J’accuse or S’il te plaît?

by | Dec 30, 2024 | Admin, Open Post, Rant, Things to Come | 168 comments

You decide.

As Quasi-Editor in Sort-of-Chief/Publisher (Tonio has general author flogging, er…encouragement, and weekends. Nephilium and Riven help too!) of this here site, I get to see what is underway, what is ready and what has previously published. Here is what we look like now;


Those of you who have not ever sent us anything to publish…now is the time! See the right side of the main page for instructions.

Those of you who have something in drafts…maybe blow the dust off it and finish it up? We at Glibertarians.com would be grateful.

Feel free to comment away! I have to go get the Afternoon Links ready…

About The Author

Swiss Servator

Swiss Servator

Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational. Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.


  1. Not Adahn

    OK. I have something that is sparse and needs padding… even by my standards.

  2. UnCivilServant

    All of my active content requires a lot of work.

    I could drop some reviews of other media, those are faster to write than any of the technical or literary works.

    I might dust off the Pulp story that’s been partially complete for a long time and get the second half done…

    • SarumanTheGreat

      From the very dead thread ‘Prince of the North Tower’ (I could not reply in a timely as my internet was down and could only read the chapter this AM)

      As usual you provide something unexpected in the way of plot twists. And another cliffhanger ending. Archelaus with legionaries in hand is in a primo position to declare himself Emperor in the long bloody tradition of Eastern Roman politics, and he can still blame Kord & Co. for the death of the prior ruler once he boots them out of the country. The undermanned outposts and strongholds reminds me also of the late Western Roman era, when they started having to import barbarians wholesale to defend the empire because the legions were no longer fit for purpose (and were starved of funds to make rebelling harder).

      Side note: Platinum is very hard to work with, which makes being able to shape it into ivy leaves even more impressive, but it also tends to dull rather quickly. Jewelers usually plate platinum jewelry with palladium which retains its polish.

      • UnCivilServant

        Jewelers usually plate platinum jewelry with palladium which retains its polish.

        I did not know that, thank you.

        As for the legions – Archelaus doesn’t have a monopoly on legions in the area. In addition to his (the 5th) there’s also the 1st, though I’m not sure if mentioning the 1st now counts as a spoiler for when they start to show up or not… 🤔

      • UnCivilServant

        With regards to the skill required, one can only assume that the dwarfs spared little expense on the project and hired all of the best craftsdwarfs of the time to work on it. It is the winter capital of the Empire, after all. (the Summer capital was lost in the fall of the old empire.)

      • SarumanTheGreat

        As the great Roman general Bedfordus Forrestus once said, it’s who gets there the firstest with the mostest. And Archelaus is certainly first. Whether he has most . . .

        ‘Summer Capitol’ – more parallels with Old Roman.

  3. Don escaped Memphis

    I was considering a monthly political review

    but will say that it’s disheartening to know that a non-trivial percentage of the comments will boil down to
    a) fuck you and your freedom-loving ways
    b) that idealistic shit has sailed, bub
    c) fuck off with your constantly failing to adore the shenanigans of the broken shitheads I adore for their pissing off the right people
    d) pull my finger.

    • Not Adahn

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen a). And you of all people have no business complaining about c) or d).

      • Don escaped Memphis

        a) you’re right, I was unfair; I should have said that I expect “generic reactionary horseshit because it’s funny when the system or circumstances today grind on the right (wrong) person today since I’m a conservative and vaguely content with our circumstances and don’t think anything is going to happen to me so let’s not worry so much about wider principle”

        c) you’re wrong, I don’t do that; when leftists are wrong, I’m perfectly content for Glibs to carve them up; I’m glib about Trump being carved up because he’s a shithead and a moron, but I hate him on principle…which is easy to do and I’m far from alone here in that regard; I do not celebrate unprincipled behavior

        d) my glibness is well within one standard deviation; the only question is whose ox is being gored….it only feels extreme because the dissent comes from the minority

      • R.J.

        d) Hey! I resemble that remark! And I would not gore your ox. And I would like to see a political review.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I also haven’t seen a) or any ‘fuck-offs’ in general. I *will* pull *your* finger if you pull mine.. Comment threads quickly go in their own direction, which can be disheartening, but it does bring in more eyes. (Not all or many(?) read them, yes.) It’s certainly worth doing.

