Big Tits Zombie

by | Jan 30, 2025 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 81 comments

Big Tits Zombie

It’s time to thank Common Tater for all the good he brings to Thursday nights! He has asked for this film for at least a year now, and I each week I have been distracted and failed to play it. Kind of. Really the only streaming copy is on YouTube, and that hasn’t changed in over a year. Considering the YouTube version has been out there for quite some time, I took a chance. YouTube is normally quite fickle about these things, so I usually watch the URL for a few months before committing.

Without any further ado, please enjoy… Big Tit Zombies! Can you guess what it is about? Zombies with big tits, you say? Well, your pedantic brain would guess wrong. See the plot summary below, courtesy IMDB:

Lena Jodo works at an unsuccessful strip club called Paradise Ikagawa along with his five female co-workers. But everything changes when they summon an army of zombies by accident. Now they are the only ones who can save the world.

Aha! So it’s big-tits strippers vs. zombies! Next time I am at a sci-fi convention I will be sure to drop by Takao Nakano’s booth and spend at least thirty minutes explaining the proper use of the English language. He’d love that! Why would he be at a sci fi convention you ask? Since Takao made Big Tits Zombies, he got picked up by Tsuburaya Studios , where he has spent years writing screenplays for Ultraman TV shows. He wrote the highly respected Ultraman Orb series, for example.

OK, this is it for this week. I am neck deep in house paperwork as I prep to move in March. Until next week, please enjoy this film full of scantily clad Japanese girls, who begin fighting zombies at approximately the 32 mark. Watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary!

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. R.J.

    YouTube, covering itself in glory, is starting half-way through the movie. Just rewind it.

  2. Common Tater

    Sorry, I wasn’t here last Thursday for the anniversary. Congrats!

    It’s also at

    Also, you can use FreeTube if YouTube wants you to sign in.

    • R.J.

      YouTube did not ask me for an ID, which is good.

      • Common Tater

        Thought it might have been age-restricted.

      • Tres Cool

        23 minutes before bobs….which is better than watching Titanic

      • Common Tater

        Japan has some very good surgeons.

      • Tres Cool

        But all their asses look like cookie sheets.

      • R.J.


      • Evan from Evansville

        This conversation is fabulous. Must investigate further.

  3. Common Tater

    The whole title is “Kyonyū doragon: Onsen zonbi vs sutorippaa 5” which translates to “Big Tits Dragon: Hot Spring Zombie Vs. Stripper 5”, although I don’t think there is a hot spring, and there weren’t four previous movies. Maybe they mean there are five strippers?

    I’ll let the dragon part be a surprise :O

  4. rhywun

    LOL great title. To the point.

    I decided to hit my town’s Reddit page after reading about some drug arrests at the junkie apartment building across the street and lo! Everyone’s going apeshit because ICE showed up today to collect a violent cultural enricher. “They’re just making an example out of us waaaahhh!”

    Um… yes?

    • Common Tater

      Living across the street from a junkie apartment building sounds like a bad idea. Those people steal.

      I rented a house near an apartment building where heroin was sold. If I left anything worth more than $10 in my backyard it would magically disappear. Once, some junkie broke into my car, just so she could sleep in it. Another somehow managed to jimmy open my backdoor while I was asleep. I heard a noise in my kitchen, then I heard the door slam after him, after he heard me cock my 12 gauge. Trust me, you don’t need that shit.

      • rhywun

        The worst I get from them personally is their dogs shit all over my building’s lawn. They are not supposed to have dogs but of course every single one of them does (that’s according to the police chief – they are paying a lot of attention to this building since it opened last summer).

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I rented an apartment in a flop house in downtown Duluth before I moved my family here. The craigslist pictures looked great! I was already paying a mortgage on the house back in Dubuque – I didn’t need a deluxe apartment in the sky up here.

        In actuality, it was a dump. The toilet bowl was pure rust stains. But the entertainment was free: My next door neighbor was a taxidriver who gave handjobs/blowjobs/maybe more on the side. I watched her blow a dude while parked outside my window.

        I watched a naked lady, high on something, fight with the police outside my window.

        It was a magical time that I hope to never experience again.

      • Common Tater

        “I didn’t need a deluxe apartment in the sky”

        So you didn’t have a wife named Weezy?

      • rhywun

        The cops are called over to this place multiple times a day but honestly I’m more pissed off at Stampy McStamperson upstairs and Miss Shouty McOrgasm next door on one side and Whiny McCanine on the other side.

