Winston’s Mom Does the Links

by | Jan 31, 2025 | Daily Links | 302 comments

What? I retired the Economics Corner, not from covering Sloopy and Banjos on the busiest day of the week. Then what hits me? Krugabe decided to start a Substack.

No really, its right here.

I haven’t decided if I want to start doing this again. Aren’t you supposed to pay for a Substack? You clowns think I’m going to pay Krugabe directly? Think about that next time they do the begathon. It might just pay for markee content like mine!

This has never happened at my outfit. Honest.

Pretty subtle for mockery if you ask me.

Trump, or someone in his circle might actually be playing 5-D chess.

Hey! That’s my bit, you faggots!

Wouldn’t it be easier to just bomb The Who?

Pay your doctor in cash and avoid Medicare all together.

I would post some shit Krugnuts posted to X, but as it turns out he stopped posting there too.

About The Author

Winston's Mom

Winston's Mom

Biological mother of Winston.


  1. Ted S.

    Is Krugnuts on Bluesky?

    • Rat on a train

      It’s where all the derpy kids hang out.

      • Jarflax

        So what I am hearing here is that once again Krugabe is shilling for a Blue-Sky company. Seriously though, what kind of absolute idiots name their start up after securities fraud?

      • R C Dean

        “Blue sky” isn’t securities fraud. It’s a reference to state securities laws, sometimes just to state laws for first-time issuers.

        Oh, I almost forgot the “ackchually”.

      • Jarflax

        fanciful; impractical:
        blue-sky ideas.

        (especially of securities) having dubious value; not financially sound:
        a blue-sky stock.

      • Jarflax

        The laws come after the term. They are called Blue-Sky laws because Justice McKenna described the type of speculative investments the laws are supposed to prevent as selling nothing but so many miles and miles of blue sky.

      • R C Dean

        Dammit. I hate it when my ackchually gets ackchuallied.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Is anyone on BLSKY?

      • AlexinCT

        Isn’t that only fans for kiddy diddlers and bestiality freaks?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Every liberal you know probably is.

  2. Not Adahn

    Wouldn’t it be easier to just bomb The Who?

    Do you want to get fooled again?

    • Jarflax

      Bomb it for at least 13 years so it becomes a teenaged wasteland?

      • Drake


      • juris imprudent

        We’ll know it’s enough when we can see for miles, and miles, and miles.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        So, we should put the squeeze box on them?

      • Bobarian LMD

        You’d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to not see this as a good idea, Mrs Walker.

      • ron73440

        You’d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to not see this as a good idea, Mrs Walker.

        You’d better, you’d better, you bet.

    • Drake

      And create a Teenage Wasteland?

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t get why people think that’s a good song.

        It’s just empty.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Like all WHO songs, it is just them putting up an Eminence Front for the masses.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Can’t explain, UCS.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I see what you did there, Ms. O’Grady.

    • Winston's Mom

      I’ve never hated you cunts more than I do right now.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Well, you misspelled Cunte, and WHO is all caps.


      • AlexinCT

        Oh, baby! Talk dirty to us…

      • Not Adahn

        I thought dudes who get excitement at your feet were a significant income stream for you?

      • AlexinCT

        I was SO hoping that was the talk dirty scene from Scary Movie….

      • Bobarian LMD

        Are you happy Jack?

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t do love bombing.

    • The Last American Hero

      Joking aside, a properly functioning WHO does some good work in the world. We should have dropped out in 2020, and invited the civilized world and countries that were willing to be honest actors (i.e., not China) to join the GHO or whatever we’d call it.

      • juris imprudent

        No bureaucracy will ever remain dedicated to its nominal mission, it will always devolve into a self-serving dysfunctional mess.

  3. Jarflax

    If Trump does put on Scuba gear and dives down to the wreckage, wouldn’t he just be playing into the notion that diversity is our strength?

    • Gender Traitor

      [::golf clap, in ahead of the Narrowed Gaze®::]

  4. Drake

    The back to office orders, firings, and layoffs are certainly going to hinder the deep state. His freeze on grants and NGO money is probably worse. No more free money to do nefarious shit in Slovakia, Georgia, the Darien Gap, etc.

    • Tonio

      That order was frozen by a federal judge (IDK whether in whole or in part), then rescinded by the administration. I suspect it will be replaced by a series of more specific orders, each covering a different class of NGO (domestic, international, etc).

      But this also plays into the hysterical propaganda mills of the left. See my Thursday evening links, the womens’ shelter propaganda post.

      • R C Dean

        The EO is still in place. OMB withdrew its implementation order to address the court’s concerns. Whether checks are actually getting cut while OMB ponders, I have no clue. But OMB will issue another implementation order at some point, and the freeze will be back on, at least for a little while.

        An on-again/off-again freeze will create uncertainty and chaos in various funding streams. So we have that going for us. I’m sure OMB got the message not to play cute #resistance games.

      • R.J.

        Tonio is correct. As his appointees are going into office, they are freezing money to NGOs under their purview. I do not have time to attach links this morning.

      • WTF

        That order was frozen by a federal judge

        I’m sure the judge provided a well-referenced citation of the article of the constitution that requires federal money be sent to NGOs.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Or, as per that 5d chess article, it was pushed out in order to move a lawsuit forward that defines the Executive branch as being in charge of the executive branch, contra JI.

      • R C Dean

        I suspect, given how incestuous our ruling class is, the reason was “My kids will get laid off if the feds stop pumping money into the “non-profits” they “work” for”.

      • trshmnstr

        I’m sure OMB got the message not to play cute #resistance games.

        One of the tactics I heard about before the election (perhaps on Tucker?) was to capture the OMB good and hard and use it as a bulkhead against the administrative state. It appears to have worked, but we’ll see as time goes on.

      • Jarflax

        So OMB needs to capture OMB?

      • Bobarian LMD

        I’m getting confused. OMB is orange; we should start referring to the Office of Management and Budget as BM.