      • Nephilium

        It is always interesting to see which story in a links post is the one that gets everyone talking. It’s almost never the ones I expect to.

      • Not Adahn

        It’s the ones where everyone has an opinion and specific knowledge is unnecessary.

    • Not Adahn

      Honestly, the more I think about it, your whole “you hypocritical plebs don’t appreciate me enough” is making me angrier. ‘Cause this isn’t (AFAICT) a place devoted to stroking your ego.

      So I’ll stop thinking about it.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I believe that was tongue-in-cheek jest, self-deprecation at its heart. Kinda like poking fun of “Ya love me! Ya REALLY LOVE ME!” while crying with a̵n̵ ̵O̵s̵c̵a̵r̵ STEVE SMITH.

      • Not Adahn

        He’s one of two people that seem to be sincerely upset when they don’t get enough of the “proper” comments.

        “Joking on the square” isn’t really joking.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Stop making excuses and write something… I know you can defend your viewpoints against any silly comments.

      Politics is nothing compared to topics people take really seriously, like college football.

      • Ted S.

        Or daylight savings time.

      • bacon-magic

        Or weed.

    • R C Dean

      Don summarizes about 90% of the political commentary on the whole internet.

      So what? Write it anyway. Or don’t. I’m not your manager. I don’t always agree with your cynical-to-the-point-of-nihilism takes, but they are always thought-provoking. Isn’t that the point?

    • DrOtto

      You’re probably right about the comments regardless of how defensive we get. I welcome a political review as I’m always trying to broaden my thinking and at the end of the day, if I don’t like it or agree I can always respond with a), at least the first half.

    • Sensei

      “Kiss my grits!”

      RIP. Haven’t thought of that show in decades.

      • Tundra

        Same. But I loved it.

        RIP Alice

      • rhywun

        That was Flo. Sheesh.

    • Not Adahn

      That wasn’t one of the shows my parents watched.

      • rhywun

        Not only did my family watch it, but sometimes I caught the CBS Late Nite repeats too ….

  4. Evan from Evansville

    I’ll see if I can waddle through WordPress tonight. The one I had planned, but haven’t written-written yet, will do better if I don’t add too much to it. The genesis was about folk who have the personality to bounce around to multiple different careers, etc. I *do* think it’s tied to character, but circumstances are key. Plan is to simply add some select travel pics of spots I’ve visited to complement the floaty-personality idea. Should spark some thought.

    Fiction does seem especially intimidating to publish here, though I don’t think I really know how to write it. (Read: Fiction’s especially intimidating *in every aspect of writing.*)

    • R.J.

      Write your stuff in another word processor, then copy/paste it over with no formatting to save yourself endless grief with WordPress.

      • R C Dean

        What RJ says. I write my stuff in Word, and then just cut-and-paste the whole thing in one chunk into WordPress. Add the pics, do the sidebar stuff (once I remember where they hid it) – categories, etc. – and I’m done.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    It is always interesting to see which story in a links post is the one that gets everyone talking. It’s almost never the ones I expect to.

    No kidding. Some things, however small or seemingly tangential, just take off.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    a) fuck you and your freedom-loving ways

    Yeah, we’re neck deep in that around here.

  7. Richard

    Greetings from North Nowhere Vermont. The temperature peaked at 55F and I spent a few minutes out on my Adirondack chair before it started raining. We had a White Christmas and now we’re going to have a Green New Year.

    The Internet services I provide as part of my business are down because I was forced to move my office and Comcast fucked up the scheduling. The new install was originally the 20th with static IP transfer on the 23rd. It turned out the 20th wasn’t possible so the install was rescheduled for the 26th with transfer on the 28th. The install was flawless, the technician got a $50 tip, and he told me there was problem with the transfer and I needed to call my account manager.

    I just got an e-mail from the account manager asking what the problem was, the transfer was scheduled for the 23rd and should have happened already.

    I have a list of future article subjects that I’ll dig up. I found the complaints about the WordPress changes to be off-putting.

      • R.J.

        Ha! In reality it isn’t that bad. I think I did finally figure out how to wrap text around a photo the other day.

      • R.J.

        I will write it up and post it as soon as I can. I need to eat before the last of the maintenance guys comes to fix broken stuff at the house. It has sold, and I am signing off at a title company in two more days.

      • R.J.

