Monday Morning Links

by | Mar 3, 2025 | Daily Links | 240 comments

Not much going on this past weekend. They played a hockey game in front of 90,000 people in The Horseshoe. A bunch of basketball was played. And spring training marches on. That’s pretty much it. Across the pond, they (mostly) wrapped up the FA Cup round of 16 and we’ll be down to 8 teams after today. One of them is a Championship side and they get a home draw in the quarterfinals. Go Preston North End! And that’s it for sports.

See, this headline confuses me. Because they’re calling it “steps to peace” when it sounds more like an expansion of the war. But if they want to put boots on the ground, let them.

Christ, what a pussy. I bet he bows as well. Just to prove my point.

The Treasury Department does something good. This had me pissed off, as a business owner. Now I’m less pissed off.

I wonder what happened this time. I’m sure I’ll be shocked when I find out.

They might have their priorities out of whack. But it should surprise nobody.

Leftist boycott backfires. Just like they always do. Reminds me of the time Barack Obama was tabbed “the greatest salesman for the gun industry.”

I don’t like doubling up from a single source, but I’m breaking my own rule today. Did they think they’d just publicly buy a couple human beings and there would be no backlash?

Here we go again. The Supreme Court needs to stop playing Whack-A-Mole and just issue a preemptive decision across the board.

Come on, Mother Nature. Get your timing right next year. And get to the gym as well.

So stunning and brave. I’m sure they think they’re making a real difference.

This was so good. The song and the video both. As was this one. Although we don’t get to see the video. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    See, this headline confuses me. Because they’re calling it “steps to peace” when it sounds more like an expansion of the war. But if they want to put boots on the ground, let them.

    Spoiled brats are pissed their globalist agenda has ran into a full stop as US tax payers no longer want to be raped by globalist marxists to pay for society’s debasement, destruction, and disaster.

    The EU will build it’s own army!…

    And what? The sheeple will give up their welfare states to make it so? Especially since by the time they get there they will clearly be islamic nations.

  2. AlexinCT

    They might have their priorities out of whack. But it should surprise nobody.

    I can’t tell if they really believe this sort of insanity makes them better humans, or if they want us to have no doubt they are evil fucking people.

    • sloopyinca

      I’m willing to bet there’s a flowchart they use for these situations. And yes, it’s questions are based on the race, sex, gender identity, and religion of both parties involved.

      • AlexinCT

        Must be why we never hear them talking about black on black violence..

      • sloopyinca

        The first question on the flowchart is “are both people involved black?”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Let them stick their dicks into that beehive if they want to because they won’t last a month. As soon as the coffins start coming home en masse Starmer et al will find out just how popular they really aren’t. It’s like a circus of idiots is in charge over there but they’re going to have a harsh introduction to reality if they do what it looks like they’re going to do.

    • WTF

      I just don’t understand what the Hell is wrong with the idiots who vote for these assholes.

      • AlexinCT

        When you live behind walls that protect you from what the rabble is facing, and when a big chunk of the rabble is brainwashed to believe the alternative would put them back in chains, coupled with a lot of rigged electioneering, you get what you have in these perennial blue states.

      • The Other Kevin

        I mentioned it this weekend: I talked to my Mom, and she’s convinced Trump is going to take away her social security and medicaid, all the waste Musk is finding is all fake, and they are lowering taxes on millionaires and raising them for the rest of us. Everything she said is 100% wrong. Yet she thinks I’m the brainwashed one.

        Our intelligence community perfected mass brainwashing and taught it to these “news” networks. And so yes, you have a bunch of brainwashed fools who will vote for those assholes.

      • Swiss Servator

        TOK, gently tell her to call you when any of that happens, so you can “help”.

      • invisible finger

        When my mom wanted mecto sign some DNR paperwork i told her “Forget it! I’m insisting you be a vegetable as long as possible to keep the checks coming!”

        Then i laughed diabolically. Its so easy to scare the elderly.

  3. Rat on a train

    Vandals in Texas, nationwide are targeting Teslas in protest of Elon Musk
    How much lefty tolerance is too much?

    • Nephilium

      I ‘member when Musk was a hero of the proggies.

      • The Last American Hero

        It was only like 3 or 4 years ago.

      • rhywun

        They’ve learned nothing from defeat.

        Sounds to me like Dems have all the power in Maine. I would expect similar results in any other one-Party state.

        So they lost at the national level. There is still a lot damage to do at the state level.

  4. UnCivilServant

    Where’s my billions in laundered money?

    *crosses arms, sits back*

    • PieInTheSky

      Get in line I asked before you.

      • UnCivilServant

        I was supposed to be administering the Romainian slush fund. You don’t get anything beacuse they haven’t paid me yet.

      • sloopyinca

        ::ships UCS 10,000 Adidas track suits::

        There’s the slush fund. Now get to doling it out.

  5. AlexinCT

    Leftist boycott backfires. Just like they always do. Reminds me of the time Barack Obama was tabbed “the greatest salesman for the gun industry.”

    I suspect this shit never worked for the left, but the media just gaslighted for them and told us it did. Just like their tantrums no longer work and I suspect they never did without the media exaggerating to make it feel true.

    • Tonio

      It’s also a perfect example of do-somethingism. The left knows it’s getting steamrolled, and that there’s nothing they can do to stop that. But these boycotts give their base something to do so they can feel they’re making a difference. This also distracts their base from their inability to accomplish anything.