        Because then we can make poop jokes.

  5. Tonio

    You Glibs, if you read only one link today, please have it be the 5D Chess one. That’s totally brilliant.

    I was actually kinda hoping that nobody would pick that up from the secret Glibs editors links bucket, but WM never misses a trick.

    • Nephilium

      /throws up hands for the afternoon links


    • Jarflax

      WM never misses a trick. She does if they refuse to pay for the riding crop upgrade package.

      • AlexinCT

        She also gives you the stink eye if you as for that? And of course pay for it..

      • R C Dean

        What, you want your dom to be emotionally supportive? I don’t think it works that way.

      • Jarflax

        What, you want your dom to be emotionally supportive? I don’t think it works that way.

        Isn’t that what ABDL is? Domination as emotional support?

      • Suthenboy

        Apparently I am a simple guy. I can’t keep all that nonsense straight.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        A dominatrix’s emotional support is different than a squares emotional support.

      • Winston's Mom

        upgrade package.

        No, my packages are similar to the way a diner might upgrade your meal with a side. A Mk1 package you get one side, Mk2 you get two—or two of the same upgrade.

        There’s no gimmicks here.

      • Bobarian LMD

        You want fries with that.

    • Not Adahn

      Interestingly ambiguous site name. I thought that it was in reference to poker, but the fighter plane immediately brings that definition to mind, which then opens the possibility that it’s about people really good at drawing fouls in metric football.

      • Pope Jimbo

        If it wasn’t right to frog march her out of her office… Well then I don’t want to be Fong.

    • AlexinCT

      The people that rigged the 2020 election and installed Slow Joe sure as fuck didn’t realize what they did was to give team MAGA the chance to actually learn where the weak points of the corruptocracy were and then recruit the right people to come after that. Had they just let Trump-Nazi-Putin win in 2020 by a whisker, they would have basically done a repeat of the 4 years before, and the guy would never have stood a chance. Now it looks like they will take scalps as the Pretendian Liawatha would say.

    • Winston's Mom

      Glibs editors links bucket,

      What the hell are you yammering on about?

      • Jarflax

        He thinks you took more than your share of sausage from the shared supply.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I think she takes a LOT of sausage…


      • Ted S.

        Not a second serving of strawberries?

      • Bobarian LMD

        A LOT of sausage. But never more than her share.

    • The Last American Hero

      So I’m to believe he’s moved on from Hungry Hippos to 5D chess?

      • Bobarian LMD

        Hungry Hippos is 5-D Chess in government work.

  6. juris imprudent

    The nice thing about substack is there is no algorithm feeding you want someone else thinks you should want.

    • Nephilium

      Ehh… there kind of is. I know I get e-mails from Substack with “writers I may be interested in”.

      • Jarflax


      • UnCivilServant

        That kind of spam already makes me not want to engage with the site.

      • R C Dean

        You can turn that off.

      • juris imprudent

        I guess I just ignore those. I also get other shit from substack like growth initiatives for my own.

  7. Gender Traitor

    Pretty subtle for mockery if you ask me.

    In general, the questions reporters have been asking deserve mockery, and if you’re subtle, it’ll go right over their heads. Turned on the radio news at one point yesterday, and after the statements by whatever officials were there (including Trump and Vance, I believe,) the reporters started asking such stupid questions I had to switch it off. (Another soul-killing career I’m glad I avoided.)

  8. Rat on a train

    Anna’s boyfriend, Pedro Henrique
    An OnlyFans girlfriend is a cuck’s dream.

    • Not Adahn

      It does seem like every kink has its day.

      I just hope to live long enough for sorority girls tag teaming overweight [my age] guys to become fashionable.

      • Jarflax

        I hear if you’re a billionaire it already is.

      • Rat on a train

        “What would you do with a million dollars?”

  9. robodruid

    FTR I am on AL today.
    We received two more fork emails yesterday. One from DOD, the other from OPM with a “FAQ”.

    FAQ did not answer any of the question i have or read about it. Real confusion if the offer applies to DOD or not, keeps changing.

    I have read that if someone takes the offer, their job is abolished.

    • Tonio

      It seems this was poorly implemented, which only plays into the hand of the critics of downsizing government. The process and parameters should have been worked out long before inauguration, and they should have had lots more info already prepared and ready to drop. My guess is that the buyout-acceptance deadline will be extended to allow policy clarification. The delay will be harped on as a small victory by the #resistance.

      I hope that you fare well with this.

      • juris imprudent

        It seems this was poorly implemented…

        In the Trump administration?!? Where is my shocked face.

      • R C Dean

        You mean, “In the government?!? Where is my shocked face.”

    • robodruid


  10. AlexinCT

    I miss Winston’s mom heckling me with the usual “Hey baby, wanna go out” pickup line of back when..

    • Winston's Mom

      You’re the one that tried to pay with post-dated check.

      • AlexinCT

        Monopoly money..

      • Not Adahn

        Mr. Mayor?

  11. Rat on a train

    Ms. Fong’s War was not quite the heroic standoff that media has painted. It seems more like she just waited for security to come get her from her office.
    She’s no Leandra English.

    • Jarflax

      Ms. Fong’s War This sounds like a short story by Thurber or O. Henry about a Chinese Laundress.

      • AlexinCT

        I think there was a pr0n of that name first.

  12. R.J.

    “Wouldn’t it be easier to just bomb The Who?”

    My first thought was “What did Pete Townshend do this time?”

  13. AlexinCT

    Please, please, stay stuck in this mode ya tools!

    • Rat on a train

      Calling people who don’t vote for you bigots is a bold strategy for winning them over.

    • WTF

      Latest Quinnipiac poll:
      Democratic Party:
      31% – Favorable
      57% – Unfavorable (-26)
      Yet they still don’t seem to get it.