        Once you add a picture, click on the image icon on the toolbar, and select “Transform To” and then select “Media and Text” and you will be able to type in the same block as the image. There are other rules, and I intend to figure those out and write about it. But that is a start. Your image and attached text are in the same block. It lack the ability to just move the picture around, as far as I can tell. The picture and text will be a brick.

      • UnCivilServant

        So, what about those who compose outside of wordpress, copy-paste in, and have to put text into tagged spots in the text? How do I rip open the blocks to let the words flow in and around the image? Do I have to figure out the markup for this new type of block and change it in the code editor?

        Actually, that’s probably the best option.

    • Evan from Evansville

      My IKEA Adirondack chair is perfect, the only chair that has ever ‘fit’ me. Fight me.

      The past tense of ‘fit’ should be ‘fat.’ “I fat into that shirt, but now I’m too f̵a̵t̵ big.” Sit-sat; spit-spat; fit-fat. *pouts* I’ll fight on that one, too.

      • Ted S.


      • Evan from Evansville

        Yes, please. Just set it right over there.

        (It was my favorite Xmas present last year! No idea why bro didn’t have one set up. (He is fantastic. I’m quite good.) Hi-hats are *by far* the most expressive ‘drum’ on a kit. I tend to be funk-driven; pretty much snare, bass and hi-hat, with the rest just for accenting. (Tom grooves have their place, as do others.))

  8. CPRM

    January Reruns ready to be scheduled.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    For those that don’t want to go through the expense or hassle of real taxidermy, but do want to be uncouth:

    One of my many ideas which went nowhere was stuffed-animal-head wall mounts.

    • Not Adahn

      Hey buddy, start doing that.

    • Tundra

      How on earth is she not in Congress?

      • DEG

        The district leans Democrat.

        She had no assistance from the state GOP. I suspect Sununu was part of that decision. He hates libertarians for pushing back on his Covid bullshit.

        Her campaign was basically word of mouth from grassroots activists on the ground. No ads of any kind beyond signs popping up around the district. Her last TV debate performance was her only good public appearance.

        She exceeded expectations despite those problems, so I expect she’ll try again.

      • Tundra

        Good. I love her.

    • R.J.

      This is fine. I may re-take Glib Car for a few posts then, starting next week. I have some ideas.

      • DEG

        You started GlibCar so you can do whatever you want with it.

      • R.J.

        That is the most libertarian answer.

  10. Not Adahn

    I am reading that Mondale wrote a eulogy for Cater that will be read.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      The eighties called, they want their retards back.

      • Sensei

        My first thought too.

        Fritz and Tits!

    • R C Dean

      Buried lede: Walter Mondale is still alive.

      • Not Adahn

        Oh no, he’s not. They just saved his “in case Carter dies, read this” file.

      • UnCivilServant

        “Wait, this is just a necromantic incantation.”

      • DrOtto

        God bless the rare politician will to fade quietly off the stage.

      • Not Adahn

        Oh please, like any government employee will be able to correctly pronounce that spell.

      • R C Dean

        “Klaatu, Barada, nik, nik, . . . Goddamit.”

    • Don escaped Memphis

      Carter outlived a fair chunk of his eulogists

      if you call that living

      some recent pictures of him disturbed me; the end comes for us all natural or otherwise, so should I man up and shrug those pictures off as NBD?

  11. Mojeaux

    I’m seriously thinking about replacing my WordPress website(s) with Classic Press and I have some time to do it right now. If I do this, I’ll write up the process.

  12. Tundra

    I’m preparing to start an elimination (carnivore) diet for 30-60 days. I’m happy to write up the motivations and experience if there is interest.

    • R.J.

      I’d love that. Exactly what you are eating, how your body reacted, etc…

      • Tundra

        Sure. I’ve got some recent blood work so it will be interesting to do some follow up and see what happens. Mostly concerned with body reaction and composition though.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Always interested. Motivations provide interesting context and the experience.. well who knows how that’ll go? But gotta ask: You’re only eating meat for 30-60 days? Or eliminating meat for 30-60 days? Or only eating carnivores for 30-60 days? (Free-Range Human stickers would likely help. Non-Vegan Certified.)

      • Tundra

        Only animal products. I’m planning on skipping dairy at the beginning as well. As far as motivations, I have managed to metabolically fuck myself up pretty good and after consulting with some smart people, the only real way to figure out where the problems are is to remove as many variables as possible and slowly reintroduce.

