Thursday Afternoon Links

by | Jan 30, 2025 | Daily Links | 214 comments

GERMANS HAVE FINALLY HAD ENOUGH: In what may serve as a pivotal moment of the federal election campaign and perhaps the future of German politics as a whole, the ‘firewall’ barring establishment parties in Berlin from working with the AfD broke down on Wednesday as [Christian Democratic Union] partnered with the populist-sovereigntist party on a vote calling for migration restrictions.

WANNABE ASSASSIN IDENTIFIES AS TRANSWOMAN: It’s got to be a weird coincidence how many violent crimes are committed or attempted by trans-identified people versus their numbers in the general population.

BYE-BYE BOBBY: Former US Senator and POS human being Bob Menendez sentenced to 11 years in prison. Surprised Biden didn’t pardon him on his way out. Despite the prison sentence, Menendez is still getting VIP treatment that you, I, or a J6 tourist, would never receive. The judge ordered Menendez to begin his prison term on June 6, allowing him to attend his wife Nadine Menendez’s corruption trial starting in March.

NEWS MEDIA SURPRISED TO FIND FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTS SPEECH THEY DON’T LIKE: Speaker refers to Cuyahoga’s four Black councilmembers by N-word. Free speech law apparently protects it. Yeah, about that “apparently…”

FLOODING THE ZONE, SCHOOL CHOICE INITIATIVE: Trump issues executive order prioritizing federal funding for school choice programs. It will be interesting to see what, if anything comes of this. If nothing else it will force the teacher unions to spend money on a lawsuit to stop it. Keep an eye on the malicious compliance of the US Dept of Education.

DETECTING AND PUSHING BACK AGAINST MANIPULATIVE PROPAGANDA: The turdnugget above is an example of the latest #RESIST propaganda campaign, part of their cruelty narrative. First, note the lack of specificity — “a domestic violence shelter.” Which one, exactly? That makes the statement fact-check proof, assuming that there is even a grain of truth to this in the first place. If the good senator’s actual intent was to help the shelter stay open, he would have included a link to the shelter’s donation page. Then, the weasel phrase “may have to close their doors.” Sure, that could be true, but “may” is doing a lot of work here and we don’t know what percentage of their budget comes from federal grant money, again because we can’t fact check that. All of that is by design, of course, and leads us to the conclusion that the only way to keep the DV shelter open is to restore all the grant money, all of it, every last dime. This also offers a false choice between fedgov funding and closing, ignoring the very real, and vastly more appropriate options of state, local government, and private funding. Lastly, the perfect turd on top of the shit sundae, the panic-enhancing phrase “the only one serving multiple counties.” Sure. Maybe. I’ve seen lots of versions of this story floating around but they all share a sense of dread immediacy, a by-design barrier to fact-checking, and the end goal of keeping the NGO gravy train running.

CRY HARDER, PUSSY: California attorney Mark Lemley dropped Meta Platforms Inc. as a client in a high-profile copyright case because of CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s “descent into toxic masculinity and Neo-Nazi madness,” the Stanford University professor said on LinkedIn. Srsly? These people don’t realize how far off the center-point they are, and how our society has firmly rejected woke, performative bullshit.

SPECTATORS SHOCKED AS GIANT FISH ATTACKS MERMAID IN AQUARIUM: The ‘Mermaid’ is a normal human doing some sort of cosplay for the aquarium visitors when the fish attacked, and was apparently unharmed. The fish appears to be some sort of catfish. Help me out here, ppl. Anyone? Animal? Anyone?

PAGING MOJEAUX: Our own dear Mojeaux is a huge fan of the “Little House on the Prairie” franchise. Apparently, Netflix plans to “reimagine” the TV series. And by reimagine, mean… Megyn Kelly says out loud what the rest of us are thinking.

LUNAR MINING UPDATE: Last week I opined to Suthenboy that “[t]here is very little on the moon which is worth transporting to earth, except scientific samples and souvenirs,” and that anything mined on the moon would be used there. Boy, was I ever wrong. Interlune, a Seattle-based company of former Blue Origin technologists, has set its sights on the moon’s supply of Helium-3 — a rare heavy isotope deposited into lunar regolith by solar wind that was found in samples brought back during NASA’s Apollo missions. The regolith (“soil”) would be processed there, and the relatively light Helium-3 (current stable price of around $20 million per kilogram) would be transported back to Earth. Good luck with that, Interlune, but your biggest problem is going to be the Artemis Accords. The US needs to get out of that treaty ASAP. Meanwhile, China [NOT a signatory to the Artemis Accords] embraces commercial participation in moon mission for the first time.

PANSPERMIA THEORY GETS BOOST: NASA finds key molecules for life in OSIRIS-REx asteroid samples.

