My Backyard
Open are the clouds of grey,
as sunlight, breaks, in blue,
windswept waves,
In different directions,
and a westerly cold dry breeze,
the trees provide sanctuary,
yet denial, and despair,
those things that you toss,
are not always there,
(Dammit, I rhymed)

Can you find it? I couldn’t
visions, I see,
frighten me like,
a cold storm,
distant yet approaching,
unavoidable, it creeps upon the mist,
and moves in horizontal,
dots of madness,
and pain comes,
so we retreat,
as we slip upon causeways,
and slide across bridge,
to riverside home,
wind in pines,
as we reminisce,
back to seventy two,
at 44.14

Home again
Good morning Yusef and Happy New Year, all ya’ll!
Here’s wishing everybody here a happy, healthy, prosperous and tranquil 2025.
Your link is coloring outside the lines!
Music for Pie
Oh no
Oh, Romania can do much, much worse at Eurovision.
Pie has some explaining to do.
Maybe they were taking a dive like Ireland.
I’d say they should be tarred and feathered, but it looks like they already were.
Well, it makes the Kangaroo Dancer look sane.
What a strange war; this is something you think would’ve stopped a couple of years ago.
When you’re a Raytheon executive, but you also hold a lot of energy stocks…
Well yes we’re at war, but we won’t stop your product from crossing our borders – that would inconvenience the people who are supporting us and deprive you of considerable cash.
Whatever it takes to stick it to Putin.
Dial down your thermostats, Europe!
It is kinda weird – here in Italy – on the 3rd floor of a large hotel fairly far out of town – every night there’s a strong smell of smoke in the ventilation – apparently from the houses using wood for heating/cooking (and maybe burning trash somewhere?). Don’t smell it on the ground – especially on breezy days, but every night lately. Not what I would have expected. It’s not even that cold here comparatively.
Did get out for a morning stroll over to the nearby train station off base – think I can use it for going to an English-language church service on Sunday – got some tickets on an app.
Yeah, that is unusual. From what I understand the Russians were, at least at one point, still knowingly providing the Ukrainians, maybe via a middleman, diesel fuel and other petroleum products that was being used to further Ukraine’s war efforts. It’s all a balancing act I suppose.
I think the deal is, if the Ukes don’t block the Russian gas exports, the Russians don’t blow up the Ukes natural gas infrastructure.
Lovely little war we’ve got, eh comrade? Really hard to say who’s cannon fodder is being the most wasted.
what you are seeing over there is theater. It is a money laundering operation. All wars are about looting money. The real war is easy to find, just follow the money.
Obligatory but, you know, ten percent for the Big Guy. As they say, war is a racket.
Happy New Year to all of you Glibs (and families), as well as the lurkers (as I am most of the time). Thanks for allowing me in your playpen.
That scenery looks gorgeous. And don’t let anybody shame your minimalism. They hate how little it takes to make us happy. Also, it took me a year and 3 months to hang anything on my walls, so those 5 pictures are already a head start.
Yeah; Dad and I still have a bunch of boxes of stuff unopened, and not in the “attic” storage upstairs. Partly it’s because the old place had more room for pictures. But some of what Dad decided to put on the walls isn’t what I’d have put up.
This is the first thing I’ve hung on my walls since high school. I generally find it too busy. Reminds me of my grandparents’ place, where there was no flat surface without a tacky knickknack and no wall drywall visible beneath the 50 year old photos lining every room. Makes the place feel cozy though, and brings me some tranquility while I sip my nightcap every day.
Nice electrical cord. 🙂
You’re the third person to mention it. It was that way when I moved it, and probably will be when I move out.
*moved in, that is
Heh, my first thought was “WTF, fix that cord”
Same. What the heck is that, some sort of flame display? Blech.
Its main function is to hold up the bicentennial anniversary Winchester I’m babysitting for a buddy; secondary as an electric heater, but since there’s a gas one all of 6 feet away, I’ve never actually even turned the heat function on; third as a flame display. I have it on festive RGB looping presently to go with my Christmas decorations, but those are getting put back in the tote later tonight, and then it won’t get turned on again for another year.
Thanks to you lousy sons of bitches, I couldn’t stop looking at the cord. Which hasn’t bothered me once in the 16 months I’ve lived here. HAPPY?!?
Yes. Yes I am.
The cord doesn’t bother me but the crooked painting is triggering my OCD.
I can assure you, that’s the angle from the end of the couch, not the painting itself. I have leveled it true by both 6 foot bubble level and plumb bob.
So it’s the whole building that’s crooked?
As long as it doesn’t collapse in on itself.
Rather quiet in here, must’ve been some good partying last night.
I was on the Zooms until about 1.15a Eastern. Then had to go to bed to be at work at 7. A good time was had by all.
I got distracted by that damn Squaredle puzzle.
You people are a bad influence on me.
Well, since you brought it up…
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 01/01:
*24/24 words
🎯 Perfect accuracy
I played https://squaredle.com 01/01:
*45/45 words (+5 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 5% by accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 659
I played https://squaredle.com 12/30 (Weekly Subscriber Puzzle):
*93/93 words (+38 bonus words)
📖 In the top 1% by bonus words
I’m pissed they didn’t warn me before charging a second year to my CC.
I’ve lost interest in completing every day but still play once in a while.
It was quite the Asswipes, Shitstains, and Losers party last night. I just now crawled out of bed.
No mention of Gaywads or Dorkwads?
I would have dropped in except I was putting Prime through another filter (Spud).
