Saturday evening linkadoos

by | Apr 15, 2023 | Daily Links | 100 comments

April snow?

It’s been an interesting season. Most of Idaho is close to 200% of average snowfall, but I didn’t use my blower once this winter.

The local ski resort is actually open until early May, instead the beginning of April. Yesterday, they still had a 95″ base. Another year I’m not worried about watering my lawn.


Links anyone?


Speaking of massive amounts of snow. If only there was some way to capture this water for future use…


From the Pentagon.


Sure. As soon as they all die in a fire.


“Somebody go back and get a shitload of dimes!”


I’m surprised it’s taken this long, but I’m not surprised it’s a long, painful process.


A man’s gotta pay the bills.


Prolly should have thought that one through a bit more.


All right. The patio calls. Ima fire up the pizza oven tonight.

I like this version.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. Brochettaward

    If this First is a rockin’, don’t come a knockin’.

  2. Sean

    “but I didn’t use my blower once this winter.”


    • Fourscore

      Snow all day tomorrow but not much before it changes to rain. Big hole in the roof of my garage where the chimney was torn off from the heavy snow. I covered up the wood stove motors and electrical with plastic bags, shop vacced a lot of water today. Insurance guy comes on Wednesday for a looksee. Roofer not looking forward to repairing his work. Hoping not to much water damage to the ceiling sheet rock. Still a big pile of snow and cement blocks on the ground.

  3. dbleagle

    The Pentagon should go back to their job and leave the planetary scientists to worry about objects visiting the inner solar system.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Next time an Oumuamua comes through the solar system maybe the Pentagon can nuke it although when the info gets back to whoever sent it in 250,000 years or so they might get pretty pissed.

  4. Shpip

    The driver, who lives nearby, parked the coin-filled trailer in the lot and went home to get some sleep before a long drive to a mint in Miami, CBS News reported.

    There is no mint in Miami beyond what the bartenders put in your mojitos. Shocking, I know, that CBS would get the basics wrong.

    • juris imprudent

      C’mon it’s right next door to the Russian consulate.

      • Sean

        Is that a strip joint?

    • rhywun

      Yeah, I was wondering about that. And figured it must be some distribution warehouse or something.

      • R.J.


  5. Sean

    Seinfeld jokes coming back around.

    • Shpip

      There’s a “Saskapoon” gag there somewhere…

    • Ted S.

      That was my first thought, too.

    • Not Adahn

      “‘show us your Regina'”

      Amanda Palmer did it better

  6. Shpip

    A Saskatchewan city’s CEO of tourism is facing calls for resignation over allegedly “sexualized” slogans that some sexual assault survivors say have left them “re-traumatized.”

    Ulva was not available for comment.

    I really hope the mayor turns to the perennially aggrieved and tells them “Quit being such pussies!” The (over-)reaction would be priceless.

    • Brochettaward

      A Saskatchewan city’s CEO of tourism is facing calls for resignation over allegedly “sexualized” slogans that some sexual assault survivors say have left them “re-traumatized.”

      My strong suspicion is that anyone claiming to be re-traumatized by hearing a word that rhymes with vagina was never actually assaulted and is simply looking for victim points.

      • rhywun

        Enh. The city is trading on the rhyme. It’s a bit… unseemly if you ask me.

        It is not just that they are “hearing a word that rhymes with vagina”.

      • Brochettaward

        I wouldn’t argue with it being stupid/unseemly for the city to go with those slogans.

        I’m simply arguing that the grifters protesting it aren’t “traumatized” by it.

      • R.J.

        I think Ennis, TX should adopt the slogan “Whip out that Ennis!”

      • juris imprudent

        How about you can’t top Ennis!

      • MikeS

        Ennis: It’s not going to suck itself!

        Might need some work.

      • Chafed


      • rhywun

        “Got Ennis envy?”

      • Not Adahn

        Except Ennis might just be the worst town in TX. And that’s saying something.

  7. slumbrew

    That’s about the dumbest robbery imaginable. 10,000 lbs of dimes. $200,000, in theory, but how could you possibly get rid of them?

    They’ll be lucky to find someone who will take the dimes for $2k.

