Good morning one and all to another spectacular day!
Trump signs order to declassify files on JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations
President Trump To Pardon Imprisoned Pro-Life Activists Within Days
The Actions Trump Has Taken on Immigration in His First Days in Office
Report: Under Trump, ICE Arrests 460 Illegal Immigrants Accused of Violent Crimes in 33 Hours
Trump’s executive order challenging birthright citizenship faces first legal test in Seattle court
Elon Musk’s DOGE setting its sights on the penny
Trump Revokes Security Protection for Pompeo, Fmr Aide
As Trump Cracks Down On DEI In Washington, Federal Agencies Caught Secretly Trying To Keep It Alive
Hunter Biden’s name, signature, and shared bank account showed up in $60M fraud investigation
Trump signs executive order on cryptocurrency
Spirit Airlines no longer allowing passengers with inappropriate clothing or tattoos to fly
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
“President Trump To Pardon Imprisoned Pro-Life Activists Within Days”
These people should all sue for unequal enforcement of this idiotic law.
“sue for unequal enforcement”
AlexinCT, folks. A funny, funny man. He’s here all week…
Et tu, Tonio?
“Trump’s executive order challenging birthright citizenship faces first legal test in Seattle court”
Won’t the left try to block or slow all of them?
This was the wrong way for him to do this. Just like Biden’s idiotic proclamation about the ERA. We really do have the stupidest govt imaginable.
Since we don’t have a clean way to directly petition the Supremes on Constitutional questions without an underlying suit (maybe we do… I don’t think I’ve ever seen one and have instead seen “standing” used to kill so many honest questions that I doubt it exists) and this isn’t something a Congressional law would address any better than an EO — I think the only “right” way to do it would be to push a clarifying amendment, wouldn’t it?
And I don’t trust the current crop of weasels in Congress to craft an amendment that doesn’t have trojan horses in it… so in this case, I’m not thrilled with the EO — but at least it gets it moving through the courts to end up where it has to be answered in the end.
What do you think is the “right way” this time, JI? Do you think Congress could craft legislation that wouldn’t be equally sued immediately given either branch would be fighting wording in a ratified amendment? Legitimately curious here….
The issue isn’t the citizenship of the child born here. No one really cares about that.
The problem is the fucking POLICY of family unification. No law, no Constitution – just a stupid FUCKING POLICY.
From my perspective, it’s a no-lose EO. Either the courts say its beyond the President’s authority (a win), they rule on the merits (which is a no-lose deal from my perspective, given the current state of play, which is a de facto Constitutional right for unlimited birthright citizenship). The question needed be put, and there was no way Congress would do so.
It’s not a lay-down win for the status quo/unlimited birthright citizenship position. I suspect SCOTUS will wind up passing the hot potato to Congress initially, and eventually rule on whatever Congress eventually does (if anything. But it could well basically read the “subject to the jurisdiction of” language out of the 14A.
I think you’re largely right, JI. In the kerfuffle over birthright citizenship, I haven’t heard that Trump is doing anything with family unification.
In no other circumstance do we decline to detain someone because they have a kid. And I see no reason why the family can’t be unified where the parents belong if they are unwilling or unable to find someone to raise their kid in the US.
I disagree, JI. I think it was the only way to properly get it in front of the Supreme Court.
The 14A, having passed right after the 13th, was understood when it was passed to be intended to grant citizenship to blacks in order to overturn Dred Scott v. Sandford. It was only a subsequent SCOTUS decision 30+ years later, U.S. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US 649 (1898), that the 14A was interpreted to grant “birthright” citizenship – and even that interpretation seems to be getting read a bit broadly. A LOT of this should wind up focusing on what effect the word “domicile” has.
In my view, Trump’s new EO has a very, very good basis, but it’s really just his interpretation of what the 14A means, which is entitled to some deference constitutionally. The Executive is, after all, a co-equal branch of government to the judiciary, not a subservient branch. Marbury v. Madison claimed for the judiciary the right to declare “what the law is”, but it’s not entirely clear that Wong Kim really means what modern courts have interpreted it to mean.
It’s hard to imagine that what was intended by 14A’s ratification was that a transient Kenyan/Ghanayan/Chinese/British/Norwegian couple passing through the US without any legal status and had a kid suddenly bequeathed their child US citizenship by fortunate accident of being here when mama gave birth. Wong Kim mentions that the Chinese couple in question had “domicile” here – and domicile usually means that there was a present and firm intention to make a place the permanent home/residence, even if that later changes.
In any event, I’m glad that the argument is being had and I hope that Wong Kim is clarified or overruled. But this is in no way a spurious constitutional action by Trump. He’s attempting to challenge the liberal (left) consensus that Wong Kim seems to have created. Read the opinion and the dissent by the Chief Justice. It’s not at all clear that the dissent doesn’t have the better and more correct interpretation of the 14A.
I’ve seen the argument made that the phrase “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” precludes the citizenship from applying to foreign nationals, I guess under the assumption that it implies an “OR” – you can’t be subject to a foreign sovereign jurisdiction AND the US. That seems a bit weak as a foreigner IS subject to the jurisdiction of the US/state where the reside whether legally or illegally. But maybe, in lawyerly terms “subject to the jurisdiction” has a more proscribed meaning. Maybe I have to go read Wong Kim (wanders off to poke eyes out instead).
Ozy, I made the full argument on my ‘stack and don’t want to repeat it here. The obvious solution is deport the parents, and let them decide if the child stays (and goes into some kind of foster care) or leaves with them.
I think I read that contemporary supporters made it clear it was not meant to apply to anyone subject to a foreign jurisdiction; as always, one wishes the actual language of the thing was so clear.
“The issue isn’t the citizenship of the child born here. No one really cares about that.”
That is a REALLY BIG assumption right there.
That poor animator really needed to get away from the drawing table more — not quite as lonely-seeming as the guys who came up with Cool World… but he obviously was thinking inappropriate thoughts about that dancing cat….
Morning, Banjos!
That isn’t where a cat’s mammary glands are located…
As Trump Cracks Down On DEI In Washington, Federal Agencies Caught Secretly Trying To Keep It Alive”
Expect them all to try to relabel and conceal this, but not give up. The marxists globalists in the weaponized unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy Obama weaponized will not roll over and acquiesce to the will of the American people.
In my not-actual-Washington-DC-world of my head… this would be great, because it would nail down the first folks to fire for cause. In practice, I’m sure disobeying a direct directive from the President, putatively in charge of the Executive Branch… somehow means you keep your job and if you’re disciplined…. you can sue for back pay and pension and whatnot like those assholes from the FBI.
