by | Jan 14, 2025 | I Am Lame | 71 comments

Not Today, Satan!

Shortly after Squire’s crash, our squadron got tasked with providing a test pilot – a post-maintenance functional check pilot – to go to MCAS Yuma, AZ, for the upcoming Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI) course. Given staffing at the squadron at the time, the Fates of Irony decided this would fall to me. This is the course I had been slated to attend as a student, but since – and because – I had put in my package for the Marine Corps’ Funded Legal Education Program (the FLEP)1, the squadron couldn’t afford to use up tactical training, ammunition, et., on someone who might not be there if selected for the program – namely, Me. Absolutely no malice or hard feelings about that decision. I went to the CO a month or two earlier so that the squadron could find someone to replace me – to get those hours, flights and training – because the squadron needed a new generation of WTIs in order to remain capable of conducting its own training. One of my friends from deployment got tabbed for the slot instead.

In lieu of being a student, I would go test aircraft all day, every day, for ~5 weeks during the course, a kind of “Top Gun” for Marine helicopter pilots. Students fly in complex, demanding environments, almost all of it at night with live weapons and on night vision goggles. They break aircraft – a lot of aircraft do they break. Maintenance would work on the birds at night and then a couple of us would come in in the morning to test up as many of those helicopters as we could with the daylight we had.


My irony came with nostalgia, though. MCAS Yuma, AZ was where my Cobra career got started in earnest, just shy of 3 years earlier, as a brand new First Lieutenant and student AH-1W RAC (Replacement Aircrew) at the training squadron, HMT-303. My first live shoots in a Cobra were at Yuma in ‘93. And, truth be told, it wasn’t a chore. I loved testing aircraft. It was hard but honest work, out on the flightline with the mechs trying to turn non-functioning helicopters into functioning, flyable ones for the next night’s operations. It was the ultimate in applied science, too, with your own ass as part of the wager. “Is that tail rotor really tracked and balanced correctly?”

Then, a CH-46 and a Harrier crashed in the desert within a week of each other. Le sigh.

March 27, 1996
Web posted at: 12:45 a.m. EST

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The U.S. Marine Corps has ordered all “non-essential flight operations” halted for the next two days. The announcement came after the sixth crash of a Marine Corps aircraft in as many weeks, and the ninth this year.

The crashes have included three AV-8 Harrier “Jump-Jets,” an F/A-18D fighter jet, a Cobra attack helicopter [ed. note: this was Squire’s crash] and a CH-46 transport helicopter. The pilot of the Harrier jet that crashed on Monday ejected safely, and suffered only minor scrapes and bruises. However, five crew members have died in the five previous crashes.

The order to stand down came from Gen. Charles Krulak, the U.S. Marine Corps commandant, who said in a written statement it was an “attempt to identify and correct any discrepancies that may put Marine air crews and aircraft at unnecessary risk.” He said there was not yet any common cause apparent in the crashes.

The stand down is to take effect at all Marine Corps locations “no later than” midnight Tuesday and will last 48 hours. It affects both planes, including the Harriers, FA-18 Hornet fighters, EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare planes, KC- 130 refueling aircraft, and helicopters, including the CH-46 Sea Knights, CH-53 Super Stallions, AH-1 Super Cobras, and UH-1 Hueys.

The most recent crashes that led to the flight operations halt:

  • February 16, 1996: AV-8 Harrier crashed at Cherry Point, North Carolina; one fatality. [Wiggy’s]
  • February 29, 1996: AV-8 Harrier crashed at Chocolate Mountain, California; no fatalities.
  • March 1, 1996: Cobra Attack helicopter crashed near Columbus, Georgia; two fatalities. [Squire’s]
  • March 7, 1996: F/A-18D Hornet fighter jet crashed off the coast of South Carolina; two fatalities.
  • March 19, 1996: CH-46E transport helicopter crashed near Yuma, Arizona; no fatalities.
  • March 25, 1996: AV-8 Harrier crashed, again near Yuma, with no fatalities.

Reminder: It Can Always Get Worse

I’m kind of an outsider because I’m just there to support the Course; I don’t really “belong” to anyone. Consequently, I’ve got nothing else to do for the next two days – and my room at the Bachelor Officer’s Quarters (BOQ) is like a Motel 6 – so I wander over to the building where the students and instructors are because Opie and the Wood Man (Mike Wood) are both students, so I figure I’ll check in with them and get lunch. All of the helo guys are joking because “we’re in a mandatory safety stand-down for 2 days because a(nother) Harrier went into the ground.

