Operation: Kick Ass

by | Jan 23, 2025 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 97 comments

Operation Kick Ass

You’ll never actually find anything on this if you look up that title. The English translation is Action Team Overlord Flower, or Secret Agent Dangerous Flowers, which would prompt absolutely no one but me to look at it. Rest assured, this is entertaining. It is, as (the only) other reviewer on IMDB put it, a Chinese Grindhouse film. It has beautiful girls, a wild plot and crazy action. Liu Bayin, the director and writer of this seems to specialize in such films. Good! we need more of this in the coming years.

So what is it about? Kung Fu Chicks! Spies! Crazy villains! Token white chick! Impossible gun fights! Tech Bros! All the things that make an incoherent movie fun!

So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary, at least for four years now. Anybody relieved? We really did dodge a bullet. We will at least be able to speak our mind about globalists without being thrown in jail. And that is a miracle, given the way things were heading.

What if I want to Dance and Celebrate?

I do too! I also want to reflect a little on how the last four years went. I was here at Glib Central pretty much the whole time, posting movies to keep you folks from eating all the black pills. I hope it helped. How about some celebratory music instead of a short movie link tonight? Maybe something a little more hard edged? After all, we aren’t quite out of this yet. Keep your anger close. If that is too much, how about something danceable from my people? No matter what, have fun in the comments tonight. There are no rules on Thursdays!

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. R C Dean

    “I hope it helped.”

    It absolutely did. I never watched a single flick (just not my jam), but you are a treasured member of the community.

    • R.J.

      Good. I just wanted a place where everyone here could focus on something other than endless doom and politics. I consider Thursdays free speech night. There are no limits!

      • Chafed

        Mission accomplished R.J. Thursday nights have been a welcome reprieve from the real world.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Word, on all of this. I haven’t been able to watch live, but it’s always led me down interesting rabbit holes. Adding a hint of sanity is a wise and thankless task. Greatly appreciated, especially when/as threads go in their own direction.

      Tonight, I’m again intrigued. Dressing it up with sexy Asians is a nice touch me, long time.

  2. Wood Chipped Wednesday

    If y’all are interested in a documentary on Netflix in Portuguese, this is a good one to check out on Netflix it’s about the huge central bank heist is Brazil in 2005, super awesome documentary.

    • R.J.

      Brazil is a crazy place.

      • Wood Chipped Wednesday

        If you go down the wrong alley In São Paulo you get mugged by like a group of 10 year olds

      • Wood Chipped Wednesday

        I haven’t been back since 2009, but most of my family lives in Brazil. my family here and I have been trying to for a while, but it’s like 10k roundtrip just in flights and that’s wayyyyy too much. Need to start a gofund me lol.

        But also, Fuck Lula, Corrupted commie fuck

      • R.J.

        Absolutely fuck Lula. I hope he is one of the last generation of commie cockroaches infesting South America. May Milei shine his flashlight and run them off!

      • Wood Chipped Wednesday

        We all know he won’t be the last no matter what Milei does. Which is beyond sad

    • Ayn Random Variation

      Speaking of Netflix docs, there’s one on now about Vince McMahon. The early part of the last episode in the series features Trump wrestling. I kid you not.
      I’m not a wrestling guy so I never knew about this.

      • Chafed

        I’d swear I saw a clip of Trump using an electric razor to shave McMahon’s head.

      • EvilSheldon

        Dunno if you saw it or not, but Trump absolutely did shave Vince McMahon’s head. I believe it was at Wrestlemania 23, back in 2007.

        Interesting trivia – Donald Trump is the first president to be a member of the WWE Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame.

  3. R C Dean

    Well, good. Trump’s pardon spree now includes some of the pro-lifers the Biden DOJ went after.

    Trump seems to have found a sweet spot between “just got elected” and “not running for re-election”. He’s not putting this stuff off – he’s doing it right out of the gate.

    • R.J.

      I don’t have any complaints so far.

    • kinnath

      He should pardon Joe Biden now.

      • Wood Chipped Wednesday

        Kinnath: I’m surprised he didn’t pardon himself during his salting of the earth, letting people like Fauci off the hook like he was never on it. Trump needs to still investigate that entire family and make a mockery of their name. same with Fauci. Doesn’t matter if he can’t be prosecute them.

