by | Sep 1, 2022 | Cryptids, Daily Links | 404 comments






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  1. AlexinCT



    • UnCivilServant

      Provided the fur for muffs.

      • SDF-7

        We should try to restrain ourselves from joking about it too much, it is a bit of a basic instinct.

  2. AlexinCT


    So, they get security but the serfs do not? That’s how you shitlord good & hard, I guess.

    • Pope Jimbo

      My thought too.

      I’m sure those private cops will be sure to keep the serfs out of the next meetings too, so they won’t even have to listen to any petty complaining.

  3. PieInTheSky

    2 links out of four not available for Europeans.

    • AlexinCT

      That must be because of the energy and food rationing already going on in that continent of yours…

      • Pope Jimbo

        GDPR for the win!

        Next Pie will complain because we allow any sort of phone chargers to be legally sold here.

  4. AlexinCT

    This is our progressive future

    And if you complain they will label you a terrorist for not being a compliant serf that keeps to their place.

    • Lackadaisical

      Just watched a debate on going ‘green energy’ from TOS’s youtube. I don’t know how it wasn’t brought up more- the anti-side just kept bringing up ‘reliability’ but I really think he could have made it a bigger point.

      As usual the ‘pro’ side doesn’t like nuclear, and got trashed by the poll results. I still found it worthwhile to listen.

  5. PieInTheSky


    “None of us want to strike. But we have a choice. We can go back to school the way things were before, with a lack of student supports and widespread educator burnout. Or we can unite and advocate for something better,” school choice?

    • AlexinCT

      Yes, that’s what I hope the strike makes happen: parents demanding and getting school choice.

    • Rat on a train

      Let me guess some of their demands: higher pay, fewer hours, mask and vaccine mandates, no teacher evaluations, no education standards (well except CRT and grooming), time off to attend protests …

      • AlexinCT

        Basically they want to be paid to fuck over the kids and parents.

      • blighted_non_millenial

        It would be too much journalisming to actually find out and print their actual demands in the article.

    • Fourscore

      Lack of Student Supports

      What? No jocks for the Jocks? C’mon man, the budget can’t be that tight, heh, heh, heh

  6. Cowboy

    Bom dia,

    For Portland, I guess I support defunding the police and privatizing it? I mean, cant do much worse than the cops they already do, right? Still, a 50% increase in budget is ridiculous. Someones getting some kickbacks.

    • AlexinCT

      It is ALWAYS about kickbacks with these people… Always..

  7. PieInTheSky

    The chairman of the board of Lukoil, Russia’s biggest privately held oil producer and one of the few Russian companies to criticize the invasion of Ukraine, has died after falling out of a hospital window, Interfax reports

    • SDF-7

      Have to wonder if that’s the new polonium.

      • R.J.

        Polonium costs money. Falling out a window is free. Much better cost-benefit analysis.

    • R.J.

      The Russian version of having evidence on Hillary Clinton?

      • Chafed

        So it appears.

    • Rat on a train

      During the Soviet era there were a lot of deaths from heart failure … due to blood loss. Modern Russia is more open.

      • Cowboy

        The Bowler : Yes, the police said he fell down an elevator shaft. Onto some bullets.

        The Blue Raja : You know, I’ve alwas suspected a bit of foul play there.

      • NoDakMat

        If you want to raise your blood pressure, read up on the story of Andrew Sadek. College kid caught with some weed that police convince to turn informant to avoid charges. He winds up in the river wearing a backpack full of rocks and a gunshot wound to the head. Despite the fact that no gun was found at the scene, the cops rule it a suicide in the hopes that no one would notice that they turned him to an informant and then did absolutely zero to keep him safe.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Rings a bell.

    • UnCivilServant

      You know, some places have to make it look like it wasn’t assisted.

    • AlexinCT

      I thought falling off buildings was mooslim thing?

      • R.J.

        Hey. It’s a best practice now.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I thought the Czechs were famous for kidnapping people, then chopping off body parts and sending them to their relatives until they paid up.

        They were so famous for it, that it has become part of our language: The Czech is in the mail.

      • Ozymandias

        Boo! BOOO! PUN of PEW-trescence!

      • SDF-7

        Natasha say… pun so good, Pontiff should drop mike and slow vak avay…

      • Pope Jimbo

        He’s a slav to his biases

      • Seguin

        Yall better Hus-tle on out before Swiss shows up.

      • Seguin

        Nah, nah, that’s the roof. The window is for Czechs/Slavs.

    • Sensei

      Did he meet the Clintons as well?

    • Fatty Bolger

      The Russians getting back to basics, eh?

      “The most efficient accident, in simple assassination, is a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface.”—-CIA assassination manual, circa 1953.

      • Penguin

        “Don’t defenestrate me, bro!”

      • UnCivilServant

        *chucks Penguin out basement window*

      • Penguin

        You could’ve waited until there was a snow slide.

    • Rat on a train

      Garry Hoy was unavailable to test the windows.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    The city council is considering spending $4.2 million on its private security budget in an effort to better secure public properties. With crime still on the rise, the council said it needs to beef up security at city buildings and properties.

    Defund the police.

    • PieInTheSky

      and ban private citizen self defense, do not forget that bit

      • AlexinCT

        Armed serfs have historically been a problem for evil authoritarian movements that like body counts…

        The left fears nothing more, because their utopia involves killing more than half the masses to cower the others into subservience…

  9. Mustang

    An In-N-Out next to a Chick-fil-A? I’m actually glad they denied that due to drive-thru traffic, because that sounds like a three times a day mile-long traffic jam.

    • Mustang

      Except on Sundays of course.

    • PieInTheSky

      are those better than Mcdonalds and KFC?

      • Mustang

        They’re not even close. These are like the Ferraris of fast food to McDonalds’ Fiero.

      • UnCivilServant

        Expensive and impractical?

      • Mustang

        Ferraris are perfectly practical in certain situations.

      • UnCivilServant

        But not a good analogy.

      • Mustang

        I disagree.

      • Rat on a train

        low bar

      • Gustave Lytton

        No. In N Out is overrated with lousy fries. Chik Fil A is mediocre, their QC has slipped in new franchisees, and the NW doesn’t know what fried chicken should taste like (Popeyes that have expanded have the same problem here).

      • Lackadaisical

        ‘Chik Fil A is mediocre, their QC has slipped in new franchisees,’

        I think there is some truth to this, but the overall experience and even price is better than other chains.

      • Ownbestenemy

        In-n-Out, cause I was raised in Cali, holds a special place in fast food for me. Their fries are of course either loved or hated. You have to eat them immediately otherwise don’t bother.

        One thing you can always expect is a clean restaurant, even during rushes, clean uniforms and mostly smiling faces behind the counter.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Bring malt vinegar.

      • Rat on a train

        Five Guys has you covered.

      • Rat on a train

        I grew up in Orange County, but never went to In-n-Out. I don’t know why.

      • Tundra

        Because fast food is shitty?

      • Rat on a train

        We normally went Mexican for fast food. There was a Del Taco across the street and a place in Santa Ana for tortas and tamales. Burgers were more of a spot item which we get from whatever was in the shopping plaza we were in.

    • Rat on a train

      The drive-through line at the nearest Chick-fil-A can stretch over one thousand feet.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I’ve been to that location. There’s not adequate parking already for dine in/walk in. Didn’t notice a long drive thru.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The area between the ordering spot and the window is called the “stack”. If you are trying to measure drive thru performance you have to account for the size of the stack.