Especially if they sue in the DC courts, I bet.
Better solution – Anyone who transfered to a new role between Nov 4 and the freeze is RIFed out of the workforce.
Sorry collateral damage, but you should have gotten a real job.
I would fire everyone above a G-14 rating and give them an option to reapply for their job, hiring only the ones that never donated to democrats.
Brilliant Alex, go for the blatantly illegal move.
The left did tons of illegal shit for more than 16 years now. You are not going to get rid of that by playing by rules they don’t follow. We keep thinking we can defeat them fighting with Marquis of Queensbury rules while they fight prison rules and fuck us every time they shank us down and win. Does two wrongs make a right? Not really, but unless they get a taste of what they do and become allergic to it, expect them to keep doing it.
Alex with law of the jungle instead of rule of law!
We have not had rule of law since Obama got into office.
Your obsession with Obama really blinds you. He was W in Dem drag.
W was a loser and never came close to doing the damage Obama did.
Really? All of Snowden’s revelations? The Patriot Act? Iraq and Afghanistan?
I’ll give you Obama’s Disposition Matrix.
,em>The left did tons of illegal shit for more than 16 years now.
Yes, and as a result Trump won twice and likely had the 2020 election stolen. So you are arguing we should follow their plan that reversed their decades of success and turned the tide against them? That is how we get President AOC
I concur that Obama is directly responsible for Trump, but I do not agree with your assessment that if we roll these people back we get president AOC. We got Trump because the deep state stopped pretending to care and served itself and the globalist marxist movement over the people that it was supposed to serve. The majority of the people, despite massive propaganda and downright abuse of the law, then responded with Trump to stop that shit.
How do you go from reversing this cabal’s hold on power and going back to a neutral state that serves the people and not the the Climate Cult, UN, WEF, and other such evil cabals, leads to president AOC?
I would argue that W is as much a reason for Trump as Obama. After all, that takes us back to a mid-90s Democrat in office.
Biden was no different than Obama, who was no different than Bush II, who was no different that Clinton, who was no different than Bush I. They put slightly different faces on the same technocratic globalist cosmopolitan agenda. Biden and Obama seem worse because they started further down the road to an EU style technocracy than their predecessors, but the road was the same.
W and the stupid shit they did is why we got Obama, a shyster. Obama and the evil shit they did is why we ended up needing a Trump.
globalist cosmopolitan agenda
Which itself is an outgrowth of triumphalist, post-Cold War, elite masturbation.
So your recommendation is to just embrace the globalists and their agenda because it is business as usual, huh JI?
You sure you are not deep state and here just to do that dirty work? Not being an asshole, but you seem to do nothing but that..
Yes, clearly JI is arguing for the globalist agenda by suggesting that we should not ignore the Constitution and laws of the United States while trying to reverse this. The only choices are to support the transnational elite in ignoring the Constitution or to ignore it ourselves in response. If you are correct in your assessment the answer is not to piddle around firing people and instituting loyalty tests for hiring, it’s a shooting war. I mean that sincerely, and think it is a logically unassailable conclusion. If the rule of law is so broken that it cannot be restored using legal means, the answer is war. Never do an enemy a small injury. Maybe we are at that point, but God I hope not.
No Alex, my recommendation is stop jerking off about Marx. Everything is post Frankfurt School, which is only tangentially Marx. Your point about neo-feudalism is more relevant, and that isn’t Marx-adjacent except to minds that substitute Marx for Satan.
I don’t jerk off to Marx. If I needed to do that at all, I might do it to this this. You can keep denying that this globalist shit isn’t a marxist movement all you want, but it won’t go away because the marxist keep showing you they are marxists. As I have told you repeatedly: marxism is just a cult by aspiring feudal lords that gives them a vehicle to replace the current feudal lords.
And there is no mechanism within the law to stop people that abuse the law for power. Corrupted law will not go away without it being squashed. We have Trump precisely because enough people are understanding that reality/.
Corrupted law is no law, and I agree with Jarflax, stop talking and start shooting. That’s your only real solution.
Feudalism was something the actual Marx hated more than capitalism, because he understood the deprivation versus the prosperity, so equating the two is fundamentally dumb. It can only appeal to someone who wants to use Marx as a substitute for Satan – the author of all of the ills of the world. And I’m raking you over the coals on this because I really don’t think you are that dumb.
Here’s a good example Alex – Bill Gates. You going to convince me, somehow that he’s really a crypto-Marxist? He sure as hell is a globalist, and he no doubt fancies himself some kind of neo-noble, and he loves him some WEF. But a Marxist, of any stripe?
The globalists have Marxism in their DNA , but they have a number of other things in their DNA as well. Marxism is not the root of any of this. It is itself rooted in the French side of the enlightenment, which is itself rooted in Plato and others. Human beings have come up with a great many philosophical justifications explaining why they deserve power over others.
What is really in our DNA is our desire to be ruled. We are the mutants around here – failed/corrupted DNA.
“Corrupted law is no law, and I agree with Jarflax, stop talking and start shooting. That’s your only real solution.”
We have not had any semblance of law in this country since Obama weaponized the system. And I would much prefer not to have to nuke DC to roll this shit back, but if it comes to that., then let it happen.
““Feudalism was something the actual Marx hated more than capitalism”
Ahhh! I see the problem. Your assumption here it shat Marx was smart enough to understand the idiocy he spouted/championed was something other than a system of excuses and grievances that would allow the new masters to overthrow the current ones and do more feudalism.
I am 100% certain after heaving read Marx and Engels that neither of those idiots had a clue what the fuck they were talking about. It was akin to shitposting by life losing idiots that think/feel other people fail to see/acknowledge their brilliance, thus holding them down. Nothing but evil and vile grievance porn by someone pissed at their status in life. That shit is based on the worst of human emotions – greed/envy/jealousy/false pride – and a justification to take out and punish those that are not stupid enough to be that broken.
Everything others wrote after these two morons was basically a giant pile of even dumber feudalist shit built on quicksand.
…was something other than a system of excuses and grievances that would allow the new masters to overthrow the current ones and do more feudalism.
True Believers are the worst, but the funny part is, they don’t get anywhere without bullshitting other people, selling them on the Glorious Future. Marx wasn’t the first and won’t be the last, but you can’t get past him.
And you completely ignore my point on Gates (who is certainly a useful idiot to someone).
Alex, no one is saying Marxism is not malign, or that the globalists are not malign. But malign does not = Marxist. The French Revolution happened 25 years before Marx was born, yet Robespierre presided over a tyranny as evil, iconoclastic and class oriented as Lenin did. Marx is not the sum of all evil.
