Unexpectedly, my beloved Ravens took the AFC North title. Suck it, Steelers. Mediocre game by Jackson or it would have been a 50 point win instead of a 25 point margin. Game highlight was the interception by Michael Pierce, which was like watching Butterbean in the boxing ring. When he got the ball and took a dive, all I could hear in my head was Bill Cosby doing Fat Albert: “Hey, hey, hey, don’t like to run!” Will portions of Baltimore burn in celebration? Not yet, they’re saving that for the Super Bowl. I celebrated with the last of my New Years truffles, a nice cheese/fruit combo, and a glass of Georgian Rkatsiteli. I will further celebrate this afternoon and evening at an adult beverage dispensary with Prime.
Prime, by the way, survived an evening with Spud and her second encounter with WebDom and 10b0t, a positive sign.
Speaking of celebration, birthdays today include one of the founding heroes of our current anathema, free markets and free trade; a guy who peaked early; a guy whose products I avoid in the service of barbatuosity; a woman whose death came as a surprise to her; a guy who was much better than Christopher Reeve and actually could stay on a horse; a woman whom Reagan never called Mommy; an absolutely wonderful actor who elevated every film he was in; a guy who did call Reagan “Mommy”; someone who disagreed with Gertrude Stein; the very best part of National Review; a brilliant singer/songwriter, no joke; an actress who perfected the perky ditz; and a wonderfully named professional athlete.
It only seems appropriate to segue into Links.
As bad as they’re saying it was, it was worse.
Well, that’s one way to boost your tourism industry.
When Trump’s random and meaningless brain lint gets idiots running like cats after a laser pointer.
That’s-a a nice-a piece of lasagna there, IYKWIMAITYD.
“We should have been more commie.” The post-mortems continue, and of course go nowhere.
Mike DeWine is a piece of shit, confirmed.
I do not mourn for the closing of this place. The food was mediocre and customers were insufferable.
The irony is that there’s no snow in Buffalo.
After the Christmas-New Years Axis of Eating, the Old Man finds this remake appropriate fare.
Operation frog boil is proceeding apace.
Nah, OMWC is a vegetarian.
Cabbage Boiling.
I’m hopeful she’ll successfully pass the gauntlet.
Happy birthday Brittany Murphy?
Happy birthday Margaret Thatcher?
Happy birthday Alicia Silverstone?
I was thinking Goldie Hawn.
Was thinking of Jennifer Tilly – my favorite ditz.
dumber and prettier than any of them
Was gonna say Brittany Murphy but you already put her in the ground
It seems to me that we went for about 50 years without having cringe-inducing national anthem incidents, and then all of a sudden you can’t have an athletic event without one. If I might adjust my tin foil hat, perhaps it’s a ploy to create controversy and draw more viewers?
So it wasn’t just me.
He has no range, that much was clear, but I’ve definitely heard much worse. This ranked a ‘meh’ from me. Since he’s a country artist I’ve never heard of, I’m assuming he’s ‘new’ country and I was just relieved there wasn’t a drum machine involved.
The frequent selection of random pitches was… interesting.
Roseanne Barr nods.
Should have headed for Argentina, I hear they have a, um, less restrictive policy.
Did nazi that one coming.
Comment * @davidyoung5640 1 month ago Buenos Noches mein Fuher
maybe this will work
“We should have been more commie.”
Yes, YES, let the stupid consume you.
“…the psychological damage that would be done by factory closures, large and small…”
The economic destruction you see is all in your head.
Yes, when a factory closes, it’s the hurt feelings that we need to worry about.
Up is down, left is right….
All my priors were confirmed. It can’t be wrong.
Am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children that are wrong.
Give up our delusions? Would we even be Democrats if we did?
Sure, but that means giving up the self-anointed moral superiority complex. Any bets?
I’m not sure what he means by “traditional Democratic focus on class mobility” given that their policies have long had the exact opposite effect.
He’s reaching back more than a generation now.
It is now a quarter of a century since Bill Clinton was president.
They still believe in class mobility. You are just defining class mobility as individuals moving between classes. They define it as moving defined protected classes as a whole up or down the status ladder.
What Jarflax says and the importance of that distinction cannot be overstated.
look, bitch: truckdrivers who haven’t been to church in ten years, hillbillies defending their Medicare from the government, and presidents who couldn’t guess three of the first ten Amendments are what true conservatism is all about.
No party ever has a monopoly on stupid, in America that is just too abundant to stick to one side.
