his haggis.

A fierce battle ensues, blah blah, I don’t care, the only point of this scene is so you can see Susannah find out that Jane’s queen now and get all butt-wounded because “Jane must have ordered this attack on the Ethians, didn’t she listen to my lecture on intersectionality,” etc. Put a pin in it.

Back at the palace, Jane tells Ratty’s dad, Lord Dudley, about her near death experience. Being that she has bruises on her throat, she figures this is a slam dunk—tell the council that Mary attempted to assassinate her, throw her in the dungeon, badda bing, badda boom. But Dudley insists she can’t do this, because no one will believe her. Seymour has already offered the alibi that Mary spent the night with him.

Hi, I have a question: Remember how this show was all about the patriarchy, and wimmen being property, etc.? So shouldn’t Mary at least be pretending to still be virginal, being that she’s unmarried, rather than announcing the depravity she and Seymour get up to to the entire kingdom?


Anyway, the point is, no one will believe Jane, the queen, because everyone is… uh… is it that they won’t believe her because she’s a wyman, or are we supposed to buy that everyone on the council is somehow loyal to Mary even though there’s never been any indication of anyone but Seymour being loyal to her in the past four episodes? The point is, Mary is apparently invincible and Jane, the queen, can do nothing to stop her.

Mythelina: She’s not a very powerful monarch.

Me: Well, Edward wasn’t either.

Mythelina: Yeah, but he was a man. It doesn’t matter that he was black and gay, he still had a penis.

This show really is not kind to this poor actress—these angles, ye gods.

Meanwhile, over in her sex dungeon, Princess Mary is cursing her weakness. Her weak thumbs, anyway. How could she have not managed to kill Jane despite all that throttling she gave her? Jane Grey must have a neck like an oak tree.

(Or, as the narrator counters, Mary is an inbred Castillian. Could be either/or.)

Seymour tries to comfort her by giving her a foot rub. Her toenails are about as kempt as you would expect, five episodes into this show. Mary is not placated by the foot rub. She’s got scheming to do. And she’s got the perfect plan: Bring in a Maguffin!

Yes, five episodes into the series, after never once mentioning him up to this point, the show has decided now would be a good time to remember the Succession Crisis of 1553, and thus introduce… the Lord of Norfolk.


Uh, I guess he’s probably supposed to be the lord-lieutenant of Norfolk, Henry Radclyfe, Earl of Sussex. This show is playing so fast and loose with history that at this point I’m having trouble figuring out who these people are even supposed to be vaguely alluding to.

Thus, even though up to this point Mary’s only ally has been Seymour, and even though up to this point she has never even mentioned the possibility of having any other supporters waiting in the wings, now we’re supposed to buy that she’s got an ace up her sleeve. This dude apparently is somehow in command of the world’s largest standing army and probably some nucular weapons for good measure. You got him on your side, you can rule the world. Isn’t it convenient that he exists and was mentioned before this episode, more than halfway through the series? And all he wants in return is a chance to slither in with the fair and coquettish Princess Mary. It’s a good thing she’s such a known beauty, so delicate, so demure, so mentally stable…

Back in Jane’s study, the show has suddenly remembered that there’s a feminism quota in this show and they’re falling short on meeting it. The patriarchy hasn’t been referenced in at least fifteen minutes. Thus, out of nowhere, after having been supportive and helpful of our hapless queen just one (1) scene ago, Lord Dudley launches into a tirade of absolutely every misogynistic talking point that the writing staff could devise.

This scene is so fantastic that I can’t even recap it. So rather than just telling you all to go watch it like I did last time—and I know none of you did, so don’t pretend—I have braved the high seas to get the clip for you. That’s right, My Lady Jane is tainting my hard drive now. And I did it for you. Because I care about you. Be grateful.

Jane, as you can see above, does not want a banquet. Jane wants to screech at people and get her way, like a proper feminist. Dudley explains to her that if she wants to be able to screech at people and get her way, she will need the nobility on her side. Therefore, banquet.

