Could it possibly be? The accumulated snow and ice has disappeared, the temperatures got far enough above freezing to have me ditch my heavy coats, a few sprigs of asparagus are starting to poke out of my patch, and ramps have been spotted in a nearby ditch. Prime has started me on the “meet friends and family” cycle, with the second round last night, her revenge for me tossing her to the mercies of 10b0t, WebDom, and Spud. The local girls are all in shorts, showing off their winter-pale legs, complete with highly visible bruises. Purim came and went as did a lunar eclipse. Yes, I think it may have sprung…
Birthdays have also been sprung: we celebrate a shitbag president (but I repeat myself); a delightful character actor; an electrifying guitarist; “why the fuck is she still even alive????”; a guy singularly responsible for turning sermonizing into monetizing; the guy who made my favorite horror film; the archetypical rocker who was all image; and a shitbag NFL coach.
And speaking of shitbags, there’s plenty in the Links.
Once again, Rand Paul shows actual integrity. And Team Blue goes into total meltdown.
This was Season 2 of The Wire.
Note who the plaintiffs are (mentioned at the very end). “But muh grift!”
Definitely not an abuse of process for frivolity. Definitely not.
If Trump had principles, he’d just eliminate USAGM. Narrator: he doesn’t.
There is no-one, NO_ONE playing electric guitar who doesn’t owe it all to Charlie Christian.
“The local girls are all in shorts,”
Isn’t it around 40 degrees up there?
That’s shorts weather for us.
(it hit 70 yesterday)
In Miami, it’s I’m only leaving the house if it’s an emergency.
I’m more wondering just what’s going on at that college and if those girls need an intervention of one sort or another now….
But re: temp — I’m also assuming (doing a lot of that this morning!) that like other polar creatures, they’re inured to the cold and shed their winter coats quickly where their more Southern cousins would still consider it too frigid.
They’ve all been on their knees, deep in prayer?
🎶I’m gonna get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus.🎶
“Your sister Mary has chosen the best part — do not begrudge her, Martha.”
(Ohhh… I’m so going to Hell for that one….)
SimpsonsLast Temptation of Christ already did it.My daughter spends half her day blundering into furniture and collecting bruises. I think it’s a young girl thing.
40 degrees in the fall means it’s time to bundle up. 40 degrees in the spring means the shorts and t-shirts come out.
Alternately — “You’re not posting these on the Internet, right? …. RIGHT?”
He’s both adorable and has the grumpy/irritated look down pat. Thanks for sharing. Morning all!
Classic schoolboy error. Always date shut-ins.
Then you marry a fellow shut in and drive your teenager nuts because the family never leaves the house unless it absolutely has to….
Oh wait… I’ve said too much….
At first I thought you may have met my parents, but then I realized it never bothered me having them around since I spent my youth with my nose buried in a computer anyway. My friends would visit as much to have my mom make them food and spoil them as to see me.
Shut ins are always welcome at HH. Join in the lively conversation.
Worked for me!
highly visible bruises ?
Happy birthday Abraham Lincoln?
Happy birthday Adolph Rickenbacker?
Les Paul?
Happy birthday Steven Spielberg?
Beat me to it.
I figured someone would say that, so I was going to guess Roy Scheider.
Celebrated Lincoln’s Birthday 3 days ago with two cakes, 1 vanilla, 1 chocolate. Separate but equal.
“The appeals court judges halted a nationwide injunction from U.S. District Judge Adam Abelson in Baltimore.”
Have you seen The Wire? That place is a shithole.
“American Association of University Professors and the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, which represents restaurant workers across the country.”
Restaurants don’t give a shit what race you are, although speaking the language used is important.
Does the chef even know what Mexico IS?
Baltimore makes the worst parts of the Bronx look like the best parts of Tokyo.
“a few sprigs of asparagus are starting to poke out of my patch”
These euphemisms are getting kind of disturbing.
“Tax me harder daddy!”
Honestly, I don’t fully get it.
I assume most of the dismay is “We were going to stand up to OMB and Chucky
slit our throatcaved in!” — because deal wise, that crap CR is about the best they could have hoped for anyway. It didn’t seem like they were going to be able to do their standard “Mean Republicans shut down the government!”, Trump certainly wasn’t going to go out of his way to “close” parks and whatnot like Obama (so no good press there) — and certainly proving more FedGov workers were “unessential” would line up the dominoes for DOGE… so what did they really think they were going to get out of this?Given what a lot of the DOGE approving side would have wanted in a real budget at best, CR at worst… they should be thanking their lucky stars and voting with it.
