1. AlexinCT

    Back to work after a month off… I need to win Powerball..

  2. AlexinCT

    Congress to Certify Trump’s Election Victory

    Well, this dickhead thinks that will not happen…

    • R.J.

      Either way today will be interesting. Is there a time? Is the certification starting at noon or something?

      • R.J.

        I found it. Starts at 1 PM Eastern Time.

    • Suthenboy

      To their last breath. That fruit will be wheelchair bound shitting himself in an assisted living facility in 2050 mumbling about how Trump will never be president.

  3. AlexinCT

    Senate Majority Leader John Thune Told Trump Pete Hegseth Has Votes to Be Confirmed

    This has to be the scariest thing to the woke movement. Losing the ability to wokify the military will make their plans to force that globalist commie shit on the country untenable. And I am sure Xi now wants all that money the CCP paid the cabal to buy them off and have them destroy the US military, back.

    • juris imprudent

      Meh, the rot in the military long pre-dates any of the DEI stupidity (not that that helped at all).

      • rhywun

        I’ll take addressing the rot that’s left after destroying the woke/summer of love/DEI etc. that made all of them exponentially worse in recent years.

      • rhywun

        “all of them” == the institutions

        i kan edit gud

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        All militaries rot when they don’t face existential threats.

      • Fourscore

        Started at least in 1975 when Ford was prez

      • Bobarian LMD

        “Fuckin’ VOLAR (all volunteer force).” what my FiL used to say. He retired as a CSM right about then (late 74).

      • Gustave Lytton

        It was the alternative lifestyle bags.


      I started detecting this when I enlisted in the late 90s. Equal opportunity officers/advisors (a.k.a. Political Commissars) started appearing under Clinton. I didn’t have a frame for it, but I felt something off back then.

  4. AlexinCT

    New Jersey ends basic reading and writing skills test requirement for teachers

    So now all these tools need to show are that they are fully versed in the fever dreams of Marx and his disciples to get the job? Makes DEI work better too.

    • R C Dean

      Interesting that my Congresshole (Grijalva) isn’t on that list, since he is an utter nonentity who votes the D line reflexively.

      • Rat on a train

        Mine must have been out fundraising.

      • slumbrew

        Mine (Pressley), of course, did.

        I haven’t dug around – what’s the steel-man argument for not supporting deporting sex offenders?

      • slumbrew

        *did, as in did vote against it.

      • Rat on a train

        what’s the steel-man argument for not supporting deporting sex offenders?
        cultural enrichment?

      • R C Dean

        We shouldn’t be deporting them because they should be serving out long sentences of hard labor?

    • Suthenboy

      Troy Carter – Louisiana

      I immediately guessed D- New Orleans. I must be a magic seer.
      I would note that most of Louisiana doesnt claim New Orleans.

    • rhywun

      What is this vote, and how many R’s also opposed it?

      • Suthenboy

        So you are asking how much other dumbfuckery was in the bill? It’s congress dude.

      • DrOtto

        I’ve been watching a fair amount of “Cops” lately. I think the low hanging pants are an agreed handicapping system between police and the gangs to even it up between out of shape cops and gangstas in a foot chase. They don’t seem to be good for anything else. Unless holding your pants up while you run somehow makes you faster, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

      • rhywun

        I thought they are an imitation of prisoners who have their belts removed. Because looking like a criminal is high fashion in some quarters.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      2Low looks like he shit his pants a second later.

  5. Not Adahn

    Michigan Primed To Clear Cut Hundreds Of Acres Of Forest To Make Way For Solar Panels

    I mean, a single section is 640 acres…

    • DrOtto

      Trees absorb CO2 24/7, solar panels produce electricty maybe 1/2 of the day on a good day and is at best an indirect CO2 offset. Even for true believers in this climate-fairy bullshit, this can’t make sense.

      • Swiss Servator

        Michigan might have 75 clear days a year?

      • Ted S.

        There are no true believers. It’s all about power.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        It’s about the benjamins. And it’s not like they’ll get much pushback from the ‘true’ greenies.

  6. rhywun

    No one commits mass murder in this fashion against completely innocent civilians without having several screws loose.

    Or, you know, an evil agenda.

    • EvilSheldon

      Thank you.

      It would be better for society in general, if we could get over the idea that people who commit atrocities are irrational or delusional. For the most part, they’re not anything of the kind.