It’s a busy day for me, and things are happening very fast in Washington. The comments are all yours.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. Yusef drives a Kia

    Reg O’lith? He opened for the Stones in ’68

    • Nephilium

      It’s so nice that he’s going to be allowed to go to the trial of his wife.

      Fucking piece of shit.

  2. cavalier973

    It was a sturgeon, I think, that tried to bite off the mermaid’s head.

    My apologies, Tornio, for implying that you forgot to post my article. I finally got to look at it today. Indont know why I missed it at the time, but ai had just started this new frankenstein’s monster of the route, so I may have been too busy.

    • Tonio

      No worries. I’m notoriously slack about my editorial duties and just wanted to check that I hadn’t dropped the ball. We’re good. Thanks.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Sturgeon are bottom feeders who suck big gulps of water and eat the small critters they suck up.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      She definitely would need a sturgeon to put her head back on.

      • Pope Jimbo

        While waiting she can contemplate her life on the Tree of Roe.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Wow, you really shpipped that on in.

      • Spudalicious

        It’s going to take more than a fin to pay for that.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Definitely a sturgeon. Fucking dinosaur fish.

      Went on one fishing trip for them and it was like hauling old refrigerators out of the river. No fighting action at all. Just a lot of work to get them pulled to the surface, then they’d decide they were unhappy and swim back to the bottom again. Repeat until they finally wore out.

      Interesting to see that. They are pretty much bottom feeders, so not sure why it would attack like that.

  3. Rat on a train

    Of course the prairie was filled with trannies. There weren’t enough women available.

    • trshmnstr

      “Mary, Laura, sit down a moment. Pa and I have something to tell you. You know our good friend Mr. Edwards? Well, from now on, you’ll call him ‘other Pa’ because he’s your daddy now, too. Pa and I are poly. It’s like what we read about in the Bible, except that Pa doesn’t own me and I have needs and desires that other Pa fills for me. Oh, and Mary, other Pa is also a MAP, he’ll show you what that means in the barn later. “

      • Sensei



      The prairies of Kandahar?

  4. UnCivilServant


    Fish will try to eat anything they think they can swallow. I’m guessing human anatamy was alien to the fish and it didn’t understand that the head was attached to something that wouldn’t fit as neatly.

    • cavalier973

      I swear, fishes is so dumb!

    • Tres Cool

      Well, you put a person 1/2 or 2/3 dressed like a fish in a tank full of big fish….what do you think may happen?

  5. juris imprudent

    allowing him to attend his wife Nadine Menendez’s corruption trial starting in March

    Are you sure that’s not part of the punishment?

  6. Drake

    When my NJ Guard unit drilled at Fort Dix, we’d stay in some crappy old barracks. On the other side of the wire were the same barracks all spruced up – the Federal Detention area where they keep retired NJ politicians.

    • Tonio

      Interesting. Either way this could help with lunar habitation by creating oxygen from water ice without using power to do electrolysis. Either replicate the chemical process in the rocks, or bring along the microbes.

      • R.J.

        Pull my finger. I’ll make the water bubble.

  7. juris imprudent

    Rev. Regis E. Bunch equated the white members of county council to slave owners and used the N-word to refer to council’s four Black members.

    The Reverend is black, ain’t he? Free pass motherfuckers!

    • rhywun

      Yeah, way to bury that fuckin’ lede.

      Nigga, please!

    • Pope Jimbo

      My favorite part of that story is the tone of incredulity in it.

      How could it be legal to say the n-word? I mean, I can’t even.

      Especially rich coming from a journalo who you would think would be extra vigilant about the right to say anything. Even if you forgive them for being dumb, where was the crusty Lou Grant like editor? Shouldn’t he have told this cub reporter to go read the Constitution and spiked the story?

  8. Mojeaux

    Well, look. Michael Landon already ruined it and “wokeified” it as defined by 1970s sensibilities. Netflix can do worse, but if they do a good job, I’ll say so.

    XX asked me if I liked the series. Like, what, the books? Of course I do! Why would you ask such a thing. She said no the TV series. My mother wouldn’t let me watch it. XX was horrified. Like, WHY?!

    1. She hated Michael Landon. Thought he was a horrible person. Which, actually, he was. He had no right playing Pa.

    2. She hated the “wokification” and attempt to apply current mores to life 100 years ago.

    3. It didn’t adhere closely enough to the books.

    XX actually understood that. “Fair.”

    • Jarflax

      He had no right playing Pa.

      Pa? The guy who constantly uprooted and moved his family from place to place because he was incapable of steady employment?

      • Mojeaux

        If you first read the books as a child, that doesn’t occur to you. LIW wrote a child’s romantic view of a charismatic, hard-working, creative, and talented father. A child’s going to soak that up.

    • Gender Traitor

      He had no right playing Pa.