      Ah, the good old days of working in the Quick Serve Restaurant industry.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Also fuck both of those chains and their employees that walk up to you car window to take your order. Get the fuck out of my face, if I wanted to see another human, I’d park and walk inside.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Don’t they have online ordering yet?

      • Gustave Lytton

        I just want to order food, not load some malware infested spyware, manage yet another account and password, and load my credit card into their database.

      • Fatty Bolger

        I figured you would see that as a fair price for less human interaction.

      • Rat on a train

        Also, I can’t understand you in person. I need you to hear you through the speaker.

      • Chafed


    • hayeksplosives

      Chick-Fil-A is the Lord’s chicken and is the best fried nuggets and the best fried chicken breakfast sandwich in the world.

      I have attempted to replicate their nuggets with my deep fryer, and while the results aren’t the same, they are absolutely fabulous.

      Cut up chicken breasts into nugget sized pieces. Soak in buttermilk, white wine, and honey for a few hours or overnight. Add salt and pepper and mix by hand.

      In a mixing bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and powdered sugar.

      In batches, mix chicken pieces with flour mixture in another bowl and deep fry.

      NOM NOM NOM!!

    • AlexinCT

      Mr. Miagi lives?

    • R.J.

      Is that David Carradine?

    • Mustang

      That clang…are they mecha-hornets? Jeez.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Fourscore just puts them to work. Pretty soon all the lazy wasps learn to avoid his place.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Linked in the replies: Nightmare fuel.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    We don’t want successful businesses in our town.

    • AlexinCT

      The left is about mediocrity.. Success is racist, sexist, misogynist, and colonialism that leads to making words violence and people feel marginalized because of patriarchy….

  11. AlexinCT
      • AlexinCT

        That’s Bill’s punishment for getting some head from a chubby intern he cigar fucked in the oval office….

      • Penguin

        Yeah, she looks more like a priestess of Cthulhu than the real thing.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      DC is Hollywood for ugly people

  12. rhywun


    TIL that the plague gets into your head and makes you shooty. Bad plague!

  13. AlexinCT

    When I saw this shit, I thought it was a head fake. But upon reminiscence, I suspect these fucks have realized a lot of people will die if they keep doing this shit and these kids then are told they have to fight a fucking war to protect the interests of the elite criminals in charge.

    • rhywun

      Stick a fork in us, we’re done.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m sick of this defeatism.

        There will be trouble, but evidence of the rot is merely an indicator of where excisions are needed.

      • Mustang

        The constant outrage seems exhausting, doesn’t it?

      • Chafed

        Yes it is.

      • WTF

        The rot is too widespread and too deep. It can’t be excised without blowing up the entire country.

      • UnCivilServant

        So be it.

        Better the american people burn the rot out and rebuild than surrender to it or simply give up.

      • Rufus the Monocled

        It’s gotta ALL collapse and burn to the ground.

        We’re waaaay passed the stage of ‘reforming shit.’

      • AlexinCT

        You can’t fix a giant shit sammich by just sprucing it up with condiments & lots of interesting sides. it is still a shit sammich, and you just have to throw the whole thing out and start over…

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      “Sergeant Murray” is unauthorized but “This Sergeant” is ok?


      • UnCivilServant

        The rank and file must be detatched from any sign of humanity in order for the new order to be achieved.

    • Pope Jimbo

      When I was in the Corps, we used “dark green” and “light green” when talking about black and white Marines. (which led to “he was a light skinned dark green guy”)

      Maybe they will do something similar? Instead of men and women they will now be “outie” and “innie” Marines?

      Why do I also suspect that even if everyone started using gender neutral terms, there would still be a bunch of weirdos who were mad that they were not being called by some special pronoun they had invented for themselves?

      “OK look. All you outies will no longer call lance corporal Smith outie anymore. Xe wants to be referred to as curlicue from now on”

    • waffles



    • Lackadaisical

      Babylon Bee hardest hit.

      “”Unleashing the potential of diversity and inclusion at all levels is a Pacific Air Forces’ priority and something we strive for at Andersen,” the spokesman said. “Diversity and inclusion are force multipliers and warfighting imperatives that enable our competitive advantage against near-peer adversaries.””

      If you assume ‘near-peer’ refers to the right and assume they are talking about the left’s use of this, I absolutely agree.

      • Chafed

        I swear they cribbed all the obfuscating language from a 1980s GE seminar. Let’s synergize our way to vertical product dominance!

      • Cowboy

        The Rockwell Retroencabulator will solve all of your automation problems.

        As someone that works with Rockwell and ABB daily, I appreciate this more than most.

      • WTF

        “Diversity and inclusion are force multipliers and warfighting imperatives…

        He asserted without evidence.

      • Lackadaisical

        Religion doesn’t need evidence. Have you no faith in the doctrine? Are you a heretic?

      • SDF-7

        Yeah… all the corp mantras about Diversity is our Strength and how We Will Win always makes me wonder exactly who tested this, what was the methodology and what were the actual results? Because from where I sit — having a good team (regardless of underlying “isms”), a clear product focus / goal and management providing the infrastructure (and getting out of the way when needed) seems much more needed than having “diverse backgrounds” and all. But I’m an unclean heretic at heart, I know.

      • UnCivilServant

        They didn’t test it, they asserted it and said anyone who disagreed was an evil bigot.

    • Drake

      I see that more coffee is needed this morning.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      She’s Green Party of course. They’re nothing more than a death cult at this point.

      The German people are fucked.

      • Drake

        Steve Smith does approve.

      • The Last American Hero

        Especially after they pay Poland those reparations.

    • Lackadaisical

      I’m confused though, what Zardoz prioritizes. This will definitely affect grain yields. Its a concundrum.

  14. SugarFree

    What if we all made STEVE SMITH accounts and flooded Twitter WITH SHOUTY JOKES? The eyes of STEVE SMITH would be upon them. None of them could be free from the SASQUATCH GAZE.

    • UnCivilServant

      But that would require interacting with twitter.

  15. Sean

    Daily Quordle 220

    • The Hyperbole

      Daily Duotrigordle #183
      Guesses: 37/37
      Time: 04:18.63

    • Cowboy

      Daily Quordle 220

      Today is a good day

    • Necron 99

      The worst possible one can do without going to Chumptown, and I typically live in Chumptown.

      Daily Quordle 220

    • Tundra

      Daily Quordle 220

    • robc

      Daily Quordle 220

      • robc

        Chessle 201 (Normal) 6/6


        Pay no attention to attempt #5

      • Grosspatzer

        Chessle 201 (Normal) 3/6


    • SDF-7


      Daily Quordle 220

      Warm up round was a little better (I don’t care about time as a goal, sorry Hyperbole):

      Daily Duotrigordle #183
      Guesses: 35/37
      Time: 07:08.11

    • Grumbletarian

      Daily Quordle 220

    • Grosspatzer

      Daily Quordle 220

      Missed two 50/50s in UL and BR. Bah.

    • whiz

      Daily Quordle 220

      Missed a 50/50 at the end, else would have had a 17. Still, I’ll take it.

    • grrizzly

      Daily Quordle 220

    • Grummun


      3 6
      7 4


      3 8
      5 7

  16. PieInTheSky

    McKinsey recently published a 77 page report

    “Value Creation In the Metaverse — The Real Business of The Virtual World.”

    Most wont read it, here are 8 takeaways of what you should know:

    • UnCivilServant

      Just cut power to the datacenters. The world will be better off.

    • Cowboy

      I haven’t really paid much attention to Zuck and Facebook. Are they attempting to make a real Snowcrash Metaverse/Gibson Matrix thing?

