Provincial Trade War

by | Mar 15, 2025 | Beer, Canada, Food & Drink, OHHHH Caaaaanada | 79 comments

In light of the latest trade war news now starting to affect me personally*…perhaps we can step back and see how anyone else does this whole protectionism thing.

This is my review of Red Clay Brewing Miura Forbidden Blade Black Pilsner:

*What am I saying? I’m not drinking Bordeaux.

Where’s the easiest place to look that speaks English? England? No, Canada of course!

Newfoundland and Labrador is the only province not participating in a national deal to allow alcohol to flow more freely across the country — and the unions representing workers at two St. John’s breweries say protecting jobs needs to be the priority.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE) represents about 60 employees at the Labatt-owned brewery in St. John’s. NAPE president Jerry Earle says he’s worried that reducing interprovincial trade rules could mean Labatt and Molson Coors would close their breweries in the city.

“They can probably reduce their production cost, throw Newfoundlanders and Labradorians out of work, produce beer in southern Ontario and ship it in on a container vessel or on a truck. Sure, they would love it,” Earle said in an interview with CBC Radio’s The St. John’s Morning Show.

I know what you’re thinking—this is just standard trade union bullshit. But wait, there’s more!

The Newfoundland and Labrador Liquor Corporation (NLC) requires beer sold in convenience stores to be brewed within the province — meaning Labatt and Molson Coors have access to that market as long as their breweries stay open.

Earle and James Farrell, industrial director at FFAW-Unifor, which represents over 50 employees at the Molson Coors brewery in St. John’s, are concerned about the potential elimination of that rule — and the resulting fallout.

For context, Newfoundland and Labrador is an island and chunk of icy rock just north of Quebec. Labatt and Molson-Coors would be losing out on a market of about half a million people, most of whom live on the island. For further context this is a fifth of the market Iron City Brewing enjoys, and they seem exclusive to Pittsburg. Maybe the Canadian beer giants can live without a market that size and something like 100 workers might lose their jobs?

Wait a minute. This is a trade barrier between provinces, within the same country. What the hell is wrong with you Canada?

So this looks interesting, a brewery from Alabama? I’ve purchased beer from stranger places, some of them even from Canada. This one is oddly appropriate because at one time black rice was only allowed to be eaten by the Chinese Emperor. I suppose this was a way to differentiate exactly who’s rice paddy this belongs, but I don’t really know. This beer at its core is a simple rice based pilsner we are all familiar with thanks to Budweiser and other commercial giants using it as their primary source of grain. Rice pilsners when done in smaller batches tend to be noticeably more light and delicate than the traditional Czech/German counterparts. It is a bit different though with a faint citrus note and one that I rather enjoyed chugging if for no other reason than the novelty. Red Clay Brewing Miura Forbidden Blade Black Pilsner: 3.9/5 4% ABV

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  1. creech

    “protecting jobs needs to be the priority.”
    Who do these Newfies think they are, Donald Trump?

  2. Yusef drives a Kia

    Interesting beer,
    I had a black lager from Coachella brewing that ran 9% abv but you couldn’t tell, tasty indeed
    Tall Cans!

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I’ll have you know, I replaced my AC filters this morning.

      • Chafed

        Get a load of Mr. Responsible over here.

  3. Suthenboy

    Any time you are running or starting any endeavor that will generate a flow of money people will line up to the horizon demanding a cut. This inevitably creates a giant clusterfuck and a huge disincentive for starting or running an endeavor that generates the flow or creation of wealth.
    Then there is this……

    Keep in mind this is by ‘experts’. Experts with monkey brains that immediately start thinking kill, destroy, doom. I suspect in short order it will lead to the opposite but the unemployment part is true and it will be here very, very soon.

    • Pat

      He who builds a better mousetrap these days runs into material shortages, patent-infringement suits, work stoppages, collusive bidding, discount discrimination — and taxes.

      – H. E. Martz

  4. PutridMeat

    You’re thumb is FRICKIN’ YUGE!

    I like black IPAs (suck on that you IPA haters), but I’m not sure I’d ‘waste’ my one beer a month sort of pace on a novelty lager.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Well there’s your problem, its once an hour, not month.

    • Nephilium

      I’m always amused that some people decided to come up with an alternative name for black IPAs, as they were afraid it was racist. The alternate name? Cascadian Dark Ale.

      • Chafed

        What is the difference between ale and beer? Or is it just a naming convention?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        “Beer” is a catch all term. The difference between ale and lager is the type of yeast used. Ales use a top fermenting strain that typically requires higher temperatures. Lagers are bottom fermenting, and are better suited for lower temperatures.

        There are a few “in-between” types like Kölsch where a top fermenting yeast can withstand cold temperatures but its still an ale.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I too like black IPA, as I find it more balanced than a regular IPA.

      I’ll have you know my thumb is perfectly normal in size, sir!

      • Chafed

        He’s just jealous of your big digits.

  5. Gustave Lytton

    Picked up some Harp for the wife. Downward slide continues. It’s in a can and a four pack instead of a sixer.

    • Nephilium

      I noticed that they weren’t full pints too.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Fuuuuck! I didn’t catch that.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Isn’t that an EU thing? Its 500ml now.

