1. Not Adahn

    Why would Waltz have Goldberg’s contact info? Easy leaking to the media? Goldberg gets to call in favors?

    If that contact info was in a government phone, I’d be ok with that being sufficient grounds for firing. If it was in his personal phone, that’s just more proof that DC is one giant incestuous circle jerk.

    • SDF-7

      Stupid Question is Stupid — but is there any chance Signal has a master directory (similar to LDAP/Active Directory at a corporate level) where you can actually add anyone on their service if you know their login? [The initial reporting I saw said that the error was in attempting to add someone with similar initials who’s actually in the national security structure… don’t remember who at the moment — don’t care enough to dig up the article. That suggests to me an auto-complete directory lookup, is all…]

    • Drake

      I’m guessing a holdover from the last administration found a way to play a dirty trick.

      • Suthenboy

        This. First thing I thought is that they are blaming an un-named intern/aide to keep from having to prosecute and put against a wall some outright traitor that has direct connections to the higher ups in the last admin.
        I have learned that no matter how bad you think things are, they are worse.

    • EvilSheldon

      “…DC is one giant incestuous circle jerk.”

      Right on the money.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      Been thinking about this. Perhaps Goldberg was NOT in on the call, but was supplied the data by the CIA through their backdoor on Signal, primed to claim he was at the opportune time.

  2. Pat

    Trump Signs EO Requiring Proof Of Citizenship, Paper Ballots

    Should be blocked as a violation of the Voting Rights Act in time for the afternoon links.

    • Common Tater

      Aren’t elections pretty much up to the states anyway?

      • Drake

        Or up to the people who run elections.

      • rhywun

        Yes, which means around half of them will continue to run dirty elections until the end of time.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators,.

        Article I, Section 4, Clause 1

      • R C Dean

        Congress can regulate Congressional elections. Oddly, I am not sure there’s anything in the Constitution that talks about federal standards for Presidential elections.

        So I think you could wind up with a weird system where there’s separate ballots for state/Presidential elections, and Congressional elections. In AZ, we already have a system where noncitizens can vote in state elections and the AZ Supreme Court ordered that their ballots be counted. Technically, it was @100,000 ballots (in Maricopa County, shockingly) where citizenship hadn’t been “confirmed”, so it wasn’t explicitly “count the votes of noncitizens”, but it was a pretty thin pretext.

      • juris imprudent

        Oddly, I am not sure there’s anything in the Constitution that talks about federal standards for Presidential elections.

        The Electoral College? There wasn’t supposed to be any popular vote for the president, so obviously no election standards.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Also, Senators were supposed to be appointed, so no voting there, either.

  3. SDF-7

    Consumers’ short-term economic expectations fall to lowest level in 12 years, trigger recession warning

    Pretty sure we’ve been in one that they’ve just been hiding through creative math (like including bloated government deficit spending in the GDP if nothing else).

    Get those energy prices down — get those regulations slashed… let the recession cull the dead wood in the market and allow new small businesses to start without stupid levels of taxes/forms and we’ll come out okay in the end. (He says knowing some folks may suffer in the shorter term, including maybe even himself… layoffs are strong in the tech sector right now… just had my EoFY conversation and seems rosy… but you never know… but that’s life since the ’80s and all…)

    Morning, Banjos — thanks for the links… even if the front page image makes me primarily think that the Tom & Jerry animators really needed more opportunities to get out and date… they were lonely, lonely men apparently…. Morning all!

      • Not Adahn

        Neutron Woman was thicc. Especially for the time.

      • SDF-7

        Much better than Neutrino woman — she just never seemed to interact with anyone.

      • Necron 99

        He says knowing some folks may suffer in the shorter term, including maybe even himself…

        Speaking of which, has anyone heard from KK? Last I saw she seemed kind of upset that people here were celebrating DOGE cuts, while dealing with direct consequences herself.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        She was on Zoom last Friday, sounding rather in the dumps for the reasons you mention.

      • Pat

        I understand why it sucks to be in that situation. My parents were on Medicaid and Social Security, and I indirectly benefited from that while I was living with and taking care of them. Made me feel like an unprincipled fraud, but didn’t my change opinion on the morality of those programs.

      • Sensei

        They shot themselves after than ran cover for Biden about what the accepted definition of a “recession” was.

    • Nephilium

      I noticed the change in reporting around November, when all of a sudden it was slightly possible, that we may, potentially, be in a bit of a recession (and if not now, than definitely once Trump was elected).

  4. Pat

    “Devon Archer was a former business partner of the Biden family. He was prosecuted relating to a fraud investigation, but notably, the tone and tenor of that prosecution changed dramatically after he began to cooperate with congressional investigators and serve as a witness against Hunter Biden and the Biden family. We believe that was an injustice, and therefore we’re asking you to pardon him,” White House Staff Secretary Will Scharf told the president, showing him the executive order.