Before Jane can protest further, they are interrupted by a knock at the door, and a messenger informs Jane that she has a visitor, an Irish redhead who’s left an extremely subtle calling card.

Wait, Susannah’s Irish? What’s she doing in England, then, bitching about how oppressive the system is against intersectionally feminist Ethians? Why doesn’t she just go back to Ireland? Surely Ireland can’t be any worse than this horribly oppressive patriarchal monarchy, right? Right??

Stop asking questions! Right now, Jane has another lecture coming. Obviously, she didn’t understand her privilege enough the last time. So this time Susannah is going to make it crystal clear.

What follows next is a delightful montage of this series getting hoisted by its own petard. See, since they blind cast the series, they can’t pull the race card, otherwise they would have had to explain how the black gay King of England was able to be king and how genetics work. And they also seem to have written a world where no one cares if you’re gay, either. So that means the only two oppressed “minorities” (“minorities,” even though both make up around 50% of the population) are wamen and Ethians.

So what we wind up with is an unironic Peak Current Year Spectacular where one white womyn lectures another white wimman on her privilege and somehow tries to make an unsubtle allegory where Verities are supposed to be analogous to Modern Day Homophobes, but since in this series’ world there isn’t homophobia, the reference falls flat on its face. It is deliciously cringe.

Susannah is a peach, isn’t she? You can see by her face here what pleasant company she makes, as she launches into yet another screed.

Jane, of course, being ultra heroic, promises to make reparations for her horrible privilege. She’s already given the bitch the Dudley family silver. Now she’s going to make things even more better.

She leaves Susannah and bursts into some kind of boys’ club meeting where every male noble in the kingdom is standing around smoking and drinking in a room about 10’x10′ square. There she announces that she is disbanding the Kingsland Guards, effective immediately. Seymour protests that she cannot do that, for the kingdom needs safety. No, Jane argues back, the kingdom needs change.

Mary overhears this and she is not pleased. Ethians are vile abominations, spawns of Satan which must be cleansed in consuming fire—

Hi, I have a question: I thought this kingdom was pagan, right? Jane herself just referenced the gods, plural, about thirty seconds ago. So this Satan character…

No, I’m not even going down that rabbit hole again, we’re not having another holy war in the comments.

Anyway, Mary reveals that she is very mentally stable by trying to strangle Jane again. In front of a whole bunch of people. And nobody intervenes except Seymour, who drags Mary away while making platitudes.

Can someone explain to me why feminism seems to be working so well for Mary in this oppressive patriarchal society? I’m pretty sure that at this point in a typical current year “historical” drama, the threat of being sent to an asylum would be becoming very real. But apparently that only happens for the Good characters, not the Bad ones. Therefore, Mary is invincible.

So, what does Jane do in this circumstance? Does she tell the guards all around her to throw Princess Mary in the Tower? Does she suggest that Mary retire to Hunsdon House for the indefinite future, where she’ll be kept under a close guard? No, she just goes back to the stupid banquet idea. But she’s found a way to make it stupider! She’s going to invite Archer and Susannah and the other Ethian rebels to the party! This will… force Mary’s hand? Or something?

The smug smile of an intersectional feminist who always gets her way.

Susannah manages to stop complaining for about ten seconds while Jane seals the invitation with her personal crest. Then she turns her head and notices one of Ratty’s books on the shelf behind her. As you may recall (or may not, since this is an Episode 2 throwback), Ratty has enlisted Jane to cure his Ethianism in exchange for a quick divorce, which we’re led to believe would be fine and have no negative repercussions in this patriarchal society. So he has many, many books on the subject of A Cure in his possession. But Jane can’t tell Susannah that. Uh. Even though she probably could? Since Susannah is, herself, an Ethian, and therefore unlikely to rat (🇨🇭) Guildford out. But that would mean the plot would have to make sense, and we can’t have that!

So, of course, Susannah decides Jane is trying to genocide the Ethians and reacts in a proportionally appropriate way.


