Saturday Night Spudless Links

by | Mar 15, 2025 | Daily Links, WebDom’s Browser History | 95 comments

Well, here I am. I am exhausted. I’m overjoyed. I’m really, really tired. I’m constantly hungry. I’m constantly thirsty.

I am not, however, a spud.

And neither are any of these.

Not a potato.

This is the only thing going on in the head of one of our incredibly nice yet incredibly stupid employees.

Why are these a thing?

I’m so confused.

I doubt the premise of this post.

Probably actually a potato.

Anyone miss this asshole?

No potatoes were harmed in the making of this salad.

About The Author



WebDom grows Peyote buttons in the vast desert of her mind.


  1. cavalier973

    When I make tater salad, I boil the potatoes, then put them in the fridge over night. The next day, I sauté onions, then slice up the potatoes and throw them in the pan. When some of the potatoes are a browned to the point of crispiness, I chop three hard boiled eggs, and about half a jar of sweet pickles and put those in. Add mayo and mustard to taste. Sprinkle with paprika. I might add garlic powder at some point in the process—usually the sauté-ing onions.

    • Aloysious


      I like veggies as a garnish. Helps me to not eat too much potatoes. Ex: zucchini slices, celery, radish, Broc/cauli flowerets, thickly sliced mushrooms sauteed with garlic, olives, those little sweet peppers.

      Now I’m hungry.

  2. Gender Traitor

    Using a medium stockpot, peel and dice your jicama into 1 inch cubes.

    How are you supposed to peel and dice anything with a stockpot?? 🤔

      • Gender Traitor

        Not really very ergonomic, but I suppose if you’re desperate…

    • Pope Jimbo

      Definitely feels like you would need a custom pot for that.

    • Sean

      We’re being othered. 😟

  3. Suthenboy

    Once upoon a long time ago:

    Cook – “Hey Suthenboy, I know a recipe that makes cauliflower taste just like potatoes! You have to try it!”
    Me – “You know what else tastes just like potatoes?”

      • Chafed

        Only Eva Braun knows for sure.

    • Aloysious

      STEVE SMITH before a bath?

      • Pope Jimbo

        STEVE SMITH after St. Pat’s day partying?

      • Shpip



  4. Suthenboy

    ugh. They are going on about the visas thing on the tv.

    What is a visa? Why does one have to have one to enter the country, any country for that matter? What is the purpose of the visa? How do you get one?

    A visa is a permission slip to get into the country. When you ask for one the counntry’s representative asks you ‘who are you?’, ‘why do you want to go to our country?’, ‘How long do you want to stay?’, ‘You aren’t going to cause any problems or stir any shit, are you?’.

    You do not have a right to go to any country. If you are granted permission you abide by the agreement. You respect your host country. YOU DONT CAUSE PROBLEMS, COMMIT CRIMES OR STIR SHIT. If you do then the host country can kick you out…hell, they can kick you out anytime for any or no reason. It is not your country and y ou are a guest.
    Fuck the Hamas supporters and fuck that girl that ran to Canada and especially fuck that guy that stirred shit at Columbia U. Send them back to dumfuckistan.

    • rhywun

      But borders are mean. Can’t we all just get along?

      • Suthenboy

        No, we can’t.

    • Q Continuum


      Frankly at this point, I’d be ok with a temporary moratorium on all foreign student visas. That would probably bring the universities to heel more effectively than almost anything considering they make a shitload of money off them.

      • DrOtto

        9/11 wants to know what overstayed student visas ever did to you?

      • Old Man With Candy

        That would decimate our engineering department. And TBH, these are people I would love to see stay here.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Speaking of Blue Comedy Comedy, Dad interviewed Larry before he created the Cable Guy character. Frequently, he uses “Now, that’s funny right there” tag to any punchline of his he thinks is funny. And he thinks he’s a misunderstood, comedic genius who no one pays attention to.

      In a recent play he wrote/ produced about and around Hank Williams Jr, the audience listened to the musician’s obituary over the radio, read by my dad. It went on for a couple of minutes, and my squirm likely sent palpable waves through the rest of the audience. He is *not* a good fiction writer, though I certainly appreciate the efforts.

      • Don escaped Memphis

        Jr is alive

        maybe I’m misreading you

      • Evan from Evansville

        No misread! It was, indeed, about Hank Williams Sr.

        I made a dumby.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    No Richard Dreyfus?