    “We were going to give this guy a sweetheart deal, but the former president chose to kibosh it to protect his shithead offspring” doesn’t strike me as the most convincing case for clemency when the penalty was about 1/10th what any normie convicted of fraud would have faced under the same circumstances, but all’s well that ends well I guess.

    • SDF-7

      My pardon statement would have just been “My asshole predecessor pardoned everyone else his crackhead son used to extort money from foreign nationals — we didn’t want Mr. Archer to feel left out.”

    • R C Dean

      Well, cooperating witnesses usually get a deal, rather than getting the hammer dropped on them.

  5. Sensei

    “(Bezos is) a good guy,” Trump added. “I didn’t really know him in the first term. I mean, it’s such a difference between now and the first time.”

    Trump knows what happens when you unshackle from the first wife!

      • Ted S.

        I’ve always been beautiful.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        You’re the best Ted. Everyone says so.

  6. Pat

    Trump declassifies files on FBI’s secret spy operation on his first White House campaign

    I’ll actually be interested in reading that, although I’m sure it’s going to be about a 10 year slog through 7 million pages across 80,000 documents.

    • Grummun

      We’ll see how much of this is redacted. I’m not getting a real strong “actual accountability for wrongdoers” vibe out of Kash thus far.

  7. SDF-7

    Trump claims Jeff Bezos complained to him about ‘out of control’ Washington Post staffers: ‘They’re crazy people’

    Trump — no offense… but maybe you should shut up on the employer/employee relations on a company you’re not a member of? They likely are crazy people… Bezos may well have said it… but if he’s going to get any productive work out of them / come to an understanding, it would probably help if you didn’t blab his opinion (which I assume he made in private) across the front page?

    Just as stupid as the “I disagree with my bosses so I’magunna put it on my TikTok!”… sometimes it is better to keep opinions to yourselves and work things out. Sheesh.

    (I know… I know… he’s just enjoying telling assholes who wronged him that there is a reckoning coming… but I still find it stupid and annoying…)

    • Pat

      I kind of like it, tbh. Bezos trying to kiss the ring as a smarmy sycophant post-election after 10 uninterrupted years of serving as a press release re-publisher for the DNC and then having Trump drag him publicly and pit him against his staff is exactly as cruel as is necessary.

  8. Pat

    Trump Admin To Crack Down On Public Housing For Illegal Aliens

    Luckily there are compassionate states like New York who will continue to provide the necessary resources for these people and offer them sanctuary.

    • Nephilium

      Which is why they’re asking for more federal money, that they totally won’t spend on illegal aliens, but schools and roads and police!

      • rhywun

        To be fair, the roads and police are going to shit. (The schools are very well taken care of, natch.)

  9. Pat

    States Work to Make Gold and Silver Alternative Currencies to US Dollar

    Not really possible due to the Federal Reserve Act and related amendments and expansions since the USD is official legal tender in all 50 states, and state currencies probably wouldn’t qualify for reciprocity in Article IV, but you can transact private business in whatever currency or commodity you want as it is, and there’s no shortage of reliably-weighted precious metals.

    • cavalier973

      Can I pay someone using gold without either of us having to pay some sort of tax?

      • Pat

        If it’s gift under the annual declaration threshold. Otherwise, the IRS doesn’t care what currency you used, it’s getting its cut.

    • Jarflax

      It’s silly tribal signaling, just from a tribe more to our liking.

    • R C Dean

      I’m not sure that it’s illegal to have an alternative currency, just that the US Dollar is required to be accepted everywhere.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Unless of course its not…see businesses and stadiums claiming they no longer accept cash

      • Nephilium


        The legal fiction for banning cash is that it’s only required to be accepted for debts, and since they haven’t provided you with anything yet, they can put a restriction on the transaction to be card only.

        Funny that the same groups who say that minorities can’t manage to get a free state issued ID are the same groups that are generally pushing to ban cash transactions, isn’t it?

      • Pat

        Yeah, that was poorly phrased. What I was getting at is your state currency would likely only be good within your state, which would make it kind of a useless idea, as you can already draft contracts and accept payments with alternative currencies if you like. I doubt there’s enough demand to justify the state creating its own currency; businesses and their payment processors would end up converting it to USD anyway, in all likelihood.

    • rhywun

      It hasn’t stopped states from taxing the everloving shit out of nicotine so I’m not sure if weed will be any different. Maybe pot is less addictive? I’m not sure.

      • Sensei

        But weed is grown organically by hippies. Tobacco is grown by corporate farms in red states and sold by evil corporations.

      • rhywun

        My first thought was this is another angle of the “reparations” that got us legal weed purveyors in the first place but only for convicted criminals (in some states).

