The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 48

by | Feb 12, 2025 | Hat and Hair | 51 comments

I hate when politics is injected into sports, I also hate all the TOM BWADWEY GOAT BETTSETES EVAR people. The greatest quarterback of all time didn’t even win a Super Bowl, that doesn’t diminish how good Dan Marino was, because he was THAT good.

About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. kinnath

    Apologies for being early.

    Judge declines to block Trump administration’s resignation offer to federal employees

    In his ruling, O’Toole wrote that the plaintiffs — the labor unions — lack standing to challenge the “Fork” directive, because they are not directly impacted by it.

    “Instead, they allege that the directive subjects them to upstream effects including a diversion of resources to answer members’ questions about the directive, a potential loss of membership, and possible reputational harm,” O’Toole wrote in his decision. “This is not sufficient.”

    O’Toole also stated that the court lacks subject-matter jurisdiction. Federal employees, he noted, are supposed to take their workplace complaints to the independent agencies set up to review personnel matters within the government.

    • rhywun

      More than 65,000 federal employees, roughly 3% of the federal workforce, had agreed to resign as of Tuesday morning

      That means a total of 2,166,667 federal employees if my math is right.

      What in the everloving fuck are all those people doing??

      • Evan from Evansville

        “What in the everloving fuck are all those people doing??”

        Getting complacently tumescent from fucking us all? Tammany DC became far too cozy with their authority. It’s glorious to see the rug pulled away with such well-measured focus, and with so many rugs to pull! It’s rugs all the way down. Refusing to allow DC any time to balance has been brilliantly implemented. Body shot after another, with no chance for Blue to catch their breath. It’s thrilling.

      • cavalier973

        “Congress hasn’t allocated the funds.”

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Aren’t they getting paid through the end of September? That’s when the fiscal year ends, so presumably the money has been budgeted and why the offer was designed that way.

    • DrOtto

      Can we call them jobs buybacks?

  2. Evan from Evansville

    Outstanding timing. “President Donald Trump said negotiations to end the Ukraine war will start “immediately” after holding a “lengthy and highly productive” telephone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday morning.”

    And as for Marino? Finkle is Einhorn.

  3. R C Dean

    On the extension of the Trump tax relief:

    Pair a trillion dollar tax cut with a trillion dollars of DOGE cuts.* Let’s see who wants to commit political suicide, and hand them a revolver with a single bullet.

    *I I know, it wouldn’t reduce the deficit, but it might thin the ranks of “spend it all!” politicians, which is a prerequisite for attacking the deficit anyway. Plus, fuck them.

  4. cavalier973

    Laces out, DAN!!!!

  5. kinnath

    February 12, 2025

    Sec. 2. Policy. All officers or employees charged with implementing the foreign policy of the United States must under Article II do so under the direction and authority of the President. Failure to faithfully implement the President’s policy is grounds for professional discipline, including separation. The personnel procedures of executive departments and agencies (agencies) charged with implementing the President’s foreign policy must therefore provide an effective and efficient means for ensuring that officers and employees faithfully implement the President’s policies.


    Another day, another thrill.

    • cavalier973

      The bureaucrat belief that, “politicians come and go, but I will remain” is being tested.

    • R.J.

      Boy that will cut another few thousand employees quickly!

    • rhywun

      But muh rEsIsTaNcE!

    • Gustave Lytton

      Strip the Vendemans of any retirement, citizenship, and deport them back to Ukraine. They can lead the final push.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Those fat treasonous fucks won’t push themselves back from the table much less lead any push in the Ukraine. If you need an illustration of how our foreign policy and our armed forces have become a muddled and murderous mess that exist primarily to wet the beaks of some of the worst people in the world they’d serve as a good illustration though.

    • cavalier973

      $20 billion here, $20 billion there; pretty soon, we’re talking some real money.

  6. cavalier973

    Also, funny video.

    “Tom Brady *can’t* lose; it’s in the rules!”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The lad can experience strange and exotic STDs from the Orient and the father should be horsewhipped out of town. It’s a good thing that all of these stories are fakes.

  7. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Dan Marino”
    Extra weight should go to how QBs react under intense pressure and you misspelled Joe Montana.

    • Sean


    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, U, Sean, Stinky, and Ted’S.!

      • UnCivilServant

        Morning, how goes?

        I had an awful commute today, I had to walk all the way. Luckily it was only about ten feet.

      • Gender Traitor

        ::narrows gaze at U::

      • Gender Traitor

        …but to answer your question, it’s going a little better – made good progress yesterday getting ready for next Tuesday’s Board meeting, and I get to leave work early today for my hair appointment! 😁 👩‍🦰

      • Gender Traitor

        How are you?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m in better spirits than recently, though I have not yet solved the problem of why this LED driver isn’t driving LEDs, but that’s such a low-stakes problem it’s not really stressing me any. Given that I succeeded with the 555 timers in both monostable and astable mode, set up an RC delay circuit, and even successfully made use of a transistor without breaking my brain, having a complicated IC not doing its job isn’t that bad.

        Work-work is still in cleanup mode as I get to delete stuff I’ve wanted to get rid of for two years now 🥳.

        I even partially decluttered the living room in my search for my jumper wires. (How much empty cardboard do I need?)

      • Gender Traitor

        Empty cardboard belongs in the garage, and if you don’t have one of those, out to the curb it goes! 📦

      • UnCivilServant

        I can only take it to the curb on tuesdays, and only then if I’ve consolidated it.

        I procrastinate on the “consolidate it” step, so instead of a compact box of boxes, I have stacked empties.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        Morning everyone!

        UC: I had a similar commute the last dozen years or so. A flight of steps. I lived upstairs from work (it was a family company).

      • Ted S.


        House of ill repute?

      • Fourscore

        Moring all,

        Cardboard and birch bark (combined) are my go-to fire starters. Got the furnace humming this morning (and every wintry morning) with the ol’ standby.

        -21 this morning, warmer than yesterday’s -33.

        Got a brand new great grandson yesterday morning though.

      • Raven Nation

        Woo hoo – congrats Fourscore!

      • Gender Traitor

        Mazel tov, 4(20)! 😃👶

  8. Sean

    Can you imagine how fucked we would be right now if CommaLa had won?


    Have a great day people!


    Here’s a tune that doesn’t get enough love. 🎶🎶

  9. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody