My oldest is now old enough to drive, and getting to the point where I no longer am apprehensive when he gets behind the wheel.
So yesterday we drove to a used car dealer that specializes in German cars to test drive a Golf TDI. I thought it was fun, he thought it was fine but small. I pointed one out to my daughter on the drive to school, as she will also be learning to drive in the next year or two and she looked visibly repulsed by it. Granted this one was lowered, had murdered out lights, and a fart can exhaust but she had the same reaction a few minutes later when a regular Golf passed us by.
Anyways, talk me out of it. Don’t they build these in Mexico?
And they say you need a government to maintain order.
CNN and their team of crack analysts, wait…crack team of analysts still take Trump literally.
On one hand, I don’t want her in my state, on the other hand if you must troll somebody with an appointment, why not troll Mexico?

An oddly neutral report of Millei’s first year in office from the AP. By neutral I mean they didn’t make the “if not for the government how would we wipe our own ass[?]” argument. Here’s a more comprehensive report.
Jesus Christ was Palestinian, after all.
Somehow, I can’t help but assume Trump is the least of Cuba’s worries.
Wouldn’t Lula need a brain first, in order to require brain surgery? I bet one of you can come up with a better one liner.
Never ALWAYS show up to a funeral in your Pantera shirt. I don’t make the rule.
whaddup doh’
Jesus Christ was Palestinian, after all.
I’ve seen people claim Mary was a Muslim …
And the Catholics have had their fair share of Jew-killing, so I guess for once he is honoring an historical tradition.
What is the Argentinian for “fucking chutzpah”…?
Chinga tu Jew.
Mary… was a Muslim? A follower of a religion that didn’t exist at the time of her believed existence? Or is this more of the, she was specially touched and pure and couldn’t have been just a Jewish woman.
I believe it is a restorationist claim.
I was ok with Kari Lake last time she ran, then when the election shenanigans happened she looked more like a loon, and she continues to do so. I don’t want her in your state, or mine either.
Definitely a familiarity breeds contempt politician.
I couldn’t stand her when she appeared with Trump at rallies. “My opponent cheats on his wife! My opponent was involved in shady business deals!”
I’m actually liking the Kari Lake would’ve won if she had long hair theory.
I think she needed a boob job.
Well, you would think that.
Can we get an AI pic to be sure?
What is worse than when traffic signals are out? When traffic signals won’t cycle.
Don’t Glib and drive
Trump saying “not playing games” is a dog whistle to his death squads to prepare for the Trumpennacht against his enemies.
*obsessively handloads sniper rounds at survivalist compound*
*Sharpens long knives (yes I have multiple)
How long before it is a sword?
Parrying dagger upwards of 19 inches.
Gladius as short at 22 inches.
Hey! Little close to home there, huh?
On that note, is there any Lapua .223 Remington brass available for sale, anywhere? I’m getting desperate enough to start working up a new load here…
Maybe. There is a not-zero chance I have some Lapua .223.
Commie Pope hates Jesus, is Commie.
More news at 11.
All I know is my nativity scene has a Mary with big mommy milkers and she has already dropped all the baby weight. Mary is also trans-ing Jesus. He’s wearing a cute little dress in the manger.
Joseph is over in the corner being a total cuck too.
Newsletter please?
Trust His Popeness to have a porny nativity scene.
*starts searching the internet*
What would Trans Jesus’ name be? Juanita?
I don’t know about the Golf TDI, but my 2018 GTI is the best car I’ve ever owned.
Is it that one? I’d have given A LOT to have a car that nice as a new driver (minus the exhaust).
I wonder why your kids don’t appreciate the styling.
Agree. I think the kids are wrong. And if Mexi is paying, tough shit.
They are great cars that get spectacular mileage.
Part of it is my Grand Cherokee will not make it for the planned two years post tranny rebuild. So this I am buying for me for about a year, where I will then buy something I really want.