      • AlexinCT

        The libs I have talked to all tell me that the reason is the ability of fascist others (that is lib speak for anyone not a full blooded marxist) to do misinformation and hate speech, which is why plebes now believe things the democrat party doesn’t want them to believe. Note they don’t tell you you believe false things so much as unapproved things..

  14. AlexinCT

    Did anyone else hear that the military disclosed the name of 2 of the UH-60 helo’s crew, Chief Warrant Office 2 Andrew Eaves, and Ryan O’Hara the crew Chief, but not the trainee’s name? Then the internets gives you shit like this, which I want to stress remains unconfirmed, and you have to fucking wonder in light of so many stories ignored by the legacy media about some militant trans entity that are involved in a bunch of violent crimes.

    • Jarflax

      The tweet you link has a proposed community note linking to a facebook post by the person accused in the tweet saying that s(He) is alive. Now maybe the great conspiracy is sockpuppeting the FB page to hide the truth, but Old Occam advises caution in suggesting that is more likely than the alternative of some jerk on X making something up.

      • R.J.

        I lean towards the latter. Too soon to start conspiracy theories.

    • R C Dean

      Stacy McCain is doing a good job of following that story, mostly because he just likes putting “Vegan Transgender Death Cult” in his headlines. He’s had a couple of posts – scroll down. It’s wild.

      Also being overlooked is that one of the vegan transgender death cultists was an H1B immigrant.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        “Vegan Transgender Death Cult” should have been the next KMFDM album.

      • rhywun

        I saw the NYPost story. Just nuts.

    • trshmnstr

      The hyperventilating on X is pretty atrocious. People’s minds are broken.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      This reminded me of Ozy’s last post regarding the dangers of using night-vision goggles:

      Seeing as somebody in authority has decided to call early the cause for the terrible air accident in Washington, it might be worth adding some details of what we know and what sort of things the NTSB Investigation team will be looking at.

      4/ From the widely shared radio recordings, the Controller asks the Blackhawk if it can see the aircraft on its approach to 33. It then asks it to pass behind the aircraft to ensure lateral separation, as well as the (assumed) vertical separation – neither happens.

      5/ What we don’t know is if the Blackhawk crew identified the correct aircraft. For example it may have been looking for aircraft coming up the river for Runway 01, rather than an aircraft crossing from left to right for 33, this could have been exacerbated by the use of NVGs.

      6/ NVGs allow crews to see more at Night, but they can be washed out by bright lights, and can also distort the ranges of lit aircraft, making distances hard to judge. This could be a factor in a case of mis-identification – especially if looking in the wrong direction.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Nobody should be flying with NODs in that airspace. Way too much light to make their use effective.

        I’m sure not only NTSB will take this apart over the nevt few months, but also the Ft Rucker Safety Nazis will be hand in glove with the investigation.

  15. R.J.

    I don; think I have ever paid to read a substack. You can pay for a subscription, but I always choose “No Thanks” and just bypass to go read. Is there a cutoff point?

    • R C Dean

      I think most sub stackers have at least a few that are free from time to time. Some seem to be free all the time.

      I pay for a few – gato malo, Racket, a couple others. I like the model and am willing to throw a few bucks at it.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I think they are generally free, until they get so many voluntary paid subscribers. Then they kick into the subscriber only mode.

        But, I subscribe to about a half dozen of them, as it is nothing more than getting a few magazines a month, and I like long form articles.

    • Nephilium

      Depends on the stack. Some of them have free articles and subscriber only articles (gato being one who does that off the top of my head). Others offer subscriptions but provide no benefit beyond knowing you’re supporting someone who you find interesting.

      • R.J.

        If I have one free dime after moving to this house it is going here, not to a substack. I do appreciate reading substacks but could not spring extra money for them.

    • juris imprudent

      Schellenberger gives you teasers to I guess most of his articles, but to read the whole thing you have to pay. My own is free, though I had thoughts of eventually charging – I’m not sure I’m committed enough to provide regular content that would justify someone’s money.

      • The Last American Hero

        Schellenberger is a worthless piece of shit that the right loves because religions hate heretics and love converts. Of course he only converted when the team he supported for years turned on him.

        He can fuck off and die, or go back to blowing Michael Mann.

      • juris imprudent

        Schellenberger teamed with Taibbi on the Twitter Files and other censorship. That counts for something, at least with me.

    • Fourscore

      How do they get the prescription right?

      I have a problem even when I cooperate.

      Thanks Jimbo, I’m off to pick up a new pair of glasses today, Hope I smile like that kid.

  16. Nephilium

    Huh… somewhat on topic. In football news, a player for the hated Ravens has been accused of sexual misconduct. With that, we just need the Bengals to have a player get accused for the whole AFC North to be tainted. Of course, the Browns had to trade for an offender well past their offensive prime.

    • ron73440

      That’s why I saw someone post the Browns had traded for Tucker.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I thought the Browns would pick up Cousins. Let the Falcons pay his enormous salary and get a top 12 QB for dirt cheap. It would be a great deal except that you still have to pay Deshaun W.

        Only after Kirk joins your team do you realize that his stats are all from garbage time at the end of the game.

      • juris imprudent

        They’ll have a shot at Darnold I’m sure.

      • Nephilium

        Pope Jimbo:

        Based on what I’ve been reading, the Browns will be paying Watson, but it won’t be counted against the cap as he’s injured, and the Browns paid for some kind of cap insurance. There’s also talk that Watson may not have been following the team doctor’s protocols when he re-injured his Achilles, which may allow the Browns to get out of the contract completely.

      • Pope Jimbo


        Too soon.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Neph, there are salary cap games to be played but they guaranteed him $230M and have so far only applied $55M to previous salary cap years.

      • Nephilium


        The Browns bought an insurance policy when drafting Watson’s contract that allows the team to receive cap relief if he is sidelined because of injury. The team got cap space when he missed the final eight games of the 2023 season because of his season-ending shoulder surgery and will get some relief because of the Achilles injury that forced Watson to miss most of the 2024 season.