      • Chafed

        I’d like to know more about Shouty McOrgasm.

      • rhywun

        I’d like to know more about Shouty McOrgasm.

        Not at 4 o’clock in the morning when you have to get up in a couple hours you don’t.

    • rhywun

      The county says “no biggie, we assisted ICE” which is interesting because supposedly they are not allowed to because sAnCtUaRy.

      Well, which is it? You can’t have it both ways.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The freak out seems to be site wide in the town focused subreddits.

    • Sean

      Should have moved into my neighborhood.

  5. R C Dean

    “as I prep to move in March”

    It’ll be here, and then done, before you know it.

  6. Aloysious

    I want to be off work right now or sooner so I can be exposed to this culture and refinement.

    And yes, bobs too.

    • rhywun
      • Aloysious

        *shakes Fist at rhywun*


      • rhywun
      • Chafed

        That’s what I was expecting.

      • Ted S.

        I would have guessed this.

      • Ted S.

        Or maybe this.

  7. CPRM

    Damnit! One of the few times I’m off on a Thursday and I totally forgot about GlibFlix until just now. And no Joke, for the past couple hours I’ve been watching videos about defunct video stores. I offer one of RJ’s songs in condolence. Time for some Big Tit Zombie action!

  8. CPRM

    Continuity Error: The pervert zombie tears off their tops and in sprays them with blood. In the next scene their breasts are no longer exposed. This is a plot hole!

    • rhywun

      I hate when breasts are no longer exposed.

    • Chafed

      That’s the sort of professionalism we’ve come to expect from you.

  9. Evan from Evansville

    Dad’s article submission is in but I don’t see a way to preview it. I submitted it for review, but I wanted to confirm my *own* approval. I need to find some art to make it look nice, especially. I just want to make sure it isn’t published before I’ve gotten it where I/he’d like it to be.

    A vet clinic contacted me today about work. That would be mighty interesting, especially if there are ways to train upwards into vet techy territory. Another career curve ball for me, and I’d be quite interested if this one has some legs to it. Koreans don’t eat all of ’em.

    • rhywun

      Can you come “take care” of the asshole dog that lives next door to me?

      Xe does this whimpering thing that like a baby’s cry is calculated for maximum fingers-on-a-chalkboard.

      • Chafed

        Is it abandoned?

      • rhywun

        Maybe parts of the day?

        The human(s) are loud drunken grad students so who the fuck knows.

        Fortunately all the residents here turn over every year so maybe I’ll luck out next year and get a bunch of respectful quiet not-assholes.

      • Suthenboy

        Didnt you move there from NYC? It doesnt sound like an improvement.

  10. LCDR_Fish

    Eggs and Dairy is pretty cheap at the commissary here – seems to be mostly from Denmark. Apparently…EU rules(?)…Italian produce isn’t much cheaper on base than off base – and both a significantly more expensive for smaller containers than the imported fruit, etc in the US. In Norfolk, I could get 2 pints of blueberries at the commissary (or walmart) from S. America for $5. Here, a half-pint or so from Italy (in winter) is almost $5 – and smaller berries too.

    As far as the Little House books – Amazon is listing a box set of paperbacks from 1994 – does that predate all the editing frenzies or do I need to look for something older? I know the ones my family read out loud were probably early-mid 80s printings – I think it was a box set too – similar format if it includes all the original illustrations.

    • LCDR_Fish

      That is to say – a dozen eggs is under $2, and 1L cartons of whole milk are about $1.50.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      1994 is probably pre-woke, but ask Moj.

  11. Gustave Lytton

    If you did a dry January, you’re an idiot. If you’re celebrating with a drink on Saturday, you’re an even bigger idiot.

    • Suthenboy

      This sounds a lot like marriage.

    • Brochettaward

      I mean, clearly that’s something you celebrate with a First. Everything should be celebrated with a First.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Dry January is a good way to recover from drunken December. Gotta nip that cirrosis in the bud, you know?

  12. Suthenboy

    Listening to some of the Kash Patel confirmation hearings and commentary about them. wow. If the Dems and RINO’s have showed anything it is that Patel is far and away the best man for the job. They have also showed how completely machiavellian they are themselves but at least they are…not very bright. It would be different if they just had a different view of things but they do not. They have no view at all. They are completely bereft of any principle or morality at all.