Jane is distressed by this news. After all, if Ratty were to die, who would she thirst after, rip the clothes off of, and then shove away while screaming “RAPE!”? So she once again acquiesces to Susannah’s intersectional wisdom, and sends her on her way with the invitation to the banquet in hand.

As Susannah flies away, a knock comes at Jane’s door. Lady Frances has arrived to inform Jane that she knows Ratty is an Ethian and she is MOST displeased. This marriage must be annulled at once, before anyone finds out and uses it as fodder for deposing Jane as queen.

Why, Jane, this is great news! This is all you’ve wanted, right? A way out of this marriage. You spent the whole first episode trying to avoid marrying Ratty and the entirety of the next four episodes trying to divorce him. So you’re happy, right?

Ah. Of course. I should have seen it coming, really.

Lady Frances snickers at her daughter’s retreating form. “You love him, don’t you?” she sneers. HA! The mere thought of a feminist loving anything but herself. Quaint, Frances.

But you know what? Jane has decided enough is enough. When her mother wanted her to marry Ratty, well, she wanted no part of it. But now that her mother wants her to divorce Ratty?

Ratty, being a good male feminist, acquiesces. And then they do it.

Eight-and-a-half minutes later, when they’re finally done bumping uglies, we return to the convent by the sea, where the black gay King of England is recovering from his near assassination. Now, I have a question about the nuns in this convent.

Are the makers of this show aware that that means something and isn’t just a cool, vaguely religious geometric symbol??????


The point is that Edward is awoken from a midafternoon nap by this utterly obnoxious guy with an accent that makes my eardrums bleed. However, despite his atrocious voice and the fact that he talks like a wisecracking sidekick from a Disney film, Edward sees the dude’s face

and, being predictably gay, is like 😍

So this faggot, whose name is Fitz, tells Edward that his life is in danger and he needs to leave with him immediately. And Edward is like, nice try, hot man, but you are likely an assassin sent by my sister who just tried to kill me, so get lost. Fitz argues with him a couple times, Edward stands his ground, they hear the sound of an approaching nun, and Fitz turns into a cat and skedaddles.

Back at the palace, Petunia is hurrying to get Bess packed and smuggled to the safety of the convent as well, before Mary catches her. Bess remarks that she finds it odd that Granny is alive and has been living as a nun for all these years. “What did she want with Edward?” Bess asks.

What an utterly stupid question, Elizabeth. Your sister was trying to kill him. She wants him not dead, duh.

Petunia: “Eh heh heh heh that’s enough questions, just finish packing eh heh heh!”

Ah. I see. That wasn’t suspicious at all. So Granny and Petunia are apparently evil in the show. This is fine.

On her way out of the palace, Bess slips a note of warning under Jane’s door. But Jane’s not in her room. You see, she was getting busy and freaky, in that order, with Ratty in the stable all night lawang. Now the sun rises and Jane finds herself awakening beside a horse.

This is so, so wrong on so many levels, and yet this shot is just so freaking funny to me

Bess and Petunia, in dog form, race to reach Bess’s waiting carriage as the sun crests over the palace and the church bells ring for morning vespers, something that pagans are known to observe. But as Bess hurries to enter the carriage, the curtain is drawn back and we see… gasp! Seymour waiting inside! He’s intercepted Bess’s note! He knows it all!

Hi, I have a question: How did he know Jane wasn’t in her bedchamber to fish that note out? And if he knew Jane wasn’t in her bedchamber, how did he not know she was in the stable? And how does he still not know that Ratty is a horse??


“Not so fast, princess!” he sneers down at the courageous Bess. “We can’t have you interfering with Mary’s plans to become queen!”

“Mary will never be queen,” Bess says nobly and bravely and dignifiedly as a strong waman of color.

“Oh, but she will,” Snidely derides as he drags her into the carriage and races away, leaving dog!Petunia in the dust behind them.

