Welcome to another Audience Appreciation Thursday! This Thursday, I have picked Trancers, suggested by slumbrew!
How many Trancers have there been? Anyone hazard a guess? I thought about making it a quiz in the comments, but you can just look it up. There have been 6, plus a short film (Trancers 1.5). I found them all. One note – Trancers 4 and 5 require a subscription to Full Moon Features. Everything else is free streaming:
- Trancers 1.5: City of Lost Angels – BY SHORT FILM MEAN… 25 minutes.
- Trancers II
- Trancers III
- Trancers 4: By film #4, the producers gave up on the fancy Roman numerals. I think it was a mistake. They could have taught The Kids about reading Roman numerals above 3.
- Trancers 5
- Trancers 6
So what is this movie all about? IMDB provides our summary today:
Jack Deth is a kind of cop/bounty hunter in the bleak Los Angeles of the future. He’s become obssessed with chasing Whistler — an evil criminal who uses powerful hypnotic powers to transform people into zombie-like creatures known as trancers. Whistler has managed to escape through time travel and is loose in 1980s L.A., but Deth is on his trail.
This film is a certifiable cult classic, as you can tell by the huge number of sequels and articles written about it. Tim Thomerson played the main character in Trancers 1-5, which is quite the continuity. In Trancers 6, there was a sex swap and a lady played Jack Deth. Also notable (Spoiler Alert), Helen Hunt played Jack Deth’s girlfriend and then wife for Trancers 1-3. A few years after that, Helen got a role in Twister, and her accelerating career most likely put a damper on her availability for future sequels.
According to many reviews (as well as my opinion) Tim Thomerson held this whole series together. He is excellent in this and kept the whole thing rolling through Trancers 5. You could do worse than watching the series, should you need something to do for a day. So, please enjoy the first film of this series tonight, and watch more at your leisure. All the links are provided above.
So watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week, Audience Appreciation Thursdays continue with Anatar!
Helen Hunt is just cute as a bug’s ear in this movie.
*presses play*
I don’t think I know this. Assuming it’s not Scanners which I have been confusing it with since it was first mentioned.
I haven’t seen it either, but it looks very 80’s.
It also sounds very 80’s, which I know you like.
You know it’s 80s because everyone is smoking everywhere.
Well, everyone smoked from when movies began until around the 90’s or so.
I’ve also never heard of this. Born in ’87, I only ‘remember’ the 80s through what Bro born ’81 filtered to me. I maintain I’ve never seen an episode of Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers. I know of the former’s characters and spin-offs from culture, for sure. Scanners’ headsplosion, I have seen many times. Well, I wasn’t competent in the 80s but I’ve caught up in many ways. (For funsies, Bloodsport is legit one of my favorite movies.)
Good Simpsons, seasons 1~9.5, and Calvin & Hobbes are needled into my childhood and ongoing. Bro VCR recorded 20+ tapes of episodes and we can still quote them at length. C&H was the perfect outlet for my imagination.
OK. I may do a couple greatest hits movies this net year, including “Joysticks.” one of the greatest 80’s Skinimax flicks. I should get you young ones a crash course together.
Early gamer-girl porn?
That’s because Bloodsport is a great movie. Kumate! Kumate! Kumate!
‘Born in ’87, I only ‘remember’ the 80s through what Bro born ’81 filtered to me.’
We’re the same, weird.
‘I’ve never seen an episode of Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers.’
Well, I take it back. Mr. Rogers neighborhood was trippy. And fraggle rock… Watched a lot of sesame Street and no Simpsons allowed in our house.
“They could have taught The Kids about reading Roman numerals above 3.”
Some kids today can’t even read analog clocks with regular numerals.
Yuck. I understand changing times and kids adapting to their new environment, but bitch, please. My generation’s endumbening of youth is sickening. It’s beyond embarrassing. Kids grow up in the bubbles their parents created from one Cloud through another. They have no concept of life outside of supervision. Without being told/led, I can’t imagine how they’d react to the rest of humanity, those outside the bubbles created for ’em.
