Oddly enough, it’s cold and windy here in the Gulch, with plenty of snow on the ground. I will never forgive WebDom for being born someplace with shitty weather. And that container of nutmeg.
I can’t say that I disagree with this.
A different angle to get a shot at Elon.
Winning! This one got a belly laugh.
Yes, I’m sure that will work. Make Greenland America Again.
By now, you would think Russians wouldn’t get within ten feet of a window.
Okay, that was a tough slog. Time to get on with the evening. Peace out, Glibbies.
Of all the bizarre, unnecessary, and obnoxious decisions Microsoft makes, getting rid of Wordpad in Windows 11 is the most mystifying and irritating.
Huh. Apparently it was removed in 2nd half of 2024. I had no idea. I haven’t opened it in decades.
You need LibreOffice. Free app.
Spud speaks truth. Unless you absolutely have to have Office for work, just download LibreOffice.
It’s more the convenience of popping open a window to jot something down without loading anything substantial. Also habit. I could use notepad, but muscle memory is baked in.
Turns out if I open an old Wordpad file, the app reappears in my start menu. Fuggers, it’s still on my machine.
I just opened a W10 box that will never see the internet, Ha!
Hah! I like that channel.
lol wtf
I think I saw a cybertruck in the wild a few days ago. It wasn’t on fire, and it hadn’t crushed any pedestrians as far as I could tell.
They’re starting to pop up over here. Most people are doing custom paint jobs on them. Some badly.
I’ve seen several. Some were wrapped.
Shit, how about pink and powder blue, really, people are nuts
I saw one a few months ago with a doge wrap. Like literally a tiled wallpaper of shiba inu pictures. It was awesome, but went by too fast for me to get a picture.
Some bitch in a cybertruck blocked getting out of a parking space today, many horns were involved, stuck up fucks…
who in the ever loving fuck needs this much nutmeg?!?
People who drink a lot of eggnog?
I’m guessing that’s enough nutmeg for roughly 2000 glasses of eggnog.
If that’s from the cafe, I guess that’s not insane.
It’s in my kitchen. I have a strange, bizarre set of spices here.
Scary, sporty, and baby?
At his age?
Old Spice.
They’re tied up in the basement.
lol Old Spice FRESH is still a favorite (not the original, that’s disgusting) – not easy to find anymore. I’ve been milking a jar of that for 10 years or so. I just splashed some on last night.
That is a shitload of nutmeg.
Nutmeg makes everything better.
Maybe it gets you high?
Yes, it does. It was my first drug experience. Grounded it up and ate I think 2 tbs. Terrible *high* that was only queasiness and projectile vomit, dreadful in every way. I can’t even smell proper nutmeg anymore, puts me off. Why on earth would anyone voluntarily add that foul dust to *anything* they wish to consume?
Our mileage varies. I have *never* understood nutmeg, unless I’m quoting James James Woods in Hercules. (Fuckin’ great film.)
I think your issues come more from a bad experience rather than anything inherently wrong with the spice.
I think it tastes absolutely disgusting. Even in small quantities to make it as minimal as possible.
My tastes have evolved over time. I’ve indeed learned to ‘change my mind’ or ‘re-evaluate’ certain foods/tastes/smells. Nutmeg is *far* too abhorrent to give a (true) second chance. I’ve given her a few. Each time, miraculously or predictably, she manages to continually elevate her abhorrent monstrosities.
Ah, so like the first (and last) four or five times I snorted heroin. (I’m a slow learner.)
PS. I love nutmeg.
I have an ex-girlfriend who like to, ah, indulge, in H every once in a while, and it made her vomit every time also.
This was like 10 years ago. I won’t ever touch that shit again.
Same as the old coke habit.
I think nutmeg tastes absolutely amazing. It might be my second favorite spice after Tony Chacherie’s Cajun Spice mix.
*I have never attempted to get high with it.
*I have also never attempted to get high with morning glory seeds.
“I’m not a coke addict, I’m an enthusiast!”
So hateful I can’t even.
…And move it all to Gaza-Lago?
Queers for Palistine assure me they’re cool with it.
The first time I saw a cybertruck, I thought “oh cool, a 1980s kit car.” You could buy kit cars and throw an engine in, usually a Porsche. After actually gotten a better look, I think Elon should be fined one gazillion dollars for releasing this onto the world.
It’s replaced the Rivian as worst looking pickup.
It did not, the Rivian is still uglier.
I agree with Uncivil.
Rivians are ugly. Worst thing about them is their headlight shape. Headlights can give a car the expression on its “face”, and Rivian headlights say “Herpity derp!”
Do they not realize that feeding his ego like this is not going to make it stop?!
I mean, if somebody other than Trump floated the proposal in a non-Trumpian way… the entire frozen wasteland of Greenland has less than 60k people. I think we could offer enough greenbacks to Denmark and the 57k population to easily make it happen.
At minimum we could get a sweet long-term lease for some military bases.
We still have one there. How many do we need?
The first time I saw a cybertruck, I thought “oh cool, a 1980s kit car.”
I wonder if you could body swap one onto an S-10 chassis. It would still be a giant useless pile of shit.
Maybe the s-10. I remember that the chevy luv, from Isuzu, would accept a Porsche engine if you drilled an extra hole in the transmission housing? Or maybe I don’t.
/’97 Blazer
I think a cybertruck would be fun to drive around in the lawless parts of Nevada like where I used to live.
The best use for cybertrucks seems to me would be to customize for specialty commercial purposes. For example, a large animal veterinarian could build in a pretty slick mobile surgery center, and since the cybertrucks are the first Teslas meant to be two-way power, the truck would provide lighting and electricity for all the surgery needs.
/former vet assistant
Ha. Good movie.
So you combined the recent memes? Big Balls (or Nuts) and Margaret (or Meg)
I wish I was that smart. Or funny.
I was just impressed with Spuds… you know.
Anyone who uses a speakerphone anywhere near me deserves to be bludgeoned.
Ranks just above people who whistle in a confined space with a captive audience.
Dr. Wanted me to try Ozempic.
Pre-deductable, $250 per shot.
Deductable met, $25 a shot.
I passed, thank you.
Ozempic: How to look like you have cancer without having cancer. The people on it look thin(er) in an unnatural way and generally unhealthy.
How about get off your ass?
It really is a miracle drug. GF lost much weight, diabetes is undetectable, blood sugar and blood pressure are all in normal range. She also said that it made her think about food in a different way- that the drug itself kinda rewired her brain. So… that’s her view
Doesn’t Ozempic destroy your existing muscle mass?
Losing weight by any method does that. Found that out the hard way when I lost a bunch of weight, then gained it back when I was pregnant and couldn’t walk around carrying the same amount of weight.
High protein = best to retain muscle mass. Should go without saying.
But most of the people taking the Ozempic aren’t concerned with diet in the first place.
I hope it works for you. I also recommend a side of Goggins.
Carl’s Jr is bringing back sexxygirl spokehotties.
Just make sure to count the fingers.
Much like I can’t trust male/female in the real world anymore. At least six or four fingers is a fairly reliable test in photos.
America is back!
Stop the presses
“Elon Musk said today, ‘I love Donald Trump as much as a straight man can love another man,’” Fox News reporter Peter Doocy read out at a press conference Trump was holding with Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba at the White House on Friday afternoon.
“What does the first lady think about that?” Doocy asked the president.
“Oh, I think she’ll be okay with it somehow,” Trump responded, prompting some laughter from the room.
Inquiring minds, and all that.
Copying over from previous thread. Man City won their FA Cup but this was the first goal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REk6lenzt1I
Nice. Shame about the final score.
You can get high off nutmeg can’t you?
Yes, yes you can. Doesn’t sound like much fun though.
I knew it!
Nutmeg Cartels incoming!
I have a book called Nathaniel’s Nutmeg that chronicles the fight that Great Britain and The Netherlands had over the only island in the world that (to everyone’s understanding at the time) nutmeg could grow.
Spoilers: it ended with The Dutch trading away Manhattan in exchange for exclusive acess to the island. It was a trade the British were willing to do because they had started to grow nutmeg in the Caribbean (or, something like that).