Andddddd that’s about all I can manage this time. That brings us halfway through this episode. If you made it this far, congratulations! As a reward, here’s a delicious blackberry pie… 🥧

About The Author

Mythical Libertarian Woman

Mythical Libertarian Woman

Who is MLW? The people of the local village only speak of her in whispers and fear. They say she lives up on the mountain, consorting with all manner of spirits. Children are warned never to approach her cabin for fear of being eaten. At times the women of the village will leave offerings and requests to her, hoping she will beckon the power of the Dark Gods to do their bidding. On every Hallow's Eve, a single child is left chained to a rock near her dwelling, in the hopes that such an offering will please her and remove the village from her ire.


  1. Not Adahn

    How is she white, and in his portrait Henry VIII is white, and Mary is white, and Seymour (who should be Edward’s uncle, since his mother was Jane Seymour, though no one in this show has mentioned that) is white, but Edward is black?

    Recessive genes, duh. Don’t you even SCIENCE?

    • DrOtto

      There’s always one in the woodpile.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Phew, I was getting worried.

    Who is this for?

    It’s obviously for the feral gen-whatever children like Ella What’s-er-face masquerading as human beings who seem to be everywhere.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’m starting to suspect that this show is aimed squarely at internet furries.

      • Mojeaux

        Furries are not just on the internet. XX is 21. She was telling me about the furries in her high school when she was a sophomore.

        I asked her if it was cosplaying anime or in the sexual sense. She said it was definitely in the sexual sense.

      • EvilSheldon

        Oh, I know. I’m actually friendly with a few.

        I’m talking specifically about internet furries, who combine the weird sexual predilection with all of the progressive woo that comes from being raised by Tumblr in the late ‘teens.

      • Mojeaux

        Tumblr turned a bunch of little girls into hot messes.

  3. Nephilium

    Well retreating to Ireland would mean that she couldn’t be the first strong woman queen there either. If she thought so, Queen Medb could remind her what happens.

  4. Sean


    I’m not worried. 🙂

  5. UnCivilServant

    Who is this for?

    The Mythical Modern Audience – Or, the handful of people in the writer’s room. That is, heavily indoctrinated cult members who are physically adult but intellectually immature.

  6. Jarflax

    Hats off to MLW, how the hell are you still doing this and not reduced to gibbering insanity after all this time?

  7. UnCivilServant

    knows that haggis is disgusting.

    Haggis isn’t disgusting, it’s merely Offal.

    • Not Adahn

      If you ever get to where they are (OK and south through central TX) you should try Braum’s.

      They’re a vertically integrated ice cream maker — they own the pastures, cows, dairies, etc. Their limeades are especially good.

      • UnCivilServant


        Haggis Ice Cream?

    • Tundra

      Haggis is awesome. While she may have been repulsed, Susannah is also retarded.

    • Fourscore

      I didn’t have the guts to say that

  8. EvilSheldon

    As someone with some small expertise in strangling people, I can confidently state that Lady Mary’s inability to finish off Jane is entirely due to her own poor technique.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    This dude apparently is somehow in command of the world’s largest standing army and probably some nucular weapons for good measure. You got him on your side, you can rule the world.

    It’s a silly question, I know, but if that’s true, what does he need her for?

    • UnCivilServant

      Because he’s a secondary character and she’s a main villain.

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        UCS gets it

  10. Sensei

    Wow. I don’t know how you can even hate watch that.

    OT – when is a $165m fine not really a $165m fine? When you include money that won’t be spent and money you spent on remediation of the problem.

    Ford agreed to a consent order with the agency that includes a payment of $65 million, and $45 million in spending to comply with the law. Another $55 million will be deferred.

    Ford agrees to pay up to $165 million penalty to US government for moving too slowly on a recall


    • UnCivilServant

      The agency says Ford was too slow to recall vehicles with faulty rear-view cameras,

      I assume those cars still have mirrors.

      • UnCivilServant

        To clarify, I absolutely agree that there should be a warranty repair on defective components, but when it’s it’s a malfunctioning gimmick gadget, it just doesn’t have the same urgency as say – brakes.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s required safety equipment now. Like brakes or airbags.

      • Mojeaux

        It’s required safety equipment now. Like brakes or airbags.