I’ll probably sell the Jeep to a drug runner, they pay cash.
Isn’t it good parenting to get your kid a totally lame car? That way he can’t lure any young ladies of questionable morals (and eyesight) into the backseat.
First car my dad let me drive was the family baby shit brown ’72 Ford LTD.
My parents gave me a turd-brown Volvo 240 station wagon for my first car, based on just this theory. They never quite caught on that with the back seats folded down, I basically had a studio apartment all my own…
In that case, get the fart can.
It is what all fathers need.
Haha! Sheldon, I drove a 70 245. It was red, though. And yes, it was spectacular.
Thats exactly the car.
2013 is old enough to escape a great deal of the retarded gizmos. My wife has a 2015 Passat that has been absolute perfection.
We used to have an ’09 Beetle. Awesome car. Great in Berkeley.
’15 Subaru that replaced it? Meh.
Which Subie, Zwak?
That brand seems to be as polarizing as VW.
*Looks at 2013 Chevy Malibu* Yep. Thankfully, it’s not cluttered with nonsense like beeping driver ‘aids’ or steering wheel vibration. Automatic doors and windows. Easy peasy. I’m pissed it was the cheapest decent car we could get, ending up around $9k at 95k. My first car was a 92 Oldsmobile Achieva, followed by my favorite, the torn up V6 boat of a 94 Mercury Sable, both for $1800. *swoooon*
Cash for Clunkers was mindfuckingly evil, coupled with the Free $$ for Already Rich Folk for Electronic Shit. Public education’s ineptitude has proven fantastic at teaching kids to not think and how to ignore the obvious Fuck You’s DC throws at people in a pinch. It’s frustrating that many don’t see it. Pretty good analogy, actually. Public edu instills religious thought among the youth, steeping them to automatically agree, accept and even vote for, the shit that actively makes their life worse in the most immediate ways possible: Constant wallet-slaps to the face for both transportation and housing. “Thank you sir. May I have another?” ‘Yep! For the rest of your life! Thanks!’
Look at all you rich kids who had their parents get you cars. Bootstrap harder.
You live in Phoenix, right? Get him a baja bug.
No. While I made do without AC in my youth, I can’t do it to my kids.
Sand rail? You get a lot of air flow…
I have had my alarm set to take a medication for 3p every single day for the last 24 years. I now am not taking it and I lose track of time in the afternoon.
Lynchings have increased in Mexico in recent years, with experts saying the perception of impunity leads communities to take justice into their own hands.
Coming soon to a city near you.
Surprising there aren’t more in Lynchburg.
I knew a gay black guy named ‘Lynch ‘. So awkward.
Lynchings? In Mexico? Unpossible!
Those only happen in the deep South, and parts of Chicago!
They just can’t help inserting the same tired lie in any story where it doesn’t even make sense.
On the other hand, props for unearthing a couple never-Trumper Cubans in America who are totally not commies. Well done, The BBC.
the main source of foreign currency earnings after remittances
Apparently there is a considerable flow of funds (presumably from here) back to Cuba.
I think a lot of countries down there are largely kept afloat by remittances.
It never gets old for them does it.
I loved the one where they claimed the loss of sea ice drove some seals to an island off the coast of BC, Canada because no ice or some shit. That has never happened before!!!
The island is a hands-off seal refuge designated in 1908 or some time like that because….the seals go there every year to make baby seals.
Or the tundra fires! We now have Tundra fires, who ever thought that would happen?!! Well, the people who live there did because…they have had tundra fires since there have been tundras.
How anyone could fall for this shit is amazing to me.
Why are you dragging me into this?
Luigi Mangione, the suspect charged in the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, was carrying a “ghost gun” at the time of his arrest, authorities said.
The 26-year-old was “in possession of a ghost gun that had the capability of firing a 9 millimeter round” when he was arrested in Altoona, Penn., on Monday, New York Police Department (NYPD) Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said at a press briefing.