        So for the first 30 days (for sure), it will be meat, water and salt. With the occasional carnivore if I can catch one. They’re quite wily.

      • rhywun

        skipping dairy

        *taps the fuck out*

    • Fourscore

      I’d be interested to follow along with your progress though I’m more omnivore

      • Tundra

        Thanks. Mostly keto anyway so it won’t be as jarring as if I were starting from a distance.

        I already miss the beer.

      • Sean

        Probably too much protein to call it keto.

      • Tundra

        Depends on the fattiness of the cuts, I suppose.

        No veggies or fruits at all tho.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Well, at least you will master the process of elimination.

      • Tundra

        Baker says I’ll save money on TP. Time will tell.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    This is fine. I may re-take Glib Car for a few posts then, starting next week. I have some ideas.

    Needz moar motar swopz!

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      YES!! Get ride of every SBC swap and put the correct engines back in classic cars.

      • R C Dean

        Eh, I got no beef with a good resto-mod. Or a good restoration.

        Modern engines are better than old ones – there, I said it. Also, stuff like power steering, power/disc brakes, etc. If doing a resto-mod means you will drive it more, do a resto-mod. It’s a free country. *guffaws, slaps knee*

    • UnCivilServant

      I disagree, he just enabled his opposition, yet again.

      Johnson is the wrong man for the job and will delay anything that needs to be done.

      • R.J.

        He really likes to do that, doesn’t he? I think Johnson might even screw him on the certification on the 6th.

      • juris imprudent

        Who do you think could wrangle the Republican caucus better? Let’s leave aside policy details – because Republicans don’t all agree on them and it is that fundamental disagreement that is the source of the problem. You really want a Nancy Pelosi type who runs the shop with an iron fist?

      • UnCivilServant

        I do not know 90% of the potential candidates even by name, let alone to a degree needed to put forth an option.

        I just know he’s playing by the “just give the dems everything they want” playbook that should have been burned in 2008.

      • R C Dean

        “But, muh FBI file!”

      • Fourscore

        It’s either a Nancy Pelosi capitulating to the conservatives or more of Trump’s nonsense like tariffs, etc. Trump’s solutions are not going to do anything to downsize the defict/debt.

        Maybe shutting down the government may be the best solution, keeping it open doesn’t seem to help.

      • R.J.

        I am with UnCivil on this. I would love to know evidence otherwise.

      • juris imprudent

        I just know he’s playing by the “just give the dems everything they want” playbook that should have been burned in 2008.

        So first off, most Republicans are not about to radically downsize the federal govt. The MAJORITY of the party in the House is status quo conservativism. If that’s what you mean by the playbook, then no one is burning it, because they’re too busy using it.

        The dissident wing – is the one that most people here at least seem to think are the REAL Republicans. They are not. Not in numbers and not always on policy points.

        So, tell me – how do you manage that caucus to accomplish ANYTHING?

      • UnCivilServant

        If the people who should have left office long ago are squishy and don’t want to do their jobs, then why not use the iron fist tactics anyway? As you’ve posited, there’s nothing left to lose.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Forget about wishlists, who else can get nominated or even voted into that position?

      • rhywun

        He also glowingly praised Carter this morning.

        I dunno I believe either outburst.

  14. R C Dean

    I’ve been thinking about trying to write something up, but I just got nuthin’ interesting that’s come to mind. Even my last trip to GunSite (knife fighting class) while very interesting, just didn’t lend itself to a write-up, really.

    • Sean

      knife fighting class

      “Don’t get into one.”

      “The end.”

      • Sean

        That’s the advanced knife fighting course.

      • Not Adahn

        *course not available to NY residents

      • Gustave Lytton

        #insert Indy gif here

      • EvilSheldon

        There’s no such thing as a knife fight or a gunfight. It’s just a fight, and hopefully you have the right tools and techniques to survive it.

    • Nephilium

      Carter brought us craft beer (due to legalizing homebrewing), what have Biden or Obama done that even comes close to rivaling that one good deed done in a shittastic term as president?

      • juris imprudent

        Hell, even the Carter admin bungling of the Iran rescue mission doesn’t stand out for incompetence given the Afghanistan withdrawl.

      • rhywun

        I can’t think of a thing. Their every deliberate move was to spite the enemy, just as their every appointment was literally the worst person imaginable from the point of view of “freedom”.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of…

    I dropped this in the dying embers of IFLA yesterday. I thought it was pretty damned impressive. Guy bought a dead Lotus and made a car out of it again. Factory original be damned.

