The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun episode 50

by | Mar 5, 2025 | Hat and Hair | 106 comments

This episode was kind of a meta peak into the writer’s room that is my brain. I couldn’t really think of a topic to cover, so instead the episode became about The Hat and The Hair trying to come up with a topic, topped with a joke about March Madness The NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament (just saved the site some cash with that edit, that term is trademarked)

About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. R.J.

    Where is everyone?

    • R.J.

      This is the saddest First. There is no joy in this First.

      • dbleagle

        Maybe we and OMWC are the only ones not doing Ash Wednesday.

      • Ownbestenemy

        What is this Ash Wednesday and will it get me laid /memories of 16 year old OBE

      • Brochettaward

        You don’t mean that.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Hanging out. Whats up.

    • Aloysious


      I have a craving. I want warm cowboy cookies.

      • rhywun

        I want warm cowboy cookies.

        I’m not sure I want to know what that is.

      • rhywun

        OK, innocent but still gross.

        (Nuts do not belong in cookies.)

    • Evan from Evansville

      Re: CPRM and R.J.: Apologies. I try to comment on everyone’s original content. Juggling many things. Today at work went great. Walked 8 miles, and it’s quite chill. The walking didn’t bother me all today, but the drive home certainly did. The arc of my femur and the bumps in the road. I’ve noticed it for a while, but it stood out today. I had the foresight in Feb to get an Ortho appt, the 17th. I *do* have distinct incentives to remain working. I get their healthcare at 3 months, and I’m confident they can find me a better role after 6.

      I have tomorrow off, and unlike Dad, I plan on resting the fuck out of my lower body. (I plan on exercising my meat on its normal regimen. My salami desires condoments.

    • Chafed

      Sorry, I was working late. A trial always screws up my week.

  2. dbleagle

    Huzzah for the last couple of lines!

    • Sean


  3. Fourscore

    Interesting exchange tonight on the news. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, explaining Canada’s position

    Biggest buyer of American liquor, none will be sold in Canada with the tariffs. No California wines, no Tennessee bourbon. No American alcohol allowed

    Canada exports a significant amount of oil to the United States, sending around four million barrels per day. Not anymore because of the tariffs


    If the tariffs are pursued there will be unintended consequences that are foreseeable

    Trump’s economic advisors, Navarro and Lighthizer, are probable 2 of the dumbest strap hangers around. Navarro’s whole spiel tonight was fentanyl, coming from Canada.

    He never put the burden on the users, only on the production/distribution side. That’s like blaming the farmers for fat people.

    As an ex smoker/drinker no one ever twisted my arm. I never had a cigarette or drink that I didn’t voluntarily consume.

    • Ownbestenemy

      What I am reading is…more inventory for the US to ease supply and meet demand?

    • R.J.

      I don’t think this has anything to do with fentanyl. I think it has everything to do with driving the globalists out of Canada. It’s a hunch.

      • Ownbestenemy

        fentanyl is the rider to declare a NatSec issue. Flimsy and on shaky ground

    • creech

      So Canada is an economic dictatorship too? Are there any free countries that actually ban consumer goods from being imported from an ally?

    • Brochettaward

      I want there to be something more to be achieved than cutting off the supply of fentanyl. But I don’t know what Trump hopes to achieve here. If it’s just tariffs to raise revenue, then yea, it’s all pretty dumb.

      • Chafed

        It is. One of his few consistent policy positions is on tariffs. He truly doesn’t understand them.

    • Chafed

      A modern lesson in how tariffs impoverish everyone.

  4. Ownbestenemy

    They did it to themselves

    No censure should occur. His time in the sun was had. Go through with this, it emboldens more of the same.

    Readfirm the decorum of the House and move on

    • rhywun

      I was hoping for less decorum, TBH.

      Who wants to watch that junk without some fists flying at the very least.

      • Chafed

        I’m willing to trade no fists for a shorter speech that is never interrupted by applause.

      • dbleagle

        How can you censure a man with that classy pimp cane?

        Better punishment would be to make him share a locker with Green and Boebert.