        My mom’s car has a backup camera. I drive that car a lot and completely forget about it. The only thing that screen is useful for is the Bluetooth for my music.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s anti-safe though. Fixating on the camera screen reduces your awareness of the surroundings.

      • trshmnstr

        Yes, but the tailgate is so high due to regulation that the mirror has a significant blindspot.

      • Tundra

        I love it for hooking up a trailer. But that’s it.

      • Mojeaux

        Odd anecdote. My family had a 1.5-ton passenger van as a family car. Ugh, I know. But Gma From Hell #1 and my intellectually disabled aunt went with us everyfuckingwhere, even vacation*, so it was necessary.

        Anyway, one summer, we borrowed a popup camper and set out for the East Coast. I was 16-17, thereabouts, not sure. We got to North Carolina to a camping spot and there were scrub pines very close together. He could not get that camper backed up into the camping spot between 2 trees for shit. My mom tried. No joy. For whatever reason, my dad thought I was a decent driver** so when I asked to try, he went for it. Piece of cake. But I later figured out I have excellent proprioception.

        Now, I will concede that a backup camera would have helped and I can see that I would also rely on it to back up to a hitch. But backing into and out of a parking space? No.

        *Whole ‘nother story.
        ** At that age, I was driving on roadtrips while everybody slept because, yes, I was that trusted.

      • R C Dean

        I like backup cameras. I just had one installed on Mrs. Dean’s FJ Cruiser, in fact. Lots of cars have shit rear visibility, especially up close. It’s a good tool.

    • Tundra

      Only the fine Takata paid for faulty air bag inflators was higher.

      It fucking well better have been. A dude went to jail for VW fucking around with the compliance software while Takata killed and injured a shit ton of people.

      You know what would solve this?

      • Sensei

        Thank you Tundra. I mention that all the time. VW in theory shortened lifespans by pollution according to various regulators, but Takata knowingly continued killing people with an unsafe product.

        It enrages me.

      • Tundra

        It gets even worse. The regulatory cocksuckers wouldn’t allow dealers to simply disable the damn things until parts were available. So people were driving around with claymores pointed at them.

      • Sensei

        I know. If it was my auto I would have pulled the plug off the airbag and lived with the idiot light.

  11. The Bearded Hobbit

    Thanks, MLW, for enduring and sharing.

    • juris imprudent

      Indeed. Though I do have a question. Have you noticed the narrator’s voice changing? I ask because I can’t believe they could keep one person around to do that – at least not sober. Can you imagine how many takes just to get those lines out?

  12. kinnath

    Slate. Go find it if you want more.

    In his first few picks for Cabinet secretaries, President-elect Donald Trump has made it clear—even clearer than many had predicted—that his main criterion for selection is blind loyalty. Qualities such as competence or experience have no bearing whatsoever.

    One of the nominees, a combat veteran and Fox News host named Pete Hegseth, is so blatantly unqualified—a caricature of MAGA fidelity—that some insiders say even the Senate sworn in this January, with its 53 Republicans, may vote not to confirm him as leader of the Defense Department.

    The same might be true (one can always hope) of Trump’s pick for director of national intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, the far-right Democrat turned MAGA Republican, who has no relevant experience except, perhaps, that she has avidly parroted Russian propaganda lines to explain a wide variety of international developments.

    The party of war is pissed.

    • The Other Kevin

      Trump is putting announcements on X, and both Hegseth and Gabbard have impressive resumes. I think Hegseth has 2 Ivy League degrees, seen combat in 2 countries, etc. But I guess everyone can’t be as “qualified” as Sam Brinton, Rachael Levine, or Mayor Pete.

      • juris imprudent

        Freakery is the ultimate credential.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Not just those, but look at the defense secretaries over the past ten years (or the past 60). Competency and experience have been lacking across the board. Even more so, results.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      NOW we are talking about competence!?!?!

      Slate, Why weren’t you talking about qualifications and competency during the Cackler’s election campaign or during most of Biden’s presidential term?

    • R C Dean

      “his main criterion for selection is blind loyalty”

      That certainly explains why Rubio got one of the plum jobs.

