“We should start destroying Subarus,” the hat said to Donald, his words slithering into Donald’s ears like a greased snake.
“We could scratch the hammer and sickle on them,” the hair said.
“Whoa,” the hat said, “That’s tough guy stuff coming from you.”
“I like Elon,” the hair said. “He has a breeding fetish. Twelve kids, thirteen, maybe. Kids have great hair. I respect that.”
“What are you two going on about?” Donald asked.
“Revenge for Elon’s Teslas,” the hat said. “We destroy their Subarus.”
“What’s a Soo-baroo?” Donald asked.
“It’s a car, a Japanese car, commies love them,” the hat said.
“Commies?” Donald asked. “I hate commies.”
“Not all Subaru owners are commies,” the hair said.
“Mostly lesbians though,” the hat said. “And they are often commies, or at least, commie-adjacent.”
“I like lesbians,” Donald said.
“What?” the hat asked.
“I have a lot in common with lesbians,” Donald said. “We both like women, we both dress like men.”
“Lesbians love dogs,” the hat said.
Donald frowned.”I don’t like dogs, germy creatures, always trying to lick you or get you to pick up their poop.”
“Can we stay on track here?” the hair asked.
“Yeah, right, Subarus,” Donald said. “Whatever those are.”
“Helicopters,” the hat said, “That’s how you deal with commies.”
“I like helicopters,” Donald said. “They rarely have dogs on them, but they are very noisy. I can barely hear myself think, they drown out you two.”
“We drop their Subarus out of helicopters!’ the hat said excitedly.
“That could work,” the hair said. “We could drop them on the Houthis.”
“Who are the Houthis?” Donald asked.
“Pirates, Donald,” the hair said. “Real pirates, not the rum kind.”
“Dropping Subarus on pirates has a nice ring to it,” the hat said. “And we could save a few for San Francisco. And some judges.”
“I don’t like judges,” Donald said darkly. “I like lesbians, don’t like commies, or San Francisco, or some pirates, or dogs, or those nasty judges.”
“You don’t like Subarus either,” the hat said.
“They’ve never even made a Cybertruck,” the hair said. “Just station wagons with factory-standard dog crates in the back.”
“Subaru horror raining down,” the hat said dreamily.
“Haven’t we broken the fourth wall enough lately?” the hair asked.
“There’s a fourth wall?” Donald asked. “That doesn’t make any sense. The office is oval. It’s right there in the name.”
And the Donald is always performing theater in the round.
I was going to ask about Trump being able to hear the hair and hat.
He always has heard them. Some people can, others can’t. That’s a good idea for the SugarVerse Concordance, though.
Confirmed listeners == Donald, USA hat, Elon’s hat, Bolton’s Mustashe, Cracky.
Who else?
Hillary, and one of Donald’s regular circuit hookers, could hear them to some degree.
No wonder OMB favors NASCAR more than other tracks….
Around and around we go.
Are there lesbian wannabe rally hooligans who drive WRXs?
lesbian wannabe rally hooligans sounds like one of the Thursday night movies in our future.
We live in hope…
You’d be really surprised what some lesbians get up to….
Donald frowned.”I don’t like dogs, germy creatures, always trying to lick you or get you to pick up their poop.”
Anybody who hates children and dogs can’t be all bad.
Always carry a flask of gin, in case of snakebite. Also, always carry a small snake…
That can be magical — that bottle of djinn….
Shouldn’t that be a photo of Barbara Eden?
Brilliant on Donald using the old school pronunciation.
they are very noisy. I can barely hear myself think, they drown out you two.”
A little tinnitus would solve that problem.
Did the Hat lose his country boy accent? I miss that.
That is the USA Hat.
Aaaahhhhh. Always 10% behind the curve
“They’ve never even made a Cybertruck,” the hair said. “Just station wagons with factory-standard dog crates in the back.”
OT- Headline: Social Security Administration to require in-person identity checks for new and existing recipients
OMG that sounds like a real PITA. Oh…
Beginning March 31st, people will no longer be able to verify their identity to the SSA over the phone and those who cannot properly verify their identity over the agency’s “my Social Security” online service, will be required to visit an agency field office in person to complete the verification process, agency leadership told reporters Tuesday.
Naturally at this point older people have no idea how to set up any kind of online account.
Ignore that people unable to set up online accounts are the ones most at risk of identity theft and getting their SS check diverted.
Just like “minorities can’t get IDs”.
