I hope that shark’s ok. It’s not healthy to eat EU officials.
Sometimes this simulation is just sublime.
Don’t most men have a pal who is 20 years older to go on exotic vacations with? (Asking for a friend,)
Really, I was just pushing that shark over the fence!
[golf clap] for this entire subthread.
Poor guy looks like he spent more time at luxury beach resorts than sedentating behind a desk.
Why: I dont remember the guy’s name but he was the rapey EU official back during Obama’s reign that was accused by the hotel cleaning lady in NYC. Once in the spotlight it was apparent that all the guy did was jet all over the world staying in the most expensive hotels and restaurants diddling every woman he wanted on a whim. He was paid some 8 figure salary to just be him.
Isn’t that what EU official means?
Strauss-Kahn ?
Close. IMF.
EU officials. Isn’t that just another term for the aristocracy those sheep have spent centuries trying to get rid of? Looking at his photo the chances of him not being the son of nephew of descended from Muckity-Muck III is zero.
To any columnist/”reporter” writing navel gazing shit like this – Unless it open with either “We behaved like propagandists for the state because we desperately wanted our team to stay in power, sorry/not sorry” or “I literally believed Joe Biden was mentally competent, clearly I am too stupid to really wipe my own ass, let alone write meaningful, informative stories, I’ll show myself to the door”
Re: Content request – done. My first tango in new wordpress; it didn’t even provide any butter to ease the process, so I’ll apologize if it’s messy.
Thanks, Putrid. I’ll have a squint at it tomorrow.
If they really wanted to be honest, they’d point out that his mental decline was also the most underreported story of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. If the party had asked it of them, they’d have kept on gawking at the emperor’s clothes right on through this election just like the good apparatchiks they are. Absolutely no one is buying the “gee whiz, how could we have known before July 2024?!?!?” bullshit. I can only speak for myself, but these quarter-hearted mea culpas only make me despise them more.
Joe is planning on a ’28 run, be the first to win non consecutive presidencies from another guy who was the the second one to win non-consecutive terms.
surely it’s Herself’s turn then
Jill? *shudder*
They should run Jimmy Carter in 2028.
A fusion candidacy – Jillary!
It’s Mrs Turn-the-Page Walz’s turn.
“The winning slip was bought at a grocery store in Kansas City, Missouri, ahead of a draw that took place on Christmas Eve”
Paging Mr. Mojeaux.
You really think a guy who just won $1 mil would get stranded in Evanston, WY?
Did I see that there was a billion dollar winner in CA?
That would be hilarious to follow that person for a year or two.
Well, California will have stolen most of the winnings, so they got pocket change.
“Lotto officials have revealed the ticket expires on June 22, 2025.”
The drawing was less than a week ago. Calm your tits.
Yeah, anyone winning that kind of cheese should probably line up a lawyer and an accountant before making a very expensive mistake.
Even if that were him, I wouldn’t tell you. Geez Louise.
Rule #1: Keep your mouth shut.
1. Get a safe deposit box to put your winning lottery ticket in.
2. Get a lawyer.
3. Get a financial planner.
4. Get an accountant.
5. Cash in the ticket when the above 3 people tell you to.
Rules #2 – ∞: See rule #1.
1a. Don’t tell your uncle.
Dunning Kruger tailspin
attorney: how do I know the right questions to ask myself to see if I am competent to represent you in this area?
insurer: how do I know how to price the malpractice rider for this case?
governor: how do I get my cut when you try to cash out from a PO box in the Caymans?
realtor: how do I sell this house before everyone in the neighborhood comes over to break a leg in the driveway?
me: what would I pay for in order to fire everyone there except KMW ?
It’s only a million. The cash value on that is, what, $600K. Pay taxes, and you’re down to $400K. Nice money, but I don’t know that you need to spend a big chunk of it on a team of professionals.
Now, the big winning ticket, you bet.
He put in the missus’ wallet for safekeeping…
After Jimmy Carter Won the Presidency, Democrats Lost the South
Mr. Carter witnessed a shift from what had been a solidly Democratic South to one that Republicans, supported by white voters and particularly evangelicals, came to dominate.
Does somebody want to fill the NYT on Delaware’s relationship to the Mason Dixon Line?
Let me fix that:
“Mr. Carter witnessed a shift from what had been a solidly white Democratic, KKK supporting South to one that Republicans, supported by voters of all colors, but particularly evangelicals, came to dominate.”
