I thought about blowing this one off but I remembered I wrote one for Mikhail Gorbachev. I must therefore write one for Jimmy Carter.
This is my review of Alesmith Grand Prix Rocky Road Edition:

While I was recently driving my kids to school, an activity I have consistently done for the past 10 years the guy on the radio announced something that troubled me:
He announced Jimmy Carter died, he also mentioned pizza is a better breakfast food than cereal from a nutritional standpoint. Really? Pizza? Lets check it out.
According to New York-based nutritionist Chelsey Amer, a cheesy, greasy, carb-filled slice is better for you than your favorite breakfast cereal. So, I guess it’s time for us all to rethink our a.m. eating habits—and to celebrate.
Amer credits the high sugar content in most cereals for its poor reputation, while The Daily Meal adds the lack of protein and healthy fats are contributing to its “nutritionally bleak” standing. “You may be surprised to find out that an average slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contain nearly the same amount of calories,” Amer told the site. “However, pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning.”
In contrast with what you typically get eating a breakfast cereal. Keep in mind this isn’t exactly the formula Kellogg had in mind when he opened up a sanitarium and insisted on giving people yogurt enemas.

Most people eat more than the daily recommended limit for added sugars, which can contribute to increased risk of several chronic diseases (4, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).
Notably, most added sugar in the American diet comes from ultra-processed and packaged foods, which include sugar-sweetened beverages, baked goods, candy, and breakfast cereals. Breakfast cereals are actually the seventh biggest contributor to added sugar intake among adults in the USA (4).
In fact, most cereals list sugar as the second or third ingredient.
Breakfast cereals made with refined grains and sugars have a high glycemic index, which means it can cause a sharp spike in your post-meal blood sugar levels.
So when my son asked this morning if he could have pizza for breakfast, I gave him a slice. What’s the worst that could happen?
You didn’t think I was going to write about history’s greatest monster, did you? Alesmith does it again! Although the drinking and driving theme they are going for strikes me as a small concern*. You might think this is some sort of rocky road ice cream sort of concoction…you’re sort of right. There is a lot of chocolate in this, and some nuttiness but it does not contain actual nuts. The best part is it does not contain cereal beyond the malted barley to actually make the beer. That would certainly be awful, extruded cereal blobs floating around, but not this time. Alesmith Grand Prix Rocky Road Edition: 4.15/5 12% ABV
Rookie mistake. You should have gone with chocolate cake.
Forty years later and I knew what it was without clicking. Fuck you Cos, i still love your comedy records.
I had two eggs (scrambled, only because I’m not a terribly good cook) with cheese and deli ham for breakfast.
I mentally started singing
Daddy’s great!
Gives us chocolate cake!
without even clicking.
and roofies for dessert
Or little chocolate donuts.
I haven’t clicked the link and I assume this from the era when SNL was funny.
Also, fuck Jimmy Carter. Because I’m a masochist, I still have Reason in my RSS feed. They’ve written a half dozen or so hagiographies for Carter because of the airline deregulation he signed after his predecessor had done all of the leg work, a-la Clinton with NAFTA, and legalizing home brewing. At least the
trainsplanes ran on time, I guess.No, trains too. Surface transportation (MCA, Staggers Act) was deregulated too. ICC neutered and finally terminated 15 years later after 109 years. Didn’t keep Sawyer Brown from covering Six Days on the Road two years after that with no change in lyrics.
Of course they did.
I hate Jimmy Carter too but you are understating his deregulatory acts. Ford did not do the heavy lifting.
That sounds tasty,
So does cold pizza for breakfast. I woke up with ash on my car and smoke in the sky, and we are 100 miles south of the Palisades
Cold pizza the morning after is the best. My wife is horrified when I take a slice from the fridge without reheating it.
I don’t mind a lot of things cold. I eat cold leftover hamburgers for my lunch on following days. Like a meatloaf sandwich, more or less.
Always thought most MREs tasted better room temp. Smelled better than the MRE heaters too.
Agreed. It’s not just laziness, I actually prefer leftover pizza cold.
This may be controversial though: from time to time, I enjoy cold spaghetti.
Meh….I prefer nuking something for 15-30 seconds to get the cheese soft again.
As far as MREs…really depends on the contents. Hard to get an even heat at the best of times, but some of them really are improved by a few minutes (or longer) warming up. Liquefying the sauces, etc.
cold spaghetti
For lunch, on a hot day. Yeah buddy.
The buttered rice was awful cold, but everything else was better. But that was twenty years ago, before traditional foods got the shaft and the ethnic and veggie meals were added.
The Daily Meal adds the lack of protein and healthy fats are contributing to its “nutritionally bleak” standing. “
No way.