I suppose I only see it through my bro’s three, but he’s intensely calculative. Mom agreed it’s hard to be too upset because his machinations are well-devised and often *work.* It’s frustrating. I’ve no way of knowing his inner plans with his children are, but I know he’s got several stewing. (He did with me.) He and his wife are also True Believers and its religiously- without -saying- it’s- religion passes through them. I’ve begun bringing up my counter-Colin to the dinner table, in a friendly ‘Brothers are different’ way. *Ev’s quizzical, self-scheming eyes darting*
Well, okay, so my son’s problem was the opposite. He was born thinking he was in charge and spent every day trying to prove it, to disastrous consequences. Then he turned 18 and he could legally be let loose. Now he’s in charge, but he bought a POS car that’s devouring his paycheck. He does not like this adulting thing, but it’s better than being a minor.
Bring an adult>>>>x9999999 better than being a kid
My parents were great, I was just very unhappy with life and didn’t know how to fix that. Took 30÷ years but I think I’m getting the hang of it.
My dad used the term “a quarter after 8” with a young ‘un. The kid he was talking to said it’s only 8:15, not 8:25. I tried asking my own kids what time is it if it’s quarter after 8. They both responded 8:25.
I can’t even. 🤦♂️
I… I… I… give up.
I understand _why_ they’re confused. But still.
Once we move to the 100-hour metric day, they’ll be fine.
As an employer, I’m intrigued by your plan.
Each metric hour is only about 14.4 Imperial Minutes,and you have to pay overtime past 8 hours… so no one can work more than 115.2 Imperial Minutes per day, or 576 per week.
My kids can’t. I tried to teach them and they both absolutely refused to learn. I mean, there’s not much else I could do outside of holding their faces in a death grip and making them look at the clock.
MCLXVI, what’s so difficult?
Wait, I missed that this was about clocks with regular numerals.
What about clocks with no numerals?
I can read an analog clock with no numerals.
I can write in cursive.
I can drive a stick shift.
I can piece and quilt a blanket.
I can crochet a blanket.
I can bake.
I can sew clothes.
I can use hand tools (although I would prefer power tools).
I can do lots of the Old Ways.
However, I did erroneously tell my husband there were 2 pecks in a bushel, and then had to look it up because I wasn’t sure I was right.
My son just forced me to teach him how to read clocks properly. For some reason they’re still only learning half and full hours at school. 👀
I still use cursive sometimes…legibility varies. Thinking about getting back into journaling if/when I make it overseas…maybe if I take it slow and try and focus on the writing as well as the content.
Some day I want to fill out my tax return in Roman numerals.
You know how hard it is to render the vinculum in normal software?
Give onto Caesar?
*lights slumbrew signal*
I know!
Slumbrew? Buddy? You out there? I finally posted it!
Hockey game on?
Maybe. I will weep into my Old Fashioned.
I may have actually sold my house tonight. Just got inspected, I do not expect bad issues. Met the future owners. Nice people. Please have good thoughts for me. I need to sell this place to move into new stately R.J. Manor.
Wishing you the best!
Best of luck and I trust your knowledge and intuition are correct and the sale signed. Well-done.
Will admit, I kinda chuckled when I read this. You and I live very different lives. (I am grateful I don’t have the stressors of yours, to be fair.)
Absolutely R.J.!
Lots of games on. Also a good Lions/Packers game.
Hope the house selling goes as planned.
When we sold our TX house it had been on the market for 6 months. It sold for less than we’d hoped for, my wife was disappointed.
“It’s worth more than that” I had to convince her that it apparently wasn’t, since we had no offers on the original price.
In the process of buying the place I’ve been renting. I’m paying a little more than I wanted, but I really like it here.
Are the buyers bug-headed green aliens as well?
Did they say, “Your terms are acceptable,” or, “We come in peace”? Because that would be funny.
They are regular earth people! NOT greys, and certainly not like me, only about 5 or so of my race ever made it here. Which is good for you folks, we are a hecking libertarian mess.