If this was a shtick, like the Church Lady, that would be one thing, but this seems to be sincere.
It’s important to remember – mutation is how we evolve.
Not complaining about us Sheldon, I like us. I just recognize that we aren’t normal.
Just like State didn’t fold on the GEC (their censorship hub).
It is hard to get people to give up their religion by fiat.
Martyrdom it is then!
The DEI movement is the parallel of the Soviet system of Commissars. They enforce the marxist cabal’s whims, rooting out those that resist or fight the criminal movement. Without it the cabal loses control over the plebes.
That’s why you have to start from the top in these agencies and move down.
Is a Jerusalem Cross tattoo inappropriate?
Only when you are not a deep stater.
It is more appropriate than a Jerusalem artichoke tattoo.
Look at this fucking hipster over here…
No, of course not. I forget where I saw an article listing all the places it has been used officially by the US.
I was hoping it meant no flying with any tattoos.
That it? I expect more. We have millions to churn through, that rate is too slow.
Immigrants are more law abiding than natives …
This is why the “OMG women and children and families and restaurant workers” narrative is bullshit. They’re going after criminals first, and that will take quite a while.
But those criminals could have children. Why do you want the children of criminals to suffer?
That is entirely on the parent being a criminal. Had they not committed crimes, the child wouldn’t be suffering as a result.
Inappropriate tattoos, or just tattoos?
There’s a difference?
Say, have you met Lydia?
The difference is whether the tattooed person is or is not a sailor.
*gives XX’s forearms the side-eye*
18th bday: “What do you think, Mom?”
Couldn’t you have found a better artist?
“Maybe you should’ve waited until you had something more significant to ink.”
Improve the purchasing power of the dollar so that the costs to make the penny drop below $0.01
“Go digital — that way our techbros can track everything you do!”
This is what I was going to say. Going about things in the ass backwards direction here. Not A Good Sign.
Counterpoint: Stop making pennies, nickels, and dimes. Round all prices up to the nearest quarter if using cash.
We should move to copper, silver, electrum, gold, and platinum pieces.
In order to get any, a person has to explore ancient labyrinths and fight mythical monsters.
Unfortunately, this would be my likely career outcome in that scenario, cavalier.
I support this idea.
Isekai D&D for the win! I’ve always wondered how my Benelli would do against a horde of bugbears…
The only way that could happen is by ditching the fiat system and setting a new monetary policy. I’m all for that, but it ain’t gonna happen until the current system completely fails. At that point we’ll probably get a CBDC shoved up are asses.
We go on the Copper standard – $1 is defined at 100 pennyweights of copper.
That would be deflating the dollar; not a winning strategy.
Why would you say that.
Inflation and deflation are not equivalent economic phenomenon. Neither is good.
Sounds like someone repeating a doctrine of faith rather than an argument.
Who is actually harmed by deflation per se? All of the harms I’ve heard mentioned from that very rare occurance have been from the external troubles that triggered it accidentally.
Any borrowers are hit hard by deflation, considering how leveraged most companies are, that would lead to a collapse. You also run into the issue of people irrationally not wanting to take a job with a lower nominal salary. Now, one could argue that the cycle of crash and rebuild is better than bubbles in one sector, but it’s something that hasn’t really happened on a national scale in quite a while.
Any borrowers are hit hard by deflation
Well, it would be nice to have policy that benefits – or at least doesn’t actively punish – those of us who are savers for once. Hard to buy votes with saver friendly/fiscally responsible policies though I suppose.
At a purely theoretical level, it seems there is an equal impact between inflation and deflation – the former hits savers by devaluing their cash, and the latter hits borrowers by making their debt harder to pay.
You can see why banks would strongly prefer inflationary policy, which is why I suspect we have it.
James Earl Ray was a patsy!
Mr. Roarke’s lesser known Tourette’s Island staff hardest hit.
Turns out that it was MLK who shot JFK. Then RFK killed him in revenge.
RFK and MLK were in a murder-suicide pact.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
There can be only one *K.
Anything suggesting a conspiracy in the shooting of JFK—if it existed—will likely have been destroyed already.
Why the secrecy in these remaining documents?
Perhaps there is embarrassing evidence showing a government cover-up, instead of a government operation to kill JFK.
There may be some embarrassing information about some other country in these papers.
If an original or first-generation copy of the Darnell and Weigman films are released, then we might be able to either confirm or dismiss the “Prayer Man” theory (that Oswald was caught on film, standing on the front steps as the Presidential motorcade passed).
I know that the government answer as to why is cause this woman in her 90’s in still alive sot hats why they can’t but we all know that’s kinda bs
Let’s just be blatant that “the reason we are withholding this information is to prevent a government employee from being held accountable”.
Yeah. I think it will be a nothing burger of known facts and a lot of salacious details about the mob.
The damning evidence, if it exists, would be the controllers. Who helped Oswald and who sent Ruby to kill him?
Who was “Raul” – James Earl Ray’s controller. Who gave the idiot hick from Missouri money and information to end up in a hotel across the street from King’s room? And the money to escape through Canada to Europe for a while.
Stepping on our Pope’s turf here, and giving you an early Daily Ray of Sunshine…
Imma one up you on a daily ray…
That first picture is wonderful. It looks like a Limp Bizkit cover band who got lost on their way to Furnace Fest, wound up at a Trump rally, and decided to make the best of it…
And… there it is.
She is like something out of central casting. The son has the good sense to play nice for the NYT but I suspect that crazy bitch isn’t gonna see much of him on holidays anymore.
Should I send that to my mom and dad, or to my siblings for a good laugh?
I’m 100% going to print this out the next time I go visit my folks. They’ll find it hilarious.
Pulling this forward from the overnight thread:
Wouldn’t it be helpful, in picking an undergrad major, to decide what kind of lawyer you want to be
Nope. Unless you want to do patents, you’re not locking yourself out of any career by choosing a major. I could’ve done family law, criminal law, public interest law, corporate law, or whatever. Almost everything hinges off of what you do in law school.
I do recommend having a pretty good idea what kind of law you want to practice before starting law school and participating in every opportunity the law school has avaliable to get education/experience/networking in that area of law.
Your undergrad major is pretty irrelevant to both law school and practicing law (again, not including patent law, where I think you have to have a science degree to even qualify for the patent bar).
I wouldn’t think a degree in say physics is going to help a lot in patent law on software or genetics. Seems like some un-necessary credentialism.
I wouldn’t think a degree in say physics is going to help a lot in patent law on software or genetics. Seems like some un-necessary credentialism.