    • rhywun

      They could have at least waited for a truck full of quarters.

      • Animal

        Maybe they were afraid of fourthing the issue.

      • Fourscore

        “Buddy, can you spare a pound of dimes?”

    • Zwak tastes the soup, but never counts the beans.

      This will give them the opportunity to drop the dime on someone AT ANY TIME!

    • Chafed

      It’s Philadelphia. Were you expecting better?

  8. R C Dean

    “It remains unclear if the driver will be charged”

    I was unaware that it was a crime to be robbed.

    • Sean

      Some places, it’s a crime to resist the robbery too.

    • Brochettaward

      I’m going to go with negligence of some kind since he was an employee tasked with protecting the property of his employer and just left $200,000 unattended in a Walmart parking lot.

      I also wouldn’t rule out the possibility that he was involved. I don’t know what these trailers look like, but I wouldn’t exactly be on the look-out for one carrying that much money in a Walmart parking lot. Thieves knew it was going to be there, what it was carrying, and came prepared. So, there was either a pattern of this guy doing this or he was part of it, I’d think.

      • Sean

        Eh, thieves are opportunistic. An unguarded trailer is an easy target.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, but having the gear to haul away 10K pounds of loot is impressive.

      • EvilSheldon

        Look for a Chrysler 300 and a black pickup with the suspension completely bottomed out…

      • Brochettaward

        What RC Dean said. So, it would be pretty coincidental if the thieves just happened to stumble upon that trailer and know/guess they’d need to be able to haul away that much material with that kind of weight to it. It took a team to do this, as well.

      • Sean

        It’ll take a team to wrap all those dimes. LOL.

      • Zwak tastes the soup, but never counts the beans.

        Somebody once told me that it is never your cleaning lady, pool boy or gardener who will steal from you, it is their cousin, that POS lazy dude who listens to every conversation.

        In other words, it probably wasn’t the driver, but he mentioned that he took a truck to a mint every week to his sister, who’s brother in law was listening…

  9. Grumbletarian

    “That’s the weird part about this,” Torres also said. “How do they expect to use it?”

    Someone’s never heard of a Coinstar machine.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’d be pretty easy to launder I’d think if the thieves have a connection with some kind of vending company that handles a lot of change. Then again criminals aren’t often super bright and they might try to buy a new car with 30K worth of dimes or something.

      • rhywun

        LOL I would love to watch that go down.

      • cavalier973

        “Sorry, sir or madam; you have to have all those dimes rolled before we can deposit them.”

    • Fourscore

      That truck could have been empty too. The job was done off site, those dimes in a warehouse, leave the truck in Walmart’s lot, “OMG, When I came back from my nap it was empty”.

  10. Shpip

    The NCAA had their women’s gymnastics championships today.

    In case you were wondering if NIL money had anything to do with athletic performance, Livvy “Snooki in a Leotard” Dunne, the highest-paid female college athlete, sat her admittedly perky ass on the bench for the whole meet… just like she’s done all year.

    • R C Dean

      So she’s just tikkity tokking now? I guess her brand doesn’t need her to do gymnastics any more.

  11. Animal

    Anyone running a Zoom tonight?

    • Nephilium

      The unmoderated holiday one should still be up and running. If it isn’t, I can bring it back up.

  12. one true athena

    Brag time! My kid is in Tucson today, part of his college team on the “Design-Build-Fly” competition in which college engineering students build a functional RC plane from scratch about three feet long and run it through a bunch of tests and flight obstacles. His team was top five as of this morning!

    So to RC Dean and anyone else in that corner of AZ if you’re wondering why your town is suddenly overrun by a bunch of nerds, that’s why

    • Chafed

      That’s awesome. Congratulations to him.

    • R C Dean

      *racks slide, peers out window*

      • one true athena

        It’s like Red Dawn but with more drones, Monster drinks, and anime!

        Watch yourself!

    • Tundra

      Hell yes.

      Congrats to the useful people!

    • Sean


    • R.J.

      That is fantastic!

    • Brochettaward

      When my First That Shall Change Everything is birthed, I will have as much pride in it as you have in your human child.

      The anticipation causes a quiver from my crotch throughout my whole body.