  7. R.J.

    Losing the college degree for basic state jobs is not an issue.
    Running a DMV window? No college degree needed. Cleaning state parks? No degree needed. California economist? Clearly no degree needed.

  8. juris imprudent

    This is depressingly accurate.

    So, if McMahon and Trump try to close the Department of Education, they may be surprised to find that much of the resistance will come from Republicans in local communities who continue to support many of its programs.

    Article also notes that the dreaded Project 2025 plan didn’t abolish the programs, instead transferring them (and the funding) to other departments.

    • Suthenboy

      “Why did we lose? It makes no sense. We just didnt hit it hard enough. Yeah, that’s it!”

      Still on with the fictions. I dont know what to say. They have to be preaching to their own shrinking choir because no one but the true believers are buying it.

    • rhywun

      None of the shit mentioned in that article is a federal responsibility.

      But as long as the feds keep sucking up 40% or more of your income, might as well keep federalizing everything, right?

      • Jarflax

        I am trying to be less black pilled, but cutting the size of government always runs into two issues. 1. when you start identifying specific cuts it automatically forms a coalition of the people who oppose cutting the government in general and the people who are in favor of cuts in general, but benefit from this specific boondoggle. and 2. In order to cut you have to be in control and no matter what you promised and what you may even believe about cutting the power of the government in theory it’s less appealing cutting your own power.

      • Suthenboy

        Jarflax: Did you read the story I told about my grandfather overloading a boat and standing in the water up to his neck with the boat on the bottom while he kept declaring “It’ll float! It’ll float!”?

      • Jarflax

        Yes. Denial is a hell of drug.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Any idiot who brings up Project 2025 immediately puts themselves in the NoRead zone.

      • juris imprudent

        You miss the point – even the massive plan to de-bureaucratize didn’t cut the fucking funding. It just got rid of the figurehead.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        JI, if you have a point, maybe you should make it before saying everyone missed it.

      • juris imprudent

        The other point was the predictability of Republicans when it comes to spending, but that is beyond obvious.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The predictability isn’t Republicans, it’s people.

  9. R.J.

    Trudeau will step down and nothing will change.

    • Suthenboy

      Same as England. If they get rid of Starmer they will still be a stinking shithole of authoritarianism throwing people in jail for jokes and mean tweets while letting rapists and murderers out to make room for them. We hear a lot about England but I understand Ireland is worse.

    • Grummun

      Yes. Get rid of Trudy, there is still the huge number of people that were just fine with implementing the repressive, authoritarian policies.

      • juris imprudent

        In fact the woman who was his deputy and will in all likelihood replace him as leader of the party being a prime offender.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        The Canuckistanis have no hope until they can get rid of their entire government, which isn’t until October.

        They’re absolutely fucked. The average income in their richest province is lower than our poorest state. Their housing market is among the most expensive in the world.

  10. Suthenboy

    Two bits ‘o wisdom to guide you in life:
    1. People do what they want to do. If they are doing it it is because they want to. If they are not doing it it is because they dont want to.
    2. Every scam has one element in common. If you see this element it is a scam without exception. That element is the urgent need for money.

    Like the Iron laws keep those two things in mind when reading these links.

    I dont give a flea’s fart what the GOP says. I am going to watch and see what they do. BTW, where is my Obamacare repeal?

      • slumbrew

        And yet, my PPO is _much_ more expensive than before.

      • Suthenboy

        See Slumbrew below.
        At this point. I dont give a shit what works, what doesnt or what might or might not replace it. It isn’t about healthcare anymore for me. It is about the spineless lying shitweasels that are the GOP and their nearly spotless record of being spineless lying shitweasels.
        How about this? “The Patient Affordable Care Act is hereby repealed.” <—- note period at end.

      • R C Dean

        There was a lot more to it than the individual mandate.

      • juris imprudent

        I dont give a shit what works, what doesnt or what might or might not replace it.

        I get you, but you aren’t the average voter and neither am I.

      • juris imprudent

        And yet, my PPO is _much_ more expensive than before.

        Listen buster, you’re gonna pay for that ob/gyn coverage whether you like it or not!

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Geriatric obstetrics AND pediatric dental!

    • Suthenboy

      Same here and probably for half of the country.

      • AlexinCT

        The FBI says this

        Me, I doubt they are telling us the truth since this doesn’t fit any of their usual narratives.