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Radio silence

    “I am deeply saddened that for the 1st time in 83 years, the storied Voice of America is being silenced,” the network’s director, Michael Abramowitz, said in a statement posted on his personal Facebook account. “VOA needs thoughtful reform and we have made progress in that regard. But today’s action will leave Voice of America unable to carry out its vital mission.” He wrote that he was among those 1,300 journalists, producers and support staff put on leave.

    Grant Turner, the former chief financial officer at the U.S. Agency for Global Media, called it “Bloody Saturday” for the agency and its networks.

    “From what I hear, this is shaping up to be a really sad day. USAGM networks share important news, information and American values around the world,” Turner said. “It took decades to build this goodwill and an audience of hundreds of millions every week. Seeing arsonists just set fire to it all is awful.”

    Congratulations. We won the cold war. Your work is no longer necessary. Good luck in your future endeavors.

    • Q Continuum

      “thoughtful reform”

      We’ve thought about it really hard and decided to reform your agency into non-existence and refund tax payers the cost.

      Learn to code bitch.

    • juris imprudent

      Because the rest of the world really needs American values? Shows how much respect you have for their native values, doesn’t it?

  7. The Late P Brooks

    “The cancellation of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s grant agreement would be a massive gift to America’s enemies,” Steve Capus, the president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, said in a statement today shared with NPR.

    Really. Those guys in Brussels are sick of listening to you.

    • Sensei

      You haven’t heard of:

      Trump’s order names seven agencies that are slated for elimination: the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, United States Agency for Global Media, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Institute of Museum and Library Services, United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, and the Minority Business Development Agency.

      The White House fact sheet identifies an eighth entity to be wound down—the Arctic Research Commission.

      • Q Continuum

        Every time a bureaucrat is made redundant, an angel gets its wings…

    • rhywun

      Not the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness!

      Homelessness was going to be licked in just days and now this. SMDH.

      • Chafed

        Gavin Newsom hardest hit.

    • Sensei

      You see, there is always going to the next thing the world needs saving from and NOAA (minus its 6% RIF) is going to be there for you!

      (If Trump doesn’t destroy the world or become a dictator for life as well)

    • rhywun

      As the adoption of cleaner-burning engines and electric vehicles drives fossil fuel emissions lower

      LOL gigantic whopper before the first sentence is even complete.


      • Sensei

        OT. Doing what the NYT won’t.

        It asks if you’ve been arrested. Full stop. She needed to answer yes and say it was dismissed. Our Indian friend who “self deported” lied on her visa.

        She was too smart for her own good.

        I’m also not a fan that you can no longer get printed or pdf copies of applications. I’m sure this exemplar I’m linking is done by some advocacy group.

  8. EvilSheldon

    Richard Thompson is a genius.

  9. Tonio

    “Why are these a thing?”

    Oh, hon…

    Because of photography, videography, long duration static restaurant displays, etc. And long work times under hot lights, formerly far hotter than today’s low-wattage, color-stable, legits dimmable LED professional lights, but still.

    Making fake ice cubes out of plexiglas for booze ads was a $huge$ thing back in the day.

  10. Sensei

    Politico frames this like it’s a bad thing.

    Some schools have already started rescinding admissions offers amid Trump’s hold on research money and purge of diversity programs. But in the days since his Friday blitz against Columbia, Harvard University instituted a hiring freeze and Johns Hopkins University plans to cut 2,000 jobs — reactions that have stunned faculty across the country and angered anti-war activists.

    They need to see the institutions experiencing pain’

    • Q Continuum

      “anti-war activists”

      I suppose wanting Israel to lay down its arms and die like good little Jews is a *kind* opposition to war…

      • Sensei

        They also almost always equate Jew = Israel.

        It’s like every American is 100% committed to every American policy.

        NYC has become crazy intolerant on multiple fronts.

    • rhywun

      The president’s moves show how financially and politically exposed many of the nation’s most sought-after schools are

      That is an interesting way to frame rabidly leftist grift machines.

    • Shpip

      Late Thursday, the Trump administration laid out a list of significant conditions Columbia would have to meet if it wanted its grant money back, including a new system of disciplining students and “comprehensive” changes to its admissions system.

      1) No more turning a blind eye to campus riots, vandalism, and pogroms.
      2) Emphasize SAT/ACT scores instead of race, “trauma statements” in admission essays, etc.
      3) Make swarthy campus radicals (and the tatted-up fat chicks who love them) tow the lion. (See 1)

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      “…and angered anti-war activists.”

      Huh, when did that become part of the curriculum?