      • Rat on a train

        Microsoft Bob in 3D

    • Chafed

      Not a word about virtual porn. The analysts are incompetent.

    • PieInTheSky

      which Clinton did she fuck you mean?

      • Pope Jimbo

        I wonder if anyone has had the guts to let Hilary in on the joke this has become?

        You know she is too much of a fogey to go on the web herself.

        Personally I think it is awesome when loathsome politicians become running jokes. Just like santorum being the new name for icky ass fucking stuff.

  17. PieInTheSky

    TIME spoke to “Gender Queer” author and illustrator Maia Kobabe on about eir work, the efforts to restrict access to eir writing, and what ey make of the current cultural moment

    ey is a malignant narcissist and can go fuck eirself

    • Gender Traitor



      • AlexinCT

        This pronoun shit makes me wonder if it is not just a fucking ruse by people that simply are idiots and never learned proper language, or logic, to hide the fact they are quasi illiterate maroons…

      • Pope Jimbo

        I think it is all about people wanting to be noticed. They are desperate to stand out and have other people tell them that they are wonderful.

        If we all decided to unilaterally surrender and go along with their pronoun stuff, by tomorrow they would have invented something new to be mad about. Maybe they’d chop off a couple of fingers and demand that all math be done in octal? And they are tired of being oppressed by base 10 shit lords?

      • Pope Jimbo

        It would probably be better for everyone if Occupy Octal took off as the new movement du jour.

        Kids would be far better off growing up without a couple fingers than they would be with puberty blockers and sex change operations.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Everybody’s so different they’re all the same.

      • rhywun

        I never understood this compulsion to “stand out”. I guess my brain just isn’t wired that way.

        But it does leave me free to SMDH at this dangerous nonsense.

      • AlexinCT

        In a world where people make money being a “social influencer” a job that makes an investment advisor look like a valuable thing, standing out is necessary to avoid having to either admit you are a no talent/skill hack or have to work hard to pay the bills…

        Remember when everyone wanted to be a football, basketball, or baseball player to avoid work?

      • Shpip

        I think it is all about people wanting to be noticed. They are desperate to stand out and have other people tell them that they are wonderful.

        Ding Ding Ding! As KDW pointed out recently, “Everything to the right of the G is straight people seeking attention.”

      • Lackadaisical

        The Tuesday is for members only.

        womp womp

      • rhywun

        “Everything to the right of the G is straight people seeking attention.”

        A lot of them are L’s and G’s desperately wanting to not be L or G.

      • rhywun

        “LOOK AT E!”

    • Lackadaisical

      I thought it was the good ol’ BBC pidgin at first.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


    • UnCivilServant

      Can we get a neutral opinion on the story from someone not already on a side?

      Crap, that would probably be someone like me.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Sounds like a good idea for an article. Best get to reading UCS.

      • UnCivilServant

        Who’s got the time for that?

      • AlexinCT

        Harry Cockpotter and the Assgbolet of Doom…

      • Chafed

        That’s an awesome graphic novel.

    • R C Dean

      entire PAGES being dedicated to fictional tweets by trolls

      I can hardly wait for her to tell them those weren’t fictional tweets at all.

      • UnCivilServant

        But then the trolls would sue her for infringing on their copyright

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sad story, dead kid and she’s screwed for life.

    • PieInTheSky

      I sometimes forget things so that would be a fear for me if I had kids… but I tend to remember important stuff quite sooner than 7 hours

      • WTF

        Yeah, you’d think they might notice not seeing or hearing their toddler around for 7 hours or so.

    • Sensei

      This does seem to be the “new” new thing with frazzled parents.

      There are all kinds of devices and car reminders now. Naturally one of mothers who killed her kid immediately lobbied DC to mandate the tech to cars. You must pay for her mistake.

      For ladies one of the simplest solutions is to put your bag in the back with the child. For men if you are carrying a bag do the same otherwise put the phone there. One woman on the work run used to throw one of her shoes in the back with the kid.

      It does seem like it is both a real concern, but something that doesn’t need a government solution. Shocking…

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        We’re constantly distracted from what we should be focusing on.

      • robc

        I blame passenger side air bags.

        The whole reason babies are supposed to be put in the back is because of potential air bag hazard.

        I bet more babies die each year from being forgotten in the back than passenger side air bags save lives.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Front airbags more likely. But also even the shoulder belts now. Don’t forget to keep your kid in a booster chair until they turn 26!

      • robc

        I meant front air bags on the passenger side, not side air bags.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Remember when it came out that the front air bags were decapitating kids (even though they were belted in)? And the consequences the pols and bureaucrats faced for implementing rules and laws that ended up killing more kids than it saved?

      • Sensei

        Including or excluding Takata shrapnel?

        The studies I’ve read suggest that passenger side airbags reduce injury to belted passengers over belts alone.

        However, back in the old days and outside the US you can turn off the passenger airbag so as to allow carrying children in the front seat. Because in other countries people with multiple children don’t drive in vehicles the size of small delivery trucks so you can disable them.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Our 2014 van does that automatically, disables the passenger side bag if the person is under a certain weight.

      • Sensei

        Most do that, but it’s not infallible.

        One big reason was women throwing their bag with 20 lbs of shit in it on the passenger seat and getting into a frontal collision that activated the SRS.

        The insurance companies got fed up replacing bags and dashboards for unoccupied passenger seats. So they “suggested” to makers that insurance costs for their customers were going to be lower if such a feature existed.

      • Sensei

        To be clear now they sense weight and not just occupancy.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Yeah, ours senses weight as well. There’s a light that comes on when it’s been deactivated.

      • R.J.

        I think so too. The new Jeep has a warning that tells me to check the back seat when I turn off the car. Must be for that reason.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Usually these stories will include the fact that for some reason the parent’s routine had changed that day. They switched who took the kid to day care for some reason.

        If your kid falls asleep in the back and you totes forget that they are there. If your muscle memory says it is Tuesday, that is the day you go directly to work, that is what you do.

      • robc

        And if the kids was up front, this would be far less likely to happen.

      • robc

        My wife and I made it a point to call each other after drop off. The call or text would verify that it happened and she wasn’t forgotten.

      • Ted S.

        This wouldn’t happen if kids weren’t decapitated by mandatory passenger-side airbags.

    • Brawndo

      “Mother of New Jersey toddler found dead in hot car sobs in the arms of a police officer after accidentally leaving the little girl to swelter in her car seat for seven hours as temperatures reached 80 degrees”

      They need to get better at writing. This makes it sound like the mother is the one that died.

    • Lackadaisical

      I can’t imagine forgetting my son, but he doesn’t usually fall asleep either. That is horrible and so are you for making me laugh.

  18. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “The city council is considering spending $4.2 million on its private security budget in an effort to better secure public properties. With crime still on the rise, the council said it needs to beef up security at city buildings and properties.”

    Crime is skyrocketing there but fuck the citizens, right? They want to spend money to protect ugly ass government buildings while the city itself goes to absolute shit and a large share of the blame belongs to the assholes who work in those buildings. It’s outrageous, I don’t know how the people there put up with that horseshit.

    • Chafed

      Great ending

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Long winded moaning and groaning about why “the people” ought to be able to amend the Constitution on a whim

    So do we need to line up with our preferred oligarchs and fight like hell for control of judicial seats? Quite understandably, this has been the progressive attitude. It has the virtue of pragmatism. But it has the vice of accepting that we live under a basically undemocratic Constitution.

    A more directly democratic approach would bring that pregnant phrase “We the People” back to life in the 21st century. This would mean amending Article V so that living generations could amend the Constitution and make a fundamental law that is actually our law.