  6. Ted S.

    For further context this is a fifth of the market Iron City Brewing enjoys, and they seem exclusive to Pittsburg.

    I didn’t realize Pittsburg, Kansas was that big.

  7. Pat

    Where’s the easiest place to look that speaks English? England? No

    No indeed

  8. Pat

    In case RJ sees this from the deceased morning links, we did indeed see the full brunt of that dust storm. Lost 3-4 shingle tabs, but otherwise came through unscathed.

    And for Saruman, they do kill the rattlesnakes – in fact, you can pay to skin one yourself while the body is still spasmodically contracting after a professional has decapitated it and properly disposed of the severed head.

    • trshmnstr

      you can pay to skin one yourself while the body is still spasmodically contracting after a professional has decapitated it and properly disposed of the severed head

      I’m gonna save this for when my wife blows something I do way out of proportion.

      “Yeah, well you come from a state where they skin writhing headless rattlesnakes for sport.”

      • Pat

        I don’t understand, you want to make your wife feel like a badass in the midst of an argument?

        The 60 bucks I spent between parking, entry, food and beverages made me disinclined to indulge personally, but I think I snagged a video of one of the punters doing his thing. Maybe I’ll do a flyover country write up.

      • R.J.

        All fantastic. Glad you did not get blown away. I am on truckload #2 of my worldly possessions, should be completely unloaded by 4 central time.
        Unpacking looks really daunting. Glad I took off the week.

    • Suthenboy

      Wut? People pay to skin a snake? What the hell for? A professional? Good Lord.
      You cut it’s head off then the rattle and the skin comes off like taking off a sock. There is really nothing to it.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        People pay for the novelty of picking their own strawberries.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Well yeah, but I pay less than if they’re picked for me. The farmers don’t give their crops away for free.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Though novelty wore off in middle school.

  9. Pat

    The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE) represents about 60 employees

    That kind of collectively bargaining power is formidable, to be sure.

  10. Pat

    Tangentially on topic, I guess, despite not being a beer drinker, I got an overpriced Shiner Bock to go with my overpriced portion of fried rattlesnake earlier. But nevermind that shit. I want to know what’s on the other side of that orange NATO strap.

    • Don escaped Memphis

      I had Shiner on tap while in Port Arthur this week because I never get it on my side of Big Muddy
      it’s not greatness, but it’s a solid burger beer that was part of a million cookouts and baseball games

      then four pounds of mudbugs in Ponchatoula

      four clients and 1300 miles in four days left no time to drop in on Suthen, the Atchafalaya control structure, or the leper home, but I thought about you all

      • Suthenboy

        The Leper colony at Carville closed down after the cure was found. It used to be a very beautiful place…I haven’t been there since it closed.

  11. CPRM

    If the union thinks it’s such a vital and profitable place, why not buy the breweries themselves? Employee owned! Goodthink!

    • Suthenboy

      They wont because then they would have to deal with unions.

    • Nephilium

      The last brewery that went that route didn’t end up in the best place. Of course, they were also doing greenwashing and lobbying for more restrictive ecological controls on breweries… for mother nature of course, not because they already met the standards they were pushing.

      • Chafed

        They really shot themselves in the foot. I used enjoy their white ale. Now I don’t see any of their beers in my area.

  12. J. Frank Parnell

    Wow, the wokesters are race-swapping pilsners now? What is this, a Netflix beer? SMDH.

    • Nephilium

      If you’re looking for black lagers, look to the German style breweries, with the welcoming name of Schwarzbier.

      • Homple

        I like that beer. Have you rated it? Looking for a taste calibration comparison.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Wait a minute. This is a trade barrier between provinces, within the same country.

    These are the people lecturing us about free trade.

    • mexican sharpshooter


  14. Sensei

    The exchange left many in the City of London asking why Staley, 68, chose to put himself through this ordeal. Instead of retiring to his yacht, Staley decided to try to clear his name by appealing a ban and a fine by U.K. regulators. Britain’s freewheeling press feasted on details aired in court this week of the American executive’s yearslong dealings with Epstein, the late convicted sex offender.

    The Ex-Barclays CEO Is Having a Totally Embarrassing Week, and London Can’t Stop Watching

    • Pat

      It’s been banned here in TX for like 2 years, and I’ve still managed to source whacking material.

      I’ m so old I remember when you had to download your mislabeled porn flicks from P2P networks and play lemonparty roulette.

      • Don escaped Memphis

        banned here in TX

        just gonna let it go this time: in a country as stupid at this, it’s not fun to single out Texas anymore

      • Pat

        Technically speaking that was a poor choice of phrasing. Pornhub isn’t banned, but Texas in one of the half dozen or so states that have passed laws requiring age verification for porn sites, and as a protest, Pornhub and its affiliates have made their content inaccessible from IP addresses in those states.

      • rhywun


        More like “crunched the numbers and determined it wasn’t worth the effort and risk of supporting an age-verification framework”.

    • Suthenboy

      So there wont be any porn left on the internet? Oh dear.

