1. AlexinCT

    Trump Is Leading a Historic Counterrevolution Against the Deep State

    And all the right people – meaning the crooks – are freaking out and trying desperately to gaslight the low information voters into not wizening up.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Grifters always get in a tizzy when their grift’s about to be discovered. It was smart of them to go after USAID, a griftting slush fund with few if any redeemable qualities, first.

    • Drake

      I noticed it’s the true idiots from safe deep blue states who are leading the charge against stopping the waste and fraud. Swing state Dems are silent.

      • AlexinCT

        I am surprised no republican has come forth to defend this evil shit too. Maybe Cocaine Mitch was on his way to do that before he fell on his head. Twice. And had to be wheeled out.

        But your observation is spot on Drake.

      • R C Dean

        Do you think Trump is going to sign that bill?

        I suppose the pro-Swampists could put together a veto-proof supermajority, but it seems highly unlikely, especially in light of the approval ratings for the DOGE project.

      • Ted S.

        No, but you’d think someone in a swing district would try yo avoid being seen supporting a presumably unpopular bill.

    • The Other Kevin

      Heard a great story on the All In Podcast. Some of them were there during the Twitter takeover. It was a financial mess. They decided to stop all payments and see who complained. The idea was the biggest scammers would complain the first and the loudest, and so it was.

      Fast forward to now, when Trump suspends all foreign aid. Those funded by USAID complained the loudest, and defied the suspension. Then they wouldn’t let DOGE into the USAID office. That’s how they knew they were on to something big.

      • Drake

        Some of the managers at USAID ignored the order and kept making payments. Which instantly put them in the DOGE crosshairs.

      • Nephilium


        Sort of like higher ups in finance and IT are required to take 2-4 week vacations every couple of years just to see if anything breaks while they’re gone.

      • Sensei

        Neph – that 2 week vacation is a federal requirement for banks with federal charters.

  2. Shpip

    As of this past weekend, eight different rulings from the federal bench have temporarily halted the president’s executive orders.

    Progressives run to daylight in any form that expands their power. If it’s a plebiscite that they win, it’s holy writ from the people. And if they can’t get their preferred policies through by convincing the people (or the people’s representatives in the legislature), then they turn to “results-based jurisprudence.”

    • Nephilium

      Personally, I’m getting pretty damned sick of federal judges saying their power extends over the entire country. Some legislature to clarify that would be a really good idea (that neither side will implement).

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      What the progressives do is just realpolitik but at least the Trump brand populists aren’t content to be principled losers.

      • Ed Wuncler

        “aren’t content to be principled losers.”

        This so much. That was the issue I’ve always had with the Romney’s and McCain’s of the Republican Party. Those guys weren’t going to do much to change the status quo but tinker with a few things. They weren’t fighters and didn’t have any principled beliefs about cutting down government. or at the very least fight against waste.

  3. AlexinCT

    Lawsuits Against Trump Actions Could Help Clarify Scope of Executive Power

    The stupid deep state is basically between a rock and a hard place. It knows that unless it can keep the grift going it will be out of money and support, killing its effort to go after Trump. But by doing this short term reprieve, they have opened the door to force the SCOTUS to smack them down permanently.


  4. Stinky Wizzleteats

    We all knew there’d be judicial pushback to all this stuff, now the pushback to the pushback will begin. Don’t worry, it’ll all be sorted out in ten to twenty years depending on the breaks.

  5. AlexinCT

    Trump’s DOJ to toss NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ historic bribery case

    Is this a historic case because it was blatantly obvious that it was political retaliation by Obama 3.0 admin against him for complaining about that corrupt government’s program of invasion by illegals?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The power of selective prosecution compels you (to do what we want)!

  6. AlexinCT

    Border czar Tom Homan accuses FBI of ‘putting lives at risk’ by leaking ICE details

    At a minimum the leakers should be fired?

    • The Other Kevin

      What I read yesterday said the person will be fired and lose their benefits, and the DOJ will look into charges.

  7. Jarflax

    It’s a civil war, fortunately one being fought without violence, but in any war the other side fights back. There were always going to be setbacks and losses, you don’t dismantle a bureaucracy that has been growing for a century easily, and certainly not without opposition. But what is happening gives me more hope than I have had in a long time.

    • rhywun

      Watching the left get spitting mad in support of The Man, their wars, the global chaos they cause, and their massive grifts etc. etc. is something to behold.

      The more they send Moobs and that illiterate hag from California up on stage to pontificate, the more the average American sees how they been played all this time.

    • The Other Kevin

      It really is something. Now I’m seeing the UK might roll back their censorship avoid tariffs.

      The difference this time is Trump has all the tech bros and entrepreneurs around him instead of politicians. These people are interested in figuring things out and fixing problems. They don’t give a shit about decorum or politics. We no longer have foxes guarding the henhouse, someone brought in the hounds.

  8. Shpip

    Hegseth has made it a top priority to get rid of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives launched under the previous administration and restore the focus back on warfighting and merit.

    But Diversity *is* our strength! Doesn’t he know that?