    The concrete results could be dramatic. Based on public-opinion polling, they might well include reinstating a baseline national abortion right, allowing for gun regulation that promotes public safety, and reauthorizing Congress and state legislatures to limit the campaign spending of corporations and wealthy individuals. Constitutional amendment could reform or eliminate the Electoral College, empowering national majorities to choose the president. It would be an opportunity to take on gerrymandering for House seats and the Senate’s two-seat-per-state structure—both major vehicles for minority rule.

    Blah blah blah it’s not DEMOCRACY! if my side doesn’t get what it wants.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Make it too easy and the country will fragment in less than a decade. I’d say they need to be careful what they ask for but they know exactly what they’re doing, at least the agenda setters do.

      • AlexinCT

        The changes they want will happen and then the last change will be that nobody can change the things they changed to…

        At least that is how idiots see this shit…

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        That is how they see it and they know full well the level of State violence that would require (still not achievable though). They’re terrible people.

    • PieInTheSky

      living generations could amend the Constitution and make a fundamental law that is actually our law. – I thought amending the constitution is already possible

      Based on public-opinion polling – I thought the entire point of a constitution separate from standard law was to be much harder to change, so it does not constantly change as the wind of public opinion blows this away or that away

      gun regulation that promotes public safety – how do you7 objectively differentiate this from gun regulation that does not promote public safety?

      minority rule – minority rule is a bit much. minority veto is essential for a functional society

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Minority veto is what they want to eliminate. It’s a dangerous goal.

      • AlexinCT

        100 wolves and 99 sheep voting on what’s for dinner…

        That’s why you fucking arm the sheep, cause the wolves will always look for a way to fuck over the sheep.

      • Fourscore

        1 wolf/99 sheep gets the same result. Wolves love those odds. Wolves aren’t worried about the sheep feelings.

    • Mustang

      Because whipsawing back and forth as the lunatic mob’s passions change is a great way to run a country.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Well it is, if you’re the one who manipulates or thinks you control the mob.

    • EvilSheldon

      Majority rule is one of those things that the Left deserves to get good and hard.

  20. Scruffy Nerfherder

    The West to Ukraine: Die For Us

    Russian and Ukrainian officials tentatively agreed on a potential peace deal during negotiations back in April 2022, according to a Foreign Affairs article by Fiona Hill and Angela Stent that cited former US officials.

    The article reads: “According to multiple former senior US officials we spoke with, in April 2022, Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim settlement.”

    The terms of that settlement would have been for Russia to withdraw to the positions it held before launching the invasion on February 24. In exchange, Ukraine would “promise not to seek NATO membership and instead receive security guarantees from a number of countries.”

    The tentative deal was the result of in-person peace talks Russian and Ukrainian officials held in Istanbul at the end of March. Virtual talks resumed after the meeting in Istanbul, but the two sides ultimately failed to reach a deal.

    A major factor in the failed negotiated settlement was pressure from the West. According to a report from Ukrainska Pravda, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to stop negotiating with Russia when he visited Kyiv on April 9.

    According to the report, Johnson told Zelensky that even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, Kyiv’s Western backers are not. The report said that Russia was ready for a meeting between Putin and Zelensky on the potential peace deal, but it became less likely after Johnson’s visit.

    Now it’s the EU governments delivering that message to their own people. Freeze For Us. Starve For Us. Die For Us.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I don’t blame the Ukrainians themselves for pulling out the rhetorical stops to get Western assistance by hook or by crook but I do blame the Western pols who are too stupid/crooked/blinded to realize this shouldn’t be our fight and it isn’t worth the risk. It’s just amazing to me how the Russians have been able gain the upper hand on the economic battle and, yes, it is going to be a self-inflicted terrible winter.

    • WTF

      Now that Afghanistan’s gone, the West needs a new place to pour in $Billions so the elite can skim their graft.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Can we get a neutral opinion on the story from someone not already on a side?

    Crap, that would probably be someone like me.

    Good luck. We’re all counting on you.

  22. Tundra

    Good morning, Steve.

    So, they are voting to hire more security for public buildings? What about the poor bastards who have businesses?

    Fuck them, I guess.

    • SDF-7

      Good morning, Steve.


      Fuck them, I guess.


  23. Scruffy Nerfherder

    So I poked the hornet’s nest on a forum when I asked the following questions of those who don’t believe viruses cause disease.

    What is the alternative vector of contagion? How does this illness spread from person to person if not by virus?

    Suffice it to say, there are a lot of true believers in the No-Virus camp. Some responses:

    Our cells communicating with each other. And while that sounds wild, how do females that are in close contact with each other cycle together? She also mentioned toxins in the air like strawberries being sprayed with bromide.

    One of the key points of the ‘no virus’ argument is that there is no vector of contagion where viruses are concerned. Illness is primarily driven by poor diet / nutrition, lack of exercise, poor sanitation, vitamin deficiency, poor mental health, etc., etc. I don’t think there is anything particularly revelatory about that.

    Where is the proof it spreads from person to person? It has never been proven look up Boston experiments and Rosenthau experiments. Also Dr E Steele et al did a paper on cosmic pathogens and notes spread in Wuhan was all over the place and not one spot radiating out which would be the case if it was contagious. He modelled prevailing winds across the globe and accurately predicted the next out breaks. There is not proof a symptomatic or non symptomatic person can make someone else sick. It doesn’t make sense.

    It gets weirder from there.

    • Gender Traitor

      those who don’t believe viruses cause disease.

      So is the smart money on out-of-balance humours or gypsy curses?

    • Brawndo

      Speaking of viruses. I’ve always wondered why viruses aren’t considered “living” things. They’re basically loose strands of DNA right? They certainly behave and evolve like living things.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m guessing it’s the shortage of internal, independant biological processes when not embedded in cells.

        I regard them as alive. I see them as free-floating organelles.

      • kinnath

        They don’t take in nutrition and expel waste. They can’t reproduce on their own.

        They hijack a living organism to create copies of themselves.

        Not alive, but not exactly dead either.

      • Chafed

        Sort of like Pie.

      • Fatty Bolger

        It’s an ongoing debate.

    • Fatty Bolger

      So goofy. STD’s alone prove that person to person transmission is real.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It’s really bizarre.

        Have they never lived in a household where one person develops a cold and it spreads to others?

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s clearly a case of bad air.

      • SDF-7

        That’s just cells communicating with each other…

        See — a cell that is having issues generates a long protein strand that can ride droplets of moisture in the air or linger on surfaces. When it comes in contact with another cell, it delivers the message to that cell and can trigger that cell to send out new copies of the message — or even concatenate / modify the message to be more effective. Then the process repeats itself!

        But we don’t believe in viruses!

    • DEG

      I did this a bit during the Lil Rona Panic. Some folks on groups I was on think Germ Theory is bullshit plus folks that think SARS-CoV-2 was never isolated.

      Fun times.

      I don’t miss them.

  24. Shpip

    I know I sound like old man shouting at clouds, but here goes anyway: When is Seattle going to rouse itself from its comfortable numbness and acknowledge it’s got a serious crime problem?

    When the problem stops confining itself to, you know… those neighborhoods and starts migrating to the nicer parts of town. Until then, realize that this is what Seattle wants. This is what the citizens voted for.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Screaming about crime will just be jujitsued into gun crime, and the obvious answer to that is more common sense gun control.

    • The Last American Hero

      It already has.

      A lot of boards went up when the mostly peaceful protests started and they haven’t come down. A lot of places in hip areas seeing increased violence. But BLM signs in every window.