That looks a lot like the Speedway Gas logo. Maybe you should pour it in your gas tank.
and it’s also a carburetor solvent!
my only qualm is I’d drink six in an hour and not wake up for a week
It’s like Dragon’s Milk. Definitely proceed with caution.
On Dragon’s Milk, I stopped in the New Holland taphouse in Holland, MI when I roadtripped to Honey Harvest last year.
I was disappointed in everything, food and beer, that I had there other then Dragon’s Milk and Dragon’s Milk variations.
That’s interesting. I’m not sure I’ve had anything of theirs other than DM
say it ain’t so, Joe! The Poet is one of my top ten beers.
Bells might be my favorite brewery on balance. Yankees who make beer is proof that doG loves us.
I think I had The Poet while I was there. My recollection is that it was kinda bland.
Bells might be my favorite brewery on balance.
I stopped by their taproom in Kalamazoo after driving a Model T. The Bell’s taproom was pretty good. Good food and good beer. Not bad prices either.
my only qualm is I’d drink six in an hour and not wake up for a week
Heh, I could only get four down before passing out.
So when my son asked this morning if he could have pizza for breakfast, I gave him a slice.
There is a lot of chocolate in this, and some nuttiness but it does not contain actual nuts. The best part is it does not contain cereal beyond the malted barley to actually make the beer. That would certainly be awful, extruded cereal blobs floating around, but not this time. Alesmith Grand Prix Rocky Road Edition: 4.15/5 12% ABV
This sounds like a delicious dessert beer.
It does sound good.
At the beer store today, I was uninspired and went with one of my fallbacks- Rogue Dead Guy Ale.
I have one their growlers. No idea where/when/why I got it. But the logo glows in the dark, which is nice.
I haven’t had Rogue Dead Guy Ale in a long time. I remember liking it.
In a pinch, Dead Guy Ale is always a good call. Even when not in a pinch.
NRO has had some great criticisms of Carter already…here’s another one: https://www.nationalreview.com/2025/01/the-carter-administration-was-no-friend-of-the-u-s-navy/
Gotten some nice German beer deals from the NEX here. I’ve picked up 3 different holiday 4-packs (that include mugs). The most recent one was a Bitburger one for $3.49 yesterday…probably less than the cost of the stein itself. There are some nice Chimay packs, but I want to hold off on those tulip glasses till I get to my eventual house.
Powerline for the week.
The rainbow fire hydrant tells the tale for the LA fires.
Also, many mahalos Mex for not writing about Carter. Now the mint will make his dollar coin, which will be worthless compared to the dollar.
Remember that Carter’s inflation stripped the dollar’s value by 50% in four years. May he be quickly forgotten.
More LBJ and Nixon, Carter was the sap in office at the wrong time.
Yes, it was a group effort but Carter was all in on it. May he rot in hell.
Like most I tend to forget the bad stuff over time. When I look back at his presidency in detail invariably I say “Oh yeah. I forgot about that. What a shitheel that guy was.”
Thanks to Biden he is no longer our worst president.
No one will ever be worse than Wilson.
Yup. Racist warmongering statist. Did more to put us on the path to Total State global thug than any other President. FDR was just nailing down the lid on the coffin Wilson made.
Best version of leftover pizza: Pizza eggs. Scramble some eggs, chop in what you want to add and toss it all. ‘Don’t have low expectations, but be easily amused, satisfied.’ It just greatly eases Life’s burden upon ya. (People seem to actively search for things to be upset about. Almost as if *that* brings them more pleasure than actually ‘enjoying’ anything. Don’t be satisfied, necessarily, but don’t be stuck up.)
Old Jimmy Carter looks terrifying. Granted, any human will at 100, but damn. Puts into perspective how nasty the DNC machinations were to make such a big deal about him voting for Harris. Just pointless human theater. Who’d wanna put him out in the daylight for a photo op? Oh. Well. *shrug*
Looking at the Carter picture makes me wonder what is the desire to live to an old age?
/Breaks every mirror in the house
That’s a lot of bad luck.
Despite it being not true I see myself as a sentience that lives inside this biological machine. As long as I have my sentience I intend to continue having this vehicle carry me around.
He looks really bad for a centenarian.
Economist or climate scientist?
Richter scale
Two decimals of modeling precision either way.
Tax day
I’m going with this explanation
I fried an egg and did the silly American thing of turning it in the pan and the yolk did not break and did not overcook. Apparently it can be done. who’d ev thunk it.
*bows* ev always thunk well. At your service!
I do that every morning, rarely breaking the yolk, even though I’m flipping them without a turner (just flipping with the pan). Practice makes perfect.