    • AlexinCT

      That diversity quote is straight from Xi’s CCP MSS.

      • rhywun

        I think it originally came from Star Trek. (Not a joke.)

    • Ted S.

      DEI programs do nothing but produce unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions.

      • Jarflax

        Opus Dei faciunt carbon dioxide?

    • Pope Jimbo

      I don’t know. Seems like a cheesy work around.

      I hate humble Bragging.

    • The Other Kevin

      He made a speech last week in which he said “Diversity is our strength” is the dumbest thing he ever heard. In the military, you want unity. Everyone should be on the same page and working toward the same mission.

      • The Last American Hero

        In WWII, some farm boys came up with various attachments to help vehicles go through the hedgerows. Diversity is a strength. But it is diversity of experience not immutable characteristics, that is the source of that strength.

      • dbleagle

        LAH gets it.

    • UnCivilServant

      No one is that happy to see a brassica.

      • Ted S.

        Isn’t it ironica, don’t you think?

    • AlexinCT

      If you are having issues going, broccoli is a heaven sent I am told..

    • Pope Jimbo

      My mother gave me Chore Girl scrubbers one Christmas (I had complained to my feminist mom about the sexism of Chore Boy scrubbers).

      Another year, Mom got me a big box of Electrosol dish detergent. I thought the name was super funny/stupid and they went out of business and I complained about it.

      Yes, I spent a lot of time trying to talk my way out of washing dishes as a kid and my mother was having none of it. What is funny, is that today dishes are the chore I least detest. I’d do dishes 100 times before I fucking vacuum the floor.

      • AlexinCT

        I divorced my dish washer and bought one that I installed under my kitchen cabinet.

      • Pope Jimbo

        When my daughter was in kindergarten, they had an assignment to draw what they liked to do in the morning, what they liked to do at lunch and at dinner.

        The Altar Girl’s after dinner pic was she and I doing dishes.

        All the pics were hung outside the class. I’m sure there were a few dads who would have liked to have caught me in the parking lot to beat my ass for being a simp who was setting a bad example for the other wives.

        * What is funny is that the Altar Girl hardly ever helped with the dishes. (She had too much vacuuming to do) The day before the assignment, however, we had done them together and had a great time.

      • ron73440

        When I was a kid, I was the dishwasher and my wife had the same experience.

        We got our first actual dishwasher in 29 Palms military housing.

        We called maintenance because it was foaming too much.

        He laughingly explained you weren’t supposed to use liquid dish soap in it, we didn’t know there was a special dishwasher soap.

        I don’t know why we have a dishwasher now, my wife washes the dishes and then runs them through the dishwasher.

      • UnCivilServant

        it was foaming too much….you weren’t supposed to use liquid dish soap in it

        I think that’s a lesson everyone has to learn the hard way. /guilty

        It is a (relatively) harmless mistake which can be used to reinforce a lesson of “do your research” if you happen to be a kid or young adult when you make it.

        In my case, the foam got past the door seals so I was mopping it up for a long while.

    • R C Dean

      The wokists argue that your race, sex, etc. give you different experiences, which is true to a point, I suppose.

      So I would say that its diversity of relevant experience that can be useful.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        But, in the end, they don’t want Different, they want SAME.

        A rainbow chorus, all 64 crayons, all singing the same song.

  9. Pope Jimbo

    So 5 former Sec. of the Treasury wrote a scathing article about Trump killing democracy.

    Putting aside that one of the Sec.’s was an admitted tax cheat (Geithner), did any journalo think to ask them if they had ever accessed the information at the Dept?

    A judge just said it was illegal for any political appointee to access that info. Did Summers, Geithner, Yellen, et.al do so? Did they willfully “break the law”?

    If they say no, should we be surprised that the system was so thoroughly corrupted.

    • AlexinCT

      Desperation has these people ignoring both sanity and the law in a panicked attempt to keep the graft going.

      These crooks have been looting the treasury for decades now. What we are seeing is the panic caused because the serfs they were counting on using to make a soft landing for themselves, have found out what the plan was, and are rebelling.

      Truly they are looting the valuables on the Titanic, but their deck games just lost the passenger’s attention, and the passengers discovered the grift.

      • Pope Jimbo

        It would be epic to see civil forfeiture used against them now.

        “Well, well, well Senator Warren. How did you make so much money on your salary? I think it is from illegal activities and we’ll just be taking that money. You can sue the DOJ if you want.”

      • Pope Jimbo

        And by the way, your trial to get your loot back will be in Oklahoma. Let’s see how the Indians there feel about you.

      • AlexinCT

        You are just looking to see her scalped…

    • rhywun

      Any overlap with the 51 “security experts” who helped steal the election for Joe in 2020?

      • AlexinCT


        I had the same thought when I originally saw that shit…

    • The Other Kevin

      Insiders who profited off a corrupt system coming to the defense of that system is not a good look. How much money did they make? Why didn’t they do anything about it when they were in charge?

  10. Shpip

    I was afraid at first that Musk’s DOGE team would be like an amoeba piggybacking on a brontosaurus and trying to make it sick.