The nerve of those troglodytes shitting all over Rich Lowry’s weekly lecture about the collective right developing a gag reflex, not doing enough to save Obamacare from actuarial reality, and the need for more funding for Ukraine.
fancy footwork there: please don’t miss the chance to directly say that the things that I did imply are wrong and why
I hate Obamacare, I don’t care about Ukraine (both excellent bait-switching); conservatives are right about a bunch of things……….just not the things I actually wrote/implied
I get that hating rednecks is your shtick, but… coming to the defense of a Rockefeller Republican who made her career bitching about flyover country in National Review, as if the “traditionalist conservatism” espoused by the Buckley/Lowry set were somehow less objectionable than the nose-picking truckers you hate failing to attend church services, is a dumb hill to die on. As near as I can tell, the populist trogs ended up electing people that, for whatever else you could say about them, seem to have fucked things up a lot less than the learned, scholarly, managerial class technocrats. Perhaps they managed that feat simply by being more stupid, more ignorant, or less evil than their predecessors. So much the better.
Stick to the ‘less evil’ part and. you have it. The cradle of evil is the warm, soft, beflowered belief that one’s view of what is best for everyone else is superior and to be imposed on them for their own good. Invariably there will be those who need to be coerced with increasing force.
I’m sure she got along splendidly with David French.
Hmm… I was hoping that Cheese Penis was closing.
Hate that place, worst service of all time.
all I could hear in my head was Bill Cosby doing Fat Albert: “Hey, hey, hey, don’t like to run!”
Not the quaalude-laden Jello Pudding Pops Cosby?
Then release them unredacted. After all, If YoU HaVE nOThiNg tO HiDe yOu hAVe noThINg tO FeAr, right?
What if Officer Friendly forgot to turn the camera off in the bathroom?
[government squints, looks around furtively] The privacy of innocent bystanders, yeah, that’s what were worried about.
Hey we cannot be expected to pay for our efforts tampering with evidence! You peasants will pay for us to do it.
Although, to be fair the peasants are paying either way, and generally speaking I am find with user fees. It’s the redaction performed by the suspect I object to, not where the funds for it come from.
You peasants will pay for us to do it.
♫ Pay me two times baby, pay me twice today. ♪♫
an absolutely wonderful actor who elevated every film he was in
Happy birthday George Sanders!
I’ll take our host’s answer. It’s legit.
“No law enforcement agency should ever have to choose between diverting resources for officers on the street to move them to administrative tasks like lengthy video redaction reviews”
Well, I can think of one way around that problem. . . .
“a leader in the plant-based casual restaurant space”
Sounds like a tallest midget kind of a deal. How many plant-based casual restaurants are there, anyway?
One fewer now.
There are dozens of us! DOZENS!
Too Many.
Native Foods?
This Sage chain I never heard of.
Me neither.
Chafed, do you have any info on this place? Sounds intriguing.
Darn. Where can get my Testicle Salad now??
So tell her wait a few weeks and we will run it. Not that I expect the cartoonist is being fully truthful either.
Cartoon of Jeff Bezos That His Paper Axed Goes Viral
Not like there is no other way the cartoonist could distribute the work either.
Also…that cartoon has now reached eyeballs beyond the WaPo readership…so good PR move.
“Wahhhhhhh! I don’t get to have a national platform for my shitty cartoon accusing the guy who pays my checks and spends billions of dollars a year keeping an anti-Trump media platform operating when it otherwise would have folded 10 years ago! WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!”
Maybe learn to code?
Does it pay the same as downtown?
Maybe learn to code?
I would’ve said “you want fries with that?” but the kiosk handles that now.
ExCUUUUUSE me! She has a BFA!!! That’s “Skim or oat milk in your latte?”
Stop, don’t, come back
Oh no! Anyway…
Ok, so facing the reduction or end of remittances they are going to close down the only other source of their income – a US military base?
I think this is political posturing with zero chance of ever happening.
“We’re starting with the violent criminals anyway. ‘K?”
Public record….is public. In all places that I know of one has to pay for copies of public record. I suppose in principle there is nothing wrong with charging for video footage. The problem is that this is often used to make access to public record difficult if not impossible. One thing is certain, if government is entrusted with power it will push the limits on abusing that power. A bunch of old white slaveowners a few years back may have pointed that out. We and even they themselves choose to pretend that is not true.
