Monday Morning Links

by | Feb 10, 2025 | Daily Links | 202 comments

The Eagles absolutely demolished the Chiefs in the Super Bowl. I hadn’t seen a beating like that since the Rose Bowl. I don’t stay up to watch the riots in Philly, but I can only assume how civilized they were. And across the pond, while seeing Spuds get bounced in the FA Cup was fun, I also had to watch Liverpool get humiliated while being bounced by lowly Plymouth Argyle. You can’t win em all, I guess. And that’s it for sports.

…he said, from behind the walls of the golden palace he works in. I’m curious: what does the Bible say about judging lest the be judged, father?

This is long overdue. So expect a bunch of complaints.

Wait, why was our government paying for an NIH Museum?And why were we paying for an exhibit for this guy? The only way I’d ever support that would be if the exhibit was about how he completely mishandled the AIDS epidemic and cause a bunch of people to die. But I suspect it wasn’t going for historical accuracy.

I’m all but convinced: all federal money going to programs in California is a money laundering operation.

You can have ’em. Good luck with those unfunded liabilities and the local and state pols lining their pockets with your money.

Only a week? I hope this is just so they can clean out the offices and get a For Sale sign on the building so it can be sold as-is.

Climate Change FTW! Y’all should have followed France’s lead. Now you’re finding out the hard way.

First, define “far right.” Then I’ll explain why: because the 20 far left parties that have been running the country forever have failed them miserably.

Damn, another one? How many tech workers are left at these startups, a couple dozen?

This judge is probably right. The state has undoubtedly overstepped here and I hope they get it figured out.

This song has been stuck in my head for close to a day. And I don’t know why. But I’m not complaining. Although I’d like to replace it with this. Just for the variety. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    …he said, from behind the walls of the golden palace he works in. I’m curious: what does the Bible say about judging lest the be judged, father?

    Commie Argentinian pope has got to commie it all up…

    • SDF-7

      Wow…. that’s not going to make people think Catholic Charities was happily human trafficking for the sweet sweet government cash or anything there, Vatican.

      I’m just going to go pray for a money changers moment in Rome now….

  2. AlexinCT

    I’m all but convinced: all federal money going to programs in California is a money laundering operation.

    There is no nastier and bigger racket than this green energy shit, and nobody milked that crap like the Obama admin did.

    • sloopyinca

      Don’t forget the HSR crap. That might be even more wasteful than the green energy money that’s been dumped into California.

      • AlexinCT

        Practically all the HSR expenses so far other than the billion to put less than a mile of rail down, have been environmental studies and other environmental related bullshit, which are all a YUGE part of the climate racket.

      • Rat on a train

        Think of all the money California will save by not needing to widen highway 99.

      • SDF-7

        Yup — like the multiple bonds over the last few decades to actually build water storage. Just fed the pet law firms.

    • SDF-7

      Be fair — I’m pretty sure all the state money is too!

  3. AlexinCT

    You can have ’em. Good luck with those unfunded liabilities and the local and state pols lining their pockets with your money.

    Tell them we are good with that trade and lets get it done!

    • SDF-7

      Again — any plans for California have to give me time to get the hell out. Otherwise, I’m fine with this.

      • Ted S.

        The Danes are going to build you a nice new Lego house.

      • AlexinCT

        There is no way the Danes are stupid enough to make any deal that means they are now responsible for running Cali. They can’t afford it.

      • SDF-7

        If they don’t fire the current state and local governments, Duplo is more likely.

      • Jarflax

        It’s along border and you have friends in Free America, we’ll get you out.

  4. SDF-7

    thew Rose Bowl

    Wait — we have an archery call back to the War of the Roses with their mighty thews now? Why does no one report on these things!

    (just messin’ with ya, Sloopy… morning!)

    • sloopyinca

      Ugh. I’ll accept the well-earned abuse. But I did correct the typo.

    • UnCivilServant

      Are the ads for Tudor Coups?

      • Jarflax

        Plant ad agents?

  5. AlexinCT

    Damn, another one? How many tech workers are left at these startups, a couple dozen?

