The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 45

by | Jan 15, 2025 | Hat and Hair | 86 comments

This is one of my favorite episodes. I got to use a joke I thought up in High School. I brought up the joke during a Glib Zoom and it was a hit, thus Trump Brand Whale’s Milk was born! A fitting end to the Hunt For The Jersey Devil Saga.

About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    Too the write of meow.

  2. DEG

    So that Hat is the power behind Alex Jones?

  3. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I wonder if any person has been able to get and try whale’s milk?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Legend has it only one has and they have sadly passed…or moved to Argentina.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        can easily gain 100 pounds or more each day

        Wouldn’t it be cool to have a timelapse of that?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Dolly Parton’s husband could do it.

      • Q Continuum

        Saan Diahgo

      • Spudalicious

        MacAfee hit it.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I’ve never had whale’s milk, but you don’t see me sitting around blubbering about it.

  4. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Bezos is making a go of it (maybe?)

      • The Hyperbole

        Almost 3 hours until launch? fuck that. Who launches a rocket at 1 in the morning.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Who launches a rocket at 1 in the morning.

        Rocket scientist who know the trajectory of the payload that possibly needs to be inserted into a specific orbit? I dunno, they smart as fuck.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I like the exoskeleton look of that thing

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Nevermind – that’s the tower, not the fins of the rocket. Thought they came up with some radical new rocket design.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Ya still gonna watch?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I won’t be able to stay up that late. I’ll have to watch the replay

    • Ownbestenemy

      Hope it lights. Its good for the space race.

  5. Q Continuum

    Watching some of the highlights of the confirmation hearings you’re really seeing one of the biggest Achilles’ heels of progressivism exposed in real time. We’ve often said that it must be really easy to be a progressive because everything is echo chambers all around and you never actually have to argue a point; you just mouth the right platitudes and get religious affirmation in return.

    The Donk Senators are definitely showing that during these hearings. Just how unbelievably stupid some of their questions and rebuttals are is mindblowing. They haven’t had to actually debate or discuss anything of substance in so long that they’ve completely forgotten how to do it.

    • rhywun

      unbelievably stupid

      And yet it works on something around half the voters.

    • Pope Jimbo

      UCS should use the confirmation hearings as the basis for his warhammer fan fic contest.

      Write up about the exchange between High Elf Astarielle and Orc Azhag the Slaughterer.

      “Isn’t it true that you’ve been credibly accused of drinking ale from the skull of your enemies while on the job?”

      “I am here to turn the Horde into the most lethal pack of cutthroats to ever rampage across the country. I won’t dignify your accusation with a response”

      “You’ve never held a position above tribal chieftain. What makes you think you are ready to handle the entire Horde? Why would we think you could manage the disbursement of slaves and loot in an equitable manner?”

    • SarumanTheGreat

      You’re thinking rationally, not emotionally. The point of the grandstanding is to play to their audience. They won’t be called out for their bullshit, because they know the trained sealions that are their propagandists will cover for them. Always. Plus they know that if they get in one zinger that’s the cover the Republican squishes will use to vote ‘no’.

  6. Evan from Evansville

    I thought the milk was from a Trumpian WHORE at first. Hmm. That *would* be classy. Classiest. Classtacular. A Trumpian horde of whores would put asses in seats. Should be summoned in for Inauguration Day 2.0. Would be much better than one *with* Michelle, and I’m glad she’s bowing out.

    I hated ‘her’ for fucking telling off an Olympic athlete for describing her ‘unhealthy’ favorites. (McDs nuggets, IIRC?) I’m glad this is the most I’ve heard from *her* in quite a while. Something, many things, strike me as being very Off about her.

    • Q Continuum

      Being a sociopathic narcissist seems to match the category of “very off”.

      • rhywun

        sociopathic narcissist

        Can you be more specific?

      • Evan from Evansville

        *shiver-shakes* I understand not wanting to be in the spotlight. (Melania actually does it incredibly well. Seen, Not Heard is good advice for a President’s wife.) But Michelle *loved* being in the spotlight. Until suddenly, well-before post-Biden, she didn’t wanna do it anymore. Not even ‘show up’ gigs like Carter’s funeral. Hey. Your fucking husband’s there. Might wanna play the part ya get paid very well to still play, for some reason.

        Someone rumored a divorce was going on behind the scenes. Neither has anything to gain from one. Just pull a Clinton. No Dem (negatively) cares about that loveless, contractual coupling. Something’s afoot. Me ponder. (“You, tree.”)

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        (Evan, MKT has just published a memoir, of which I’ve read nothing.)

    • rhywun

      Asiavision Song Contest entry?

