1. Pat

    Trump signals change to status quo spending while torching Johnson’s year-end bill

    I’m stunned that Republicans on the cusp of controlling congress and the presidency with something of a mandate to cut spending have instead rented a ballroom in which to tapdance all over their own dicks instead.

    • Banjos

      Republicans fuck over their own base? Why, I never!

    • R.J.

      Meet the new boss, same as the old boss…

      • Nephilium

        No… These bosses are black on the left side of their face and white on the right side. The old bosses had white on the LEFT side of their face and black on the RIGHT side. Completely different.

    • rhywun

      “Republicans want to support our farmers herpity doo”

      “We have our own troughs to fill with luchre.”

    • juris imprudent

      No fucking mandate. Most of Congress was re-elected, meaning their constituents are HAPPY with the status quo. This is what Republicans have been doing for years*, so how can it surprise you?

      * see Thomas Massie on the annual charade

  2. Pat

    DOGE Caucus leader Joni Ernst eyes relocation out of DC for third of federal workers

    Well, it’s a good thing Mike Johnson will be giving them all that pay raise to help with the relocation expenses 🙄️

    • R C Dean

      I don’t like this idea. It just creates a new constituency in their new Congressional district/state for maintaining and growing the federal workforce. See, also, military bases.

      • juris imprudent

        See, also, military bases.

        I had a conversation one with a guy who had been a Navy detailer and he lamented the difficulty in finding an O-6 to fill a billet in New Mexico.

      • Banjos

        Exactly. They need to be sent to our Moon base.

      • Gustave Lytton

        the difficulty in finding an O-6 to fill a billet

        1) find a O-5 that wants to move up…

        2) do like what happens with an E-nothing, take the assignment or get separated.

      • Homple

        Why did the Navy need an O-6 in the desert anyway?

      • The Last American Hero

        Prepping for when the ice caps melt.

      • juris imprudent

        Why did the Navy need an O-6 in the desert anyway?

        Exactly my question. Congress said so apparently – it was a political chit cashed in. No one wanted it because it was a crap position and even a terminal O-6 didn’t want to finish up there. Nor did it actually do anything beneficial to the Navy.

  3. Pat

    Paul blocks bill to expand authority over drones; predicts state, local abuses of rights

    The trouble with this is that drone control neatly dovetails with existing federal authority over US airspace, so when it eventually comes to pass, either legislatively or administratively, there’s little chance of it being successfully challenged.

    • Swiss Servator

      …and people will routinely ignore such regulations, and the hapless G won’t be able to do anything about it.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Hapless G was the worst rapper ever.

  4. Pat

    House panel votes to release Gaetz report in surprise reversal

    Good. I’d like to think it would set a precedent, but of course we know better.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I’m with MTG, release all of their investigations.

  5. Chipping Pioneer

    Old, Frail And Moody

    So, someone with dementia.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Nice work on the tags, dummy.

      • Ted S.

        You sound old, frail, and moody.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Listen, you lying dog-faced pony soldier …

      • Not Adahn

        Tired and emotional?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Uh oh, someone’s got a case of the Bidens.

  6. rhywun

    “Clean cars are here to stay”


    Narrator: They are not “clean” and they can’t compete without massive subsidies to rich people. Good luck with that.

    • Sean

      Shitting in the street is still OK though!

      • cyto

        Didn’t Van Halen do a cover of that?

      • Not Adahn

        Well you might as well dump! Go ahead and dump!

    • Not Adahn

      The next method of attack will be fine particulate matter. EVs are heavier, so their tires produce MORE of the deadly carinogenic etc.

      You know what doesn’t need tires? Choo choos.

      • juris imprudent

        Diesel trains? Falls over in shock.

  7. cyto

    With all of this talk of drones in NJ, I just came across a prime situation for using drones.

    I’m sitting in a waiting room for a PET scan that requires radionuclides that have a short half life. So they have to make it at a nuclear reactor and send it overnight to be used immediately.

    Well, the shipment is stuck in traffic from the airport.

    This is absolutely the ideal scenario for a drone to deliver the pig.

    Somehow I don’t think the NJ situation is a pilot program for nuclear medicine delivery, but still….

    • R C Dean

      Yeah, I dunno about flying radioactives around in drones.

      • DrOtto

        Putting them in traffic with other dipshit drivers is cool though?

      • R C Dean

        At least in traffic they are surrounded by a few tons of metal. Unless they use motorcycles to courier them, like they do with transplant organs.