*exclusive access to the nutmeg island, I mean
Nutmeg Island is likely better than Monkey Island.
From earlier: Sorry I missed Dunham last night, Mo. i was hanging with the family in Carmel, IN and…uh…I ended up having a seizure in the woods and had to be rescued to hospital. I’m ‘totally’ fine, but damn the auras seizures have are remarkably difficult to explain. I was able to walk and intelligently communicate, but with a bit of my internal congestion, confusion. My Mental and physical acumen are I’m a bit hazy but I’m about 85-90% ‘there.’
Biggest stressor for the seizure (IMO) was my imminent and dire job search. I have a good lead, and AT THAT MOMENT, on the 3pm dog walk, I was gonna give my Hiring Manager a ring to I can set up on-boarding for next week. Well. Mr. Seizure interrupted. So it goes. I’m gonna show up to new job in person (again) on Mon and scope ’em out.
I *also* have a Vocational Rehab appointment here in two weeks. With *very* few exceptions, I just need a job, responsibility and productive shit to do. (Even if I’m doing it for someone else.)
Now we’re having a family lunch. Alligator is included along with typical oysters and shrimp. This’ll get a happy meal. If I can’t get my vet clinic gig next week, I have an appointment with vocational rehab on Jan 20. That *may* prove fortuitous to my employment quagmire. *May not. Any advice at all is greatly appreciated. Everything has gone great, and JUST NOW! The youngest, Ez, the 4yo and my personality closest has arrived! He’s having a sleepover by himself, without his 9 and 11yo bros. This should be a remarkably uplifting end to the day.
O wish you all the best on your endeavors and future struggles. The quagmire is far to tempting, and I sure-as-fuck don’t wanna me an intelligent, fit, 47-year-old fuck-stick who still lives with this parents. Onward. Upward. Always. I shall overcome. On way or another. From an atheist, bless you all.
Oooh. That got awfully wordy (even for me) and emotional, but I admit I’m not fully out of the mental congestion that’s been fogging’ things up.
As a 38 year old fuckstick (not especially fit) living with his dad: eh. Things could be worse. True, I can’t bring women back to the house, but it’s not like I’m pulling tail anyway. Rent’s cheap, options are open, sky’s the limit, and dad and I are good drinking buds. And as an agnostic, hoping for all the best for you. Have fun with your nephew.
Vocation advice: I’ve ranted a bit here about what I do. If you want a comfortable cubicle job outside customer service or sales or something you’ll need to sink five years’ education minimum into securing an entry-level position, BIM technician pays reasonably well for basically no investment. I model buildings and I put together construction documents for them. There’s some room for creativity and you’ll get surprisingly passionate about sheet composition and how elements are properly modeled and tagged. I did, anyway.* The program I went to closed down for lack of interest, which is bizarre because there’s a glut of positions open and nobody to hire. Companies (including mine) are training up complete novices. I didn’t finish my degree after interning in my fourth term and being hired on full-time. The job is dead-simple if you’re committed to learning how to read construction drawings and learning the ins-and-outs of Revit (or Autocad, if you did some reprehensible shit in a past life), and it doesn’t hurt to stick your nose into the coordination workflow with other trades, or picking up some Dynamo expertise. There’s a lot of depth to the field and a lot of headroom for salary, especially if you move into construction management with a national contractor.
Then again, I am still technically living with my parent… and I’m basically married to my job for lack of anything more interesting in my life. So I don’t know how much my advice is worth. But it’s not the worst life I can imagine. I can imagine the worst life: having to put together entire drawing sets in Autocad.
*I’ve become a terrible snob about drawing presentation. I’m not disappointed, I’m just angry.
I was just filling out a disability form and they wanted to know who I talk to in real life.
Um… nobody? Just you lot. I got ill just after moving to a new town. I don’t know anybody here.
I want to return to my comfortable cubicle job* very badly. I spent quite a few years LEARNING TO CODE and I love it.
*As long as it’s still WFH
It’s not bad. I complain a lot, but who doesn’t.