      The best they can do at this point is delay certain parts of the Trump admin agenda through lawfare, and ramp up their propaganda mills. I wonder how long they can keep this energy going?

      • Rat on a train

        “hashtag activism”

      • Chipping Pioneer

        #metoo #BDS 💉🇺🇦

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Oh, and 😷😷😷

      • Not Adahn




    • SDF-7

      I think they sit in their ideological bubbles and HR-taken-over-curated worlds to the extent they really do think they’re a serious majority of the populace (when the hyper active ones are probably 10 percent as always at a guess).

      • Rat on a train

        Nobody I know voted for Musk.

    • rhywun

      “The People’s Union” 😂🤣

      Is that like “The Human Fund”?

  6. AlexinCT

    I find it a hilarious sign of the times that Teslas, once the pride of people that liked to sniff their own farts from wine goblets and expound on how much smarter they were than anyone else that didn’t believe the evil stupid shit they did, now hate the Teslas, and all cause Musk is exposing their cult for what it is.

    • sloopyinca

      I wish the owner of Toyota would come out in support of an imperial Japan. And say the Prius is somehow symbolic of their power over the eastern Asian region.
      Then the left would really be in a pickle.

      • AlexinCT

        I like the way you think, young man.

      • Rat on a train

        If you want to really see their heads explode, have Apple support DOGE.

      • SDF-7

        They could just be honest and push for Chinese EV import tariffs to be lifted. That’s a society they want to get behind, after all.

    • Fourscore

      If no one will buy EVs what’s going to happen to all the excess electricity? I see a lot of electrical workers will be unemployed.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Narrator’s voice: There is no excess electricity.

      • AlexinCT

        AI will need a lot more than just getting the EVs off the road.

  7. AlexinCT

    Which one of you didn’t have this revelation on their the lies they told us then vs. now, bingo cards?

    • SDF-7

      This is definitely one of the “everyone knew what was really going on” issues that killed media credibility over the last few years… so I sincerely doubt anyone here is surprised.

      • AlexinCT

        I doubt anyone here would be surprised, but things like the whole “Why has DJT not lowered the price of eggs” shit still holds strong with the idiots. Even though it is so easy to debunk that dumb gotcha question by just pointing out the real cause is the government killing off half the egg laying chicken population before the 2024 election, in a desperate move to convince low information voters there is another pandemic happening, so that would allow them to then rig the 2024 election. I have ran into people that honestly were constantly saying the economy was fine and now suddenly are aware of all the problems they ignored before, but now want to lay at the new government’s feet.

        That cult is fucking baked.

    • Suthenboy

      Socialism is an economic system. It doesnt work. Therefore socialists lie their asses off about economic numbers. I didnt guess this…I just assumed it was and is always the case.

  8. SDF-7

    The Treasury Department does something good.

    I’m not going to deny that I think it is a crappy requirement — but I thought I remembered (and a little searching seems to indicate I remembered correctly) that this wasn’t an Administrative Rule or executive initiative… this was in a stupid law passed by a stupid Congress.

    Which means I have a small problem here in that I don’t like it when one side decides “Faithfully execute the laws” means they can ignore ones they don’t like.. so I don’t like it when a side I otherwise approve of does either. Get Congress to change the law. Just a one sentence “The Beneficial Ownership Information section of the 2021 Corporate Transparency Act is revoked in toto” or something. Then sign it. Then you can ignore it.

    All the crap pushed through solely by the Executive, sure… kill it yourself Trump — but actual laws need to follow the real process. Even when it sucks.

    • sloopyinca

      It was a gross violation of my privacy rights and would likely have failed judicial scrutiny. The executive branch in this case merely said they would not impose penalties for non-compliance. Penalties that were to be doled out extrajudicially by the executive department itself, I might add.

      • SDF-7

        That might fly long enough (I can see the logic, sure) — but he should still get Johnson to get off his ass on this.

      • PieInTheSky

        privacy is an outdated concept.

      • Suthenboy

        “…Johnson to get off his ass on this.”

        Dude, Johnson is a Republican.

  9. SDF-7

    I wonder what happened this time

    The way the article reads, it was once again one of those self-driving cars like in Wisconsin… (the car drove into the crowd… no human mentioned…). Damn that AI getting out of hand already!

    (And yeah — the very clear failure to say anything about a driver makes their sin of omission stand out and tells us there was doubtless a Hawaiian between meals purveyance involved…)

    • PieInTheSky

      Europe wants to effectively ban cars anyway, this will just accelerate that.

  10. PieInTheSky

    But if they want to put boots on the ground, let them.


    • R.J.

      It’s a terrible trap for Europe. Absolutely stupid to put boots on the ground. And Trump told the Zelenksy hobbit to bot come back till he apologized. He won’t come back until 50% of Britain’s troops are dead. Idiots.

      • Nephilium

        I’ve seen people bluff with bad hands before, I’ve never seen someone try so hard to bluff while holding no cards before.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        “Sir, you have 6. I suggest you hit.”

      • sloopyinca

        This bears repeating.

      • Spudalicious

        I feel the need to remind the group that European countries getting mired in war is how we got into Vietnam and WWll.

    • R.J.

      It’s a terrible trap for Europe. Absolutely stupid to put boots on the ground. And Trump told the Zelenksy hobbit to bot come back till he apologized. He won’t come back until 50% of Britain’s troops are dead. Idiots.