Yes and no. I’d never do life sciences patents. It’s outside of my wheelhouse. My last chemistry and biology classes were in high school. OTOH, I work with a couple of physics majors. The ability to quickly ingest technical information, understand it, and be able to differentiate it from prior art is the key skill. Once you can “speak the language”, your background doesn’t really matter that much.
A couple years ago I put together a comment to an RFC from the USPTO to loosen up the credentialing a bit. I suggested allowing IT certs to count alongside the more traditional ways of qualifying for the patent bar. Also, there is no reason for design patents to require a technical degree.
Well, I’m not a fan of patent law in the first place. Artificial property is, artificial, and humanity progressed without it, perhaps a bit more slowly, perhaps not.
JI, lots of top-flight programmers have a physics background. Abstract symbolic thinking comes with the territory.
I’m not a fan of patent law in the first place.
I’m on the fence. Patent law, as currently constituted, is wholly broken.
That said, without patent law, consumers would be shifted to a licensing model for just about everything. “You will own nothing and be happy”. I can’t restrict my competitors from reverse engineering my product if they can flat out buy it, but I can if they have to license it from me in perpetuity.
I would never license from you what I can buy from someone else. You can only license (and enforce it) because of the IP law.
You can only license (and enforce it) because of the IP law.
Trade secrets are a thing, even without particular IP laws.
Let’s say I “sell” you a widget, and the widget has novel feature A. I don’t want novel feature A to get out.
I license the widget to you with an express prohibition on opening the widget up or reselling the widget. In the license, if they turn even the smallest screw, they are in breach. Oh, and the license specifically calls out tinkering with the widget as an unlimited liability situation.
Then I just wait for competitors to advertise widgets with feature A and sue them into oblivion.
Obviously this is oversimplified, but this is a crayon sketch of how software “sales” work today. The IP laws are one tool in the toolbelt, but breach of contract is the go-to.
Software used to be primarily copyright rather than patent. Is trade secret really common law or statutory? It must be hard to tease out since we’ve had the patent regime from the get-go.
In the beginning, we had public knowledge and trade secrets.
The founders thought that trade secrets stifled development, so the created a construct to give people limited protection if they would disclose their secrets.
And, the public has spent 200 years developing new and innovative ways of abusing that construct.
We can get rid of patents if you want. Developers will go back to trade secrets. Any novel development will stay locked up until it can be released in a tamperproof format. Can’t let those secrets get loose in the wild.
Regarding IP theft…this is something I think we need to hammer the CCP on much harder.
China Show has talked about it a bunch – but all you need to do is do a random search for an item on amazon. You’ll see one “original” design – and a couple dozen identical items from bizarrely named Chinese companies. You gotta feel bad for the initial entrepreneurs – although at this point, you’d think the word would have gotten out.
You make a partnership with a cheap manufacturing company to knock out your product for mail order or whatever, and 30 days later they’ve bootlegged the original (from your provided plans) and are undercutting you on every platform available…
Also wish it was easier to see point of origin on Amazon and other platforms – sometimes tricky to tell if it’s a CCP one…or just look for the more expensive item or name brand that you recognize. Trying to be more discerning in my purchases.
Intellectual property is, of course, of concern to me. I think 70 years beyond the death of the creator is adequate.
I also don’t want for someone to lift my work wholesale, slap their name on it, and make a ton of money just because they’re better marketers.
What are the odds of This actually passing?
Locals deserve to have their say, and get the govt they deserve.
The downstate government isn’t local to me.
See I’d never live in the state let alone the city.
Good for you. I’d prefer that unconsitutional crap get flushed away.
Especially the longer I slog through the paperwork, the more I want the downstate hoplophobia be extirpated, if only from the law.
I don’t blame you for feeling that way, but a gun permit isn’t the only reason I wouldn’t live there.
I know there’s a raft of reasons, but the conversation did start on a question of gun law.
Locals don’t get to cancel the constitution.
Of course under the Articles of Confederation – the holy writ we abandoned – this would never even be a question.
If I could get a bullshit-free carry permit in NY, I don’t think I’d mind living upstate. I’ve visited there a few times (once for a USPSA match) and it’s absolutely gorgeous up there…
To answer your question, UnCiv, I think a lot of republicans will find an excuse to vote against this. They’re really not any more ideologically pro-gun than the democrats, and they’re terrified of the idea of pissed-off armed citizens calling them to account for their various crimes (this is my own opinion based on a number of face-to-face conversations with sitting republican pols.)
That said, there’s always a small chance. I’m holding off on renewing my Maryland CCW permit, just in case it becomes unnecessary…
I hate this argument.
It is OK for the local government to oppress people because the locals voted for it?
Or should the freedoms be upheld?
Ron, I hate just about every argument for govt. It is always a matter of the camel’s nose.
Non-zero chance?
I’m rather optimistic about a great many things going better for us as a country, but I’m thinking it’s as likely as me hitting a lottery jackpot.
What is it? My phone wants me to download something to see your link.
National constitutional carry
Ah. The problem with it is that it will get used to require states to adhere to unconstitutional standards.
On this frosty Florida morning, I wish merely to note that by pardoning Ulbricht, Trump did more for the libertarian cause in one day than the libertarian party has done in 45 years.
That’s the kinda talk that’ll get you walked right out of here, bud!
I’ve been lurking to see what the response is to that action; OMB kept his word to libertarians.
So far he’s pardoned J6 defendants, abortion protesters, and Ross. He’s got Tulsi, RFK Jr, and Elon in his cabinet.
Hegseth’s going to get confirmed today (and that is very, very good news for my cases). Trump declassified the JFK, MLK, and RFK files and he’s closed the border and is chucking illegals out like we have laws against that.
I’d say right now he’s head and shoulders above any President of my lifetime and I never liked the guy (‘cuz I’m from Boston area and that’s how we roll on New Yorkers by default).
“Hegseth’s going to get confirmed today”
I sure hope so, but I’ve been reading that the usual RINOs are going to vote against him. Of course, that’s all from the DemOp Media, so who knows how much truth there is to it.
If they do, I guess we see if Trump really does have a deal with McCarthy for the House to go into recess, so Trump can put the Senate into recess and appoint his nominees directly (as I understand it, they would be in office until the next Congress convenes in two years).
I have it on pretty good authority that he has the necessary votes, even accounting for the RINOs if JD has to cast the tiebreaker.
As good as that is, he also re-instated everyone in the military who refused to get the vax. With back pay.