Like you read about…
First nut punch of the year:
Second nutpunch of the year then.. First thought was just “drunk and stupid” — but if the reports are right and the driver then “got out and started firing a weapon” it was a terror attack — either individual / psycho / mass shooter style or snackbar style. And given Germany, can’t help but wonder. But 48 hour rule is in effect, I expect.
Here’s hoping 2025 actually moves back towards peace and away from the fostering of social divisions for a change. Happy New Year, all.
It’s terribly paranoid, but all the years I lived in Nevada, either in Las Vegas or within driving distance, I never once went near the strip for NYE because I figured something like that was bound to happen eventually. I’m actually surprised it hasn’t.
Why would anyone think there’s ever been a mass shooting in Vegas?
Do they close the Strip to vehicles during such times? I would expect them too and to use those big concrete posts they can set in to barricade it off (I would expect that of any/all crowd events these days as an unfortunate sign of the times). Big enough mass would plow through, but nothing would stop that anyway.
I won’t link to it on Amazon (because the URLs are god-awful tracking) — but after the last few years of de facto open border, a Hamas Oct. 7 style mass event doing such things seems fairly inevitable like in Kurt Schlicter’s The Attack book. I think he’s right that there’s more than enough useful idiots to help coordinate things and cover the cells getting set up once they’re in… then it is solely a “do it around this time on this day” for all the little microcells to do crap like this.
I’ll shut up now — way too nutpunchy to start the year this way.
Most of it, but there’s lanes set up for emergency vehicles, and all the parking garages are full of cars, so it probably wouldn’t be terribly difficult to bypass. Something like the Boston marathon pressure cooker bombs or what Ted said would probably be a more realistic possibility though, and would cause a lot of damage in that environment.
ClearURLs might work; otherwise you can usually just clip everything in the URL starting from “ref=”
Vegas is a shitshow during NYE even more than it already is. Apparently they decide to actually use their cameras unlike other times of the year or when you need to sneak up 100 or so weapons into your room.
Never went near Times Square on NYE in the 25 years I could have either.
Not really out of paranoia, but more out of what crazy person wants to root themselves to one spot for ten to twelve hours with no access to food, drink, or a toilet.
I was going to ask, why wouldn’t you just turn him over to a state facility or something.
Oh, I see, you’re sociopathic, greedy sacks of shit who would watch a helpless person die from neglect so you can pocket a check.
You think they might have tried to keep him alive in order to keep pocketing checks, but that apparently took too much effort.
So all they had to do to keep the income stream flowing was feed their disabled child? I know capital punishment stirs the pot here so let me suggest something kind of poetic while they await trial in a locked cell. Nothing. No one touches them, no one feeds them, no one takes them to the showers. They just wait in the cell like their son waited.
rhywun – it absolutely poured rain last night around 10pm here too.
Those folk were likely soaked to the bone.
Thinking of Ozy; sadly, the article has no accompanying images, presumably for security reasons.
Pro-tip: don’t drink and drive your drugdealermobile with your pet monkey in your lap.
You got my hopes up, I was wanting to see the monkey was driving him home.
The monkey seems more competent, that’s for sure. No shock there.
I was thinking more like this except in the driver’s seat:
I read somewhere that the orangutan that played in that Clint Eastwood movie was beaten to death by his trainer.
California sounds racist.
There’s a joke about a driving monkey and an auto accident, but it’s mainly visual.
+1 Tim Flock
So, 2025. New year. Turning a page.
As chess grandmaster Savielly Tartakower once put it, “All the blunders are there on the board, waiting to be made.”
(Raises glass) Here’s hoping our bonehead plays in the next 365 days are few and far between, and our mistakes are small and inconsequential.
As they say, in chess, the winner is he who makes the second to last mistake.
Happy New Year everyone. And three beers is all it takes to give me a hang over now.
Same here on the hangover. Welcome to the I’m Not Young Anymore Club.
I’m an adult now
Great track 👍
In the category of wishful thinking — be nice if this reverts Kelo this year….
IJ’s got a pretty good track record, and they’ve been highlighting this one, so here’s hoping. I didn’t realize until looking up the case just now to see how the split went just how much the court has changed since 2005. Thomas is the only justice left who ruled on Kelo.
Yeah, that is utter and complete bullshit.
With “logic” like that, no building with an actual productive use is safe.
They are trying to convert “public use” back into “public purpose” again.
Happy new year from New Jersey
Comments say Bridgeton, NJ. That’s reasonably close to DE so that makes sense. Given the car and bumper with AAA sticker, I’m going with old person.
“They said they wanted me to come in for lab work today!”
I was standing on the brake, but the engine just roared and dragged [1] me into the building
1- “drug” feels right to me, so I know it’s wrong
You had an Audi 5000 too?
I’ll put in a plug for this device if you have a drawer full of USB cables. Lots of devices come with them. Some are charge only and some are only various degrees of data capable.
It allowed me to clean out a bunch of power only cables, but I kept a few where a “dumb” cable is useful. It also found more than a few data cables that had crappy data connections.
Test Your USB Cables
Most of my uses for usb connectors is as power connectors. In fact, one of my paranoid thoughts is “How do I know this (random made in china device) doesn’t have a trojan horse data chip to deliver malware when plugged in?”
While probably never true, I would be comforted knowing there were no data lines in the cable.
Would a cable with malicious hardware built into the connector draw measurably different amperage when connected? Possibly even when just connected to power, not connected to device?
USB C cables have active electronics. But you can set it up so it only powers when connected to a device.
And I was more worried about power bricks plugging into phones rather than cable-deployed malware.
Somewhat relatedly, I have a USB-C Lenovo ThinkPad docking station that my former employer didn’t want returned. Is there any reason that I couldn’t continue using this with my new company’s computer? Could it somehow transmit back data from my connected computer?
Probably a stupid question, but I know enough to understand I’m borderline tech illiterate.
Unless made by the CIA they are dumb devices.
Good to hear, thank you.
I don’t get coffee shops closed on the first. Every one that is open is having the best sales of the year. You are throwing away money being closed, especially on a day like today 10C and sunny
Snowing here and our doors are still locked for a couple more weeks.
I’m assuming because of the lack of students?
It’s actually the end of an unintended renovation project which started with us asking for some simple repairs. The building inspector put up a red flag and made the university (who owns our building) do some massive amount of work, and I mean MASSIVE. So we’ve been closed for almost 6 months, reopening in a couple of weeks, inshallah.
Well at least you’ll be open again when you get the rent increase.
Always look at the bright side
This is for people who think seeing a swan ass on new years is lucky
Sam Hyde makes a long reply to Elon on the migrant worker kerfuffle.
Yeah; why the fuck am I going to watch a 46-minute video about it?
But it’s indexed!
I’m not watching any video on X making any large points. I don’t care if I completely agree or disagree with contents.
But I think it’s generational a younger cohorts won’t read. So you may actually have to make video to reach many of them.
And the fucking open captioning in the middle of videos, in fonts not designed for easy reading.
My hair hurts.
Try imbibing some alcohol that helps.
— Livin’ in America, Black 47 [sparing OM the actual song link]
No name yet. Hmmm….
The suspect in the fatal New Orleans crash is dead, law enforcement officials tell the AP
To be fair, vehicles typically don’t have names. We really ought to do something about all these vehicles that keep racing into crowds of people at random.
Same with LEO weapons that just “discharge”.
And the thing is, “Gunman crashes through New Year’s revelers on Bourbon Street, dies in shootout with police” is a much better headline in every way. But no, it’s “Vehicle races into crowd”. About the yawniest headline you could have for that event.
It was Ford Lightning that did it duh. Gain some reading skills bro
I’ll bet the vehicle was “turning it’s life around and thinking of going to college ” too.
RC – do you even clickbait?
Headlines are designed so as not to offend or designed only to generate a click.
The days of informative headlines are over. No money in generating them.
Interesting video perspective…
BBC reported a F150 lightening.
Electric truck?
If true, EVs are heavier, more torque, more acceleration – a better tool than an ICE vehicle for the job of killing a crowd on the street in just about every way.
Look we have clear plates, the person dead on a gurney, we just aren’t sure which path we need this narrative to go yet.
Carbon neutral mass murder?
Given Drake’s pic with the lack of a bedliner I don’t think that is a lightning ev.
Obviously we need to ban EV’s as they can be tools of terrorism.
carbon negative? they’re gonna sequester more than a few kilos on balance
@Sensei – it is a current model Lightning. In the lower left tailgate is a small lightning bolt in front of a small US flag icon that all Lightnings have. The first year trucks had a light strip across the tailgate that they did away with. I tried to run the license plate through my VIN database, but nothing comes back to a Lightning or even an F-150. They either switched plates or it’s a new purchase that hasn’t made the database yet.
Lower right, not left of the tailgate, dammit.
No name or description implies one or more of:
– vibrant undocumented newcomer during Biden’s tenure
– follower of the religion of peace
– tranny
– angry lefty foot soldier (BLM, antifa, etc.) especially a BIPOC one
Curious that the cops wrapped up the flag on the truck – reportedly black.
It’s tragic, but don’t you think you’d look along the path in front of your own home?
I find it amazing that picture was all that was needed.
Nobody living in that house noticed a corpse out back? It ends kinda abruptly…presumably passed away of natural causes?
more likely exposure.
Horrible to be partially aware and unable to do anything.
It’s 2020. So COVID bullshit?
It doesn’t add up. Tripped, died of exposure?
I’m not suggesting it was murder, but I’ll go with official ass covering is going on.
I watched The Replacement Killers last night.
well good for you
All I can remember from that movie is that when I was 12, I thought Mira Sorvino was hot.
maybe she was back then
38 year old Pat’s opinion remains unchanged.
Let the asses ring in the New Year!
2025 Ass Wednesday!
I failed the gay test on #13. Look at the size of that cat’s ears
Noticing pussy is not gay.
Yeah. Taking the legos is the real problem here.
Wild video shows moment Lego display collapses onto crowd of kids, adults during NYE balloon drop gone wrong
The lawsuits and initial insurance claim denials will be a hoot!
“some with ice packs over their heads”
Pre-gaming their lawsuits, I see.
You didn’t have the “event rider” on your GL?
You did read that contract of adhesion, right?
“get your t*** (sic) out for 2025.”
I would like to subscribe that that gentleman’s newsletter.
Fastidiously apolitical
In his nearly two-decade tenure as chief justice, Roberts has been focused on the Supreme Court’s image and keeping the court above partisan politics. His comments come as public trust in the court is near record lows and a heightened threat environment has bolstered concerns about judges’ security.
The report does not mention President-elect Trump, but it comes as Republicans are set to take unified control of Washington upon his return to the White House next month. Trump has regularly accused judges overseeing his legal cases of political bias, and during his first presidential term, his criticisms of a judge appointed by former President Obama earned a rare public rebuke from Roberts at the time.
The chief justice’s report went on to criticize elected officials who have openly disregarded federal court rulings, calling them “dangerous suggestions” that should be rejected. It is not clear to whom Roberts was referring, but he said the calls have come “from across the political spectrum.”
We don’t know who he might be referring to, but he hasn’t felt the need to speak out previously.
Only the heads of leftists.