  5. Spudalicious

    Eleven comments? This place is lame. I will give a shout out to Rogue River Brewery “Rolling Thunder” Imperial Stout. Serve it in a wine glass.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Never understood the different vessels for different alcohol. This reminds of of peoplecwho cant have their food touch on a plate

      • slumbrew

        It matters, a bit – how it concentrates the aroma vs. providing room to aerate, etc. Not a huge amount, but it does matter.

        When we were in St. Martin we did a wine tasting at the resort’s cave and the somm did a cool little experiment – same bubbly, one in expensive, purpose-made glassware, one in a Ikea-level flute. Poured both glasses at the beginning of the session and let them sit.

        At the end of the session, the generic flute was flat while the spendy glassware was still nicely bubbly.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh, so like how Asian foods taste better with chopsticks

    • Chafed

      No! You’re lame! *runs to room crying*

  6. kinnath

    I have been busy loading the trailer and getting ready for vacation.

    I will be scarce for a week and a half.

  7. rhywun

    So one of the old-people cable channels was advertising their newly “enhanced” versions of Roseanne. Sharper picture and such. Was just checking it out because it was a great show. A season 1 episode. Within ten minutes I’m thinking, hm… they just cut some bit out. Verified it by finding the script online.

    Assholes. I might be old but I’m not stupid.

    • Brochettaward

      What was the cut?

      • rhywun

        Just a couple throwaway lines between one scene and the next. But it’s artlessly done so it’s obvious even if you didn’t know the lines by heart – which I don’t. It was just obvious anyway,

        And yes, it’s so they can cram in more commercials.

        Another old-people channel just advertised “uncut” episodes and of course they lengthened the running times so they could keep cramming in the same number of commercials.

      • Chafed

        I guess they need to pay the bills one way or another.

      • rhywun

        I guess they need to pay the bills one way or another.

        I used to think one way they pay the bills was with the cut they get from the cable company via the money people pay to watch them.

        Simpler times I guess. 🙄

      • Rat on a train

        We interrupt this commercial for a regularly scheduled program.

      • Grummun

        And yes, it’s so they can cram in more commercials.

        But how else will you be aware of all the marvelous new pharmaceuticals available? And their appalling lists of adverse effects.

        My personal favorite, the one that might give you a fatal infection of the taint.

      • UnCivilServant

        Loss of Smell? Taste? Sight? Identity? Trouble hearing? If these you have any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from a condition known as Facial Amorphia. Facial Amorphia afflicts millions of people online every day. Do not give up hope, you too can once again live a normal life with Creantix.

        Do not take Creantix if you are allergic to Creantix. Creantix is not for people who are pregnant or nursing, or who may become pregnant or inflict pregnancy upon others. People who are mildly or severely overweight or who suffer from Facial Disforma should not take Creantix.

        Side effects may include sore throat, itchiness, insomnia, narcolepsy, lazy eye, muscle pain, hair loss, skin loss, memory loss, weight gain, vitiligo, hypermelanism, homicidal ideation, carpal tunnel, jaundice, bloody stools, ossification of the liver, and death. Ask your doctor is Creantix is right for you.

        Creantix – Focus your reality.

    • kinnath

      Sometimes they cut the running time to stuff more commercials into the show.

      Sometimes they edit for content to protect modern audiences.

      • slumbrew

        I’m going to guess cuts for *Drinker voice on* Modern audiences *Drinker voice off*

      • kinnath

        Little Latina girl . . . . . why not both?

      • rhywun

        Comet frequently blurs out gore on shows like Buffy or X-Files that was perfectly acceptable on network television. It’s hilarious.

        I’ve heard the crap-gap* on presently verboten language, too. Like “bitch” or “retard”. But no, they don’t typically cut frames out for that reason.

        *Roger Ebert’s term for silence. Substitutions are called “inanity profanity”.

  8. SarumanTheGreat

    Mojeaux, from the dead thread: “I cannot imagine being in a mixed-philosophical marriage, either religious or political.”

    I too am in one. Wife has TDS pretty bad, since the first time, and now she has MDS (Musk Derangement Syndrome). Our solution is minimize discussing politics. Other than OMB and what he’s doing we’re fairly well aligned, but I think the ‘grab them by the pussy” and coarseness of language was what really turned her off on him.