The Libertarian party has been a net negative for the cause of liberty. Making libertarianism synonymous with thoroughly unappealing clowns does not advance the cause
Nice intro tour of downtown Naples this morning. I’ll post some pics on twitter shortly. Excellent first pizza too. Coffee here just isn’t my style. Tiny servings ( < espresso shot-sized cups, drink at the counter, etc)….just disappointed that there aren't too many places to get normal-sized coffee to go.
(turns out there was a McDonalds and Starbucks in the same historic shopping center (Galleria Umberto) we stopped at – although they weren't both open initially – or within my sightline)…going to be a weird 3 years culturally.
Think I now feel comfortable enough to take the train downtown and switch to the metro – may need to double check a few things on day passes – but not anxious (especially since I can get the train tickets on my phone).
Of course…it would be a lot more fun with another person or two than trying to do it all by myself.
Not doing phrasing, are we, Fish?
Fishy – did you take a cab ride through Naples yet? I don’t know if it’s changed, but Naples used to be known as one of the craziest driving cities in the world. And by crazy, I mean that when I lost rock-paper-scissors with my roommates I had to sit in the front passenger’s seat while we took a cab from the pier to the nearby base, which was a joint NATO base at the time. I was glad I was already a little drunk when the driver went the wrong way into a tunnel, shaking his fist out the window at the cars honking at us. Pretty epic 20 minute ride.
Just POVs and government-contracted buses so far. (and the train). Haven’t seen anything too crazy yet.
I drove a rental car in Naples. Sure, it was hectic but doable.
Well, my primary POV use will be home to work and back (or other bases) – I don’t plan to need to deal with the shitty street parking very much – if at all. That said…this being a newer vehicle, that is one of the benefits of the additional cameras that I will actually appreciate – same for the backup camera with my new garage (never previously needed one).
Got some pics inside the church too – missed the sign saying “no pics” – but guide said that was more for folks livestreaming and doing obnoxious shit.
Fish, coffee-wise, you should be able to order an Americano to get something closer to what you want.
Yeah, figured that out a little later. Still won’t be a full 12 oz, but better than a thimble.
CBS fired their rabid anti-Trump news anchor.
She’ll be a new regular on the View soon enough. Joy Behar can’t live forever. Someone will find and destroy her phylactery eventually.
Someone will find and destroy her phylactery eventually.
Objection assumes facts not in evidence. There is not a shred of evidence in the record that Joy Behar has, or at any point had, a soul to place in a phylactery.
But she was so good at looking concerned.
Friday Funbags has been pardoned by Trump!
BTW…I know we’ve talked about it before, but I keep forgetting brand names or not saving links – what’s the best recommended RFID-protected low profile wallet folks are using?
I think I’m going to go to a double-wallet setup. All my ID, cards and US $ in a new RFID wallet, and keep my euros and generic junk in my old leather wallet. (Easy to carry both in my uniform pockets) – but also easier to secure in civvies.
I’ve had a Hammer Anvil one for almost 9 years. Barely looks worn and priced right.
I received this one as a gift probably 6 or 7 years ago. It still looks like new and works well given all the cards and stuff I have crammed in it. The biggest negative is that it doesn’t handle cash particularly well.
I carry the front-pocket version of that wallet, and absolutely love it. Saddleback Leather also makes awesome belts and briefcases.
Just stay away from Turkey. That’s all I got.
Three U.S. Navy sailors were assaulted and had bags placed over their heads during shore leave in Istanbul, Turkey.
The traveler with nothing sings before the thief.
– Roman proverb
Stay away? How are we supposed to Free Byzantium?!
The US military won’t liberate anything so long as the ranks fill up with guys like this:
Old news. I remember when that happened – and also when it happened to another ship a few years earlier.
Did they wake up in a bathtub of ice with a note telling them to get to a hospital? Because I was told that’s what would happen to me if I went to Istanbul.
Also, you can hide a decent wad of cash inside a hollowed-out box of dental floss. Nobody ever looks there.
Do you read Greg Ellifritz’s blog too?
This is fun. I’ve been enjoying these AI trailers that sort of restyle the shows in the past. Stark Trek noir:
On the day that there’s a new Star Trek movie dropped?
I was hoping to just ignore it and have it go away.
Section 31 is a series I think – and apparently already bombing per the youtubes…
It was originally pitched as a series, but as Discovery kept flopping, they cut it back to a single movie. I do not have high hopes for it.
Before we all get Trump-drunk, let’s remember how amenable he is to big spending – perhaps the worst problem we have with our federal govt. Musk has already dropped the $2T cut in half, and even the $2T, actually cut would not put us below 2019 spending. Let alone if the “cuts” are traditional DC cuts.
In theory if the rate of growth of spending can be brought below the rate of growth of revenue and kept there long enough the problem will resolve. Obviously, long enough is the kicker in that sentence, and this analysis ignores the fact that much of the spending is on things that are actually harmful in and of themselves.
It’s the right end of that chart that gives me the willies.
This is the chart that is going to create the doom spiral.
You and me both. The question in my mind is whether Trump could do anything about it if he wanted to. I don’t think he can. Look at the histrionics from him cutting a few skin tags off of the government. Imagine if he tried to take the scalpel to something bigger.
That said, I’m with you that he’s not likely to address spending in and of itself. He will address the ridiculous programs, but the idea of cutting costs across the board is a bridge too far.
Trump can’t do much, no president can – this is first and foremost an issue for Congress. I guess that makes it a death sentence.
With the exception of Thomas Massie and Rand Paul, no one in Congress has no interest in cutting down the deficit.
Hasta la vista, ya tools…
Wait, I don’t see any women and children. All I see is men in their 20’s, just the kind of person who’d be in a gang.
Maybe it was a good boy gang though. Could be they’re all Moose Lodge members.
Apropos of nothing, it occurred to me the other day that I’m glad the VP goes by “JD”. When I was a kid, my Granddaddy, a couple of his brothers, and several neighbors, all went by their initials, so to me it was normal and good. They’d been born like 1915, +/-. Kinda wanted to do it for some of mine, but it just wasn’t a thing back about 20 years ago, so it didn’t happen.
Hoping that the VP thing drags it back into popularity and I end up with some grandkids that are called by their initials.
Stick a hay stalk in their mouths, that’ll get it done.
My initials are the same as the VPs. Throughout life, in informal settings, I was often called by my initials.
I’ve got several cousins that go by initials. The ones that do definitely skew more
ruralAppalachian.KD Lang ruined my initials.
I started going by my initials due to my laziness in typing out emails and that I set my phone up with mine so now all my customers get my initials and have started using that. I already had some friends do it just for fun and I dig it. Never a huge fan of my first name anyway.