The NYPD said the gun, which is “consistent with the weapon used in the murder,” may have been made on a 3D printer.
“I have no tolerance, nor should anyone, for one man using an illegal ghost gun to murder someone because he thinks his opinion matters most,” Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said on Monday.
Shoulda pushed him out of a window. Then the media could claim he was working for Putin.
This is the most ridiculous and obvious set up yet. They are running out of time so decided to throw a Hail Mary.
The entirety of the narrative is horseshit.
I hate to go all Hyperbole on you, but who is they, and what time are we talking about?
OK, why would they want him killed?
Covid investigations?
At his court appearance today, Luigi yelled something about, ‘…the American people blah blah their lived experience…’
So I don’t care if he is a patsy, let’s have a nice long entertaining trial (televised, could we possibly hope?), followed by an execution.
lol It’s a nice conspiracy theory but I need a little more proof first.
The conspiracy getting X’ed around is that Thompson was going to testify to Congress about banning insider trading. I have no idea if this is true but the story is that he was going to implicate Pelosi in directly getting information about the health insurance industry before making stock moves.
If true, that would be a solid motive but it might be too cute by half.
I agree with zwak.
I don’t think this is a ‘them’ situation. Dude was solidly part of ‘them’, killer was just a leftist crazy, which isn’t so hard to believe given his educational background.
If only 3D printers didn’t exist, that guy would be alive today.
lol Everyone has their sacred cow I guess.
A typical high-schooler doing varsity sports could have put Thompson away with a $10 filet knife. Thompson died because someone specifically targeted him (80%) and his personal security was garbage (20%).
If someone is determined to kill another person, they will find a way.
You know what else people are using 3D printers for?
@Pope I thought it was going to be a dildo or drug paraphernalia.
If it’s the same gun I saw photographed on Reddit, it’s a Polymer80 lower with a PSA Dagger top end and a direct thread ‘solvent trap’. ‘Ghost Gun’ it may be, depending on how much of a panicking nitwit you are, but it wasn’t printed on a 3D printer.
But if it was commercially manufactured and sold, we would have a solid connection of how he got it, and of course proof that he passed the background checks! Can’t you see how important it is for our gun control regime to actually work?!?
I’m not resisting, you just hit like a teenage non-binary person. 😉
Question: should the US ambassador be in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, or Los Angeles, the capitol of Latin America?
Because making her ambassador and putting her in LA would be trolling at God level.
Good question
Los Angeles, the capitol of Latin America
Miami haz a sad.
Miami is the capitol of the Caribbean. Totes dif.
And South America. LA’s connections stop at the Panama Canal.
A few years ago at FreedomFest during the Q&A period for the Latin America panel, one of the questions for the panel was “Where is the best potential for freedom in Latin America?” The first answer, “Miami.”
The advocacy organization Everytown for Gun Safety has called them “the fastest growing gun safety problem in the country.”
That’s nice.
This is the most ridiculous and obvious set up yet. They are running out of time so decided to throw a Hail Mary.
How do they hang him around Trump’s neck? That’s what I want to know.
I’m sure someone at the BBC is working on the article as we speak.
Sunwing took the decision after Cuba endured a four-day nationwide blackout at the end of October, caused by failures with the country’s aging energy infrastructure.
This was followed by another national power cut last month, when Hurricane Rafael barrelled its way across the island, worsening an already-acute electricity crisis.
A third countrywide blackout then happened on Wednesday, 4 Dec, after Cuba’s largest power plant broke down.
“Cuba has had some volatility in the last few weeks and that may shake consumer confidence,” Sunwing’s chief marketing officer, Samantha Taylor told the Pax News travel website last month.
“Some volatility”? She’s not going to sugarcoat it.
What is pollution?
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), requires consideration of environmental impacts before these projects are approved — and the results of that evaluation could lead to mandated mitigation of environmental harms. At issue in the case is whether and when upstream and downstream environmental impacts should be considered as part of these environmental reviews.