        According to a copy of Watson’s contract obtained by ESPN, the Browns would have $44.2 million of his $46 million salary insured for an injury. That cap relief would be credited to Cleveland in 2026


        That’s assuming the Browns don’t try to get out of the contract, or don’t attempt to renegotiate again.

      • juris imprudent

        Holiness – I don’t think the Vikes are going to pay Darnold what he’s likely to get elsewhere (though that may rule out the Browns). They’d rather gamble on McCarthy before they have to pay him in full.

      • Bobarian LMD

        you realize that his stats are all from garbage time at the end of the game.

        The ViQueens failed to pick up on that when they took on Matt Cassell. Their next QB should be Derek Carr.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      A representative of the upscale local spa chain Ojas said Tucker was “immediately terminated as a client” in 2014 after “a massage therapist reported an incident that allegedly occurred during a massage therapy session with Justin Tucker.”

      This would have been the same time as the Ray Rice story. Justin Tucker being banned from a spa would have surely made some news?

    • Jarflax

      Dude, Jeremy Hill.

    • juris imprudent

      Oh c’mon, this is news now because he’s not performing at the same level he did the last few seasons. Cover for dumping him, and poor guy is going to lose his lucrative endorsements (very local joke about him flogging for Royal Farms).

      • Nephilium

        Oh, the accusations are all weak, and from years back. But it puts the Ravens in a bad light, and that’s enough for me.

        I’m honest about my biases.

      • Pope Jimbo


        Uffda. PR Flack for the Ravens has to be the easiest gig ever.

        MSM: Your player ….

        Ravens; Was it worse than our dude knocking out his wife in an elevator?

        MSM: well no, but….

        Ravens: Shaddup!

      • Jarflax

        Y’all got nothing on the Panthers, they win the OG player award hands down. Rae Carruth

    • ron73440

      <blockquote.There’s also talk that Watson may not have been following the team doctor’s protocols when he re-injured his Achilles, which may allow the Browns to get out of the contract completely.

      My boss (from Cleveland) says there are pictures of Watson a couple days after his surgery where he isn’t wearing his walking boot.

      • Nephilium

        Yeah. I’ve heard several reports of that. And the only reason I’ve seen for the Browns to not get out of the contract is that “if they do, it’ll hurt the team’s reputation among other players”. You know what, I’m willing to take that hit, it’s not like having Watson on the roster is going to attract players to the team.

      • Jarflax

        hurt the team’s reputation

        Stop it, you’re killing me.

      • Nephilium


        I’m a season ticket holder, which means that I get surveys from the team asking me my opinion of the stadium, the team, and the benefits of the tickets. This year, one of the questions (paraphrased) was “How good are we at managing your post season ticket access?”

        I graded it N/A, and took a screenshot to send to my season ticket rep and asked, “Really? This year they want to know that?”

      • Jarflax

        Neph, that sounds about right. Paul Brown’s grave needs to be converted to a generator cause he’s never going to stop spinning watching what the two teams he started do to his legacy. Oh well, at least tOSU plays solid professional football.

    • creech

      If your team is looking for tainted, is Mike Vick still available? Or Colin Kaepernick?

  17. Certified Public Asshat

    For a brilliant economist, Krugman seems to have no idea how to monetize substack. Every post is free, except for one, and the guy is posting up to 3 times a day.

    I guess it’s possible he does have some paying subscribers, but I would think he would have more paywalled posts to indicate that.

    • UnCivilServant

      a few possibilities

      A: he wants to establish a readership base to have a group to entise conversions when he starts paywalling

      B: he’s really retired and doing this for fun

      C: he’s got no clue how to, and the one paywall was an accident.

      • R.J.

        “Pay what you can”

      • juris imprudent

        D. …to each according to his needs.

    • The Other Kevin

      By my count 50% of the titles include the word “Trump”. Maybe he’s getting funded by someone else. Propaganda should be free, of course.

    • R.J.


      • Pope Jimbo

        Really? I don’t want to feel like I strong-armed you into agreeing with me.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Give the Pope a Hand, he will be here all week!

      • The Other Kevin

        The critics don’t have a leg to stand on.

    • The Other Kevin

      Wow, I’m getting called out in the comments? Yes that is funny. I might send that to my teammates.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I thought it was funny, but I always like to crosscheck with the communitex first.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      “Settled science” is a misnomer but “the currently accepted mainstream scientific paradigm” just doesn’t have the same pizazz (and that’s a bit of a misnomer to tell the truth).

    • juris imprudent

      World’s greatest deliberative body.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Greatest debilitated body.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont know what to make of that. Everything you see in politics is theater. Pols think people are idiots (they aren’t completely wrong about that).
      How much of the stupidity and outrage is real? Who knows.

    • R C Dean

      Ya know, the whole screeching old lady schtick may not be the best optics here.

      • The Other Kevin

        But they just keep doing it. Someone created a meme, and every day they add a new row.

      • Drake

        They are screeching at the people who should have been the next generation of Democrat leaders, which is weird to watch. Revolutionaries trying to eat their own – but they are just fading into irrelevance.

    • The Other Kevin

      I don’t know, that Hawaiian lady was back asking if Kash had raped anyone lately.

    • Nephilium

      Because our czechbook isn’t empty?

      • The Gunslinger

        Do you think it’s even possible to bounce a Czech?

      • SarumanTheGreat

        We ran out of Slovaks?

    • R.J.

      Yeah. This and a million others. And these articles are posted by people who have no idea how little sympathy the victims of tax theft care about their efforts.

    • Pope Jimbo

      We should definitely not be funding Czech charities.

      Those shitlords are always saying the Czech is in the male. How dare they assume the gender?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Sometimes the male is in the Czech, if you know what I mean.