      This is what they want.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Kid dying in hot car:

    I don’t remember hearing about this when kids were actually allowed to ride in the front seat. And weren’t bolted down.

    Thanks, Big Nanny!

  26. Scruffy Nerfherder

    It’s just a single sentence in a sea of bad news, but consider the downstream problems.

    This desperate call came as European gas prices hit a record high above €343 per megawatt hour ($100 per MCF) or 30X the normal US price on Friday. That culminated a week in which Europe’s benchmark gas price had soared by almost one-third as traders and utilities rush to secure supplies ahead of the winter.

    The resulting stark threat to energy-intensive industries is self-evident: The cost of Nat Gas has risen 14X since mid-2021.

    As a consequence, Nat Gas-intensive industries are simply shutting down due to the prohibitive cost of process fuel. For example, the region’s fertilizer industry association on Friday warned that 70% of production in Europe has already been curtailed by high gas prices, illustrating how the energy crisis is rippling across industries and threatening sectors from glass-making to food production and metals smelting.

    • PieInTheSky

      Silver lining, if we live long enough, which is a big if, maybe just fucking maybe politicians and the fucking people (I hate the people sometimes, most times, anyway) realize dependence on Russia / China whatever is bad and solar fucking panels and wind fucking mills don’t get shit done. Of who the fuck am I kidding.

      • Swiss Servator

        Some – Poland, Czechia, etc seem to realize that having coal, and using it for power is a good thing.

    • AlexinCT

      The quickest way to dissuade stupid people from destructive ideas is to force them to face the consequences of those choices…

      • The Last American Hero

        Unfortunately the rest of us get to suffer alongside them.

  27. PieInTheSky

    Politically active left-wingers are the equivalent of the tribal football fan

    “However, a similar dynamic is often at work in political arguments, except that in this case, it is not so obvious what’s going on. People on my side of the ideological divide – by which I mean classical liberals, libertarians and “Thatcherite” conservatives – are often dismayed by what we could call the asymmetry of hatred in political arguments. I must have heard hundreds of variations of the statement “Our left-wing opponents think we are evil; we think they are well-meaning but misguided.”

    Firstly, this asymmetry clearly exists. Take Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine, which is one of the most popular political books of this century so far. The purpose of that book was not to argue that free-market economics doesn’t work, (if you are a Klein reader, you will just take that as an obvious given). Rather, it was to portray the proponents of free-market economics as sadistic monsters.

    To be clear, I’m not saying that free-marketeers don’t have negative stereotypes about their political opponents: we definitely do. We often describe “the typical Leftie” as someone who is overly emotional, prone to knee-jerk reactions, intellectually lazy, shallow, conformist, easily swayed by fads and fashions, unable or unwilling to think things through properly, and above all, preachy and sanctimonious. (For the record, I believe all of the above). But these are the attributes of an annoying person, not the attributes of a villain. They are the attributes of someone you’d rather avoid, not the attributes of someone you hate with a passion. Thus, while plenty of her enemies celebrated the death of Margaret Thatcher, I struggle to imagine something like this happening in reverse.”

    This is one way I have changed recently. I thought lefties were misguided. Now, more and more, I am starting to believe they are evil.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Now, more and more, I am starting to believe they are evil.

      And that’s just the next step towards a reactionary phase that will get very ugly. I don’t see it as avoidable at this point. The culture/political war is going to have to burn itself out.

      • PieInTheSky

        I have a hard time finding people who consider me evil, a fairly mild libertarian who can argue very well for my opinions, as misguided

      • AlexinCT

        They secretly despise you even more because you are a real threat to their religious fervor…

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        There’s an entire industry in the States that churns out people who consider me (or you) evil.

      • Cowboy

        I mentioned this in a comment the other day, it really feels like what some others here have said “they hate you and want you dead”, and it’s really disheartening that there doesn’t seem to be any way out. The only thing thats happening is a ratcheting effect, where everyone gets more hateful and more spiteful until its going to all boil over.

    • EvilSheldon

      Evil is the wrong concept, I think. A better way to think of the Left is that they are destructive. Whether it be because they want money and power and don’t care who they hurt in order to get it, or whether they’re just demoralized intellectual slobs.

      • Gender Traitor

        “Demoralized” as in lacking morale or as in lacking morals?

    • AlexinCT

      I have to admit that some of the most incredible lemming-like behavior I ever saw – around the world, not just the US – was in Minneapolis… What the fuck is in the water there that makes these people this mentally challenged and disconnected from reality?…

      • Tundra


        Did you miss the links about Portland and Seattle? Big blue cities do big blue city things.

        And normal people suffer.

      • AlexinCT

        Oh, I avoid Portland and Seattle, so you got me there, but I was flabbergasted by how many people in Minneapolis though those lawn signs proclaiming all their marxist beliefs would act as talismans to keep the rioters and car jackers away from them or some shit…

  28. The Late P Brooks

    How many “child safety advocates” are out there campaigning to make children’s car seats voluntary?

  29. PieInTheSky

    3 days completely off the sauce and I am aiming for for but goddamn I could use a scotch.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Seen any pink elephants yet?

      • PieInTheSky

        nope also sleep pretty well and gym going good.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Good for you, I like to dry out once or twice a year myself. Keeps the liver happy.

      • Lackadaisical

        Good job.

        I’ve been doing morning workouts again lately and it has really improved my energy levels, etc.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    I remember being a little kid, riding in the car on my mom’s lap, looking out the window at the world. Holy shit, it was like sensory overload. Look at all that stuff out there! All those people and houses and cars and trees. You felt like you were a part of the world.

    Now, all a kid gets to see is the back of the front seat.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      All they see is their iPad

    • Rat on a train

      My son insists on sitting in front so he can have a better view.

    • Pope Jimbo

      My dad and his two fishing buddies would sit in the front of a pickup truck drinking beer while there were 8 kids in the bed of the truck. Good times.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I saw a Hispanic fellow and his wife (or whatever) pull into the grocery store parking lot last Sunday with six kids in the pickup bed. It warmed my heart a little TBH.

      • Pope Jimbo

        One of the Altar Boys would insist that at his b-day party that I would let him and his friends ride in the bed of my truck when we drove all of two blocks to the park to play.

        Back in the day, pickups were a cheap option of a second car. They were never as expensive as the sedans and station wagons that people bought as their primary car.

      • hayeksplosives

        My sister and I got to sit in the Triumph rumbleseat and drink cherry limeades while dad and mom sat up front.

        Good memories.

  31. Count Potato

    “Breaking News: Test results show the pandemic’s effect on U.S. students: The math and reading scores of 9-year-olds dropped steeply, erasing two decades of progress.”

    The word is “lockdown”.

    • AlexinCT

      This was by design… Dumb people are easier to manipulate..

      • Fourscore

        Teacher quality hasn’t improved, can’t blame the kiddies

    • Rat on a train

      You monster. How can you put learning above lives. Billions could have died.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Wow, who coulda seen that coming?

      • The Other Kevin

        Certainly nobody here, every fucking day for years.

    • Pine_Tree


    • PieInTheSky

      how are they doing on antiracism?

  32. PieInTheSky

    A preprint worth reading from @bwmol
    and team – up to 51 obs/gyn papers with serious issues consistent with fabrication, including many that were used in clinical practice😬😬 FYI

    • Lackadaisical

      At what point do they just put people on the shit list? Geeze.

  33. Shpip

    At SPS, we base our bargaining goals on the needs of students, educators, and the community we serve.

    Well, one out of three of those, anyway.