How we rolled in the 80s. New a kid who looked just like him – he died while we were in High School.
is trump our first ottoman president?
>gilded everything
>retarded, constantly scheming sons
>a harem of slavic wives
>elaborate headgear
Timeline of the JFK assassination:
Yeah, the timelines don’t add up for Oswald being the lone gunman on the 6th floor. Of course eyewitness testimony and memory are unreliable, but there are some serious discrepancies from the official narrative. We will never know for sure what actually happened.
I wonder how the distances match up between Oswald’s shot to JFK and the Butler shooter’s shot to Trump? Maybe about the same distance? Oswald was a Marine marksman. Did he get lucky? The Butler shooter was no marksman but came within an inch of killing Trump.
Oswald’s shot 265 feet. Crooks’ shot 410 feet. If a rookie like Crooks can come so close, then maybe an expert like Oswald didn’t need as much luck as some folks posit. Yeah, moving vs. stationery target, but still.
Oswald’s shot was not difficult at all if you are a competent shooter.
Crook’s shot also, especially if you are in a good prone position, 400 feet with a sight is like being right on top of your target.
130 yards isn’t a long shot at all, especially prone/off a rest. Hell, optics are usually zeroed at 200.
Happy bday to Derp! I hope you enjoy Friday festivities as best ya can. Your FB profile is awkwardly swamped with foreign bitches, whose quality I cannot attest. I’d love to hear the stories behind that, though a bot-factory is a fair guess.
The lady at the humane society got in touch and is asking about my veterinary surgery experience. I *did* assist with lions, tigers, not-as-fun cougars and more, but I was mostly the Eat Him First weight ‘holding’ ’em down. I also applied for “Kennel Cleaner” (at $15.5!) and a few in between. Setting up a time to chat and see where I fit best in their scheme. I highly predict future employment (in some capacity) will begin soon.
Funnily enough, it’s just me and our near-15yo puppy for the next couple of weeks, flipping my parental switch to match the mood. Such a sweetie. The beginning of Trump 2.0 is a damn auspicious start to a term. His Team is intensely impressive. Damn solid start to Round 1. More, please(!) and keep ’em comin’.
I seem to have friended a number of impostors, scammers, and bots by accident. That happens when you add 5,000 or so Facebook friends as quickly as possible.
Fame is easy to achieve if you know how to do it. It is also not worth it unless you enjoy answering the same questions over and over.
Jeez. I am actually going to email you in a bit. I am not spam.
Y’all have varied interests…Does this impact anyone here?
I can’t remember the last time I burned anything to a disc. It’s been forever.
While I like the minidiscs and minidvs, I’ve never actually used them…
USB SSDs and SDs have taken over all my portable storage needs, bulk storage is on spinning platter HDs.
I literally can’t remember I burned something to optical disc.
AFAIK, even current generation disc are subject to bit rot over time, so it’s not like it’s some perfect archival medium.
Just gotta keep things spinning (not that hard drives necessarily spin these days).
Those things, CDs at least, worked best for letting girls know you liked them via mixtape without putting yourself out there too much. Lame I know but it definitely worked (sometimes).
There are so many conspiracy theories about the JFK shooting and the MLK shooting I dont know where to start. Someone might point out that the common and obvious common factor is the FBI. They were all over MLK for years and considered him an enemy. JFK was sharpening his knives for the FBI and had said a number of times they were too powerful.
I dont know if that means anything. Just sayin’.
Executive branch employees deliberately disobeying or stymieing orders from the President is the textbook definition of sedition.
I never thought birthright citizenship was poorly written. I dont remember who wrote it but they did explain that it was not meant to include children of foreign officials or foreigners subject to other government…citizens of other countries.
This can be remedied by “If you have a parent that is a citizen then you are a citizen”. Born here or abroad to an american parent, you are an american. Neither parent is a citizen then you are not either. If you dont meet that requirement then apply for citizenship and go through the legal channels.
What’s with the tattoos these days? I see a lot of people with squiggly nonsense randomly placed around their skin very poorly done.
Saw a spittle-flecked rant from an Aussie chick about guns in America. She was covered in tattoos like that. Her main point was “Do you have any idea how the rest of the world sees you?!” It was hard to sit all the way through.
A. We dont give a fuck what you think or how the world sees us.
B. Someone left you unsupervised with a box of magic markers and look what happened. I would let you have a gun either. I felt the same way about the English. I would not let those fuckers have guns.
The people that had a beef with JFK make a long list of dangerous hombres: The CIA, the FBI, the mafia, the Cubans, and I’m sure there are plenty I left out. Take your pick.
You’ve cracked the code.
What about LBJ?
More like kracked the kode.
The tats thing seems to have sprung up out of nowhere ca. 2005. I feel like it went from tats being an identifier for certain cultural groups to tats being what everybody does to “express their individuality” or whatever.
It’s just another way for people to try to differentiate themselves. One that can be hidden (if needed) for professional work. I’d still say face and neck tattoos are definitive identifiers.
My adult grand daughter has a tat of a wolf on her shoulder. I asked her about it, she said : “That’s me, a lone wolf”
I answered, “Don’t wolves run in packs?”
She doesn’t communicate with me much but I don’t think that’s completely the reason.
Expressing their individuality by following the herd and getting a tattoo like everyone else.
I have always recommenced people tattoo the word ‘cliche’. across their forehead.
I was speaking specifically about the nonsense randomly placed crap that look like ’70s reform school tattoos done with a sewing pin and ball point pen ink.
Personally I suspect that isn’t far off and drugs are involved.
“Do you have any idea how the rest of the world sees you?!”
I was on a Facederp group of Scottish ancestry/Scottish citizens. One conversation about something Trump did or said the first time around devolved to a comment like this. I just responded “Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep”, and sat back and enjoyed the fun.
That’s the way to rile up the sheep-fuckers.
Good news, MNGlibs!
You kind of owe it to yourself to read the article. Oh, and fucking cut funding to these fake-ass church NGOs. Thanks.
And there it is, plain as day.
These “Refugees” can reunify in a different country.
International Institute of Minnesota – 60% of their funding is government grants. Your tax dollars directed to a charity you didn’t choose to support.
“Republicans are so heartless.”
Democrats pounce!
“The most GenX story ever”
You just know there’s an Iron Maiden t-shirt under that leather jacket or maybe Krokus.
12 going on 36. That kid needed to be puffing on a cigarette during that interview.
|Elon Musk’s DOGE setting its sights on the penny
Oh hell yes. That should have been done a while ago. Keep it in prices, but round up or down to the nickel. And the idea that by doing so is going to make it less likely that the government is going to tackle inflation is ridiculous. We are never, ever, ever going back to the days when the penny meant something. Never. Get rid of the damn things.