    The whole spectacle is pathetic. Their outrage seems focused on two aspects of this spectacle: The destruction of their war on competence: DEI and the impending exposure of the crimes they have been committing since Obama. One even asked Patel in a not so round-about way ‘ Do you dare expose these crimes which we most certainly committed? Do you really have the temerity to do that?’

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Maybe they’re prejudiced against the Bug Eyed American community. But seriously, Patel’s alright and more importantly right, the FBI needs a

      Also, get this from Wikipedia: “Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel[1][2] (born February 25, 1980) is an American lawyer, former federal prosecutor at the U.S. Department of Justice, and conspiracy theorist.”

      Doesn’t any prosecutor worth his salt have to be a conspiracy theorist by definition? Oh, and go fuck yourself Wikipedia.

      • Suthenboy

        “…the bug-eyed American community…”

        How would you like to get into a no-blink contest with that guy? Jeeez, not fair.

      • rhywun

        and conspiracy theorist

        Oh, for fuck’s sake.

      • Suthenboy

        They cant help themselves.
        I remember a time when the Soviets were doing shit like that and people here shook their heads over that kind of thing all the while consoling themselves with the delusion that ‘That cant happen here’.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Two guys getting together to knock over a quick store is a conspiracy and many financial crimes are big conspiracies. It’s just so silly.

    • Sean

      Yes or no, Suthen?

      YES OR NO?


      • Suthenboy

        Well, my default answer is no answer or ‘am I being detained?’.
        Does that help?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      1. Prejudice a question or statement through ridiculous bordering on defamation framing.
      2. Demand a yes or no answer.
      3. Grandstand in a way that makes you look like a damned idiot but it plays well to the base.

      Our pols are worthless.

      • Suthenboy

        I liked the Senator: “Did you say….” question.
        Kash said “I am glad you brought that up so I can address it. I ….”
        Senator: “Wait just a minute, I am busy grandstanding, prancing and preening for the camera!” and didnt let him answer.

        All theater, all absurd. I have bruises all over my face from face-palming. I had to quit watching.

  13. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “FBI needs a good cleansing.” Yeesh…

    • R C Dean

      Needz moar thumbs.

  14. Fourscore

    Mornin’ Sean and Stinky

    “2 crow eggs coming up, sir”

    • Fourscore

      /Add Suthen to the morning wake up list

  15. UnCivilServant

    Morning, Glibs.

    I overslept and left the house twenty minutes behind schedule. With the way traffic increases between on-time departure and start of work day, that delay ate up my entire margin of safety, and I made it to my desk just as the workday started.

    wonderful start to the day /sarc

    • R C Dean

      Or you could look at it as “I made it to work just on time! Good start to the day.”

      • UnCivilServant

        No, the process was needlessly stressful, so that glass is probably poisoned.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        And half-empty. 😉

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Workday? Yet your here commenting?

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s called multitasking.

        Otherwise, I’d suffer toxic shock from dealing with humans.

      • Ted S.

        Remember, he’s govsec.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, U, RCD, TO’G, Yu, OBE, 4(20), Stinky, Sean, Suthen, and rhy!

      After taking Wednesday off, I worked only three hours yesterday and am taking today off to knock down my Vacation balance. Too bad this didn’t happen in April instead of January. I’d be vegging out at Tranquility Base.

      • UnCivilServant


        I am still very low on vacation, so I’m in the office, staring at application configuration screens trying to make Dev resemble prod after years of neglect by the previous people who managed it.

      • Ted S.

        You can still veg out there.

      • Gender Traitor

        I COULD veg out there, but then I’d be a frozen vegetable. (Ackshually, it’s up to 44 degrees ‘Murcan, and between that and some rain, the snow is finally almost gone.)

  16. Ownbestenemy

    So now confirmed helo crew were using NVG. Way to early to put definitive blame, but I’m confident NTSB will fault the Army and the FAA controller.

    News making big stink of the ‘unusual’ staffing, with the controller handling Local and Helo, isn’t that unusual.

    • Ted S.

      Astonishing (not surprising) to see how the media want to put this on Trump.

    • juris imprudent

      NVG – with the ambient light in that area?

    • Ownbestenemy

      It is also one of the most dangerous published procedures I have seen. Allowing other aircraft to cross a short final while planes on that procedure was asking for trouble.

  17. Ownbestenemy

    And Massie is a smart dude but him taking the screen shot of the leaked radar data and commenting the screen graphics are outdated is the stupidest thing he has said.

  18. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody

    • R.J.