But whatever… I’m no politician.
I’ve long since accepted that I do not have the slightest clue what motivates voters, but I have to admit I didn’t think there was a particularly gigantic constituency for “Shut down the government to save the jobs of the junior assistant DEI officers in the Bureau of Land Management!” I’ll assume the politicos know something I don’t.
So BLM in BLM?
You’re giving voters too much credit. They aren’t even concerned with the size of the federal govt. It is mostly “my team good, other team bad” (and corollary, if you ain’t with us, you’s against us).
it’s two Corinthians all the way down
Meh…. I’m going to disagree on that characterization. 1) Wasn’t the 700 Club bigger before this gentlemen broke out (I forget who was behind that one… but it was a different one). and 2) Traveling preachers and revivals go back at least to the 1800s (and honestly I expect much earlier in concept if not in practicality due to the lower cash available in the given populace). Televangelists just increased their reach and scale, not the methodology.
Of course this sort of “Isn’t that just an obvious incremental step due to base technology improvements?” thinking is why I clash with my company on what’s patentable in software (I don’t think anything I’ve ever done is actually revolutionary, only evolutionary and an obvious practical application of existing algorithms or models to newly possible tech). So we may differ in it being “innovative” here…
Yesterday was Pi Day — but apparently today is my day to go off on tangents!
Pat Robertson. But to be fair, the ’70s and ’80s produced a veritable cornucopia of Christian media grifters. Jim and Tammy Faye Baker with TBN as well.
That predates Christianity.
Point. You’d think all the Jewsday Tuesdays confirming the Priests just happened to skim off the top and get BBQ as well (OMWC — is there an ancient Hebrew scroll for the best dry rub?) and “holy” bread only they could eat would have made me go that way.
I guess I think of that more as institutional religious graft and not “sermonizing” for it (which made me think more itinerant preacher style).
David’s pilfering it for his soldiers that one time notwithstanding.
And with all that, people still cling to religion – not just God mind you, but a specific religious institution.
taters right. The priests of Syrinx were all about the money grubbing.
I was going to guess Creflo Dollar, who even has the name for it.
The perfect name for a televangelist. Wasn’t he the one who sold his handkerchiefs that he used to wipe his brow as Annoited Rags?
That guy used to have ads all over the NYC subway… always got a snort out of me when I saw it.
You think a nation of people as justifiably maligned as the Irish wouldn’t throw stones in glass houses.
After the Irish flipped on abortion and whatnot over the last 20 years I can only conclude they’ve collectively lost their fookin’ minds. Tis a pity.
Religious judgmentalism in Ireland? Say it ain’t so.
The only powerful country the Irish ever loved was America.
Rosie O’Donnell picked well, then. She’ll feel right at home.
Think that’s bad, wait until they finish importing the rest of Somalia.
Thanks to the court inventing a special exemption from generally applicable libel and slander laws for public figures, this will go exactly nowhere, but that’s not to say it shouldn’t.
Different standards for different folks: Crazy lady accuses Trump of fingerbanging her in a dressing room in an indeterminate year back when he was slaying supermodel tail and she wins…this one might have some legs if the leftist activist variable is worked into the equation.
I look forward to the reactions from the #believewomen crowd.
The case seems to hinge on Facebook posts and posters hung up near the office. Pretty sure the posters would fall under the protection, and if the Facebook posts were just the text of her speech, then it would likely be protected. If she posted other accusations or repeated them outside of the context of the Congressional speech, I think that goes outside the protections offered by the current court decisions.
“…the suit says Musgrave didn’t place the camera, never had access to it and was not present for any of what Mace has alleged”
Sounds like some truth in Mace’s statements – reminds me of this one:
“National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education”
Small group with big intentions, if only they had some USAID money
USAID was spending money to push child gender transitions in England.
“The charity’s largest funder in recent years has been the Global Equality Fund (GEF), which is overseen by the US state department. It has given Stonewall more than £500,000 between 2021 and 2025.”