      • R.J.

        That has been happening a lot. I suspect this phone is the culprit.

    • UnCivilServant

      Have you tried the 1986 Chateau Chernobyl?

      • Evan from Evansville

        That right there, funny much UCS.

    • SDF-7

      Now I’m picturing Pie breaking his corkscrew (or whatever else it would take) bewailing “There was time! There was time enough at last!”

    • AlexinCT

      My favorite are the Europeans now saying that since the American tax payer will no longer be forced to do their governments agenda’s bidding, the EU should dissolve NATO part ways with the US, and make their own military force. Man, did I get some serious hate when I pointed out this vision would take a decade or more to make happen, would mean the end of their welfare state systems, and more likely than, not would stand up just in time for the islamic republic of the EU, because of Great Britain and France, to join Pakistan as nuclear islamic nations. I was kicked off their platform and am sure will get arrested if I go to Europe.

      • Drake

        They can’t have socialist benefits, deindustrialization, net zero green policies, and a strong military.

        Are they really so stupid they can’t see the contradictions? Or still just hoping the Americans (and Turks) are willing to die in their war?

      • UnCivilServant

        Now that you mention it, clearing the No-Go zones would be excellent urban warfare training for the new EUArmy.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yes Drake, the gambit is to send their people to get their asses handed to them and try to bring us in on Article 5. God willing, it won’t work and, happily enough, I don’t think it will. It’s a moronic gamble and the likely results are visible from a mile away.

      • Suthenboy

        “Are they really so stupid that they cant see….”

        “Once a person is demoralized you cannot fix them. No matter how much authentic information you give them they cannot draw a sensible conclusion. ”

        Keep in mind that these are people that think some women have peckers and some men can give birth then it will all make sense.

      • sloopyinca

        Yes Drake, the gambit is to send their people to get their asses handed to them and try to bring us in on Article 5.

        Good thing Article 6 exists and we can tell them to pound sand.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Not seeing the contradictions is what’s known as “re-imagining”.

    • Jarflax

      The Euros are living in a fantasy right now. They don’t have enough ‘boots’ to make any difference in the war, and they have signed so many idiotic treaties and ‘additional protocols’ restricting their ability to fight that they are useless. This is all posturing to try to shame us into doing something exceptionally stupid.

      • juris imprudent

        Equally they have the fantasy that Russian boots can march onto their own soil if they don’t defend Ukraine.

      • dbleagle

        During the first night of Obama’s war on Libya “NATO” fired 122 cruise missiles at the country. Peel back the onion one layer and it was 2 from the UK and 120 from the US. Almost all the refueling A/C and all the control A/C were US. Since then, except for Poland and the Baltic states, every long-term NATO state has lost military capacity.

        I won’t even discuss the will to fight for NATO since only Poland, Finland, and the Baltic states would fight.

  11. PieInTheSky

    I wonder what happened this time. I’m sure I’ll be shocked when I find out.

    If guns were legal it would be much worse probably…

  12. PieInTheSky

    So stunning and brave. I’m sure they think they’re making a real difference.

    If an owner kicks their ass I am sure they would feel abused. You don’t fuck with a man’s automobile.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’d be worth him doing it just so I could catch him doing it.

  13. Shpip

    An off-duty Boston cop fatally shot a lunatic who was trying to stab people at a Chick-fil-A over the weekend,

    I’m still lost as to how Boston allowed a Chick-fil-A to set up business there in the first place. They had to know that they would Wu the day that that happened.

    • PieInTheSky


      • SDF-7

        Oh sure… now we get a narrowed gaze! Couldn’t pick up the phone on Sunday though…. just waiting for Shpip to take a stab at things so you could hone your craft and keep your edge, I suppose.

        a guy torn between Bob and Lou

        Swiss Servator — paging Swiss Servator to the courtesy phone, please! Narrow gaze needed on Aisle 3.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      They tried to block it, but in the end they chickened out.

  14. SDF-7

    The Supreme Court needs to stop playing Whack-A-Mole and just issue a preemptive decision across the board.

    One of the many times the left should be really glad I’m not on the Court…. since I find myself increasingly wondering given separation of powers why the Legislative gets to pass any law that tells the Executive how to organize itself. At all. Article II is very clear that the President holds all power of the Executive branch and doles it out as he sees fit — with only a limited set of people needing the “advice and consent of the Senate” and the treaty ratification. Legislative can choose to fund or not fund — but they shouldn’t be placing additional strictures on how people are hired or fired (or really how regulations are issued technically…. the whole ‘You must follow this 2 year process to change anything in the Federal Register’ is bullshit too… and just another sign that the Legislative isn’t doing its bloody job to begin with… we don’t need the Register if you morons would actually pass laws, lazy gits….)

    I sincerely doubt any Court would ever overturn the status quo this way… (we’ll be lucky if the Court tells Congress it can’t delegate… still hoping on that) — but it still seems really odd to me that we have all these laws micromanaging the Executive’s HR and all….

  15. SDF-7

    Come on, Mother Nature.

    3.9? I’m amazed anyone looked up from their phones to notice in LA… and even more that anyone bothered to report it. Must be a slow news day at sfgate.

    • Ted S.

      Yeah, when we had the 4.x quake here last April I thought it was just another train going by.

  16. SDF-7

    Although we don’t get to see the video.

    Of course not — someone stole it, so now we can just listen.