      • DrOtto

        I would think less prone to incident in a drone and the material itself could probably be secured relatively safely like a black box. Also, due to the short half life, wouldn’t be dangerous for long.

      • cyto

        Super short halflife… so all gone within a day or so. But still… probably would kill any service with the publicity.

    • Pat

      Hope all is well with the scan. I drove my mom to countless PET scans during her cancer treatment, but didn’t realize the logistics of the radionuclides. The place we went to was less than a mile from LAS (but then, pretty much everything in Las Vegas is within a few miles of the airport).

      • DrOtto

        At least call it by it’s proper name to give all due respect – Harry Balls Int’l airport.

      • Pat

        It was bad enough having to call it McCarran, I’ll never refer it to by the new title.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Las Vegas International didn’t suck as many dicks to get the title

    • Necron 99

      Good luck on the PET. I had one just last month and wish you the same results as I got; all major concerns were negative.

    • cyto

      What could Trudeau do?

      Freeze all of their bank accounts, revoke their licenses, have police arrest them on fraudulent charges…. you know, same crap he has been doing for several years now…

    • R C Dean

      I don’t follow flappy-headed politics, but do we actually know why, exactly, the Finance Minister resigned?

      • Chipping Pioneer

        She was pushing back against some of the recent spending gimmicks intended to buy votes.

        Last Friday, he told her (via Zoom) that he was planning to demote her from Finance.

        Monday afternoon, she was supposed to table the “Fall Economic Statement”. Instead, she knifed him Monday morning.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        This follows a pattern of Trudeau not playing well with people who disagree with him.

    • Suthenboy

      I may have this wrong. I remember once Australia had a Trudeau problem and no one could get the scoundrel out until one day an old man in a nice suit showed up with a letter. The letter was from Queen Elizabeth and addressed to the Australian head of state. It read “You are fired. Get out.”
      Apparently in the Commonwealth the crown has retained that power and almost everyone has forgotten. I am not sure if it is still that way or if I have my facts right.
      If it is, good luck getting that booger-eatin commie moron Charles to do it.

      • rhywun

        that booger-eatin commie moron Charles

        lol I forgot about that guy.

  8. cyto

    Rand Paul is a treasure. All the crap they packed in this omnibus bill, pork galore… and yesterday he pointed out that they included language to allow th congress to quash subpoenas from law enforcement.

    Likely designed to protect them from investigators finding out about Jan 6 and other potential criminal conspiracies.

    “Don’t read that bill… no time for that! The government will shut down!! We just have to pass it!”

    I hear 65% of the spending is not continuing resolution, but new spending. These guys are all class.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Accountability? What the hell’s that?

      • juris imprudent

        Damned if I know, but my constituents keep sending me here! /average Congress-critter

    • R C Dean

      “Likely”? What other possible purpose could have than to protect Congressholes from investigations?

    • rhywun

      Has one of these garbage CR’s ever been stopped before, I wonder?

      Will this one be?

    • The Other Kevin

      Shielding themselves from subpoenas was definitely meant to derail the J6 investigation. I’ve also seen a section prohibiting changes to the vaccine schedule. And it has funding for that censorship NGO. It’s like the Dems wrote this to include as many roadblocks to Trump’s agenda as possible. And Johnson tried to just wave it through so we can “start clean next year”. That guy is compromised and he needs to go.

  9. Drake

    It was great watching Congressional RINOs being bullied on social media until CR was pulled.

    We need to talk about Mike Johnson now. This is the third time he’s pulled this stunt. All smiles and promises a few weeks ago with Trump and Elon, then a last minute disaster of a bill which most Republicans had no input on. Sorry, can’t do that anymore and time for a new Speaker.

    • juris imprudent

      You’ll just go through the same struggle that brought him to power. The Republicans are mostly an establishment shop, with a dissident wing. The wing can cripple the rest of the party but cannot run it.

      It is identical to the establishment Democrats and the progressive wing.

      • The Last American Hero

        Not at all identical. Bernie is a commie that wants national control of everything. He doesn’t get that, but every bill that expands spending, size, and scope of the government brings things closer to his goal.

        It is why Bernie always wins.

        The Proggo wing is also why we have Justice Jackson and VP Harris, and the castration of children.

      • juris imprudent

        The mechanics of it are identical in terms of the party mass versus the party fringe. The Proggies all really believe they represent a majority of the country when they aren’t even a majority of Democrats.

        Does that start to sound a little familiar?

    • R.J.