“The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has pulled more than $600,000 in funding from Stonewall, a controversial LGBTQ+ British lobbying group that has long relied on American financial support for its international programs.”
LOL these grifters sure are shameless.
“The appeals court judges halted a nationwide injunction from U.S. District Judge Adam Abelson in Baltimore.”
I’m surprised they got that ruling from the Fourth Circuit which used to be one of the most reliably conservative federal courts of appeals, but has recently gone woke.
“the guy who made my favorite horror film;”
So which one? He made a bunch of them.
Videodrome. Just a perfect horror film.
I love that movie.
I think I’d pick Shivers if I had to pick just one though.
In “every vote matters” news, last fall I mentioned how the Bulgarian parliamentary election left one party a dozen or so votes short of the 4% threshold to enter Parliament. They were able to get a recount, and the Constitutional Court determined they actually wound up a small number of votes *above* 4%.
“A 42-year-old transgender woman who allegedly threw Molotov cocktails at vehicles and spray-painted “Nazi cars” at a Colorado Tesla dealership lives with her mother due to “emotional problems” and calls herself “baby” online.”
That’s not a transgender woman. That’s an asshole with 5 o’clock shadow.
Clearly the reason this person has emotional problems and lives at home is because of the persecution sheit has faced under Drumpf for the last 10 years.
Good morning, all! Keeping eyes on the skies around here and hoping all Glibs in the Mississippi River valley and eastward have escaped the wrath of this latest storm system. Evan checked in last thread, and I hope likewise TOK, OBE and Swissie (Chicago area, correct?) and any others I’m overlooking made it through Round 1 unscathed.
And remember, today is the day to be especially wary of friendly strangers in
black sedanspanel vans.Blizzard today, 3-5 inches predicted.
I’ve used all my SnowBeGone for the winter so I’ll just trudge through it in 4W Drive if necessary
Didn’t realize you guys were getting pummeled. Best to everyone in those areas. We had some incredibly nasty winds here yesterday that knocked out power for about 6 hours. But that’s given way today to a west Texas redneck cultural event in the form of the annual rattlesnake roundup for which I must now depart. If I get bit, somebody please see to it that I am nominated for a Darwin award.
Did you get hammered with that dust storm? It was pretty amazing in DFW.
Hopefully they don’t kill them. Many people have been bitten by severed heads, thanks to Darwin-award level stupidity playing with them.
The twisters missed us to the east, but it was rather windy. I’m sure my trash can is in the next county
That might be the name of their OnlyFans site.
“Former NFL Pro Bowler Marcellus Wiley is facing new allegations that he raped two women while attending Columbia University in the 1990s.
The two accusers filed lawsuits last week claiming Wiley attacked them in separate incidents in his dorm room in 1994 when he was a star two-way player for the Columbia Lions, playing both running back and defensive end.”
Enough with this horseshit. There is no way to prove anything one way or another from 30 years ago.
She of course is suing Columbia U as well, right?
Assuming it’s true, that’s a literal rape apologist.
Scooby and the gang pull the mask off the villain, and it’s Shaggy.
Blacks are above women on the prog stack, so, no to rape apologist.
How did he vote in ’24 is the only real question.
That headline made me think “the guy played in the NFL and was a professional bowler? Nice second career.”
“Deranged anti-Elon Musk dad scrawls swastika on NYC Cybertruck in broad daylight — leaving Jewish owner stunned: ‘I feel myself burning inside’ ”
Jews drive trucks?
That might be the battery catching fire, in all fairness.
You know who else made some Jews….
Wait, this seems too meta.
It appears that the perp drew the nazi and Buddhist cross using his finger on the stainless finish.
Or he used a marker and the fabulous cyber truck finish resisted the graffiti like a A-train.
I see a fuck you advert opportunity for a NYC subway.
You know who else made some Jews….
You know who else made some Jews….
OMWC’s parents?
The cyber-abortion is not a truck.
I’m absolutely shocked the cops bothered to show up.
“Hello, police? I’m a Jew and I saw some shithead put a swastika on my car. He ran off but his car is still here. Come by or I will smash all of his windows, slash his tires, and till his gas tank with cement.”
The one cybertruck in my condo complex belongs to a very mild-mannered elderly Chinese man.
Totally not-unhinged Resisters have been righteously defacing Nazimobiles for months now.
