¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!

by | Jan 14, 2025 | Daily Links | 117 comments

I saw this on Garand Thumb, and thought it was something out of Blade Runner. Its not much more than compensator using the existing hardware for the rear sight on a Colt Python with some custom work to the action. It looks pretty awesome for the sake of people that want to pretend they live in the future. We are living in the future right?

Unfortunately, this looks like a Colt only sort of deal. Because it appears to use the ribbing over the top of the barrel for added strength, no such device is currently available for S&W. It looks like Empire has a top rail but I’m fine with my 686 for now.


6.2 Earthquake literally leaves Mexico shaking — oh wait, no casualties. It looks like they’re doing better than California, so much so they sent Bomberos to help. Please note, the video is clearly not from SoCal.

Migrants have 6 more days to beat the clock!

I’m pretty sure colloquial names of bodies of water can be called whatever the fuck we want (i.e. Persian Gulf vs. Arabian Gulf). Texans have only called their state the Republic of Texas for well over a century.

Brandon attempts to make what Trump will unmake.

They’re still taking Trump literally.

Here’s a tune. I need to run reports now. Have a great Tuesday!

*edit to add link to revolver

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. Sean

    Sweet baby Jesus! Why?!?!?

    • EvilSheldon

      To sell, of course.

    • R C Dean

      Yeah, the point of a 3” revolver is its size. So larding it up with a light, compensator, optic is just dumb.

  2. The Other Kevin

    “They’re still taking Trump literally.”

    That kind of tactic only works if dipshits like this guy believe him.

    Also, I’m eagerly awaiting the first hoax of the new admin. Will it be crazier than Trump telling people to drink bleach? We’ll see.

  3. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    As someone who as two Colts, DA’s with the same internals as a Python, I tentatively approve. Not big on lasers on handguns, but big on Colt. I also have two Smiths, and lets just say that there is a difference. A big one.

    • Not Adahn

      I think that’s a light. Although, some lights do have built in lasers.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Eh, whatever the optics are.

    • EvilSheldon

      I mean, the mount is clever and looks well-engineered, and it’s not even unattractive. But man, super impractical for anything except for some fringe hunting and wilderness defense cases.

      So maybe the dude’s a fringe hunter or something…

      • Gender Traitor

        When is open season for fringe?

      • EvilSheldon

        GT – 2008 through 2013.

      • Grummun

        When is open season for fringe?

        Spring season opens in March. I recommend a conversion van in the Jo-Anns parking lot as a blind.

      • Nephilium


        /hands EvilSheldon a white tulip

      • mexican sharpshooter

        *Presents Evil Sheldon a cow for his lab*

  4. Sean

    Andrew Mitrovica

    Grade A retard.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Truly nuts,

  5. Fourscore

    The friction tape on the grip makes for a nice personalization. Kind of ties the gun together.

    • The Other Kevin

      If you flip it over you can see the chewing gum that holds on the laser.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Just needs some baling wire to complete the look.

      • Fourscore

        Too local, Nick

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I don’t know 4x,
        Baling wire and duct tape I can fix the World, and I’m in stupidland

    • Not Adahn

      I have to admit, in my limited revolver experience smooth wood grips are a stupid idea.

      ESPECIALLY out of a 3″ 629.

      • Spudalicious

        I bought a 686 Talo. It came with gorgeous wood grips that I replaced with Hogue after the first range session.

      • Tundra

        I have a Taurus 66 with the Hogues. Can’t imagine wood grips on that, especially with a heavy load.

    • Suthenboy

      My experience with colt double action revolvers means I spend my money on Smith and Wesson or Ruger.

      • Sean


      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I… uh…

        /walks away, shaking head

  6. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “When the US president-elect threatens Greenland, Panama and my country, Canada, I don’t think he’s joking.”

    What’s he worried aboot, Canada’s just a more polite version of the US with worse weather and cheaper but shittier healthcare anyway. Things would barely change. Also, he’s trolling.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Sam Elliott voiceover:

      It’s not cheaper

  7. Mojeaux

    @jarflax, thank you. We’re on the partition. I may email you later.

    • Jarflax

      No thanks needed, it just happens to be an issue I have seen before and know a little about.