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I snorted at the inclusion of that core constituency. 🙄

  11. Evan from Evansville

    CNN headline and lede described some harrowing account of an “unhoused” woman.

    Unhoused. Evicted? Wicked Witch tornado-d her home away? Just fucking say ‘homeless.’ It’s a far more sympathetic word, IMO. Sounds sad! As I said, I have hope the Woke Wave has crested, but it seems there are still holdouts who didn’t get the memo.

    Many are too invested in Wokitry to just throw it away. Like abandoning a religion or ‘convincing’ me to be a Yankees fan. They’ll proudly go down with the ship, assuming nothing will happen to them, (likely true). Far too easy to continue to rewrite contemporary history to placate True Believers enough. Gives ’em a ‘Ya did a good job, ya ostensible adult!’ cupcake to soothe their weary minds.

      • Q Continuum

        Unplanned long term camper.

    • Fourscore

      Every time I walk outside I’m unhoused but I’m not homeless. If a person is a renter is he/she homeless? Unhoused?

      • Don escaped Memphis
    • rhywun

      Every decade or so a fresh set of descriptors needs to be adapted in order to show how caring you are.

      “Homeless” used to be the caring term for “derelict” or “vagrant” but now it’s verboten.

      • Evan from Evansville

        @Rhy: Yep. Imbecile, moron, idiot ++, all former medical names to take the ‘edge’ off. Just rebranding and remarketing of the same ideas when the old seemingly go fallow, or are encouraged to do so by the feel-gooders who campaign on such. (And take a healthy cut, if successful.)

        Ha, ‘idiot’ makes me unironically smile: The cause of my femurs’ losing blood flow, leading to my replacements, was described by the docs as “idiopathic,” something that can’t be explained. It *is* kinda fun for docs to openly admit they’re idiots about it. Rewarding, in an odd way.

      • Tres Cool

        “n’er do well”

      • SarumanTheGreat

        When my dad was growing up the three main descriptors of the homeless were ‘hobo’ (rode the rails from destination to destination), ‘tramp’ (walked), and ‘bum’ (stationary).

      • rhywun

        Hobosexual has entered the chat.

        Sounds like a variant of sociopath.

      • rhywun

        LOL Seinfeld just asked Kramer what he thinks the “hobos” are doing collecting 5 cents a bottle.

        Decades later… I still see them trundling around with huge garbage bags full of empties which add up to maybe two bucks…?

        It made sense a few decades ago when you could finance a tobacco habit on it… (yes)… but now? JFC.

    • Evan from Evansville

      ‘Urban campers’ is still my favorite.

      I hate the obvious Orwellianization of language, and to point it out to my generation, I proudly say “Voldemort!” a few times, then explain that I’m not fucking afraid of syllables. I’ve not been met with a real response, IIRC.

      • rhywun

        ‘Urban campers’ is still my favorite.

        It is a thing of beauty. And so ridiculous they kind of gave up on it – nobody uses it seriously anymore.

        I suspect that’s because it’s too intentional. It’s the gutter punk who OD’ed on meth and passed out the gutter. Nobody has any sympathy for those rats so they’re back to being part of the general “unhoused” again.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Hmm… Yankees are the second best team, after the A’s.

      But right there with you on the rest of it.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I got to work at GA for a day, cool stuff, the wings will cut you,

    • Evan from Evansville

      I saw this and was disappointed. Not shocked, but also confused. It certainly helps Israel on the Gaza-front. It would be thrilling if many /most American people and politik understood the important ‘Don’t put your dick in a hornet’s nest’ corollary of life. <– It often helps delineate between 'If I could' and 'If I should' dilemmas.

      However, if the stated reasoning of protecting International Shipping Lanes is to be trusted, I do *understand* the actions:

      "President Donald Trump said he ordered a series of airstrikes on the Houthi-held areas in Yemen on Saturday, promising to use “overwhelming lethal force” until Iranian-backed Houthi rebels cease their attacks on shipping along a vital maritime corridor…" Trump says the action is "to protect American shipping, air, and naval assets, and to restore Navigational Freedom." G̵r̵a̵i̵n̵ Shaker of salt, behind that.

      The US should be paid tribute for defending int'l waters. We have the only Blue Water Navy on earth and we should use it. It protects our economic interests, to start. Also pays to show off our current military abilities to wayward nations who wanna get their dick s̵u̵c̵k̵e̵d̵ stung.