Should we be concerned about these Teslas burning? We’ve got arson, swatting attacks, and doxing. The left is celebrating that Luigi guy. And the weather isn’t even nice yet. They’re ramping up the violence, and Dem politicians and media are encouraging it.
The left is celebrating that Luigi guy.
“Helicopters,” the hat said, “That’s how you deal with commies.”
We should probably be a little concerned. Don’t flip out.
*buys 20k rounds of 9mm Luger ammo*
Yeah, the left doesn’t seem to consider their side is not the side with all the civilian guns and knowledge how to use them. If they keep pushing they won’t like the result. The second civil war won’t go any better for them than the first one they started.
Well, sort of. The left has enough private guns and gun knowledge, and a huge number of the gun owners on the right are sub-80-IQ public disaster areas.
I’m right here.
Yet, locally, the protests have been low turnout, heavily staged, and mostly ignored. The local press has been flailing at different stories to try to get some negative traction against Trump and Musk to stick, and not much has really been landing.
“Subaru horror raining down,” the hat said dreamily.
I see what you did there.
NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!😱/ Non-Lesbian, non-commie, non-dog-owning Subaru owner
Not just a Gender Traitor, but a Subaru Traitor.
I am utterly loyal to my Subaru!
And rich too!
Agreed! says the former dog-owning Subaru owner.
“When you talk to rich people who pay off their balance, they think that credit-card companies are losing money on them, and they’re the ones subsidizing the people who carry a balance,”
Did you know according to The Atlantic only “rich” people don’t carry credit card balances.
And it all makes sense after I Google the author and find out she is married to Ezra Klein.
TIL I’m rich! 🤑
I started paying off my balance in full when I had way less money than I do now because the interest charges were killing me. A big reason I carried a balance was because I was spending my money foolishly. So I started spending less foolishly.
Processing fees vary between 1.5-3.5%. I get 1% cash back, so they are still making money off my transactions. And the wealthy have lots of transaction.
The credit card companies are making money off of the businesses that are paying the swipe fees, hence why so many places are moving towards adding fees on for CC purchases. But I guess I’m rich now.
It would seem that many Glibs who understand compound interest are indeed, “rich”.
When I worked, it was illegal in PA to blatantly add C/C fees to transactions (it may have changed since).
So people just raised prices for everybody to cover the costs.
We didn’t accept Amex because at the time their fees were too high.
And the local hardware store put a $5 purchase floor on all card transactions. Is this 2005?
Hard to leave the hardware store with under a $5 purchase. At least locally the bag of popcorn is free.
Where I work we use 2 different systems. 1 is for the core mission stuff, the other, is the “captive audience” type stuff (drinks, mostly).
One collects fees as a matter of its function, and we added 3.9% to all CC transactions on the other.
“they think that credit-card companies are losing money on them, and they’re the ones subsidizing the people who carry a balance”
How the customers the companies are losing money on are subsidizing the other customers is an exercise for the reader, I suppose.
they’re the ones subsidizing the people who carry a balance
People who bring in transaction fees are subsidizing the people paying 26% interest? Sure, hon.
“They think” in this case the “rich” cardholders not the author. But I’ve no idea what “straw rich person” she’s quoting. Maybe one of the real housewives?
“They think” in this case the “rich” cardholders not the author.
Ah. Misread it. Maybe they think they’re making up for the deadbeat defaulters and keeping poor old Visa afloat.
By not paying interest?
Don’t know how many people know this, but Visa makes its money from the vendors, with the transaction fee. I’m sure Visa charges the issuers some kind of fee as well.
I don’t think it even collects interest, which I believe is collected by the issuer (who also carries the risk of default).
Today I learned that firearms were still made in NJ. (Note the past tense.) Even weirder founded (relatively) recently in NYC!
Given NJ regulation and taxes I can’t understand why they moved.
I clicked the article and it gave me a stroke.
JFC, put a rifle under your headline “Rifle Manufacturer Moves Out of Bayonne”, not a semi-auto shotgun that the subject doesn’t manufacture.
A suppressed Big Boy X .38 spl/.357 is high on my “that’d be fun” list.
Huh. Thought Henry was in NY. Well good for them.
You’ll notice how Trump is stringing these along one after another to control the news cycle. They learned a lot in the wilderness.
Trump administration pauses $175m in funds to UPenn
So it’s past 1/2 hour on this post.