      Apart from anything in Landon’s personal life (which I neither know nor care about,) if he couldn’t or wouldn’t grow a beard, he shouldn’t attempt to play the character. Charles “Pa” Ingalls always had a beard. It’s even mentioned in a scene that I’m pretty sure has been purged from the editions of Little Town on the Prairie now in print (before I procured a hardback copy, dammit!) in which several men in the town perform a minstrel song (in blackface, of course.) Pa greased down his beard and hid it under a high collar, but Laura momentarily feared he’d shaved it off.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Lol, now that is the scene Netflix will take and turn into a Pa drag show.

      • Mojeaux

        Little Town on the Prairie is my favorite. Please say you are not serious about them purging that.

      • Gender Traitor

        B&N’s Product Details say “Edition description: REVISED,” which makes me suspicious. At worst, I think I have a musty copy of the paperback in the basement that still has the scene. I’ve had the full PB set since I was a kid.

        I may go ahead and buy a new copy of the hardback just to complete the set I started to acquire (in anticipation of the whole series being memory-holed.) If I do, I’ll report back about the status of that scene.

      • Suthenboy

        Often times film characters are a combination of the written or real character and a PR effort both by and for the actor. The way the character is portrayed is meant to draw viewers more so than to portray reality.

    • Pope Jimbo

      My sister loved the books. One Christmas she got a cookbook based on the food the Ingalls would have been eating.

      There were a few dinners featuring those recipes, but we pretty much decided that Little Restaurant on the Prairie would never be a thing.

  9. Annoyed Nomad

    Sorry I missed KK’s Glibcruise post. My excuse is that I’m currently on another cruise on the other side of the planet – between New Zealand and Australia. It’s Friday morning here (hello from the future).

    • juris imprudent

      Impressive, cruising the Roaring 40s.

      • Spudalicious

        Even on a cruise ship I would hesitate.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Hi AN!!! Say hello to your lovely wife, please!

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      (which cruise line are you on?)

      • Annoyed Nomad

        Princess. I have been comparing it to Celebrity and Celebrity has looked better in most respects.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I really enjoyed Celebrity – definitely more than HAL. I’ve been scoping the Royal Caribbean website for a cheap cruise so I can accumulate points for Celebrity cruises and go on vacation at the same time 🙂

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I’m looking at repositioning cruises, and I didn’t realize they charge per cabin! Nice!

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Oh wait – I was on the Virgin website by mistake. RC charges per person for repositioning

    • Pope Jimbo

      It’s Friday morning here (hello from the future).

      Hold on there Cochise!

      Friday morning here in Sunny Kobe Japan too.

      I just looked it up and I see you are 4 hours ahead of me, so I guess you are slightly more future forward than I am.

  10. Not Adahn

    Thanks for taking the time to do the breakdown on the propaganda techniques being used.

    I had multiple propaganda classes growing up. I remember having one in the third grade and one where we had a project to make some in the sixth. But apparently that was unusual for a public school curriculum, since people use the same techniques that I learned and nobody seems to notice. And yes, advertising was taught as a subtype of propaganda.

  11. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I’m still employed! I was wondering how much the place where I work would be the center of DJT’s slash & burn. There was a chance that we would escape notice for the first year or so, but I kinda knew that the drunken sailor-level spending and Sam P’s personal money laundering/vanity projects would get us on the radar from the get-go.

    Anyhoo, as a libertarian, I’m thrilled at what’s happening in my small corner of the govt. This agency is going to be gutted when all is said and done.

    I still hope to be employed, but who knows?

    • R.J.

      You do excellent work and will be picked up in the private industry quickly. You could even start a business doing websites and website maintenance.

    • Tonio

      Glad you still have a job, hon. Fingers crossed for continued employment.

    • Necron 99

      I’m sensing the Ron Swanson vibe.

      Shash It!

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        “I’d be proud to be a casualty in this righteous war”.

        (not really, though)

      • Necron 99

        I get it, best of luck to you.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The Altar Girl was canned (with 20% of the company) three weeks ago because a client didn’t renew a contract.

      She just got a new job offer yesterday. So the market still doesn’t seem terrible for IT drones.

  12. Not Adahn


    • Spudalicious

      We’re all STEVE SMITH apparently.

  13. R.J.

    Trump himself rolled out an EO to allow white people to say the “N” one once a month. Here he is signing it, and some other important EOs, like the “Rosie O’Donnell Act.”.

    • Nephilium

      Well it wasn’t a white guy who said it in this case. It was a black man of the cloth.

      • R.J.

        Well, that’s hardly a news story. Sounds more like Tuesday.

  14. Ted S.

    Apparently, Netflix plans to “reimagine” the TV series. And by reimagine, mean…

    Based on the experiences of Rose Wilder Lane?

    I *kid*, Mojeaux, I kid!