    I’m hoping I was wrong. It seems simple: just set the algorithm on the .gov department’s funding structure, and follow the money.

    First cut off the funding for all those anti-US NGOs that the taxpayers have been unwittingly funding. Then get a ruthless AG to go all RICO on their asses. “Oh, you want to game the system and help ten million third world refugees invade the country? Assuming you survive the 5 AM raid, we’ll have a battalion of cameras set up for your perp walk. Pour encourager les autres.”

    • The Other Kevin

      There are 19 year old whiz kids hopped up on energy drinks working around the clock on this. To them it’s a challenge. They had to change security systems at some places because prior to now, nobody worked nights and weekends.

  11. R C Dean

    “Lawsuits Against Trump Actions Could Help Clarify Scope of Executive Power”

    The hard question posed by these lawsuits is, if the President doesn’t have the authority to run these agencies, who does? Congress? The courts? It’s hard to see a court actually ruling that there are agencies that don’t answer to one of the three Constituntional branches of government.

    • Drake

      Exactly. I think the Supremes will fix this quick. If for no other reason than to protect their branch of government.

    • The Last American Hero

      I think there is a legitimate court question as to what extent an president can refuse to spend money that Congress has appropriated. I have no idea what the answer is or what the court will rule.

      Roberts will be in an interesting position since his philosophy of “let the elections and Congress sort it out” will conflict with his philosophy of “don’t rock the boat to hard”.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I wouldn’t be too surprised if SCOTUS ruled 9-0 for Trump. Even Affirmative Action Jackson will see the writing on the wall here.

  12. Drake

    It was always Bragg to me just like it will always be the Tappan Zee Bridge.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Cleveland Indians?

      Washington Redskins?

      Democrat Segregationists?

      • Nephilium

        NAGA‘s got your back Pope!

      • Rat on a train

        Well, lefties in the DMV still refuse to call DCA by its official name.

    • The Other Kevin

      It will always be Burma to me.

      • UnCivilServant

        Did you have a close shave there?

  13. Old Man With Candy

    For those who didn’t see the overnight post… there’s a new Glib as of yesterday. 5 lb, 9 oz, baby and mom doing well. 10b0t looks like a wreck.

    • SDF-7

      Woohoo! Congrats to the new and presumably happy though frazzled parents!

    • AlexinCT

      Gratz to all involved!

    • Jarflax

      Congratulations to all the With Candy family on this expansion!

      • Beau Knott


    • Pope Jimbo

      How long before you steal his/her bike? (Yes I’m doing phrasing)

      Whycome no reveal of the carpet rat’s sex?

      • R C Dean

        They haven’t had a chance to ask the infant what gender it identifies with?

      • Ted S.

        OMWC used gendered pronouns in the overnight post.

      • Not Adahn

        I believe the name “James” was mentiuoned.

      • Ted S.

        PD James was a woman.

      • Beau Knott

        As was sf author James Tiptree

      • Old Man With Candy

        I’m starting slow and stealing his tricycle first.

      • Nephilium


        Yeah, you’d look kind of silly on a Big Wheel.

    • R C Dean

      To be fair to l0b0t, sounds like a high-risk pregnancy, so for the past several months I’m sure he’s been worrying about a lot more than most expectant fathers.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Uffda. I don’t wish that on a broke dick dog.

        Mrs. Holiness and I went through several miscarriages. It was the absolute worst.

        So happy for both of them with their kid!

        * In Korea, it is customary to not acknowledge any birth before 100 days because infant mortality used to be so atrocious. At 100 days, you have a Baek-Il party. Those parties are pretty fun. There is a lot of special food you only get at a Baek-Il party and the fathers get to sneak off and drink and toast each other.

      • Pope Jimbo


        We were just having this argument! Holiness-Mother-In-Law had a b-day last week and we think she is 88. She claims 89 because she counts the old way.

        The reason we say that we think it is 88 is because Korean records can be pretty spotty. My older brother-in-law and sister-in-law have the same b-day (different years) because my father-in-law didn’t get around to registering their births until years later. He couldn’t remember the day of their births, so the clerk just used the current day for both of them, but with the different years.

        Family legend says that it didn’t help that Father-in-law stopped at a saloon before wandering over to the govt offices. Rumor is my sister-in-law might be a year younger than her birth certificate says.

      • Evan from Evansville

        The South Korean age-thing is interestingly odd: “South Korea’s traditional age-counting custom considers every person 1 year old at birth and adds another year when the calendar hits Jan. 1, meaning a child born on Dec. 31 turns 2 the next day.”

        Being ‘born’ at 1yo ‘kinda’ makes sense, just round up the 9mo in Mom, but the goofiness of Dec bdays, with kids being ‘2’ so quickly was strange. It didn’t affect anything negatively, and hospitals are smart enough to use actual age, just a (semi) interesting cultural quirk.

        @Ted S: Legit lol for “Is that the AP Hill you want to die on?” from last night. Well, well-played, sir.