  17. PieInTheSky

    Michael A. Arouet
    This chart always shocks me when I see it. Major European countries have unfunded pension obligations of 400 to 500% of GDP. Combined with collapsing demographics it’s a recipe for disaster. Who is supposed to pay for these pensions?

    this must be misinformation. Pensions are a human right and it is not possible for them to be anything but fully funded.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      +1 iron-clad lockbox

    • juris imprudent

      obligate in one hand and shit in the other?

    • UnCivilServant

      I keep expecting the dog to eat the kid.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I always thought Altar Boy #2 could have been a contender because he learned to keep his left up at all times to avoid getting knocked down by the Old Mutt’s wagging tail.

        Old Mutt was half black lab and half goldy. Always wagging his tail as he wandered around. There were multiple times that AB #2 was knocked into the nickel seats by OM. But he never complained because Altar Boy #1 and OM were fast friends. Anything AB #1 liked, AB #2 was also determined to like due to his hero worship of his older brother.

    • WTF

      “Come chase me little bald puppy!”

  18. PieInTheSky

    there’s a widespread idea that as long as we fund “science” in the abstract, maybe there will be some fake or fraudulent stuff but at least some funding will trickle down to get real results but I’m not sure that’s the right model

    it seems like anti-knowledge (fraudulent alzheimer’s research, disgust-morality connection, fruit flies on mushrooms etc.) is the main product now and actually competes with and impedes the production of knowledge

    they compete directly for funding, and if fake stuff on terrible constructs is easier to produce, that’s a huge advantage – not to mention all the work honest scientists do trying to address the fake bullshit

    there are many issues with this general notion of funding lots of science especially by government. A big risk of losing the useful data in a mountain of bad data. Any meta analysis will be polluted. I heard the notion of just gathering knowledge even if it seems useless now, because it may be useful in the future. But if we created tons of research that is not useful now, it will be lost on a shelf along so much other stuff no one will keep track. Even if it does become useful in the future, no one will now it is there or how to find it.

    • AlexinCT

      there’s a widespread idea that as long as we fund “science” in the abstract, maybe there will be some fake or fraudulent stuff but at least some funding will trickle down to get real results but I’m not sure that’s the right model

      Nobody funds science in the abstract. Especially not government. Those government grants come with an even tighter expectation of “discoveries & results” that favor said government’s agenda on a level that the private sector only dreams about being able to get. The stories about people that suddenly had their funding from government dry up (and accusations of fake science leveled at them) for doing real scientific research is staggering. And yet, the usual suspects act as if “scientific consensus” from this captured bunch of fools, is gospel and those that do not sing hosannas are heretics.

  19. PieInTheSky

    Today in weird youtube recommendations like why am I getting this?

    FCOB #53 Hemlock And Leather

    In this video we look at the leather tanning industry in Pennsylvania. The growth of the industry in the 1800’s, the process of tanning. How the tanning industry was linked to lumbering and railroads and the eventual demise of the industry.

    • AlexinCT

      They must be giving you incentives, ideas, and education of possible future serf profession in the new EU order?

    • SDF-7

      Did you try to look into blubber rendering for UCS last week? It may think you’re into 19th century early industrial processes now.

      • UnCivilServant

        That reminds me. I still haven’t figured out the shelf life and common methods of preventing rancidity.

  20. Shpip

    British Prime Minister Keir Starmer rallied his European counterparts Sunday to shore up their borders and throw their full weight behind Ukraine as he announced outlines of a plan to end Russia’s war.

    “Every nation must contribute to that in the best way that it can, bringing different capabilities and support to the table, but all taking responsibility to act, all stepping up their own share of the burden,” he said.

    Starmer’s exhortation to 18 fellow leaders that they need to do the heavy lifting for their own security comes two days after U.S. backing of Ukraine appeared in jeopardy when President Donald Trump lashed out at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and said he wasn’t grateful enough for America’s support.

    Wondering if the AP buried the lede here. Maybe Starmer told the rest of the simpering nancies to flutter their hands about the border squabble between Russia and its historical vassal while telling them that the real issue is the swarthy invaders from the south and east that are overrunning all of them.

    • PieInTheSky

      The EU commitment to bringing low educated single young muslim men without limit is something I cannot understand, or at least I cannot attribute good intentions / nativity to

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m waiting for Trump to bail on NATO and start EEATYU (East Europe America Trump YUGE Union).

      • Drake

        Lots of great choices available:

        Send all the white men off to war and leave the women unprotected?

        Draft the Muslims into the military and train them to fight?

        Herd them into industrial work camps to help produce military equipment?

      • UnCivilServant

        Train the army by expelling the taint of Islam from their shores.

    • AlexinCT

      I have still not gotten an answer from those all aflutter over this incident about what they believe was the expectation they have for how this war should end. They all seem to just want the war to go on. They will sacrifice everyone of fighting age (and more) in the Ukraine and every US tax payer dollar in whatever the EU agenda they can’t (or won’t) articulate, really is!

      • PieInTheSky

        very very soon the Russian economy will get bad enough that the oligarchs will turn on Putin. This may have had some credibility first few months of the war, but after 3 years I don’t know how imminent this is tbh.

      • SDF-7

        I think Putin has more than defenestrated his problems with that plan.

      • Drake

        They changed the narrative from the Russian economy collapsing to “overheating” by growing too fast.