  8. Aloysious

    What an interesting pistol. Is it for zambies, or did John Constantine use it to deport Demons?

    • Aloysious

      Does Gene Simmons use it to fire bullets around corners?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        No, but I can’t speak for Richard Simmons

      • Compelled Speechless

        Richard Simmons is more likely to shoot through glory holes.

  9. Shpip

    Trump may desire to change the name due to his antagonistic approach to diplomacy with Mexico. He’s criticized the country several times in the past. He believes it’s not pulling its weight when it comes to border security, immigration, and international drug trade.

    If by “pulling its weight” you mean “facilitating the passage of third world peasants and profitable deadly narcotic to their northern neighbors,” then Mexico is indeed getting the job done.

    • juris imprudent

      You know how much narcotics would flow from Mexico into the U.S. if we had zero demand? You can’t keep shit out of prisons, so there is no way you are keeping it out of the country. As far as the migrants – what did Mexico do last time Trump was in the White House? Oh, that’s right they shut their southern border tighter than a bulls ass.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Do bulls, in fact, have tight asses?

      • Jarflax

        I have no knowledge about the tightness of a bull’s ass, but I would very much enjoy watching the results of someone trying to find out.

      • EvilSheldon

        A guy I shot with back in college, his family had a cattle farm. He took a certain pleasure in describing to the rest of the team, the various livestock that he’d fisted and the relative dimensions of each orfice. As a side note, we always had the best damn burgers for post-shooting trip cookouts…

      • juris imprudent

        Just borrowing one of my barn-owner’s favorite phrases.

    • Fourscore

      ” border security, immigration, and international drug trade”

      When the displaced Californians line up at the border Mexico will build the wall and happily pay for it

      • Homple

        Speaking of fisting cattle, I once thought I would lose my arm when trying to help a crosswise calf get born.

  10. Necron 99

    I believe “Gulf of Texas” sounds better.

    • Jarflax

      Gulf of Alabama, then start a plankton bloom so the tides turn red.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        You’ve been Saban that one…


        I can’t Bear this nonsense.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Quintana Roo ‘rocean.

    • Rat on a train

      We’ll let Mexico rename the Gulf of California.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        It’s still the Sea of Cortez

  11. juris imprudent

    TPS faces an uncertain future under Trump…

    Yeah, if you’d use the new cover sheets, that would be, great.

  12. Tonio

    “bodies of water can be called whatever the fuck we want”

    Indeed, and not just the colloquial names, but the official names on US-govt produced maps.

    The Sea of Galilee has several other local names. And I expect that some people on its banks refer to Lake Victoria by other names.

    • Fourscore

      ““bodies of water can be called whatever the fuck we want””

      Except in Minnesoda where such words as Squaw or Papoose will be renamed into something that real people won’t be afraid to use, like Lake Indigenous Woman or Lake Child of Indigenous Persons.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I was just at Squaw Lake a couple of weekends ago.

      • Nephilium

        /pours out a $0.10 beer for the Indians

      • Homple

        Speaking of Minnesota, can anybody pronounce the new name they slapped on Lake Calhoun?

        Oh, and have they renamed Coon Rapids yet?

      • Tundra

        Oh, and have they renamed Coon Rapids yet?

        We locals renamed it long ago. I’m certain you can guess.

      • Rat on a train

        Nobody better try to rename any of Virginia’s ‘.*ass.*’ locations (Assawoman, Bumpass, Manassas, …).

      • Pope Jimbo

        Local radio show in the Twin Cities once had a retired black guy who used to teach in Coon Rapids call in.

        The black guy was laughing about how he won the Teacher of the Month award a few times, but it was called Coon of the Month. He wasn’t offended at all, but said he could not convince him mom who lived in Mississippi that it was a good thing.

  13. Chipping Pioneer

    Trump is clowning almost all Canadian politicians, of all stripes right now.

    The sad thing is, there are 4 years of his first term, plus 14 fucking seasons of The Apprentice they could watch to understand how he works.

    He wants Canada to secure its borders, control the flow of fentanyl, and increase defence spending, all things the majority of Canadians want.

    But, no, they’re all behaving like he literally wants to make Canada the 51st state and they’re running against him.

    Literal retards.