    Me? I worked with mechanics and salesmen all my working life. I’m used to crude language and bloviating, got it every day in large volumes. What matter to me and them was deeds not words. Bad mechanics and ineffective salesman didn’t last long.

    JaimeRoberts: “I do have to wonder how a reporter would go about finding these people.”

    Bluesky, of course.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      We just had our 34th anniversary and are still going strong. Never strayed, never had any desire to stray. A joy and a delight. Hope to get to 50 years married but that might be a stretch.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        We gave it a shot, she didnt make it…
        /31 years

    • Mojeaux

      Well, *I* may be the one who can’t put aside differences and be unable to see the other’s point of view. Or else I rejected whatever points of view so long ago, I don’t remember now.

      My philosophies on certain things have evolved over the years of watching and listening and learning, e.g., the war on drugs, and I’ve drifted more libertarian (don’t wanna say left because much of the left likes its war on drugs too). Both my brothers are utterly shocked that I AGREE with them on this.

      But you know, I’ve had 2 solid months of finding out almost everyone around me (save husband, XY, and Mom) is wildly different from who I thought they were and I’m having some existential crises.

      • Timeloose

        I’m in a mixed marriage. >20 years with a woman who agrees with me on all economics issues and most social issues. We discuss something’s to death and realize we don’t agree and we are ok with that.

        As long as we have each other’s back and trust each other the differences don’t matter much.

      • Sean

        I don’t understand it either, Mojeaux. I couldn’t share space with someone ideologically opposed to me.

    • rhywun

      Question from a confirmed bachelor… is it his positions or his personality? What if the same ideas come from someone without the “pussy hat” baggage?

      My suspicion is that even a relative milquetoast like Vance will be demonized just as much as Trump was simply because the positions are such a big threat to the elites.

      • R C Dean

        I recall during Trump’s first run, some wag overdubbed some of his statements in different voices – if memory serves, one was an Oxbridge Brit accent. It was astounding the difference in made in how you took in what he said. What sounded like a blustering blowhard in the original Trump became much more, I dunno, credible? Statesmanlike?

    • slumbrew

      I’m in a similar boat – my wife is something of a knee-jerk leftist (Reform Jew, if that means anything) but it’s all pretty much received wisdom. She certainly didn’t really care when we met and drifted, a bit, into caring more as we’ve gotten older.. Like you, we just don’t discuss politics.

      She knows I’m not a bad person, and we occasionally have harder conversations, e.g. about a public accommodation law about the T’s from a few years ago and my “yes, maybe it’s rude it’s up to the business owner if they don’t want cocks in the ladies room – vote with your wallet”. I don’t think she’s a bad person, either, but just runs on feelings, mostly. But, again, we generally we avoid talking politics.

      Living in deep-Blue Mass, finding someone who agreed with me would be looking for a unicorn.

      • rhywun

        cocks in the ladies room

        Honestly don’t know where to begin arguing with someone who supports that.

        Maybe detach them from MSM for a few weeks so their brain can clear the sludge of propaganda.

      • slumbrew

        “But it’s mean!” is the usual retort.

        NPR tells them that people can be woman by declaring they’re women, so it’s discrimination not to allow them to use the ladies room.

        Which, is, of course, stupid. But here we are.

      • rhywun

        people can be woman by declaring they’re women

        That’s where the communication broke down.

        It used to be acknowledged even in The Gay Community that tranny stuff was a kink, a fetish. It wasn’t until the professional Left got their hooks into the more suggestible of that crowd that all of a sudden it beame a Protected Class and here we are today.

  9. Mojeaux

    Today, I put all our streaming services on Mom’s tablet because she was griping about there being nothing good on TV except on certain days at certain hours. Okay. I said, “Disney+” She poo-poohed that and I said, “Well, it has all the movies.” Then I remembered the magic words. “The Apple Dumpling Gang.” I swear that woman damn near had an orgasm.

    Disney+ for the win. 🙄

    • slumbrew

      Don Knotts stan?

      • Mojeaux

        She has always loved old Disney movies, especially the live action ones.