For some reason – I have no idea why – CWO3 Michael Durant, U.S. Army, was there. I came in near the end of his talk during the “Safety Stand Down.” While it’s ancient history now, Warrant Officer Durant was the pilot of one of the two blackhawk helicopters involved in the Battle of Mogadishu. His H-60 Blackhawk was shot down during a raid, and he was eventually captured. i.e. He’s one of the pilots of the “Blackhawk Down” of movie fame.

The image of American pilots and servicemen’s bodies being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu was a significant cultural event at the time – at least it was for me and those of us who flew helicopters. I was in the training squadron when it happened – and here I was not quite 3 years later listening to him talk about getting his tail rotor shot off by an RPG-7. After his talk, as part of our safety standdown, there were some smaller group discussions and I got dragged into the room that included Durant’s colleagues from the Army’s 160th SOAR, the NightStalkers, the pilots who fly aircraft for Delta Force and Spec Ops.

Some folks who knew I had been in a crash invited me to listen and share anything relevant. I had “crash cred,” as it were, but here’s a lesson: it’s always better to listen first, then speak second. While we’re in the room, I chatted up a few Army guys from the 160th and they all had multiple crashes to their resume. Cackling about it, too. They joked about “bending” a few aircraft in the same day because of the nature of their training and missions. It was a reminder of an important lesson: no matter how bad you’ve had it, if you’re still breathing air, there’s always someone who’s had it a LOT worse. I’d had one crash – and I hadn’t been dragged through the streets by an angry mob or held hostage by a Somali warlord. The glass is always half-full in my world because, believe me, the moment you dare to tell yourself that this current thing and moment is the end of your rope? The Universe will, as surely as shit rolls down hill, prove you wrong: it can always get worse… and frequently, it does.

Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Flying

After 48 hours, everybody looks at each other, shrugs, and we’re right back at it. I had started testing consistently with this same Sergeant, a very good mech – or he likely would not have been invited out, honestly – very conscientious, smart, and earnest Marine, in his early- to mid-20s… a few years younger than I. He had a wife and a new baby and had just picked up E-5.

You fall into a rhythm and a bond develops after working on birds together. Silly things, mundane things, but they matter: breaking for lunch, natural stopping points in the testing process, grabbing something from the store so that we can skip chow and push through because we want to finish before it gets any hotter, etc. He’s in the front seat for a lot of the testing, running different equipment while I’m flying in the back. I let him fly us back to the airfield from the outlying areas once a test was finished – at least until we got back within controlled airspace and I needed to manage the radio calls at a place like MCAS Yuma, which sits right alongside Yuma International Airport and is within its airspace.

One day, late on a hot afternoon, we were working on the hydraulic servos for the controls – the control tubes sit just behind the pilot’s seat, running vertically, where there’s a small square metal plate, a deck, around the tubes. You can see it when the side panel is open if you look forward and up.

We were finishing up for the day, and now all that was left to do was do the ground checks, which took a few minutes, and then go out and do a series of flight control checks and hydraulics checks – maybe a 30 minute process in total. We’re flying out over the desert near the border of Mexico, not that far south of Yuma, doing the final maneuvers, nose up, nose down, angle of bank right and left, hydraulics on and hydraulics off – which is a little squirrelly – and right as I’m finishing up, the radio crackles and base/Maintenance announces:

“All aircraft – Return to base. Say again, all aircraft, RTB for Missing Tool.”

“Ohhhh, Noooooo!” I start in faux whine…

“…Some poor PFC left with a screwdriver in his flight suit.” The Sergeant finished for me. We chuckled because it didn’t happen too often, but it happened often enough – especially in really busy flight operations with people who don’t normally work together. Every single tool on a flightline is a controlled item – it has a tag, much be checked out, and checked back in, and accounted for. This is so that tools do not wind up mistakenly left in aircraft – which could be very bad.

99% of the time, however, when one of these gets called, it’s because some poor kid forgot a screwdriver in his pocket at the end of a shift and hopped in his car. If it happens on a Friday, it can be a drag because no one gets secured for liberty until every tool is accounted for – period.