    • Suthenboy

      You are expecting the cat to figure out that the bright red spot is not a real thing. Ain’t gonna happen.

  14. DEG

    Twelve days into 2025 and I have already broken what amounted to my one and only New Year’s resolution.

    I made a vow not to succumb to the easy temptation to write about the madness every time Donald Trump pens an insult-laced tweet or bombastic statement – without, of course, using spell check.

    I tapped out.

    • EvilSheldon

      “Get back on our head, loser!”

    • Ted S.

      You read farther into Mexican’s post than the rest of us did.

  15. Suthenboy

    I dont know about other states but in Louisiana we have a special provision that specifically prohibits controlling your estate from beyond the grave.
    Biden can order whatever he likes, it will make no difference. This executive order business was a bad idea in the first place. Pen and phone my ass. The president signs bills into law. Bills that pass congress. Little by little we have strayed from our original principles into older, more primitive ideas to our detriment.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      This is FDR’s fault, as usual.

    • juris imprudent

      Yeah, consider how much Congress debated tariffs in the early days of the republic and all they really needed to do was pass a law about national security and ba-da-boom – the president now gets to decide.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      The executive order should only apply to the executive branch. IE a boss needs to order his employees, a general his troops.

      And that is it. None of this BS.

      • R C Dean

        I think most of them fit that format. It’s just that the executive is so vast and has had so many powers “delegated” to it by Congress that it effectively becomes a kind of legislative fiat.

      • Suthenboy

        I think that was the idea in the first place. Slippery slopes are slippery. Plus, what RC says.

  16. rhywun

    Migrants have 6 more days to beat the clock

    Walk faster.

    I couldn’t make it past the inevitable sob story to find a point in that article.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Did we cover Biden’s removal of Cuba from the terrorstate list? Another going away gift.

    What a petulant bitch that guy is.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    This just in

    Harmful chemicals in sewage sludge that is spread on pasture land as fertilizer are causing cancer, the Environmental Protection Agency said Tuesday. The risk is highest for people who regularly consume milk, beef and other products from farms where it is spread. The risk is “several orders of magnitude” above what it considers acceptable, the agency said.

    When cities and towns treat sewage, they separate the liquids from the solids and treat the liquid. The solids need to be disposed of and can make a nutrient-rich sludge often spread on farm fields. The agency now says those solids often contain toxic, lasting PFAS that treatment plants cannot effectively remove.

    When people eat or drink foods containing these “forever” chemicals, the compounds accumulate in the body and can cause kidney, prostate and testicular cancer. They also harm the immune system and childhood development.

    Everything will kill you.

    • Tundra

      Sounds to me like one of the big ag companies came up with a new fertilizer. Yay.

      I’m more worried about the fucking mRNA “vaccines” the douchebags want to inject into the food supply.

    • Homple

      “Most at risk are people who drink one quart of milk per day from dairy cows raised on pasture with the biosolids, eat one or two servings of fish a week from a lake contaminated by runoff, or drink PFAS-laden water, the draft risk assessment said.”

      Time to stop treating sewage. Just load the stuff into rockets and launch them toward the sun. Elon can make it happen.

      • slumbrew

        A quart of milk a day seems like a lot to me

      • Tundra

        Here’s some irony: the facilities that process plastic for the alleged recycling are responsible for a *huge* amount of plastic in the water supply. Go green!

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        This has been my idea about trash for decades now. You want it gone? Incinerate it. Biggest incinerator in the galaxy.

      • Tundra


        Minneapolis has one, shockingly. Right smack dab next to the Twin’s Stadium.

        That said, methane farming from landfills is a decent solution, too.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I guess I’m dead already,

    • Suthenboy

      That narrative sounds a little too convenient to me. Oddly enough it moves toward their no-meat goal.
      I am just gonna call bullshit right now.

  19. Tundra

    Why is it a gulf and not a sea? Sea of Cortez is a cool fucking name.

    How about Sea of DeSoto?

    • Compelled Speechless

      If you can get people accept Sea of Cortez, you’ll know that woke is officially dead. Neil Young (one of the OG wokies) has a whole song about what a horrible colonizer he was.

      • Compelled Speechless

        My public school geography education is showing.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        It’s called the Sea of Cortez, by the Mexicans and the San Diegans, fuck California

      • creech

        Gulf of Killer Hurricanes.