    • DrOtto

      That’s why they said he had help and then backed off the claim when they realized his help was FBI operatives.

      • Tundra

        They did the same thing with the San Bernardino shooters. It’s theater.

  11. Suthenboy

    What happened to ‘two men and one woman are seen on video planting explosive devices before the truck attack’ ?

    • slumbrew

      *hastily scrubs video of agents planting IEDs*

      “Whoops, our mistake, he was working alone”.

    • DrOtto

      Compare them to people who planted pipe bombs in DC on Jan 6 and you might see some similarities…

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Both were wearing tan pants and carrying tiki torches?

    • Swiss Servator

      They, as any Nawlins resident can tell you, were just folks rooting around the coolers that Totally Lone Wolf left with IEDs in them…looking for a free beer.

    • slumbrew

      “So you still do the prep work and cleaning (not fun parts), but not the actual cooking (fun part)? Whose dumb idea was this?!”


      • R.J.


      • Suthenboy

        So all of the robot does is pour stuff you measured out into a pot and stir? Why would I pay even a penny for that?

      • Banjos

        Nah. The cooking part sucks as much as the prep work. Get me a prep work robot as well.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Banjos gets it. Cooking sucks.

      • AlexinCT

        I actually like cooking. It is actually a relaxing experience when I do it. Then again, I do it when I want and because I like it. If it is an obligation, I can see it getting old real quick..

        I do hate the cleanup, which is why I do it as I go in order to avoid having a pile of things to clean at the end. I want a cleanup robot…

    • rhywun

      That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

      • Sean


    • R C Dean

      Whoever shot the video needs a beating. Not a bad, break-your-bones beating. Just enough of one to teach a lesson – hold your fucking camera level and steady, you moron.

      • DrOtto

        The cameraman was a student of Steven Bochco.

      • juris imprudent

        This might have been one that Michael Bay’s treatment would’ve actually improved.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Brought To You By The Institute For Advanced Dildonics.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Michigan Primed To Clear Cut Hundreds Of Acres Of Forest To Make Way For Solar Panels

    Will they be cut down by lumberjacks with axes and crosscut saws, and cleared away using teams of horses?

    • R C Dean

      Horses are veritable methane factories, and methane is worse for teh climate than CO2.

    • Drake

      Solar technology has probably progressed somewhat in the past couple of decades, but… When I worked for Nevada Power, there was a big proposal for a solar project on government owned desert land. Almost no landscaping needed in the sunniest place in the country. They still couldn’t get their price per kwhr down to anywhere near our price for fossil fuel generated electricity.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Again…I think it’s not a bad idea to build them over parking lots (like on NASNI and some other bases) – you get shade for your car and get back some power – but there’s a distinct limit in efficiency that nobody wants to address.

    • The Last American Hero

      Nope, just one really big dude with an ax, accompanied by his blue ox.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Heinous injustice

    Late on a day of chaos and blood on January 6, 2021, it was unimaginable that Donald Trump — who summoned a mob to Washington and told the crowd to “fight like hell” — would get anywhere near the presidency again.

    Yet on Monday, exactly four years after his supporters invaded the US Capitol, beat up police officers and interrupted the certification of President Joe Biden’s 2020 victory, Congress will convene to again confirm another election.

    The democracy that Trump tried to desecrate will enshrine his return to power.

    Trump should be in a windowless cell , eating spiders. Instead he is coming back to rule the world.

    • rhywun

      OMG the histrionics. Go sob in a corner. And while you’re there, give some thought about how and why all this happened.

      • WTF

        And while you’re there, give some thought about how and why all this happened.

        They already know it’s because they just didn’t prog hard enough!

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        This is what happens when the rhetoric engine is always running at max. There is nowhere to go from HITLER!!!1!!!

    • EvilSheldon

      “Late on a day of chaos and blood…” Okay, I’m gonna stop right there. I’ve read less hysterical prose in 18+ trap mangas…

  14. The Late P Brooks

    The ceremonial process that will clear the way for Trump’s swearing in as the 47th president in two weeks will also highlight an extraordinary moment in political history in a nation where Trump is more powerful and popular than he’s ever been. A plurality of voters decided that despite his egregious conduct four years ago, he was the best option to lead the country until January 2029.

    What does that tell you about your team, its record, and candidate?

    • R C Dean

      “The ceremonial process”

      Like the AZ commissioners who were ordered to certify tallies they had concerns about, making this a purely ceremonial process is stripping away a protection for electoral security.

