They was a woke, woke wokester from Wokistan,
They was a woke, woke wokester from Wokistan,
Woking wokily.
They made everyone use fake pronouns,
Fake pronouns,
Fake pronouns!
They made everyone use fake pronouns,
And changed them every week.
They redefined “equity,”
They redefined “equity,”
To discriminate.
They made all the boys dress up like girls,
Dress up like girls,
Dress up like girls!
They made all the boys dress up like girls,
And cut their pee-pees off.
They made everyone be inclusive,
They made everyone be inclusive,
Of men in women’s bathrooms.
They locked everyone up in their homes,
In their homes,
In their homes!
They locked everyone up in their homes,
And tore up the Constitution.
They burned our cities to the ground,
To the ground,
To the ground!
They burned our cities to the ground,
Because, “Shut up, you racist.”
The Woke Song
About The Author

Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.
In a related vein, McDonald’s is about to debut the Angel Reese Meal.
It’s going to crash and burn like it just ran into a Blackhawk over the Potomac. What was Mickey D’s thinking?
I know I’m not quite geared into the cultures war as the rest of you but I watched the angel Reese ad and I got no idea what’s “problematic” about it.
‘The White girl what shoulda dun got the meal!’ I think? dunno.
No idea who that is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That’s the point Rhywun. It’s not that anyone is angry. It’s that she is irrelevant and being pushed by the same class of advertising morons that thought it was a good idea to use a little tranny twink to sell Budlight. To modernize the brand or some such bullshit.
As for who she is, she was a rookie WNBA player who was black the same year as Caitlyn Clark (who is white, and far, far more popular). She along with many of her cohorts are extremely jealous of the attention Clark gets even if it’s good for the entire “sport” of female basketball.
Yeah, I figured out who she is eventually.
I will only note that I found it more obvious than usual that the NFL was targeting a certain, ah, demographic last night. No doubt another form of rEsIsTaNcE.
It’s problematic because she’s being forced to shill for wypipo food instead of something more authentic like Popeye’s.
Let’s be honest, the WNBA would be helped by an infusion of trannies.
The corporations are going hard in the paint for her. Like, it’s not going to happen. No one cares. She’s not attractive enough and she isn’t good enough at basketball. If it wasn’t for her petty bitchiness, no one would know or care who she was outside like 10 butch lesbians who watch the WNBA.
Ah, there aiming their ads at a demographic that doesn’t include you so you’re angry, got it.
I’m not angry. I don’t care. It’s apathy.
If Reese’s Puffs cereal and McDonalds think it’s a great strategy to market their cereal or shitty burgers to a tiny minuscule part of the population that values Angel Reese, go ahead and do it.
But it’s not really about that. It’s more DEI bullshit.
The only reason anyone cares about Angel Reese is because of her one-sided “rivalry” (a nice way of putting jealousy) of Caitlin Clark.
Despite her petty bitchiness, I still don’t know who she is.
They have Breanna Stewart in black and gold. First time I watched I thought they roped Caitlin Clark into doing the advert. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence and nothing they did on purpose.
Didn’t know who Breanna Stewart was until I googled.
Black and Gold? I thought this was basketball thing, what do the Steelers have to do with it?
School colors for U of I where Clark played ball.
Is this set to Butter’s What What in the Butt ?
Some covers are better than the original.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and section 4117 of title 5, United States Code, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Purpose and Policy. It is the policy of the United States to treat taxpayer dollars responsibly and advance unifying priorities like a stronger and safer America. Accordingly, it is the policy of my Administration to eliminate, to the greatest extent permitted by law, executive departments and agencies and programs that do not directly benefit the American people or further our Nation’s interests.
In particular, the Federal Executive Institute, which was created by the Administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson more than 50 years ago, is a Government program purportedly designed to provide leadership training to bureaucrats. But bureaucratic leadership over the past half-century has led to Federal policies that enlarge and entrench the Washington, D.C., managerial class, a development that has not benefited the American family. The Federal Executive Institute should therefore be eliminated to refocus Government on serving taxpayers, competence, and dedication to our Constitution, rather than serving the Federal bureaucracy.
Sec. 2. Elimination of the Federal Executive Institute.
(a) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall take all necessary steps to eliminate the Federal Executive Institute, in accordance with applicable law.