      • dbleagle

        Ummmm, the Huthis haven’t attacked a commercial vessel or Israel since the Gaza ceasefire started. They have threatened to resume attacks if the ceasefire ends. I am not sure why this attack at this time was required.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Short of nuking Yemen we’re incapable of stopping the attacks. Stirring up this hornet’s nest that’s actually been quiet for a bit was stupid.

  12. cavalier973

    I made an African curry chicken dish tonight.

    It needs salt.

    It’s very soupy.

    We pour it over rice, then add pineapple, sliced banana, raisins peanuts, shaved coconut, and mandarin orange. Very much a sweet/salty dish (if I remember to add enough salt).

  13. Brochettaward

    The sexuality of a Firster is a rather complicated affair.

  14. Festus

    First off, I’m pleased as punch for all of the Glib’s Gulch denizens about the new addition. Lol-bot, I knew you’d do us proud! Second of all, I’ve realized that Millennials seem to have lost the plot when it comes to partying. Big hootenanny at the neighbor’s tonight. Sounded like a pig-roast with all of the cursing and shouting and laughter until curfew. Paraphrasing the old KISS tune –

    I wanna rock and roll ’til midnight, and party if she says it’s okay!


  15. Gustave Lytton

    Went shopping for corned beef. Zero point cuts being sold any more. Flats and non-brisket “corned beef”. All by store or no-name brands. And way less than used to be sold a couple of years ago. Winco didn’t even put it out in the main coolers this year. Not taking that prime real estate from the illegals’ offal foods.

  16. Evan from Evansville

    Rainy morning commute for the 5-2 shift. Plus- Folk tend to like to sleep in on Sunday. The morning should be more chill than normal. I strongly approve.

    Kick ass and have fun, y’all.

    • R.J.

      You too. I will sot here in my kingdom of boxes and unpack.

      • R.J.

        Sit. Argh.

      • Ted S.

        Sounds like you could use a stiff drink.

  17. Suthenboy

    Good morning all.

    Stop playing whack-a-mole in the ME. Stop giving money to Iran. Shoot a missile up the Ayatollah’s ass and turn the revolutionary guard into ashes.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Because messing around with Iran et al over there has worked out so well for us. Not a good idea at all.

    • Old Man With Candy

      How about “Sell Israel anything it wants and let them handle it”?

    • R C Dean

      I think we can either stop playing whack-a-mole in the ME or we can bomb Iran, but not both.

  18. Gender Traitor

    Good morning Sean, Old Man, Stinky, Suthen, Ted’S., R J., and Evan!

    • Ted S.

      Good morning! Hope you’re enjoying Tranquility Base.

      Unfortunately, it’s cloudy here, with the likelihood of rain later in the day.

      • Gender Traitor

        Thanks, Ted’S.! Unfortunately, Tranq Base is not yet set up for the season. There was some danger yesterday that it might get blown away. 🌬️

    • Suthenboy

      Good morning GT.

      I retract what I said earlier OMWC. You are correct. We should withdraw as much as we can from all the global gamesmanship bullshit we can.
      Re: Russia/Ukraine

      I hear endless discussions about strategy and outcomes from everyone. Trump seems to be about the only one saying “These are people like you and me. The killing has to stop. ” He is right. The money laundering and murder needs to end.

  19. EvilSheldon

    Good morning! Trying to reset my internal clock a bit by not drooling into my pillow until 10…

    The pistol situation at Fortress Sheldon was getting dire there for a minute. For most of Feburary and early March, every single one of my competition and carry guns was out of commission.

    CZ Shadow #1 – in the shop getting the frame refinished.
    CZ Shadow #2 – in the shop getting a broken tap milled out of the optics plate screw hole (don’t ask.)
    9mm 2011 #1 – basically still a pile of parts at the gunsmith’s.
    9mm 2011 #2 – in the shop getting milled for an Atlas optic mount plate.
    Glock 48 #1 and #2 – off at JagerWorks being milled for mini-red dots.
    Assorted other guns – for sale or trade, unavailable.

    That left me at home with a Taurus .22LR, a Glock that I hate, and my old backup Limited gun that I keep around because it’s basically unsaleable. Not a great situation.

    Finally, my gunsmith (who masquerades as my Dad,) came up with a plan, and sent me the slide from CZ#1 to stick on the frame from CZ#2. Why didn’t I think of this?

    Got the new optic plate and optic (a new Vortex Defender XL 8MOA) mounted and boresighted last night, did some dry fire, and everything is feeling good. If the weather holds, I’ll be hitting the range this afternoon to test my work.

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