      • The Last American Hero

        That does explain the long life expectancy.

      • Old Man With Candy

        It’s been an adventure. Dr. Prime (who did an OB residency) has been getting fed the information all along and dispensing common sense advice and comforting words. Still, the reality was that this was a massive risk, not just to the baby but to WebDom as well. If something went wrong, we’d lose both of them, so many sighs of relief when young James was finally extracted.

      • slumbrew

        James is a great name, BTW.

        I love the classics.

      • Old Man With Candy

        He’s named after SP’s dad.

      • slumbrew


      • Not Adahn

        “James Programmer” scans well.

      • Jarflax

        James is a great name, BTW.

        Yes, yes it is!

    • Ted S.

      He didn’t look like a wreck *before* getting WebDom pregnant?

      • Nephilium

        You’ve got to establish a baseline.

    • Sensei


      • Ted S.

        It’s a trap!

    • SarumanTheGreat


    • EvilSheldon

      All right! Congratulations to the lucky parents!

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Congrats to the new parents.

    • DrOtto

      Congratulations. Wiggles DVDs and a drum set (or “kit” as the kids call them) are my suggested gifts.

      • slumbrew

        Who are you, so wise in the ways of hilarious gifts for children?

        Congrats to the whole clan, Old Man!

    • The Other Kevin

      Congrats! While the lefties are sterilizing themselves, the Glibs slowly enact our plan for world domination, one baby at a time. Nice job, to everyone involved.

      • Ted S.

        Wait until the babies rebel against their parents.

      • The Other Kevin

        That’s all part of the process, Ted.

    • guy in the back row

      Mazel tov!

    • PieInTheSky

      I don’t read primitive weights but Congrats !

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      And the demographic change has started!

      Congratulations to all!

    • Gustave Lytton

      Poor l0b0t. Just looking for a place to crash and then gets set up with the full family including dogs.

      • Sean

        He got the deluxe package.

        Congrats to all!

      • mindyourbusiness

        Yep. But it just makes the ride more fun. Mazel und brocha!

  14. Not Adahn

    Pork loin is half the price of hamburger here.

    Did a stirfry last night, there will be roasts, chops and cutlets in the future.

    • bacon-magic

      Panko breading is your friend.

  15. Pope Jimbo

    Nothing left to cut

    White-ass suburb decides that they need to spend $1.75M for new playground equipment. Then they crow about their virtuosity because they sent the old equipment (via a charity – want to bet there was no USAID $$?) to third world shitholes. Let the darkies pay on it!

    The playgrounds have been refurbished, shipped overseas and are being reinstalled in communities in Ecuador and Uganda. One of the four is already installed and serving kids in Las Cruces, Ecuador, said Andrew Martin, resource partnership director for Kids Around the World.
    “We take it apart, and we bring it back to our warehouse, give them a fresh coat of paint, new nuts and bolts and a little TLC. We wrap it up and put it in shipping containers and ship them all over the world.”

    So the taxpayers could have bought some new paint and new nuts and bolts instead of shelling out $1.75M?

    • Ted S.

      The same two villages where kids wear Minnesota Vikings Super Bowl champion t-shirts.

      • Pope Jimbo

        C’mon Ted!

        That is just not true. No way any t-shirts from ’77 still exist.

        Now I will grant you that there are tons of Vikings NFC Champion t-shirts floating around Africa. (fun fact, all those shit t-shirts and clothes you donate to Goodwill are baled up and sold by the pound to poor Africans).

  16. Pope Jimbo

    Before I hit the rack, I’m going to try one more time to bring some “too local” news to your attention.

    After the Romans cops crucified Jesus St. Floyd, one of the reforms was to create a new civilian review board. It was called the Neighborhood Safety Department (NSD), This – along with Defund The Police – was one of the many things that would stop the racist cops in Mpls from driving around and shooting black guys.

    Recently the head of the NSD resigned. Why? She said that City Council members attacked her when she asked the vendors bidding to become paid “violence interrupters” to provide documentation for what services they would provide. The City Council members wanted her to just pay the vendors.

    She told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS she stopped payments to some violence interrupter groups in early 2024 when they could not provide proper documentation and records showing the work they had completed, which involved using millions of taxpayer dollars.
    “This is just wrong for the taxpayers. The taxpayers should know how their money’s being spent, whether or not it’s a good investment, and we should all be working together,” said Nelson-Brown. “And that comes with receipts and canceled checks. These came with no documentation at all. So, it was just a piece of paper with an amount and pay me, basically, which is not okay.”

    • Ted S.

      To be fair, she doesn’t have the right to access that financial information.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Now the City Council member who was harassing her has gotten a motion to move the funds and vendor selection to the county. That way they can get around this pesky NSD board who thinks that they are supposed to stop violence. Don’t they understand that their job is to send money to the proper cronies?

      This is in a state that has been defrauded of $250M for fake meals for kids during the pandemic and $100M+ (still counting) for fake autism centers. Why would anyone worry about some simple city grift?

      My dearest hope is that the City Council is going to get whipsawed by the USAID grifting stories. More people are going to ask why the vendors can’t provide documentation.

