I swear everyone at work just wanted to talk about the weather this week, which was nice except I actually had to talk to some of them about, you know—work.
This is my review of Hop Butcher for the Word Blizzard of ‘67 IPA:

Next week marks the 58th anniversary of the Blizzard of 1967. Otherwise known as the storm with the largest snowfall on record to hit Chicago:

On January 26 and 27, 1967, Chicago endured its worst snowstorm on record. The snow started at 502 AM on the 26th, and by 1010 AM of the 27th a record 23 inches of snow crippled the city. The previous record snow for the city was 19 inches on March 25th and 26th, 1930. During the storm winds gusted to 53 mph at Midway Airport. The high winds caused considerable blowing and drifting. Drifts 4 to 6 feet high were widespread throughout the area.
The heaviest snow fell in the morning and early afternoon of the 26th with the maximum rate of accumulation 2 inches per hour during the late morning. A thunderstorm was reported at Meigs Field. Snow tapered off by evening but intensified again overnight.
Two days before the blizzard, on January 24th, the high temperature was 65 degrees and the low was 44, both records that still stand today. Thunderstorms occurred in the evening of the 24th. There were reports of wind damage, and funnel clouds were spotted in the southwest section of the city. The wind gusted to 48 mph at Midway. The wall of a building under construction at 87th and Stony Island toppled, killing one man and injuring four others.
23 inches of snow was dumped in a short enough time to cripple all of the transportation infrastructure in a city that typically gets winter weather. Its one of those freak events the press like to reminisce about every time there’s a storm of great but less severity than this one. Just check the Chicago Tribune archives, they talk about it every few years.
Its almost like this type of weather is normal enough for Gary Larson to notice and make a short comic about it.
What doesn’t make sense at all, is the date tag on the photo says 10 May 2024. This mean I purchased it in the summer, wrote my notes and wondered why this is a winter themed beer. IPA is sort of a summer thing, no? This is 10% ABV tour de force that only makes sense if you have no idea what the reference to the name is, and had to look it up on the internet to discover it really was a storm big enough everyone got just the frozen tip. Its a hazy variety that coats the epithelial tissues in your mouth and leaves nothing left for your delicate nasal cavity as the hops penetrate every void and abscess in your face. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but that’s not my thing. Hop Butcher for the Word Blizzard of ‘67 IPA: 2.1/5 10% ABV
“‘T ain’t a fit night out for man nor beast.”
::throws snowball at Brooksie’s face::
IPA’s are year round, although some breweries do seasonal IPA releases (such as the infamous Celebration IPA).
IPA are a nevertime drink.
Beer is a nevertime drink.
Yeah, its the new lawnmower beer
Barrack reportedly has a new beard.
Hmmm… Mike, or Jennifer Anniston? Not a hard choice.
Sure but to be fair, Michelle has no more utility to him after Joe blindsided them by short-circuiting the DNC and tossing his nomination to Kamala.
Fuck, even Kissinger was swimming in poon. Aniston and thousands of other fecund, highly attractive women would fawn over Barrack’s cock. And then happily leave feeling they’ve done their Service for the Nation, holding the unwritten and understood No-Talky clause as a personal honor.
I don’t wanna know how he’s using his sexual clout. I wonder what Epstein knew and offered.
“And then happily leave feeling they’ve done their Service for the Nation”
Not sure how that would work with a gay dude.
fecund, highly attractive women
That describes Anniston, maybe 20-30 years ago.
“That describes Anniston, maybe 20-30 years ago.”
Accurate. However, at this point it’s all about adding names to his List. They serve well in his salacious circles, and others to come. Let’s be clear. Add as many euphemisms as needed.
I have no idea what makes that man attractive to any woman.
Clinton, even though he was repulsive to me, had a charisma that was obvious to everybody. An ebook client I had was an intern for him, and she said he remembered people’s names and when he talked to someone, he made them feel like the most important person in the world. That’s an extraordinary skill and I wish I had it.
But Barry is a cipher. He is nothing, has nothing, does nothing but what the hand up his ass is, has, does.
Moj – every liberal white woman has to love him, it is required. And I suppose it makes them feel equitable, as there was never another black man they were even remotely attracted to.
IANAchick, but he looks like a million bucks.
Tall, skinny, excellent sartorial tastes*
I consider him world-class competition.