    • Pat

      Denying unproven allegations of rape against you is only defamation if your name happens to be Donald Trump. I don’t like her chances.

  10. Shpip

    “I’m confident that free markets and personal liberties are right for America,” Bezos added on X. “I also believe these viewpoints are underserved in the current market of ideas and news opinion. I’m excited for us together to fill that void.”

    While that sentiment is catnip to us at Glibs, the Basic College Girls who staff the Post‘s reporter corps will react to that the same way that Regan MacNeil did to the priest in The Exorcist.

    • R.J.

      Good. They can quit. He’s been subsidizing those morons for years.

      • Pat

        To be fair, Bezos is about as reformed as Little Alex and just riding the current of public sentiment. He’d have carried on subsidizing their bullshit indefinitely if Trump had lost, because that’s what he actually believes.

      • R.J.

        You are probably right. When he first started out he claimed to be a libertarian, then all the sudden he started spending a lot of time in Washington and became a progressive.

  11. Pat

    Why is the NHS siding with a racist paedophile?

    If a six-foot-tall convicted paedophile racially abused a black female nurse, who would you expect the NHS to defend? Incredibly, the Epsom and St Helier University Hospital Trust has allegedly taken the side of the racist paedo. All because the criminal in question identifies as transgender and the nurse in question ‘misgendered’ him.
    Last year, nurse Jennifer Melle was treating the man, referred to only as ‘Patient X’ in legal documents, at St Helier Hospital in Carshalton, Surrey. X had been brought in from a high-security men’s prison, physically restrained and accompanied by two security guards.
    Melle left the room to speak with a doctor on the phone about removing X’s catheter – a medical procedure that, obviously, requires all parties to be crystal clear about the biological sex of the patient. During the conversation, Melle referred to X as ‘mister’ and ‘he’. She claims that he overheard this and became upset.

    • R C Dean

      Why is the convict’s name being withheld? I mean, he’s a convicted pedophile, so it can’t be out of concern for his reputation.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Because they know that the new name is BS, and they will get sued if they use the old one?

    • rhywun

      taken the side of the racist paedo

      Duh. Trans is at the top of the victim stack. I don’t see anything higher right now except maybe “Palestinian”.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        The trans stack on top of the other victim stacks is even further subdivided, depending on how many other victim groups you can claim. Trans-Muslim-black-queer-twospirit etc. etc.

  12. Common Tater

    “Texas Governor Greg Abbott has hit back at left-wing Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett after she mocked his use of a wheelchair, claiming the Democrats have “nothing to sell but hate.”

    The firebrand Texas Rep. was slammed after she branded Abbott “Governor Hot Wheels” on Monday during a Human Rights Campaign Dinner in Los Angeles….

    “I wasn’t thinking about the governor’s condition — I was thinking about the planes, trains, and automobiles he used to transfer migrants into communities led by Black mayors,” she wrote in a statement on X. “Keep that same energy for all people, not just your political adversaries.””


    I think she’s pretending to be retarded.

    • Ted S.

      I remember when it was mean to make fun of disabled elected officials. Of course, those were Team Blue politicians.

    • Pat

      “I wasn’t thinking about the governor’s condition — I was thinking about the planes, trains, and automobiles he used to transfer migrants into communities led by Black mayors”

      Couple things. Why would bBlack mayors and their communities not benefit from the diversity and work ethic of migrants like wypipo? Or framed differently, why would migrants not benefit from the competent and strong leadership of bBlack mayors?

      Also, Hot Wheels does not make plane, train, or wheelchair toys, so the metaphor is pretty retarded regardless. If you’re going to be an asshole, just own it. If there’s anything people like less than an asshole it’s a retarded asshole.

      • R.J.

        Greg should own it and put a Hot Wheels sticker on his chair.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        A broken wheelchair has better spin than this.

    • Shpip

      Were I the governor, I’d pose for a photo in my office with one of these on my desk. Lean into the insult, and show you have a sense of humor.

      I think she’s pretending to be retarded.

      She’s from a posh background and is ersatz ghetto because the rubes eat it up. You see it a lot in showbiz — for instance, the fey kid studying jazz and ballet at the Baltimore School of the Arts takes on the persona of a gangsta known as Tupac Shakur in order to sell records. It’s all an act.

      • Nephilium


        I was expecting this one, which I think stuck the ending better than the one you linked (although I did enjoy both).

      • Ted S.

        Is it fantastic?

      • Ed Wuncler

        When I was in college the loudest and most obnoxious voices on campus where the well to do black kids. The kids from the hood were there to study and get a degree so they can get a good job and not have to go back to the hood.

      • Pat

        Well so much for my “Hot Wheels doesn’t make wheelchair toys” theory.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        You mean Marin County Tupac might have put on a persona?

    • rhywun

      But openly racist is A-OK.