      Matt tried to off Johnson too, he got shanked.

    • R.J.

      Matt tried to off Johnson too, he got shanked.

      • R.J.

        Not this again…

      • juris imprudent

        Apparently the squirrels get excited by Gaetz being shanked.

      • R.J.

        Yes. I read his investigation report will be released now, officially.

      • juris imprudent

        Considering this was investigated and nothing criminal was provable, this will be all gossip/rumor and no substance.

    • The Other Kevin

      The backlash was intense and it possibly worked. It wasn’t just social media, people were calling those offices nonstop. Musk threatened to back primary challenges to anyone who voted for it.

      The other interesting thing was for the first time, people ran that bill through AI to analyze it. That also seemed to work pretty well.

  10. PieInTheSky

    I am curious if anyone did the math… Assuming you wanted to balance the US budget just by raising taxes on the 35% $231,251 bracket and up… And assuming people pay and do not reduce their income… To what level would this tax need to rise to completely cover the deficit?

    • Drake

      I’ll guess: 130% if spending isn’t cut.

      • PieInTheSky

        that is why I said assume people make the same income and pay 🙂

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Laffer curve, bitchezz!!!

      • juris imprudent

        assume people

        Economics makes enough bad assumptions, you don’t have to throw fantasies on top of that. As with anything, the more you tax it, the less you get of it.

      • Ted S.

        Annual revenue 20% of GDP, annual spending 19/19/6, result: happiness.
        Annual revenue 20% of GDP, annual spending 20/0/6, result: misery.

      • Jarflax

        We have plenty of revenue. The problem is spending. It has always been a spending problem. We are on pace to spend 6.75 trillion this year. The people who decided what we will spend secure their own power and line their own pockets, and unless we figure out a way to hold them accountable they are not going to stop.

  11. PieInTheSky

    An incredible footnote to Germany’s economic suicide—the deliberate destruction of their energy sector and ensuing offshoring of their manufacturing base to China—is that they capped it all off by purchasing a billion euros of carbon credits from a Chinese scam company


    • Chipping Pioneer

      Yes. This is where the climate cult inevitably leads.

      • Suthenboy

        As planned.

    • juris imprudent

      Like the indulgences the Church sold, you redeem them in the afterlife.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I once thought of starting a website called carbonindulgences.com where people could pay me to not do things like eat a burrito or drive to work (I work from home). Unfortunately someone beat me to the domain.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Why am I not surprised by this?

    • Drake

      Time to send some more EU diplomats over to China where they can be snubbed and mocked. Funny how they think they are the most important people in the world while descending into irrelevance.

      • Suthenboy

        Isnt there an old saying about that?

    • The Other Kevin

      I was watching Jimmy Dore the other day, and he showed a clip of a Bill Gates interview. The interviewer (to his credit) asked what he thought of people criticizing him flying all over in a private jet. Gates said that’s ridiculous because he pays so much money for carbon offsets. Jimmy’s takeaway was that if you’re rich enough, you can do anything you want. The rules don’t apply to you.

      The whole concept of carbon offsets is a scam.

    • rhywun

      China has been playing the world for decades and laughing all the way to the bank. I hope it’s teetering on the edge of falling apart the way we keep hearing but whoTF knows.

      • juris imprudent

        I don’t know what other real problems China may have, but when Xi goes I think we will find out.

      • rhywun

        I’ve been hearing for years that the entire economy (esp. real estate) is a house of cards. Yeah, we’ll find out.

        It wouldn’t surprise me. Look how the CCCP fooled the world for decades.

      • Nephilium

        I had a couple headlines in my feed today talking about how the China economy is in a slow collapse now.

    • DrOtto

      That reads like Kamala speaks, but less slurred.

    • ron73440

      That’s amazing, like a perfect sentence written so well, it reaches dizzying heights of perfection.

  12. PieInTheSky

    Evil (Political) Scientist
    A potential cost-saving initiative: there are over 13,000 criminology professors– most of them at public colleges, not even counting the sociologists– whose research collectively failed to compete against a single anon. Fire them and at minimum we’ve saved $1 billion annually


    • The Other Kevin

      Wow that is amazing. I have long believed that craftsmen in the past were much smarter than we give them credit for, and there is so much knowledge that has just been lost.

      • Suthenboy

        It’s a bit different from that in my view. I think people’s very different idea about time and producing things made a huge difference in quality and practical application of ingenuity. Another factor would be that that is DAVID ROENTGEN’S automaton. I dont have a clue who made my coffee maker, my tractor or my Rifle and likely never will.