    • Tundra

      That’s pretty fucking beautiful. Thanks, Brooksie!

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      It is an Elite, hard to make any sort of decent car out of it. But, they used a motor with the same block, just different displacement. Then made realistic racing mods.

      Thank fuckin’ Christ they didn’t put a Shevy SBC in it. Then again, they are English (so it would have been a Rover 3.5)

      • Tundra

        SBCs in old 240 series Volvos was a good mod.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        What’s that hissing sound that Mojeaux makes? I am making it here.

        SBCs shouldn’t even be used to make boat anchors.

      • Tundra

        Oh come on, it’s not like the 240s are some exotic butterfly.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    very interesting, just didn’t lend itself to a write-up, really.

    “You should have been there. The End.”

    • R C Dean

      Pretty much, yeah. While somebody might be able to write up footwork, body awareness, and extremely basic martial arts drills so they are interesting, that somebody would not be me.

      • Suthenboy

        Martial arts really isn’t all that difficult. Weak spots. We have them. People break easy.
        Fixin’ them, not so much. Your time spent learning First Aid skills was far better spent.

        It doesnt take very much practice to learn to quickly have a knife concealed in the palm of your hand with the point even with the tip of your pointer finger then quickly give someone a poke in the eye. bonus points if you can get both eyes. I dont care if you are Bruce Lee crossed with that green hulk guy, someone does that to you and you are done.

      • R C Dean

        The hard part is two-fold:

        (1) Having the right reflexes hard-wired in so they pop when you them. Most people’s instincts are exactly wrong – they seek to avoid physical violence, not attack.

        (2) Picking the moment when you go from “minding my own business” to “killing someone”.

  17. UnCivilServant

    Actually, I had some flash fiction lying around in an open word processor that I couldn’t expand into a longer story but which does at least describe a complete yarn in of itself. I’ve submitted that. Compared to my normal work, it’s tiny, just 991 words.

    • Not Adahn

      Glibertarians are nazis confirmed!!!!

      Oh wait, you said flash fiction.

      • rhywun

        Flush fiction?

      • Nephilium


        Probably better than slash fiction.

      • Not Adahn

        Does slash fiction include lesbians, or is it all Kirk/Spock and Picard/Riker/Barkley/Worf?

      • Nephilium

        Not Adahn:

        I think? I’m not sure, I’ve never been a big fanfic guy to begin with.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Carter brought us craft beer (due to legalizing homebrewing)

    Don’t forget Alfred Kahn.

    Carter was a prissy moralizing twat, but you can’t be wrong all the time, either.

    • Suthenboy

      Who gives a fuck? He gave away the single most strategic point in the western hemisphere. He bailed out the USSR TWICE. Hundreds of millions had to live under the commie boot for years because of that evil commie prick. Ne spread poverty here like it was confetti in Times Square on New Years eve. He was nearly as evil, petty and malicious as Obama but that was back in the ‘aww now, he is well meaning just mistaken. He is really a good man’ days. Fuck that and Fuck Jimmy Carter. Carter is just more evidence that only the good die young.

      • Sensei

        Don’t sugar coat it. Tell me how you feel!

  19. Sensei

    Anybody have her number?

    Texas cheerleader, 17, charged with animal cruelty for fatally poisoning her rival’s show goat in ugly ‘jealousy’ act

    Security footage obtained by police showed a female student at the Vista Ridge High School’s barn facility using a drench gun to force-feed Willy a toxic pesticide. The 6-month-old goat didn’t go easy and tried to escape, but was ultimately trapped and forced to drink the pesticide, according to the footage.

      • Sensei

        Bunny boiler.

      • Sensei

        Or Fauci funded “research”.

    • Not Adahn

      The police investigation found that the search history on Vanlandingham’s phone included questions about lethal doses of bleach for animals and methods of poisoning pets. She then allegedly searched “How to clear search history” in a failed attempt to cover her tracks.

      She should have searched “how to clear your search history of evidence you’ve searched how to clear your search history.”

      Also, I thought naming 17-year-old defendants was Not Cricket. Of course, this is Texas, and they have a special LE lab dedicated to livestock deaths.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    So first off, most Republicans are not about to radically downsize the federal govt. The MAJORITY of the party in the House is status quo conservativism. If that’s what you mean by the playbook, then no one is burning it, because they’re too busy using it.