      • MikeS

        I just took a giant First and wiped my Bro. Very satisfying experience.

      • Brochettaward

        Even if a First somehow grew inside of you, it would tear your wicked, weak body apart as it fought its way to freedom.

      • Brochettaward

        And I have already seen all Firsts that were or will be with my Third Eye. It goes without saying that none came from MikeS.

      • MikeS

        Sounds sus.

      • Brochettaward

        You smell.

    • EvilSheldon

      Very cool. Congratulations!

  13. Chafed

    That wannabe hitman has to be among the stupidest people around. Did he skip past the job board for meth dealers?

  14. R.J.

    Watching “This Island Earth” on Svengoolie. Any time you hear some scientist say he is working in concert to end war, run like hell.

    • whiz

      I love the neutrino beam that burned through a block of lead. It doesn’t work that way, dudes.

      • R.J.

        Hold my (non-InBev) beer, pull my finger and I’ll burn through that block of lead!

      • slumbrew

        BTW, I saw your morning post late – not a veneer.

        Thanks for the advice.

  15. Brochettaward

    Razorfist goes off on regulation. He’s right – the word monopoly is almost up there with Nazi/fascist/racist in its overuse and meaninglessness. The wild wild west has been turned into a mythical boogieman of deregulation along with the supposed robber barons of the 19th century. It’s the story progressives concocted to justify their desire for power.

    • Brochettaward

      The bastardized history taught about the 19th and 20th centuries, with even “conservative” historians widely accepting the progressive narrative unflinchingly, is up pretty high on the list in indoctrinating the average American citizen. Flip open the average text book and you are going to get tall tales about robber barons, odes to unions and organized labor, and praise heaped upon government policies like the New Deal.

      I remember in school that the only time I ever heard any talk about whether there was a constitutional right to secede from the union was a snippy little line about how Lincoln solve the issue once and for all and that it was no. Not because of any intellectual argument, but because he started a war and managed to win.

      • slumbrew

        Coincidentally, I’m reading “The Forgotten Man” now – very much not one of those histories praising the New Deal.

      • The Hyperbole

        because he started a war and managed to win.

        unfortunately that’s the way it works.

      • MikeS

        Putin lover!!!!11

      • The Hyperbole

        hence, the “unfortunately”

      • MikeS

        Reality is a cruel mistress.

      • EvilSheldon

        If you (correctly) identify national governments as warring bandit tribes, geopolitics becomes a pretty solid argument for how anarchy can be a stable system…

  16. The Bearded Hobbit

    Train carrying hazardous materials derails in rural Maine

    Attention grabbing headline followed several paragraphs down by this

    “A total of three locomotive engines and six rail cars carrying lumber and electrical wiring derailed into a wooded area, where they caught fire and started a small forest fire,


    The statement added, “Additional rail cars transporting hazardous materials did not derail.

    • slumbrew

      Technically correct, best kind, etc. etc.

  17. Aloysious


    • slumbrew

      I think April Snow won Best Newcomer at the ‘98 AVN Awards.

      • Aloysious


      • Chafed

        You can’t get herpes twice.

  18. dbleagle

    Incredibly lucky snowboarder In Washington State. The odds of this happening were insanely low.

    If the skier followed his buddy’s line things would turned out very differently.

  19. Brochettaward

    I’ve gotten to the point in my powers where even my Firsts have Firsts.

    • Brochettaward

      It’s Firsts within Firsts within Firsts. It’s really groundbreaking stuff.

  20. limey


    • Ted S.

      Good morning!

  21. Shirley Knott

    Mornin’ all

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Shirley and Ted’S, and good afternoon, limey!

      Forecast calls for rain later, but it certainly is lovely right now! 🌄

      • Shirley Knott

        Likewise here. The ridiculous heat broke last evening, thank the gods!

    • Sean

      Hey, hey, hey.

  22. robodruid

    Good Morning:
    Looks like i have to water trees today. (we are starting to go dry again)

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘bodru! Hope it doesn’t stay dry too long – you’ve had quite enough of that sort of thing.

    • EvilSheldon

      Is there anything we could get him that would be legal? Maybe a live-in therapist?