The rest of the links: “Lets ignore reason, logic and facts and see what happens”
Does this approach have some value? Maybe. It reminds us why we should not ignore reason, logic and facts.
“It’s different this time!!!”
sayeth all the pundits with degrees in pataphysics.
I’m not sure if this is AI or cut and paste, but it’s the perfect misinformation article.
I’m 72 and my health insurance is denying my hip surgery — even with proof that I need it.
I’m like WTF. For almost all that insurer would be Medicare. So your issue would be with FedGov. You click on the article and there are no specifics on the individual in the headline.
Instead it’s random shit about UnitedHealth, the murder and generic shit about crappy insurance and denials.
Seems like a how-to article with a smattering of whining.
It has to be AI created filler as well as the headline.
It got me to click so I assume it achieved its purpose, albeit with an adblocker.
It does not bode well for articles coming from random news sites in our future world. You are going to want to know both the author and the site.
…and a bunch of clickbait links sprinkled throughout the text. 🙄
Successfully conflating “medical insurance” and “health care” was a good move.
Ask the same people bitching about their health insurance if they think their neighbor with 4 DUIs and 3 accidents in the last 2 years should have to pay more for car insurance, or even have his 4th accident claim denied.
Health insurance in its modern incarnation of effectively subscription based medicine is an abomination. It perverts markets and guarantees that prices will rise at a rate above inflation by removing the cost disincentive that limits over use. It also has a built in incentive for the Insurer to deny perfectly valid claims and to make the appeal process onerous. The whole concept of a ‘network’ which supposedly provides economy by creating a monopsony bargaining power advantage to the payor versus the provider devalues quality as a factor in competition in favor of connections and costs. There is plenty to hate in the insurance world.
It is all horseshit. The medicare angle is already pointed out and besides Obamacare saved us from all of that already.
Ah, it was hidden in there – you really had to dig. Apparently this person was dumb enough to get a Medicare Advantage supplemental plan. You know, the one that doesn’t cost anything! Which ought to be the first clue, but for many, isn’t.
But eligibility for something like a hip would be based on Medicare guidelines.
But you are right there is another party between now.
And I do believe the Advantage plans set up roadblocks to what is otherwise very easy to obtain with Medicare and a normal supplemental plan.
Reads like AI mush to me.
Ackchually Note: a sizable percentage of Medicare beneficiaries are on Medicare Advantage plans, which are commercial plans that (a) must cover what Medicare covers and (b) are subsidized by Medicare.
Of course, listing a service as covered, and paying for it after various bureaucratic roadblocks are considered, are two different things.
The NY Post is littered with this shit. “I’m _____ and here’s what you need to know about _____.”
Obvious click-bait I won’t touch.
At the very end, “This article provides information only and should not be construed as advice. It is provided without warranty of any kind.”
One of my favorite movies I’d watch with the boys when they were young was Second Hand Lions.
Duvall and Cain carrying Sixth-sense ‘I’m not nearly as cute as I was as a little kid’ in a great coming of age story.
My eyes are not fully awake despite my having been up for hours. Too much dog dander and cigarette smoke? I dunno, in any case I read that as ‘Second Hand Loins’. I think my expectations about the irreverence of this crowd also make me think that would be a likely thing to hear around these parts.
Second Hand Loins:
Wait a minute. This Lily Phillips woman getting screwed by 101 men in a day…did she make video proof or are we just going on her word?
Pretty sure it was onlyfans, but I’m not going digging.
She just needs to find someone who doesn’t know you can’t turn a ho’ into a housewife, and she’s set.
There is no hammer too heavy to come down on these fucks. Of course it couldn’t be they would take the rebuke, they are the omnipotent bureaucracy.
If they can’t be fired, they need to be killed.
And the band played Ça Ira as we marched into Foggy Bottom! I like the way you think.
You joke, but someone (I can’t remember who…) on the radio was saying that the United CEOs killing and the Gen Z indifference/outright support of it are seeds of a French Revolution-style backlash if the reformers fail.
Is Trump capable of following through on everything? No. On some things? Maybe. The key is that, whether we like it or not (and I know many here don’t like it), we’re living through a populist moment and when populism goes bad you end up with guillotines.
*ponders post supporting the enforcement of the death penalty with guillotines*
The only reason I am joking is that once we open Pandora’s Box it becomes just this side of absolutely certain that the US Constitution is dead and what comes next is only predictable in that it will be worse. The Federal bureaucracy is full of people that would dangle from lampposts in a just world; State more than most. I don’t object to Realpolitik, it is quite possible for someone to be simultaneously evil and useful, but they don’t cozy up to tyrants to advance American interests. They cozy up to tyrants to promote the opposite.