  15. rhywun

    Following the latest mass stabbing attack allegedly at the hands of a migrant from Afghanistan, which saw two killed, including a two-year-old boy, in Aschaffenburg last week

    Been there & lived nearby. Asshole.

    Anyway, it’s nice to see reality making a comeback. The same will likely happen soon when they finally reject the eco-nonsense that has ruled there for decades.

    • Tonio

      I see this as yet another example of what is commonly called the Trump Effect, even thought that term is a misnomer. Trump is the embodiment, and perhaps the champion, of the sudden lurch to the right, but he is not the cause. The left would like for everyone to believe that this is all the fault of the ur-demon Trump, and his sub-demons Musk, Kennedy, et als. In their cold, dark little hearts they truly believe that the rest of us, the majority, are suffering from false consciousness. If only they had progged harder! If only their assassins had slain the demon then all would have been set right as the spell was broken and the proles returned to the flock of socialism.

      • R.J.

        It’s the Milei effect. That’s what I choose to call it.

      • juris imprudent

        If only they had progged harder!

        Oh by all means, prog harder at me, but please do it within range of a baseball bat. I can give you my honest reaction to your religious bullshit.

      • Jarflax

        They pretend Trump is Hitler, but the thing is Trump is the last exit from this crap before actual horrors. They have no idea how very tired of playing the swallow the lie we have gotten as a nation.

      • Nephilium

        This explains it well enough for me.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        I agree that in America, Trump was likely the last exit before we became the EU, where only technocratic rule-making is recognized as legitimate. People are very tired of having to forcibly deny reality in order to satisfy the diktats of the elite’s luxury belief systems which are contra to reality. People are tired of having to say men can be women, and tired of having to say that it’s not only okay, but an unmitigated good, to import people by the millions with incompatible cultures.

      • slumbrew

        Preference cascade

      • R C Dean

        This is a classic preference cascade in action. Trump didn’t create any of the anti-wokist, anti-eco, anti-government nonsense. He merely gave people permission to say out loud what they were thinking the whole time.

      • R C Dean

        Add “anti-immigration” and put scare quotes around nonsense.

        Carry on.

      • Suthenboy

        The Trump effect Is one person who people are already paying attention to saying what needs to be said. It was unsaid before because we have too many cowards.

        I call it the ‘finding your balls’ effect.

      • The Last American Hero

        2020 proved there are no significant numbers of people with balls. It’s no different now.

      • trshmnstr

        It’s no different now.

        We’ll, there are a few. And there are a whole bunch of eunuchs willing to follow the intact people in this new direction.

  16. DEG

    Meyerson envisions meeting the demands of these industries by eventually harvesting and returning to Earth tens of kilograms of Helium-3 per year

    This sounds like baby steps towards throwing rocks.

    In other news, a relative of mine went into hospice. I’ll be gone for a while to visit.

  17. Gustave Lytton

    40+ years later and still hearing about Reagan firing the PATCO strikers. Crickets about Obama essentially firing a 1000 ATC controllers.

    • Ted S.

      How many were fired for not taking the so-called vaccine?

  18. Tundra

    It’s got to be a weird coincidence how many violent crimes are committed or attempted by trans-identified people versus their numbers in the general population.

    Look! Another one!

    • Suthenboy

      I hope Andy has a secret hideout. Eventually the loons are going to target him again with more resolve.

  19. rhywun

    “is non-binary”

    “is transgender”

    Stop that, the media.

    • Jarflax

      Is delusional.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I couldn’t figure out if the wannabee killer was a dude who thought he was a gal, or a gal who thought she was a dude.

      Fucking trans grammar is too hard for me!

      • R C Dean

        Trans = fake. So a trans man is a fake man, that is, a woman pretending to be a man. Very few of those, most trans are trans women, men pretending to be women.

      • Gender Traitor


        word-forming element meaning “across, beyond, through, on the other side of; go beyond,” from Latin trans (prep.) “across, over, beyond…”


  20. The Late P Brooks

    Maybe Germany will invade Belgium and burn Brussels to the ground.

    • kinnath

      Just leave Flanders and my sour ales alone!

      • Gender Traitor

        Okily dokily!

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Megyn Kelly says out loud what the rest of us are thinking.

    “Please don’t.”?

  22. rhywun

    rhywun on January 30, 2025 at 10:24 AM
    LOL was just in the supermarket looking at eggs. Passed.

    The chick at my liquor store (!) is selling them for $3 a dozen – all different sizes and colors lol. Apparently her dad raises chickens.

    /I’m not in Kansas anymore

  23. Tundra

    Anyone? Animal? Anyone?

    Looks like some kind of sturgeon to me.

  24. KSuellington

    It is a sturgeon. Prehistoric looking beasties.

    That was the first time I’d heard confirmed that it was a trans that shot the border patrol guy up north. Interestingly I saw it in the NY Post comment section the day after it happened when no outlets were reporting that.