      Too bad we don’t have a paper in this town that would point out that the City Council would gut the civilian oversight board before they’d give up rewarding their cronies with grift.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        If only comrade Waltz knew…

  17. kinnath

    An OPM memo dated Feb. 4 seeks the redesignation of chief information officers across the government from career positions political appointees. OPM has recommended that every agency send a request to OPM to reclassify its CIO role from career reserved to “general” by Feb. 14.

    DOGE is the renamed U.S. Digital Service. The U.S. Digital Service is a small office within the White House created to build the health care exchanges under the Affordable Care Act and advises on technical strategy. How the DOGE office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building will liaison with CIOs throughout the government is not yet clear.

    Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?

    • SarumanTheGreat

      It’s like rain on their party day.

      No more free rides that the taxpayers paid

      The good advice to let Trump win again

      And who would’ve thought? it figures.

  18. Sensei

    “We’re not going to solve this problem in three weeks, but we are making progress week by week, and as the weeks go on, you’re going to see more and more success,” said Schumer, who took part in a demonstration outside the Treasury Department last week to protest moves by Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency. He emphasized that Trump’s rapid-fire pace means there is a lot to respond to.

    I’m astounded how much Trump’s team prepared to flood DC. This is right out of Musk’s corporate playbook. As soon as Team Blue responds to one issue they launch two new ones.


    • Drake

      He used his 4 years to plan his revenge well.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I think losing in 2020 also showed him who is real “friends” were.

        All the ticks, dropped off him when he left. The ones who stayed (or joined) were part of this comeback.

    • Pope Jimbo

      From today’s lynx:

      “Has any incoming administration been better prepared for power?” Politico asked rhetorically. “Never mind the first 100 days—Trump’s team had a battle plan for the first 100 hours, and they executed it with stunning efficacy. From the barrage of executive orders to [the Department of Government Efficiency’s] all-out war on government, it has all been way bigger than anyone foresaw. Rudderless and bewildered, Democrats had no idea how to respond.”

      I was thinking about this today. Before this administration, the yardstick was always the first 100 days. It has been 21 days and it has been a blizzard of shit.

      Akin to ordering a Pocket Fisherman and waiting 4-6 weeks for delivery vs. Amazon same day delivery?

      • The Last American Hero

        To be fair, Nazi’s have always been good at Blitzkrieg.


      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        OK, legit LOL.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    How many divisions does the Ninth Circuit Court have?

    Every day, Donald Trump shatters previous understandings of the presidency and America’s role in the world.

    But in his rush to wield vast power and fulfill campaign promises, the new commander in chief is straining the rule of law and gambling with global stability.

    Before his second term began, it was assumed that a president wouldn’t simply refuse to spend billions of dollars already authorized by Congress and deploy a private citizen, like Elon Musk, to obliterate huge government agencies enshrined in US law.

    The idea that the White House would simply ignore a court order was more a theoretical question for a law school seminar than a potential reality.

    Call me crazy, but as far as I’m concerned, we’re all private citizens. Some of us just work for the government.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      The problem isn’t really the stuff authorized by congress, it is what was between the lines that is the issue.

      And calling for a third party audit is just good governing! Now, who could argue against that?

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Trump, the virtuoso of disruption, is unapologetic as he argues he’s simply doing what the country wants.

    “I have high approval ratings because I’m using common sense,” Trump told reporters Monday. He’s presenting his extraordinary claims of vast presidential power as him just exercising a mandate to take a sledgehammer to government and turn the tables on a planet he says ripped off the United States for generations.

    “A lot of people have said that this has been the greatest opening, almost three weeks, in the history of the presidency,” the president told Fox News in a Super Bowl interview, one stop on his all Trump-all-the-time second-term debut tour.

    Change means change, not a bunch of mealymouth platitudes.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    “Never mind the first 100 days—Trump’s team had a battle plan for the first 100 hours, and they executed it with stunning efficacy. From the barrage of executive orders to [the Department of Government Efficiency’s] all-out war on government, it has all been way bigger than anyone foresaw. Rudderless and bewildered, Democrats had no idea how to respond.”


    • kinnath


    • Nephilium
    • ron73440

      That looks bleak.

      • PieInTheSky

        you did not have nice cars like that in 1989 America!

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Two Trabants and a Taunus! Nice.

        (yes, I am a weird car dork.)

  22. Mojeaux

    @Bro, Mom’s wanted to be in independent/assisted living for a while now. The nice places, not the dour, joyless place like the way Cunty Aunt Susie decorates.

    @RCDean, Mom and Cunty Aunt Susie co-own the house. Mom never wanted to buy the house, but was badgered into it. Mom wanted to sell it years ago, but was badgered out of it. In any case, it’s a joint tenancy deed, our mother was dying (we thought), and the house would have gone completely to Susie without recourse. We found this out when we needed Mom’s portion of the house to pay for her long-term care. We approached Susie politely, asking her how to liquidate Mom’s portion. She got nasty and said I AM NOT SELLING THIS HOUSE THIS IS MY HOUSE. Well, if you’re gonna be THAT way about it … Enter one Motion for Partition. Don’t wanna sell? How ’bout we make the court MAKE you sell? [insert way more family and medical drama here] The chickens are now starting to come home to roost.