*ponders post supporting the enforcement of the death penalty with guillotines*
Can I interest you in my newsletter about the advantages of crucifixion in the area of encouragement of others?
One possible drawback of crucifixion is its track record of creating martyrs.
Entrusting too much power to anyone guarantees the abuse of that power. Thus the golden age of the guillotine is known as ‘The Reign of Terror’. More of the wrong people got lopped than those that were deserving.
Despite all of the hyperbole I dont seriously recommend. We should use woodchippers instead
Power will tend to increase absent active opposition. The Founders set up a good system, but as soon as they started governing inside the framework they had created their perspective shifted and they immediately started testing the walls they themselves had built. It’s core human nature; limitations that protect you from the other guy necessarily prevent you from doing things you want to do and it takes a very special person not to give into the temptation to fudge just this once.
Next thing you know you’ll be telling me that the NSA never stopped bulk metadata collection when they promised to do so after a 20 year documented history of bald-faced perjury about it.
I have no qualms about liars in government losing their lives for that.
I see my views on expanding the death penalty are gaining support.
Turns out that the Caserta train station (en route to church) is directly across from a royal palace – never heard of it. Quite impressive in person…will need to plan a visit in the future.
So, trains worked pretty well. Station off base is about a 30 minute walk, train station by church is a lot closer. Could probably get a ride with someone next time, but I do want to get a bit of muscle memory using the local systems and Sunday morning is a good chance to do it. Each ride was probably less than $3 and easy to get via an app.
Still trying to investigate how I can do a connecting ride with a different train company…since their app is apparently garbage and I didn’t see a machine for their tickets in the station even though they were definitely on the schedules. May have to talk to someone directly.
I definitely like the view/landscape in that area just a little further north of where I am right now. Will definitely be looking to see if there are any open houses in that region.
Che bella!
“May have to talk to someone directly.”
*gasps, staggers to fainting couch*
I’m not exactly close to fluent at this point…
The message I’m getting from that NYT thing so far is “trump is right.”
🎶Sunday, Slutty Sunday🎶
(for Rhywun)
Above average gallery from the Barn, I approve.
Agreed. Peaked early at #3, but 5, 7, 13, 16 represented their districts aptly.
But, he added, “that sets you up for the moment when a Donald Trump comes along, and you have a candidate who just has better marketing than you.”
The man could sell ice cream to Eskimos. He’s a fiend in human form.
“Many Democrats have blamed recent social issues like transgender rights or the “woke” language embraced by many on the left. But the economic seeds of Mr. Trump’s victories were sown long ago.”
True, but the woke shit is what pushed a lot of indies and legacy soft Dems over the edge. Fiscal policy is a bit opaque to the average Stacy (or Latoya or Mariposa) in suburban Phoenix (or Milwaukee or Atlanta) but cutting off your son’s balls and having your daughter’s second grade teacher educate on how to properly have anal sex will certainly get said moms to take notice.
Yeah, I think people are underestimating the relevance of the Kulturkampf.
Maybe he just doesn’t smell right.
Muh inquisition!
President-elect Donald Trump hasn’t been sworn in yet, but his looming return has already upended hundreds of pending prosecutions against his supporters who attacked the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, and has disrupted the ongoing effort to arrest more rioters.
The historic effort by Justice Department prosecutors and FBI agents to investigate the deadly Trump-inspired storming of the Capitol has led to more than 1,570 arrests in nearly all 50 states, making it the largest criminal probe in American history. New arrests are slowly still trickling in, four years later, including recent cases against a member of the Proud Boys and a rioter who tried to stab police with a flagpole.
But the political reality has already tanked morale inside the Justice Department division that handles these cases — and is hampering efforts to secure guilty pleas in about 300 pending cases, as defendants balk at negotiations, according to a federal law enforcement official involved in the sprawling investigation.
The official also said investigators have decided to use their limited time and resources to go after January 6 fugitives suspected of attacking police, meaning lower-level rioters who breached the Capitol but didn’t contribute to the violence will likely never be charged or held accountable.
But that means some witches will escape the pyre. We must continue our merciless vendetta until all heretics have been punished.
My local cable news is STILL claiming that multiple officers were murdered that day.