        * I once saw an apache saddle, quite a fancy one, made entirely from seed beads. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that was started by mom and finished by the daughter.

    • Tundra

      So cool!

      And the music is lovely. Thanks, man!

    • R.J.

      Excellent find. It may require more research to determine the answer.

      • Fourscore

        She doesn’t look Cambodian.

      • PieInTheSky

        looks can be deceiving

    • rhywun

      Good grief.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    I watched “Driven” last night.

    Wow. Words fail me. I remember hearing about it when they were making it, but I had never seen it.

    Truly a strong contender for dumbest/worst movie ever made.

    • juris imprudent

      Have you seen Asteroid City? We ended up watching it to the end to see if there was ANY good part at all. There was not.

      • ron73440

        Asteroid City was visually interesting, but it was a slog.

      • Nephilium

        Asteroid City was a strange one. I didn’t mind it, but doubt I’ll ever watch it again.

      • juris imprudent

        Asteroid City was visually interesting

        So is LSD, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

      • Pat

        Wes Anderson may be the most overrated son of a bitch in the history of film making. He directed 2 decent flicks, carried more by his cast than his direction, and spent the next 20 years making the same 2 flicks, with increasingly worse actors, while critics and awards committees competed like Olympic athletes to suck his dick for it.

      • juris imprudent

        AC had an incredible cast. I can’t figure out how Anderson convinced them – the script surely couldn’t have.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    “California has long-standing authority to request waivers from EPA to protect its residents from dangerous air pollution coming from mobile sources like cars and trucks,” EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in a statement. “Today’s actions follow through on EPA’s commitment to partner with states to reduce emissions and act on the threat of climate change.”

    “Climate change” is not air pollution, you fucking moron.

    I’d be okay with this if the manufacturers had the backbone to just sit back and watch California implode. But they don’t.

    • R.J.

      That will change as 2035 approaches.
      1. Removal of federal subsidies means only California subsidies remain, which will be in very short supply
      2. Only Tesla is making a profit on electric cars. Nobody else is, nor can they continue to lose money for a decade.
      As cruel as it sounds, I feel California should be forced to stay by their stupid mandate, go broke and starve. Only allow a federal highway carve out to allow regular diesel trucks to bring supplies from ports to the other states.

      • Tundra

        I believe Tesla only makes money selling indulgences to other manufacturers.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    “Clean cars are here to stay. The Biden-Harris Administration reaffirmed what we’ve known for decades — California can rise to the challenge of protecting our people by cleaning our air and cutting pollution,” Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) said in a statement on Wednesday.

    “Naysayers like President-elect Trump would prefer to side with the oil industry over consumers and American automakers, but California will continue fostering new innovations in the market,” Newsom added.

    The EPA also approved California’s “Omnibus” low-NOx regulation for heavy-duty highway and off-road vehicles and engines. The regulation aims to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions from heavy-duty highway and off-road vehicles and engines.

    Catalytic converters for your lawnmower and boat. That’ll fix it.

    Their talk about fostering innovation would sound better if they weren’t doing everything they can to fuck with Tesla.

    • rhywun

      If Greasy keeps chasing people of California at the current rate we might actually get to see what happens when he really does run out of other people’s money.

      That could be a useful example for the rest of the country.

      • ron73440

        You say that like they would learn anything.

        It would just be “Hoarders, wreckers, and kulacs” all over again.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yep like locust, they will just move onto the next wheat field

      • Nephilium

        If Greasy keeps chasing people of California at the current rate we might actually get to see what happens when he really does run out of other people’s money.

        Get bailed out by the Federal government?

      • The Last American Hero

        Yep. President Whitmer and VP Newsome will gladly sign that bill.

        Governor Harris will readily cash the check.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “Catalytic converters for your lawnmower”

      No need. Gas lawnmowers have been banned.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Chaos agents

    Welcome to the new Washington of Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

    The president-elect and the world’s richest man combined Wednesday to smash a short-term spending compromise orchestrated by Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson to keep the government open until early in Trump’s new term.

    The stop-gap measure is packed with nearly $100 billion in aid for Americans hit by multiple national disasters, economic aid for farmers, a federal commitment to rebuild Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge and a criminalization of revenge porn.

    But the Trump-Musk blocking maneuver plunged the capital into one of its classic year-end crises, pitched Johnson’s hopes of keeping his job into extreme doubt and offered a preview of the chaos that may churn in Trump’s second term.