      • R.J.

        I like the current rumor on X that the Russians are going to arrest Fauci.

    • Spudalicious

      He’s got 18 months.

    • Sean

      He is organized and has gamed this out.

      Just wait until we get a handful of cabinet picks in place.

      You’ll never see something like this again in your lifetime.

      • rhywun

        ↖️ I love your optimism.

    • Ayn Random Variation

      Gutfeld joked that Trump would be done being President in 3 months.
      Trump really learned a lot after the first go around.

  4. Pope Jimbo

    The action scenes I saw in that movie were all better than the rebooted Charlie’s Angels dreck.

    • R.J.

      They are. Overall a fine effort.

  5. Wood Chipped Wednesday

    off topic and not political related but:
    College update for me: Just was notified that I got both of the scholarships I applied for at one of my top colleges. Big thespian I guess and being fluent in Spanish helped me get the language scholarship too lol

    • R.J.

      Nice! What degree are you going for? Engineering? Under water basket weaving?

      • Wood Chipped Wednesday

        Was thinking the hands on experience of gender studies lol.

        Realistically I’ll probably go undecided but I’ve been interested in political science.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        I’ve been interested in political science.


      • R.J.

        Political science and history would be a good dual major.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, we need to disabuse him or her of that, stat.

      • Wood Chipped Wednesday

        Very different trains of thought lol

      • Wood Chipped Wednesday

        The path is to eventually be a lawyer so there’s what I’ve got going for me lol

      • rhywun

        I was just joking, as always.

      • Mojeaux

        You can get a BA/BS in anything and go into law, probably the more disparate, the better, though. Not history, not poli-sci, not English, not any of the usual suspects.

        And you’ll get my opinion whether you pay for it or not!

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Rhetoric. That is what you need to major in.

      • trshmnstr

        The path is to eventually be a lawyer so there’s what I’ve got going for me lol

        Do not do poli sci if you want to be a lawyer. Everybody and their uncle goes that route and it’s not a rigorous major. The result is that you’ll underperform your numbers on law school admissions and you’ll get steamrolled your first year of law school.

      • trshmnstr

        Time for an article’s worth of trashy’s unsolicited advice on college and law school crammed into a single comment.

        Disclaimer: I used to moderate a forum specifically dedicated to law school admissions, so I’ve talked to folks in your shoes many times. That said, I’m a few years out from doing that, so my info is out of date. I’m also not your manager, nor am a law school admissions counselor. I’m just a lawyer who knows a bit more about the practice than I did when I was your age.

        Tip #1: your major doesn’t really matter for law school admissions. You get a small bump for doing a hard major. You get a small ding for doing the standard handful of liberal arts majors.

        Tip #2: Plan for your undergrad degree to hold up on its own. Don’t put all your eggs in the law school basket. Find a major that has halfway decent salary tables (ask your school(s) to provide their salary tables) and approach undergrad as if you’re going directly to work after college.

        Tip #3: Get work experience. The more intensive the better. This could be a research assistantship, it could be a co-op, it could be a couple of years in industry as a gap between undergrad and law school. IMO, this puts you way ahead of your legal peers, both in resume and in maturity level. The number of kids in law school who didn’t know what it was like to live on their own and pay their own bills was appalling.

        Tip #4: The biggest two components of your law school admissions outcome are GPA and LSAT score. Ignore the LSAT until you graduate. It’s a learnable test anyway. 100% of your effort should be to get a GPA in the 3.6-4.0 range. Below that and the top 10 or 20 schools become a reach. Much below a 3.3 and the top 50 are hard to get. Law is run on prestige, so the quality of law school directly impacts your opportunities when you graduate.

        Tip #5: I wouldn’t do the undeclared thing. Better to do a gap year and figure out why you want to go to college than major in girls and booze for 2 years before settling on some throwaway major.

        Tip #6: Never pay sticker price for law school. File this away in the back of your mind for later. Your goal is to go to the best school that you can get a decent scholarship to.

        Tip #7: know what you’re getting into in the legal profession. Again, this is a file away for later thought. Most law jobs aren’t as rich or glamorous as most people think. Many are tedious paper pushing jobs. Know what you’re getting into before you pay for schooling.