      Interesting to see that Ivy League degrees are no longer regarded as qualifications in DC.

      • UnCivilServant

        At this point, Ivy League degrees are a red flag. Barring more information, the image conjured up is not of the type of intellectual rigor they once cultivated the apppearance of.

    • Sensei

      I’m at work, but I’m guessing it’s worse than the the frozen turkey test!

  13. UnCivilServant

    I have too many LibreOffice windows open, and am saving/closing out documents to try to get the application closed down cleanly. I found one full of various notes I made. One was just random dialog ideas that had no attached stories, just a vague idea of when/where they occur in the overall world. I wanted to make a snap poll of which type of boast is more effective. I chose two.

    A: Peter to Prince Lian of the Purple Celestial Banner Army.

    Prince Lian: You come to my court yet refuse to supplicate yourself before me?
    Peter: Indeed.
    Lian: Such disrespect from a man who has already surrendered.
    Peter: That was an error in judgement, and I have come to renegotiate.
    Lian: *laughs* Renegotiate?
    Peter: Yes, I have come to realize that your position is not as strong as you pretend. Your ability to pull strings will not serve to protect you now that you are exactly where I want you to be.
    Lian: I am on my throne, in my palace, amidst my army.
    Peter: You are within reach of me.
    Lian: *Pause* And what of your son, who I still hold in surety?
    Peter: I am sure he can hold his own for the time it takes me to kill everyone else in this room.
    Lian: And how would you achieve such a feat?
    Peter: There is an adage old enough that even you might have heard it – Knowledge is power. I have travelled far and wide, learning many secrets great and terrible from sources both benign and foul. I have learned how to inflict pain beyond description, how to tear souls from the body, how to call monsters from the abyss, even how to siphon the power of a god. But I will need none of that today.
    Lian: I suspect you exaggerate your accomplishments.
    Peter: Perhaps my last two facts will make it clearer.
    Lian: And what are those?
    Peter: First, I was classically trained as a Lapis Wizard, a master of all things water.
    Lian: And second?
    Peter: Human bodies are mostly water.

    B: Eugen Sulzbach to unnamed Bandit “toll collectors”

    “I haven’t got time for this, I have gods to kill.”

    • EvilSheldon

      The second.

      Letting elemental water mages control the water in people’s bodies is seriously OP. If I were DM I’d cut that off clearly and directly.

      • UnCivilServant

        Broken powers can sometimes work if done right in a story.

        Though read it in this context – what if he’s bluffing?

      • EvilSheldon

        If you think the other guy is bluffing, the central question immediately becomes, “What does it cost the other guy to call me?”

      • UnCivilServant

        There are more factors than that.

  14. SarumanTheGreat

    Reading this makes me wonder if the writers and actors were doing ‘shrooms while cosplaying the roles at a furries convention. It doesn’t even make sense as a DREAM, and I’ve experienced some pretty crazy and vivid ones.

  15. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “Life-Size Peter Dinklage”. Excuse me, a life size Peter Dinklage is Peter Dinklage, you midgephobe! I can’t even.

    “Yeah, but he was a man. It doesn’t matter that he was black and gay, he still had a penis.” Why are you assuming that xe had a penis? I’m literally shaking here.

    • Nephilium

      Dude, you don’t just drop a hard M bomb like that!

  16. The Late P Brooks

    What about the children?

    Dr. Sara Brownschidle, 43, a physician from Baltimore County, Md., has three daughters ranging from elementary to high school ages. She voted for Vice President Harris and before the election was called, she and her husband talked about reassuring their kids, whatever the results. Then they got the news, just as the kids were getting ready for school.

    “Shortly before they got on the bus, my husband just blurted out that Trump had won,” she said. “I pretty much knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold up my end of the, you know, everything-is-OK bargain. I was already starting to tear up.”

    “And I just blurted out, ‘It’s still a really sexist world, and that’s very unfair.’ And that was pretty much all I could get out before I choked up and kind of disappeared into the bathroom,” Brownschidle said.