      • Tundra


        I honestly never noticed they changed it. IIRC it was also known as Vermilion?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Way back when it was Vermilion

      • Compelled Speechless


        What’s laughably retarded about lines like
        Hate was just a legend
        War was never known

        Don’t you know that the Aztecs sat around all day singing Kum ba yah and expanded their empire by going around to neighboring tribes and asking them really, really, really nicely if they’d like to join?

        That’s a good version. My favorite is still the first version I heard. I’m a big Warren Haynes fan.

      • Tundra


        Yeah, it’s time to rewatch Apocalypto. As a matter of fact, maybe I should send a copy to Neil lol.

        Warren should have been the third guitarist with the Church for that song. He’s so fucking amazing and I don’t know if the rest of the DMB measured up.

      • Suthenboy

        As you might have already guessed I have no use for Neil Young. None at all.
        Cortez was a fucking hero.

      • The Hyperbole

        Meh, yes the ‘noble savage’ thing is grade A bullshit but mass murder is bad. Cortez may not have couched his human sacrifices in some goofy religion but human sacrifices for “the rule of law” or “the good of the people” are just as bad. An evil piece of shit can stop another evil piece of shit but it doesn’t make him a fucking hero.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Michelle Obama didn’t go to Jimmeh’s funeral. Now they say she won’t be at the inauguration. Crank up the rumor mills!

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Her and KJP hooking up?

      • creech

        She’s the only one with the balls to snub Hitler?

    • Sean

      Twitter told me she is divorcing Barry.

      • Suthenboy

        Why would he do that?

      • rhywun

        lol I wasn’t going to go there, honest.

    • Compelled Speechless

      Trump told her the next time he sees Michelle, they’re going to have a literal dick measuring contest. Mike would win, but then the monkey is out of the bag, so to speak.

    • Tundra

      You don’t say!

      This simulation is truly retarded.

    • Sean


    • Shpip

      Sounds like dangerous malinformation to me.

      Find whatever agency put that out and burn it to the ground.

      Oh, wait…

  21. Derpetologist

    The NPCs have been upgraded with the new talking points:

    Hayes: The trans population is far smaller than the right would have you believe

    Meanwhile, down in the memory hole:


    President Joe Biden began his term in the White House with a broad promise to protect transgender Americans against Republican policies that painted them as a threat to children and sought to push them out of public life.

    “Your president has your back,” Biden assured trans people in his first State of the Union address in 2021, and he repeated a version of that statement in subsequent speeches.

    But with President-elect Donald Trump days away from taking office after piling on transgender people throughout his campaign, some worry Biden did not do enough to shield them from what’s likely to come.

    The president-elect has declared that “it will be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders — male and female,” and pledged to sign a series of executive orders targeting trans people early in his presidency.

    • Compelled Speechless

      Hayes: The trans population is far smaller than the right would have you believe

      Before the whole transing kids thing, this was my main problem with the whole thing. The population of trans people is far too small and inconsequential to spend the amount of time on their “issues” that the elites wanted us too. Up until 10 years ago they the population was like 1 in 10,000 and that’s probably very generous. Yet, digital ink was being spilled by the Exxon tanker about how we need to remake all of society to cater to the wants and needs of a tiny population of mentally ill individuals.

      How about no? We have actual problems to worry about.

      • B.P.

        The revolution won’t succeed with that attitude.

      • Evan from Evansville

        ^^ This right here. None of trans’ sudden popularity makes *any* sense except “They’re lying.”

        They = Cultural apparatchiks, Useful Idiots & the DNC. I’m not sure why trans ‘worked’ on folk, but there ya have it. The MtF dude I worked with was very open about being fucked up, and did not pass in any way whatsoever. *bemused scratchin’ of the noggin’*

      • The Hyperbole

        I don’t have any problems to worry about.

  22. Tundra

    Don’t know if y’all follow Chris Bray (and I can’t recall when I subscribed) but he’s an LA guy and a very worthy follow. He’s been putting out a lot of content during this clusterfuck and I think you will like it. Today is a takedown of both the SoCal doomers and the comfortable fuckheads who helped fuck up heaven on earth.


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