      “A plurality of voters”

      It was a majority until CA finished counting ballots weeks after Election Day. I strongly suspect that an honest count in CA would have left him with a majority, not a plurality of 49.80%.

    • juris imprudent

      What does that tell you about your team, its record, and candidate?

      The voters aren’t good enough?

      • SarumanTheGreat

        They just weren’t replaced fast enough.

    • Sensei

      And let me present this as an alternative.

      The Old School Alfa Romeo That Rules the Streets of Brooklyn
      Keith Helmetag has driven his 1969 Alfa Romeo Spider “Duetto” across the borough, and surfing spots nearby, for decades


      I can’t understand how it hasn’t rusted to pieces. If you put your ear up to an Alfa Romeo of this vintage I swear you can hear them rusting.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Nah, it was the seventies and eighties ALFA’s that were rust buckets. Sixties models held up pretty good.

        But way to bury the lead; surfing in Brooklyn? I am guessing it is like the “surfers” in Seattle or Kansas City.

      • Tundra

        Love it. I’d love to see underneath the thing. With a decent amount of obsessiveness you might be able to keep the panels clean but no way the pans are pristine.

      • rhywun

        Atlantic Ocean?

      • R C Dean

        “I can’t understand how it hasn’t rusted to pieces”

        He bought the undercoating package at the dealership?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I was mostly joking. I grew up in surf country, and would hear surfers talk constantly, and back it up, that you weren’t a surfer if you weren’t out there every day. Then I would see “surfers” in places with no waves (if on the coast) or crap conditions 90% of the year.

        They would claim that a real surfer would move to the waves, and you had to give up anything stopping you.

    • Nephilium

      I like my old Mini Cooper, and have no interest in the newer models. They made them larger, which kind of defeats the purpose.

      • R.J.

        My wife had one. It was a challenge for me to fit in it. Otherwise it was nice. She had the 3 cylinder version. Earlier ones were four?

      • Nephilium


        Pretty sure mine is a 4 cylinder. It’s getting up there (over 10 years old with over 100k miles on it), and it’s a pain to find anyone willing to work on it. Outside of Mini dealerships (which are few and far between), I know of only a handful of places that will work on it. Hell, the BMW dealerships (BMW owns Mini for those who were unaware), and they won’t even work on Minis.

      • Sensei

        I’ve looked at the same. Realistically your best bet is to buy one somebody else built and got tired with.

        The question mark being how it was put together of course.

      • Aloysious

        Anybody post this yet?

        Lucky Brits.

      • Suthenboy

        All European countries are like Russia…the joke being that Russians get things almost right. Each European country gets some things almost right but just different things in each country. England is definitely the one that gets food and cars almost right.

  15. Evan from Evansville

    Phone interview with Forvis Mazars in 30 min. Pretty much a secretarial gig, now called a “Report Processing Specialist.” Supposedly, this job involves some editing but includes plenty of gopher duties, which is just fine. My last interviews were blah-blah over sticking large needles in strangers to… extract their essence. This one feels rather different, tho I’m not sure why. Seems more ‘adult,’ which seems foolish and is.

    This should be intriguing. *crosses fingers*

    • AlexinCT

      Will there be hanky-panky too?

  16. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    Bleh. Woke up too early this AM, wet weather has been inflaming my arthritis/scar tissue/nerve damage and I am just cranky.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    If you put your ear up to an Alfa Romeo of this vintage I swear you can hear them rusting.

    But if you put your ear to the tailpipe, they sound glorious.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Hell, the BMW dealerships (BMW owns Mini for those who were unaware), and they won’t even work on Minis.

    They’ve got nightmares of their own to deal with.

    • Tundra

      Yeah, but a ten year old Mini shouldn’t be that bad.

      I’ll bet the hang up with smaller shops is the fucking software licenses.

      • Sensei

        One of the car repair channels I watches works on them. This is my guess:

        They are an inexpensive BMW designed motor crammed into a tiny car with very little working room. My guess is that can’t charge the hours that they need to work on them. Given the demographics many customers won’t pay for the labor and expensive parts. So independents don’t want to specialize and the dealers don’t want to deal with headaches of the customers and service difficulties.

        Maybe Dr Otto can chime in. BMW (and Mini) software is fairly widespread and comes with most of the professional scanners and data services.

  19. Chipping Pioneer

    Trudeau to resign my Wednesday.

    Not soon enough.

    • R.J.

      Word is he will resign today. I’ll eat my fez if he does.

      • Sean

        Raw or cooked?

      • Suthenboy

        I should probably eat mine as well. I thought he was just the kind of arrogant power mad fuck that would declare himself president for life and keep screaming that while he was carried out in cuffs.

      • R.J.

        I think I’ll boil it so that velvety fuzz gets mushy and chewable.

      • ron73440

        That one’s surprising, but I’m sure Canada can find another shit-weasel to do the job.

      • R.J.

        I feel there are worse dictators waiting in the wings.

      • Not Adahn

        Eh, he says he will resign at some point in the future, but not until March at the earliest.

  20. Sensei

    This law would be very simple: “Notwithstanding any other law, beginning on an eight-year rotating basis on Sept. 30, 2025, the statutory authorization for each agency, as defined in 5 U.S.C. § 551, shall expire, and such agency shall have no authority to engage in rulemaking, adjudication, licensing, other agency action, or enforcement of any law or rule from that date forward until Congress passes a separate joint resolution of reauthorization for the agency for an additional eight-year period.” The law would also divide agencies into eight groups, one group for each year.

    Arizona’s Sunset Law Is an Example for DOGE
    Periodic reauthorization by lawmakers is necessary to ensure the swamp doesn’t grow back.


    And we will have some variation of the annual omnibus budget fiasco that was supposed to restrain Congressional spending, but accomplished the opposite.

    • juris imprudent

      This isn’t all that different from Carter’s proposed zero-base budgeting. Honestly – it’s a great idea. But it’s too much work, both for building out the justification and for evaluating it, and everyone in DC is too lazy to do that.

    • AlexinCT

      Periodic reauthorization by lawmakers is necessary to ensure the swamp doesn’t grow back.

      Yes, please!

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of those fake Minis, at one point I toyed with the idea of getting one. After watching a few youtube videos of other people working on them, I discarded that notion.

    • Suthenboy

      Let’s build a centralized offense system and a centralized defense system so the enemy only has to fly a tie-fighter to the heart of the Death Star and we all die. Brilliant!

  22. The Late P Brooks

    They are an inexpensive BMW designed motor crammed into a tiny car with very little working room.

    That’s what I see. Like so much now, they are designed with packaging and build efficiency on the assembly line as top priority. Service be damned. If you have a lift and are willing to drop the front subframe complete, you can work on them.

    Similarly, I have seen a few recent pickup truck engine swaps where they pull the fucking cab off to do it, because that’s the only way to get access to everything.

    • Sensei

      And heaven help you if you live the the rust belt because every one of the bolts you need to remove on the subframe will be rusted solid.

      • Tundra

        I helped my neighbor do the strut assemblies on his daughter’s old Highlander. The car has lived its entire life in CO and it was shocking how easy it was to remove everything.

        Back in Minne changing a wheel bearing assembly on my old Tahoe required a huge breaker bar, a gallon of PB Blaster and a sledgehammer.

        Regardless of the climate though it appears that fasteners themselves are getting really shitty.

      • Nephilium

        /waves from the rust belt

      • ron73440

        I put new struts in my wife’s 2011 Camry this weekend and except for stripping the allen key out of a sway bar end link, it was virtually painless.

        For some reason both top links were really hard to loosen. Bought 2 new ones snd trew them in.

        Now her “new” car doesn’t pull to the left anymore.

        I don’t miss the days of fighting rusted bolts and hoping not to break them.

    • Rat on a train

      My favorite is still battery placement that requires removing wheels or other components.

      • Tundra

        Fucking Chrysler 300s. Disgusting design.

      • ron73440

        I did my wife’s friend’s Mazda headlight bulbs and had to remove the tires.

        I was only changing the bulbs.

      • Tundra

        Replaced the headlight bulbs in my daughter’s Outback over the weekend. Literally 30 seconds apiece.

        Also, the cabin air filter might be the easiest I’ve ever done.

        Well done, Subaru.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        That was the one thing I hated about my wife’s ’09 beetle. You couldn’t just change a headlight bulb, you had to remove a bucket that contained everything about the light as a piece, all held together with a one use spring clip. And if you didn’t know it was one use, you could never get the damn thing to seat properly to make the connection and keep the light on when you needed it.