Grocery store eggs have gotten increasingly fragile to the point where it is difficult not to break yolks. I get yard eggs from my neighbor….they are great and I never break the yolks.
If one can’t pan flip and egg (Grocery store or yard) without breaking the yolk one should probably see a neurologist because you got some serious motor skill issues that should be addressed.
On second thought that was a bit unfair, one could also just have shitty cookware, as a properly seasoned egg pan is essential for flawless egg flippage.
I need a new omelette pan. Thank you for the reminder.
Foolish. Get a frying pan with a lid and you can avoid broken yolks and runny whites forevermore.
Jacques Pepin is that you?
∆ +1
UCS – speaking of Golden Demon – Rogue Hobbies had an interesting retrospective on the painting competition entries from the 80s till now:
Ninjon also had some criticisms on folks who focus on one model for a year rather than people who play games, and enter their best model (the older format). I’ve heard a lot of mini local tournaments still have painting judging competitions for the folks participating.
I mean, the new ones are awesome…and give me some ideas – but I’ve barely scraped the surface of the painting process…not even one fully painted army – my travel schedule and everything from the spring through my current move – has been so nuts. I probably won’t have a good chance to dig my gear out and start setting up for at least a month or two from now…frustrating, but a lot to look forward to as well. May start building a few more models since I have my mat, cutting tools, glue and a lamp.
Oops…I assumed you were directly referring to the article and pics – not Rogue’s video ;p
Have fun going down that road, it gets pricey, trust me
Now that I’m in Italy…I may try and visit Monte San Savino in the next year or two…not entering it…
Threat analysis
Meta spends $14 million annually on providing personal security for Zuckerberg and his family, according to the company’s 2024 proxy statement. As part of that security, the company analyzes any threats or perceived threats against its CEO, according to a person familiar with the matter. Those threats are cataloged, analyzed and dissected by Meta’s multitude of security teams.
After Trump’s comments, Meta’s security teams analyzed how Trump could weaponize the Justice Department and the country’s intelligence agencies against Zuckerberg and what it would cost the company to defend its CEO against a sitting president, said the person, who asked not to be named because of confidentiality.
An individual being targetted by the vast “justice” apparatus of government? Unprecedented.
You’d think he was afraid of being accused of throwing a presidential election or something.
Wait, wasn’t there just a story out about how the Biden admin wanted FB to censor some sort of covid/vaccine “misinformation”, and when FB pushed back they got the “nice company you got there, be a shame if it had to be broken up for being a monopoly” treatment?
Oh yeah, here it is: https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1877785122314875330
I dont think Zuckerberg is an especially evil guy. He, like the majority of our race is morally feeble.
yup: any major dude
Gutenberg was evil for making it so easy for immoral people to spread their trash
Zuck has no power, so his moral failings are inherently limited; unlike those in govt.
I’d have run a mile from his grasping type in college, especially knowing how Faceplace got started (i.e., Are They Hot or Not?).
Exactly what are the security teams planning to do when FBI doorkickers show up?
Nutritionist. Stop. Just stop right there.
We should troll the motherfucker beyond the grave. Reacquire the Panama Canal and rename it the Carter Canal.
The Panama Canal is a military choke point. Needs a roundabout.
Whatever we do, do NOT name a Nimitz class carrier after him. I don’t care he was a naval officer.
Beer adjacent: My brother almost got thrown out of the hospital for bringing in this thing called Four Loko.
I gather this is strong stuff?
Caffeinated beerlike substance. Not really anything strong, just a moral panic focus because OMG teenagers drink.
It’s exceptionally strong/cheap. Great poor-person drink. Around $4 for 24oz of 13% booze. Not proof, 13% alcohol. About five drinks for $4? Yes, please (back when).
I didnt know it had alcohol in it. I thought it was just a soft drink with extra caffeine. As a rule I dont drunk canned/bottled stuff from the quickie stop coolers. Outside of water I drink shit-tons of coffee, tea, and various fruit juices.
Yeah, I thought it was an energy drink until security showed up. I read “malt-based,” and immediately thought of some disheveled and filthy hobo sitting on the curb of a derelict 7-11 in the hood drinking out of a brown paper bag. 🙄
Igather this is strong stuff?
Social media several years back had something called the “4 Loko Challenge”. Where you drink four in an hour. Can it be done? Yes.
It made headlines because sorority girls attempted it, and the ones that ended up in the hospital tested them all for date rape drugs. Nope, they were just blasted.
I took one for the team back in ’19, grape I think, it’s all Tres’ fault!
So did I, also at Tres suggestion.
EARFquake !
Two of those and you’re ready to fight a phone pole.