Yesterday, Cunty Aunt Susie took the realtor to Mom so they can sign a contract with her. The catch? Susie refused to sign until the petition was withdrawn. Okay. *yawn* Shoulda seen that coming. No big, we plod on.
BUT my Mom says, “Come see me. We need to talk.” I’m in the middle of a) trying to get her life in my home sorted out, b) trying to keep on top of her money, c) trying to juggle all of her health and life needs, and d) trying to make some money also because I’m running out. So I call her.
In short, she wants me to fold and withdraw the petition because Susie won’t sign. The problem is, I don’t trust Susie to keep her word. She knows this. I’m immediately enraged. The LAST time my mom guilted me into folding (apologizing when it wasn’t my problem in the first place and I had gotten dragged into it), I have regretted my entire life. She said, “Are you going to be as intractable as Susie is, then?”
Well. There are a lot of bad things I’ll own up to, but being LIKE SUSIE is not one of them. Mom said she didn’t want the property to go on the courthouse steps. She’s going to lose a lot of money. Well I don’t, either! She begged me to fold. I just … it makes me sick to my stomach. She’s choosing what Susie wants over what needs to happen just like she always has. Well, my husband says, but it’s her house. Yep. It’s her money. Yep. So … I don’t know.
Add to that, I feel like my husband is constantly playing devil’s advocate. I feel like he’s not on my side and told him numerous times to quit doing that, but he says he IS on my side, and he’s trying to understand where everybody’s coming from. I don’t need to know where everybody’s coming from. I need to rescue my mom from an abusive situation and a bully. On the other hand, this is what a good husband does, and I just don’t like it.
There are a lot of working parts to this, and last week, she had said something about moving in with Millie only. I’m like WHAT?!?!? After all she’s put her through? Then I realized, no, after all she’s put ME through that my mom either can’t or won’t understand. I told her that if she moves in with Millie, I will consider that a personal betrayal and she was shocked, like why??? Because she has treated me badly, WTF do you think?
She puts everyone else’s wants and needs and demands over mine. Her sisters, her friends, my brothers, everybody. Because I’m always going to be here. Safe, dependable.
I’m always going to be the one looking out for her best interests. I’m always going to be the one protecting her, jumping on command/request, taking care of her, commiserating with her.
I told her I’d talk to the lawyer, so I called him up, sobbing completely. He said he’d talk to Susie’s lawyer. That’s all he can do. It’s her house, her money, and she’s scared. I get that. But Susie’s not going to keep her word because she will hold onto that property with the last sliver of her last fingertip.
I can’t stop crying. I don’t even want to look at or talk to my mother and she’s coming home with me tomorrow.
I’m sorry.
I have no advice, just sympathy.
Same, so sorry to hear.
Terrible news. I can’t think of anything else to say.
Oh, and to add. She heavily implied that if the property DOES go to the courthouse steps and she loses all that money, it will be ALL my fault.
Which, I guess, is technically correct.
So your choice is withdraw the petition and lose money and it will be your mom’s fault, or keep it and maybe lose money and it will be your fault. I think I would spell out the consequences with your mom and let her decide.
Seems like a lose/lose situation and either way it will be “your fault”, although it all is Susie’s fault.
I feel bad for you. I had an estranged brother who was a black cloud on my family’s life, but nothing like this.
If you’re going to be the bad woman no matter what, be the bad woman who does the right thing. You will have to live with yourself no matter what.
Could you get Mom to listen to the lawyer? Would it do any good?
I’m sorry. Mine makes some puzzling decisions too.
And lawyer doesn’t have any better advice for you? Does he know the opposing counsel well?
No way to make petition withdrawal contingent upon CAS signing?
“The LAST time my mom guilted me into folding…I have regretted my entire life.”
How would some firm role reversal go down? “It’s for your own good” / “Because I said so”?
Suzy to gonna do exactly what you expect.
I’m sorry.
Sorry. I know you just want this done and over with, and it just keeps going on and on. I’ve had plenty of those situations too. It will resolve itself one way or another, just do your best and try to have a plan no matter which way it goes. (Of course, it will go in a direction you never expected, but often that works out better).
This is not my area, but it seems like there should be a way to put the petition on hold, rather than withdrawing it completely (which means giving up all your leverage). So you withdraw it, she doesn’t sign, and then what? You have to start all over?