    We are still actively bargaining and hope SPS chooses to come to a tentative agreement. SPS has the power to avert further action—they do this by settling a tentative agreement that meets student needs.

    I.e., give us more money.

    We are collaborating with SEA to achieve a contract that supports educators, improves student outcomes, and demonstrates our shared commitment to providing Seattle families and the broader community with a world-class education system.

    More. Money.

    • Fourscore

      Educators, a contradiction in reality

  34. Count Potato

    “Hillary Clinton didn’t take physical documents. She didn’t ignore pleas for cooperation. She didn’t store highly sensitive secrets at a private club that had an unfortunate habit of letting foreign spies walk around.”

    Don’t read the comments.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      She also couldn’t unilaterally declassify documents at a whim like the President can. Funny how they’d leave that out by complete accident I’m certain.

    • Gender Traitor

      She didn’t ignore pleas for cooperation.

      True. She always responded to them with maniacal cackles of derisive laughter.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      She didn’t ignore pleas for cooperation.

      I guess deleting 33,000 emails isn’t ignoring.

      • WTF

        And smashing all the Blackberries. With hammers, so the DOJ couldn’t extract any info.

      • The Last American Hero

        That’s because they didn’t send them to the NCIS crime lab. They would have reconstructed that shit within a week.

    • Lackadaisical

      Yes, physical documents are much more secure, wherever they are stored as compared to unsecured electronic ones.

      • WTF

        Yeah, storing top secret info on an unsecured home-cooked server vulnerable to foreign hacking is much better than physical documents in an estate secured by the Secret Service. And foreign spies walking around? I must have missed that evidence.

      • UnCivilServant

        Clearly a veiled reference to Donald himself.

      • Lackadaisical

        Maybe Swallowswell visited the Donlad and brought along Ping Ping. Or whatshername’s chauffer.

    • R C Dean

      She took electronic documents (some of which she converted to paper), stored them in an insecure server which was hacked by at least one foreign power (remember that?), and ignored a fucking subpoena.

      It’s different, true. And much worse.

    • Ownbestenemy

      No she just claimed to have never received a subpoena if I remember right. Also her aiT guy just ignored his…so yeah, she was on the up and up. So tiresome.

  35. Count Potato

    “In December of 2016, Karine Jean-Pierre tweeted , “Stolen emails, stolen drone, stolen election. … welcome to the world of #unpresidented Trump.”

    Jean-Pierre also tweeted in 2019 about the Georgia Governor’s race, contested by Democrat Stacey Abrams, who did not concede the race. “Yes — the race was stolen,” she said in response to another Twitter user’s post. Jean-Pierre repeated the claim in April of 2020, tweeting, “Reminder: Brian Kemp stole the gubernatorial election from Georgians and Stacey Abrams.”

  36. The Other Kevin

    Good morning MR SMITH! It’s a nice surprise to see you on links duty. Usually an encounter with STEVE SMITH is a decidedly not nice surprise.

    • AlexinCT

      We are not yet “out of the woods” here TOK, so remain vigilant..

    • The Other Kevin

      * TOK covers back side, backs up slowly *

  37. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. I could never be a govt bureaucrat. I don’t have the guts.

    If I had just been busted by auditors for doling out millions to sketchy organizations with no controls or followups, I would never think to blame it on a lack of staffing. I would be worried I’d be going to jail.

    In a written response, DHS Commissioner Jodi Harpstead said they will use the audit to continue to improve. She said the department distributed more than $26 million dollars within three weeks of the stay at home order and $80 million dollars in the first year of the pandemic, without needed extra staff.

    “Nice budget you have there. Sure would be a shame if someone just threw it all out the window. Maybe you should let me hire 30 more people to guard the windows?”

    • whiz

      Very nice.

      Sounds like Tom Selleck. *checks wikipedia* Yup.

  38. AlexinCT

    Get woke, go broke… These idiots tried to go all woke by getting rid of Lindell’s pillows, didn’t they? And now they are getting fucked in the ass royally… Couldn’t make me happier to see shit for brains idiots like this take it in the ass.

    • R.J.

      That store chain was awful. Just a vast sea of mass-produced, poorly organized crapulence. I didn’t even think of B,B&B much until the Lindell flap. Then I just bought pillows straight for Lindell. That cancellation was probably the best thing that ever happened to him.

      • Gender Traitor

        Their coupons always exclude most of their inventory.

    • The Last American Hero

      They were going down long before that. Amazon crushed them.

    • Pope Jimbo

      My buddy refers to it as “Bed Bath and Beyond Comprehension” when he is describing his wife’s recent purchases there.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Your check, sir

    Poland estimates its World War Two losses caused by Germany at 6.2 trillion zlotys ($1.32 trillion), the leader of the country’s ruling nationalists said on Thursday, and he said Warsaw would officially demand reparations.

    Sure, why not. What are they going to do, invade?

    • Rat on a train

      Does Germany get pre-WW2 territory back?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      What’s the play here?

      Do they think they can collect? Do they think the German people are so broken that they would actually pay any of it?

      • Lackadaisical


        If Germany is paying reparations to Israel (which didn’t exist at the time) why not Poland? The holocaust didn’t only target Jews after all.

    • kinnath


      • AlexinCT

        Now I am gonna have to lecture you abut my pronouns or some stuff

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Climate Change is getting so bad it’s harming grammar.

    • robc

      I need to drive across town and ask why the fuck they are talking to a CSU meteorologist about hurricanes?

      No one available in Charleston or Miami?

      • kinnath

        Satellite data is only available on the coasts?

      • robc

        I am sure the guy can count to zero and all. But it seems like you might want to go to a hurricane expert, who is probably going to be located in a hurricane target zone.

      • Lackadaisical

        This just isn’t always true. *shrugs*

        You might be right in this case, i don’t know enough about anyone involved, but there are centers for things in dumb/silly spots. My university was really good at earthquake research, but had almost no chance of getting hit.

  40. PieInTheSky

    Can stretching directly cause muscle growth?
    A recent study by Warneke et al is the first great proof-of-concept study investigating the direct impact of stretching on muscle growth.

    Stretching is one of a handful of topics where I consistently find myself at odds with other “evidence-based” fitness folks. The popular narrative is that stretching is useless at best (“It doesn’t actually increase range of motion long-term!” and “It doesn’t reduce injury risk!”) and counterproductive at worst (“It hinders performance!” and “It reduces muscle growth!”). However, when you actually dig into the research on stretching, an interesting, nuanced picture emerges. For example, intense stretching immediately before exercise might reduce muscle growth (study), but light stretching between sets may actually increase muscle growth (study). Similarly, intense, long-duration stretching right before an exercise test may reduce force and power output, but longitudinal stretching interventions may actually increase strength over time (study). In short, stretching isn’t all good or all bad – whether it helps or hinders you largely depends on the timing, intensity, and duration of your stretching sessions.

    This study demonstrates that static stretching with sufficient intensity and volume can directly cause hypertrophy in humans. While this isn’t a completely novel finding (Simpson and Panidi previously observed similar effects), the results of this study are stronger and more conclusive than those observed in prior research. This is a pretty important finding, because it places the idea of stretch-mediated hypertrophy on firmer evidentiary grounds. Furthermore, this study confirms that longitudinal stretching interventions can directly increase dynamic strength and isometric force output.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Does this mean I can just do the stretching, and skip the workout?

      • PieInTheSky

        not really but if you stretch right it helps.

      • AlexinCT

        That’s what she said….

    • Pope Jimbo

      Stretching doesn’t prevent injury?

      WTF? 18 year old me might believe that. Current me snorts coffee through his nose at it.