    • Common Tater

      Sorry Mojo 🙁

      It’s a bit too complicated for me to follow along, but you have my sympathy.

      • Mojeaux

        Well, shit, it’s too complicated for ME and I’m the one directing this orchestra! 😂

    • Ted S.

      Is Spirit Aerosystems worse than Allegiant Aerosystems?

    • PieInTheSky

      All this shit is making planes seem unsafe I don’t like it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Don’t worry. Airbus is perfectly fine.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Public enemy number one

    Elon Musk is on a tear through the federal government, and by the time you read this, who knows what he could be up to. He could be sitting at the Resolute Desk with President Trump locked in a broom closet.

    Trump would deserve it, because the free rein he has given Musk to upend government functions is inexcusable.

    Watching Musk lead an agency-by-agency stampede, displacing dedicated workers and demanding access to the most sensitive information, is a horror show.

    And there are two reasons for this: One is that the authority he’s been given is on extremely shaky legal ground, at best; the other is that even if it can somehow be legally justified, it is incredibly damaging and reckless to give this power to someone with a record like Musk’s.

    He’s a psychopathic monster and he doesn’t play by our rules.

    • R.J.

      Amazing. Almost every President has rearranged government, hired and fired as desired. Granted Trump has this on steroids but still he is well within his authority.

      • AlexinCT

        Trump is dismantling the criminal syndicate. Those others, if they touched it, expanded it.

  24. PieInTheSky

    GERMANY: EU regulators think it is too dangerous to simply break a bottle across the bow of a new ship, instead they insist on the use of this contraption. This is why the EU is failing. This is Economy Minister Habeck flailing.


    • UnCivilServant

      How about sacrificing three dozen EU regulators to psoiden daily to ensure the safety of the ships at sea.

      By the time we can prove it doesn’t make a statistical difference, we might have dented the number of EU regulators.

      • PieInTheSky

        I like the cut of your jib, if not your spelling of ancient gods.

    • AlexinCT

      The EU needs better engineers…

    • R C Dean

      Am I a bad person if that’s a Daily Ray for me?

      • PieInTheSky

        I am not your supervisor. Or Am I? hmmmm

  25. Common Tater

    Congrats on Baby Boy Glib!

    • Mojeaux


  26. PieInTheSky

    No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen
    The 19-year-old nicknamed “Big Balls” who Elon Musk gave access to the Social Security payment system has now also been given a job as a Senior Advisor at the United States State Department.

    David Hogg 🟧
    Surely he got there purely on merit.

    Mr. Hogg was admitted to Harvard with an SAT score in the bottom 5% of the school’s freshman class distribution.

    His 1270 score would make it difficult for a white applicant to get accepted at a second-tier public university in a lot of states (including my own state).


    • slumbrew

      Somebody call the burn unit, new victim incoming.

    • Shpip

      Hogg remains the singular point on the Venn Diagram of “people waitlisted by the University of Central Florida” and “prospective students accepted into Harvard University.”

    • Ed Wuncler

      I think I mentioned this the other day, but DC is ridiculously incestuous. My red pilled moment was when I was visiting a former friend in DC and went to lunch with his friends. Bunch of fucking bureaucrats, staffers to the some of the pols, and I think one guy worked at the World Bank. And they weren’t terrible people, but they put so much stock on where they worked and who they knew in DC.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Modern day courtiers. “How close to the king are you? Closer than me?”

  27. The Late P Brooks


    With President Donald Trump and Elon Musk taking a sledgehammer to the federal bureaucracy with their “Department of Government Efficiency,” Democrats are desperate to push back — and some are eyeing what they see as an irresistible piece of leverage.

    Asked on “Meet the Press” Sunday if he was “prepared to shut down the government” when funding expires on March 14, Sen. Andy Kim (D-N.J.) said he was: “They are simply trying to dismantle the government,” he said. “I cannot support efforts that will continue this lawlessness that we’re seeing.”

    “Nobody move, or the nigger gets it.”

  28. Common Tater

    “A fitness enthusiast has revealed how he slashed blood fats and boosted his muscle power with a stomach-churning diet of 30 eggs a day.

    Joseph Everett, who lives in Tokyo, Japan, set out to eat 1,000 eggs over the course of a month to test a bodybuilder’s claim that the diet is as effective for building muscle as using risky steroid injections.”


    This guy must be loaded.

    • PieInTheSky

      the cost of performance.

    • Sensei

      Japan currently isn’t in the middle of bird flu.

      • Common Tater

        Not sure the U.S. is either.