        I can’t really poke fun. Fourteenth Earl Tavendish, Commander Elliott Raxham, is named after Pete’s dragon. 😶

      • rhywun

        old Disney movies, especially the live action ones

        I just flash-backed to some Hayley Mills farce that took place in Greece which I caught a couple times on HBO when I was a kid and which I only remember cuz there was a cute boy in it. 🙄

      • Ted S.

        Ah, the Moonspinner.

        I just watched Hayley as a nasty blankety-blank in The Chalk Garden, also with her father John Mills and Deborah Kerr.

    • rhywun

      The Apple Dumpling Gang.

      LOL that rings a bell but I don’t remember why and weirdly my landlord sent out an email saying I get free Disney+ if I want it – which I don’t.

      Also free ESPN+ – which I actually pay for now so I might look into that.

    • rhywun

      nothing good on TV except on certain days at certain hours

      Interesting. Another reason I thought I was old is because that is how I watch TV and always will.

      That’s because TV is background noise for me – even when I was a kid. So the main reason I hate “streaming” is that I have no interest in actively picking and choosing something to watch. I just want some tolerable noise in the background. Thus, eight hours of A-Team marathon this morning.

      • Evan from Evansville

        You and me, two horses-in -harness on this. (Also, live hockey is on, TOR v LVK.) Law & Order is always on, though only watch if Lennie Briscoe’s in it. Same with sleep. ‘Victorian Ambiance,’ only street, rain noise, no talking. I don’t want to pay attention. I want to distract my own thoughts enough to *be able* to sink into *not* thinking.

        I’d love to read a piece about how T invaded and infected the other letters. I saw the nascency in my ultra-lefty charter high school in Evansville. I graduated in ’05, and then, I was all aboard with gay marriage push. (They start with something deserved, tho never mind the govt’s involvement in the first place.) I was still seeing it push people into *not* thinking rationally about other things.

        It all seemed amiss. I’d love to hear your insider view some time.

      • rhywun

        only watch if Lennie Briscoe’s in it


        Law ‘n’ Order makes me homesick for NYC so I don’t watch it anymore. Which is sad cuz it’s on like 24 hours a day.

        how T invaded and infected the other letters

        There is very long, fairly recent piece that does the topic justice much better than I could. I’ll post a link if I come across it again. I think that Rufo guy wrote it?

        But the TL;DR version is basically that a bunch of no-shit commies got together and made it happen, for the sole purpose of creating chaos which is the only thing that commies live for. It had nothing to do with the other letters wanting it to happen.

      • rhywun

        all aboard with gay marriage push

        It’s funny cuz I might have gay-married a guy if he hadn’t been visaed back to Malaysia before it was legal here.

        But the other side of me thinks that’s probably for the best because Marriage?? AYFKM?

      • rhywun

        live hockey is on, TOR v LVK

        There is So Much Hockey on that I have to cut it down to just the Sabres.

        I used to watch all the local teams, which was Rangers, Islanders, and sometimes even Devils. That was just Too Much Hockey.

      • Brochettaward

        I always just assumed it was to keep the grift going after gay marriage was institutionalized by the Supreme Nazgul.

        I mean, what the hell were they supposed to do after that (they being the ring leaders of the gay right groups and NGO’s who pushed for it)? Fly a mission accomplished banner and disband?

      • Brochettaward

        Being a Sabres fan is a hell I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

      • rhywun

        Being a Sabres fan is a hell I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

        It is trying.

    • B.P.

      I saw the Apple Dumpling Gang as part of a double-feature at the drive-in in the mid-70s. My older brother got to lay on the roof of the car and I didn’t. We’ve since reconciled and I forgive my parents.

      • Mojeaux

        You’re a better man than I, Gunga Din.

    • Ted S.

      Not all of them.

      I assume Song of the South isn’t there.

  10. creech

    Why do “feelings” usually propel one into the Proggie camp? Can’t one just feel “people need to pull their own weight” or feel “don’t hit others or take their stuff?”

    • Brochettaward

      Emotional people are easily swayed by propaganda. The left has become the dominant force in culture. They are presented as the good guys and have been for a generation or more in all forms of media. Just my elevator explanation there.