The court’s conservative majority appeared to lean toward a lawyer representing a railway company and Utah counties, who argued that upstream and downstream effects should not be considered when they are “remote” in time and space.
The particulars of the case concern a proposed Utah railway that would ship oil. The D.C Circuit Court of Appeals said that the U.S. Surface Transportation Board did not adequately review that railway’s environmental impact because it did not fully consider the effects of increased oil production and refining of that oil, which would occur as a result.
Oil is poison, with no redeeming value. Ban it.
Speaking of NGOs that need to be zeroed out in federal funding (including all awards of attorney fees).
Could we zero all of them, please?
That should be the first thing that gets done by DOGE, first day.
If, somehow, there is a legal requirement, blow it up and do it over.
The proposed 88 mile rail link is entirely within the state of Utah. Eagle County is way, way upstream from the proposed railroad. Talk about lacking standing, and yet those fuckers were granted it.
This is why there’s people just upset at standing. The courts use it in completely asinine ways.
Seriously, if the courts are going to just pull standing out of their ass, then it has zero use doctrinally.
Eagle County is always trying to impress Pitkin County-Aspen with its policies.
It is amazing that anything worthwhile at all gets done in the US.
Increasingly, nothing does.
It ain’t easy.
We can’t even build a light rail line! Ooops, I see you said “worthwhile”. Never mind then.
“Met Council”
Should be Politburo.
Terrifying revelation
The finding was reported in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s annual Arctic Report Card, released Tuesday. The new research, led by scientists from the Woodwell Climate Research Center in Falmouth, Massachusetts, signals a dramatic shift in this Arctic ecosystem, which could have widespread implications for the global climate.
“The tundra, which is experiencing warming and increased wildfire, is now emitting more carbon that it stores, which will worsen climate change impacts,” NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad said in a press release. “This is yet one more sign, predicted by scientists, of the consequences of inadequately reducing fossil fuel pollution.”
The sky is falling even faster than we thought.
It is opposed by Eagle County, Colorado, which claims that it will suffer from downstream effects of the railroad, as well as environmental groups.
Needs more adorable doe-eyed children.
Looks like there are few storm clouds in that all-female St. Paul city council.
“Member Johnson”
Also, in what world do you for the underling for sleeping with the higher up? Sounds like a toxic workplace.
I wonder if they’ve synched up yet.
One meeting every month is very tense.
Titty Tuesday is dedicated to His Holiness’ nativity scene.
Hey, you are gonna infringe on Daily Rays of Sunshine, I’m gonna start working blue.
One and three were enough to get me to shut it down.
Cake face and neck tattoo’s? What is Titty Tuesday coming too?
“I bet one of you can come up with a better one liner.”
The severe brain damage explains his leftism.
odds and ends
A few weeks ago, a local cop flashed his lights at me during the day when I was on foot. I figured he wanted me to come to where he was. When I did, I saw a cop and a guy trying to push a car out of the road. I asked if they needed another pair of hands and jumped in when the cop said yes. I suspect it was staged to improve my local reputation. Small towns are like that. I’ve donated blood a dozen times since moving here, so the townsfolk know I mean well.
Haven’t been able to log into OKCupid for weeks. Not much of a loss since it’s only gotten me one date since moving to Florida in May of 2023. Still, kind of odd and annoying.
Some mystery supporter sent me a pakol hat made in Pakistan. Might have been the guy in charge of the falafel place I frequent in Gainesville.
The principal of the school I was most recently fired from texted me the other day about keys I handed to him when I went to get my stuff. Not sure if that was a genuine request or an overture to let me know I’m still welcome on the grounds of Santa Fe college.
An acquaintance from college sent me a job referral for a nuclear engineer role in Pennsylvania. I suppose I’ll apply, but I’d prefer not to move again. I should check to see what new math teacher jobs are available.