      • Suthenboy

        “They all seem to just want the war to go on.”

        If by that you mean they want the US to keep shipping hundreds of billions of dollars to them then I would say you are catching on.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        I have still not gotten an answer from those all aflutter over this incident about what they believe was the expectation they have for how this war should end.

        For the lefties on the ground, the war has become a moral imperative for them. Putin is a very bad man and must be defeated at all cost. Russia must pull back all their troops, give all territory back to Ukraine, and begin paying reparations. Anything less is allowing Putin to get away with his evil. Anyone suggesting that Ukraine may need to take an L here is a Russian stooge.

    • SDF-7

      Here’s an easy way to support Ukraine by the EU — build back your base energy production with either local LNG or nuclear and stop sending more money to Russia for fuel than you’ve sent to Ukraine.

      Just a thought.

      After that you can work on trimming your guns-to-butter ratio and get your militaries back to something that could handle something again.

      But I’m 1000 percent behind you dissolving NATO. Please, please, please throw us into that briar patch, Europe!

      • Drake

        If Russia takes over Europe, they’ll cancel elections, import millions of Muslims and allow them to rape freely, raise taxes, and destroy the economy.

        Can’t let that happen.

    • Tonio

      “Maybe Starmer told the rest of the simpering nancies to flutter their hands about the border squabble between Russia and its historical vassal while telling them that the real issue is the swarthy invaders from the south and east that are overrunning all of them.”

      You talk purty.

    • Drake

      The Crimean War was like England’s Vietnam war. The first time people really started questioning why their sons were dying in huge numbers for unexplainable reasons.

      • creech

        Lesson unlearned by 1914.

  21. Shpip

    It’s an old tale: cop arrests a young nubile chick, and she offers certain “favors” to avoid a trip to jail.

    Then there’s the Florida Woman version…

    • Sean


      • AlexinCT

        I would have arrested her for offering!

    • SDF-7

      I guess she heard good oral arguments can cut down on jail time and wanted to try.

      • Ownbestenemy

        There is no teeth to that opinion, she was really just trying to gum up the process

      • DrOtto

        You better head on outta here with these bad puns…

    • Suthenboy

      I just ate breakfast goddammit.

  22. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. So tempted to forward this story on to my aunt. We’ve gotten into a tiff (and this is my favorite relative by far) about Trump and Elon demanding a five bullet point email.

    A small group of unionized staff, many of whom have worked at the St. Peter facilities for about two decades, recently protested in the cold by the campus that houses the Forensic Mental Health Program for people with chronic, serious mental illness and the sex offender program.
    Nearby, new construction has forced Minnesota Sex Offender Program staff to use an outdoor port-a-potty or walk in freezing weather to another building’s restroom — leaving their unit down a person as they make the quarter-mile roundtrip.

    Auntie was rhee-ing lately about Elon’s algorithms not accurately measuring all the good that a shirt tail relation of ours has been doing. Sounds good on paper, but unions deciding that their members shouldn’t have to walk to another building is more important than helping the sick seems to undermine the argument that Elon is cruel and capricious.

    I really, really am tempted to ask her if St. Relation woud

    • Ted S.

      If St. Relation would what?

    • AlexinCT

      The fact so many people act as if it is an insult for your employer to ask you to tell them what you are doing, just leaves me stunned. that level of entitlement and hubris tells me these people all should be on the bread line. How fucking special do you think you are that you can bristle at your employer asking you to tell them WTF you are doing? I get that this is the public sector, but still…

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        I don’t get it either. My wife, a corporate field marketing manager, has weekly MEETINGS where she has to tell her boss and the rest of the marketing team what she did that week. There’s a different meeting on Mondays where all of them will tell the group what they will be working on during the week.

        Why is being held accountable to your employer some sort of rude offense beyond the pale?

  23. DrOtto

    I saw a Subaru in TX that looked like it had been vandalized with anti-Musk sentiment. Then I saw the driver. I was going to point and laugh, but they looked seriously unhinged.

    • AlexinCT

      Blue haired land whale?

      • DrOtto

        How did you ever guess?

      • AlexinCT

        We get them in droves up here. Occasionally the hair will be purple or green, but the shape is the same. Oh, and the flannel. It’s a Subaru, after al…

    • Suthenboy

      Subaru? Musk? What am I missing?

      Also, I heard a rumor that lesbian relationships are very…uh….dramatic. Perhaps the vandalism was personal.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Vindeman is a good representative for how ineffectual and permissive our military has become. A true piece of shit but praised to high heaven by the usual suspects.

      • juris imprudent

        And yet incapable of making it over the O-6 hump.

      • AlexinCT

        He didn’t suck enough dick.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Strip him and his brother of their naturalization and ship them both back to Ukraine.

  24. rhywun

    Leftist brownshirts going after Teslas of all things is like rain on my wedding day.

    What’s next? They actually start giving a shit about offshore birds and whales?

    • Ted S.

      They find ten thousand spoons when all they need is a bamboo straw?

    • AlexinCT

      It’s easy to demand others sacrifice for you.. But that is progressivism – socialism – in a nutshell.

    • AlexinCT

      Funny how they never mention what his personal conduct was… Is he complaining about DEI in private or fucking kid’s corpses? All they tell you is whatever shit made him resign was not bad enough to affect the stock prices so… Well it could be kid corpse fucking.