    Things were perfect before these upstart bombthrowers stuck their noses in.

    • rhywun

      CNN finally found a Republican it likes.

    • The Other Kevin

      Once again CNN, please don’t throw me in that briar patch.

    • Nephilium

      They really need those statues of Benedict Arnold.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      The stop-gap measure is packed with nearly $100 billion in aid for Americans hit by multiple national disasters, economic aid for farmers, a federal commitment to rebuild Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge and a criminalization of revenge porn.

      Guys! What’s the big deal? It only had 4 things in the bill. It says so right there in the article. Just barely enough to money to get the government to Trump’s inauguration. What’s the problem?

  17. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    I asked ChatGPT to spew out some authentic frontier corporate gibberish for my performance review. One of my company’s goals is “passion”. I was supposed to explain how I incorporated passion into my job (engineers are not known for being passionate, the are known for being level-headed).


    Throughout this review period, [Employee Name] has consistently demonstrated a remarkable level of passion in their role, showcasing a deep enthusiasm, commitment, and drive toward achieving both individual and team goals. This performance review focuses on three key areas where their passion has made a significant impact: Energy, Persistence, and Initiative.

    1. Energy:

    [Employee Name] has exhibited exceptional enthusiasm in all aspects of their work. They bring a positive attitude to every task and consistently motivate their team members. Their energy is contagious, and it fosters a collaborative and inspiring work environment. Whether leading meetings, contributing to brainstorming sessions, or simply performing daily tasks, [Employee Name] displays a high level of excitement and dedication. Their enthusiasm serves as a model for peers and sets a high standard for engagement within the team.

    Key Highlights:

    Actively participates in team meetings with a positive, can-do attitude.
    Encourages others through challenges, maintaining a high morale even during demanding projects.
    Frequently takes on additional responsibilities to ensure team success.
    2. Persistence:

    [Employee Name] demonstrates remarkable persistence, often going above and beyond to overcome obstacles and ensure the successful completion of tasks. When faced with challenges, they do not hesitate to put in the necessary effort to find solutions. This persistence has allowed them to consistently meet deadlines and contribute to the achievement of both team and organizational goals. Their ability to stay focused and motivated in the face of adversity makes them a reliable and resilient team member.

    Key Highlights:

    Tackled difficult projects with tenacity, ensuring deadlines were met despite obstacles.
    Continually sought innovative solutions to problems, never settling for less than the best result.
    Demonstrated resilience during high-pressure situations, always staying committed to delivering quality work.
    3. Initiative:

    [Employee Name] consistently demonstrates initiative, proactively identifying and acting on opportunities for improvement. Whether suggesting process enhancements or stepping up to address issues before they escalate, they have shown a keen ability to anticipate needs and take decisive action. Their proactive approach contributes to the continuous improvement of the team and overall organizational performance.

    Key Highlights:

    Spearheaded the adoption of a new tool that streamlined communication across the team, resulting in improved efficiency.
    Took the lead on several initiatives to improve team workflows, showcasing both leadership and innovation.
    Regularly provides constructive feedback and suggestions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

    In summary, [Employee Name] has proven to be an exceptional performer in terms of passion. Their energy, persistence, and initiative have had a positive impact on both their individual performance and the overall success of the team. They consistently inspire those around them, overcome challenges with resilience, and proactively contribute to improvements in processes and performance.

    Areas for Development:
    While [Employee Name] excels in many areas, continued growth in [insert development area, e.g., time management, delegation, etc.] will further enhance their effectiveness.

    • ron73440

      That is great, are you going to submit it as is?

    • Jarflax

      if your company doesn’t make porn it should probably save the passion for the weekend.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Now your boss can use ChatGpt to process the evaluations.

    • The Other Kevin

      Grok is now free on X, and I’ve already wasted a few minutes on it. It is fun.

    • Fourscore

      That’s great, Nick

      In another life, I used to be tasked with writing recommendations for Higher Ups awards. As a general rule one would think that a person ought to be writing the recommendations for subordinates but that’s not always the person doing the actual paper work .

      “Here, how about you writing a recommendation for the Chief”

      “But Sir, he’s my boss”

      “Yeah, you know him better than anyone else”

  18. The Late P Brooks

    It was not immediately clear how closely Trump and Musk were coordinating. But the timeline of Musk’s pressure and the president-elect’s belated entry into the public fray offered demoralized Democrats an opening. New York Rep. Dan Goldman conjured a scenario on X clearly calculated to get under the president-elect’s skin. “As the shadow Pres-Elect, Elon Musk is now calling the shots for House Rs on government funding while Trump hides in Mar-a-Lago behind his handlers,” Goldman wrote. “It increasingly seems like we’re in for 4 years of an unelected oligarch running the country by pulling on his puppet’s strings.”