    The free cash – maybe even from USAID – has dried up it seems like…

    • SDF-7

      Workday is bigger than a startup, I think. God knows they are big enough our HR department seems to love them — everything HR related is supposed to go through some lame ass “Workday portal” at least — and we’re a pretty big well known tech multinational.

      As may be apparent from the above — I would not weep if they went away.

      • Grummun

        Our HR just deployed Workday to replace a system that I won’t name*, and let me say that Workday is way more better. At least it works in browsers that are not Internet Explorer.

        *but it rhymes with a convenience store chain that is defunct in the US but lives on in Japan.

      • rhywun

        We use it too.

        The real surprise is the previous need for over 20,000 workers… WTF??

        Get a couple eager college kids to code it and drop the remaining 18,000 deadweights.

  6. UnCivilServant

    How many tech workers are left at these startups, a couple dozen?

    Well, they tend to run on venture capital and/or government incentive payments. The people running them don’t know what the correct number of staff is for the business if it ever turns into a profitable venture, so expect staffing to be lopsided. You can be both laying off and hiring if you have, say, too many DEI trainers, and not enough engineers.

  7. cavalier973

    See a penny, pick it up, because those things are about to become scarce as hen’s teeth.

    There was a time when it cost the Mint less than a penny to make a penny. It was a money-making operation in different cent-ses.

    • UnCivilServant

      I still say we need a deflationary policy to get the price of a penny below $0.01

      • R.J.

        Who had new pennies becoming collectible on their bingo cards for 2025?

    • sloopyinca

      ::puts on tinfoil hat::

      This is an attack on our monetary system so the government can force people to do electronic transactions and prop up the banking system by way of interchange fees.

      • sloopyinca

        I don’t really believe that. But I’m sure some people do.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m more worried about being nickled and dimed by roundups because “the penny went away”

      • sloopyinca

        There’s still more than 250,000,000,000 pennies in circulation and they should last a while since they don’t go bad and kids don’t stick them on railroad tracks anymore.

      • SDF-7

        Not to mention how many are apparently stuck in old fuse boxes if we’re to believe Hollywood….

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Penny’s are like vodka; they go bad if you leave them to their own devices.

    • Strange Brew

      In the near future your Satoshi’s will become the new pennies, they will just be digital.

    • Rat on a train

      Won’t somebody think of the souvenir penny press vendors?

      • UnCivilServant


        Those machines were always awful.

      • sloopyinca

        If I’m being honest, this was my first thought. We collect those things almost everywhere we go and I’ll be sad if they disappear.

        Hopefully there’s still a market for penny-colored blanks that will keep them going, because it’s something I hope to continue with the little ones as they get older.

      • SDF-7

        I doubt anyone will have a monopoly on producing fairly realistic pseudo-money.

      • sloopyinca

        What’s awful about watching a kid hand crank a machine and seeing their eyes light up when it dispenses a freshly minted oval with a picture of a whale on it with the name of the aquarium you took them to?

      • UnCivilServant

        Nothing if you feed it a blank – everything if you’re crushing coins.

        Plus they overcharge. $0.51 per? That’s absurd compared to how much it could possibly cost to buy run and maintain.

      • Jarflax

        UCS was born to curmudgeon and is now hitting curmudgeonly maturity, of course he hates things the kids on his lawn like.

      • sloopyinca

        Plus they overcharge. $0.51 per? That’s absurd compared to how much it could possibly cost to buy run and maintain.

        ::autistic screeching::

      • Old Man With Candy

        This was SP’s absolute favorite thing to collect. Wherever we went, she had the location of the penny-smashing machine and a fistful of pre-1982 pennies (which smashed better).

      • SDF-7

        If she honed the edges a bit, they’d be a good backup for the tin can lid collection as well.

      • UnCivilServant

        The older the penny, the higher the copper and lower the zinc content.

      • SDF-7

        The older the penny, the higher the copper and lower the zinc content.

        Barring 1943, of course.

      • creech

        Back in the day, in Cehm class, we’d dip a penny in a beaker of sulphuric acid until it was dime sized, then use in a vending machine to buy a snack.

    • rhywun

      The mint also loses money on the nickel

      JFC. Kill that one too.

      • Sean

        What am I going to put in socks to beat people with?