The helicopter builder I met today is the husband of a professor at UF. Perhaps she can put out some feelers for me. Networking might be my key to success.
Today marks the 4th anniversary of waking up in an insane asylum. Trying not to dwell on that. I think a walk to get a beer, burger, and fries will improve my mood.
“nuclear engineer role […] math teacher.”
Sorry to say, but one of these things is not like the other. Though, if you really think the man is out to get you he’s not going to grant you another secret clearance to be able to work on nuke projects.
Wishing you the best man.
Me as well. Nuke will be lucrative and provide paychecks for a decade if yiu can get in
I strongly discourage you from going into the nuclear power industry. You strike me as someone with a low tolerance for bullshit rules that tie one’s hands, and in my experience, people with that sort of low tolerance are thoroughly miserable in the nuclear power industry.
Wood chipper time.
How did this happen? Teachers Unions.
Speaking of older cars…looks like I’m finally going to make it overseas in the next few days/week.
I was originally planning on getting a used Rav4 (2017-ish)…but the place I plan to buy from has a 2019 Corolla Sports Wagon (not released in US) 1.8L for about the same price but also 42k less mileage….
I assume it’ll be importable to the US – otherwise that may be the cause of the price difference. I’ve seen a couple reviews online – and it sounds as though it may have really good gas mileage – but does anyone else have any experience with this model? Saw a youtube review from Switzerland that looked pretty good too. Just wish it had a bit more height inside – but since most of my stuff is being shipped, I shouldn’t need too many trips to Ikea this time.
I would check and triple check that importability.
Yeah, the dealer specializes in military customers – so I don’t think he’ll try and pull one over – esp since I’ll be using a US bank loan, but we’ll see.
I’m sure Toyota is fine, but I know that some manufacturers make models that are Rest of World because we are retarded motherfuckers.
I mean, my Triumph would have had to pass emissions in this insane asylum – and it was 45+ years old.
My current boss believes that the way to fix issues is to “mob program”. He gets everyone on a group chat and then one person has to drive while everyone else makes inane suggestions.
He thinks that not only does it get more points of view involved, but it helps make sure that there is follow through.
This morning when I checked the chat logs, I saw that they had a minor emergency and it looked like so much fun was had by all. I’m so happy, I’m out of the day-to-day loop.
It reminds me of this.
My current boss believes that the way to fix issues is to “mob program”
Nice software you have there. Shame if something were to happen to it.
Fuck I hate that concept of troubleshooting.
Let’s pull everyone onto a call, so we can all talk over each other while watching one person actually try to fix the problem.
Because everyone loves backseat drivers at work.
I would refuse to participate in such a farce. Geeze.
Yup. I’ve worked on emergency stuff where everyone on the call was a) knowledgeable about the actual issue and the systems affected and b) the call was just to divvy up the work (Joe, you check the queue logs, Dan you check the db logs, etc.).
What we do now isn’t that. It is just like you said, a bunch of randos who are mandated to show up and they decide to talk over everyone about stuff they have no clue about.
It also doesn’t help that I have many, many coworkers who get alligator arms when it comes to emergency issues because they are terrified that they might have to work past 5pm. So the boss makes them to show up so that he is sure they are still engaged.
Here we go.
This is getting ridiculous. How about we use all of our amazing military capacity to raze every one of these fucking labs to the ground?
Maybe we can just sink Australia.
How do you sink Ukraine and China?
Reactivate Chernobyl and actually use our tridents?
That Three Gorges Dam in China isn’t going to hold out forever…..mandate of heaven and all that.
Has anyone seen video of the dead CEO being treated or loaded on a gurney or anything? I assume the security cam kept filming but all I’ve seen is the shooting, some getaway footage and cops photographing “shell casings”.
Something’s weird.
“Something’s weird.”
They don’t show gore on TV anymore.
You mean other than the guy taking 3 shots at close range? Cause they have no problem showing that part of the gore.