Liquid crack, the Devil’s Nectar
For himself, I assume, and not your mother. I didn’t know he sipped, but in this case I don’t blame him, especially if it’s only one. (I’ve never had one: I hope he can handle himself.)
Eagle–eyed security you’ve got there.
Who said recently that traditions are solutions to problems we have forgotten? Spot on.
Breakfast cereal and the food pyramid came about because we had a shortage of eligible young men fit for service at the start of WWI. A majority of young people then were underweight and feeble because of a lack of carbs in our diets. Of course, as Dorthy Parker noted “All movements go too far.” Now we have a huge portion of the population suffering from diabetes, a disease that used to be fairly rare.
The greatest nutritionist of all time was Aristotle – “Moderation in all things.” The rest of them need to find another line of work.
“Everything in moderation, including moderation.”
Breakfast cereal: Kellogg was a retarded pervert who didn’t want people whacking off. Grain subsidies are villains as well.
Food pyramid: industry and government horror based on Ancel Fucking Keys lying through his teeth. Low fat-high grain diets probably have killed more people than ciggies. Subsidies make sure this will not change.
Food has changed. People in the 70s and 80s ate a fuck ton of carbs and fat. And they weren’t fat and diabetes in children was almost unheard of.
Food scientists are evil geniuses as well. Their products are cheaper and tastier but less satiating. Guess what happens next.
There is definitely no single diet that works for everyone, but whatever the government and the AMA recommends, do the opposite. If you really want to be sure, just eat things with either no ingredient list or a damn short one.
How’s carnivore going?
eggs, pork, cornbread, everything cooked in grease and covered in butter
and working 12 hours a day
recipe to live to 100 as far as I know
but you end up spending a lot of those years looking at the discharge of a mule
It’s going well. My guy wasn’t happy for the first couple days but that’s resolved. It’s not that difficult for me overall because I was eating a pretty low carb diet before. I don’t see me staying on this strictly after my experiment, just for convenience sake really.
I’ll go a couple 3 weeks more and then start adding things in and see what happens.
Breakfast cereal: Kellogg was a retarded pervert who didn’t want people whacking off. Grain subsidies are villains as well.
He ahould be looked upon with derision, but we can’t do that.
Sharpy: Yes we can.
Quit talking shit about Kellogg, the occasional bowl of Sugar Smacks or Cocoa Pebbles is the bomb…ain’t eating no fucking Corn Flakes though.
lol I think they’re called something else now. Even they know how bad they are.
But goddamn if Fruity Pebbles aren’t sublime.
Yeah…I don’t eat cereal that often, but there are times when I crave it – and having an alternative (albeit more expensive) like Magic Spoon – for those few times – works pretty well. Definitely better than my older defaults.
Grape Nuts. Let soak in milk for five minutes.
Weird little movie but it amused me. “Bicycle smile”, heh. And Dana Carvey.
Creech, my reaction to GN as a little kid: utter misnomer. (Not in those words.)
Grape Nuts, with hot apple cider poured over instead of milk. Let it sit a minute to soften slightly.
On Carter loving Biden for making him not-the-worst: That is what Biden almost got to experience with a Harris presidency. Truly, just when you think things could not be worse…..
Roman imperial succession as imagined by Robert Graves.
ain’t eating no fucking Corn Flakes though.
Just dump out the cereal and eat the box.
I have been known to eat such things as Quaker life, and Wheaties; with no sugar added.
Oatmeal every morning with a spoonful of raisins, a prune and no sugar or honey. Whole milk of course.
So that’s your secret.
Get a frying pan with a lid and you can avoid broken yolks and runny whites forevermore.
This. add a little splash of water before you put the lid on. A breakfast place I frequented long ago called them “basted eggs”.
My dad basted eggs (otherwise sunnyside up) with bacon grease.
footie spoiler alert
Liverpool hung four on Accrington Stanley….okay, fine
but what’s with the celebratory hugfests, knee slides, and such? ACC are a full two tiers down, the salary ratio was 100:1 between the teams….the result was never in doubt.
So why the bat flips when all you did was homer off of, essentially, a AA pitcher?
Neat little story from that game: https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/cz7qx7d5gnyo
TOK hockey update:
Chicago 3
Albuquerque 0
Hawks moving the puck well. TOK playing shut down defense.
8-2 after 2
Go Sledhawks! 😃🏒
New IKEA product, the Boomunsgetor.
Maybe I’ll pick up a few along with the meatballs next time I’m there.
How Poles does it take to secure anti-tank mines?
Someone’s going to hell for this one.
Wolf moon!
Three wolf moon?
Its least it’s not Hawkmoon.
/I hate myself for not minding that album