(b) All prior Presidential or other executive branch documents establishing or requiring the existence of the Federal Executive Institute, including the Presidential Memorandum of May 9, 1968, regarding the Federal Executive Institute, and any applicable provisions of Executive Order 11348 of April 20, 1967 (Providing for the Further Training of Government Employees), are hereby revoked.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Your point?
I accept your terms.
YouTube tried hard to bury this parody song: Come Be PC
I thought I picked the wrong night to visit this place ( given the nearly full moon, but it turned out great. One of the founders let me look at Jupiter through his big ass telescope, and I was able to see the Great Red Spot and two of the moons.
I thought for sure that song was going to be a parody of this classic.
I’ve been mildly surprised at how many of my left-of-center friends have leapt to a full-throated defense of USAID on social media. I could make a bunch of observations about this BUT, the point I will make is that the argument has also, once again, demonstrated the very different way different parts of the country see things. Apparently, the latest support for retaining USAID is the argument that autocrats will love to see the end of USAID. The author of this piece? Samantha Powers. Fascinating that she is being cited as an authority on keeping USAID by many people whereas my take is, “Samantha Powers supports something. That’s sufficient reason to be very suspicious.”
Yeah, I’ve seen that one a couple times. Usually from the Russia! Russia! Russia! crowd.
But I don’t know how else to interpret the last few weeks or years other than to suppose that a great number of brains have been broken beyond repair. I don’t mean just “they’re wrong!” but more like “they are completely incapable of rational thought anymore”.
The left coming to a full-throated defense of the FBI and that agency’s treasonous protection of violent illegal aliens is just the latest example that comes to mind.
The screaming defense of USAID from people who probably didn’t even know it existed a month ago bizarre. Some of them are going with the ‘don’t kill something because a few people were corrupt.’ Others go with “Republicans lie.”
I suspect that for a lot of them it really is as stoopid as opposing anything that Donald says.
A key and often overlooked difference between small government types and progs is that the small government types realize that government is inherently corrupt. It’s not a few individuals. It’s not a matter of changing faces. It’s the institutions themselves that both attract and breed the corruption.
Don’t forget “OMG stupid magatards don’t understand muh Soft Power.”
Samantha Power was U.S. Ambassador to the UN. She was never elected. But she’s an expert who should be listened to. Unlike that unelected savvy businesscum Elon Musk who might know a thing or two about efficiency and avoiding waste.
The reason I’d disregard her, is her general support for wars.
Not to mention her genital support for warts.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is firmly based on the R2P crap she’s been peddling.
I wouldn’t be sad to see her deported back to Ireland in a pine box. And her nudging husband Cass Shitstain.
Genital warts are no laughing matter.
Who am I kidding. Yes they are. Just like chlamydia.
Hanging clusters of skin grapes and a flaming, burning shaft. Builds character.
Hey Raven Nation, you were saying in the midday thread that your uni is making noise about how to get around ICE and whatnot, the wife’s uni is doing the same thing. She is kind of ignoring it, but if push comes to shove she will start by saying “has anyone run this past legal? Cause asking me to do something illegal is not kosher.*” And the next step is to call legal (who, even for university legal are having a fit about it down here.)
*if some illegal student or employee did something like rape or other actions that harmed a student, and the school was pressuring employees to hide this, the school would be so fucked and on the hook for so much money.
An undocumented would never do such a thing.
Thanks Zwak. That’s a good idea to keep in mind.
Fuck these larpers. I want to see jail time for these quisling assholes conspiring to assist foreign invaders. Hang a few because that’s what actual traitors get. FAFO.
It’s only taxpayer money. It’s not like any employees would be punished.
Tom, I cannot name that tune.
What is the glibertarian position on Trump trying to drop the charges on against Eric Adams? /Winston
I have no idea how credible they are, but they were timed to be released exactly when Adams was in DC to pushback against the illegal immigrants in NYC.
It was done to send a message and distract his attention. That alone makes me suspect. Trump has gone through similar shit so I suspect he is sympathetic. Adams and he have had a relationship and they try to work together where they have shared interests. For example NYC is quietly working with ICE in more situations than other “sanctuary cities”.
He most likely is a corrupt sack of shit, but so are all blue city politicians (and admittedly most GOP’ers). The charges were still only brought against him because he bucked the narrative.
Someone posted a link on here earlier that 70-80% of NY’ers want the criminal illegals deported. I’m sure you could get a majority that is fine deporting all of them.
It’s like the whole tranny thing. I was reading something to the effect that 70% of Dems were happy with the Donald’s actions via women’s sports, but the loudest minority is shrieking about how transfems are women too, or somesuch BS. And he does this with lots of things, including ICE. There was an anti-ICE rally at the Oregon capital the other day, and they were not getting the response they want, nor the numbers in support.
It’s the same on every issue, and it works because the media is like 80% leftist so that is what most people see.
Reading between the lines of AP’s shameless editorializing… I still suspect that Adams is being railroaded. Whatevz… there is a long line of radical leftists waiting to take over after next year’s election including Andrew fucking Cuomo.
Here is the melody that I sung Tonio’s song to.
USAID funded college education of Al Qaida member Anwar al-Awlaki, later killed by a drone strike Obama ordered:
The report by Fox News cites social media posts that show a USAID form from June 1990 in which al-Awlaki was seeking federal funding to attend Colorado State University. The unearthed document was previously reported by George Washington University’s research and archival institution, the National Security Archive.
Mammary Monday After Dark comin’ in hot.
To echo Suthen’s thoughts on Trump nominating Ron Paul to edit the Fed: Proud to say the first time I could vote, in ’08, I voted for him. Obviously, I was surrounded by kids overwhelmed with the sheer dreaminess of Obama, and was (slightly) harangued for not voting for Him. The opening salvos from Trump 2.0 are fucking breathtaking, in all the right ways.
For the first time in my life, I’m legitimately excited by the president’s actions. I eagerly await each development. Watching the reaction of the losers is perhaps equally rewarding. They still don’t get it. Their confusion is a delight to behold. It’s going to be difficult to both hide my smug as they see how DC is going against their wills *and* how shit isn’t going asunder, but rather drastically, near-manifestly improving. Of course, we eagerly await further developments.
I hope y’all are well. I’m a bit scratched and bruised from Friday, but onward. I’m going into a vet clinic tomorrow to pretty much demand a job. They said they were understaffed yesterday when I tried to call my contact, so should be open doors. (“Should.” Such a cute way to use a word! Like it has meaning!) I did apply for a promising copy-writing gig, but immediate employment is more valuable than any long-term goals. (Unless they happen to materialize…)
“The power of audit compels you! The power of audit compels you!”
This gets me partially erect, but for full erection/ejaculation they should be looking at repealing the NFA.
It’s a weaksauce EO, not worth getting worked up over.
I don’t know about that. It’s a direct attack on Biden+ attacks on it. How they plan the full assault, I don’t know:
” Sec. 2. Plan of Action. (a) Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Attorney General shall examine all orders, regulations, guidance, plans, international agreements, and other actions of executive departments and agencies (agencies) to assess any ongoing infringements of the Second Amendment rights of our citizens, and present a proposed plan of action to the President, through the Domestic Policy Advisor, to protect the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.
(b) In developing such proposed plan of action, the Attorney General shall review, at a minimum:
(i) All Presidential and agencies’ actions from January 2021 through January 2025 that purport to promote safety but may have impinged on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens;”
That’s a huge “Fuck everything Branden ever did” to the nation. Good on Trump 2.0. Damn. I feel so odd. I know I’m not alone.
(squeeze me)
What’s Trump going to do about the guy who tried to unilaterally ban bump stocks?
My computer has two optical drives, one internal DVD, and one external Bluray. Most of the collection I intend to rip is DVDs, so why haven’t I been using both in parallel before mow? It’s not like the M.2 SSD it’s staging to has any trouble with the data rate from both put together.
I never realized just how long “The Ten Commandments” was until it turned out to be the only movie in my collection split over two Blurays. Total runtime 3hr 50min.
It doesn’t feel like a four hour movie.
Rips take CPU/RAM allocation. If you’ve got at least 32GB RAM and a multicore CPU over 3GHZ in W10/11, you should be able to handle it; but watch temps, video render can produce some hot temps.
The don’t even make this machine blink.
The re-encode does eat up CPU, and some of the GPU, but the machine isn’t getting hot.
Had a family meeting in my mom’s skilled nursing facility room. Cunty Aunt Susie and her 2 kids, Cunty Aunt Millie, Mom, me, husband.
It was cordial and civil and calm. The sheriff had served them the partition earlier this morning, and he informed them he didn’t know why we had done this, but it never turns out well for anybody. Susie’s kids seem baffled by why we did this. No way to know if they’re clueless. We did this because your cunty mother needed a little encouragement to do the right thing.
Anyway, their little baby lawyer had an idea for an agreement contingent upon our withdrawal of the motion. I didn’t inform them I hired a real estate attorney this morning.
In short, Susie promises to list the house by June 1 if we withdraw the motion.
Do they think we are fucking stupid?
I don’t know if they think you’re stupid, I suspect they’re falling back on “But we’re Faaaamily” because it always worked in the past, not realizing that all that goodwill has been burned.
Well, let me tell you. Susie and Millie were doing their best to love-bomb Mom when they came in, and I’m deathly afraid that they’re going to suck my mom right back in to their little cabal in whatever abode they land. The further she gets from them, the less she remembers about how much they suck.
Tonight she says, “Maybe I don’t want to go to assisted living.” WTF MOM. That is the WHOLE GOAL. “I would have to eat their food.” I don’t know what she thinks the alternative is. I mean, if it’s ME, that’s fine. If it’s THEM, that is not fine.
I can certainly understand not wanting to end up in assisted living.
Three and a half months before they even list it??? Did they offer to pay for your mom’s skilled nursing care in the meantime?? 🙄
Well. So Cousin2 was taking notes. They’re all sitting around talking about a list date, but he put SALE date on the agreement notes. So I let that one slide. I’m totes okay if it gets SOLD by June 1.
She is going to drag this out as long as possible. No, I’m not withdrawing my motion on her word. I don’t care if it says “contract” and is notarized or not.
Oh and the hoooooooorrrrrrrses (Elmer and Gorilla) need to be disposed of. I’ve taken to calling the place the Glue Factory.
“If.” Not my family nor place, but from what you’ve said, they’re trying to sucker you again.
“Well, we couldn’t find the right buyer!!” <– Fuck that noise. Far too easily predictable. Especially as it frequently *is* hard to find a buyer. Believable. All the best lies are.
That read wrong. I know you know they’re trying to sucker you.
I’m going to agree with Evan on potential shenanigans.
Stay the course with the legal system.
From personal experience in dealing with people like that… yes. Also contemptuous.
I hope your lawyer is the Great White Shark of real estate lawyers, and takes a pound of flesh.
I just didn’t bother to say, “I don’t trust your mother.” That’s why I’m paying a lawyer.
“In short, Susie promises to list the house by June 1”
Unless I missed something, it’s not even her house to list.
I think it’s co-owned by Susie and Mojeaux’s mom. (Other sister may pay rent?)
I may have my Cunty Aunts crossed up.
In N Out is opening in TN. Will they be in Greenland before or after the US takeover?
When will they open one along the shores of the Gulf of Margaritaville?
I think that is a good compromise name for the Gulf.
Checked Google maps and the new name is there. Like watching the Ministrt of Truth at work. They’re slow rolling fixing McKinley.
When will all the New * states be renamed to something American?
OMG “Gulf of America”
Sometimes I think Donald is just trolling us.
The wailing about DOGE is coalescing into two main points now. The narrative is being set.
1. Musk is an unelected billionaire who can’t be trusted.
2. The US needs the bureaucracy to defend its interests across the globe! It’s the source (don’t laugh!) or our wealth, power, and freedom1!
Reality – Musk may be acting in his own self-interest and have some grand scheme, but no one has shown how this is a detriment to America. I can sit here all day and prove to you that our ruling class has been acting in a manner completely antithetical to America’s interests throughout the entirety of my life.
The bureaucracy is a drain on our freedoms. It has made us weaker as they’ve grown more corrupt and effete. There’s a direction correlation between their corruption and their lack of competence. It’s horrifying if you study it. They have been acting in their own self-interest my entire life. Who the fuck can argue that they are going to oppose the power of China anywhere when it’s painfully easy to prove just with public information that they have been on the take from the CCP since at least the 90’s?
What are they doing effectively? Opposing Russia? I know some people refuse to admit it, but Russia was fucking provoked by our incompetent elites into invading Ukraine. Libertarians can argue all day based on their principles that Russia had no right. Realpolitik is that Ukraine was a known redline for them, and we dicked around there anyway. Not because the American people would benefit. Not even to poke at Russia. But simply because it was a corrupt shithole and it was far too easy for our elites to use it to enrich themselves.
It’s also all rather comical that this argument is coming from the progressive left. They are essentially arguing that America needs to remain an imperial power in order to retain its wealth and freedom.
Donald is the only individual in the Executive branch who is elected. I can’t rebut their envy of billionaires, though.
“Good news everyone!” The SecDef changed the name back to Ft Bragg. He just changed which Bragg it is named for.
Braxton Bragg, the subpar and asshole, CSA General is out.
Roland Bragg, WWII NCO and SS recipient is in.
That’s the way to slice up the baby.
Reminds me of renaming King county (Seattle) from a dead racist to MLK (without the pretentious Dr Sir Mr MLK JR the III that everyone feels the need to do).
Now to find SGT Benning in the ye ole National Archives.
Finding another AP Hill will be more difficult.
Is that the AP Hill you want to die on?
I have no real issue with Ft Moore. Hal Moore was a true badass infantryman.
Oh fuck! Look what’s on top of his notebooks.
More Woke music.
Whoops, Wink music.
Happy national peppermint patty day!
Fun tune. 🎶🎶
I;m surprised that a side character in a comic strip is popular enough to get a ‘Day’
That was my thought as well. That’s ok by me though….I always had a bit of a crush on her.
Sorry sir, you have to know that Marcie was her soulmate. From what I hear Patty became a girls high school gym coach and she and Marcie retired to the San Diego area a couple of years ago.
Pish tosh. Marcie had the hots for Charlie Brown.
Good morning, Sean, U, and Suthen!
Morning, How goes?
Pretty well. Payroll may be waiting for my final review and approval by the time I get to work, and then I just have to finish writing up the minutes for the last half-hour of last month’s Board meeting…before there’s another (quarterly) meeting this afternoon. 😕
How are you?
Hmf. I apparently don’t rate one.
Morning, Old Man.
@GT – I’ve been up since about midnight, so I’ve screwed up my sleep schedule 🙁
Didn’t see you there, Old Man. Good morning! How’s every little thing?
To be fair, GT, I don’t think OMWC had posted yet when you wished people good morning.
::whispers:: Humor him – he’s old!
I am (as of yesterday) a grandfather.
Mazel tov! 😃👶 Do tell!
5 pounds 9 oz, about a month early, scheduled c-section, but well-developed enough not to need to be in NICU. He’s going home with WebDom and l0b0t tomorrow.
Prime has already bought him enough clothes and diapers to get him through his first several months.
So – Young Man With Candy? Or not since he’s too young for candy.
O frabjous day! A beamish boy! 🥳💃🎉🎈🎊
Morning OM, Sean, U, Suthen, and Stinks
A -25 this morning, lookin’ more like an Ol’ Fashion winter that I remember from long ago. A few more days like this ahead of us.
“about a month early, scheduled c-section”
Sounds like they were concerned with how the pregnancy was going? I assume WebDom is fine as well?
Yes, there were some serious complications (vasa previa) as well as WebDom’s pre-existing conditions (cardiac and autoimmune). But she sailed through this and is as salty as ever.
Guaraldi did a tune for Peppermint Patty.
I think Schulz said that Patty and Charlie Brown eventually married.
“Argentinian Stream Mysteriously Turns Blood Red, Sparks Fears Of Toxic Leak”
I blame Milei and his deregulation frankly…maybe him and Musk, those dirty scoundrels, can share a prison cell.
Yikes, what the hell was that? Been cruising lefty websites lately and the retardtion is catching.
First Plague.
Congrats to the proud parents. Now OM is officially old, as a grandpa.
Red river…they have been hysterical for over a week. Has anyone bothered to do a qualitative analysis? Nobody has a decent Hach kit? It takes two damned minutes. I suppose that would take the mystery out of it and thus the fear and opportunity to get people in a panic so where is the use in that for anyone?
Non bad news doesn’t get clicks, amigo.
Interesting travel of the recoil impulse:
Now who’s in charge of hosing down Tres?
I think it’s fair to say I recoiled.
Congratulations OMWC. Seriously.
For all of the struggle, sweating, bleeding, fucking up, suffering and triumphs I have done in my life it was all worth it for just one thing: my son. If I did nothing else that made all of it worth my short stay here. I would do it all again. I am a grandfather myself now twice over which makes the toils of life ten times worthwhile.
Truly, congratulations.
Poor 10b0t…
Young James is being spoiled by his Zaydie, his Uncle Spud, and Doctor Prime.
Tell him not to worry. He will get some sleep again in a couple of years.
Congrats, Old Man!