I second that emotion…
He was awfully quiet during the 15 times they rejected student loan forgiveness and Biden just kept at it.
Ford – let’s fix another shitty cost cut component with another software bandaid.
Ford Motor Company (Ford) is recalling certain 2020-2022 F-Super Duty F250, F350, F450, F550, F600, and 2021-2022 F-650, F750 vehicles. Biodiesel deposits may form on the pump drivetrain roller components, which could lead to failure of the high pressure fuel pump.
Dealers will update the powertrain control module (PCM) software, free of charge. Owner notification letters are expected to be mailed January 13, 2025. Owners may contact Ford customer service at 1-866-436-7332. Ford’s number for this recall is 24S78.
Only 300k units
I won’t buy anything made after COVID started.
That’s going to be problematic in your industry.
Look what happened with trying save cost and weight by not installing a few bolts in a door plug…
Odd. Tesla gets into a pissing contest with NHSTA over the frequency of tire pressure notifications, loses, and has an over the air software update that fixes the supposed issue (which only now comes to light after 15 years) – national headlines and front page articles.
Ford makes trucks that need to go to the dealership for new engine parts – notice on NHTSA website..
To be fair the majors picked this up. I just used the link to cut through the BS reporting that never has the details.
It’s the problematic Bosh CP4 injector pump. They were used in Ford, Chevy and Dodge trucks. Chevy and Dodge switched to a different manufacturer but Ford is “stuck” with the CP4 due to fitment issues.
“It is not in the nature of judicial work to make everyone happy. Most cases have a winner and a loser. Every Administration suffers defeats in the court system—sometimes in cases with major ramifications for executive or legislative power or other consequential topic,” Roberts wrote.
Like deference to regulators?
Government very often chooses the worst possible action. They arrive at that because their reasoning rarely has anything to do with solutions to problems. Sometimes their reasoning and solution to other problems require magnifying the problem at hand.
Nothing could exemplify this more than ‘Deference to regulators’.
“There are no solutions, only trade-offs.” – Thomas Sowell
“I wrote to ask you how I would go about seeing her again. You made me see that this person was only doing this job for money and it would not lead to anything.”
Is this something that needs to be taught in school?
So much for “…you’re paying her to leave after.”
Re Terror attack in N.O.: Reporter: ” Yes Martha, this was definitely a soft target”
Past attacks: Soft Targets – school zones, public gatherings, malls, gun-free zones of various types.
If I wanted this sort of thing to happen how would I go about it?
1. Create soft targets by having large numbers of unarmed people to congregate
2. Balkanize the country by created anger and resentment among the various demographics
3. Incentivize crime by allowing criminals to escape incarceration and punishment. If I could I would legalize as much criminal behavior as I could get away with.
4. Throw the borders open and flood the country with foreigners of unknown origin
5. Get popcorn
If the Obama/Biden democrats actually wanted strife, mayhem, murder and high crime what exactly would they do differently than what they are doing now? I think we may have reached the point where people realize that enough is enough. The Biden admin is doing as much damage as they can on their way out the door.
The real question is: Will there be an accounting?
Nobody would have died at the Happy Land if New York hadn’t disarmed them.
I see LA, while adding constitutional carry, still prohibits concealed carry at parades, bars, or churches in addition to excessive government buildings.
Biodiesel deposits may form on the pump drivetrain roller components, which could lead to failure of the high pressure fuel pump.
That’s interesting.
I thought the same thing.
Firmware update might change a reporting threshold or keep a code longer in the stack, but, at the end of the day, if the symptoms are important, some affirmative mechanical change will be needed…..or they just get comfy handing out free pumps every 50k.
We just have to get these puppies through warranty…
when I was 12, I thought Mira Sorvino was hot.
You were not wrong.
Fannie Chamberlain was so hot!
The Maltese Falacon Novel is now public domain. As is the first English translation of “All Quiet on the Western Front”.
So not Disney properties.
A dozen more Mickey cartoons, but not new characters.
Some more select works outlined At my usual source for these updates
Life of the creator is as generous as copyright would ever get under Pat’s Libertopia. I think our original 14 years with a 14 year renewal during the life of the creator was fair.
Happy new year!
I had two glasses of flat champagne and was in bed around 9. Before we went to bed Mrs. TOK pulled out a dinner plate she’d gotten at Goodwill, on which she had written all the bad things from 2024 on it in Sharpie. She threw it out on the sidewalk and smashed it to pieces. A few of her friends did the same. I like that tradition.
Neat tradition and interactive!
I think I’ll do it next year. The smashing part is satisfying, but the main interactive part involves a broom and dust pan.
I love that.
Pay no attention to this Elon.
The Visas Dividing MAGA World Help Power the U.S. Tech Industry
It seems to me the big issue is the government getting involved and distorting the whole thing. Shocker, I know. I don’t like tying a person to one job either, that seems bad.
That always seems to be the fight. Government did this, should have done that, lots of screaming and demanding.
Get government out of it altogether. The universe operates as a giant homeostatic system. In biology we call it evolution. In economics we call it the free market. Putting your thumb on the scale fucks that up. Stop putting your thumb on the scale.
I’m sure none of Elon’s companies abuse H1Bs.
I’m certain he uses them a lot. But a lot of the work at SpaceX in particular requires US citizenship.
Snowpocolypse has begun. Also, we had fairly steady rain (not spitting, it was heavy at times) over the past day and it’s reported only 0.02 inches of rain fell.
Average is 5.2 inches. Has the metric for measuring rainfall changed over the years to give off a sense of ‘less’ rain?
I saw 15 ducks on the lake at my mom’s. I believe this is a bad omen for sloopy. GO DUCKS!