Maybe the compromise here is that you sign the contract and file the withdrawal simultaneously. I note (again), that there are many opportunities for the sale to not happen even after it’s offered on the market. Many opportunities for CAS to submarine the sale.
Sucks, Moje. My sympathies.
Sorry to hear of the conflicts, those kinds of things are new to me, other than the divorce trauma.
The only thing I can suggest is something you already know.
Perhaps a few days at your house and with the care she will only get from you might change her mind.
Easy when one is looking through the window.
*opens website, sees “The Hat and the Hair”*
Oh, shit. It’s Wednesday.
Damned retirees with their not having to know what day it is.
I honestly spent a good chunk of the morning thinking it was Tuesday.
…It must be Belgium?
Toxteth – That would indeed make today Tuesday.
I watched that for some odd reason in hotel decades ago. I was sick in bed and there was nothing else to watch. Back in the dark ages before the internet and streaming.
Young Suzanne Pleshette (said a straight lady).
“Ben & Jerry’s super-woke CEO is FIRED by fed-up parent company after years of liberal lunacy”
Huh. I just got an email from Stewart’s PR people that one of my favorite intermittent flavors is back (at some point I responded to a questionnaire rating the Boston Cream and the Churro flavors very highly).
I read that. Unilever wants out of the ice cream business entirely.
My assumption is they feel its going to be an easier sale without the woke baggage.
I still find it amazing they were able to sell it to them initially and keep control of all the liberal advocacy.
I don’t think it was stated that the social issues were communism, palestine and such.
It was sold as “helping the homeless.”
“Ben & Jerry’s has also infamously celebrated July 4th by declaring the country should ‘return’ its land to the native tribes from whom it was originally stolen.”
It’s so dumb. First off how one goes about returning the land to the Native American’s. I live in Ohio and I’m pretty sure that my house is sitting on some Native American land but I’m sure as shit not giving it up to whatever tribe it belongs to. And secondly, conquest has been a part of man’s DNA since forever and while what happened to the Native Americans wasn’t great, why do they get special treatment when everywhere on this Earth, someone took and conquered land from other people? This is just performative theatre and they can all fuck off.
There are very few pure indigenous Americans around. They are all mixed. Not a single indigenous person that had land ‘taken’ from them is alive today. suppose we worked out some scheme to give them back their land. How are they going to give it back to the people they took it from? And then them to the ones they took it from?
This evil idiocy is on par with the absurd ‘reparations for slavery’ shit. In the end what it all amounts to are grifters demanding money and soulless empty selfish people social signaling. These people are just as resistant to giving up what they have as they are that you give yours away.
Fuck. Them. All.
Anyone have a Plex subscription? Do you like it?
I bought a lifetime subscription years ago. I wanted to use it as a media server, but found that it was a resource hog and painful to use and organize my library.
Since I didn’t care about streaming outside my home I found it much better just creating a network share on a NAS and running Kodi as clients.
People love it for transcoding and streaming outside the home, but the aggravated their user base when they started adding commercial services to the server. At that point I completely lost interest.
I’ve got a lifetime pass already, and I use it for media serving at home and on the road. The app has some rough spots when it comes to usage (especially compared to the web interface), but works well enough. It has some quirks in how it identifies and matches movies, shows, and music as well. I don’t see the point in the monthly or annual plans myself (except to test to make sure it works as expected), and dislike that there doesn’t appear to be a solid support structure behind them, but at the price point, it does what I want it to do.
Credit card discussion:
I had my oil changed today in my mother’s car. The manager and employee of the place were discussing that was-mart now charges a fee on vehicles they have to move a skid guard on for oil changes. Unbelievable!
Yesterday the Mrs. and I bought some fish sandwiches from a chain that had been advertising heavily Limited Time only! Special magic fish sandwich! The sandwiches were ridiculously expensive but at least they were shit. I wouldn’t have paid a dollar for it if I had known what we were in for. All fast food is like that.
Here is how it works: Innovator comes up with a new service/product that everyone never realized they wanted. Innovator sells like hotcakes. Everyone else in the world lines up demanding a cut of the new product/service cash flow. Then they demand control and a bigger cut. Then more control and a bigger cut. And a bigger cut. Innovator has to constantly scale down product and increase price to stay afloat.
Within a short time the wonderful new thing is ridiculously expensive and the quality has descended into shit that no one wants. Did I leave out the step where regulatory capture keeps out competitors and govt mandates that everyone purchase it?
The majority of mankind are fucking parasites