The nice thing about Texans is they accept any being, as long as they are polite and not progressive politically. So we got along great!
At a hotel / jail.
Seriously though – thank you for submitting to my incessant whining about this. This is a good/bad movie and I hope everyone enjoyed it.
Dry hair is for squids.
*pops collar on duster*
You’ll be fine RJ. Housing prices are still whack. Enjoy your new pile of money.
Speaking of things that only happen in the future.
NASA delays Artemis II human moon mission once again as it wraps up heat shield investigation
We’ve naturally have to have a diverse crew. Part of that diversity includes our friends to the north. I wonder what kind of vig Canada has to pay for this.
DEI has been a giant albatross for NASA (as if it didn’t have enough issues) under the Biden administration. Heard something about this recently. Might have been here. Can’t recall.
Are you suggesting Sunita Williams wouldn’t be flying if she didn’t tick multiple boxes?
59 and female is not ideal for long term zero G.
I knew some NASA employees, been involved with the Houston crowd. The place is a wreck.
How have you been, by the way? You have been scarce.
I’m around here and there. Read more than comment. I’m on vacation at the moment. Always appreciate the movie posts.
And good luck with the new place. May you have many Firsts there.
Thank you sir. A spare bedroom (two actually) will await visiting Glibs after April. I believe I owe you a BBQ dinner and peach cobbler, should you come visit. I do not forget bets.
How much you want to bet he sticks his dick in the peach cobbler?
It would be his peach cobbler, he can do that.
That’s how you Libertarian!
I wonder how much of NASA’s dysfunction is from everyone good going to SpaceX and other private ventures and how much is it just always been crappy and we’re only now seeing it.
True…there weren’t as many options in 1969…either NASA or a couple of the major contractors…but NASA was where it was at.
Well, I’ve got a pretty good idea who ordered the CODE RED.
South Korean General Gives a Confused Account of a Failed Crackdown
General Park told them he still did not know who had ordered the troops to storm the National Assembly — a striking claim from the man who was ostensibly their commander. When some lawmakers urged him to resign, General Park said he had already offered to do so.
The country’s deputy defense minister, Kim Seon-ho, testified that the defense minister, Kim Yong-hyun, had ordered in the troops — a move he said he had opposed.
At this point I’d expect our military to the same laws be damned.
Korean politics and their military have always been a bit loosey goosey.
The important thing will be an unbroken string of jailed former presidents.
Some were jailed before they became President.
Playing as I type this. WTF on the video theme choice…
夜にはぐれて ~Where Were You Last Night~ / Wink
Lyrics are typical lost love 80s.
Well I be damned. Never heard this. Any other Glibs remember it?
Ankie Bagger – Where Were You Last Night
I remember that hook. After 1983 was a bit of a blur, due to work.
A lot of Wink’s hits were covers of foreign songs, I’ve found.
few years after that, Helen got a role in Twister, and her accelerating career
You misspelled Mad About You, where she was married to nice guy who wasn’t trying to put an acid dripping alien into her belly.
You are right, she got that in 1992.
Helen Hunt actually did an event down in Akron back a couple months back. It was billed as “A Conversation with Helen Hunt” and they screened Twister after it. Not my thing… but I did go to Bruce-A-Rama… so…
Neph! Glad you got to see Bruce. Also nice to see you on a Thursday.
I’ve got the Lions/Packers game on one monitor, and a browser on the other. Bruce is always a good time, that was my third or fourth time seeing him.
Campbell or Springsteen?
Common Tater:
Campbell. Why would I care about Springsteen?
” Why would I care about Springsteen?”
He was great before he became a political retard.
“He was great before he became a political retard.”
That was before Evan was born.
Objectively wrong.
Mojo bringing the Objectivism and facts.
“Objectively wrong.”
That’s not what “objective” means.
Have you ever seem him play?
I will not tow the lion!
I could say, “I hate his voice,” but I won’t. I will rather say, “His voice is just nasty.”