  13. UnCivilServant

    I saw an article in the local rag this morning about the New York pols wanting to do away with part of the New York Gov.

    I was confused, so I read it. Turns out the part they are angry with is the commission which approves rate changes by public utilities. These poor bastards have been approving rate hikes when the Pols have imposed some outrageous directives and costs on the utilities instead of demanding magical thinking rule the day.

    I hate when people don’t learn from examples. They want to make the PG&E mistake.

    • Ted S.

      Our local AssemblyPOS is an avowed Democratic Socialist who wants the State to take over Central Hudson.

    • Pat

      To be fair, a lot of PUCs are basically rubberstamps for the monopoly they regulate, and approve whatever recommendations they get sent by the utility. Which is a good reason not to have public utility monopolies in the first place. But if you do have one, the PUC is supposed to balance the interests of consumers while keeping the monopoly financial solvent.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m ambivalent towards the commission and the utility, because the villains are the pols pushing eco-nutcase green garbage.

    • rhywun

      Something has to give. Now that it is safe to admit the whole thing is a fucking scam, they are free to tell the state exactly how much their fantasies are going to cost the ratepayers.

  14. juris imprudent

    The lawsuit is requesting compensation and punitive damages over the alleged coordination with Hamas and its affiliates in its “terror-by-propaganda strategy” and the purported provision of material to support the terrorist organization’s public relations operations.

    Not all frivolous lawsuits come from the left.

  15. Ownbestenemy

    I see the counter for populism from the Dems is to ‘fight the oligarchy’

  16. Shpip

    Might this signal a slow pivot back towards merit in hiring — for both the fedgov and the private sector?

    On March 13, Edward R. Martin Jr., the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, announced that his office had filed a motion to vacate the 1981 Luevano consent decree. This decree arose from a 1979 class action lawsuit filed against the Office of Personnel and Management (OPM). At the center of the dispute was the use of the Professional and Administrative Career Examination (PACE), a standardized test designed to predict job performance.

    Cue the usual suspects shouting from the sidewalks that The Man is trying to make them second class citizens again.

  17. Ownbestenemy

    The Signal chat thing..ya a screw up. The usual suspects screaming “worse than [insert whatever terrible event]” is a tried and failed tactic that only serves as talking points they feed to their friends in media.

    • Nephilium

      I’ll treat the Signal chat story seriously as soon as Progressives admit that Hillary violated the law with her e-mail server.

      • rhywun

        And even then one was arguably a screw-up while the other was deliberately criminal.

  18. Derpetologist

    If only top men could gather in the same place, perhaps a major city. This would allow them to meet privately in person to discuss important matters of secrecy.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      But Glibs are nation wide, and cannot easily gather.

      • Pat

        To be fair, we could all be in the same building and still would not easily gather.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Like herding cats, we are.

  19. R C Dean

    “ It’s already technically already illegal for noncitizens to register to vote (and vote) in federal elections”

    So there’s no problem with Trump ordering that measures be taken to enforce that law, right?

    “The entire government will work together to identify abuse and exploitation of public benefits and make sure those in this country illegally are not receiving federal benefits or other financial incentives to stay illegally,”

    I thought it was already illegal for immigrants, much less illegals, to get federal benefits. I hope this means they are going to go after the NGO network that launders federal money for illegals.

    • Common Tater

      Doesn’t the federal government help fund clinics frequented by immigrants who can’t get medicaid?

      • juris imprudent

        Wasn’t California begging the feds for more Medicaid money because they had provided services to illegals?

      • R C Dean

        My recollection is that illegals, at least, don’t get the Medicaid matching funds from the feds. The states can give them Medicaid benefits, but it’s entirely on their own dime.

        In theory, anyway.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Or force the medical indusrty to pass on the costs to citizens

      • rhywun

        Yes, as I understand it certain states are showering illegals with state money and then begging the feds for relief.

        I hope Donald tells them to drop dead.

    • Pat

      Then how did the study know they were citizens?

      Because shut up, racist.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Look if I have to give up nearly all my personal information for a RealID im sure they can go down and get a simple card.

      Or…..blow it all up

      • Swiss Servator

        OBE – I pulled your article back to Drafts – that is what you wanted, aye?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Aye thanks. Ill look at it later and do my adjustments. Thanks Swiss

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Because Black citizens are too stupidlazy Challenged to get ID.

    • Ted S.

      I’m part of the 9% that’s going to have to get something Real ID-compliant. I’m not sure where my birth certificate is.

      • juris imprudent

        Yep, not Real-ID compliant here either, though I do have a passport, so there.