        Tip #8: network as much as you possibly can. Law is often more about who you know than what you know. You can never start too early at building out your network.

      • rhywun

        Better to do a gap year and figure out why you want to go to college than major in girls and booze for 2 years before settling on some throwaway major.

        lol I majored in boys, drugs, and booze for 4 years before settling on my throwaway major in the last year.

      • rhywun

        PS. I wouldn’t recommend this path unless you wanted to wake up in your early thirties and realize what a loser you were and then you’re confident in teaching yourself a career at that point (works in IT, probably not law).

      • creech

        Wouldn’t it be helpful, in picking an undergrad major, to decide what kind of lawyer you want to be: prosecutor, public defender, ngo lobbyist, commercial, real estate, divorce ,etc?

      • slumbrew

        Tip #7: know what you’re getting into in the legal profession. Again, this is a file away for later thought. Most law jobs aren’t as rich or glamorous as most people think. Many are tedious paper pushing jobs. Know what you’re getting into before you pay for schooling.

        So, so much this.

        My sister, sister in law, uncle and aunt all went to law school.

        Exactly one of them (my aunt) practiced law, and she hated it the whole time (counsel for a big insurance company)

        Know what you’re getting into.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, learning what I was getting into was how I flunked out of an architecture major super early on. Best thing, really. I dunno if there is schooling that can weed out lawyers that early.

    • Ayn Random Variation

      I’d recommend a minor in Criminal Justice or whatever your school calls it. Reading old cases that created current law is interesting.

      • Wood Chipped Wednesday

        The path is hopefully to be a lawyer so that’d be fun

    • Mojeaux

      w00t!!! Congrats!!!

    • rhywun

      I got a shitty little German scholarship for one year, about a thousand years ago. I hope yours is better 🙂

      • R.J.

        Mein Bleistift ist rot!

        That is all I remember from three years of high school German.

      • rhywun

        That’s random. I’m not sure I’ve ever even seen a red pencil. Maybe in the architecture studio I flunked.

      • Aloysious

        Listen to Rammstein.

        Before you know it you’ll be screaming in German and invading Poland.

      • rhywun

        Music for marching on Poland.

    • CPRM

      I cannot recommend a BFA in Radio-TV-Film with Theatre Minor, unless your goal is to make the world’s greatest political cartoon that only 100 or so people watch.

  6. Sean

    Second pepper sprouted, an Apocalypse Scorpion. My favorite.

    • UnCivilServant

      I have two distinct bell pepper sprouts, but they’re close togehter – I had put three seeds in the same hole since I wasn’t sure how many would turn out bad.

      But these two are still happy. It’ll be a while before they have to content with each other.

      • Fourscore

        I do that too but when they reach 3-4 inches high carefully cut one off. 2 peppers in one pot don’t produced X2 peppers. If they are not together a careful digging and can be transplanted in another pot.

    • rhywun

      “Special Advisor for AI and Crypto”

      I’m still not convinced that either of those is any better than magical unicorn farts but let a thousand farts bloom or something.

    • rhywun

      OMG lol I accessed the home page there – Donald, choppers, and eagles – oh my!

      • Evan from Evansville

        My patriotism is highly erect.

    • Chafed

      When you’ve stopped eating for three days because you are too busy reading documents.

  7. Mojeaux

    Mom is officially off hospice and on home health as of noon today. Normal meds for heart, diabetes, and neuropathy are being reinstituted. Mobile lab is coming tomorrow. She has her first PT session tomorrow and she is both excited for it and dreading it, but she is highly motivated to get out of bed and into her chair and across the hall to the bathroom.

    Cunty Aunts came over yesterday. I told you all that. What I DIDN’T know was that Susie was visibly mad at her and barely spoke the whole time. No idea why she bothered.

    Mom’s friend from church (the eyewitness to Susie’s abuse) called her and they talked a long time about how people are noticing how much happier she is here than she was with Cunty Aunts. Friend also said Milly was starting to look beat down now the way Mom was. Well, when your buffer almost dies then gets whisked off to your savage niece’s house, you can expect to be the next target.

    • rhywun

      OMG neuropathy sucks. I’m very happy I got a drug that works on it.

    • Chafed

      I’m glad to hear things are better for your mom.

      • Mojeaux

        Thanks, Chafed!