NewWife was born at Eugene
we agree this is the greatest ESPN commercial
The universe is fucking with me, y’all. Woke up to a visitor I haven’t seen in exactly a year.
like in bed? were you roofied?
The restraining order expired?
Nicely done.
Auntie Flo?
Aunt Flo showed up for my wife once just like that.
I used to have a, err, “visitor” every morning. Not so much any more, although it’s probably not a year between, visits.
I don’t think that’s what you’re referring to, though.
We don’t judge here R C, everyone is welcome. Just don’t force our kids to read “Mommy has a Penis”.
Glad I left New Orleans last night. There was a really heavy police presence around Bourbon Street the last couple nights. City cops and state police. Maybe that’s normal for this time of year, but it was very noticeable. We asked some of the cops if there was something we should be aware of, but they said no, in fact we should feel good that there are so many cops. Some of the streets were blocked off by cop cars last night and other streets had some fairly solid temporary barriers.
Wow it’s great that you’re ok. That was a close call.
A person from across the border?
Way too early to even speculate. Especially with FBI immediately taking over and claming up all information.
The FBI leaping in like that tells me they did it.
Prosecute them all for their many many crimes.
“ NOLA reports the suspected terrorist is 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar.
The source said Jabbar was carrying an ISIS flag in the truck, and authorities have said he was dressed in military gear. -NOA “
Shamsud Din Jabbar
source said Jabbar was carrying an ISIS flag in the truck, and authorities have said he was dressed in military gear
one source I saw said he was a Texan
I swear to doG that I refreshed
Jabbar caught on film*:
*not really
On twitter, sounded like it was a Texas state fleet vehicle…hence the electric truck. Not sure why it would have a flag mount, unless those are easy to add.
You can get a trailer hitch flag pole mount that just slips in with the hitch pin. There’s one for sale at most truck stops, as well as Amazon.
I prefer this pic…
In response to RC:
Jabbar caught on film
That would explain why the flags was quickly cased.
Oh, FBI immediately latched on?
Que the media photos of the asshole from 20 years ago instead of how he currently looks.
Warren Upton, the oldest survivor of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the last surviving crew member of one of the ships moored there, the torpedoed battleship Utah, died on Wednesday in Los Gatos, Calif. He was 105.
Minor imperfections
Ford has announced it will recall 16,480 Escape and 4004 Lincoln Corsair plug-in-hybrid SUVs over a battery problem. In documents filed with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the automaker said the problem occurred in manufacturing, and resulting “microdefects and local stresses” could cause the high-voltage battery cell’s separator layer to become damaged, leading to a short circuit and potentially, a fire.
A “Stop Safely Now” message will appear on the instrument cluster if the problem occurs, Ford said. The recall documents state that there have been four total reports of “thermal venting” as a result of the issue, but no accidents or injuries have been reported.
Affected vehicles are plug-in-hybrid models with a 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine and were assembled between July 10, 2019, and April 17, 2024. Ford will notify owners beginning on January 20. Dealers will update the affected vehicles’ Battery Energy Control Module software so it can detect the problem, and if it is found, they will replace the high-voltage battery pack at no charge.
“If you are seeing this warning message, stop the vehicle, exit immediately and retreat to a safe distance.”
I don’t know what “thermal venting” is but I’m sure I’ve seen it in my domestic life.
It happens after TacoBell.
I see advertisements recently for people trying Ford’s self driving mode. I can’t help but think, no way in hell am I trusting my life at 75 mph to Ford software, electronics and quality control.
authorities have said he was dressed in military gear.
Right wing white supremacist militia confirmed.
WARNING! Graphic image link from Drudge.
I keep thinking today is Sunday, but it’s akshully the first day of a 5-day weekend for me! I kinda dig it.
Yesterday felt like Friday. But I work Thursday and Friday, and then have a weekend. Is this what retirement is like? It feels kind of luxurious to not know what day it is.
Yes, yes it is.
Yeah, after awhile you have to check which day of the week it is.
…day of the month…
Well, I’ll be double-checking what year it is for a few weeks, but that’s pretty normal in January.
Nawlins attack know as of this moment (via a bunch of sources):
42 yoa Shamsud Din Jabbar drove the truck, which he rented through an app, into the crowd with IEDs (workable, but he didn’t set them off). Shot 2 police, was killed by return fire. Truck had an ISIS flag on the back.
Jabbar got tired of being called lazy?
You try hauling Bill Walton’s ass up and down the court 40 minutes a night!
Andy McCarthy has a few more updates and posts on this today: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/dead-terror-suspect-identified-as-shamsud-din-bahar-jabbar-and-truck-he-used-crossed-into-texas-from-mexico-two-days-ago/
A few more updates from the local press, including a suspicious AirBnB fire.
A snippet from the article because gov jobs don’t need to be completed on time and to standard.
“9 a.m. – A set of security barriers that were set up in 2017 to prevent terrorist attacks along Bourbon Street were in the midst of being replaced when a driver barreled down the city’s most famous thoroughfare hours into the New Year on Wednesday, killing 10 and injuring dozens.”
Which Glib haven’t we seen in a while?
FBI finds largest explosive cache on a Virginia farm
I’m assuming that the bombs were packed with gun powder or something similar but without a detonator they were inert.
How many Glibs think that’s a small cache?
Partners- stronger together
Japan’s Nippon Steel has proposed giving the U.S. government veto power over any potential cuts to U.S. Steel
’s production capacity, as part of its efforts to secure President Joe Biden’s approval for acquiring the American steelmaker, a source familiar with the matter said on Tuesday.
Last week, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States referred the decision to approve or block the deal to Biden.