      If I don’t stretch before playing hoops or throwing some sort of ball, I know that I will pull something and be on IR for a month.

      • PieInTheSky

        playing hoops and lifting weights at the gym are different tings though.

        And as far as I know, the general view is static stretching before lifting is not good, not dynamic stretching

      • Tundra


        Your warm up sets serve this function. And static stretching is mostly overrated.

  41. Penguin

    In-N-Out don’t realize, but the proggie dickheads may have saved them from a real a serious problem. A new restaurant in a socialist hellhole? Think of the insurance, vastly inflated real estate prices, and huge chance on total loss (by rioters burning down their store, whether from ‘anti-capitalism, not paying ‘living wages’, using meat in their products, etc.) they missed. They should be shouting “Oh, no, brer’ Marx don’t throw me in that berry patch!”

    • hayeksplosives

      Owner of In-N-Out also is openly Christian and conservative. I wouldn’t even contemplate opening in Seattle if I were them.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I thought they passed it off to the kids and they were the greedy bunch (expanding beyond their business model of fresh daily)….

      • Drake

        I was watching a Fraiser rerun last night. He was having a sad and wandering the quiet streets of Seattle at night. All I could think was how that scene would be impossible today. He’d be stepping over bums and addicts until he was robbed and killed.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Our regional office is in Des Moines, WA and anytime I’d have a meeting up there I would fly the wife out too..she loved Seattle. After our last trip in 2019….nope, never again. Usually the critters would emerge to the streets at about midnight. Now they occupy the streets all day. F’ that place.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I was there in June. It didn’t seem that bad. But then SF is my baseline.

  42. hayeksplosives

    Well, shit.

    The 2 year old cat bolted out the door late last night so he spent all night outside. I let him in at 6 AM and he came and ate kibble and a little canned food.

    Then the moronic 2 month old cat attacked him (playfully, but he hasn’t learned to play nice). Now 2 year old cat’s left eye is shut and watering, and he won’t let me look at it. I think idiot cat must have scratched or bitten it.

    Time for an emergency vet visit I guess, unless it gets better in the next several minutes.

    • AlexinCT

      Don’t you love those vet bills?

      • whiz

        Earlier this year we spent $3800 on our cat and ended up having to put him down. You do what needs to be done.

    • SugarFree

      Poor baby. He’s had a rough 24 hours.

    • PieInTheSky

      you should give them names though instead of age related designations.

      • hayeksplosives

        Felix = 2 year old

        Cato = 2 month old (named after Cato Fong from the Pink Panther)

      • PieInTheSky

        Cato – well with that name you can’t blame him for a bit of kung fu

      • hayeksplosives

        Come to think of it, Cato is actually 3 months old, not 2.

      • PieInTheSky

        still in warranty period?

      • Shpip

        Nice. Naming your companion animals after libertarian think tanks (FEE-lix and Cato).

        If you get a third critter, call him Mises.

    • rhywun

      Aw. Bad kitty!

      • hayeksplosives

        Yeah he is currently sequestered in the guest bedroom where we first put him when we got him. I want Felix to have a chance to relax, and I want to have a look at his eye.

      • SDF-7

        Good luck — we had the opposite happen with one of ours when she came in as a kitten. Grumpy much older tuxedo cat swatted her and scratched her eye. It became infected and a vet visit for antibiotics was definitely needed. Saved the eye — she’s all fine except for a line across the fur (I’m sure she’d say it gives her character…).

      • hayeksplosives

        After I got dressed I was about to stuff Felix in the crate to go to the vet, but then he popped his left eye open and it looks normal. However, he then shut it again, so it’s bothering him some.

        I’m going to call the vet now and ask for advice. If he needs antibiotic drops, I want to know.

      • R.J.

        Scratched cornea sucks. He could use some drops to feel better.

      • Penguin

        He could use some drops to feel better.

        Join the club.

    • Pine_Tree

      I remember seeing quite a few one-eyed farm cats in my childhood.

      So apparently it’s no big deal and they can be perfectly fine that way, right?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Lose some lateral visual tracking but still very effective hunters even with one eye

    • Pope Jimbo

      Old cat was semi-feral. He’d deign to come inside and sleep during the day at our house. During the night he was out and about killing all sorts of things. Which was pretty amazing because he had no front claws and I made him wear a bell.

      He was missing for a couple days once and came limping back with a pretty severe injury. Something had either bitten or grabbed him by the back and tried to do him in. he had 4 big punctures on his back. Vet wasn’t sure if it was owl or cayote.

      Current cat is a total sissy. Hasn’t killed anything to my knowledge. He sort of tries to hunt, but is inept. He is also snow white so I think letting him out at night would be a suicide mission. Although the owl that hoots all night down the block would be happy.

      • rhywun

        Yikes. One thing they told me is don’t declaw an outdoor cat, cuz they can’t defend themselves.

      • hayeksplosives

        Declawing used to be pretty common until some “awareness” efforts were made to teach people that it meant cutting off the tips of their toes, often with crippling arthritis and other complications to follow.

        My husband’s giant cat Rocket was declawed up front but routinely destroyed birds and full grown rabbits. He’d bite open the backs of the rabbit skulls and eat their brains, then strip their spinal cords and eat that too. He was a monster outside, but when he got older, he became a sweet indoor-only lap cat.

      • rhywun

        He’d bite open the backs of the rabbit skulls and eat their brains, then strip their spinal cords and eat that too.

        Whelp, lunchtime.

      • Mojeaux

        My black indoor cat got out while we were moving and was gone for 2 or 3 days, can’t remember. When he got back, he was trembling and skittish, very jumpy at any little sound. His personality changed a little. We have no idea what happened to him while he was gone, but he’s still jumpy about some things and doesn’t try to go out.

      • R C Dean

        Maybe he ran into CAT SMITH?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Puss N Hiking Boots?

  43. UnCivilServant

    I know I already announced this prematurely, but I went by the bank to fix what went wrong with getting this settled but now


    Externally Serviced Mortgage
    Current Balance
    Interest Rate
    3.500 %
    Next Payment Date
    Current Amount Due
    Maturity Date

    It’s finally done for reals this time.

    /waits for formal letter indicating release of lien

    • Homple

      Congratulations. It’s a mighty good feeling to get out from under a mortgage.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yes, that’s why I’m repeating myself.

    • PieInTheSky

      being debt free seems like right wing extremism to me. You should be on a list.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m on a bunch of lists.

        I’m reachable on the Grade 27 List.

    • PieInTheSky

      Also this is Unamerican. The American thing to do would be to sell the house, get a bigger mortgage and buy a McMansion

      • UnCivilServant

        But then I’d have to live in an area with McMansions. And probably an HOA.

      • PieInTheSky

        HOA is another word for civilization. Why do you hate civilization?

      • UnCivilServant

        Because civilized folk are weak and degenerate.

      • Fourscore

        I moved a piece of Heavy Metal from the cabin to a local garage, it’ll be waiting and handy

    • Gender Traitor


    • Lackadaisical

      Nice work. Very jealous.

    • Timeloose

      Welcome to the club. I’m about to commit to more debt, but it won’t compare to my old mortgage.

    • DEG


    • Grosspatzer

      Congrats! Nothing like an increase in disposable income..

    • R C Dean

      I’m curious about the amount due exceeding the balance.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m pretty sure that’s the result of poor web programming

      • Fatty Bolger

        To be fair, they never expected this situation to come up.

      • UnCivilServant

        What, no one pays down their mortage early?