  25. Derpetologist

    satire ideas – pick your favorite and/or suggest your own

    1. Homeless Man Mistaken for Senator

    2. Biden Asks Trump to Pardon Him Because “C’mon, man”

    3. Experts Say Two or More Things Can be True at the Same Time

    4. Man Wearing Horns and Face Paint Makes Some Good Points About Tariffs

    5. Immigration System to Become Obstacle Course

    6. Fire Traced to Candlelight Vigil for Victims of Last Fire

    Also, I am officially allowed to substitute teach again, not that I want to.

    • Tonio

      All of the above? There’s weeks worth of material there.


    • creech

      7. Voting mistakes lead to Glibertarians being elected to head both American Federation of Teachers and N.E.A.

      • Jarflax

        If nominated I will not run; if elected I will disband the union.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Zuckerberg is the very first person who comes to mind when I think “man’s man” masculine toxicity.

    • Sensei

      Pre or post perm?

    • Tundra

      Not Tampon Timmy?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It’s a close call, whenever either of those guys enters the room you just know there’s not a pair of dry panties in the place.

    • Tonio

      You linked back to this page, Sensei.

      • R.J.

        I thought it was performance art. 10/10!

    • rhywun

      SF’ed the link but I have a thing or two to say.

      1. I don’t understand how Trump gets a say.

      2. It came out the other day that the bridge & tunnel set gets away with over $1 billion fare theft on top of the $500 million or whatever it is subway & bus fare theft. Every year. So basically the congestion pricing scheme at $1 billion a year does not even cover fare shrinkage before it can be applied to insanely wasteful capital projects it was supposed to fund.

      • creech

        If they can count the value of fare theft, then why can’t they stop it?

      • rhywun

        If they can count the value of fare theft, then why can’t they stop it?

        Simple. They don’t want to.

    • Tonio

      Okay, I think he meant this article.

      That’s a good question about why the president is in any way involved, or the governor for that matter. This should be a local thing.

      Congestion pricing is basically a freedom of movement tax.

      • Sensei


        Albany controls a good chunk of NYC for reasons that still mystify me. Maybe some NYS people can help explain this bit of history.

      • Spudalicious

        How much do they take in federal highway funds for those roads?

      • rhywun

        I can see the state being involved as the MTA is a creature of NYS. The article mentions “environmental review” which is ironic as that is usually a tool the left uses to get its way.

        Oh, and 3. The voters will likely not forget the disgusting way she played politics by delaying the implementation until after the election.

        And 4. Zeldin almost beat Hochul – whycome Trump took him away? He could probably beat her today.

      • Ted S.

        Albany controls a good chunk of NYC for reasons that still mystify me.

        Unfortunately NYC controls a good chunk of the state, and have historically been a terrible neighbor with runoff from the reservoirs.

  27. kinnath

    US ban on gun sales to adults under age 21 is unconstitutional, court rules

    A decades-old U.S. government ban on federally licensed firearms dealers selling handguns to adults under the age of 21 is unconstitutional, a U.S. appeals court held on Thursday, citing recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings expanding gun rights.

    The ruling, opens new tab by the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals marked the first time a federal appeals court has held that the prohibition violated the right to keep and bear arms enshrined in the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.

  28. Muzzled Woodchipper

    Goddammit, I thought the leftist idiots were bad when woke was in fashion. They’re fucking damn near intolerable now. I just love, with this crew, how everything bad is caused by capitalism, and every fix is socialism. These people are over-educated idiots masquerading as intellectuals.

    The plus side is that on a forum I frequent I’m having a good time watching all of the bots, who previously fled X, now fleeing IG because now that Zuck isn’t censoring, all social media is suddenly bad. Of course the really fun part is the many threads on alternatives Blue Sky and Mastodon, where virtually every comment can be boiled down to something like “Blue Sky is great, except it kinda sucks.”

    • KSuellington

      I enjoy the term “severely educated”. It nicely encapsulates things.

      • Suthenboy

        I like that…I like that better than Burt Russell’s ‘learned ignorance’.

  29. R C Dean

    Yeah, I don’t know that having a convicted felon, from the same scheme you are being tried for, in the audience at your trial is a good look.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    what is commonly called the Trump Effect

    People are beginning to realize they won’t be struck by lightning if they say something based on objective reality?

    • juris imprudent

      Where are our angry gods?!? /progtards

  31. RAHeinlein

    The LinkedIn algo is definitely pushing aggressive Nazi and anti-Trump/Musk rhetoric. I use regularly as an “address book” and mechanism to review work/education. I essentially NEVER use as a news source but seeing international posts on the home-page with thousands of comments about Musk’s “salute”

    • Sensei

      I use it the same. Why would you want to associate politics with most professional relationships?