And I think Trump’s birthright EO is a good one. Of course, Congress should get off their ass on it, but it brings it up as a point and it will likely wind it’s way up the ladder to the SC in the next couple years. As Suth said above, it should be if one of your parents is a US citizen then you are, otherwise apply to be one.
Not only do we need to keep the penny, we need to reintroduce fractions of a peny and make them worth using.
Millionaire needs to mean something again.
The Kuwaiti Dinar, British Pound, Omani Rial, and Gibralter Pound are not stronger currencies than the dollar just because 1 of each is worth more than a dollar. What matters is stabilizing the value not what nominal value it is stabilized at.
To me that would be like a morbidly obese person saying I need to lose weight. As I usually eat a couple party size bags of chips each night, I’m now going to spread those two bags over the whole day of grazing. It’s just a symptom, not getting at the problem. It costs 3 cents to make 1 cent, get that down to .75 cents and we can talk about bringing the penny back. It will never happen tho.
If future penny buys what four current pennies do now, you have fixed the cost issue, since the price will be down to $0.0075/unit
Why won’t eliminating “birth right” citizenship take a constitutional amendment?
Because of the language of the 14th amendment. “subject to the jurisdiction of” originally meant “not a citizen of somewhere else”.
Govt has operated more broadly than the 14th amendment required, which is permissible, but I don’t see any indication in the amendment itself or the contemporaneous writings that government is forced to stay in that broader policy.
Because the way it’s being done now hinges on a warped interpretation of text. The EO interpretation also fits under the plain text.
Patching out the warped interptretation where anyone popped out while the mother happened to be within our borders for whatever reason gets citizenship would require a clarifying amendment, but it is not the sole, clear interpretation.
If you include any reading of intent and statements by those who wrote the 14th, it explicitly excludes anchor babies as being qualified as citizens.
Thus it’s all ripe for argument because people didn’t antipate all the ways the words could be read.
A child born here isn’t automatically a citizen of somewhere else though.
anchor babies means nothing in the context of the 14th. It only has meaning because of family unification policy. The parents are entitled to nothing just because the baby is born a U.S. citizen.
I agree JI that it is the family reunification policy that really needs to be changed. But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t also go back to a more strict, originalist interpretation of the 14th. I don’t think anchor babies are t even close to the most important thing right now, but the strategy that the left has used effectively, of waging multiple battle fronts to win the larger war has been an extremely effective one and should be used here. We let in 1 million a year legally, I think that could and should be increased, but combined with a change in who we let in, ideally moving to a system more like Australia and NZ where merit is the deciding factor.
Why would a baby born in Pittsburgh to, say, Honduran parents who snuck into the U.S., be “subject to the jurisdiction of a foreign power?” The baby isn’t a “foreigner.” It is an individual person possessing rights independent from its parents. Maybe the baby isn’t subject to deportation, but the parents are and, most I would assume, would take the baby with them. Once emancipated from the parents, the U.S. citizen has the right to return to the States.
Australia and NZ weren’t burdened with Emma Lazarus.
The irony of the left’s strategy is how much it impacts those already at the bottom of the economic ladder. Then again, if they could think at all, they wouldn’t be leftists.
Word JI. I was just yesterday taking with someone about immigration and told them to imagine the outrage that would happen if Trump started pushing for doctors and lawyers from anywhere in the world to be given a green card and allowed to practice if they could pass a state bar or the medical licensing exam. The AMA and lawyers guilds would be apoplectic as they enjoy their cartel status. They are quite fine letting in millions who will compete on the lowest skilled markets so they can get their lawns mowed and their pools cleaned for cheap.
” Keep it in prices, but round up or down to the nickel”
Always round up to the nearest whole number. Anything to right of the decimal is a fraction.
We’re all gonna die!
The NIH is the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world — it invests more than $40 billion in research every year.
The agency gathers together scientists at academic institutions around the country into what are called “study sections” to help them figure out what research is the most important to fund.
Dr. Chrystal Starbird, a cancer structural biologist and professor at UNC Chapel Hill, said her study section was scheduled to meet next week. On Wednesday she received notice of its cancellation through email.
“It was pretty vague — it said that it’s canceled, that they can’t offer any further explanation at the time, and it thanked us for our service to the NIH,” Starbird said.
No more science. Trump has cancelled it.
“it invests more than $40 billion in research every year”
One man’s research is another man’s grift.
Only govt can decide what is worthwhile to invest in!
“Never forget what they took from us”
*sigh* Nostalgia hit administered.
This was under that one, was this a real commercial?
That is amazing.
Yeah, I don’t think so.
pop rocks were real.
the ad is satire.
90s urban legend about certain activities with pop rocks in your mouth. So creator was a Gen Xer
NPR has also obtained an emailed memo that indicates travel is suspended for HHS staffers as well, and that job offers that have been extended are being rescinded.
HHS staffers who spoke to NPR are quite concerned about all of this and confused about whether information and papers that were set to be submitted will now be delayed. It’s not clear whether infectious disease dashboards, tracking things like COVID-19 and flu, will be updated on schedule. The CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report did not publish at its usual time at 1 p.m. EST on Thursday.
Looming over these developments is the fact that, during Trump’s first term, there were instances of political appointees attempting to alter CDC reports on COVID-19. Some worry these developments are a sign that political appointees intend to exert a new kind of control on the federal health and research agencies.
Oh, no. Our pure science will be tainted by politics.
Make it so
President Donald Trump lobbed his first volley at the Federal Reserve, saying Thursday that he will apply pressure to bring down interest rates.
Speaking via video to an assembly of global leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the new president in a wide-ranging policy speech did not mention the Fed by name but made clear he would seek lower rates.
“I’ll demand that interest rates drop immediately,” Trump said. “And likewise, they should be dropping all over the world. Interest rates should follow us all over.”
Okay. On to the next windmill.
At least it wasn’t the tides he commanded.
Economically, he’s gonna miss the mark. Interest rates, of course, aren’t the problem. The problem is the cash bubble and the assorted asset bubbles caused by the cash bubble. Fix the source of the problem, not the consequence.
Not sure how you unwind the decade of quantitative easing.
I don’t know that you can. The economy is so addicted to debt at this point that deflation would be catastrophic. I see nothing politically tenable except kicking the can down the road until the sovereign debt crisis.