    Tell them the truth. Trump’s election will destroy the nation and bring about the end of the world.

    • trshmnstr

      And I just blurted out, ‘It’s still a really sexist world, and that’s very unfair.’ And that was pretty much all I could get out before I choked up and kind of disappeared into the bathroom,”

      My 4 year old has more mature temper tantrums than this lady. She has at least learned that “it’s unfair” doesn’t receive a favorable response.

      • Gustave Lytton

        But she’s a doctor! Emoting without thinking is what medical school teach.

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        This sounds so much like a line from MLJ I thought someone besides me was watching it for a minute

    • The Other Kevin

      The kids were 11 and 13. Just show them some “eating the dogs and cats” videos and they’ll go to bed happy.

      I absolutely hate when people push their anxieties on their kids like this.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Life is not fair, princess.

  17. DEG

    Instead, somehow a middle-aged nun managed to climb the tower, sneak in without him noticing, creep up behind him, knock him unconscious, and carry his dead weight down the tower on her back, all without being detected by the guards or Mary and Seymour.

    If that nun was Conan in disguise, I’d believe it.

  18. DEG

    How is she white, and in his portrait Henry VIII is white, and Mary is white, and Seymour (who should be Edward’s uncle, since his mother was Jane Seymour, though no one in this show has mentioned that) is white, but Edward is black? DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT.

    Barely an inconvenience.

    • kinnath

      super easy

    • The Other Kevin

      Because shut up that’s why.

  19. DEG

    Being that she has bruises on her throat, she figures this is a slam dunk—tell the council that Mary attempted to assassinate her, throw her in the dungeon, badda bing, badda boom. But Dudley insists she can’t do this, because no one will believe her. Seymour has already offered the alibi that Mary spent the night with him.

    A subtle BDSM reference.

  20. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Couldn’t the ladies in this show just identify as men and coopt the patriarchy?

  21. DEG

    Lord Dudley launches into a tirade of absolutely every misogynistic talking point that the writing staff could devise.

    I watched the clip. I think they missed a few.

    • Not Adahn

      Are they hiring a consultant?

  22. DEG

    Thanks MLW!

  23. The Late P Brooks

    It’s becoming a struggle…

    I can see how that would be the case. To do this, you have to actually pay attention. This is definitely not my cup of hemlock, but I can watch equally incoherent stuff if I just placidly allow it to flow by without trying to make it make sense.

  24. juris imprudent

    I’m so old I remember waking up with a horse’s head next to you was traumatic.

    • UnCivilServant

      You mean it wasn’t the ruined bedsheets that had him freaking out?

      • Not Adahn

        I think it was that he had prepaid the stable and trainer.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I don’t know. I thought Sara Jessica Parker was kind of cute when she was younger.

  25. juris imprudent

    OK I watched the clip. The writing, acting, everything was so bad that I.. I… I’ll be back when the aneurysm passes.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Voting with their thumbs

    On the day after the election, Nov. 6, X experienced its largest user exodus since Elon Musk bought the platform in 2022. And now, users are flooding to alternative text-based social media apps like Bluesky and Instagram’s Threads.

    Those numbers appear to be climbing, as users and brands like The Guardian and Don Lemon continue to announce their departures from the platform.

    NBC News spoke to six people who have joined or committed to using Threads and Bluesky in place of X after the election because of Musk. Each of them cited growing issues on X, including bots, partisan advertisements and harassment, which they all felt reached a tipping point when Donald Trump was elected president last week with Musk’s support. Musk has since joined Trump on calls and in meetings to weigh in on his transition to president.

    Six people; soon there will be no one left.

      • slumbrew

        “Shut up”, they explained.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      And while they are leaving, I’m seeing a lot more ads in my feed. It appears the advertisers are returning.

    • R.J.

      Bots? The place was over 1/2 bots when Elon bought it. He’s cleared them out.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    I absolutely hate when people push their anxieties on their kids like this.

    What are the odds kids are being subjected to massive outbursts of post-election anti-Trump doom and gloom in their classrooms?

    • Sean

      Virtually guaranteed.