    Their constituents did not send them there to dismantle the government, merely to redirect its largesse.

  21. Suthenboy

    As for articles I am pretty much just an idea guy. Ideas matter. Their practical application matters.
    I can go on all day about any article that is just a paragraph or two discussing ideas. Formatting makes no difference to me.

    Some of the most mundane articles here and the discussions that followed have had fairly notable effects on my thinking. That is the reason I come here. IRL I have very few people that I can discuss ideas with. Sometimes the Mrs. , my son, my father….that is about it. My brother and I talk a lot but he seems to get bored soon, but then maybe that is just me.

    Speaking of – I noticed this morning on the Fox News they were commenting on the election, the state of politics, culture, society in general and of course….Jimmy Fucking Carter. It was blather. Fantasy. All of it. People have such a strong aversion to truth that even when things are kinda going their way they make up fairy tales. Point out something is horrible and everyone sticks fingers in their ears and start ‘La la la la I cant hear you!’.

    • R.J.

      Look, I scanned pages of the bootleg hooch book my wife’s grandmother owned and posted those to help make content. You should copy the greatest hits of your comments for a week and post it as “Suthenboy Says.” It would work.

  22. PieInTheSky

    I have some ideas in the pipeline but nothing written except the one tomorrow…

    We do need some more philosophical posts and less focus on the minutiae of everyday politics.

    • Not Adahn

      I wrote a philosophical post about how philosophy was useless and anti-human.

      IIRC, it got many fewer comments than my series of “I drink rye.”

      • PieInTheSky

        my whisky reviews got little interest that is why i stopped them

      • PieInTheSky

        the post I got most on topic comments on in the last 3 years was my Stargate post

      • Not Adahn

        Hell, I’m finishing a single review of a midlevel mass-market rye now. The sacrifices I make to feed the Content Monster.

      • Not Adahn

        “On topic” has never been a big thing for me. If I write something that inspires a pun war or a round of “you know who else?” I figure I’ve done my bit.

      • bacon-magic

        I liked the Stargate and the whiskey posts.

      • Nephilium


        I’m not sure comments necessarily track as interest. My goal in the Friday afternoon links posts is to provide at least several stories that are bizarre enough to entertain me (and hopefully some of you lot), some geek stuff, some music links, and a decent cocktail recipe. Most of the time, there’s at least one bit that gets no comments on it at all. I’ll admit to a flash of irritation at times seeing other links posts in the comments shortly after it goes up, but that’s on me.

      • R.J.

        I agree with Neph. I enjoy many of your posts, but it is a rare afternoon or evening when I can comment. I hardly get to comment at all on UnCivil’s Sunday post. I read it later. Comments rise and fall with the seasons, don’t try too hard to make them a bell weather of interest.

      • Tundra


        No one said herding cats would be easy.

      • Suthenboy

        You know who else made small talk?
        Oh wait, that doesnt work.

    • rhywun

      Philosophy makes my eyes glaze over unless it’s rooted in everyday minutiae for examples.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      I like the philosophy posts, and I like theory posts.

      Philosophy is what separates us from the rats.

      • Suthenboy

        We are separate from the rats?

  23. The Late P Brooks

    “Jimmy Carter, Peacemaking President”


  24. Don escaped Memphis

    for the record, sometimes Trump gets hosed

    I’ve always held that evidence of a pattern is prejudicial and should be inadmissible. I suspect Cosby did it (them), but his conviction was horseshit of a similar flavor. Trump, on the other hand, is not clearly liable because no preponderance of evidence so indicates.

    Our culture continues to decline as we slide away from direct responsibility towards postmodernism; reductio ad absurdum, aren’t we all a little bit liable for groping Jean Carroll?

    • Not Adahn

      New York’s law is different than that of a square.

    • Don escaped Memphis

      she should be punished, of course: time off with pay

    • Not Adahn

      Epps was suspended after she filed for retirement at 51 years old, a move that will affect her pension and lose her about $12,000 per year since she is leaving just short of 20 years into her time on the force.

      But she will still pull in $16,000 per month.

      Pay me $15k a month for the rest of my life and I’ll make sure this chick disappears and never collects anything.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    It is an Elite, hard to make any sort of decent car out of it.

    a) It’s a Europa

    b) Balderdash

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