I’ll demand that interest rates drop immediately
GOD-DAMN IT NO! I like having enough interest and dividend income to survive on should the paycheck stop unexpectedly! Stop fucking over conscientious people because your constituency lived beyond their means for decades you jack-holes!
The housing market sucks right now not because mortgage rates are overpriced – fucking houses are.
Corporate investors snatching all the properties up.
not because mortgage rates are overpriced
Thinks back to buying a house.
“Fantastic Mr. Meat [phrasing?], your approved for $x on your mortgage! And if you find something you really like, we can probably bump that by y percent! Congrats!!!”
“Um, Mrs. Finance Person, have you looked at my documents? You know that’s like 10x my annual income, right?”
“Oh, that’s no big deal, your pre-approved! And you can refinance at a lower rate! And you don’t need money down isn’t that fantastic?!”
“Um, Mrs. Finance Person, have you looked at my documents? You know that’s like 10x my annual income, right?”
Goes off, buys a house well within my means, pays off in 12 years instead of 30, saving several $100,000s in interest in the process. Looks around at current interest policies and pandering to those living beyond their means and stealing all that saved money away with the not-so-hidden tax of inflation… Insert old cartoon image of protagonists head morphing into a braying jack-ass.
I’m more and more convinced that this is orchestrated and intentional. Debt slaves don’t revolt against the state.
For their part, Powell and his colleagues have emphasized the importance of Fed independence. Powell in particular frequently has insisted the central bank does not make decisions based on political considerations. Trump does not have statutory authority over the Fed, though he nominates members to the board of governors.
Strictly apolitical.
The problem is the cash bubble and the assorted asset bubbles caused by the cash bubble. Fix the source of the problem, not the consequence.
“Fuck you, cut spending.” That’s what Powell should say.
Trump blamed the inflation surge under former President Joe Biden on “wasteful deficit spending.”
“The result is the worst inflation crisis in modern history, and sky-high interest rates for our citizens and even throughout the world. Food prices and the price of almost every other thing known to mankind went through the roof,” he said.
A Fed official declined comment on Trump’s remarks.
You don’t fix wasteful government spending by haranguing the Fed.
Yeah, that wasteful spending – on the chart I posted earlier, locate what year it started in, oh, and who was president at the time.
Trump presided over the largest spike in federal spending.
Ding ding ding…. we have a winner!
The inability of Trump and his supporters to own up the fact that his spending contributed to our current inflation issues is amazing. Biden deserves some of the blame but so does he and the crazy part is that dude is going to spend like crazy too.
People be crazy.
I LOLed but not in mean way.
I’d love to know the story behind that disaster. Repo?
Yup that was a repo that he managed to thwart for about one minute. Hope he enjoyed that minute.
World’s largest iceberg on crash course with island, putting millions of penguins in danger
Prof St. Onge: “Last Chance” to Grow out of the $37 Trillion Debt
Say what now?
Always wanted one of the originals of those.
This is the most autistic passion project I’ve ever seen in the gun industry (which is known for both autism and irrational passion projects.)
Of course, I wish them every success. And if I win the lottery, I’ll immediately buy and start carrying a titanium-framed optic-equipped P7M13.
Something new to worry about
A bear that attacked a man in Pennsylvania this week was confirmed to have rabies, officials said Thursday.
The Pennsylvania Game Commission said on Facebook that the bear “aggressively approached” a man in the town of Jim Thorpe, Carbon County, in the scenic Pocono Mountains on Sunday and began to bite and scratch him. The commission noted this is abnormal behavior for bears.
The man, Andrew Neirer, survived the attack and is expected to make a full recovery. NBC affiliate WBRE of Wilkes-Barre obtained surveillance footage from a nearby homeowner that shows the moment of the attack.
The bear was shot and killed by a nearby homeowner and the body taken away for testing.
He just wanted to play.
Tonio hardest hit.
Jim Thorpe is a fun lil town (if you’re not getting attacked by rabid bears).
The Supreme Court on Thursday revived a requirement that owners of millions of small businesses register with an arm of the Treasury Department charged with fighting money laundering and other financial crimes.
The justices granted an emergency plea made by the Justice Department in the waning days of the Biden administration to allow enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act, enacted in 2021 to crack down on the illicit use of anonymous shell companies.
The dreaded epidemic of laundered money must be stopped, no matter what the cost.
SOOOOOOO tired of these bullshit “wars.”
War on drugs. Bad outcomes for people who need pain relief. Mom’s pain clinic flat refused to give Mom a fentanyl patch. Mom’s PCP flat refused to give her a fentanyl patch. It wasn’t until she was on hospice, who is apparently given carte blanche, that she could get that and now she’s on home health, they can continue it.
War on poverty. Bad outcomes for generations of people who know no other lifestyle but government assistance and children whose fathers bailed because they aren’t needed or wanted anyway. They’re starting out handicapped.
War on money laundering. Does the general public actually suffer from money laundering? No. But small fry DO suffer from debanking, and it’s always the small fry who get nailed. Just a money grab for the gummint. Has any mob ever done more damage than FedGov? No.
War on terrorism. The terrorists won. See: TSA.
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
You missed “War on Education” which was successfully won!
Another sob story:
The feds need to give back to the states all fed owned lands. States need to auction it to private owners.
A coalition of labor, environmental and other progressive organizations that support the law praised the court for paving the way for its enforcement.
“For years, police and prosecutors have tried to combat a flood of dirty money associated with often violent crimes, but that can’t happen if they run into a wall of shell companies and secrecy,” Ian Gary, executive director of the FACT Coalition, said in a statement. “Today’s order is a reminder of the urgency of opening the money trail so our law enforcement officials can crack down on criminals who abuse the system.”
WTF? Oh, right- commies who would like nothing more than to ban privately owned businesses completely.
We just need to set the limit to $1,000 and anyone under that we can go after for structuring!
I always point out to my progressive friends that many of their views on regulations and businesses would only benefit the mega corporations and make it damn near impossible for small businesses to survive or be created. They protest this of course but when you scratch the surface of any Progressive, they hate small businesses as they are viewed as being uncontrollable and you can’t force them to buy or sell what they believe is the proper price or service for the consumer.
I suggest you print more birthday cards featuring female soccer players. Or else.
Jarflax on the currency: So how are you going to float socialism without printing excess fake money? How are you going to do that, smart guy? Huh? What do. you have to say about that?
*Wife just asked me what NGOs are. “Non-Government Organizations: i.e contractors that do the things with taxpayer money that the Government is forbidden to do. It is a money laundering operation. Also, it feeds the charity circuit. ”
I dont know how Trump is keeping track of all of the shit that needs cleaning up but I sure hope NGOs are on his list.