  25. The Other Kevin

    Thanks for the wonderful songs today. One of my first cassettes in junior high was Listen Like Thieves. I might have worn it out. In high school I listened to all their stuff, way back to INXS/INXS and Underneath the Colours. I regret never seeing them in concert.

      • rhywun

        I will throw this one in the ring.

        One of the first I heard before they got “big” in the U.S. and eventually started to suck.

      • The Other Kevin

        Great choice. That whole album is a work of art.

  26. Sensei

    The Guardian appears to have its clock stopped properly on the on the correct time.

    The crux of the message seems to be this: the US will either broker an end to the war in Ukraine in short order or remove itself from the conflict, unless perhaps it deems Russia to have obstructed a ceasefire.

    Is Europe misunderstanding Trump’s position on Ukraine?

    • AlexinCT

      Europe wants to force Putin to return the land (for the resources, since they never gave Zelensky free money – he has to pay them back – unlike the money from the US ) and to let Ukraine join NATO, to thumb their noses at him. And America has to pay for this shit in spoils and/or blood. Cause globalism.

      Fuck that.

      • The Other Kevin

        They had a deal one year into the war, where Russia would return territory in exchange for Ukraine being neutral. Boris Johnson and Biden told him not to take it.

        This is a proxy war and they want to “bring down” Putin in some way. It’s another color revolution. As if Zelensky is going to take Moscow, or Putin will be overthrown or something. The scary part is my Republican and my lefty teammates are both all in on this.

      • rhywun

        It’s weird that Trump might prevent WWIII and all of the world’s elites will hate him for it for all time.

      • The Other Kevin

        Funny how all those Dems calling for a cease fire in Israel want Ukraine to keep fighting to the last man.

      • invisible finger

        It’s called “Kill Whitey”, TOK.

    • rhywun

      “Europe is hearing a different message”

      Yeah, that’s part of how propaganda works.

    • AlexinCT

      Whose lives? Democrats, globalists, and their insurrectionists?

    • rhywun

      Because Ugandan health care is our responsibility.

      Has anyone considered the possibility that maybe the leaders of Uganda might… oh, forget it.

      • Sean



      • PieInTheSky

        The question is did any of the recipients try in the last 10 years or so to become mostly self sufficient, or did they expect the eternal gravy train…

      • rhywun

        did any of the recipients try in the last 10 years or so to become mostly self sufficient

        I dunno. Ask Germany, France, or the UK.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Did Oscar emerge from his trashcan and see his shadow last night?

    • The Last American Hero

      Nope. That means six more years of woke bullshit at the theatres.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Kroger CEO:

    McMullen’s resignation stems from an investigation conducted by an independent counsel into certain behavior that the company’s board became aware of on Feb. 21.

    “Mr. McMullen’s conduct is not related to the Company’s financial performance, operations or reporting, and it did not involve any Kroger associates,” Kroger said Monday.

    Wrongthink most foul; too horrific to detail.

    • Sean


    • R.J.

      Is it safe to assume that 2 door BMWs are the Mustangs of Europe?

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Cooking the books

    Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick said Sunday that government spending could be separated from gross domestic product reports, in response to questions about whether the spending cuts pushed by Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency could possibly cause an economic downturn.

    “You know that governments historically have messed with GDP,” Lutnick said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures.” “They count government spending as part of GDP. So I’m going to separate those two and make it transparent.”

    Doing so could potentially complicate or distort a fundamental measure of the U.S. economy’s health. Government spending is traditionally included in the GDP because changes in taxes, spending, deficits and regulations by the government can impact the path of overall growth. GDP reports already include extensive details on government spending, offering a level of transparency for economists.

    Musk’s efforts to downsize federal agencies could result in the layoffs of tens of thousands of federal workers, whose lost income could potentially reduce their spending, affecting businesses and the economy at large.

    Everybody knows how clean and honest the numbers are. They need to hide the Trump recession.

    • Sensei

      Government employment has always “counted” in GDP. Simply highlighting makes sense.

      Liberal economists have done the same with CPI and “Core CPI”. For normal economists it meant you didn’t ignore the change in food and energy, you just evaluated it separately.


    • rhywun

      I’m reminded of how the government excludes cash handouts when cooking the “poverty” numbers.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    The commerce secretary’s remarks echoed Musk’s arguments made Friday on X that government spending doesn’t create value for the economy.

    “A more accurate measure of GDP would exclude government spending,” Musk wrote on his social media platform. “Otherwise, you can scale GDP artificially high by spending money on things that don’t make people’s lives better.”

    The argument as articulated so far by Trump administration officials appears to play down the economic benefits created by some forms of government spending that can shape an economy’s trajectory.

    Muh asset bubbles!

    • PieInTheSky

      A main issue is that if Russia retreated completely tomorrow, the chance of the next Ukraine political class to become less corrupt is very low.

      Young men die for the next generation of oligarchs… Which if voluntary sure, but not mandatory conscription.

      Now I have no idea what truth there is to press gangs you see on X. But it is a fact that freezing young Ukrainians were found in the mountains near the border in Romania and it is clear some do want to avoid conscription, so conscription is not a gentle thing.

      • The Other Kevin

        I heard something on a podcast, perhaps you can confirm it. Apparently it’s common, to the point of being a stereotype, that rich Ukrainians have moved to other European countries and are living lavish lifestyles financed by aid money from the US.