    • Not Adahn

      I do my best to keep money flowing to Czechia.

      They announced a P10F in .45 ACP, which could be an excellent choice for L10 Major.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      If they weren’t sending so many euros to Ukraine maybe they could make up make up the difference. In a fungible sense we’re partially funding the CR’s Ukraine war funding too.

    • Suthenboy

      If taxpaying American citizens knew how much of the world’s indulgences they are funding and just how entitled both the recipients and pols here feel about it there would be a riot with heads on stakes.
      All of it is, in one way or another, a money laundering operation.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        *cough* covid lockdowns *cough*

        There’d be no riots, it’s amazing what people are willing to tolerate.

      • The Last American Hero

        Preach on, brother Stinky.

      • juris imprudent

        taxpaying American citizens

        Hey, it’s not like you’re taking their money at the business end of a gun. This is just the price we pay to be a civilized society.

      • trshmnstr

        Stinky got to it before me.

        The average person is a sheep. You can kick them. You can extract all their wool so they freeze. You can lead them to slaughter. They’ll just dutifully follow along.

        The American sheep has been trained to be particularly compliant and deferential to the “shepherd”. Short of some better shepherds showing up and running off the bad shepherds, we’re just gonna sit here and take the abuse.

      • creech

        I dunno. I know enough tax paying Americans who would be all “well, these poor folks live in poverty, and we don’t do enough for them,
        and it is our Christian duty to sacrifice for them, and the millionaires and billionaires are paying less in taxes than the guy who mows my lawn or picks up our trash.”

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Chevron print? *faints*

      • Ted S.

        It’s a subtle commentary on Supreme Court jurisprudence.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      White shoes? After Labor day? I think not!

      • Certified Public Asshat

        When does the labor day rule reset?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Memorial Day.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I would have guessed Easter.

    • Not Adahn

      Print? Well that must be the correct term, since the Daily Mail knows fashion.

    • R C Dean

      Not a big fan of the oversized cuffs and collar, but I don’t think they’re inappropriate.

    • The Other Kevin

      She’s a hottie. And she’s smart. So there.

      • Pope Jimbo


        She’s 23 and now she is at the top of the journalo pole.

        When I was briefly a J-school major, it was so easy to see who was going to be a TV journalo and who was going to be an ink stained wretch.

        The problem with all the hotties who were going to be TV anchors is that they were so dumb it was offputting.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Where’s the rest of the skirt?

    • Winston's Mom

      What a prude.

  18. UnCivilServant

    I have to double check my forms to make sure I’m not missing any. I have my permit class and fingerprinting scheduled. I’ve sorted out my photograph woes. Just need to collect paperwork from my references, get my main forms notarized after the fingerprinter info is on, and schedule an interview.

    NA – When’s the next winter steel? I can’t check practiscore from my work computer. (hoplophobic web filters 🙁 )

    • Not Adahn


    • Gender Traitor

      This is a job for the U.S. SPACE FORCE!!! ::cue Space Force hat::

    • Rat on a train

      I can’t recall the term for the typical “the probability will increase until it is zero” with asteroid impact calculations.

    • Not Adahn

      Bay area cult murders people, news at… 1960 onward.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Even Charlie would’ve looked down on those freaks (yeah, yeah he was in LA but still).

    • Common Tater

      “Michelle Jacqueline Zajko is a person of interest in the deaths of her parents Rita and Richard Zajko.”

      Looks like the same asshole who made that “trans maxing” video.

      • R C Dean

        Oddly, I don’t think she’s trans.

      • Common Tater

        None of them look transitioned.

    • Not Adahn

      If they wanted the FBI to do something about them, they should have found/photoshopped one of them giving a nazi salute and call them a white-supremacist cult.

  19. Pope Jimbo

    Law of averages

    Minnesota’s high school basketball scene just found a new phenom in Ari Peterson, the daughter of former NFL legend Adrian Peterson. At just 15 years old, Ari is already showing flashes of brilliance on the court, emerging as one of the top prospects in the Class of 2028.

    A freshman at Minnetonka High School, Peterson is already making her presence felt with an impressive 13.2 points per game this season. Her all-around game, which includes scoring from anywhere on the floor, snagging rebounds, and even dunking, has caught the attention of college programs across the country. Minnesota, Purdue, Maryland, and Oklahoma—the same program her father starred for during his college days—are just some of the schools that have extended offers to the young phenom.

    With 8 kids, you figure one of them would have gotten a decent athletic gene. (Unless he beat it out of them)

  20. Mojeaux

    I have to get a mobile notary out here to my house. One outfit wants $70 for one simple document (I have two). I mean, I KNOW it’s about the traveling but GEEZ.

    • Common Tater

      Maybe his car runs on butter.

      • Mojeaux

        Well, he can get fucking Country Crock!

      • Pope Jimbo

        Not sure about his car, but his profits are based on margarines. Slim margarines!

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Country Crock? Now you’re just being unnecessarily cruel.

    • trshmnstr

      Local bank? Mine gives free notary services for most documents.

      • UnCivilServant

        My guess is the documents are being signed by her mom, who isn’t the most mobile, thus the moble notary instead.

      • Mojeaux

        UCS is correct. Mom is not mobile. Thus, the notary must be.

        Attorney says my DPOA and advance directive documents are old and the DPOA left out a crucial thing I need now (but didn’t then), so we are refreshing.

  21. Stinky Wizzleteats

    OnlyFans girl: At least she died doing what she loved but can’t a pornstar’s premature accidental death just be looked as a way of staving off suicide? The percentage of those people who end up doing themselves in is unreal.

    • Suthenboy

      Are we certain it was an accident?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I can see you’ve never tried to balance on a balcony rail while being nailed by two guys.

      • Rat on a train

        Get Riggs and Murtaugh on the case.

      • Pope Jimbo


        If only there had been some sort of rod or pole for her to hold onto!