      • Not Adahn

        I thought doorknobs were the classic choice.

      • Sean

        Not PA legal, AFAIK.

      • ron73440

        Sean – Quit being a cheap ass.

        The sophisticated way to beat the snot out of somebody.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Dude, if you aren’t filling a pillow case with Coke cans, I don’t know what to say.

  8. SDF-7

    Wait, why was our government paying for an NIH Museum?

    Only if it is run by Vir Cotto.

    • sloopyinca

      Flounder really had a better life in the future.

    • AlexinCT

      I am loving the whole debacle around the Obama museum DEI racket.

      • R C Dean

        Me, too. Apparently, the contractor who got sued posted some pics of substandard concrete the plaintiff delivered. It’s already failing like a Chinese apartment building. Delicious.

      • UnCivilServant

        Now we’re importing tofu dreg construction methods too?

        We gotta stop bringing in stuff from China.

    • Jarflax

      Whenever I hear about the NIH or really any governmental medical research I think of Unit 731, Mengele, and the Tuskegee experiment. That’s where it leads.

      • UnCivilServant

        They made farm equipment before the bad Doctor, so I can’t blame the rest of the family for staying in the business.

    • The Last American Hero

      We have holocaust museums as well. It will help future generations understand how monstrous mankind can be.

      • Homple

        We should add Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot and Rwanda museums to remind people that evil shows up in more than one place and at more than one time.

  9. Sean

    complete with a Viking helmet-wearing Mickey Mouse.

    Do it!

    • AlexinCT

      Is he on the war path cause Minnie was fucking Goofy?

      • Suthenboy

        Now Disney is doing bestiality? Why am I not surprised.

    • EvilSheldon

      If the Danes can come up with $1 trillion, I’m all for it.

      I even kinda like the idea of Hans Christen Andersen-land. Especially if they keep all the gory bits…

      • Jarflax

        If the Danes can come up with about tree fiddy I say take it, as long as they buy the existing enterprise, debts and all.

  10. SDF-7

    Y’all should have followed France’s lead

    Yeah — replacing reliable base load with inherently unreliable solar and wind and hand-waving the storage you need to have any prayer of making them steadily available was always going to end like this (and the storage doesn’t exist and in my mind likely never will…). I hesitate to call it stupid though — because I think this is what these neo-feudalist Malthusians actually want. Enough base load for them — dung fires for the unwanted unwashed proles.

    And if they don’t want me thinking that — maybe they should stop having their actions only make sense if that’s their goal.

    • dbleagle

      Preach on SD!

  11. Suthenboy

    Shockingly, the fight against Trump\ DOGE amounts to “This people’s government is secret. The people are not allowed to see what they have been up to. You cant look at the books.”
    It almost looks like a bunch of criminals hiding evidence.

    I see Ron Paul may finally be able to audit the Fed. Who thought that would ever happen?

    • AlexinCT

      The democrats are actually, desperately, trying to make the point that it is unconstitutional for the government to be held accountable in it’s spending by the executive, because. I am telling you there is absolutely no way to defend this shit without clearly being linked to the fraud, and yet, here they are doing it. Whether it is because of TDS/EDS or because they really know that without the stolen money their entire racket implodes, this shit is insane.

      Trump & Co. needs to go at even more of this stuff, even faster, in order to force these morons to keep defending this idiocy and criminality.

    • Drake

      Obviously will be overturned quickly. They went so far as to say that the Secretary of the Treasury can’t monitor Treasury payments.

      • UnCivilServant

        The judge knew it was absurd and outside the remit of that court, but alos that there would be no repercussions.

      • sloopyinca

        My guess is the judge issued this unprecedented order to signal to the left that he’ll reliably be their go-to in the future so he can make a name for himself as a progressive hero and probably get a gig at a higher court when the next Dem gets in the WH.

    • Rat on a train

      So secret, even the chief executive shouldn’t know what the executive branch is doing.

    • The Other Kevin

      Ron Paul auditing the Fed should worry us all. That will mean hell has frozen over, and we should also watch the skies for swine.

  12. Ted S.

    Germany’s far-left parties run on anti-man policies and then wonder why young men start supporting non-far-left parties?