      • Pat

        I held out on RealID as long as possible, but folded on my last renewal in NV, as I thought I may need to travel by air relatively soon at the time, and don’t have a passport. It turned out I didn’t need to travel by air after all. I can’t remember if TX gave me the option or not, but since the damage was already done, I got a compliant driver’s license.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Notice no one is claiming RealID requirements are racist or blacks and poors hardest hit or poor married women what they to do!

      • R C Dean

        It may be a pain in the ass, but you can get birth certificates and marriage licenses re-issued.

        I’m pretty sure I could lay hands on my birth certificate. Not so sure about the marriage license, although it’s around here somewhere. Probably. I have a passport anyway, which is itself proof of citizenship.

      • Ted S.

        One of my sisters has been married twice. I’d have no idea who got to keep the marriage license in the divorce settlement.

      • rhywun

        Voting is a sacred, hard-won right that it’s only fair to throw at anyone who asks, without any questions.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        I got a real ID some years ago (partly for same reason as Pat). But now I have no idea WTF all the paperwork is to get it renewed. Luckily it is SOMEWHERE in one particular room. But I will have to thoroughly gird my loins when I go into that room to try to find it in one of the innumerable stacks, drawers, and lockboxes within.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Id have thought my RealID from Nevada that has all the requirements that the Feds wanted and verified would havd sufficed to recieve the same in KY.

        Nope, duplicate work is government work

    • Ownbestenemy

      There are also concerns that married women who have changed their names will encounter trouble when trying to register because their birth certificates list their maiden names

      Do people not keep documentation anymore?

      • UnCivilServant

        If my conversations with the mortgage agent about loans and the police detective about permit applications are any indicator – no, people do not keep documentation, and don’t exactly fill in paperwork well.

      • Pat

        They would have had to show the same marriage license document to the SSA to get their maiden name changed in the first place as they would have to show to the DMV or DOL to get an ID card or driver’s license with their married name. If you’ve done it once, you can surely do it again. I have to show my birth certificate from one state and court order from another to verify my identity.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        This is what bugs me. I had to show my birth certificate when I moved to OR and got a license, so, why do I have to do it again? Also too, how long before this is found to be gamed, and what do we do then?

      • Gustave Lytton

        They used to just do a doc check by the DMV clerk. Now it’s also a scan and retain. Same clerks that “accidentally” coded illegals as citizens for voter registration.

      • kinnath

        We were married 49 years ago. God only knows where our copy of the marriage license went.

        Trying to get a copy from a court house half way across the country is not the easiest thing to do.

        It was easier for my wife to get a new passport using an old one that had expired more than 10 years ago. It took all of 15 minutes at the post office to get the forms filled out, a photo taken, and the old passport mailed off with a copy of the birth certificate (in the maiden name).

        Once she had the updated passport, getting a RealID drivers license was trivial.

        This is a non-trivial problem for married and/or divorced women to deal with.

      • Pat

        Trying to get a copy from a court house half way across the country is not the easiest thing to do.

        These days, it’s usually just submitting the relevant dates, names and SSNs to a third party processor and waiting 2-3 weeks for them to forward the request to the relevant state agency and mail you a copy. I had to do that for my birth certificate and my parents’ marriage license, since my idiot dad laminated the originals.

      • rhywun

        I had to get a notarized copy of my birth certificate in order to get a job.

      • kinnath

        third party processor

        I wasn’t aware that such a thing existed.

      • Pat

        VitalChek is the big one, IIRC, but there’s others.

      • Gustave Lytton

        These days it’s usually quite easy. Most jurisdictions have websites with a mail in request form if not an online webform. Or just call.

        Birth certificates are almost all handled by the states. Again, online, mail in, or call. Ordered my mom’s for her in about 5 minutes from the state she was born in on the other side of the country.

        Rhy- your employer is an idiot. Copies, such as birth certificates, are sealed (raised type, not tape) by the issuing agency. Notarizing is attesting that a signature was made by the person who signed the document.

      • rhywun

        OK, notarized is probably not the right word.

        It was all official-like is what I meant.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        The only thing that caught me off guard with that is my mother stopped using her first name pretty much at birth, but still used it legally until long after my parents divorce.

        So, I got a call from the birth certificate office, and had to talk to my mother to find out what she was using at the time of my birth to give them the right info to dig it up.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Buddy had a similar thing except that he wasn’t aware of it until he requested his birth certificate. His mom “changed” his name after the hospital and never told him.

      • Gender Traitor

        To get my Real ID:
        – Could have sworn my original birth certificate was in my baby book or my “vital statistics” file, but no. Got a reissued one in my current county because I was born elsewhere in Ohio.
        – Never had a copy of either marriage license, so visited two county courthouses (luckily, the one where I live and the one just to the west) to procure.
        – Had the divorce (dissolution) paperwork (only thing from out of state- IN.)
        – Had copies of all three SS cards, completing the provenance/chain of custody.
        Now watch – I probably still won’t fly anywhere, so won’t really have needed it. 🙄

      • rhywun

        I gave up on the “Real ID” when they demanded I travel 45 minutes each way for an in-person interview. AYFKM?