Why exactly do we want it?
Well, with “Green” in the name, it must be good, right? You know, like “green energy.”
Beats me. Anyone else get it?
It is a strategic location and chock full of resources. However, it is what it is because…it is Greenland. I giant block of ice where staying alive takes precedence over any extracurricular activities such as mining or drilling. The only way it will matter is if we have to technology to overcome that or one is a apocalyptic global warming believer.
It will thaw…in a couple of thousand years.
Um, the northern ice cap melted in 2013 according to a Nobel Prize winning documentary.
Better to fight a war of independence against Denmark than let OMB get his dirty paws on it.
Snow started 2 hours earlier than predicted. Wonder if the low pressure system in the south will stall this behemoth out.
Uh oh! 😳 ::checks radar:: Map shows leading edge of Blue Blob over us, but I don’t see any snow out the AccuWindow yet.
It’s snowing on the west side of Cincinnati, a dusting so far, but it seems to be speeding up.
Wait. You’re in Cincinnati?
Delhi to be exact
Loading up the Tracker Testarossa™ for the weekly sojurn Northeast.
I’m hoping to avoid most of the mess before I spend 3 days in West Vargina. They’re supposed to have it a bit worse.
West side is the BEST side*
*not true for Dayton
It depends on which annoys you more. Grown adults obsessed with high school football or wokies. Admittedly I choose neither and just avoid all social interaction.
After the election, the FBI circulated guidance in an internal memo indicating that the investigation would continue but will focus on people suspected of committing felonies, especially if they assaulted police officers, the federal law enforcement official told CNN.
This is consistent with the recent pace of the investigation, which has largely prioritized felony cases. In earlier phases, prosecutors charged hundreds of misdemeanor-only cases against people who breached the Capitol but never attacked anyone or broke anything.
As a result of this guidance, many of the trespassing cases will now go unprosecuted.
But they desecrated the Sacred Temple of Democracy!
Welcome news to the hundreds of people who got 2, 3, 4+ years for “parading,” and had to sign fealty pledges to avoid 5, 6, 7+ years.
“Well, the great irony in all of this is that I don’t think anyone did more to help elect Donald Trump president of the United States than Alvin Bragg and Tish James,” Lawler said during his Saturday appearance on Fox News, referencing Bragg (D), the Manhattan district attorney, whose office prosecuted the case where a 12-person jury found Trump guilty of 34 counts. The president-elect has denied any wrongdoing.
“In both cases, you had two rogue prosecutors who decided that when they were running for office that they were going to go after Donald Trump. They said it. They ran on it. And then, in fact, did it. And in both cases, the charges make no sense,” the New York Republican said.
He’s not wrong.
Sexism. Obvi.
The only solution is more DEI.
Add some prizes. Nobel Prizes in the real sciences like Gender Studies, Black Rage, Queer Studies, and Herstory.
They could pass them out to the olympic trannies?
Same reason have gotten fewer life sentences for murder and fewer medals of honor. Women have a more centrally-clustered intelligence distribution. There’s fewer female than male geniuses, and fewer female than male retards.
If some good but not great scientists decided to identify as female, could we give them Nobel prizes?
Surprised it hasn’t happened already. That I know of.
For the weather-afflicted – Ryan Hall Y’all is finna go live
Even up here in the mountains, we’re only supposed to get rain 😞
It’s just going to get quite cold here in North Texas. No rain or snow at all.
Comeuppance for his right wing antics
The vast majority of Elon Musk’s wealth consists of his large stake in the EV manufacturer Tesla. When Tesla’s stock price nearly doubled following the election, his wealth, at least on paper, soared to over $400 billion.
But that spike plainly has nothing to do with Tesla’s business fundamentals, which are increasingly shaky—and its future prospects are even worse. The company’s best-selling models are extremely old by auto market standards, other automakers are putting up stiff competition—Chinese ones in particular are poised to massacre Tesla in the developing world—its only new model in half a decade is a flop, and Musk’s right-wing antics are poisoning its sleek, environmentalist brand.
Absent more assistance from the incoming Trump administration, on its current track Tesla will be an also-ran in the global EV market within a decade.
Hahha, take that, Elon, you no good panderer.
I love the leftist glee/rage spasms every time the market moves and Musk’s fortune waxes and wanes. Do they think his life changes for the worse when his paper worth goes from 400 to 200 billion? He is multiple orders of magnitude richer than the point at which your personal limits cease to include ability to afford things.