    • Ted S.

      Note also the presumption that women’s turn away from the center is a morally correct thing and beyond criticism.

    • rhywun

      Why more young men in Germany are turning to the far right

      Being BBC, I’m surprised a reasonable answer came in the first paragraph before calling them Nazis.

  13. Suthenboy

    “Vatican’s Caritas outraged at ‘reckless’ USAID cuts, says millions will die, others left in poverty”

    “Without looting the most productive society in history many un-productive people will starve”….and?

    • R C Dean

      If only the Vatican had a few pennies to spare for the poor . . . .

      • UnCivilServant

        Antipope Frank is saving them for the ferryman.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Well, Trump is taking the pennies away, so…

    • The Other Kevin

      The very big assumption these people are making is that the money going into these programs is mostly going towards their stated goals. I’d be completely shocked if more than 5% of all USAID money was spent in a useful way.

  14. Suthenboy

    Link #2: Collect pennies.

  15. Suthenboy

    A Fauci museum? WTF?


    • rhywun

      Yet another example of the swamp fucking you in the ass and you’re expected to ask for more, please.

    • EvilSheldon

      Pity, I might have been able to bid on this exhibit.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m guessing that didn’t even include a hefty speaking fee for Fauci when it opened.

  16. cavalier973

    “So there’s no real legal precedent. He’s taking three or four different concepts that have been applied in completely different areas of law, that only ever have historically applied to U.S. citizens, and he’s magically adding it to foreigners and acting like that’s always been the case when it’s never been the case,” he said.

    • SDF-7

      Holy aloha spirit flashback, Batman!

    • Tonio

      JHTFC, that’s a totally batshit crazy ruling and interpretation. Hopefully they can get the order stayed by either the Ninth or SCOTUS. However, ignoring court orders takes us down a dangerous path.

      • SDF-7

        pssst… Tonio — check the date on that. Long past the freshness check.

      • Ted S.

        Note the date on the article.

      • UnCivilServant

        So, when is the appeal hearing scheduled? I mean it’s only been eight years, so the court probably hasn’t heard it yet.

      • Grummun

        Note the date on the article.

        That particular article is from Trump’s first term, but the current case is basically the same: a district judge uses bullshit reasoning (really, no reasoning at all) to issue a nationwide injunction.

  17. Suthenboy

    “….all federal money going to programs in California is a money laundering operation.”

    I want a list of government programs that are NOT money laundering operations.

  18. Suthenboy

    Danes want to buy California? Holy Shit, that is funny. Ok. They can have it. I will even pay them a few bucks to take it over.
    Those morons have no clue…..

    • DrOtto

      CA is like the Bentley being discussed from Bring a Trailer yesterday. Looks good and could buy cheap, but the upkeep will bury the new owner.

  19. Suthenboy

    “The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is closed down.”

    “Yeah? How can you tell?”

    • SDF-7

      Warren went on the warpath?

    • Rat on a train

      Predatory lenders ambushing people on the street?

      • UnCivilServant

        Land-Loan Sharks are the worst.

        I don’t know what I’m going to do with the land I borrowed.

      • SDF-7

        Set up a candygram company?

  20. Suthenboy

    I find the sensationalizing of weather events for the sake of the theft and power grabs of the climate scam almost as annoying as the theft and power grabs.

    • Nephilium

      Polar. Vortex.

      POLAR VORTEX!!!!1!!!

      Why aren’t you scared?

      • Rat on a train

        Local teachers are praying for significant snow tomorrow expecting school will be canceled the rest of the week.

  21. Suthenboy

    Political tags are semantic games. If there is anything the left loves it is semantic games.

    • The Other Kevin

      To wit: One of my wife’s friends on FB posted something about “If you’re against DEI you’re against DIVERSITY and INCLUSION. SAY THAT OUT LOUD.” I got to explain the semantic games concept to my wife.

      • rhywun

        If you’re for DEI, you’re for racism and sexism.

        Two can play that game.

      • R C Dean


        “I’m against diversity and inclusion, as you use the terms.”

  22. Suthenboy

    We are not allowed to clearly define terms nor look at the books. I wonder what that means?