      • PieInTheSky

        not sure if financed by US aid money but many of the wealthier managed to leave in time… You saw the fancy cars with Ukraine numbers near good hotels. Don’t know if any went back to fight. I am not exactly keeping track but I think most moved on from Romania.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        We have a lot of Ukrainian contractors at my company who moved to Poland just when the war started. Or to be more specific, the male Ukrainian contractors went to Poland. The women mostly stayed behind in Lviv.

    • PieInTheSky

      what a pointless and primitive system

      • Sensei

        It originally started from pictograms. It’s the classic case of doubling down on an entrenched system.

      • PieInTheSky

        imagine Greece still writing Linear A…

  31. PieInTheSky

    TIL the name of one of Seattle’s newest housing projects.

    Africatown. It’s called Africatown.

    No, I’m not being racist, I’m not making a joke. It’s called Africatown because they want more black people to live there. Too many whites moved in. Gotta fix that.

    Is there a little Romania? FeteascaNeagraTown?

    • Nephilium

      We were doing that here before it was cool.

    • Swiss Servator


      Save me a spot!

    • Gustave Lytton

      As long as it’s not located next to Hymie-town.

    • The Other Kevin

      My kid has another year out there, hopefully she can find a place in New Slovakia.

    • rhywun

      A lot of colleges do that but I’ve never seen a town do it. Wow.

    • R C Dean

      Neagra, please!

  32. PieInTheSky

    ‘m going to draw aside the curtain and tell you who these “97Percent” clowns are, based on lore shared among Second Amendment activists over long decades of dealing with similar organizations.

    Somewhere in the DC suburbs there’s a building, possibly more than one, that is a tank farm for left-wing activist organizations. They have overlapping staff. They use the same contractors for spinning up websites. They’re all buzzy about stuff like “violence prevention”, “environmental justice”, and of course “climate change”.

    Until about last week it’s likely that a significant portion of their budget came from the US taxpayer through USAID and several layers of shell foundations. However, they were actually founded by full-time activists working for the Tides Foundation, George Soros, or Michael Bloomberg – people whose skill-set centers on tapping into Federal money via professional-level grantsmanship.

    The important point is that they are not and have never been grassroots organizations. They make a big deal out of soliciting small-dollar donors in order to create the appearance that there are lots of ordinary voters behind them, but this is basically never the case. They are completely creatures of the DC blob.

    You can safely bet that despite their pretense of representing “moderate” gun owners, nobody on the staff of 97Percent ever spends their evenings or weekends at a gun range. They would never dare rent a table at a gun show, because they know they’d be roundly mocked. And anyway actual gun-owners give them the ick.

    Because who are they? Bored failsons of wealthy families. Untalented theater kids. Ascended Karens. Vague ditzes whose life’s ambition was “to work for a non-profit”. Communications majors.

    How do I know who they are? By reading their prose. It’s the antiseptic drone of the professional managerial class and its low-test wannabes.

    • Suthenboy

      Cancer cells that need to be expelled from the body. That is who they are.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Somewhere in the DC suburbs there’s a building, possibly more than one, that is a tank farm for left-wing activist organizations. They have overlapping staff. They use the same contractors for spinning up websites. They’re all buzzy about stuff like “violence prevention”, “environmental justice”, and of course “climate change”.

    You could knock me down with a feather.

    • creech

      No doubt that conservatives have one too.

      • rhywun

        And for the first time ever it seems to be getting results?

  34. PieInTheSky

    On sports, That’s pretty much it is just trying to deflect from the fact that a Canadian won the Arnold Strongman Classic with the American coming in second THUS PROVING Canadians are stronger, manlier and with better facial hair than Americans.

    • UnCivilServant

      Canadian or “Canadian”?

      • PieInTheSky

        Nickname The Moose – very Canadian

    • rhywun

      Is Manual Noriega still around to compete?

  35. PieInTheSky

    On the movie that got best movie on the Oscars, I did not see it but I assume based on synopsis it is a cautionary tale that you do opt kiss hookers on the mouth.

    • UnCivilServant

      The Oscars never mattered. Even as a little kid I asked “Why do they give them out if there were no good movies that year?”

      • AlexinCT

        Good movies never get them. They go to movies that kick you in the balls with whatever trope of the day Hollywood wants to preen about. It’s narcissist assholes doing narcissist asshole shit. Have not paid attention to that shit since back in the day when they snubbed god R rated movies cause R rated.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The Best Picture winners were crap from 1968 to the mid-80’s.

    • Not Adahn

      That movie that everyone was gushing about and got the most nominations has not been mentioned on NPR for weeks.

    • rhywun

      I’d look up which movie that was but I just don’t care. It’s very possible I’ve never heard of it anyway.

    • Suthenboy

      Yes. Exactly zero dollars should be going to NGOs.
      Notice the girl saying “they use words like freedom, peace and democracy”. Nebulous terms that push subconscious buttons, dressing the wolf up as cute bunny rabbits. Who could be against bunny rabbits?

      The whole spectacle is sickening.

  36. Mojeaux

    Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest flu?

    • AlexinCT

      Take a lot of rest and call me in the morning!

      Hope you get better soon Mojeaux.

    • bacon-magic

      Same. It sucks for sure.

      • Mojeaux

        Cannot stray far from a toilet.

    • The Other Kevin

      Oh no! Mrs. TOK had that this weekend. This is the fourth time she’s has some kind of illness this year. And we’re only two months in.