We were done anyway, so I called back to base and acknowledged the order. We were the furthest aircraft away, too, so we were the last ass-draggers to land and taxi back into the line.

The Sergeant popped the panels to check and make sure no hydraulic fluid leaks and I started climbing out to do a maintenance post-flight inspection to see how everything looked.

“Sir?” The Sergeant came around the side of the aircraft and he looked stricken. He was holding the missing screwdriver. “I don’t know what to say-”

I was stricken, too. Part of my responsibility was to be his backup and part of my own typical checklist included accounting for the tools. I had missed it.

“On the hydraulic deck,” I said more than asked.

He nodded.

This was bad.

It is exactly the kind of mistake that kills people and has in the past. It was something to be specifically guarded against, but somehow we missed it – both of us. If that screwdriver rolled or fell off of that little deck – where he had left it while working in there – it could easily have gotten jammed in the flight control tubes and made us a smoking hole in the desert.

“I’ll take the hit,” I said. We both knew that it could cost him a stripe; that kind of consequence would not be unheard of under the circumstances. “Just tell them…” I didn’t want to ask him to lie, but I wanted to see if I could shield him from the consequences. “…Just give me the screwdriver and I’ll take it in.”

“Nossir- I mean, Sir. I- I appreciate that. But I’ll take care of it. It’ll be okay,” he reassured both of us.

The truth is I did not want to go in there with that missing tool – that had never happened to me in my 2 years of testing aircraft – but I also thought I could more readily absorb, and rightfully deserved my share of, the professional opprobrium for having been “that guy” this time. This time the “PFC with the tool in his pocket” was US.

The good news about that environment is that, in pretty short order, there’s the next thing that grabs the everyone’s attention and our dipshittery is instantly ancient history. I was back the next week testing and I didn’t hear anything more about it… likely because there was a bird strike; a buzzard went through Mike “Wood Man” Wood’s aircraft, exploding in his and the instructor’s face. It was Mike’s second career birdstrike, so the mechanics put the buzzard’s leg on a charm and gave it to Mike as a necklace.

I had to hitch a ride in the back of a Huey out to the site in the desert after they put in a new canopy, and did some other work on the aircraft. I think we had to ground turn it, then do some control checks, and fly it back to the airfield. I saw Mike at the O’Club and enjoyed hearing the story over a beer and wings. By late April we were back home at our squadron on the east coast and the comforts of home.

What could be better than that?

1 See MCO 1560.29E

About The Author



Born poor, but raised well. Marine, helo pilot, judge advocate, lawyer, tech startup guy... wannabe writer. Lucky in love, laughing 'til the end.


  1. dbleagle

    That was a fine thing you offered Ozy. A tip of my monocle to you.

    • Fourscore

      There are times when real leadership shows up.

  2. kinnath

    Fascinating. As always.

    • Ownbestenemy

      That ground impact reminds of the yahoos who dipped their Blackhawk into a lake.

      I think it was a Blackhawk…I can’t find video anymore of it. Guy dipped the bird into the water and then left.

  3. The Bearded Hobbit

    My sister (pro pilot) told me one time, “Anyone can learn to fly a helicopter. Just learn to sit in a chair and balance it on one leg”

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m both lazy and risk averse, so piloting is not a profession for me.

      • Fourscore

        I was scheduled to go to jump school (voluntarily). Jump school was 3 weeks, then an offer to go to tech school, 15 weeks, at the same time frame. I had to decide, I went to tech school. It was the right decision.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I’ve jumped out of a perfectly good airplane once as well. I was so nervous, I farted before we got to altitude. The whole cabin stunk like shit. It was the stinkiest fart I have ever emitted.

        When it was my turn, I stepped out onto the step, reached for the wing strut, and slipped off the step (it was raining). Luckily, the jump master was ready and pulled my drone chute. Pure terror until the the main chute inflated. Further terror until my guy on the ground talked into my ear, guiding me away from the power lines.

        I had bruises on my legs from the leg straps when the chute opened. I jammed my leg when I landed.

        /still want to do it again.

      • dbleagle

        So Derps videos show the difference between sport parachuting and military parachuting. If I remember correctly a sport parachute must be deployed NMT 2500 above the ground (maybe 2k?) and you have an auto deployer and wearing an altimeter. Plus they are rectangles which have lift and can “fly.” A good sport jumper can stall out just above the ground and step to the earth like coming down a step.