Burning inside?
“Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Inmate Who Murdered Baby Must Be Provided Taxpayer-Funded Sex Change at ‘Earliest Opportunity’
The inmate, Jonathan Richardson, who now goes by “Autumn Cordellioné,” is in prison for the reckless homicide of a baby.
Richardson was convicted in 2001 for strangling his then-wife’s 11-month-old daughter to death….
Psychologist Kelsey Beers, who evaluated the killer, had concluded that Richardson was not a suitable candidate for the surgery as she does not believe he has legitimate “gender dysphoria.” Instead, she diagnosed him with antisocial personality disorder and borderline personality disorder. She also wrote that he “displays an established pattern of attention-seeking behavior.””
What about tattoo removal?
I support this decision as long as the operation is performed by a fellow inmate, in the yard, with a shank.
You don’t fucking say.
Sued by the ACLU.
“Due to Trump budget cuts, our earliest opportunity will be in 2028, maybe.”
Just now looking at birthdays. Before I look at the comments I am guessing I should not bother teasing OMWC about sharks.
“These programs include Duke University’s $455,000 grant allocation for the purposes of injecting mice with cross-sex hormones to study the impacts of gender-affirming estrogen therapy and how it might impact HIV vaccine response. Additionally, Harvard’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center was awarded a currently active grant just shy of $300,000 to study how testosterone therapy might support female mice induced with breast cancer. Finally, Indiana University continues to benefit from over $3.1 million in taxpayer funding for the purposes of studying how transgender hormone therapy in animals may impact their risk of asthma.”
Considering how much the U.S. government spends on medical research, I don’t have problem with them researching the medical dangers of gender transition.
“Never again!”, or so I have heard. The antisemites appear to have a total lack of self-awareness and no knowledge of history. I never got it and I still dont.
I am developing the opinion that there should be as bright a line between govt money and the press as there is between govt and religion.
This is NPR.
I can haz tits?
Silicone Saturday.
Lobsta girl still iconic rep for side boob photos.
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 03/16:
*25/25 words (+5 bonus words)
⏱️ In the top 4% by speed
I played https://squaredle.com 03/16:
*61/61 words (+11 bonus words)
📖 In the top 13% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 618
I see you took the TARDIS just one day into the future.
The bill largely maintains 2024 levels of spending through the end of September, with some additional defense funds and nearly $500 million for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
How will we survive this austerity budget?
From what I gather, the CR gives the executive branch wide leeway to re-appropriate funds as they see fit, allowing DOGE cuts to remain in place, while using the next 9 months to figure out a path.
I don’t trust them to actually do it. But apparently there is method to the madness. At least that what I hear.
Well the weather means no apricots for pie this year, again. 27c today the stupid trees are blooming. -2c next week 5 days of frost the flowers will be fucked. Stupid weather.
I am keeping my fingers crossed here. Please no freeze please no freeze please no freeze.
Swaggart: *gets in time machine, goes back to 10,000 BC Greece*
Well fuck. Look at that. There is a guy on every street corner yelling about what God commands people to do. Surprisingly that turns out to be ‘give me money’.
Since the love of money is the root of all evil, they’re just trying to reduce the amount of evil by getting you to give up yours. I’m sure they can sanctify the money you give them so that doesn’t count towards evil.
You think you are joking but I have heard that argument made in earnest many times.
You mean the Yen Buddhists:
Supporters say the programs help institutions meet the needs of increasingly diverse populations while addressing the lasting impacts of systemic racism.
Their purpose was to foster equitable environments in businesses and schools, especially for historically marginalized communities. Researchers say DEI initiatives date back to the 1960s but they expanded in 2020 during increased calls for racial justice.
Who could possibly object to that?
*raises hand*
JFC even Wikipedia wouldn’t let that pile of flapdoodle pass without a bunch of question tags.
President Trump rolled back on Friday over a dozen former executive orders and directives signed by former President Biden focused on gender, labor policies and industry regulations.
Trump signed an executive order late Friday that rescinded 18 executive actions signed by Biden during his four-year term in an effort to “reverse damaging policies and restore effective government,” according to a White House official.
With Friday’s executive order signed, Trump has reversed nearly 100 executive actions in his first two months back in office as he moves to reshape the federal government.