To this day, the democrats have not changed, they continue to be obsessed with race. It blows my mind how people miss that.
The whole article essentially implies the south is full of racism.
I hate that, so much.
not that it’s a part of The South, but ever notice that
Florida went for DDE, RMN, and Reagan twice….each
Wallace took 12% of Ohio
The three C cities, Akron/Canton, Toledo, Youngstown, Athens, and other little outposts all still go heavy towards the Democrats. They’re just outvoted by the rest of the state.
Just the opposite of MN, where the metro areas control the narrative. Government of the majority
that’s most states as far as I can tell: AUS vs TX, ATL vs GA, STL vs MO
The parties switched!
*Lurch groan…
I just found out that my oldest friend died a couple of weeks ago. We met in 5th grade when I moved into the area. He and I spent most of our free time together, riding dirt bikes, listening to records (Happy Trails by Quicksilver was a favorite), going on double dates. In later years we corresponded by email, sharing jokes, videos, and life events. I wondered why he hadn’t replied to my last email.
With birthday number 71 coming up tomorrow I am feeling extra old.
My heart aches today. Good bye, my friend!
Sorry Hobbit. Part of getting old and it’s not a pleasant part.
True dat.
Wait, there are pleasant parts?
Sure. Muscle soreness, bad eyes, slower speeds.
It’s fucking great!
Not being dead. That’s the plus side.
Fluffy armchairs and ibuprofen are pleasant.
I promise to let you guys know when I pass on.
I’ll admit, there is part of me that gets a kick out of being the oldest dude on the rink. And I sure wouldn’t go back. But it is defintiely weird, since my brain doesn’t accept that Im fogey-adjacent.
I promise to let you guys know when I pass on.
Yeah, I plan on haunting some MFrs, too!
I know how you feel. Once I turned 19, I stopped getting older. It was the last important age I needed to be (legal drinking age in Minnesoda at the time). I still think that I’m 19 and am amazed when the Altar Kids or Mrs. Holiness start laughing when I forget how old I really am. My trademark saying is “I’M A SPRING CHICKEN!!!”
I remember being dumbstruck when I was on a campus tour with one of the Altar Boys and I was looking around thinking about where all the cool keggers would be when I suddenly realized I was one of the old lame parents walking around on a campus tour! Even if I got a pity invite to the rager than night, I’d be some creepy old dude there.
LOL too true
“Even if I got a pity invite to the rager than night, I’d be some creepy old dude there.”
+ 1 daddy issues
Sorry to hear that man. I got blindsided one time going to my old stomping grounds and recognizing a name on a memorial bench was that of an old grade school classmate of mine (drunk driving accident got him).
I’m sorry for your loss, Hobbit. I lost my oldest friend a couple weeks before I moved out here. We met in 1st grade and stayed friends for the next 50. It just sucks.
It doesn’t get any better, Hobbit, though as more friends/classmates leave us there are far fewer funerals to go to. I’m waiting for 2 friends to make the journey now, as we speak.
HH was a Class Reunion as well as a Glibs Meet up. 7 attendees from the “Class of ’55”, more Glibs though so that helps.
My condolences. Losing old friends is always hard. I lost my best and oldest friend less than 2 months after hitting 72 (16 months ago).
So sorry Hobbit
(calling my bff from 5th grade tonight!)
when I happen upon someone in my phone or email who is gone, I think about all the reasons they mattered and just keep them in there
Same. It works well.
Sorry, Hobbit.
Damn, Hobbit. I’m sorry to hear that.
Sorry, Hobbit. Just keep plugging along. Congrats on making it this far.
My condolences. Sometimes is seems like getting older is all about finding out other people have passed on.
Sorry Hobbit. Seems I hear this more and more as I get further into my fifties.
Sorry Hobbit. That fucking blows. Especially sucks when you don’t find out right away. Our time here is borrowed.
Thank you all for your thoughts.
I am sorry for your pain. Its very real.
sorry to hear that.
I found out just before Christmas that my oldest friend, maid of honor, and my son’s godmother – from when we were both still in your area actually – is diagnosed with lymphoma. So prayers and thoughts up for her, please.
Will do.
You bet. Her first name?
Condolences on the loss of your friend. It’s especially bad when you don’t realize it until after the fact. Guilt sets in. Best to remember all the good times you had together, cherishing the memories.
Pre covid your wife was sleeping with 3 guys. Now she’s only sleeping with 10 guys, down from 15.