      • The Other Kevin

        I’ve watched too many detective shows. That sounds like murder to me. I’ll bet they find something interesting in the autopsy.

      • Pope Jimbo


        I’ll bet they find something interesting in the autopsy.

        Is autopsy the cook kid word for pussy now?

    • Pope Jimbo

      You can only push a gal so far!

      • juris imprudent

        No more of that petite morte.

    • R C Dean

      I expect Weathervane Dave to lurch back to the Repub Right.

      • Suthenboy

        What is an electoral loser? Unwinding the programs or having them in place?

  22. Derpetologist

    random thoughts

    It’s odd that the same people who rioted over George Floyd’s murder are indifferent or supportive of that CEO’s murder, and vice versa.

    There’s something in computer science called the busy beaver number. It’s sort of like the opposite of the halting problem. The upshot is that it can be used to indirectly solve all kinds of hard math problems.

    For example, a 27-state Turing machine could check Goldbach’s conjecture for each number and halt on a counterexample: if this machine had not halted after running for S(27) steps, then it must run forever, resolving the conjecture.[5] Many other problems, including the Riemann hypothesis (744 states) and the consistency of ZF set theory (745 states[7][8]), can be expressed in a similar form, where at most a countably infinite number of cases need to be checked.[5]

    • Pope Jimbo

      Big Troubles in St. Floydland!

      5 years after murder, future of George Floyd Square on hold — again
      The plans for George Floyd Square are on hold yet again after the Minneapolis Climate and Infrastructure Committee decided to hold off on voting on a design plan.
      Those surveyed were 20 property owners along Chicago Avenue, closest to where Floyd was killed and north to 37th Avenue — 15 responded to the survey and all of them opposed the city’s two ‘pedestrian mall’ options.

      Local BIPOC shitlords do not want to turn the intersection where George died into a totes pedestrian mall. Probably because it is was a fairly blue collar neighborhood where people drove to a store to pick shit up. Turn it into a pedestrian mall (aka homeless encampment)? No one will ever come down to buy anything again.

      • juris imprudent

        Who would want icky commerce befouling a holy shrine?

    • Winston's Mom

      random thoughts

      This better be good.

      It’s odd that the same people who rioted over George Floyd’s murder are indifferent or supportive of that CEO’s murder, and vice versa.

      Welcome to last November, kid.

      There’s something in computer science called the busy beaver number. It’s sort of like the opposite of the halting problem. The upshot is that it can be used to indirectly solve all kinds of hard math problems.

      Calculating a return on investment or depreciation on real estate isn’t that hard. Everything else is for sexually repressed college boys.

      For example, a 27-state Turing machine could check Goldbach’s conjecture for each number and halt on a counterexample: if this machine had not halted after running for S(27) steps, then it must run forever, resolving the conjecture.[5] Many other problems, including the Riemann hypothesis (744 states) and the consistency of ZF set theory (745 states[7][8]), can be expressed in a similar form, where at most a countably infinite number of cases need to be checked.[5]

      You kiss your momma with that mouth?

    • Mojeaux

      It’s odd that the same people who rioted over George Floyd’s murder are indifferent or supportive of that CEO’s murder, and vice versa.

      The people who rioted over George Floyd’s death get free healthcare. They wouldn’t have any reason to care.

      It’s the lower/middle class who are getting squeezed who would care. “Luigi” is a Robinhood-ish meme.

    • R C Dean

      “George Floyd’s murder”

      I’m not convinced he was murdered.

  23. Common Tater

    “During her district swearing-in ceremony for the 119th Congress on Tuesday, Rep. Jasmine Crockett claimed that “evil” is in the Oval Office and suggested that President Donald Trump’s supporters are white supremacists.

    “Y’all, it’s getting real. It’s been eight days. Eight days, y’all, eight,” Crockett said. “And we were only in for three of them. It’s been eight days. And honestly, I don’t know how else to describe this, other than evil. It’s evil that is literally sitting in the highest seat in the world.”

    She continued, “Let me make sure y’all got the facts, most extreme crimes that take place in this country are committed by white supremacists. 80 percent of extreme crimes are committed by white supremacists in this country. Do you know who went up there on January 6? White supremacists. This ain’t me just telling you, you can Google this if you don’t believe me, but it was the Oath Keepers. It was the Neo Nazis. It was the Proud Boys. They are all white supremacists.”

    On the upside, she learned to pull numbers out of her ass on her first day in office.

    • Pope Jimbo

      80 percent of Xtreme crimes are committed by white supremacists

      Malcom X has a sad.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      “Extreme crimes”

      Hey, I thought More than Words sucked too but let’s not get carried away with the rhetoric.

    • juris imprudent

      Enrique Tarrio has to be the darkest white supremacist I’ve ever heard of. That boy wouldn’t be welcome in the Klan you know.

      • Common Tater

        It didn’t stop Larry Elder.

    • trshmnstr

      An aspect I haven’t seen brought up yet is the level of complexity added by noise abatement requirements. That’s one major reason why so much of the traffic is being routed over the river.

    • juris imprudent

      I’ve flown in and out of Reagan several times – I don’t think I’ve ever been on a plane that used that runway. The usual approach is from upstream Potomac and less frequently from downstream.

      • Dr Mossy Lawn

        I saw that the helicopter came from well up river, I don’t think it paused at that base. When I saw the standard place to cross under the landing traffic it should have been at least 1/2 mile further south. They left the east coast of the river and turned in far too soon.

        I have landed on that runway (back before 9/11).. This is a fairly standard pattern where they are interleaving departures on 1 and landings on 33 to keep the tempo up.

      • Pine_Tree

        Part of my current hypothesis (ignoring the helicopter elevation issue) is that the pilot saw the stack lined up headed into runway (1, I think it is?) and felt comfortably East of it, while the liner had swooped to the East out of that line to get into 33. Basically had built a mental model that had all the incoming liners on that same, likely super-visible track. Then add background lighting, night-vision, etc.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    “In recent years,” the Times realized with growing horror, “the Supreme Court’s majority — led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., who worked in the White House Counsel’s Office under the Reagan administration — has pushed that idea” of broad executive powers in employment.