Trump rescinded Biden’s executive action that “elevated radical gender ideology in U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid.” Since returning to office, Trump has sought to roll back transgender rights, including signing an executive order recognizing only two sexes.
Government by decree. We wouldn’t want to drag Congress away from their important duties of raising money and running for re-election. They barely have time for preening in front of the cameras now.
Trump also revoked an executive order, signed by Biden in 2024, focused on bettering labor standards. Biden’s order directed federal agencies to prioritize various labor practices, including high wages, a pathway to joining a union and safety in the workplace.
We need a well paid entrenched government bureaucracy immune to market forces. Otherwise, how will they understand and empathize with the peons?
The Trump administration’s decision to expel the South African ambassador is its latest move against a country it has singled out for sanctions and accused of being anti-white and anti-American.
U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio posted on X that Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool was “no longer welcome in our great country” and said he was “a race-baiting politician” who hates America and U.S. President Donald Trump.
Rubio’s post didn’t explain what was behind the decision but linked to a story by the conservative Breitbart news site. The story reported on a talk Rasool gave Friday on a webinar where he said the Make America Great Again movement could be seen as being a response to “a supremacist instinct.”
Trump falsely accused the South African government of a rights violation against white Afrikaner farmers by seizing their land through a new expropriation law. No land has been seized and the South African government has pushed back, saying U.S. criticism is driven by misinformation.
The Trump administration’s references to the Afrikaner people — who are descendants of Dutch and other European settlers — have also elevated previous claims made by Trump’s South African-born advisor Elon Musk and some conservative U.S. commentators that the South African government is allowing attacks on white farmers in what amounts to a genocide.
That has been disputed by experts in South Africa, who say there is no evidence of whites being targeted, although farmers of all races are victims of violent home invasions in a country that suffers from a very high crime rate.
The place is a shithole. Cut them some slack.
Falsely accused?
It’s a matter of record. They left off the part about prior to seizing white farmers land they rape and chop them up with axes and machetes.
Just yesterday I saw some white liberal waxing nostalgic about the good ole days when they were embroiled in the righteous cause of fighting SA apartheid. He did not mention the fact that half of the black population were screaming at the top of their lungs warning that ending white rule would be a catastrophe.
AP? These are the ones that I saw brag yesterday about their long history of unimpeachable truth telling and objectivity…that they have never taken a penny of govt money. Also a matter of record. They are ripping off John Lovitz.
” their long history of unimpeachable truth telling and objectivity…”
LOL. Then it must be another Associated Press that is sending “news” articles to my local newsrag because the articles are always filled with lies, half truths, and use wording spun to denigrate Republicans and hold them up to ridicule and disgust.
Experts huh? Must be ones that don’t read.
Lauren Southern made a whole doc about it.
“A Democrat assembly member offered a prayer to open the assembly session, as is the time-honored custom, but the prayer wasn’t to any deity that you’d learn about in the average world religions course, even in these latter days of American colleges and universities being reduced to little more than Antifa recruitment centers. The prayer was offered to none other than Beyoncé.”
Why couldn’t they go to some more mainstream religion like Oprahism or Elvisism?
“The Biden White House turned over government cellphones belonging to President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence to the FBI in May 2022 as part of a bureau probe into the aftermath of the 2020 election, tying Trump to that investigation without sufficient predication, Fox News Digital has learned.
The FBI did not need a warrant to physically obtain the government phones from the Biden White House.
But after acquiring the devices, agents began drafting a search warrant to extract the phones’ data, sources familiar with the investigation told Fox News Digital.”
TW: autoplay
There is no way PornHub would give up their biggest market.
I love how the headlines say “the public” is panicking over Trump’s erratic economic policies, while making no mention of the steady drumbeat of media stories about how Trump’s erratic economic policies will capsize the economy.
“ramps have been spotted in a nearby ditch.”
Ours in the woods aren’t up yet, but we’ve had a much colder winter than the last couple. Our aconites haven’t quite finished blooming, and last year they were done by the 20th of February.
FYI: live in-car feeds from Sebring on IMSA teevee.
The “Liberty versus Power” podcast talked about Andrew Jackson’s presidency. It rolled back a lot of the corruption that had already infiltrated the US FedGov. This was because of Martin van Buren rather than Jackson, though, according to the podcast.