Why aren’t you happy?
The Number of Murders Kept Falling This Year, but Fear of Crime Persists
I’m confused – when did I acquire a wife?
The wife was an add on to your order of sandwich making gloves.
1. The FBI lies.
2. Big cities are not reporting their data to the FBI.
3. Big cities lie, too.
But keep telling people their eyes are lying to them, The New York Times. See how well that keeps working.
I’m not without my suspicions, but I also think about excursions damping to the mean: could be a reverse sort of dead-cat bounch
Maybe the supply of people willing to murder has dropped off because said people have been murdered?
Crime is falling. The economy is fan-fuckin-tastic. The border is secure. Joe is sharp as a tack. A green utopia is right around the corner.
All of this stuff…how could I not see it?
*In the frame behind the NYT is a woman on a subway in flames*
‘Justice’: Judge orders removal of 8,400 acre wind farm on Osage reservation
Killer of the Power Boon
Hey wait a minute, something isn’t right here…
Is that @#$%ing Rapesquatch still around?!
@#$%ing Rapesquatch
seems redundant
And if he gets you the authorities will say you died of “exposure” so they don’t have to tell the real truth behind it all.
Too be fair, having your insides pulled out thru your backside will expose a lot.
running out of runway: I am now as close to the night I first got laid as the night I first got laid was to Guadalcanal
Yeah, I do the same math sometimes. Like, I am now as far from my birthday as my birthday was from nineteen fucking hundred.
Hard to comprehend that a couple of us here were born under the regime of F.D.R.
haven’t seen Mikey in a good while
I thought you never got laid.
when was the last Commodius siting?
sighting ?
you’re not going to have Kari Lake to kick around anymore
in 2024….she ran more than 7 points behind….Trump
She just needs longer hair. Then people will vote for her.
There’s, what, about six GOP senate seats that could have been obtained (Georgia, PA, Az, Nv, etc.) over the last four years if Trump hadn’t endorsed such polarizing, weak candidates.
Honestly don’t know who his alternatives were. In AZ, at least, the GOP is rotten with McCainite backstabbers.
the McCains are Scots-Irish trash from MS
Not being dead. That’s the plus side.
Winter Lager isn’t excellent, but it’s something different to enjoy for a few weeks every year
It’s a solid beer. Not special, but nothing to pour down the sink, either.
Looks @ Milwaukee’s Best Light…..
I spend entirely too much on rotten barley
Hahahahahahaha! Stay classy, Bee.
I think I submitted an article ? It is in the style I described in the last thread. If you want it to be fantastic then add your brilliant insights.
Does STEVE SMITH like big tits?
Mammary Monday.
I miss the real Page 3.
And note how the article is portrayed as, “Some people say more needs to be done.”
I botched the link: meant it to say biden-moves-to-bar-oil-gas-and-geothermal-development-in-a-nevada-mountain-range-for-21-days
What is the point of that? Just more bullshit, deliberate tripping up of industry. For 21 days, at that. What a colossal waste of money and time.
Re Don: How about this? My grandfather used to walk across the hills with his brother to visit with an old man who would tell them stories. They were fascinated both by his stories and his Irish accent. The old man had worked for Thomas Jefferson when he was a young man himself. Get that? Between myself and TJ there are two people – my grandfather and that old man. When we get older our perception of time certainly changes and that perception is sometimes shocking.
Mom’s great grandmother told her father’s stories from the Civil War, so I always felt close to the past [1]
but not the Jeffersonian past
1: The past is not dead. It’s not even past – Faulkner
That’s impressive.
I usually mentally frame it in terms of something terribly relevant to me like music or television….
Say, point B lies exactly midway between some point A few decades ago and point C, today. An example of music or TV from point A invariably seems impossibly dated to me but the examples from points B and C don’t seem all that different.
we got a 1975 Bonneville: every car strikes me as newer or older than that
we moved around when I was little; I know we still lived in MS when I first heard Heart of Gold, so I know it is older than 1974
if only it weren’t for the Zionists, Bedouins wouldn’t be forced to live in tents
Just heard on the teevee: “Even people that hate Trump are acknowledging that they know life will be better under his leadership but they still hate him…”
Ugh. That is the insanity of TDS that escapes me. They are like fanatics that deny their own child life saving medical treatment because of their religious beliefs.
I have personal experience with this. Recently a flaming pinko relative told me this very thing. When I responded more or less the way I commented here they replied “Poverty is not such a bad thing”.