    • R C Dean

      It means Musk is Hitlering around and is the true Secret Nazi President.

  23. rhywun

    “millions will die”

    I’m OK with seeing if that happens.

    And I expect an apology when it doesn’t.

  24. Suthenboy

    Slippery slopes are….slippery. Getting away from first principles is always a bad idea.
    Stages do not write plays. Platforms do not write content. Creators create content. You should not hold platforms or stages responsible any more than you should hold International Paper responsible for the content of literature.

  25. Drake

    John Ringo makes a great point. All government checks are signed by the Secretary of Treasury. If, according the the Judge’s ruling, he cannot access the payment data, then no more government payments. (Including that Judge’s paycheck)

    • Ed Wuncler

      That’s what going to have to happen. Like the Eagles last night, Trump and his appointees have to keep the foot on the pedal and fucking drive. Every time the Left puts up a roadblock, go another direction but keep going towards the intended destination.

  26. Mojeaux

    Is it the apocalypse yet?

    • Not Adahn

      No, the snow is way too fluffy to be end-of-the-world snow.

      • Nephilium

        Snow? Just ice storms here. The kids at the Superbowl party were very excited for freezing rain and no school, the adults who had to drive home were less enthused.

    • Ted S.

      The Chiefs lost, so it’s more like the Rapture.

      • Mojeaux

        There was going to be a parade (after a private VIP party at Arrowhead), but it was planned to not be that great, a ton of security, no rally, just sucking the general spirit out of it because of the shootings at the rally last year.

        People were pissed. Now I don’t have to listen to this and I don’t have to be pissed about all the fucking pussies who thought scaling down because of a few bad actors was a good idea.

        I’m also vindicated in my belief that generally, the Chiefs play sloppily and it finally caught up to them because tHe OnLy ThInG tHaT mAtTeRs Is ThE WWWWWW.

        No. No it is not.

    • R C Dean

      Well, somebody certainly is leaking these raids in advance. I would expect there is a reasonably short list of agencies who know. And within each agency, a reasonably short list of people. Such leaks may well be criminal; no reason at all the reporter can’t be subpoenaed to give evidence to a grand jury of who leaked it to them.

      • Mojeaux

        A Mexican restaurant in my little bedroom community got raided by ICE. My daughter said, “They were supposedly looking for a pedophile. Surprisingly, they never found the pedophile” in a tone that made me think she disapproved of a raid to find illegals. Hm. Okay, so I’m finding out my kid may be a lefty, idek. I mean, there are a bunch of Mexican reataurants in my little ‘burb so ICE raiding one specific one could actually be legit looking for a pedo.

        Anyway. I just said they deserved to be raided for using mozzarella cheese and too much oregano in their salsa.

      • Nephilium

        For the raids around here, local mayors and police told the news that they received no notice or heads up about the raids. On the plus side, it’s raised some awareness on the left about how fucked up immigration law is.

      • Mojeaux

        Oh, also, our local sheriff was not told about the raid. There was a big brouhaha about whether he did or didn’t. He was called out during the raid to find out WTF wa going on.

      • rhywun

        Our police cooperated and of course the leftists that run the show around here went apeshit.

      • SDF-7

        mozzarella cheese and too much oregano in their salsa

        Tex-Mex Italian?

      • The Other Kevin

        We had very similar restaurant raid last week. I’m not sure if my wife misread it, or he article had been updated, but at first she thought it was a “sweep”. When I read the article Saturday, it said ICE was after one felon who was here illegally. He was the only arrest.

      • Mojeaux


      • Not Adahn

        Enchiladas are Mexican lasagna.

        Change my mind.

      • Ted S.

        I assume that editor didn’t have an issue with the mistreatment of J6 defendants.

      • Mojeaux

        Mexican lasagna that shouldn’t be made with mozzarella or an overabundance of oregano.

    • Ted S.

      Pardons for anyone who killed an FBI employee.

    • rhywun

      The government has been at war against the people for a very long time. So yeah, this is not at all surprising.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont see how the FBI has any real interest in furthering the cause of an illegal invasion so this is simply sedition. Also, acting in concert with traffickers in furtherance of human trafficking. They have not been charged because….why?