  20. Shpip

    Never gonna happen

    How do Democrats get past Trump? Confess and repent for their gaslighting.

    A galaxy of pixels has been burned attempting to diagnose Democrats’ lack of a plan, a vision or even a coherent argument beyond “Arrgh!” as Hurricane Donald, category 10, rips through the federal fiefdom.

    Allow me to add to that unholy chorus by suggesting that the Democrats’ path out of the wilderness begins with two ancient but still wholly relevant disciplines: repentance and confession.

    • Ted S.

      After all, they lost 31 states and 77.3 million votes in November to a convicted felon who was credibly accused of instigating an insurrection.

      The projection is strong here.

      • rhywun

        Yes, a majority of Americans saw through both ruses. Think on that for a bit, author.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Well, aside from being horrible written and edited, that article is pointing at a basic truth; Dems need to come clean with all the f-ups, and you are right that they won’t. There is no one left in the party to say this from a point of trust.

      • Sensei

        It’s tough to tell how well written it is because of all the ads that break up just about every paragraph.

    • EvilSheldon

      Before honest repentance can happen, the Democrats would need to completely abandon two concepts they have thoroughly internalized.

      So repeat after me – “I am not the smartest person in the room, and even if I were, that doesn’t give me the authority to tell other people what to do.”

      • Ed Wuncler

        Whoa, that would require some degree of humility. The other aspect of that is the Left loves to follow those who are deemed as smart and expect everyone else to do the same. The phrase, “Listen to the experts”, comes to mind.

      • juris imprudent

        Humility is for icky people, not the elect.

      • Nephilium

        /looks around the room

        But what if I AM the smartest person in the room?

        (editor’s note: He isn’t, even when he’s alone in the room.)

      • rhywun

        They also need to kick out the lunatics who have taken over the party. The ones who actively hate whites, heteros, cissies, the middle class, Xtians, etc. etc.

      • Derpetologist

        Mein Kampf in Arabic is Jihadi.

        The Arabic word for jihadi is mujahid.

  21. Sensei

    Do you want to see my shocked face?

    Boeing has been awarded a contract to build the Air Force’s next-generation manned jet fighter, the F-47, in a deal that could top $50 billion.

    The deal is structured to guarantee Boeing a profit through the development stage of the project, something the company sorely needs after a series of safety mishaps and financial losses.

    The F-47 is designed to fight with semiautonomous drones and will have new stealth and long-range strike capabilities, and is seen as vital to deterring China’s military in the decades ahead.


    • UnCivilServant

      I don’t trust Boeing’s engineering or manufacturing capabilities at this point. With the quality control issues on their airlines and the mess of the space capsule, I wouldn’t want them working on anything lives depended on.

    • Suthenboy

      “…a series of safety mishaps…”

      They were mishaps.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Mere glitches.

    • Drake

      It will be a bottomless money pit for a useless plane that will be obsolete long before its fielded.

    • juris imprudent

      Deterring China’s military – where exactly? “Never get involved in a land war in Asia”.

      • UnCivilServant

        Even discounting successful wars waged by Asian powers, the East India Companies had a good track record with land wars in Asia. Perhaps we should privatize the ground war.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        To say nothing of the island campaign, nor the total destruction of Japan as an enemy.

        Vietnam is a shitty reference point for any land war, as the goals were completely different. Same with AFPAC

    • SarumanTheGreat

      IMO if it isn’t equipped with some sort of shotgun canister cannon to take out swarms it’s the Prince of Wales vs. Japanese fighters all over again.

    • ron73440

      That is some complex engineering.

      I want one.

  22. Sensei

    “Japan’s Seven & i said that Alimentation Couche-Tard has underestimated antitrust hurdles facing their proposed $47 billion deal and hasn’t made concessions to protect shareholders should the deal fall apart.”

    Japanese companies really do detest anything but the most friendly and enriching of takeovers.


    • SarumanTheGreat

      Team Trump not treating dependent indulged children as equals! The horror!

      It’s really not the countries who Vance is contemptuous of, it’s their leaders and leadership cadre. Who consider themselves superior in every way to the Salesman-in-Chief because they’re credentialed.

      I haven’t seen the administration treating Japanese leadership the same way.

      • Sensei

        They are equally as “credentialed” with many from Toudai (U of Tokyo).

        They’re just Japanese in how they deal with the crazy gaijin now running the US.

      • Sensei

        Also they get to use their constitution. They make no pretext of not being beholding to the US for any outward projection of force.

        The Europeans are like spoiled teenagers with an allowance whining “But I’m an adult!”

    • rhywun

      Yeah, “trust the US” really just means “take money from the US”.