      • ron73440

        one use spring clip

        What the what?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The beetle has an “assembly” for the light system, which is a bucket that slides out from the front, and you then pull a panel off of the rear of it to get to the bulb. This whole assembly is held in place, which allows the connection from the harness, by a small clip.

        Here is a vid showing what it takes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvo0WCz8iRs

      • Tundra

        Ugh. Thanks for the memories, Zwak. We had a 2005. I’m a VW guy but I think we only kept that thing for 2 years.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    I was pleased to see the Factory Five guys modified the frame specifically to make the Coyote install easy (among other features, like finally dumping the AC Ace design).

    No more dump truck motors!

  24. The Late P Brooks

    This isn’t all that different from Carter’s proposed zero-base budgeting. Honestly – it’s a great idea. But it’s too much work, both for building out the justification and for evaluating it, and everyone in DC is too lazy to do that.

    It would interfere with fundraising and campaigning.

  25. Suthenboy

    Solar panel thingy: It is quite easy to measure how much energy the solar radiation is on one square meter of surface. Measure it for one year every day and average it. Now you know how much energy you can harvest from the sun on a given spot. Reality says we cannot ever get more energy from solar panels than we expend making said panels. Collecting energy from the sun in real time is not feasible no matter how you slice it.
    Windmills, same thing. Non-starters. The only way they exist is through shit-tons of taxpayer subsidies. The net zero thing is a complete scam.

    Our only viable energy sources are pools of stored solar energy. They are stored in three places: Hydrocarbons, nuclear and geothermal sources.
    Those are our choices. Everything else is a scam. For the same reason electric cars will never be anything but toys…see above for taxpayer subsidies. The push for EV’s is a scam with the added benefit of being a potent weapon on the war on freedom of movement.

    Watermelons should all go die in a fire.

    • AlexinCT

      Watermelons should all go die in a fire.

      Isn’t that their fantasy? Well, the whole idiotic screamfest about Gaia going up in flames so all the heretics pay for their lack of homage to the cult…

  26. The Late P Brooks

    So much yet to do

    The White House announced Monday that President Joe Biden would ban new offshore oil and gas drilling along most of the U.S. coastline.

    The order will protect some 625 million acres of ocean along America’s Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska’s Bering Sea from “environmental and economic risks and harms,” the White House said in a statement announcing the move.

    It is also an attempt to protect Biden’s climate legacy from the energy policy set to be pursued by Republicans and President-elect Donald Trump’s energy policy.

    Biden will use an obscure provision of the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), which gives the president the power to indefinitely withdraw unleased lands from the outer continental shelf.

    Joe should just declare himself President For Life, in order to save the nation and the planet from the evil rapacious planet hating democracy deniers.

    • Drake

      In 2 weeks every Biden EO will be revoked.

      • AlexinCT


      • kinnath

        Then SCOTUS will put it back in place.

      • ron73440

        In 2 weeks every Biden EO will be revoked.

        It seems like the Dem EO’s are set in stone, but any from Trump were scratched in the sand at the beach and the tide is coming in.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Not in Hawaii!!!!

        You are not allowed to violate the Iron Laws spirit of Aloha!

    • rhywun

      Joe’s “climate legacy” is going to be making sure Donald takes the blame for the tripling of energy costs he caused.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Another headline I saw said Biden was banning geothermal exploration and development. It’s not about clean energy, it’s about fucking with his political enemies.

    • kinnath

      Biden’s puppet masters are going scorched earth. May they all die terrible deaths.

    • rhywun

      Really it’s just chaos and misery. We are all the victims, not just his political enemies.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        There truly is no rest for the wicked.

  28. The Late P Brooks


    Today, the Biden-Harris administration announced steps to protect Nevada’s Ruby Mountains, one of the state’s most unique landscapes. In response to requests from Tribes, conservationists, sportsman and the local community, the Department of the Interior is initiating consideration of a 20-year withdrawal of the Ruby Mountain area from future oil and gas and geothermal development, subject to valid existing rights. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service submitted a withdrawal petition and application to Secretary Haaland. The approval of the petition and publication in the Federal Register initiates a two-year segregation that would prevent future oil and gas and geothermal development across 264,000 acres in the Ruby Mountains area.

    Lock it all up.

    • Suthenboy

      I don’t know why Bidenpuppet is fucking around. It should go ahead and ban energy.
      He could ban water while he is at it. Food. He should ban food.

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