The Washington Post reported earlier that in its proposal, Nippon Steel pledged a 10-year commitment not to cut production capacity at U.S. Steel’s domestic mills, unless approved by a Treasury-led review panel.
Big Corporation and Big Government working together to make the nation a better place.
The ridiculous pandering by the current admin and Trump on this is just insane. This isn’t the early 80s. We need strong domestic industries but we’ll get those better by partnering with our key allies.
Very thankful they “allowed” the Korean company to buy the Philly shipyard – at least it’s better than continuing to let it rot.
We need strong domestic industries
Would you consider writing an article on this? I take your point in the traditional way, but there’s a lot of issues to reconcile. Who is “we?” How can power be developed in an industry without huge government subsidy and the inevitable inefficiency and cronyism? How can a government that has proven to be terrible at understanding and regulating technology possibly be expected to place bets on the correct technologies and manage those programs well? I strongly suspect such attitudes and programs will lead to a bunch of shadow organizations and Bay-of-Pigs/Iran-Contra level nonsense, and we still won’t have any of the functionality we were promised after paying the taxes for forty years.
A Cybertruck just “happened” to explode & catch fire outside a Trump hotel in Vegas. 🤔
All of the flames appear to be inside the truck, none outside the passenger compartment. Also, no broken windows in the hotel.
That doesnt look like a parking area.
I wonder whose truck it is.
There has to be a jillion HD surveillance cameras there. Will we ever get to see them?
I don’t know what a “typical” EV fire looks like, but you don’t seem to hear about Tesla products spontaneously igniting and the location of that one definitely waves a red flag.
Fireworks going off in it. My guess intentional but idiotically so.
For KK…those cameras only work when needed.
NHTSA mandated OTA software update. Just pushed accidentally early before Jan 20th.
“A History of Violence” may be the weirdest film I never watched. I don’t know much about Cronenberg’s movies other than the body horror stuff (I’m assuming it’s the same Cronenberg), but the stilted dialogue and weird scenography (is that a word?) feels like this thing was written and directed by someone whose shtick is body horror stuff. Casting Aragorn in the lead role was a bizarre choice, he’s taking me out of the movie completely. How does a Númenórean fit into a movie about some Indiana town?
I liked it.
The scene on the stairs was a bit, uh, unexpected.
I’ve a third of the movie left and I’m very anxious I’m about to find out what the stairs scene is. They’ve featured prominently so far.
Ahh, I see it now.
Hated it. Hate this whole movie. Hate everyone in it except for Aragorn. His entire family turns on him just because he’s an ex-mafia badass? It’s like John Wick if John was encumbered by family. Even Aragorn is too pretty-faced for this movie. Should have been some shlub actor. Should have been Sean Astin.
I think this would have been the best mafia movie of the 2010s if Sean Astin had done this role.
2000s, whatever
Fuck everyone involved in this dumb film. I thought we were getting some dumb meditation on violence being passed down to the children of violent men. It seemed like that was the dumb premise being set up with the teenage son. Instead it all goes nowhere.
I remember it as being a pretty good movie
Yeah, I haven’t rewatched it in years but recall it as solid…or watched the “Eastern Promises” Viggo Mortensen film that came a couple years later. I also picked up a few more of Cronenberg’s early Canadian body horror flicks on blu-ray but still haven’t watched yet.
Honestly. not sure I want to rewatch the Fly after watching Red Letter Media dissect it (I think I only watched it via USA Joe-Bob Briggs Monstervision originally).
As I recall, the movie involves a guy who killed a lot of people (which I believe Aragorn did) who is hiding out (which makes a backwater town appropriate).
The only reason I know about this movie is the Archer/Bob’s Burgers crossover, which is making this actually pretty funny.
OH for goodness sake Howard Shore did the music for this movie, too.
Okay, so there’s a reverse Manchurian Candidate thing going on, I think. Everyone, especially his wife, is implicated. They’re protecting him from his, uh, history of violence.
The musical cues are pure Frodo taking the ring into Mordor. It’s impossible not to hear!
that is a good flick
you should see Eastern Promises
Saw it in the theater but have no memory of it whatsoever.
“the war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage”.
France’s Macron acknowledges snap elections backfired
While the results of French political upheavals are generally regrettable, I do admire the “a la lanterne” spirit.
A Cybertruck just “happened” to explode & catch fire outside a Trump hotel in Vegas.
Just a mob hit. Nothing to be worried about.
For Pie: https://x.com/yasminalombaert/status/1874507224258916571
well yes I knew that… now we need to get some highways done
Well, new holiday breakfast experiment has been completed. A cheap Panettone has been sacrificed to make French toast. Important key is to make sure to get a good crust on when it’s being fried.
lame. the breakfast of the day, after a long night, was a really sour turkey ciorba
Quite a bit of detail on the attack over at Zerohedge but, caution, graphic images:
The modern N Bee A accurately depicted.
Maybe if Nippon promises to appoint Joe to the board of directors, at a handsome annual stipend he’ll approve the deal.
Hey, Hunter has a clean record now and he has extensive board experience.
He’d be quite the hit at all the Japanese tentacle orgy crack parties.
Lost in Corruption
More Than This
Rudy needz a jay oh bee
Y’all have been after low cost Hilux for a bit now, I’ll take this diesel Landcruiser:
Manual shift and manual transfer. Also climate controls you can adjust without looking. (Fuck you Ford and your infinite spin dials and idiotic placements)
Fun Fact! In the Netherlands a new Toyota Landcruiser starts ate 190k USD
€5k per annum road tax
I didn’t realize you need a decoder ring for the how they split the model names and underlying platforms across the world.