SpaceX is going to be more valuable than Tesla before long, anyway.
I agree but not because of his “right-wing antics” or the cheap and likely even more spyish Chinese knockoffs but because the market is already saturated and the model relies on government subsidies, slave labor, and unicorn farts.
It could be that American truck buyers in particular are suspicious of EVs. Ford has sold about as many F-150 Lightning models as Tesla has Cybertrucks, but about 20 to 30 times as many gas-powered F-150s. Or it could be the Cybertruck is too weird-looking and niche to have mass appeal. Or perhaps it costs too much and its features are (as usual) not nearly as good as Musk promised. Or perhaps it is harmed by its reputation for breaking down or catching on fire. Whatever the case, the Cybertruck (which can’t be sold in Europe because it is so heavy and dangerous to pedestrians, incidentally) was a huge waste of resources that could have been spent developing models for other underserved niches—above all the minivan segment, which still has no EV options from anyone yet.
The American Prospect; the go-to source for market analysis and management expertise.
He is multiple orders of magnitude richer than the point at which your personal limits cease to include ability to afford things.
Once you have bought the Presidency, what’s left?
Zuckerberg already owns Hawaii.
I have a serious introductory job interview tomorrow with Forvis Mazars, an accounting firm. I’d be proofreading and editing docs along with basic secretarial shit. Apparently, I’d be involved in “a review process to incorporate feedback.” There’s gopher-work involved as well. Not sure of pay yet, but that won’t be an issue. My backup job lead this week with Cordant Health Services would be data entry and working machines for urine and oral testing, a gig involving zero interactions with the public!
“Our call will be high-level consisting of your job history, reasons for leaving previous positions, your transferrable skills, and what interests you in the role. So, for preparation, I recommend having answers for those type of questions.” <– Good place to get my food in the door, especially for my first professional office gig. This should be interesting. If anyone knows anything about Forivs Mazars, I'm all ears. Today is Research & Prep Day so I'll be on my toes. I'm AP-focused but there may be some legalese style and terms I'll have to brush up on. Any advice is much appreciated. Could be a big week.
You could start with “gofer”. 😉
Gotta gofer the gold! This goofy gopher wants to get his FOOT in the door… my food has its own home.
Four gigs in 2024. The first was finishing a winter gig with an elem school, then I remote-graded 4th grade state exams before the … bold(?) dive into phlebotomy. (Likely not a gig I’ll return to. Doesn’t fit me. Gotta say, a brave attempt.) Something more permanent is desired. Hrm.
The third reason is Elon Musk himself. It is now very clear that any Tesla purchase is directly supporting right-wing extremism around the world—and specifically groups that are attempting to slow the green transition. Trump, obviously, has promised to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, and has particular animus against its EV credit. But Musk has also recently spoken out in favor of the AfD party in Germany and the Reform party in the U.K., both of which have attempted to slow or reverse their nations’ climate policies.
For years, Musk marketed Tesla as taking bold steps to fight climate change by cutting transportation emissions. Now he, through his Tesla wealth, is trying to stop those efforts across the board, even for cars. Half the point of owning an EV, which can be inconvenient and annoying at times, is to do one’s part to help cut emissions. Buying one from a guy who is a clear and present danger to the climate makes no sense, and customers have better options today anyhow.
Those not of the Body must be shunned.
I suppose I appreciate the religious honesty: “Half the point of owning an EV, which can be inconvenient and annoying at times, is to do one’s part to help cut emissions.” Yeah, they’re incredibly inconvenient and the (lack of) ‘widespread’ charging stations is a clear and obvious tell – It’s all bullshit, specifically tailored for people to feel guilt, the need to (financially) atone for their sins.
Add the carbon i̵n̵d̵u̵l̵g̵e̵n̵c̵e̵s̵ credits and it’s clear to see the spiritual center behind the grift. (Nevermind scientists in the ’60s swearing we were doomed to another ice age.) The demonization of nuclear, waving the Chernobyl banner, is a clear sign the stated environmental goals are not the real end goal. Getting people to bend the knee accordingly is, as always, the driving aim. Social primates can be so stubborn and hard to control! Stab more.
That’s a good Tull song.
Governments will be allowed to charge as much as $75 an hour or a maximum total of $750 per request according to reports from local outlet News5 in Cleveland.
That’s kinda cheap for government work.
Just another cover song
Venus Hum – I Feel Love – Blue Man Group