I have grown very curmudgeonly about sharing projects. To the point where it might become a problem. I have a division in my work: the lesser one is the interesting one, it draws on skills involving Revit I have to learn, and the experimentation and creativity is much greater. That’s a small part of my job. But it’s the part that is mine alone. Nobody else is interested in sharing, most don’t even know about it.
The other part is the factory shift. That’s the one that involves stamp-pressing drawings. We’ve these very similar and similarly-situated buildings going up what seems like all at once. But I still want my personal stamp on these drawings. I want them all to my own. Even when my technical boss, my mentor and supervisor, puts his LECHEROUS hands on what I’ve got going on these buildings, I’m Bilbo with the Ring. It’s MINE. MY PRECIOUS.
And here I’ll rant for a moment:
As a 54 year old fuckstick (not especially fit (I was winded after carrying 200 lbs. of chain 20 yards, today)) living with on his own (with a girlfriend): eh. Things could be worse.
Things always could be worse.
Things always could be worse.
Nah things won’t get worse, I’m only 38, I can’t possibly get any older.
You will get older, it’s built into the cards. You will not get stronger, the testosterone will decline, that too is in the cards. With luck, however, you will get wiser.
If your meds aren’t totally controlling your seizures, you might want to try a high protein, low carb diet.
Keto diets have worked wonders for people with refractory epilepsy.
Good luck 👍🍀
Even if you don’t speak German, you should be able to figure out the headline. (No details, since it’s for subscribers only.)
Don’t jerk us around Teds.
“Pass the ketchup” ?
I can’t even see the headline. Something about Porno before their adblocker-blocker kicked in.
Some of the hearings on Trump nominations (e.g. Hegseth/Schiff) remind me of this: https://youtu.be/eQZ0NqQLneQ?si=ChpJ6uqU0aJE5gI_&t=88
Huh. That episode was just on.
But I prefer the monster of the week eps and besides, Columbo is on.
If they’re not flying American flags, deport them.
How many of them are dopey libs versus illegals? 20/80% maybe?
Yeah, we had a demonstration with some Mexican flags a-waving.
Not a good tactical move.
“At the current rate of horrible fiery deaths, FuelArc projects the Cybertruck will have 14.52 fatalities per 100,000 units — far eclipsing the Pinto’s 0.85. ”
Thats some fine modeling, Lou.
I drove a 1976 safety orange Ford Pinto all through high school. I tinted the windows. I installed a cassette radio (Pink Floyd’s “Learning to Fly” on KQ92 out of the cities was the first song I heard with the new radio). I installed sex lights in the wagon portion. My girlfriend got me a bumpersticker that said “This car explodes on impact.” I bought it from my grandparents for $500. Great first car.
Once in high school, I got busy with “half-ton Tonya” in her baby blue Pinto of about the same age. We were in a cemetery in SW Ohio mid-summer- hot and humid.
The sweat percolating up from her fat rolls only served to grease those shitty vinyl seats that Ford put in that car. And there just wasnt enough room.
Find a fat fold and fuck it.
It’s very quiet on the Zoomies tonight…
Adventures in amateur baking: all crusts are crumble crusts.
Also your pot pie is gonna be an hour late.
Does it have pot in it?
It better have lard in it.
It as herbes de provence
It’s Tres – it’ll have lard in it.
I am Lazarus, come from the dead,
Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all
(I’m 37, not 47. NTTAWWT.)
Advice is worth what you pay for it.
Ralph Nader and the Corvair both have a sad at the Cybertruck article.
The brewery that Prime and I went to last night had THC-infused beer. I was tempted, but then thought about the drive afterwards.
Sounds like a good recipe for wrapping yourself around a tree.
“Apple Ordered by UK to Create Global iCloud Encryption Backdoor”
Who would have thought Brexit would have paved the way for Britain being even more authoritarian? To my knowledge even a technocratic garbage quasi state like the EU hasn’t ordered something like this. What a sad state of affairs for the Motherland.
lol That’s the kind of shit the U.S. pulls.
Happy sportsball day!
Good morning, Sean, Stinky, Old Man, and rhy!