      • Heroic Mulatto

        Huh, I guess that’s a thing.

      • rhywun

        I guess thatโ€™s a thing

        lol I thought I was being clever.

      • rhywun

        this is my entry

        I am simultaneously aroused and repelled – well done, those people.

      • Fourscore

        At least she didn’t leave her heart in San Francisco.

        Karaoke is a serious thing at VN wedding receptions in America.

    • slumbrew

      That was, uh, something.

      First L0b0t swings by, now HM.

      Signs and portents! The End Times are nigh!

      • Heroic Mulatto

        Freaks come out at night.

      • Gustave Lytton

        But it’s night every night!

  7. Ownbestenemy

    I have found myself just talking with an AI LLM. I need help

    • rhywun

      Don’t lose hope, friend! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคž

    • Gustave Lytton

      But enough about Glibs…

    • Sean

      Itโ€™s not going to sleep with you.

      • Jarflax

        Teledildonics offers hope.

  8. Ownbestenemy

    Blue Origin playing catch-up. All good, hope it goes up and is successful. I just cannot stay up for another hour to watch live.

    • one true athena

      There’s an advantage to west coast. Sometimes

      • one true athena

        Made it to orbit! Woooo very exciting.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ya very exciting!

  9. Sean

    Good morning Glibbies and our .gov watchers.



    • UnCivilServant

      Can’t I just go back to sleep?

      • Sean


      • Ted S.

        You’re GovSec. You don’t sleep on the job?

      • UnCivilServant


        That’s one of the few things that they can fire me for.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, U, and Ted’S.!

      • Gender Traitor

        OK. Finally had our annual “Staff Appreciation Party” (which is what we have in lieu of a holiday party,) and it was fun. The Big Payroll is ready to land in employees’ direct deposit accounts, so now I have to figure out which gotta-do is most urgent. Probably Board meeting prep. I’m really ready for the long weekend coming up! ๐Ÿ˜“ How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        I have not had word of my grandmother all of yesterday, so I’m unsure of how things are going down there. I traded tomorrow’s office time for next tuesday’s remote time so I could be here for the arrival of my $1,000 3D printer. I somehow ended up with 7 (Seven!) boxes arriving today, and I need to do laundry.

      • Gender Traitor

        No word about your grandmother probably means little to no change.

        Seven boxes today, and the printer tomorrow?? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

        You haven’t started watching Home Shopping Network, have you?

      • UnCivilServant

        Box 1 – Flexible print plate and magnet sheet; pack of battery charge controllers
        Box 2 – Wash and Cure station for 3D Printer (bigger prints won’t fit my existing one)
        Box 3 – bottle of resin; pack of filters to drain resin back into bottle
        Box 4 – silicone scrapers to remove resin bits without damaging the surface (hopefully)
        Box 5 – bottle of resin
        Box 6 – Spool of PETG filiment because my filament supply is running low
        Box 7 – Bottle of 100% acetone, because I’m running low.

        So only two things not related to 3D printing, both of which are supplies for existing hobbies and cost less than $20 combined.

      • Gender Traitor

        I count two bottles of resin. Remember – you’re not supposed to drink it! ๐Ÿ˜œ

      • UnCivilServant

        Resin gets used up when printing.

        And I wanted to test a couple of varieties.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Listen hoser, when you live in a frozen wasteland you gotta deal with what youโ€™ve got eh?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Outdoor entertainment during the winter is serious business!

    • Not Adahn

      I’ve dried my hair after a shower like that, but didn’t know it was a competitive sport.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I had to walk a bit over a mile to high school. I didn’t want to wake up early enough to shower and have my hair dry off. I also didn’t want to wear a hat over my wet hair and get “hat hair”. So I’d walk to school and have my hair freeze on the way.

      One particularly cold morning, my buddy broke a good chunk off.

  10. Grosspatzer, Superstar

    Mornin’, reprobate!

    Youngest Patzer returns tonight from scenic Fairfax VA, where he has been working on a project with Virginia DOT. His first business trip, along with three (female!) colleagues. They gave him a private room, but…

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzie!

  11. PieInTheSky

    well new glen flew

    • Not Adahn

      I do like that their rocket is BONG.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Not 100% successful but upper stage made it to orbit. Booster capture failed. Still, another name in the game just means its going to get even more exciting.

      • PieInTheSky

        was unlikely to recover booster on first try

  12. Fourscore

    Good morning folks

    A brief respite in the weather but Saturday will sober us up to reality.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, 4(20)!

  13. rhywun


    There is some good hatewatching tennis live on ESPN2. Some kid is up two sets on that douchebag Medvedev. Go Brandon L.!