  29. PieInTheSky

    The speed of news of Alexander’s death.
    “it was the fastest-moving piece of news the world had yet received. Millions heard it within a week’s time …dated records near Idumaea, beside the Dead Sea, show that Alexander’s death was reported there only six days after it occurred”


    • PieInTheSky

      Paper money was first invented in China it was also the first to die there.
      Developed under the Tang-Song dynasties paper currency was initially backed by silver, post 1270s, after the Mongol conquest of China, it was no longer fully backed by silver, by 1310 it was pure fiat money.
      During this time, the Yuan dynasty suffered large-scale rebellions which necessitated a high level of spending to maintain its control, in 1311 total government expenditures were 4.5 times total state revenue.
      To maintain its fiscal obligations the government engaged in large-scale printing causing rapid inflation of the value of money, by 1352 Contemporaries reported that the market had returned to using copper coins as a medium of exchange and that paper bills were “nothing but the empty script”.
      China did not return to using paper currency again until the 1850s hundreds of years later.


    • ron73440

      Hardcore History is currently doing a series on Alexander.

      The first one talks more about Phillip and how Alexander was setup for success, the second one goes into his first battles while he was trying to solidify his rule.

      See Mania for Subjugation I & II:


  30. Common Tater

    “Rep. Nancy Mace delivered an astonishing speech on the floor of the House Monday night where she said she had uncovered a ring of men who engaged in serial rape and sex trafficking while filming their victims.

    The South Carolina Republican brought a series of props to the well of the House including handcuffs, cameras, a safe, and a drinking glass to illustrate her case, as she spoke for more than half an hour on the floor about the explosive allegations.

    Mace said the glass served as a representation of how she says she was raped after blacking out when served two small vodka sodas.”


    Maybe she can get a residency playing in Vegas.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    What’s more, don’t forget that Trump and Republicans occupy the political high ground at the moment. The unfortunate reality for Democrats is that after a three-week stretch where Trump and Musk essentially shut down U.S. foreign aid, staged a hostile takeover of the federal workforce and allowed a cadre of young tech bros to access sensitive Treasury Department payments information, Trump still has a whopping 53 percent approval rating.

    In fact, the same CBS poll found that 68 percent of voters thought the Trump administration is doing the “right amount” or even “not enough” spending cuts; only 32 percent said “too much.” And despite beaucoup negative coverage about Musk and his potential conflicts of interests, a slim majority of Americans think Musk — yes, an unelected foreign-born billionaire — should have “a lot” or “some” influence on government operations and spending.

    No more business as usual.

    • Raven Nation

      Whatever you think of Trump/Musk and what’s going on, the inability of the media to understand things is still fascinating.

      • Ed Wuncler

        I think they do know what’s going and are fighting because they know how and who butters their bread.

      • AlexinCT


      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        “”It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it,”

        -Upton Sinclair

  32. The Late P Brooks

    “I’m trying to figure out what leverage we actually have,” Jeffries said last week when asked about using a shutdown to stop Trump and Musk. “They control the House, the Senate. And the presidency. It’s their government. What leverage do we have?”

    One thing many senior Democrats privately acknowledge: positioning themselves against Trump’s crusade against “waste, fraud, and abuse” — however haphazard and destructive it might be — is not terrific ground to fight from.

    If we don’t waste that money, who will?

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      If you have to try and figure out what leverage you have, you don’t have any leverage.

  33. Common Tater

    “Fox Corp. expanded its reach into the growing podcast market on Monday by scooping up Red Seat Ventures, the digital media company whose clients include former Fox News stars Megyn Kelly and Tucker Carlson…

    It will also help Fox News, which is the highest-rated cable network, reach younger audiences who are increasingly tuning in to podcasts for information.”


    So they are back working for Fox?

    • R.J.

      Interesting. Technically they would not work for FOX directly. But FOX could attempt to influence them as they now own the platform.
      The platform is only valuable because of the celebrities there. If they get pissed and leave, FOX has an expensive boat anchor.

      • Not Adahn

        This seems like a tremendously stupid purchase.

    • Not Adahn

      Fox hates them so much they want to fire them again!

      • Sensei

        Yup. They are the Hooli of media!

  34. The Other Kevin

    I had an interesting conversation with my mom yesterday, As you may recall, she and my dad are lifelong Dems and anti-Trumpers. Last night she asked about my friend in Border Patrol, and she wanted to know if the border was really closed, or if it was just Trump exaggerating. I told her he had just gotten back to work last week, but that more border walls were going up and there is a big DOD presence and he’s happy about that. I told her ICE seems to be concentrating on criminals, and she was hoping that would curtail some of the crime she’s been hearing about in her area. It was a good conversation and she actually seemed relieved. Maybe even more is changing than we thought?

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Whatever you think of Trump/Musk and what’s going on, the inability of the media to understand things is still fascinating.

    The rug has been pulled right out from under them, and they’re left, stunned, saying, “But that’s how we’ve always done things.”

    Not anymore.

    • The Other Kevin

      Team Trump also has the advantage of producing something people can understand. x number of people fired, x number of dollars saved, x number of people arrested, x fewer people crossing the border. The legacy media is still running vagaries like “threat to democracy”, “rise of fascism”, etc. Those things don’t mean anything.