        High performance, aka C-130 and C-17 military jumps in training are usually 800 feet AGL. After you go out the door and do your count if you notice a problem you have 2-3 seconds to pull your reserve and help it if it doesn’t clearly deploy. (video 1) That trooper did it correct.

        In combat ideally you are jumping at night with a “metric fuck-ton” of equipment and you go out the door at 500 feet AGL. Since the opening sequence takes almost 450 feet to deploy, they do not bother issuing a reserve. Your one chute better work.

        Video 2 shows that non special operations troops don’t even get a steerable chute. You try to slip by pulling a riser. The jumper gets his equipment clear and is drifting slightly but not too much. Depending on his body weight, equipment, barometric pressure etc. he should be coming down at 16-20 feet per second. The DZ is at Ft Bragg so is mostly sand. All it takes on the drop zone is a small bump or hollow so the balls of his two feet don’t land together to cause a bad break in his ankle or/and his lower leg. That looks like what happened.

        Sport parachuting is that- a sport with lots of good to have safety procedures and equipment. Military parachuting is low tech and merely a way to get to the job site.

        -Retired Special Operations Jumpmaster with ~130 jumps.


      I always heard flying a helicopter was akin to trying to balance a golf ball on top of a bowling ball, but that works too.

  4. Evan from Evansville

    This is fantastic, thanks again. I love (and am semi-baffled by) the blase attitude towards testing formerly “non-functioning aircraft” in the morning after the night-shift got ’em operable again. It’s like a high-risk game of People testing (formerly sleepy) People to see how good *they* are at their jobs.

    I hope that made some sense. I’ve been having trouble expressing myself the last 36hrs or so. Plenty more thoughts reading this but now ain’t the best time, sadly. I do understanding the cacklin’ ’bout crashes, though. Especially when you think something like that over and over again, you’ll go insane f ya can’t laugh at bits of it.


    That was a magnificent example of how a Healthy Officer/NCO relationship should work. I imagine It is a little different in aviation, (what with all the officers actually being useful 😉 ). But I always saw the platonic ideal of said relationship being when the NCO protects the officer from problems from below and the Officer protects the NCO (and by extension his men) from problems from above.

  6. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    Test pilots are a different breed. I’ve worked with many (fixed wing) during my career.

    Thanks for some insight into the whirly kind of test pilots, Ozy.

  7. Ownbestenemy

    Absolutely love these Ozzy.

  8. juris imprudent

    the buzzard’s leg on a charm and gave it to Mike as a necklace

    Please tell me he never had another bird strike after that.

  9. slumbrew

    Thank you again for this fantastic series Ozzy.

  10. Tundra

    You’ve had a wild life, Ozy.

    Thanks for these. I read them all but am rarely around to comment when they drop.

  11. SarumanTheGreat

    All these incidents you describe reminded me of a memorable ‘helicopter’ accident at Lakehurst, the 1986 crash of what I consider a jury-rigged experimental heavy-lift helicopter/blimp combo. It stuck in my memory because the company I used to work for sold repair parts for some of the equipment used to build the monstrosity. Video link of the history of the beast and the crash below.

    • rhywun

      Holy crap that is bananas. What sick mind came up with that.

  12. Yusef drives a Kia

    Your nuts, God bless you

    • UnCivilServant

      Morning Sean.

      The peppers I planted at Christmas still have not sprouted.

      I’m beginning to think I’ve done something wrong. I’ve kept them as close to 70 degrees as I can. I don’t know if I’ve kept the soil too wet or too dry, and so on.

      • Sean

        We have heating pads. Current soil temps read at 82 f.

        Soil should be moist.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have a heating pad, but I got ripped off, it doesn’t have a temperature control

        How moist is ‘moist’?

      • Sean

        Obviously wet?

        For a point of reference, difficult seeds get placed in a soaked paper towel and put in a plastic baggie to germinate.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean and U!

      • Fourscore

        Good morning, GT

      • UnCivilServant

        Morning, GT, Fourscore.

        How goes it?

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, 4(20)!

        It’s darn cold here, for SW OH! Weather app says 5 degrees, “Feels like -5.”