    Reagan called his constitutional interpretation “unitary executive theory.” It is an uncomplicated view of constitutional separation of powers, holding that the president must exclusively control his own executive branch. Any laws passed by Congress (under Article II) purporting to make Article I executive branch officials independent from the president’s sole control must therefore be unconstitutional.

    The President is in charge of administering the laws passed by Congress?

    • WTF

      The Chief Executive is in charge of the executive branch? What kind of crazy theory is that?!

    • Jarflax

      The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.

      He is in charge of executing the laws, that is not the same thing as administering them. There are problematic aspects of current presidential power because Congress has abdicated large portions of the legislative power to the agencies, but the President’s power as Chief of the Executive branch was always intended to be coextensive with the executive power. Congressional oversight of that power is limited to the Senate’s role in advising and consenting to appointments and trying impeachments, and the House’s role of initiating impeachments. I don’t see an originalist argument giving Congress the right to legislate away the presidential power to hire and fire anymore than one could expand the President’s veto power to changing the content of laws. The veto and the impeachment/approval powers are rough equivalents giving the branches limited oversight toward each other.

      • juris imprudent

        Ironic isn’t it – the Executive charged with making regulations because Congress couldn’t be specific enough in the legislation, but at the same time, the Executive branch employees can’t be touched by Executive authority – because Congress said so!

      • Jarflax

        Ironic indeed. The power to make laws for the entire society taken from the representative body and given to the “sovereign,” while the leadership role is taken from the individual charged with leadership and given to the debating society. It’s almost like the goal was control without accountability.

    • trshmnstr

      I love how its implied that this was some novel interpretation by Reagan and not standard operating procedure for the first 190 years of the country.

  25. Common Tater

    “Proponents of HB5164 claim the new law will make certain individuals, including victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse and, bizarrely, transgenders, feel safer. However, also openly admitted by supporters is how this could help illegal aliens amid ongoing enforcement and deportation efforts by ICE. Illinois legislators have also prevented Chicago Police from working with the Federal government to remove illegals involved in drug crimes, gang-related crimes, prostitution, human trafficking, or child sex crimes.”

    What could possibly go wrong?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Seems like that’d be so counterproductive with their traditional Chicago constituents…I bet Leroy Washington won’t get cut a break like that.

    • WTF

      Illinois legislators have also prevented Chicago Police from working with the Federal government to remove illegals involved in drug crimes, gang-related crimes, prostitution, human trafficking, or child sex crimes.

      I honestly fail to understand their motivation here. Are they just insane? Or do they somehow profit from this? And if so, how?

      • juris imprudent

        I don’t see any profit angle, so insanity it is!

      • Gustave Lytton

        They’re hiding the illegals from the ICE Nazis. They’re the good guys.

      • Common Tater

        As insane as that is, just letting anyone from anywhere fly to Chicago and change their name sounds crazier.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Even crazier, we let people fly back out of Chicago.

        Sounds like a good place for a wall.

        And we put Snake Plissken in charge of ICE.

    • Gustave Lytton

      ICE and other federal agents need to raid the data centers and offices of every state issuing non-citizen driver licenses and IDs and seize those records. Thanks for putting together the deportation lists, idiots.

  26. ron73440

    My boss was trying to increase his VA disability rating.

    He got rejected, but in the report, it says he is an obese white man.

    He is black and fairly healthy.

    This is upsetting to him and he is offended. There are people here telling him that he should sue because he is offended.

    I told him that being offended by a paperwork screw up was not a good choice, but I am in the minority here.

    I am offended that the VA is that incompetent.

    • Nephilium

      Did you ask him why he didn’t vote for Biden?

    • Ted S.

      I was expecting a bad pun.

      • ron73440

        Sorry, I am no Shpip.

    • creech

      At least they got his gender right.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Maybe Ron got it wrong and that’s where the the real offense is.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of propaganda

    But how well do most Americans understand this group that has been in the news so much — who they are, where they work and what they do? Here are six things to know about this vast pool of workers:

    NPR pulls out all the stops. These selfless devoted servants of the public re everywhere. They re your friends, your neighbors, the people you see keeping the local artisanal doughnut cafe afloat.

    They keep the wolves at bay. Don’t let President Cartoon Villain force them into a life of poverty and despair.

    • R.J.

      1. They live off your tax dollars
      2. They give themselves raises
      3. They unionized, so you can’t fire them.
      4. Maybe 20% of them do anything at all
      5. The things they do are not things you want them to do
      6. They think somehow their whining about potential job loss is going to sway people in the private sector to have sympathy.

    • The Other Kevin

      At this point NPR needs to go. Why would keep funding an openly hostile “news” network with out tax dollars?

    • ron73440

      They are trying:

      f you guessed Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia, you’d be wrong — and not by a little. Although a sizable concentration of the federal workforce does work in the District of Columbia and the surrounding states (about 459,000 as of March 2024, according to the Office of Personnel Management), 80% of federal civilian employees can be found at military bases and in government offices outside the region: about 181,000 in California, 168,500 in Texas, 115,000 in Florida and 88,000 in Georgia.

      There’s ONLY about a half million in DC, but that’s only 20%, the rest are all over the country.

      Doesn’t sound like a winning argument to me.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      60k people to administer social security!?

  28. The Late P Brooks

    It depends on how many federal employees leave and which agencies and positions see the most departures.

    But regardless, “programs that provide retirement, health and income support — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid — need to be administered,” Bivens says.

    “Claims have to be filed and examined, and problems need [to be] addressed,” he says. “Payments to farmers need [to be] processed and administered,” and “key public goods like pandemic monitoring and response” need to take place.