  27. The Other Kevin

    “Danes launch bid to ‘buy California’ and turn Disney World into Hans Christian Andersenland in retaliation for Donald Trump’s Greenland threats”

    Yet another “don’t throw me in that briar patch” story.

    • Rat on a train

      Legoland is how they get their foothold. Those tricksy Danes. Beware if they propose building one in your state.

      • Not Adahn

        ISTR a “science” person bitching about how heternormative LEGOs were, what with their male and female ends that fit together.

      • Ted S.

        Rule by Danes can’t be any worse than rule by Hochul and the NYC crazies.

      • kinnath

        Make New Amsterdam Great Again

    • R C Dean

      Now, hear me out on this one, but why not trade Puerto Rico for Greenland. They’re both islands, PR has three times the GDP of Greenland, we spend a lot less per capita on PR than the Danes do in Greenland. it’s a smokin’ deal for the Danes all around.

      • UnCivilServant

        Or, or, we annex Denmark in its entirety. They can’t complain about us taking Greenalnd if they are us.

  28. The Other Kevin

    We have a John Dillinger museum in Lake County. I’d donate to something similar for Fauci.

  29. ron73440

    For the one or two other Dream Theater fans out there, their 40th anniversary tour is outstanding.

    There was no opening act and they did an hour and a half before taking a 15 minute intermission.

    Then they came back out and did another hour and a half.

    Did most of the songs you would expect them to do with a few surprises.

    They sounded phenomenal through the whole thing.

    My son and I had a great time.

    • The Last American Hero

      Good to know. I’ve been balking at the ticket prices. Now I may have to crack open the wallet.

      • ron73440

        My son said he wanted to go and I said to go ahead and buy the ticket without thinking how much they would be.

        My ticket was $180.

        I probably wouldn’t have agreed if I knew it was that much, but I’m glad I went.

    • EvilSheldon

      Thanks for the pics, Ron! Looks like a terrific show.

      When I caught the Train of Thought tour back *ahem!* years ago, DT did the same thing – no opening act, just playing three hours straight through with a short intermission. It makes me unreasonably happy to hear that they’ve still got it.

      • ron73440

        James can’t reach all the notes he used to, the ones on Glass Moon especially, but they brought it down to his current range.

        I know he is sort of the weak link, but he sounded great for the whole show.

    • Rat on a train

      Did Doug Emhoff sleep with Trump on inauguration night as Kamala told him?

    • creech

      He’s lucky he wasn’t laid out. Eagles had six sacks without having to blitz even once. The Chief’s offensive line isn’t getting any presents from Patrick this year.

    • R C Dean

      I’m betting Mahomes was too sore from bouncing off the turf so many times for “getting laid” to even be on the agenda.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Assault on civil society

    “It will be an extraordinary test for the Roberts Court whether it’s willing to stand up for constitutional principles it has long embraced,” said Michael Waldman, the president of New York University’s Brennan Center and the author of a book that is critical of the court. “Some of the things we have seen are so blatantly unconstitutional that I am confident the court will stand up. Other things that align with the accumulation of the power of the presidency make me very nervous.”

    Blatantly un-Constitutional rollbacks of blatantly un-Constitutional government programs?

    • Ed Wuncler

      They are really going to die this hill and I’m all here for it. You’re not pissed that your hard-earned money is being taken along with your children’s futures being mortgaged to fund some dubious bullshit but pissed because it’s being exposed. I’ve always said that whatever one may think of Trump, one of the positive things about his time in office is seeing how the statists bullshit is being exposed.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        They will die on that hill as that is where the rainbow with their pot of gold is.

      • The Other Kevin

        This really is something to see. They are still using the gaslighting play…. “Ignore what your own eyes are seeing. There is no waste or fraud, all of it is essential, and to say otherwise is spreading Republican disinformation.” They haven’t yet accepted they’re not even close to controlling the flow of information anymore.

      • UnCivilServant

        Like Bagdad Bob, I doubt they truely believe what they say, but have no choice but to keep saying it because they still have a proverbial gun to their heads.

    • The Other Kevin

      Good. This is how the system is supposed to work. Settle these questions early on. Can the President fire anyone at will? Is birthright citizenship a thing? Etc.