        Got The Big Payroll finalized yesterday, after one error in which the payroll manager had left out a decimal point. 😳 This evening is our annually-belated staff holiday party, so we get to knock off at 3 and head over to the local Moose Lodge. Last year I didn’t stay for dinner, and I missed all the fun when the marketing director got drunk and then got hold of the microphone. He’s gone, but I think I’ll stick around longer and try NOT to be the one who does likewise this year.

      • Gender Traitor

        How about the two of you?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m mentally worn out and gave in to stress eating.

        My grandmother has reached the stage where she is unable to communicate when conscious, and is going through morpine faster.

        And I’m in the office.

        I made the mistake of getting the Sony noise-cancelling headphones some Glib recommended. The noise cancelling tech is run from an internal battery, and the charging cable is only six inches long. So obviously, I keep forgetting to bring in one of many longer cables that can take over, and don’t get any use from it while charging. The audio cable isn’t as short but is too short, sut I did remember to bring an extension cord for that. Funnily enough, it’s Radio Shack branded.

        I miss the pre-cell store Radio Shack.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yes, I’m rambling about irrelevancies to keep from addressing the real issues.

      • UnCivilServant

        (The real issues being the start of the first comment rather than the tangent about headphones.)

      • Fourscore

        We’re a -9 this morning but is going to warm today, Thursday/Friday warm then looks like the weekend is going to be a coldest days so far.

        My bee partner is coming on Friday, the plan is to move 10 hive boxes from his location to my house, so I can clean them up before spring/bee time. Hopefully the bees will be dead but the winter has been mild so there may be some survivors. Time to start thinking HH.

        We had moved my bees to his property a week before HH to avoid confrontations locally.

      • Gender Traitor

        U, under the circumstances, I think you can be forgiven for indulging in some “comfort food.” It beats other, more self-destructive methods of coping some folks use. I’m glad you were able to see your grandmother before she declined to this point, and I hope the morphine is effective in alleviating her pain.

        4(20), I hope any buzzy survivors don’t object too strenuously to their relocation. 🐝🐝🐝

  13. Fourscore

    Good morning Sean and UCS,

    Pepper seeds take a long time to germinate, a month isn’t unusual. You are getting into the zone, right about now.

    I planted 3 year old apple seeds, also slow to grow with a low germination rate, I replanted in the same pots about 3 weeks later. Then the first ones started and the second ones. Out of about 100 seeds some 30 or so sprouted. A few weak ones died, I transplanted a few, some died.

    Doesn’t matter, it’s the fun of seeing something green this time of year.

    • Fourscore

      I want 18 baby trees, mostly to give away, keep a few to plant for the deer, outside the fence.

    • Suthenboy

      I can’t grow apples here. I hate that.
      Working on passion fruit, Elliot’s huckleberry, jasmine, climbing rose and some sweet pea. If I throw a rock north it will land in zone 8. If I throw one south…zone 9. The variety of things I can grow here that survive both summer and winter is a bit narrow.

      • Fourscore

        We’re kind of at the junction of zones 3 and 4. Any zone 4 stuff I tried seemed to not do well, season is too short and cool.

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m pretty sure only the zebra cactus is still alive. I wish I knew more about early warning signs for that so I can avoid problems. Problems are inevitable, but catching them before it’s obvious to a black thumb like me would be great.

      • Fourscore

        Mrs F has her cactus, (Compliments to Mike S) in the kitchen window. It looks healthy but I know more about cabbages than cactus.

  14. Grosspatzer, Superstar

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    I hope the rest of the confirmation hearings are as entertaining as yesterday’s. I’d love to meet the people who wrote that script; daytime TV has never seen such comedy. How did Gillebrand and Hirono get elected? They apparently thought they were guests on the View, shrieking harpies.

    • Ted S.

      Gillibrand was elected to the House in 2006 beating a Republican under a cloud of scandal. She was appointed to the Senate when Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State.

      Nobody even wackier to the left has tried to primary her.

      • rhywun

        And amazingly she has made no impression whatsoever, not even to those of us who live in her state.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzie and Ted’S.!

    • Suthenboy

      Ugh. It was pathetic theater and a game of fantasy gotcha! . The dems line of attack amounted to “If this were true you would be disqualified, wouldn’t you?”
      What the hell is that?
      The only reason Biden is not the biggest idiot to ever sit in the senate is because Hirono got elected. My god that woman is stupider than a mushroom. I am guessing she didnt have enough protein in her diet when her brain was developing.