      And their comtempt for the US hasn’t wavered.

    • juris imprudent

      The lesson Europeans—and many friends elsewhere—will take from this episode is that officials at the top of the Trump Administration think the U.S. relationship isn’t based on common interests or values. It’s closer to a protection racket

      A free protection racket? Who in the hell runs a free protection racket?

  23. The Late P Brooks

    they (Post newsroom employees), you know, they’re out of control.’ These people are crazy. They’re crazy people. They’re out of control.

    It’s a nuthouse with typewriters.

  24. Ownbestenemy

    So some group is attempting to sue the Admin claiming Signal is in violation of the Presidential Records act and through sheer coincidence the hero judge Boasberg was randomly selected to preside over that case too?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Anyone if its for the right reasons of course

      • PutridMeat

        Well, anyone trying to save democracy has standing to sue, every citizen. It’s right there in the Constitution.

        Now, on the other hand, if you are explicitly named by the government as someone whose speech must be curtailed and WHY THE FUCK is this account not suspended, well then, no standing because of course you can’t prove that it was government action nor demonstrate any harm due to government action because the private company might have taken the same actions anyway and that would be totes legal.

        They (you know, them) think the system they (you know, them) exploit can not be torn down because, well it’s been here 200+ years and you don’t hate the Constitution do you? You don’t hate democracy, do you? Well, you keep chipping away at the foundations of the system – hell, chipping away? more like taking a Stihl 41 incher to it – and turn it into the exact thing it was designed to prevent, well, then a lot of people will hate the ‘constitution’ (and frankly, I’ve always hated democracy). It’s not a pleasant place when you push to the point that people are willing to destroy the institutions, but we’re damn close to that and, unfortunately, it rarely turns out as well as it did in 1776.

        “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends”

  25. ron73440

    Got back from vacation on Saturday and went to work on Monday.

    Monday night had a headache so bad I couldn’t sleep and when the alarm went off, I couldn’t open my right eye from the pain.

    Had to call off work yesterday, which I hate doing.

    My sinuses finally caught up around 2 in the afternoon and this morning I have no headache or pressure.

    Good times.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    If I wanted to sow confusion and uproar, I’d “accidentally” text a set of “battle plans” to a writer for the Atlantic Monthly.

  27. PieInTheSky

    A crazy stat is that on a per-capita basis, Canada is more Sikh than India.

    Sikhs comprise 2.1% of Canada’s population (2021 Census). India is about 1.7% Sikh. New Zealand is the only other country above 1%.


    The US better not invade lest you get stabbed with a tiny knife.

    • Shpip

      There are still a remarkable amount of Sikhs in the U.S. aerospace industry, mostly in R&D.

      Their specialty is wind turbans.

      • PutridMeat


        He gets me every time.

      • juris imprudent

        Sikh and tired of this nonsense.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    It’s going to be an interesting look when the Democrats rescind Trump’s EO requiring citizenship to vote.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Not unless a major shift in newsrooms happen. “Dems today recinded an EO that American citizens were caught up in….here is a story of a 90 year old blah blah blah”

    • kinnath

      Depends on whether they are trying to rescind it in 2029 {after Trump} or in 2037 {after Vance}.

      • juris imprudent

        If Vance were to succeed Trump, he’d only be the 5th VP to do so, and the last to serve two terms as president after being VP was Jefferson.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It will be overturned in the courts because the Pres doesn’t have the authority to make this change. And the courts will be correct in this case.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Gutting the independent agencies

    The latest attempt by conservatives to undermine the federal bureaucracy reaches the Supreme Court on Wednesday as the justices consider whether the Federal Communications Commission unlawfully wields power via a program that subsidizes telecommunications services in underserved regions.

    The court has a 6-3 conservative majority that has in a series of recent decisions undercut the authority of government agencies and advanced a deregulatory agenda largely favored by business interests and Republicans.

    The case concerns whether Congress in a 1996 law exceeded its authority in setting up the Universal Service Fund, which requires telecommunications services to submit payments to subsidize “universal service” in low-income and rural areas.

    The fees, which are passed on to customers, raise billions of dollars a year that are spent on providing phone and internet services, including for schools, libraries and hospitals.

    Who doesn’t like redistributive justice? Who doesn’t want farmers and schools and hospitals to have high speed internet?

  30. The Late P Brooks

    The Trump administration has sought to exert the powers of the presidency at the expense of Congress and the judiciary, so in that sense its position in the case is consistent with that approach.

    Muh Constitutional crisis!

  31. Suthenboy

    OFFS. Overhearing the foreign threat hearings. The marxist shitbirds are making it all about the text message kerfuffle. Their tack? “If those messages contained classified info they would be illegal, wouldn’t they? Ok, we are declaring them classified.”