      • Mojeaux

        This came on fast. Like, one minute I’m going about life as usual. The next, I’m doing All The Things one does when one has the flu.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    War dividend

    European markets were higher on Monday, amid a charge in defense shares after regional leaders held security talks that touched on bolstered military spending.

    The regional Stoxx 600 index moved between losses and gains in early deals but was 1.2% higher by 2 p.m. in London. The Stoxx Europe aerospace and defense index rose by 8%, putting it on course for its best session in five years.

    Keep Daddy Warbucks in business.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of “entertainment” I watched the first two episodes of Reacher last night. It’s almost as if there is a Hollywood version of the AP Stylebook, full of prefabricated cartoon caricatures from which to assemble the mob of zombies for whichever rote story line you choose.

    • Not Adahn

      There actually is. And includes by-the-minute plot points.

      • Nephilium

        TvTropes says hello!

      • Mojeaux

        Such a time-sink.

    • Mojeaux

      Yes. It’s called “Central Casting.” Ever since TV Tropes came on the scene, there’s really no point in trying to hide it or at least tie it with different ribbon. There’s a reason there are only 7 major plots, and that’s cuz we humans like them.

      However, people don’t usually consume entertainment for the “story” (so to speak) so much as consume for the creator’s voice. NWA v Outkast. Tarantino v Kubrick. King v Koontz. [insert popular videogame producer here] v [insert a different videogame producer of similar genre here]. I mean, how many sitcoms has Tim the Toolman Taylor been on that he plays the same character over and over again, and he hangs that lampshade as part of the marketing and are successful???

      • rhywun

        Jeebus… Koontz is so much better than King it must eat him up to live in that asshole’s shadow.

      • Mojeaux

        I read some Koontz in between King when I was a teenager and I can’t remember a damn thing about him.

  39. UnCivilServant

    I know almost none of you have read this work in progress, but I need to find a character to deliver this pun.

    Lady Zita: I saw a rat, there are rats on this ship.
    ??: There are rats on every ship.
    Zita: Eww
    ??: You know what kind of rats sailors hate most of all?
    Zita: What?
    ??: Pie Rats.

    • Ted S.

      How about non-breaking space?

      • UnCivilServant

        It needs to be a printable character, one with a personality. Preferrably one I’ve already created. Though it may be a sailor introduced with the ship if I can’t identify one the pun fits.

    • bacon-magic

      Make it a talking cat.

      • Rat on a train

        A black cat as big as a hog that talks, walks on two legs, and likes chess, pistols, vodka, and sarcasm?

      • UnCivilServant

        What are you high on right now?

  40. Gustave Lytton

    Yay. Another reply all fiasco. Today it’s retards wanting to unsubscribe from an optional call that most of the “please remove me” actually should be attending. But can always opt out themselves. And now it’s a genius responding as if the unsub messages were directed to him personally rather than a lost.

    • Sensei

      They do make for some great conversations with coworkers you sit next to.

    • Rat on a train

      Today’s forecast. A reply-all storm will intensify before tapering off in about an hour.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told reporters in Brussels on Monday that the bloc’s 27 member states would be given details about the so-called rearm Europe plan on Tuesday.

    “Tomorrow, I will inform the member states through a letter about the rearm Europe plan. We need a massive surge in defense without any question,” she said. “We want lasting peace, but lasting peace can only be built on strength, and strength begins with strengthening ourselves.”

    They’re going to have to establish the parameters of acceptable carbon impact.

    • kinnath

      They’re going to do what Trump told them to do 8 years ago.

      • invisible finger

        Yanking the USAID money was the action that backed up the talk.

    • R C Dean

      Trump: “I approve this message.”

      Although “ peace can only be built on strength” does sound a little fascisty, doesn’t it?

    • Suthenboy

      So, peach through strength. Where have I heard that before.

      They can kiss their socialist paradises with free healthcare and six week paid vacations for life goodbye.
      If we stop funding the world maybe our children will be able to afford to have homes and raise children.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    Look Ma, no hands!

    Look out: there’s a new fastest robot in the world.

    A Maserati MC20 Coupe with no one in the driver’s seat set a new land speed record for autonomous vehicles, reaching 197.7mph (318km/h) during an automotive event at the Kennedy Space Center last week.


    The achievement is noteworthy, and not just because an autonomous race car went faster than any other self-driving vehicle before it. It’s partly about stress-testing the reliability of the algorithms that undergird the autonomous driving system, determining how they manage extreme speeds. By pushing the boundaries, the team overseeing the record-breaking run hopes to improve safety by applying their learnings to autonomous road vehicles operating on local roads.

    “These world speed records are much more than just a showcase of future technology,” Paul Mitchell, CEO of Indy Autonomous Challenge and Aidoptation BV, said in a statement. “We are pushing AI-driver software and robotics hardware to the absolute edge. Doing so with a streetcar is helping transition the learnings of autonomous racing to enable safe, secure, sustainable, high-speed autonomous mobility on highways.”

    Let’s see twenty of them run at the same time.

    • R C Dean

      Couldn’t get it to 200 mph? Meh.

  43. Suthenboy

    Wife, regarding Billy Bob Thornton’s character in ‘Landman” – He doesnt hold back. He just tells the truth.
    Me – People hate that
    Wife – You would know.

    It’s true. Most people dont like me very much. How she puts up with me is a mystery. The woman is a saint.