      That said LinkedIn wants “engagement” so I’m not surprised what it has turned into.

      • R.J.

        Fuck LinkedIn. It should be a job finding tool, not a socialist tool.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Whatever Adolph, it was obviously a Nazi salute and not an autistic spaz getting excited and flubbing a gesture.

      • R C Dean

        Not even an autistic spaz, etc.

        That’s just a very common gesture to make to big crowd. Practically every politician and a lot of other people have done it. The memes following the Musk-is-a-Nazi kerfuffle were epic.

      • Tonio

        Hail, Caesar!

    • Nephilium

      Long time no read RAH.

      I’ve managed to avoid having a LinkedIn account so far, although I’ve had several pushes to join from places I work.

    • R C Dean

      That reminds me:

      I need to cancel mine.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Can she take a loom and weave gold cloth from shit because that’s what it’s going to take to save Chrysler’s brand. Only a fool or someone about to retire would take that job.

      • Sensei

        But she has a BA in business from Michigan!

        WTF Michigan. Not a BS? No wonder the domestic manufacturers are always financially fucked.

      • juris imprudent

        I’ll agree with Michigan on that – it isn’t even close to a science.

      • Sensei

        It is far from a science, but at least it requires math and statistics for the degree.

        Most BAs have minimal math requirements.

        My comment was very much tongue in cheek and more a bust on universities.

      • The Last American Hero

        The US taxpayer will save Chrysler’s brand. Again.

    • R.J.

      Oh woof. Chrysler needs somebody with brass nuts to turn it around. The resume says otherwise.

      • Sensei

        She is as corporate as they come.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Dropped off my Amazon return at UPS store. Piece of cake, once all the preliminary fucking around was done. Ink for the printer was almost fiddy bucks at Walmart. Had I known, I would have ordered from amazon. Oh, well, now I can write my manifesto.

    • Suthenboy

      Manifestos have to be in all caps with every sentence punctuated by at least 6 exclamation points. You are gonna need that ink.

      • Pope Jimbo

        A really good manifesto should be scrawled in crayon on brown paper bags.

      • Jarflax

        Blood on human skin vellum or GTFO.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Can’t you just cut out letter from a magazine, or does nobody do that anymore?

      • Gender Traitor

        Does anybody buy magazines any more?

      • Suthenboy

        I do. High capacity mags while I can still get them.

    • rhywun

      Good luck with that but the left will go apeshit if the racial counts aren’t “correct”, and then it will go back to business as usual.

      • R.J.

        Notice mugging is still acceptable.

  33. The Other Kevin

    That propaganda piece is similar to what I mentioned seeing on social media in the last thread. “Trump is rounding up people and putting them in camps just like Hitler.” “ICE is going to visit schools and round up students, and teachers need to #Resist.”

    None of that is happening.

    • Tonio

      I was thinking of MLW’s piece when I wrote that part of my post today. But this gives them an excuse to cosplay being brave and woke by resisting the bogeyman which doesn’t exist. The next step will be claiming victory because the things that were never going to happen anyway didn’t happen because they were so woke and brave.

      • The Other Kevin

        Cosplay? That’s a good point. They were always warning against the Orange Hitler, so anything that looks slightly Hitler-ish is proof positive. Targeted arrests of criminals here illegally becomes “rounding people up”, and using Guantanamo to hold those rejected by their home country becomes “a camp”.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Feuell is a well-recognized senior executive with extensive global experience in automotive, supply chain automation and advanced building technologies industries.

    Can she drive a stick?

    • Sensei

      Are we doing phrasing?

    • Sensei

      They expect a constitution in four years or so. I’m sure that will happen.

      • Jarflax

        Article One: I am President. Article Two: My term is for life. Article Three I name my successor. Article Four: In order to promote a stable nation the office of the President shall have sole power to make laws. Article Five: To ensure that the laws are enforced as intended the entire executive power of the State shall be vested in the President. Article Six: The President shall appoint judges for life, subject to removal by the President at any time.

        It’s easy,

      • Suthenboy

        You are plagiarizing Obama? Biden? Hillary?

      • R.J.

        “All citizens will change their underwear 4 times a day to promote general hygiene. Citizens will wear their underwear outside their clothing, so we can check.”

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Assuming it’s not a joke, Feuell should pull an Alfa off a dealer’s lot (assuming such a thing exists) and drive it a minimum of 1500 miles non stop, and then write a review.

    • Tundra

      One of my neighbors had one. It won’t take 1500 miles to write that review.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Barring Ferraris, Fiat is the toyota of Italian cars vis a vis reliability. No thank you.

      • Tundra

        Yep. He didn’t keep it very long.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Serious business

    What they’re saying: Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) pounced on the moment, pressing her in a heated back and forth immediately after to say that Snowden is a traitor.