How Toyota Got the 2024 Land Cruiser So Wrong — Full Review & History — Jason Cammisa on the ICONS
Being kind, Jason hates the new fucking turbo’d within an inch of grenading 4 banger hybrid. TLDW – buy the Lexus with the V6 and not the Toyota Hybrid.
We dun fucked up by not getting a NA 4Runner last year. Although it still makes sense to have picked up another pickup (also NA).
I wonder how long this two-bone rib roast will take to get to 125? It’s been in for about 15 minutes and the thermometer is still ready “low” (i.e. the temp is still too low to give a digital reading). I’m-a be starving by the time it’s ready.
Oven/smoker temp? Rib weight? Just reheating?
Reverse sear. Cooking at ~275 in the toaster oven. I know it’s gonna take forever. But if I eat something else while I’m waiting, I won’t be hungry for the big ol chunk of beef.
Snack now, otherwise you’ll give in right before it’s ready…
It’s finally reading 36 degrees! Huzzah! Only 89 degrees to go!
Could you work in a few more euphemisms, KK?
A Virginia man allegedly had a cache of weapons, a “go box” and used a photo of President Joe Biden for target practice, according to court documents filed by federal prosecutors this week.
Brad Spafford was charged earlier in the month on a gun violation, but in a detention memo filed on Monday, prosecutors in Virginia outlined something allegedly more alarming.
Chilling terroristic behavior. Lock him up and throw away the key.
A go bag is a sign of being a potential terrorist? Not something that many people do but probably not a bad idea to have one handy.
Spud and I actually have some truffles left over from dinner last night. I suspect they won’t see January 2 except after… processing. It was a first experience with actual truffles for 10b0t and Prime, and the reviews were positive. WebDom has an allergy which she really should have gotten fixed before passing those genes along.
truffles – cocoa coated belgian chocolates or fungi ?
The fungi with their associated (gulp) cost.
not that expensive get a dog go to italy find some
Hopefully the FBI correctly identified the ISIS flag, and that the dead terrorist wasn’t flying this version that was reported on CNN a few years back.
When I click on the link, I get a glimpse of the headline and an image…and then they disappear. 😕
Dear TPTB,
I have submitted an article for your consideration. I think I got all the bits right except I couldn’t figure out how to turn off the sidebar.
I am of the opinion that the person who promoted the Block Editor within the WordPress outfit should be committed to an insane asylum for life.
Yeah it is tough. I told UnCivil I did figure out how to post text beside pictures, I will write that up at least.
The three-way between Archer, Bob’s Burgers, and a History for Violence was better than I could have imagined. And it only took me fifteen years to realize it.
Manning Cole(slaw).
We are nut rubbers.
Maybe this was posted in the last few days but I cannot BELIEVE they’re trotting this bitch out again:
The more things change the more they stay the same but talk about being tone deaf.
I think Birx weighed in as well. I guess the bird flu vax payoffs have been set up now.
Is this the new bird flu they confirmed originated from Gain of Function research in Georgia, US?
Birx is less offputting at least. She still wearing that stupid neckerchief?
Yes, she was.
Being kind, Jason hates the new fucking turbo’d within an inch of grenading 4 banger hybrid. TLDW – buy the Lexus with the V6 and not the Toyota Hybrid.
Funnily enough, I skimmed through some Motor Trend “Best/Worst” thing the other day. The Motor Trend guy was mewling about Toyota’s disappointing tendency to cater to their long term pickup truck customers instead of chasing the newest shiny thing.
A truck that rides/works like a truck- that’s just stupid.
And Toyota would cheerfully build them if the regulators would allow them.
Give me a regular cab Toyo with a nonturbo 4 cylinder, a five speed, and crank windows please. Trucks don’t need to be luxury rides.
I did that in 94
but I could barely fit in it: no way to stay comfortable for more than 30 minutes….very much a little dude’s ride
but I drove it 80k and then sold it for only $3k less than I bought it new
I could see how that’d be an issue for a bigger guy but I’m Japanese guy sized except a bit taller. An F-150 with a manual and a basic V8 would be nice too.
I’m only 6-2, but it depends on the particulars: how long your legs are
FWIW, full-size American pickups weren’t much better for me back in the sixties when the tank was inside the cab…behind the bench….except that the transmission tunnel wasn’t up to your knees, so you could take turns stretching out left and right as you went down the road
“Only” 6’2” puts in the tallest 4% of the population.
That confuses me, how are so many people below average height?
It’s all relative UCS, if I lived among the pygmies I’d be a regular Larry Byrd.
Average or median?
Watching the Texas/ASU game. Both schools have top-flight cheerleaders.
That is all. Carry on.
ASU has long been a hotbed of talent.
As a U of A grad, I’m officially obligated to say that the women in Tucson are hotter*.
*that said, Mill Ave on a Saturday night is like a high class, pretty-girl porn
As a fellow U of A grad I must strongly confirm Q’s assessment. Tempe is where the Tuscon discards go to attend the “Tempe Normal School.”
I think we need some examples.
Article is old but still stands:
Is Sugar Bowl moved back a day out of Respect or just security theater? If security concerns , why not clutch pearls and postpone all mass attended events in the entire U.S.?
I think you mean the “Allstate Sugar Bowl”?
at Caesars Superdome ?
These responses are why I come here.
TwiXter figured out today I watch Premier League
no idea how, and I don’t mind the content, but they went from 0-60 in two seconds
I just completed a job I have been putting off for about 4 weeks: cleaning the filter for the water pump in the septic tank.
It is supposed to keep the…uhm…solids and paper in the holding tank yet allow the fluids into the leach field tank.