      • rhywun

        It sounded like junior high school cafeteria insults to me.

    • Ownbestenemy

      “I have no patience for any of them,” he said. “After you survive this, you don’t care what they say.”

      Good start…

      On Tuesday morning, Gerber, 53, was thwarted. “I’m trying to sneak in right now and it’s super hard,” he said by phone, his voice winded as he walked briskly, looking for an opening. Police had entry points “tight as hell,” he said. “They are everywhere now.”

      I will take a $1,000 bet that this man Gerber, squeals about how borders don’t work and voted to reduce manpower at the international border…

      “So we called somebody who was very important who called Gavin Newsom and told him to let our water truck into our neighborhood,” Gerber said.


      Overall, great article. Getting in the unimportant information about the Mercedes SUV to get the have-nots riled up and then going for the kill with this one guy pulling favors to get a water truck to sit in front of just his house. That should let the lessors know their place.

      • Sensei

        Yes. I enjoyed the call Gavin quote.

      • Suthenboy

        They are going to keep doing the same shit they did to get in this mess in the first place. See: Dems puzzled as to why they lost while doubling down on what they did to lose.
        It is amazing.

    • juris imprudent

      living in a Hobbesian world … neighborhood entrances flanked by National Guard troops, Los Angeles County Sheriff deputies and California Highway Patrol officers.

      JFC, read Hobbes – like actually read him, before writing something so stupid.

  15. Gustave Lytton

    Good morning, Glibbernam!

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, GL!

  16. UnCivilServant

    It is a sad indictment of humanity that the second warning on the label of my 3D printer resin (which you have to wear a respirator when working with) is “Do Not Drink the Resin”.

    • Gender Traitor

      “Resin? I thought it said retsina!” 🥴

      • UnCivilServant

        I realize that every warning label is the result of an incident, usually a lawsuit.

        So there had to have been enough people dumb enough to drink the resin that someone associated with that set sued over the results.

        We really need some form of tort reform where a manufacturer isn’t out scads of cash if one of their customers is so fucking stupid they’d drink toxic photopolymers.

      • Suthenboy

        Having taken a glance or two over the history of tort law it is easy to see why we have it. Manufacturers can be just as moronic and evil as consumers and really bad things have happened. Unfortunately things went a bit off of the rails earlyish 20th century when tort law turned into a lottery game.

      • Ted S.

        The wine that smells like Pine-Sol!

      • R C Dean

        Tort law got unbalanced with a handful of changes:

        (1) We got away from the plaintiff pays the legal expenses of the defendant if the defendant wins. Of course the plaintiff’s legal expenses are often part of their damages, so they get paid by the defendant if the plaintiff wins.

        (2) We got away from “assumption of the risk” – if you do something that carried the risk of X and were either warned about it or the proverbial “reasonable person” would recognize had the risk of X, and then X happened to you, you couldn’t sue for it.

        (3) We got away from “contributory negligence” (although it varies by jurisdiction) – if the plaintiff is also negligent and it contributed to their damages, they couldn’t collect for that percentage of their damages.

        Basically, it’s like Current Day football rules – constantly tweaked to favor the offense and handicap the defense.

    • Suthenboy

      How so? Sad that you have to say that or sad that someone would warn people instead of letting them remove themselves from the gene pool?

      • Ownbestenemy


      • Suthenboy

        My favorite example are fish lures. Printed on the back of a package of fish lures bristling with hooks is “DO NOT EAT”

      • UnCivilServant

        See my reply to GT.

        It’s not just that I don’t have sympathy for the dumbasses, but they make things more difficult for those of us able to exercise common sense and lead to a pointless proliferation of warning labels.

      • Suthenboy

        Difficult and expensive as hell. I am sure some actuarian can tell us the exact percentage of the price of everything is the cost of possible (inevitable) litigation.

  17. Ownbestenemy

    “All aircraft – Return to base. Say again, all aircraft, RTB for Missing Tool.”

    Our radar at Holloman was mid-field so we were subject to the same tool inventory as the flight-line folks. Pain in the ass, but you understand why. Don’t need a maintenance truck rolling across an active taxi-way dropping unaccounted for tools and they end up puncturing an F-117’s tire prior to takeoff.