    • creech

      One righty columnist today revealed that back in the 1990’s Sec. of State Warren Christopher recommended to Pres. Clinton that USAID and several other departments be abolished. So it isn’t just some Project 2025 proposal. Ultimately, the outcry against it kept USAID, but firmly under the control of the Dept. of State, but allowed several other departments to be abolished. A Senator named Joe Biden voted for said abolishment.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Considering that the D’s pretty much campaigned on the fear of project 2025 (what little issue campaigning they did) and still lost YUGEly, I would say that the public is all for implementing it.

  31. PieInTheSky

    Former Justice Secretary calls for scrapping of defendants’ right to choose jury trial
    13 Jan 2025

    The right of defendants to choose trial by jury for thousands of offences should be scrapped, Jack Straw, the former justice secretary, says.

    Straw, one of Labour’s most senior politicians, says the right is a “ridiculous anomaly” which enabled defendants to “game” the system.

    He argues that the current government should look at removing the right. “Rationally, there is no case whatsoever for giving the defendant a right to decide the forum for their [trial], to play the system.”

    “I would certainly go down that route.” There would be a “terrible fuss” but then the waters would close over, he predicts.

    Straw’s comments come as Shabana Mahmood, the current justice secretary, is under pressure to tackle record backlogs of cases awaiting trial.

    She has appointed Sir Brian Leveson, a senior retired judge, to lead a “once in a generation’ review of the courts system in England and Wales to come up with proposals to cut delays.

    One option likely to be considered is for a new ‘intermediary’ court of a judge and two magistrates to try cases meriting up to two years’ jail.

    The most serious offences such as murder, sexual assaults including rape, assault causing grievous bodily harm and aggravated burglary would still go before a jury in the crown court.

    It seems the background is English juries do not yet convict people to jail for saying mean things on the internet as much as the powers that be would like

    • Q Continuum

      The Magna Carta had a good run.

      • Drake

        The English Bill of Rights has been a dead letter for a long time.

    • Rat on a train

      And what’s this presumption of innocence crap? Courts should only have to debate the punishment not the guilt.

    • Ed Wuncler

      If the House GOP had any brains, they would call their bluff and then relay to the public that the Democrats would rather shut down the government than reforming our government of fraud and misuse of their money.

      • R.J.

        Ed is correct. Sadly, they have no brains.
        Drake, this is definitely a “Don’t throw me in the briar patch” moment.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        “Hi, we are the Democratic party, and we are going to shut down the gov’t to show you that what DOGE is doing will shut down the gov’t.”

      • Nephilium

        “If we can’t get plunder, then no one can!”

    • PieInTheSky

      I was under the impression that elections have consequences…. seems not.

      • Drake

        Ha – Do they in Romania?

    • R C Dean

      As far as DOGE is concerned, that is literally a “don’t throw me in that briar patch” moment.

      “So lemme get this straight – to protest us trying to *checks notes* shut down nonessential government functions, you’re going to shut down nonessential government functions?”

      Here’s the deal, though. If President DGAF doesn’t sign off on whatever continuing resolution is puked up to “avert a government shutdown”, then it ain’t gonna work.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Straw, one of Labour’s most senior politicians, says the right is a “ridiculous anomaly” which enabled defendants to “game” the system.

    Allowing the accused to plead “not guilty” is a needless obstacle to the administration of justice.

    • Jarflax

      Trials impede the ability of the crown to enforce order. So do written laws

  33. Sensei

    Our medical establishment…

    His invention has saved the sight of millions. But instead of stirring professional acclaim, Ridley’s invention was a disaster for his career. The ophthalmology establishment labeled him a heretic.

    Leaders in the field accused him of malpractice, ridiculed him at science conferences and poisoned colleagues against his ideas. They argued that the procedure was a “time bomb” and that “manufacturers should be prosecuted for supplying implants.” Ridley worked for decades to improve his operation and gain converts, but fell into a deep depression. When he retired in 1971, he considered his career a failure.

    The Doctor and the Pilot Who Saved the Eyesight of Millions

    • EvilSheldon

      Very interesting. I suppose that genius really is never recognized in it’s own time…

      • ron73440

        Like the guy that knew stomach ulcers were caused by bacteria and all the “experts” said that wasn’t the case, so he drank the bacteria to give himself ulcers.