    More esoteric government responsibilities, such as economic data collection and analysis, are also vital, he adds.

    Stier offers up a few examples of what could go wrong. The administration says it wants a 10% cut, he says, but “what happens if that is 50% of the food safety inspectors or 50% of the air traffic controllers or 50% at the FBI?”

    Madness! Suicide!

    • The Other Kevin

      Nothing left to cut!

    • creech

      My God, Oscar could go back to selling poisonous weiners.

    • EvilSheldon

      Oh please, please, please…

    • Jarflax

      Soyboy Stalin’s rise to power begins.

    • Sean


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      “David Hogg”
      Stop trying to sell me a pig in a poke you amoral sack of shit douchebag.

    • creech

      The new face at a Nuremburg rally?

    • Derpetologist

      His middle name is Camera.

      His friends call him Camera Hogg.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Fun fun fun ’til daddy takes the T-Bird away

    President Donald Trump’s abrupt freeze of U.S. foreign aid is sending shockwaves through Eastern Europe, leaving pro-democracy groups, independent media, civil society initiatives and local governments scrambling to make ends meet in a region often defined by rivalries between East and West.


    Eastern Europe has been a longtime geopolitical battleground where Western foreign policy interests often collide with those of Moscow or Beijing.

    Many fear the cessation of U.S. funds could expose Washington’s allies — and create a vacuum that its foes could gladly seek to fill.

    “In Moldova’s case, foreign donor support is vital to balancing the media landscape,” says Oxana Greadcenco, the director of independent media platform “Many television networks and media institutions are funded by Russia so there needs to be a counterbalance … This is an unprecedented situation, but we are trying not to panic.”

    So what you’re saying is all our previous spending has produced no tangible long term results?

    • R.J.

      “Pro democracy groups”
      Like the ones that annulled the election in Romania?

      • Drake

        Color revolutions aren’t free.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        Nuland has the sadz.

    • WTF

      any fear the cessation of U.S. funds could expose Washington’s allies — and create a vacuum that its foes could gladly seek to fill.

      You mean the “allies” that take our billions and rely on our military then oppose our interests at every opportunity?
      Fuck ’em.

      • Nephilium

        Wait… so China and Russia will be spending trillions in foreign aid instead of the US? And this is bad?

    • invisible finger

      Spending was the desired result.

    • rhywun

      They told us Trump was a Russian asset but we didn’t listen. 😟

  30. The Late P Brooks

    The U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, informed her that grants officially ended on Jan. 24 and they aren’t allowed to spend any remaining funds in their accounts. This week, Greadcenco promoted their online Patreon campaign, which garnered 135 new backers in two days, which should cover salaries for the platform’s 16-strong staff through March, she said.

    “We did not expect it to impact Moldova so severely, as we thought there would only be a partial cut in funds,” she told The Associated Press. “Being aware of how much Moldova depends on U.S. funds, not just NGOs and the press but also local municipalities, many public institutions … this is a shock for everyone.”

    These “nations” are completely dependent on charity to survive?

    • Jarflax

      Not quite true, Moldova also depends on selling teenage girls to the EU.

    • juris imprudent

      16-strong staff

      The fate of an entire nation depends on them!

    • Ownbestenemy

      Moldova depends on U.S. funds, not just NGOs and the press….

      The press?

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Soyboy Stalin’s rise to power begins.

    With that “salute”? The hyperventilating anti-Nazi outrage must be off the charts.

    • juris imprudent

      Fist is righteous, open palm is horrendous.

      • Bobarian LMD

        And making an open circle with you thumb and fingers is too accurate.

    • juris imprudent

      Assuming the helo pilot wasn’t suicidal, he must’ve been blinded.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Moldova will hold a pivotal parliamentary election this fall which comes after the pro-Western government accused Russia of meddling in two key votes last year — including backing a vast vote-buying scheme in the country of about 2.5 million people.

    “Without resources, we cannot deploy long-term observers, conduct election-day monitoring, or track foreign interference effectively,” Manole said. “A change to an anti-Western government could affect Moldova’s European path and … significantly destabilize the whole of Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region.”

    “We remain hopeful that the U.S. government’s evaluation process will allow programs like ours to resume,” he said, adding that his NGO is already seeking alternative funding, mainly from European donors.

    I read this as “Russia has a vastly more effective vote buying scheme than we do. Send more money.”

  33. The Other Kevin

    Speaking of Substacks, here’s America This Week (with Kirn and Taibbi). If you don’t subscribe, you can watch the first 30 minutes free. This week, Walter is talking about his experience at the Kennedy confirmation hearings. We all know it’s performance, but to hear it from someone in the room is interesting.

  34. Common Tater

    “When the history of 21st-century gender mania is written, it should include this signal entry: In 2020, a website called GoFundMe, usually a place to find disaster-relief appeals and charities for starving children, contained more than 30,000 urgent appeals from young women seeking to remove their perfectly healthy breasts.”

    Long article, but worth reading.

    • rhywun

      Again, Obama.

      There is no end to the evil that POS left us.

    • ron73440

      Westley: There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours.

  35. Derpetologist

    I sent a message to Trump’s Facebook about my NSA grievances and got an immediate response. Probably the automatic one they give to all messages, but it’s a faint ray of hope in my dreary world.

    Regarding Animal’s prehistoric tale, less than 1% of species last longer than 15 million years, and for mammals, it’s close to 1 million years.

    So the Weavercoons either evolved into their modern-day dumb cousins or became the ancestors of a now extinct genus of Homo. That second one is a stretch since the story takes place 40 million years ago and the first primates came on the scene 55 million years ago. Regardless, I expect the finale to include some predestination paradox whereby the actions of the protagonist and the Weavercoons lead to the inevitable rise of humanity.

    • Suthenboy

      “…modern day dumb cousins…”

      You have never had a pet raccoon, have you. You haven’t, I can tell.