In my house, NewWife (not a woke) makes it 2-0.
Note to Trump: this is a properly knotted tie.
* Gilmore to the white courtesy phone, please
+1 dimple.
I was always more of a double Windsor guy in my tie-wearing days.
Double windsor uses far too much of the tie and makes them too short.
Fortunately, you can fine-tune the length of the tie based on where you tie the knot. The tip of my tie always landed on my belt buckle.
Not when you have height and girth, there wasn’t enough tail.
Then you need to buy longer ties.
Nah, a Half Windsor is fine.
They obviously don’t watch enough sportsball. (Paging Moje for a second opinion.)
You isn’t one of they.
Idris Elba has nigh universal appeal, AFAICT
correct: even long ties are seldom long enough to do this well
To @GT’s pic, no.
To Idris Elba, no.
I am mostly an equal opportunity luster (Teutonic, generic European, Mediterranean, Arab, Indian, Latino, black Irish, regular Irish, Iberian, east Asian, I’m good), but Slavic and black men do nothing for me. There is one black man I do find aesthetically pleasing, but as a piece of art.
That’s it? I lived through a couple blizzards in NYC worse than that. Do better, Chicago.
Right? Fucking city people never shut up about their fucking cities, next imma have to hear from some I’M NEWYAWKIN HEEYA fuckstick about the snow in New….nm
I opted for double windsor if the tie material was thin. Knit ties are better with a half windsor, or maybe even a four in hand.
Better yet, fuck the tie and get a pocket square.
Whoa, I just Gilmored.
This is 10% ABV tour de force that only makes sense if you have no idea what the reference to the name is, and had to look it up on the internet to discover it really was a storm big enough everyone got just the frozen tip. Its a hazy variety that coats the epithelial tissues in your mouth and leaves nothing left for your delicate nasal cavity as the hops penetrate every void and abscess in your face. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but that’s not my thing.
Concur. I like a pale ale on occasion, but IPAs tend to be hoppier than I like.
It’s funny how tastes change. I used to drink IPAs by the barrel (Evolution No.3, Bell’s Two Hearted Ale, Great Lakes Burning River) but lately I seem to have lost my taste for them.
I’ve had proper English IPAs.
They’re good.
But from American brewers IPAs tend to be shit. “Tend to be” does not mean “all”. I’ve had Bell’s Two Hearted Ale and it is pretty good.
From ded thred
On picking former flag officers for Defense Secretary:
The law is basically against doing so and requires all of Congress to agree to an exemption. All part of keeping the military subordinate to the civilian authority. Although I do like the Connery take about avoiding the apple barrel.
Funny how nobody wants to mention Obama’s SecDef, Chuck Hagel, was not only not a General he was enlisted.
Not per wiki…
Your Wiki confirms he was enlisted. E-5 is a Sergeant in the Army.
An E-5 is enlisted.
Oooh. Mom woulda been 13 and growing up in Chicago at that time. (Chance they were still in Wisconsin.) I’ll ask her about what she remembers.
Interesting childhood on the Northside, she had. Her dad was a stickball kinda kid. He grew up in a Chicago building and the family was paid off to keep the secret distillery / warehouse for booze a ‘secret.’ He somehow played some tricks and got false Social Security numbers and cards for Mom and her brother ‘just in case.’ Many other sorts of trickery. Wise, odd man, Grandpa. I’m proud I carry on our family’s tradition of subtle, nefarious acts.
Trying to sell our old dog grooming trailer is a pain. Anyone in Ohio Valley want a 6’x12′ enclosed, slightly modified trailer?
Only if it reeks of wet dog.
Okay, but I was expecting better this week.
Listening to Trump in LA and the people fed up. He is many things but that guy can definitely tap into populist rage like no other
Gabbard will be the one left out of his list for confirmation.
Good. Then he can pick someone even more skeptical of the fucking “community”.
Yep. Her backtrack was just idiotic.
If Massie was going to give up his seat – this would be the position. Imagine him coming in and saying there is no need for 27 different intelligence agencies.
Frankly, I find Massie to be a principled “libertarian” who likes to cause wrinkles but seems to fill his time with trivial non-sense like the Prime Act, raw milk, seed oils, etc.
I don’t believe he has the drive, ability, or passion to lead any agency.