    • Sean


    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, U and Sean!

      • Gender Traitor

        Pretty well, but we got some snow last night and it’s still just too darn cold (32 degrees.) How are you?

      • UnCivilServant

        I guess I’m okay. The pepper plant is looking happy. I got a decent amount of sleep. I still need to schedule my appointment to file the permit application. Work is sluggishly crawling along.

        I still have to borderline micromanage my disappointing direct report, who has nothing resembling personal initiative. I wish I could throw him back to his old group.

    • Gender Traitor

      Hydrox were better. They’re apparently back, but I can’t find them at a local grocery, and Amazon insists you buy a truckload at a time. 😞

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Hydrox? And to think that I thought you were one of the good ones GT.

      • Gender Traitor

        Oreos are borderline acceptable if you submerge them entirely in milk until they stop struggling but pull them out before they disintegrate.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I bought some store brand doublestuff Oreos at Publix not too terrible long ago and they were the best cookies of that type I ever had. Not as crumbly and the middle was softer.

    • Not Adahn

      Not keto.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The federal government employees aren’t doing it for the icky profits, they’re doing it for the people while the private business employees are either greedy or are being used to enrich the greedy. What do you monsters have against the people, Sean?

      That’s the thinking behind it (not really, they know they’re full of shit, well the intelligent ones do anyway, so it’s more of a narrative) but are the people still buying it?

    • Ted S.

      Yeah; government-funded media in New Zealand only started noticing job cuts as a result of a) the left losing the election and b) fellow journalists at a private broadcaster losing their jobs.

      Their hatred of the non-left government would be funny if they didn’t have so much influence.

  11. Sean

    I impulse bought a new tv last night. Meant to replace a still working Panasonic. What do I do with the old one? Store it? Sell it? Give it away?

    • UnCivilServant

      Tape it to the window, play a perpetual beach scene and pretend you’re in the tropics.

      • R.J.

        UnCivil for the win.

  12. Sensei

    In case anybody needed a reminder what a piece of shit Cuomo is.

    Can New York Survive a Cuomo Comeback?

    When the policy came under fire, the Cuomo administration spent months covering up the full death toll in nursing homes. This included falsifying a Health Department report, refusing to provide accurate data to the Legislature and media, and stymieing Freedom of Information Law requests from the Empire Center and others. Only when the Empire Center won a court order in February 2021 did the department come clean. The true fatality count in nursing homes and adult-care facilities was almost 15,000, or 5,600 more than the state had previously acknowledged.

    Mr. Cuomo’s administration also arranged priority Covid testing for the governor’s friends, associates and family members when test kits were scarce—leaving many healthcare providers flying blind. In some cases, a Health Department doctor was dispatched to the homes of VIPs, including Mr. Cuomo’s brother, Chris, with state troopers transporting the samples to Albany for expedited processing at an overworked Health Department lab.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Yet still better than the current governor of NY. As bad as he was just think of how that Karen would’ve handled it.

      • Ted S.

        Hochul feels she needs to appease the crazies. Cuomo didn’t, and to be fair the crazies didn’t control both houses of the legislature until after 2018.

    • Not Adahn

      I think the Korean stereotype is less intelligent than belligerent.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        No one killed luckily enough but the guy driving that truck in one of the vids there will be taking his kimchi through a straw for a while.

    • Sensei

      I believe our own Pope Jimbo is still there.

      Coincidence… or not?

  13. Rat on a train

    Another tantrum
    Broadway musical ‘Hamilton’ cancels plans to play the Kennedy Center in 2026
    Sell the Kennedy Center to someone who cares. Taxpayers in Hawaii should not be paying to entertain the DMV upper class.

  14. Tres Cool

    Mother Nature is on the rag. Damn near 60 yesterday, now snow on the ground and 29.

    suh’ fam
    whats goody

    • R.J.

      Big tornado/ high winds shredded a building down the street on Tuesday. The highway was closed with chunks of roof and insulation all over it.
      It’s gonna be one if those Springs…

      • Rat on a train

        Nights are above freezing. Daffodils are out. Enjoy before the bugs and humidity hit.

    • Ted S.

      But does she have big cans?