I don’t recall that plot Twister.
I haven’t seen Trancers in many years. I remember enjoying it. Can’t wait.
If you end up remembering too much of it, enjoy all the various sequels instead!
In unrelated video news, I’ve finished the draft edit of the z80 Backplane build video. It’s my proof of concept for doing video work. I’m doing quality passes for more mistakes, so it’s not going to be released quite yet.
I’m thinking I’ll see if I can’t embed it in an article.
If you have the know how, I would suggest a dynamics audio pass. Dynamics are good for music, bad for spoken word. Dynamics is the difference between loud and quiet, so compressing the dynamics evens out the audio. I usually do a dynamic pass that limits levels to -18 DB or -12DB and then Normalize (meaning maxing the highest and level) to between -8DB or -6DB. This depends on the project and how that compression and then expansion effects background noise.
I fear I know less than Sergeant Schultz.
Good stuff, nice choice.
Slumbrew’s choice! He wanted this for months and now has abandoned me when I honor him.
No doubt he will show up later.
Watching the Jim Benz interview with Rogan. This guy is putting what we’ve been saying around here in such a straight forward manner for the whole world to observe. He’s a great advocate for this.
Come on, Canada.
Seriously, when are you gonna snap?
That has to be bullshit.
I hope so but it’s Canada. It could be real. Under Castro’s love child, it wouldn’t be a surprise.
Gay North Dakota looks better every day.
The next Canadian election is going to be revealing. Either it’s going to be a wipeout or they stay the same Canada’s character will be revealed.
Why didn’t re-electing Castreau reveal Canada’s character?
You buried the lede. Telma Hopkins is in it.
*Accepts sword from UnCivil
*Commits Seppuku
Oh no!
*gives mouth to… … orifice hole* resuscitation.
Snow White Trailer Parody – Snow Woke And The Extremely Ugly Evil Queen | AI Generated
“ethically sourced couture” LOL
Mariska Hargitay!!! ROFLMAO That woman needs to go sit in the corner and think about what she’s done to the world.
I forgot who said it but AI does, indeed, get tits right if nothing else.
I think you said that when I showed the Jetsons AI.
Sometimes I love technology.
slumbrew can be right twice!
The selection of dwarves is *chef’s kiss*
Chafed, I posted this the other day, but I think it may give you new joy in the legal profession:
I really posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atcqMWqB3hw, but you need to be a computer nerd to love that (I love that).
This one sailed over my head.
LOL, sent to my metal loving IT little brother.
Love this.
May I suggest ‘Frankenstein Unbound‘(1990)? The last film directed by Roger Corman, starring John hurt, Raul Julia and Bridget Fonda. A time traveling car and Frankenstein! God bless Roger Corman.
Yay! It’s Friday.
It’s 25 out. That’s warmer than it has been
Good morning, Sean, U, and TAFKALack!
I want to quit.
But I’d be unable to finance my lifestyle if I did.
There’s a lot of stuff in my inbox I just don’t want to deal with today.
I think I understand how you feel. I’m beginning to hate December at work almost as much as I hate January at work.
Good morning, all.
Ctrl-A Del
That doesn’t fix the problem.
He tagged both of them. One as an example and one as a cautionary tale.
“Disable your adblocker”
I’m a back man and Helen Hunt in As Good As It Gets was one sexy scene.
My Internet is down. Good luck getting any information from Spectrum about how widespread it is.
It’s not as far as SW OH.
Does that help?
I need the laugh.
And the local supervisor type is off today so i have to talk with her supervisor, who is based out of MO and is open about not being a morning person.
So Hawk Tuah girl released a crypto coin in a scheme that might have crossed the threshold of illegality:
Don’t the people that “invest” in a minor internet celebrity’s crypto deserve to lose their money? How stupid can you be? I for one am going to hold onto my life’s savings until Danny Bonnaduce releases his, that’ll be a winner.
TBF, she was batting 1.000 on giving internet advice ’till this point.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Still green grass here.