DNI isn’t an agency, it is the President’s direct report/coordinator overseeing all of the Intel Community.
I don’t believe he has the drive, ability, or passion to lead any agency.
He has drive and ability. See SensAble Technologies, a company he founded and ran.
Passion to lead an agency of the government? I’ll agree he doesn’t have that.
I don’t like giving in to the heckler’s veto.
Man sets self on fire. Cops shoot at him, miss, and hit a bystander. It’s pretty perfect.
As long as he was attempting to flee the scene after being told to “Freeze”.
Hmm, all my life I have heard people bitching about unnecessary violence in media, but until this story I never understood what they meant.
Today is the Pac-Man creator’s birthday.
Am I taking crazy pills or was this posted earlier in the week for a hot minute?
Are you jumping through time again?
Embrace the power of “AND”
C’mon man I didn’t dime you out when you tried to kill Hitler’s mom!
Speaking of frozen dicks…
IPAs are undrinkable swill.
23 inches, while significant, doesn’t seem apocalyptic; I’m a bit surprised that’s the biggest blizzard Chicago’s ever had
I suspect part of it was the wind and drifts.
During the storm winds gusted to 53 mph at Midway Airport. The high winds caused considerable blowing and drifting. Drifts 4 to 6 feet high were widespread throughout the area.
Six inches of snow with 30 mph winds can make roads impassible for days until the crews get out and plow.
Continuous snow falls with 10+ inches and high winds mean the crews are working non-stop just keep the highways and emergency routes clear.
Back country roads and city side streets are a no-go for days.
I cannot fucking imagine 20+ inches of snow and high winds.
Slanderous poppycock
The order may also threaten existing wind projects, both onshore and offshore. It calls for federal government agencies to not issue new permits, approvals and loans for wind projects pending a comprehensive multiagency review.
The order uses misleading language to justify its provisions, incorrectly suggesting, among other things, that wind is not a reliable energy source and that offshore wind harms wildlife.
Wind combined with energy storage like batteries and grid management can be a reliable and inexpensive energy source. There is also no evidence that the offshore wind industry kills large marine mammals like whales. Still, Trump specified in the order “the importance of marine life, impacts on ocean currents and wind patterns.”
“Nuh-uh,” say the fact checkers.
“Reliable and inexpensive”? In your dreams, maybe.
“Wind combined with energy storage like batteries and grid management can be a reliable and inexpensive energy source.”
Well, that’s just a flat-out lie.
And nobody needs to order a stop to this stuff. The companies that are supposed to be building them in line with the various fantasy “net zero” plans are all pulling out because reality.
See… it can be, under optimal conditions that scientists have so far been only able to create in a lab. With continued funding, maybe one day those optimal conditions can be re-created in the field.
PoliFact rates this “mostly true,” because the intent to deceive via weasel words can be hand-waved away.
Why, it’s almost like the whole of the watermelon’s arguments are a scam. One would be tempted to think that.
It might be, or it might not.
Maybe they need a little more reference on cheap and reliable (not to mention non renewable).
Her backtrack was just idiotic.
I’m not going to delve into it because I don’t really give a shit, but I don’t put much stock in third hand hearsay. My assumption, based my desire to give people the benefit of the doubt, would be that she offered up some narrowly parsed “never say never” whimwham to appease the Republican swamp dwellers.
“…narrowly parsed “never say never” whimwham…”
To give an impression that can be refuted later on technicalities. Used by salesmen of magic potions, democrat platform, Hamas etc.
We will make you smarter, younger, sexier, freer and save the whatever you care about. Save stuff.
As soon as someone starts trying to soften me up using emotional appeal, fear, I am gonna tell you all about…., blah blah blah – I stop listening.
They are grifters and once I see that I dont waste my precious time trying to figure it out.
I especially hate ‘TED talks’. ” I am connected to people that know. You can tell cuz I have this thing in my ear and a hands-free mic.
I wave my hands and arms around enthusiastically cuz I mean it. I walk back and forth so everyone is front and center in my attention. This fantastic visual field is behind me because I am on the next level and privy to stuff you are not. I am going to tell you about all the secrets I know after I finish telling you that I am going to tell you that and after you sign up.”
Really. As soon as that visual abortion appears I think “Grifter” and shut them down.