    Where have I heard this before?

    • EvilSheldon

      Good choice. I know a guy at Gideon. Their stuff is very solid, even for the price.

      • Not Adahn

        I am just hoping it actually works. It should, because while SIG optics don’t actually fit on their purported footprint, the SIG footprint should accept non-SIG optic (I think).

    • PieInTheSky

      why do you need a green dot? are you some econut?

  19. PieInTheSky

    Sex differences in paid work, housework, and childcare, 1965-2022 (U.S. data). Some interesting, unexpected trends.

    Key findings:

    • Paid work: women up; men slightly down; men still do more
    • Housework: Men up; women down; women still do more
    • Childcare: Both sexes up, but men especially; women still do more
    • Total work: Similar but men do slightly more


    • kinnath


    • The Other Kevin

      That one’s good.

    • juris imprudent

      I may have to write something about that. I’m slowly coming around to the reality that most people aren’t like us – they really do want to be told what to do. Freedom scares the hell out of them and they sure as hell don’t want to be accountable to themselves or anyone else for their choices.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Scorn and defiance; slight regard, contempt

    President Joe Biden is pledging to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by more than 60% by 2035 as he fights to ensure his legacy on slowing global warming, even as President-elect Donald Trump vows to undo much of Biden’s climate work when he takes office next month.

    Biden said the new goal — which supersedes a previous plan to cut carbon emissions at least in half by 2030 — keeps the United States on track to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide by 2050. The U.S. is making a formal submission of the new target, known as a Nationally Determined Contribution, to the United Nations under terms of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, Biden said Thursday.

    The new goal calls for reducing net emissions by 61% to 66% below 2005 levels in 2035.

    “I’m proud that my administration is carrying out the boldest climate agenda in American history,’’ Biden said in a videotaped statement.

    Fuck you, and good night, America.

  21. cavalier973

    My family went to DisneyWorld back in 1992, and it was awesome.

    I went back with my wife and daughter in 2004, and it had been turned into “The Disney Store—with rides!”

    Now, they are planning to tear Frontierland out of the Magic Kingdom, and replace it with “Cars Land”, or some such nonsense.


    Anti-racists are some of the most miserable, anti-joy people on earth.

    • The Other Kevin

      That’s terrible. My family used to go starting around 1975. My wife and I went sometimes twice a year, and when we had kids we took them once a year. Last time I went was for my 50th birthday in 2021. I’ve seen it all and have great memories. But I hardly go anymore because it’s so expensive, the quality keeps going down, and the entire experience is stressful. I keep hoping Nelson Peltz succeeds in taking over.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Biden, in his remarks, called the new goal “ambitious” and said it would lead to thousands of well-paying jobs, more affordable energy, cleaner air, cleaner water and a healthier environment for all Americans.

    “It is also creating real momentum because we’re unleashing American ingenuity and innovation. And together, we will turn this existential threat into a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform our nation’’ for decades to come, Biden said. “I know we can do this.’’

    The proposal would require sustained changes across the economy, from power generation to transportation, buildings, agriculture and industry, including significant increases in renewable energy such as wind and solar power and steep cuts in emissions from fossil fuels such as oil and coal.

    There should be billboards all over the country asking “What will you give up to make this happen?”

    Let’s get back to that WWII spirit of communal sacrifice for the common good. Do without. Have big phone and electronics collection drives, just like collecting aluminum pots and pans to be melted down for airplane wings.

    • kinnath


      too little too late most likely

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Fani’s been wiped from the case? That is good news.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Feel the pain

    “If your package is delayed during the holidays, you can blame Amazon’s insatiable greed,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien in a statement. “We gave Amazon a clear deadline to come to the table and do right by our members. They ignored it.”

    Winning friends and influencing people.

    • Suthenboy

      O’Brian can go fuck himself. Typical union/mafia bullshit. My beef has apparently rotted on a truck somewhere. The butcher gave me the offer this morning of re-sending the order or giving my money back.

      Unions and commies: provoke provoke provoke, sling shit all over everyone. People get tired and push back then “Oh My God! Look what the evil greedy rich did to us!” Then up the ante and provoke even harder. Fuck them. They are criminal minded people behaving like criminals.