Other than being a stanky job, it wasn’t bad. Took about 10 minutes (it would have taken even less if my garden hose hadn’t snapped due to the cold).
/shitter is good to go
It seems that after paring away needless expenses, starting with cable and other platforms (Im hardly home after all), Im left w/o ESPN.
Anyone have a creative (read: free) service that they use for sports? I really dont care if the server is in Guadalajara or Tirana, Albania.
there was some huge crackdown last month on that….some things might have gone away
Ive noticed that the market seems smaller.
Try YouTube. Works sometimes.
Hey everyone!
I had no idea this was posted, how nice.
Merry new Year to all of ya!
Happy TALL CANS in ’25 !
Lenny Randle was 75
Thank you for bringing him to my attention. The fight he got into after straight-up tackling the pitcher after a bunt was… something else. To be fair, the pitcher threw it behind Randle the pitch before. The benches-clearing brawl was intense. Those are some heavy-duty punches, and a dude had to be pulled back into the dugout to stop him from beating the shit out of a semi-elderly fan.
I *do* recall TWIB Highlights of him and others getting on their knees to try to blow bunts foul. Grown, athletic children pretending to be adults. It’s lovely. (Well. If you’re not getting punched. Or maybe it is then, too, as long as you have bruises on your *own* knuckles, as well.)
They don’t make ’em like they used to.
Hiking a trail with the dog this afternoon, saw a white squirrel.
Not sure what that foretells. Ice age starts in 2025?
I am fairly certain that is an omen for issues with the Glib website…
Fulfillment of the ancient Sumerian prophecy of Enki and the White Squirrel. I think it means we’re fucked.
One of them made it to Cleveland, SC.
It means that squirrel has some sort of genetic abnormality in how it produces fur coloration.
We’ve got a black one running around our neighborhood.
Black squirrels are common here. POC not so much
better careJeez, you’d think Isis would take better care of the nutjobs it radicalizes.
The news is reporting that the LV exploding/burning Tesla truck incident is being investigated as terrorism as well. The only dead reported is the driver.
Not shady at all. Timing, locations, and target types are pure unadulterated coincidence.
On the other hand, it is a Cybertruck.
Full Moon New Year’s Ass Wednesday.
Full moon isn’t for a couple weeks.
Looks good from my place, yum!
Man, Sloopy is gonna be insufferable if this game keeps going like this.
Is that James Franklin on the Oregon Duck’s sideline whispering in Coach Lanning’s ear?
I’ve been insufferable for years.
If the officials had flagged the clear holding there, we’d still be up by 34.
He’s going to be insufferable wrt Tosu regardless of the outcome.
That’s standard for the fan base, AFAICT.
Ted gets it.
Now I do hope they win out and have a National Championship AND a loss to Michigan in the same season.
It’s gained 1,000 lbs over the prior model. What’s not to love?
2025 BMW M5 Review // We Need To Talk
BMW continues to abandon anybody that liked the brand up until early 2000s.
It’s wild. A brand I lusted after as a teen is now a brand I wouldn’t even consider buying new.
50% is China and parts of Asia in my opinion. That’s a huge profit driver.
I’d rather have an Audi.
I love mine. It’s old, though. I wouldn’t buy a new one.
When do we fix this?
Depends – does she live as long as Jimmy Carter?
Hey Tundra: re, eating plans. My wife worked with the Melman (Mellman?) plan which I think is in Denver. She thought it was pretty good but also overpriced and now WAY overpriced. Her problem was that she is allergic (in a weight-loss sense) to a massive number of foods.
There strategy is to get you started on bison meat and then add other foods one at a time to see how your metabolism reacts. She quickly got OK with buffalo mozzarella and eggs. But, as she told me last night, after a year, she could still only eat bison, buffalo mozzarella, and eggs.
I think this is them: https://www.byourgreatest.com/why-we-re-unique
Thanks, Raven!
That’s hilarious!
I’m not allergic, but I’ve got some metabolic messes that I’m trying to clean up. I think most of my diet will be beef, chicken and some fish. Mostly because I’m lazy lol.
I also have a bunch of elk and deer in the freezer so it will be interesting how that works.
Bottom out eighties-style first.
Hey, sounds like a perfect example of the professional executive set. Who says government can’t learn from the private sector?
When (to paraphrase Thomas Sowell) the citizenry decide to go with what works instead of what sounds good.
Din din (not Prime Rib, Choice Rib)
Looks good!
I thought you were going to cook it!
Looks ideal but you need asparagus. And some, what the french say, “aww, juice”
More potato to ADsorb the blood from the meat.
Rose Bowl is missing a Pac10 team. Two Big 10 teams is an automatic DQ.
Fuck the traitors, fuck the hypesters, and fuck the fans who demand shitty ass “playoffs”. Traditional matchups and conferences, RIP.
I think you mean “Rose Bowl Game Presented by Prudential”?
“Hypesters” – I didn’t even know I had a fan club. But it makes sense now that I think about it.
They’re the ones that buy all the pickles.
College football reminds me of college hockey. A shocking difference between them and pros.
It’s fun to watch but holy shit.
So much more fun to watch.
The only non-pro that I prefer is World Junior hockey. So spectacular.
Okay, that’s just mean
Which is why it’s funny.
The pork in tonight’s annual pork-and-sauerkraut was smoked pork shoulder.
Mostly I’m bragging that I’ve got the better part of a smoked pork shoulder to eat off of for the next few days.
Why are they called pork butts?
No, the butt is a specific part of the anatomy of a pig. The shoulder is a completely diferent part of pig anatomy.
/I also have smoked (by me and my girlfriend) pork shoulder for the next few meals.