      • Rat on a train

        The system expects 30 years of monthly payments. You need to send us a check for $0.00 so we can enter a payment or the system will show you as delinquent.

    • hayeksplosives

      A weight has lifted from your shoulders. Feels good, doesn’t it?

      When we were househunting (from California) online in Nevada, we kept getting houses we liked snatched from underneath us. So I tanked one of my retirement accounts. We decided to take the horrible 10% penalty and the 25% income tax on it and withdrew the entire thing. That allowed us to buy the Nevada house in cash, no contingencies on the sale of the Cali house. We then used the rest to pay off all credit card debt, the Tesla loan, etc.

      The IRS toll was eyewatering, but I have felt sooooo much better since becoming debt-free that it was worth it. And I still have my General Atomics 401k and pension, as well as a straight-up brokerage account at Schwab with no age-related weirdness.

      If I could go back in time I’d have told my 2006 self not to buy that Minnesota house right before the crash (we were underwater INSTANTLY) and not to pay minimum on credit cards. The credit card thing was just pure stupidity on my part and will never happen again.

      • UnCivilServant

        I try to keep the credit card paid down, since I hate paying interest on anything. (I admit to not being able to every month, especailly early on)

  44. Rat on a train

    Fairfax campaign hopes for tourism boost

    It’s also only a start. In September, Visit Fairfax will hold meetings with local hotel and restaurant industry leaders as part of a campaign to turn Potomac Banks into a tourism improvement district, or TID, which would impose fees to fund tourism boosting activities and improvements and would be administered through a nonprofit. Establishing TIDs, which were enabled by the General Assembly in 2021, requires approval from a majority of local businesses within a proposed district as well as approval from local government.

    This is the first time I have heard of tourism improvement districts. They sound like a way for big businesses to force small businesses to pay for advertising that mostly benefits the big businesses. There is nothing stopping businesses from creating voluntary non-profits for the purpose of joint advertising.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Those “nonprofits” are invariably staffed by the family members of politicians who collect a nice little salary for doing nothing.

    • EvilSheldon

      Tourism in Fairfax? Fuck me sideways…

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Come see the grift.

    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      I spent more touristy time in Fairfax when I lived in DC than when I lived in Fairfax. Back at ol’ TT Reynolds…

  45. DEG

    There will not be a new In-N-Out Burger location in Beaverton after all.

    These euphemisms.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      In-N-Out Urge

      adulterated bumper sticker frequently seen in the 90s

  46. KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

    All my neighbors are leaving! I need to figure out how to get uses to that. In my old place, I had some of the same neighbors for 20 years.

    • Penguin

      Imagine that those leaving are assholes.

      It’ll be easier if they actually are/were

      • Rat on a train

        You never know what you will get in the neighbor lottery. I’ve had my share of bad neighbors.

    • R C Dean

      Interesting. I find your adventure absolutely fascinating, KK. All kinds of new situations and experiences.

  47. Rat on a train

    Data: Va.’s subsidized train routes finding success
    Who would have thought you get more of what you subsidize?

    Passenger counts on Virginia’s state-supported train services hit an all-time high in July, with more than 110,000 travelers.

    Meanwhile the average annual daily traffic for the local stretch of US 1 is 53,000.

    “These numbers make it very clear – Virginians want more passenger rail to be a part of their transportation network,” said D.J. Stadtler, executive director of VPRA.

    It is clear that you can get 110,000 travelers at subsidized rates.

    • creech

      Re subsidized rail service: SEPTA spent about 1/4 billion $$ to extend a rail line 3.5 miles to Wawa, PA. Service opened two weeks ago. I went over yesterday to see the new station and a train arrived. Two passengers on board. 600 car parking lot had 100 cars parked, if that many. Also, a group wants Amtrak to restore rail service from Reading to Phila. Another 1/2 billion or so. They’ve started a bus service to demo the need for the train – in the first month, each bus run averaged less than 5 people per trip. But it is all “saving our planet.”

      • Rat on a train

        There are people who love trains and are willing to force other people to subsidize their enjoyment. The public transit groups always bring up subsidies for cars. I can’t find a study I read that put private vehicle subsidies at $0.02 per passenger mile. Public transit subsidies were $0.84.

      • Lackadaisical

        Nothing saves the planet like burning fiat up.

        Also, however efficient a train is, doesn’t matter if no one is on it.

      • R C Dean

        Efficiency is a function of passenger miles. I wonder if these trains are actually more efficient. Seems unlikely.

    • R C Dean

      Virginia’s state-supported train services hit an all-time high in July, with more than 110,000 travelers

      I wqonder how many unique travellers that is. It averages to less than 3,000 “travellers” per day, some number of which (commuters) are repeat customers. I’d love to see the breakdown of subsidy per unique traveller.

      • R C Dean

        A couple more interesting data points would be subsidy per passenger mile, and subsidy per unique passenger mile. Also interesting would be a look at the household income of the passengers; I suspect they are generally on the upper end of the bell curve. I’ll give the proggies this much – they know how to play the game of extracting benefits for their own kind through politics.

      • Rat on a train

        VRE Passenger Survey Results
        The latest is 2019. Some stats:
        71% of riders work for the government (federal employees also get a direct monthly transit subsidy)

        Annual Household Income % of Total
        Under $25,000 0%
        $25,000 – $49,999 2%
        $50,000 – $75,999 5%
        $76,000 – $99,999 8%
        $100,000 – $124,999 13%
        $125,000 – $149,999 14%
        $150,000 – $174,999 12%
        $175,000 + 26%

      • Lackadaisical

        ‘$25,000 – $49,999 2%
        $175,000 + 26%’

        holy shit. Is that not damning?

      • Rat on a train

        Yep. Government managers are getting free rides on you.

      • Rat on a train

        You should have heard them complain when the federal transit subsidy was less than the fare. I mean they had to pay the difference out of their own pockets.

      • Rat on a train

        The also subsidized VRE currently has ~5,700 passengers per day over 32 trips. Pre-COVID the subsidy target had riders paying ~50% of operations.

      • UnCivilServant

        So, drop the subsidy and raise the ticket prices, since the riders can clearly afford it

      • Lackadaisical

        that is also terrible. 50% of operations, meaning they’re never getting to break even, let alone repaying the capital expenses.

  48. hayeksplosives

    Cat update: Felix is napping in his luxury cat bed (I know–A cat that uses a cat bed instead of a random cardboard box!!) and has a 2 PM appointment to see if he needs eye drops or other treatment. He was already on the clinic’s schedule for a Well Cat exam in 2 weeks, so they might just handle that today too. Annual shots and general checkup.

    • UnCivilServant

      (I know–A cat that uses a cat bed instead of a random cardboard box!!

      Does not Compute.

    • Rat on a train

      My tortie loves her cat bed placed next to a window.

      • hayeksplosives

        Torties are awesome.

        Those of you with curious scientific minds (particularly for genetics and biology) should do some searches on Calico and Tortie cats.

        They are all female (XX, just like humans) with the rare exceptional male calico, which are all XXY (Klinefelter syndrome in human terms).

        The thing is, calicos and torties express different X genes in various parts of their bodies. That’s why they are Tuxedo here, orange tabby there, and so forth. They are “Mosaic”, meaning that genetic material from cells in one of their physical parts doesn’t match the genes from another. It’s actually quite fascinating.

        This happens with human females as well but is very rarely detected. The well-documented cases were custody issues in which the DNA said the child was from the “Sister” of the mother who had conceived and delivered her. Turned out, the woman was genetically herself from roughly the waist up, but her own “sister” from the waist down. A true chimera.

        Genetics and biology are fascinating.