    “Let me ask you again, do you believe — as the chairman of this committee believes, as the vast majority of members of our intelligence agencies believe — that Edward Snowden was a traitor to the United States of America,” he demanded.
    When she began answering without a yes or no, he interrupted, “This is when the rubber hits the road. This is not a moment for social media.”

    He said, as he strutted and preened for the cameras.

    • Tundra

      He is a thundercunt.

    • grrizzly

      The vast majority of members of our intelligence agencies should be sent to Ukraine. Either they succeed defending Kharkov and Odessa or they die trying.

      • juris imprudent

        Come back on your shield or not at all, then send them off without a shield?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        If those assholes swarmed Ukraine the only thing they’d come back with would be STDs caught from desperate widows and orphans.

    • The Other Kevin

      That whole “Yes or no. YES OR NO!!!” thing is so annoying.

    • juris imprudent

      Senator, I say you are the greater threat to this nation than that poor sonofabitch.

      Someone give me a microphone so that asshole can hear me.

  37. Suthenboy

    I gave up a long time ago on other cultures values. For them freedom of conscience is unthinkable. Dont bother trying to explain it to them. Bondage of the individual (the fiction of the social contract) is the foundation of their thinking.

    Tranny assassin: Mentally ill people do crazy things. The vast majority of crimes against persons are crazy things.

    Bye bye Gold Bar Bob.

    Again with the freedom of conscience thing. Journalists dont have a problem with it. Propagandists on the other hand…

    The fish thing….it would be funny but it is pretty scary. Underwater with no scuba, out of your element and bound up in that costume to boot…a fish that weighs more than. you do….yikes.

    Little House: How many characters are gay or transing? Will there be any commie screeds?

    I agreed with you Tonio. I did not see that coming. Old fashioned thinking had me convinced that anything worth having on earth from space would be too heavy to get in appreciable amounts down to earth’s surface. We were wrong.

    My personal theory: If conditions exist suitable for life to arise, life will arise. It is the inevitable outcome of the universe going about its business.
    There is loads of life out there. My advice would be to be very careful about the company we keep.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      What’s the over and under on how many episodes it’ll be before Laura and the blind older sister “experiment?” My money’s on Season 2, Episode 2 when they push for a ratings boost.


    I think a few DoEd apparatchiks will try some silly buggers. Not very many though, this cabinet seems very switched on to this sort of thing (see: the USAF’s ‘Well I guess we can’t talk about the Tuskegee Airmen’ getting stomped out).

    I think a number that might want to but won’t, the prospect of losing their federal pension will be a significant disincentive.

  39. cavalier973

    I learned of a book published around 2019 by one Sarah Miller, which apparently tells the “Little House” stories from Ma’s perspective. It is entitled “Caroline”.

    Most reviews are positive; the negative review I read argued that Ma would not, given her New England upbringing, indulge in fantasy.

    Also, there are a couple of sex scenes.

    The authoress relied on letters and writings by Laura and her family, plus the diaries of pioneer women.

    The minstrel scene is right out, in the Netflix reboot. Expect to see the role of the black doctor who rescued them from dying to be expanded.

    Also, Ana’s attitude toward American Indians will probably be toned down. Also, the “war dances” have already been “debunked”, and the alternative explanation that the Indians were performing a “goodbye dance” to their homeland.

    I expect that the role of the Indians will be expanded.

    It’s a reboot of the television show, not the books, right? I never got into the show, because they didn’t follow the books. Basing the reboot on the show lessens my concern.

    Laura in the books idolizes her dad, so I expect that Pa will be taken down a notch, and Ma possibly elevated, or, possibly retconned into someone who slowly loses her mind over the years.

    Laura is a vindictive little wench, and so I expect to see Nellie Oleson be played with more sympathy, to contrast with Laura’s unreasoning dislike.

    But focusing on the poor treatment of the American Indians will definitely be a thing, I bet.

    • Mojeaux

      To be fair, whether by accident or on purpose, Pa DID stake his claim on Indian land. I don’t know if he thought he could get away with it or he just really didn’t know, but whatever.

      I liked Dr. Tan. He was written very sympathetically.

      And also (speaking as an adult woman), Ma WAS a saint, putting up with all that rot.

      • trshmnstr

        I don’t know if he thought he could get away with it or he just really didn’t know, but whatever.

        I thought there was a legitimate expectation of it being opened as frontier land for settlers and he jumped the gun. Then DC politicians did what they do best… Change the deal to fill their pockets.

        Imagine if they jump on the illegal immigrant part of the story. That would really be…. something.

    • Ted S.

      Also, there are a couple of sex scenes.

      I find myself thinking of little Laura in the loft of that house hearing the bumping and grinding from Charles and Caroline that produced her younger siblings.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Predictions on who will come out and be the cool gay character?

      I know, I know, they will all be gay at one point or another.

    • Sensei

      Who is egging who on?