      • Plinker762

        It is also a story highlighting the hazards of toxic people in your life and points towards the hazards of MAID.

    • Gender Traitor

      That’s great! Now I hope you can manage to help your mom get back to better health without wrecking your own!

      And don’t let Susie come over any more. 😒

  8. Evan from Evansville

    I’m with Rhy on college advice. I’m not ‘successful,’ but I have *lived.* Many stories to tell, experiences…recipes, to share.

    Everyone’s miles vary. I’d like an armistice between my shotgun v bro’s laser-focus re: life goals. I’m thrilled I’m on My Team. He’s fantastic, but. Hrm.

      • Sean

        That sucks.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, U (get well soon!) and Ted’S.!

      • UnCivilServant

        Acetominophen has my symptoms under control now, so I’m at the office.

        Don’t worry, people don’t come in on Fridays, so there’s no one to infect.

      • Gender Traitor

        I’m glad you’ve gotten enough relief to (we hope) make it through the work day. 🙂🤞

      • UnCivilServant

        One dose only lasts a few hours, but I brought the bottle with me (along with a pack of Fisherman’s Friend cough drops)

      • Gender Traitor

        Good! As long as the cough drops don’t taste like fish. 😝

      • UnCivilServant


        The marketting slogan actually used to be “Tastes terrible, but it works”. No, it does not taste like fish, but it does carry twice the menthol of most cough drops in a smaller package, so the quantity delivered is significantly higher per unit time.

  9. Ted S.

    Sinner beating the crap out of Shelton, and last I saw ESPN was stull gobbling Shelton’s knob.

    • rhywun

      For some reason I thought that was tomorrow.

      Well, I got so sick of watching the audience squealing over Djokovic that I missed his retirement.

      I guess Sinner gets another major. The men’s game is too predictable.

  10. R.J.

    Morning! Anybody tired of winning yet?

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, R.J.! Not me – I never get tired of winning! 😃 Did we happen to win anything else overnight? (I haven’t looked at any but local news so far this morning.)

      • R.J.

        Crypto executive order is a big win. Whether you believe in the freedom of crypto or bot, realize he spared us from a central bank digital currency.
        What that means: Central bank digital currencies (CBDC) can be controlled down to the single coin and user by the government. So if the current political class hates you, you cab be debanked 100% remotely, with no black market to fall back on. They lack the decentralization of other digital currency and even worse, they are fiat currencies.

      • Gender Traitor

        Not ready to commit to crypto myself, but good on him!

      • R.J.

        Oh, CDBC was going to be mandatory. You would bit have a choice. Yiu have no idea how close we came to complete economic oppression. Dems were salivating over banning transactions for undesirables, meaning us.

      • R.J.

        I hate typing on the phone.

      • Ted S.

        At least in this case the typo “bit” is appropriate.

    • juris imprudent

      Morning RJ, all…

      Pity the poor legacy media, they can’t keep up. Seems they are most focused on the J6 pardons.

  11. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Julie Kelly: Insurrectionist Judge Refuses to Honor Trump’s Pardon of Two J6ers”

    Prison. Maybe the judge can get a pardon in four years.

    • Gender Traitor

      Great idea! And I hope she’s treated as well as the J6ers were.

      • R.J.


    • Tres Cool

      I dont have any formal legal training, but Im pretty sure she cant do that.

      suh’ fam
      yo whats goody

      • Ted S.

        They’ll slow walk the habeas corpus orders.

  12. Ownbestenemy

    Wood Chipped Wednesday on January 23, 2025 at 7:55 pm
    Kinnath: I’m surprised he didn’t pardon himself during his salting of the earth, letting people like Fauci off the hook like he was never on it. Trump needs to still investigate that entire family and make a mockery of their name. same with Fauci. Doesn’t matter if he can’t be prosecute them.

    Theory I heard floating around is Biden has a pocket pardon he wrote to himself and didn’t declare. Not sure if that even flies because I believe any Executive proclamation must be added to the Federal Register.

    • UnCivilServant

      He already has a defence. “My client has long been suffering from severe dementia and has not been culpable for his actions in some time. In fact, it is unlikely he realizes this is a trial.”

      • Rat on a train

        It worked the last time.

  13. Fourscore

    Joe gets a participation award and a star by his name in history books. * Not the real president 46