  32. juris imprudent

    The Bee sees a bright future for Democrats!

    “Just a few more torched Teslas and everyone will love us again,” said Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “I mean, we’ve vandalized and destroyed people’s property, we opposed eliminating wasteful government spending, and we put that hellish imp David Hogg in a position of leadership with the party. With all those things done, all we need is one more arson attack and we’ll be in a good spot.”

    • Pat

      They just need to work on the messaging…

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Vanguard of the New West

    Gun dealers and owners in Colorado could soon be subject to some of the most restrictive gun-control laws in the country.

    Lawmakers in the state are poised to pass a measure that would, with a few exceptions, outlaw the use of detachable ammunition magazines. By doing so, it would make it illegal to buy, sell and manufacture a wide range of firearm models, including rifles, shotguns, pistols and some handguns.

    Detachable magazines are devices that allow shooters to reload and fire bullets more quickly. Without them, gun users would have to load bullets into the chamber one by one.

    The bill’s supporters say the legislation is necessary to limit the damage inflicted during mass shootings.

    An unholy alliance of do-gooder hippies and Karens.

    Fuck Colorado.

      • EvilSheldon

        Please. Gun laws are only for the icky people, not the elect (nor the appointed)…

        (Not calling you out here, I genuinely like the line.)

    • Suthenboy

      Fuck California. This is their doing.
      And while we are at it, fuck the Black Panthers…they are really the morons that caused a lot of this.

      • Pat

        Meh. Provocateurs have rights, too. I lay the blame exclusively on the government and the panicky assholes who elect them.

        The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.

      • Suthenboy

        “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

        Notice the period at the end of that sentence.

    • kinnath

      This is as good a place as any


      The U.S. Supreme Court upheld on Wednesday a federal regulation targeting largely untraceable “ghost guns” imposed by Democratic former President Joe Biden’s administration in a crackdown on firearms whose use has proliferated in crimes nationwide.

      The justices ruled 7-2 to overturn a lower court’s decision that the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had exceeded its authority in issuing the 2022 rule targeting parts and kits for ghost guns.

      • Suthenboy

        See my comment above.

      • kinnath

        The regulation required manufacturers of firearms kits and parts, such as partially complete frames or receivers, to mark their products with serial numbers, obtain licenses and conduct background checks on purchasers, as already required for other commercially made firearms.

        The rule, opens new tab clarified that these kits and components are covered by the definition of “firearm” under a 1968 federal law called the Gun Control Act and that commercial manufacturers of such kits must become licensed.

        Ghost guns are particularly attractive to people prohibited by law from buying firearms, including minors and individuals convicted of violent crimes, according to law enforcement authorities.

        During the Oct. 8 arguments in the case, most of the justices seemed inclined to view the ghost gun rule as a valid exercise of the ATF’s authority. The Supreme Court has a 6-3 conservative majority.

      • UnCivilServant

        So at what point is an unmilled block of aluminum classified as a firearm?

      • kinnath

        When the ATF says it is

      • EvilSheldon

        Kinnath is sadly correct here – the authority to define what a firearm is is statutorily granted to the ATF by the Gun Control Act of 1968. This case was a lost cause before the USSC.

        What we really need is to repeal the GCA’68, either through the legislature, or the court on 2A grounds.

    • PieInTheSky

      eh as long as you are wearing protection…

      In Bucharest they limited the rental scooters to 26kph

      • PieInTheSky

        who moved Iceland to the Bay of Biscay – I assume there is a whole subreddit for that

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Technically not IN a car.

    Impressive. Just wait ’til he drops one of those little tiny wheels into a pothole or seam.

    • Pat

      I can’t remember the specifics, but I remember reading back in high school about some federal agency that ended up with a small crew of employees collecting checks to literally show up to the office and do nothing for several years after it was obviated by the Motor Carrier Act of 1980 that deregulated the trucking industry.

  35. Not Adahn

    Is OMWC on? I have a surface characterization question.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    The Aurora movie theater shooting was one reason Colorado passed a law more than a decade ago banning magazines that contain more than fifteen rounds.

    But since then, two more significant shootings happened in Colorado — at a Boulder supermarket in 2021 and at Club Q, an LGBTQ-plus nightclub in Colorado Springs, a year later. Both involved high-capacity detachable magazines.

    You know what else they involved?

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Provocateurs have rights, too. I lay the blame exclusively on the government and the panicky assholes who elect them.

    The best way to defend your rights is to not exercise them in any meaningful way.

      • EvilSheldon

        The Panthers found out the hard way – there’s a fine line between ‘effective protest’ and ‘pissing off the normies.’

      • Gustave Lytton

        That how there’s now a ban on open carry in the state Capitol here. This session, the Dems want to amend that to allow concealed carry for themselves and their staffers only.

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