      • Tundra

        Not sure. The story is a little scrambled.

    • Suthenboy

      Advice: Unless you enjoy visiting prisoners you should get another boyfriend.

  40. Mojeaux

    Lawyer visited. Storage unit acquired. Movers hired and scheduled. Let the disentanglement of Mom and Cunty Aunt Susie begin.

    • The Other Kevin

      Got the kid set up in one of the bedrooms. An aunt donated a bed, mattress, bedding, and night stand. We washed all her clothes, and other family offered to donate more. Spent $50 to get her a nice haircut. Took her taxes to our accountant. Tomorrow should start the job search.

      :: Fist Bumps Mojeaux ::

      • Mojeaux


        That is FANTASTIC!!!

      • Suthenboy

        That is very good news Kevin. Makes my day to hear it.
        I hope she has a clearer head and appreciates what it means to have family behind you like that.

      • R.J.

        So glad. I hope she can start over and put it behind her.

      • Beau Knott

        Good job dude!

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Oh woof. Chrysler needs somebody with brass nuts to turn it around. The resume says otherwise.

    They just need to fine tune their message, and people will flock to the dealerships.

    • R.J.

      And maybe get a product. Isn’t Chrysler down to a decade old minivan?

    • juris imprudent

      They should hire the creatives that Jaguar used.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    I’m not going to track down the link, but Harry reviewed the Renault 5 version 2 electric boogaloo. It sounds like they at least made a rational analysis and aimed it at a market niche where it might just be successful. They’re cool looking (not as cool as the R5 turbo, but what the heck).

  43. The Late P Brooks

    They should hire the creatives that Jaguar used.

    “Our advertising is so good we don’t even need a product!”

  44. Pope Jimbo

    When I went to college at the U of Mn-Morris there were a ton of kids there from Walnut Grove, MN. They were not amused by all of our witticisms regarding Little House on the Prairie.

    • rhywun

      I didn’t know that’s a real place.

  45. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    When I become dictator I’m going to ban the word “re-imagine”, First Amendment be damned.

    And “journey” too. Not everything is a journey.

    • Drake

      Can I still listen to “Wheel in the Sky” by the unmentionable band?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        In that context, yes, you can keep on turning.

  46. Suthenboy

    I would add this about the Little house thing and discussing Indians….goes for discussing Indians in general: They did not have the same ideas about land and ownership that we do now. They did not have the same ideas about ANYTHING that we do now. In fact a couple of generations ago we ourselves did not have identical ideas about such things. Crossing cultures and time and then trying to project our ideas on people is foolish.

    I am guessing Netflix is going to do exactly that in spades.

    • R.J.

      They will be racially-balanced wheelchair-bound transexuals who spend most of the episodes correcting strangers who misgender them.
      There. Prove me wrong.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The Wilders turned up in Minnesoda in the mid 1870’s. This was a decade after the Dakota War of 1862. Over 600 settlers were killed the by the Dakota tribes.*

      Anyone want to bet on the over/under of which episode it will be when the mention the atrocity of the mass execution in US history?

      *Another 100 soldiers were killed and only 100 – 300 Indians were killed. So even after the executions, the casualties were pretty lopsided.

      • Suthenboy

        I saw a historic Australian billboard that featured two scenarios. It was images only, no written words. One side depicted an aborigine killing a white man and then the aborigine being hung. The other side depicted a white man killing an aborigine and then the white man being hung. It was supposed to give the aborigines the concept of rule of law. Clearly it didnt take.
        Same is true here.

        I dont get it. I understand sympathy for the underdog but I think it might be a bit misplaced. Often the underdog is mangy, mean and dangerous. No amount of good treatment will bring him around. Most of the time he just needs to be put down.

      • Suthenboy

        Also, that ‘historic’ site is only 150ish years old. I think I have a pair of boots older than that.

  47. Suthenboy

    More prairie house stuff – I tell people “My Grandfather was born in ’87 and died in ’86. I tell them that because they always do a double take, pause and realize…oh he was 99. Then they think….”1887? Shit, I thought that was a long time ago. Not so much.”
    For a brief moment it gives them a better perspective on time and the way history is taught.

    • kinnath

      My grandfather was born in ’89 and passed in ’74.

      My brother delights in telling the millenials that our grandma road a horse to school.

  48. creech

    Time perspective – I met one of my mother’s cousins (who died in 2023) who interviewed a European relative who knew an older relative who had matched with Napoleon into Russia in 1812.

    • Suthenboy

      It’s not that that was a long time ago. What it tells me is that our individual lives are far too short.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I work with a guy, my age age-mid 50s, whose grandfather was born during the Civil War. Suffice it to say that both he and his dad were late in life “surprises.”

      • Fourscore

        My paternal grandfather was ’54 vintage, 1854, Grandma 1856