        Now ulcers are treated with antibiotics.

      • Sensei

        He repeated the experiment twice if I recall correctly.

        OTH, let’s discuss the rapid adoption of the “clot shot” with dissent being severely punished.

  34. cyto

    Turns out, FEMA was part of a deal to keep Pakistan from defaulting on international loans. They sent $220 million to pay for rooms for illegals in the Roosevelt hotel in NYC. Presumably for a 3 year deal for 1,250 rooms. Comes out to about $5k per month, per room. Meanwhile, a 3 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn is $2500 – $3000.

    Kicker – we find out about this because Chuck Schumer played a role in getting FEMA to send $59 million last week in violation of Trump’s EO.

    The depth of the corruption is endless.

    • Sensei

      But of course…

    • Sean

      I thought FEMA was broke.

      • Sensei

        They’ve run out of cash for their intended purposes. Same strategy as what happens when the government “runs out of money” and they close the Washington Monument.

      • UnCivilServant

        You see that money isn’t in the budget for US Citizen disaster relief, it’s in the budget for sluch funds and foreigners.

    • cyto

      Remember, legal immigrants are not eligible for a slew of benefits. They are supposed to have a sponsor who will pledge to support them.

      Yet we dedicate this kind of cash to illegals? And these nutjobs are screeching that deporting them is too expensive?

  35. The Late P Brooks

    The fleas think they run the circus

    The lawsuits were filed by the National Treasury Employees Union, which represents employees in the CFPB.

    The filing that centered on Vought’s email argued that a judge should declare “that Defendant Vought’s directive to the CFPB’s employees to stop their supervision and enforcement work is unlawful” and stop Vought from additional attempts to pause this work.

    The other lawsuit says three DOGE-affiliated staffers were onboarded into the bureau’s internal communications system, which NBC News also previously reported. The union said Vought instructed CFPB employees to give the DOGE team “access to all non-classified CFPB systems.”

    The union argued that the DOGE-affiliated staffers should not be allowed to access CFPB systems, including employee information.

    “These employees face irreparable harm to their privacy interests if their employee information is improperly accessed and/or disseminated by individuals associated with DOGE,” the lawsuit says. “Once an employee’s personnel information is improperly disclosed, the harm to the employee cannot be undone.”

    How is it that DOGE is not part of the administration, but CFPB is?

    • UnCivilServant

      How is it that DOGE is not part of the administration, but CFPB is?

      Because USDS is part of the Whtiehouse, wheras CFPB is an unconsitutional tumor set aside as a bully fiefdom for lefties.

    • Ted S.

      Fuck you, that’s how.

  36. The Other Kevin

    There’s a really big opportunity Democrats to win big right now. They just have to agree with Trump in principal, but criticize he execution. Say he’s going too far, or he’s doing it the wrong way, etc. The USAID scandal is also an opportunity to cut off the woke left. “Most of those programs are very important to what we stand for as a party, but some corrupt people have taken over and we need to clean it up and get rid of the bad actors.”

    This of course assumes that there are at least some Democrats not in on the take, which at this point is looking extremely doubtful.

    • UnCivilServant

      A: They’re all on the take.

      B: Greed and Hubris are very common sins among them. The required temperance and self-control for such a strategy is lacking after decades of unopposed embezzlement.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who helped lead the creation of the CFPB, slammed Vought’s directives Saturday as “giving big banks and giant corporations the green light to scam families.”

    If she says it, it must be true.

    • EvilSheldon

      Scamming families is *OUR* job!

    • UnCivilServant

      When I see brazen public liars, I want their blood pressure to go up one point for every lie they have told.

      The exploding heads would be gory.

  38. cyto

    The Biden administration weighs in on the use of FEMA funds for illegals.

    LEFT, OCT 2024: As the election neared, KJP assured Americans that no FEMA funds were being diverted to Illegals.

    RIGHT, TODAY: Elon exposes that FEMA still sending taxpayer dollars to illegals — just LAST WEEK having sent $59M to illegals for luxury hotels.