    • The Other Kevin

      “And among traditional aid donors, fiscal constraints and weakening support for international solidarity have meant aid budgets are under pressure.”

      They are still using dollars spent as their metric, not actual results. That’s the entire problem in a nutshell.

      • Common Tater

        Well, if they solve the problem, they won’t get any more money.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The US is the pathetic guy at the strip club who foots a stripper’s bills and enables her coke addiction. She’ll take your money but she still secretly hates you and definitely don’t leave your wallet laying around.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Bullying and hooliganism

    OK, let’s begin by stipulating what everybody agrees with: There’s a lot of wasteful spending in government, a lot of overlap, and too many programs that no longer serve any purpose kept needlessly alive. Pledging to “cut the fat” out of government spending is a good idea for any administration, and some have actually done so.

    But that in no way justifies Elon Musk’s shutting down the United States Agency for International Development — which President Trump said has his “100 percent support.” It’s one of the most short-sighted, most dangerous and most stupid decisions made by any modern president — and one Donald Trump will soon regret, especially as Russia and China step in with their own humanitarian programs.


    In targeting USAID, Trump talked only to his new best friend, the un-elected Government-Cut Czar Elon Musk, who called USAID a “criminal organization” and bragged about feeding it into the “wood chipper.” How ironic that Trump would take such advice from a man who himself profits from federal government hand-outs.

    According to USASpending.gov, SpaceX and its subsidiary Starlink, companies that Musk owns, have received a total of $3.3 billion in federal grants in just the past 12 months. Tesla has received $41.9 million in federal contracts since 2008. Both of Musk’s companies were hatched with federal grants.

    Of course, there are lots of places to look for wasteful government spending. Why not start with the Pentagon? Or congressional junkets? Or the $13 million price tag for holding a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay? Instead, Musk and Trump decided to start out with one of the smallest government agencies, which does the most good around the world for the least amount of money. But that’s what bullies do.

    Picking on the poorest and the weakest? For shame. Why not cut the spending I disapprove of?

    TW: Bill Press

    • AlexinCT

      I know his cousin..

      Loaded Bolz…

    • R.J.

      That judge has absolutely no standing and cannot do what he just ruled.

      • ron73440

        Standing is only a problem when you are against the State.

        Everyone has standing when it comes to protecting the State.

      • R.J.

        That harshes my Stoic!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Go ahead judiciary, squander any good will and respect you black robe wearing lawyers who are in tight with politicians have left.

  37. Sensei

    Nearly two years later, Bud Light has yet to win beer lovers back; sales remain roughly 40 percent below where they were before the boycott began. Some analysts say the beer might never recover….

    This would appear not to have been just a rogue marketing decision.

    In 2021, the company introduced “diversity dashboards.” These dashboards showed the race and gender makeup of each team. They were initially supposed to be used for “informational purposes” only, but they were soon used to judge managers whose teams were not “diverse” enough. Diversity meant race and gender. Diversity of thought wasn’t even on the dashboard. Having a “diverse” team soon became an unwritten prerequisite to receive a mover rating.


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I wonder if diversity of thought would include “This beer sucks ass but I’ll try to sell it anyway.” I’m afraid that’s all they’d get out of me.

      • Nephilium

        The closest you come to the big beers selling on taste is “Tastes Great!” or the bitter beer face ads. It’s a commodity product, the difference is all in branding, public image, pricing, and the like.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Old Milwaukee tastes as great as its name. Is Old Milwaukee even still a thing?

      • Sensei

        Neph, I agree it’s a commodity.

        Do you know if anybody has done blind tastings on the top selling national light beers? Can anyone tell them apart?

      • Nephilium


        Yes, blind tests are done quite frequently. Most people can’t pick them apart in a triangle test (2 samples of one item, 1 sample of another). Triangle tests are used because if you can’t pick out the outlier, you’re rating the wrong beverage. And if less than 50% of people get the initial identification right, you know they’re near identical.

      • Sensei


    • rhywun

      Are we doing enough to promote the DEI agenda? And the CEO desperately wanted the answer to be “yes.”

      Because who wants to be hauled into another struggle session.

      JFC I hope this madness is over.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Here’s a random question:

    If we slaughter all the chickens in a flock if one has the “flu” how will we develop resistant birds?

    • Nephilium

      Herd immunity is just a right wing talking point.

      • ron73440

        Herd immunity is just a right wing talking point.

        Shouldn’t that be “flock” immunity?

    • EvilSheldon

      Vaccinate all the surviving birds, probably.

    • Jarflax

      Shh, gotta keep prices high so people get mad a Trump.

      • rhywun

        I’m honestly wondering if this is SOP or some sort of psy-op.

      • Jarflax

        I’m honestly wondering if this is SOP or some sort of psy-op.

        Since March of 2020 I for some odd reason immediately think political gamesmanship whenever I hear a public health warning. I freely admit kneejerk responses are not wise, but it’s at least as unwise to ever trust a blatant liar again.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Lock them all in a warehouse, last survivor contributes antibodies before being eaten.

    • Fourscore

      A pox on chickens!