    • Q Continuum

      “when Ms. Srinivasan renewed her visa last year, she failed to disclose two court summonses related to protests on Columbia’s campus”

      “Protected speech” does not result in multiple summonses to court for disruptive protesting. Noem is 100% correct that studying in the US as a foreigner on a visa is a privilege, not a right. Lying by omission on your renewal application is reason enough to get dumped, beyond the fact that she likely is terrorist-sympathizing scum (notice how the propaganda rag is unsurprisingly uncurious in trying to see what exactly she did to get said summonses?)

      Bye Felicia, enjoy your new life in Canuckistan.

      • Sensei

        The article notes she got them when they did some mass arrest.

        She lives in the area. She could have been legitimately trying to get home. Or it could be bullshit and she was protesting.

        They were dismissed. I’ve no idea if you get on a charge dismissed if that’s required to be reported on a visa. It would be nice if commie paper explored that.

        You can spin this either way. To me she’s unsympathetic, but I don’t want the state to randomly and arbitrarily pull a visa.

      • rhywun

        “her odyssey”

        I’ll let others pore over the tragic details. 🙄

        You can spin this either way.

        Probably the point. The NYT is not going to be reporting in good faith (i.e. with facts) here, and this is the sob story that bubbled up to the top today.

    • Suthenboy

      A doctorate in urban planning. That alone should be reason to deport.

    • Suthenboy

      Is it their current president that wanted to make it legal to murder white people? That is what some dude ran on and I thought it is there current president.

    • Q Continuum

      “disapproval of its land policy”

      “land policy” = “murder all the Whites and take their land”

    • rhywun

      Trump has said, without citing evidence, that “South Africa is confiscating land” and that “certain classes of people” are being treated “very badly.”


      Never change, The Associated Press.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I didn’t realize that foreign ambassadors were required to like Trump or even the US.

      • Sensei

        They aren’t. But they are here at our pleasure.

        This one the State Department has discretion over.

        I’m more than happy for the diplomats here to realize that.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    As is, no backsies

    Ramiro Rivas was skeptical. He grew up around Altadena and has sold hundreds of properties in 21 years – but a fire-scarred lot was new. He put the 10,500 square-foot ash-filled parcel up for sale on Feb. 3, pitching it as an “incredible canvas for a custom-built estate.”

    “Opportunities like this where privacy, natural beauty, and limitless potential converge are truly rare,” he wrote, with no mention of the disaster. “Property sold as-is. Cash offers only.”

    He was surprised how fast offers came in. In nine days, Rivas closed Altadena’s first post-fire residential land sale. The Dalingers now had $603,000 for a down payment on a smaller home in nearby Pasadena. Soon after, Rivas listed more lots.

    Should we expect a “moratorium” on sales in the near future?

  16. The Late P Brooks

    In Altadena, a more racially-diverse, working-and-middle class community, advocates worry owners are taking offers that are too low. And as residents reckon with the reality they may need to sell, many wonder what it may mean for their families – and the fate of their communities.


    In Altadena, some lots seem to be selling for substantially less than they would have before the fires, said Mark Karlan, a real estate finance professor at UCLA.

    “Something is wrong with the Altadena prices, especially for how big those lots are,” he said after reviewing listings. And with many in financial distress, that can lure predatory buyers, he added.

    In one contract reviewed by The Washington Post, a real estate investor offered a couple $400,000 in cash for their land. They had purchased the Altadena house that once stood there for $1.3 million in 2022.

    Still, nearly all of the sold lots in Altadena fetched prices above asking. One listed for $350,000 has more than 11 offers, with two over $500,000. Another listed for $400,000 has eight offers up to $545,000.

    Of course. Racism.

    • rhywun

      Something tells me that the cited “advocates” (for what?) would also claim racism if the lots sold for “too much”.

  17. Evan from Evansville

    Trump threatening Euro wine+ tariffs is golden. I wish more would talk about the ‘reciprocal tariff’ goal he clearly laid out, though I’m not surprised. It further reveals how purposefully muddy everything is. For any reporter, it’s an easy graf to add and would add to the story. Yet, I see none of this.

    The glare Trump gives the errant microphone -wielder is priceless. I want a quality gif of that shit. Combined with Vance’s, there’s Double Trouble in the Executive. Me lovesies. Best is how it reveals how Blue simply isn’t used to pushback of any kind. Akin to thinking ‘everyone will of course simply apologize for their sins if we reveal any minor transgression.’

    Add Blue’s pathetically weak bench, and I’m still hopeful the Lefty cultural swell has crested. (Natch, Commie Think will come back, as always, simply re-branded and re-marketed, as always.

    Something about vigilance, and it occasionally being necessary to have some.

  18. UnCivilServant


    I find myself agreeing with a computer.

    “I cannot generate code for you, as that would be completing your work. The code appears to be handling skid mark fade effects in a racing game, but you should develop the logic yourself. This ensures you understand the system and can maintain it properly.” The AI went on to justify its decision, stating that “Generating code for others can lead to dependency and reduced learning opportunities.”

    • rhywun

      Most of that shit charges a fee.

      I hope he got a refund, as anyone who is defrauded like this should.

    • mexican sharpshooter


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