    • slumbrew

      JFC, that guy is just cringe in human form.

      • Not Adahn


      • rhywun



    • trshmnstr

      I see that rap music has finally propagated to the greys’ planet.

      • R.J.

        They love it! The heavy bass in rap music relaxes the anal passage and allows easier probing. It’s standard practice now for those dirty little greys.

      • trshmnstr

        It’s 10 a.m. and Dad’s Doing Jell-O Shots. Must Be Parents’ Weekend.
        Fall tradition at colleges used to be a time for campus tours and welcome speeches. Now parents want to party.

        We have a whole society with arrested development, don’t we? The median emotional age in this country is around 13.

      • Tundra

        Now parents want to party.

        This parent doesn’t. I enjoy hanging out with my kids and their pals, but that’s just embarassing.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Fall tradition at colleges used to be a time for campus tours and welcome speeches. Now parents want to party.

    Maybe they heard about all the hot group sex in the dorms.

    • juris imprudent

      I thought with the young and frozen, all of the sex was in the over 40 set?

    • rhywun

      hot group sex in the dorms

      Jesus… my apartment building is a weird mix of oldsters and grad students. Well, a couple nights ago I had to listen to a pair of the latter going at it at 2am for a hour. I assume it was a pair; I could only hear the female.

  29. Sensei

    The creation of O2, the UK’s largest mobile network operator, Daisy, or dAIsy, is an AI created to trick scammers into thinking they are talking to a real grandmother who likes to ramble. If and when the AI does hand over the demanded bank details, it reads out fake numbers and names.

    The software is designed to keep people on the line for as long as possible. Not only does this mean less time for the scammers to target real humans, but O2 is also using the conversations to learn the favorite tricks and techniques used in these schemes.


    • UnCivilServant

      So you’re going to have AI having voice conversations with AI, both pretending to be humans.

    • kinnath

      Regenerative braking perhaps

      Who needs normal brakes

      • Sensei

        For sure. It minimizes brake wear, but you don’t always have it available.

        Cold weather and high states of charge will significantly lower it. It took Tesla like 2 years of my Model 3 ownership to blend braking and regen so that you felt the same pedal and stopping power. Prior to that you were in for a surprise on very cold days.

        If it had less HP these would be just fine, but it’s got 1/3rd more HP than my my Model 3 and slightly more weight, but the same size brakes.

      • kinnath

        I didn’t say it was a good design.

    • Tundra

      I want to know if Brembo actually put their name on these.

      I’m curious about that. How much collaboration is there? Or does the manufacturer just provide a spec?

      But yeah, that looks pretty bad.

    • R C Dean

      “I want to know if Brembo actually put their name on these.”

      It says “Brebmo” right on the brakes! You know its the good stuff.

      • Tundra


  30. The Other Kevin

    Screech Alert: Trump nominates vax denier to head HHS.

    • Tundra


    • The Other Kevin

      Seeing multiple reports on X, but haven’t see it on official letterhead yet.

  31. R C Dean

    That’s only half an episode? Good lord, how did they pack that much stupid into half an hour?

    • Mythical Libertarian Woman

      It was nonstop. When I watched the ep with Mythelina I was dreading having to recap it because there was so much going on. Still haven’t had a chance to watch the last 3 episodes yet because work has been hectic for both of us in turns, but I fear what awaits me.

  32. Gender Traitor

    I gather the writers and producers of this show sincerely believe that continuity (or logical sense of any kind) is a tool of the patriarchy. 🙄

  33. The Late P Brooks

    I didn’t read any of that, but looking at the photos, I’d say it was a maintenance issue. The pads look like they’re shot, and the rotor is heavily glazed. That’s a big rigid four piston Brembo caliper. I believe at some point pad surface area reaches a point of diminishing returns, even with a vented rotor. How much brake boost is there? what is the clamping force?

    Who knows?

    • Sensei

      From the article they also used a quiet and very non performance focused compound.

      Supposedly low mileage examples that shredded those pads in like 5 laps.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Street pads are made to work when they’re cold.